Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SLV-N51 del fabbricante Sony
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3-066-196- 12 (1 ) Video Cassette Recor der Oper ating In structions For cus tomer s in the USA If you have any questions about t his product , you may call: Sony Customer Inf ormation Services Cente .
2 W A RNING W ARNING T o pre vent fire or s hoc k hazard , do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous vo ltage” within the product’ s enclosure that may be of suff icient magnitude to constitute a risk of electr ic shock to pe rs on s.
3 Impor tant Saf eguards Important Safeguar ds For your protec tion, please read these safety instructions completely before operating the appliance, and k eep th is manua l fo r future r efer ence. Carefully observe all warnings, precautions and instructions on the appliance, or the one described in the operating instructions and adhere to them.
4 Impor tant Saf eguards Antennas Service • Nev er place the set in a confined space, such as a bookcase, or built-in cabinet, unless proper ve ntilati on is provid ed. • Do not place the set near or ov er a radiator or heat regis ter , or where it is exposed to direct sunlight.
5 T able of contents Getting Started T able of co ntents Gett ing S tart ed 6 Step 1 : Unpac king 7 Step 2 : Setting up the remote commander 9 Step 3 : Hookups 17 Step 4 : Selecting a language 18 Step.
6 Unpacking Getting Started Step 1 : Unpac king Check that you have recei ved the following items with the VCR: • Remote com man der • Size AA (R6) batteries • 75-ohm c oaxial ca ble with F-ty p.
Getting Started 7 Setting up the remot e commander Step 2 : S etting up th e remote co mmander Notes • W ith norma l use, the batteries shoul d last a bou t three to six months. • If you do not use the rem ote comman der for an extende d period of time , remove the batterie s to avoid possible dam age from ba ttery leak age.
8 Setting up the remot e commander Contr olling other TVs with the remot e commander The re mote comma nd er is prepr o grammed to co ntrol n on-Sony TVs. If your TV is listed in th e follo wing table, set t he appropriate manuf acturer ’ s code numb er .
Getting Started 9 Hookups Step 3 : Hookups Selecting t he best hookup option There ar e many ways in which you r VCR can be hooked up. T o hook up your VCR so that it works best for you, f irst scan th rough the ta ble belo w . The n use the accompa nying diagrams an d procedur es on the following p age s to set up your VC R.
10 Hookups A udio/video (A/V) hookup If your TV has au dio /v ide o (A/V) in pu t j ack s, yo u will g et a be tte r p icture a n d so un d if yo u ho ok up your VC R using these connecti ons. For a true “ home th eater ” experien ce, you should connect t he audio out puts of yo ur VCR or TV to your stere o system.
Getting Started 11 Hookups Caution Conn ec ti on s betwee n th e VCR ’ s VHF/ UH F co nnector and t he antenna te rm inals of the T V receiver should be m ade only a s shown in the f ollowi ng inst ructions.
12 Hookups Hookup 1 (Plug and Play) Antenna hookup Make th e follo wing con nections i f you ’ re usi ng an antenn a ( if y ou don ’ t have cable TV).
Getting Started 13 Hookups Hookup 1 : VCR setup Notes • If yo u con nect th e A C po w er cor d bef ore th e ante nna conne ction s are c omple ted, the c hanne ls may b e incorrec tly set. I f this ha ppens, go to “ Ste p 6 : Prese tting chan nels ” on page 23.
14 Hookups Hookup 2 (Plug and Play) Y ou ha ve no cab le bo x, or a cable bo x with only a fe w scrambled c hannels Recommende d use Use thi s ho okup if you do not ha v e a cable box. Also use this hoo kup if y our cable system scrambl es only a fe w chan nel s .
Getting Started 15 Hookups Hookup 2 : VCR setup Notes • If yo u con nect th e A C po w er cor d bef ore th e ante nna conne ction s are c omple ted, the c hanne ls may b e incorrec tly set. I f this ha ppens, go to “ Ste p 6 : Prese tting chan nels ” on page 23.
16 Hookups Hookup 3 Connecting a cable bo x with many scrambl ed c h annels Recommende d use Use this ho okup if yo ur cable syste m scrambles a ll or most chann els.
Getting Started 17 Selecting a language Step 4 : Selecti ng a lang uage Y ou can change the on-scr een display langua ge. Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn o n the VCR and the TV . • Set the CH switch on the rear of t he VCR to 3 of 4, whic hev er channe l is not u sed in your area.
18 Setting the cloc k Step 5 : Setting the c loc k Usi ng th e Auto Clo ck Se t featu re Some TV an d cab le channe ls transmit tim e signals with thei r broadcasts. Y our VCR can pick up this time signal to automa tical ly set the cl ock. The Auto Clock Set feat u re works only if a channel i n yo ur area is broadcast ing a time signal.
Getting Started 19 Setting the clock 3 Press M / m to select A UTO, then press OK. 4 Press M / m to select the item you want . Then press < / , to make the se tting and press OK. • Fo r “ Clock set CH ” Lea ve the set tin g to A UTO to ha ve the VCR automatical ly search for a chan nel that carries a time si gnal.
20 Setting the cloc k Notes • The cloc k canno t be set auto mati cal ly if you don ’ t recei ve a channe l that car rie s a time sign al in your area.
Getting Started 21 Setting the clock Using Manual Clo c k Set Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn o n the VCR and the TV . • Set the CH switch on the rear of t he VCR to 3 of 4, whic hev er channe l is not u sed in your are a. If both are use d, set the switc h to either channel.
22 Setting the cloc k 4 Press M / m to set the month. 5 Press , to fla sh the day an d pr ess M / m to set the da y . 6 Set th e year , hour , and minu tes in the same w ay as th e day . The day of the week is set automatically . 7 Press OK or MENU to start the clock.
Getting Started 23 Presetting channels Step 6 : Presetti ng cha nnels This VCR is capable of recei ving VHF channel s 2 to 13, UHF ch annels 14 to 69 and unsc rambled CA TV channel s 1 to 12 5. First , we recommen d that you preset t he receiv able channels in your area using automa tic presettin g method s.
24 Presetting channels 3 Press M / m to select “ Ant/Cable. ” 4 • T o pr ese t cable TV chan nel s: Press < / , to se lect CABLE. • T o pr ese t VHF and UHF channel s: Press < / , to select ANTENN A. 5 Press M / m to select “ Auto preset, ” th en press OK.
Getting Started 25 Presetting channels Presetting/ disablin g channels manuall y Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on the VCR and the TV . When using a cable bo x, turn it on. • Set the CH switch on the rear of t he VCR to 3 of 4, whic hev er channe l is not u sed in your are a.
26 Presetting channels 3 • T o pr ese t a channel: 1 Press the nu mber bu ttons to ente r the channel number, then press ENT E R. 2 Press , , the n press OK or MENU. • T o disabl e a channe l : 1 Press CH +/ – to selec t the channe l n umb er . 2 Press < , the n press OK or MENU.
27 Play ing a tape Basic Oper ations Basic O perations Playing a tape 1 T urn on your TV and set it to the vide o channel. 2 Insert a tape. The VCR turns on and st art s playing automatica lly if you in sert a tape wi th its safety tab remo ved.
28 Play ing a tape Additio nal task s T o play a r ecently watched sc ene Y ou can immediate ly rewind a nd playback the scen e you want to watc h again. During playb ack, press REPLA Y . The VCR rewinds the tape abou t ten seconds on the counter for eac h press of the button, and restarts p layback.
29 Play ing a tape Basic Oper ations T o use the time c ounter Press CLEAR at th e point on the tape that you w ant to fin d later . The counter in the display wind ow r esets to “ 00:00. ” T o search for the coun ter 0:00:0 0 point automatically , see “ T o se arch for the counter 0:00:00 point ” on page 45.
30 Recording TV programs Recor ding TV pr ograms 1 T urn on yo ur TV a nd set i t to the video channel . T o reco rd from a cable box, turn it on. 2 Insert a tap e with its safety tab in pla ce.
31 Recording TV programs Basic Oper ations T o stop recor ding Press x STOP. T o check th e remaining t ape leng th Pre s s DISPL A Y . W ith th e disp lay on , pres s COUNT ER/RE MAIN to chec k the remaining time. Each time you press COUNTER/REMAIN, the time coun ter and the remaining t ape le ngth a ppear a lternately .
32 Recording TV programs T o watch anothe r TV program while reco rding T o save a r ecordi ng T o prev ent accid ental erasure, break of f the safety tab as illu strated. T o record on the tape aga in, cover the tab hole with a dhesi ve t ape. Tips • T o sele ct a cha nne l, you can use the nu mber butto ns on th e remot e comma nder.
33 Recording TV programs using the ti mer Basic Oper ations Reco rding TV programs usin g the time r Y ou can preset up to eight progra ms at a time. Bef ore y ou start … • Check th at the VCR cloc k is set to th e correct time. • T u rn on yo ur TV and se t it to th e video channel.
34 Recording TV programs using the timer T o stop recor ding T o stop the VCR while rec ording, press x STOP. Dail y/weekly recor ding In step 3 above, press m to select the recording pattern. E ach time you press m , the indicat i on changes a s shown be l o w .
35 Recording TV programs using the ti mer Basic Oper ations T o use the A uto T ape Speed func tion In st ep 3 ab ove , p res s m to sel ect A UTO. When you are recordin g a program in the SP mode and the re maining tape beco mes shorte r than the re cording ti me, the t ape speed is au tomatically c hanged to the EP mode .
36 Locking the VCR (Child Lock) Locking the VCR (Child Lock) To l o c k t h e V C R When the VCR is turned on, hold down ? / 1 POWER on th e VCR until “ LOC ” appears i n the disp lay window . The VCR turns off and the TIMER i ndicator rema ins lit if ther e is a timer settin g.
37 Pla ying/searching at various speeds Additiona l Operations Additio nal Ope ratio ns Pla ying/sear ching at v arious speed s T o resume normal pla yback Press H PLA Y. Pla ybac k opt ions Operatio n V iew the pi ct ure during fast- forward or rewi nd During fast-forw ard , ho ld down M FF .
38 Play ing/searching at various speeds Tip • Adjust the pi ct ure using the TRA CKING +/ – buttons if: – Streak s appe a r while playin g in slow motio n. – The pict ure shakes during pau s e. Notes • The so und is mut ed during these operations.
39 Setting the recording duration time Additiona l Operations Set tin g the rec o rding du rat ion tim e T o extend the du ration Press z REC repeatedly to set a ne w duration tim e. T o cancel the duration Press z REC repeatedly until the TIMER indicator disa ppea rs and the VCR returns to normal rec ording mode.
40 Checking/changing/canceling timer settings Checking/cha ng in g/ c an c el in g timer settings Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on your TV and set it to the video channel . 1 Press ? / 1 to turn on th e VCR. 2 Press MENU, the n pres s M / m to se lect “ T im er set/che ck ” and press OK.
41 Checking/changing/canceling timer settings Additiona l Operations When the time r settings o verlap The program th at starts first ha s priority and the second program starts recording only after the f irst program has f inished. If the programs sta rt at the sam e time, the program li sted f irst in the me nu has priority .
42 Recording stereo and bilingual progr am s Recording s tereo and bili ngual pr ogram s Recordi ng stereo pr ograms When you receive a program broadc ast in stereo, press A UDIO MONITOR to display STEREO on the TV screen. Y ou can also select LEFT , RIGHT , or MONO.
43 Recording stereo and bilingual programs Additiona l Operations How sound i s recor ded on a vi deo tape The VCR records soun d onto two separ ate trac ks. Hi-fi audio is recorde d onto th e main tra ck along with t he picture. Monau ral sound i s recorded onto the no rmal audio track al ong the edge of the tape.
44 Searching using various functions Sear chin g using v arious fu nction s T o search usin g the in dex fun c tion (Scan and P lay) The VCR marks the tap e with an index signal at th e po int where each recordi ng begins. Use the s e si gnals as referen ces t o find a spe ci f ic recordi n g.
45 Searching using various functions Additiona l Operations T o searc h for the counter 0 :00:00 point T o mark a point on the tape th at you w ant to f ind later , reset the t ape counter to “ 0:00: 00. ” The VCR auto matically fa st-forwards or rewin ds to the 0 :00:00 poin t on the tap e coun ter .
46 Adjusting the picture (t rac king) Adjusting the p icture (tra c king) Although th e VCR automa tically adjusts th e tracking when pl aying a tape , distor tion may occur if the recording is in poor co ndition. In th is case, manu ally adjust the tra cking.
47 Changing menu options Additiona l Operations Changi ng me nu o ption s Menu choic e s Initial settin gs are ind icated in bo ld print. 1 Press MENU, th en select “ A dvanc ed options ” and pre s s OK . 2 Press M / m t o select the optio n to cha nge.
48 Editing with another VCR Editin g with a nother V CR How to con n e c t to re c ord on thi s VC R Notes • Make sure you conn ect the plugs t o jack s of the same color . • If the other V CR is a monaura l type and connec t ed to this VCR ’ s LI N E- 2 IN jack s, conne ct the audi o pl ug t o the A U DIO L (white) ja ck .
49 Editing with another VCR Additiona l Operations Operation (when recor ding on this VCR) T o stop editing Press the x STOP b uttons on bo th VCRs. Tip • T o cut out unwante d sc e nes wh il e editin g, press X P A USE on this VCR when an unwanted scene begi ns.
50 General setup inf or mation Additional Inf ormation General setup inf ormation Setting t he RF unit When co nnecting th e VCR to the TV u sing only the antenna ca ble, you must set the CH switch on the rear of the VCR so that the TV can receive the correct signal from the VCR.
51 General setup information Additiona l Informa tion Attaching the e xternal ant enna connector Attaching a UHF/VHF band mix er When usin g a 300-o hm t w in lead cable f or a VHF/UHF anten na, use the EA C-3 2 antenna connect o r (not supplied) t o co nnect the antenna to the VCR.
52 T roub leshooting T r oub leshoo ting If you have any questi on s or probl ems not covered bel ow , ple ase consul t y our nearest S ony dealer . Symptom Remedy Pow e r The ? / 1 swi tch do es no t fun c tion . • Connect th e A C power co r d sec ur el y .
53 T roubleshooting Additiona l Informa tion Timer recordi ng The tim er does no t opera te . • Check th at the clock is set. • Make sure a tape ha s been inserted. • Check that th e safe ty tab has no t been remov ed. • Make sure the tape is not at its end.
54 Specifications Specification s System Format VHS NTSC standard V ideo recording system Rotary head helical s canning FM system V ideo heads Double azimuth f our heads V ideo signal NTSC color, EIA standards T ape speed SP: 33. 35 mm/s (1 inches/s) EP: 11.
55 Index t o par ts and controls Additiona l Informa tion Inde x to par ts an d con tr ols Refer to th e pages indic ated in parenthe ses ( ) for de tails.
56 Inde x to par ts and c ontrols Displa y window A T ape indica tor (3 1) B TIMER in dicator (34) C Hi-Fi indicator (42 ) D Ti m e co unter/cloc k/line/cha nnel indicator (29) (31) (49) E VCR ind i c.
57 Index t o par ts and controls Additiona l Informa tion Remote commander A • TV / VIDE O switch (7) B Z EJECT b utton (28) C TV/VIDEO button (8) (32) D DISPLA Y b utton (31) E SP ( Standar d Play).
58 Inde x to par ts and c ontrols K ? / 1 (po wer) switch (8) (34) L COUNTER/REMAIN b utton (31) M A UDI O MON IT OR b utton ( 42) N CLEAR bu tton (29) (41) O Number b uttons (32) P ENTER butt on (32).
59 Index Inde x A Adju stin g pict ure 46 tracki ng 46 Advanced option 47 Antenna hoo kup 12 Audio t rack 43 Audio/v ideo (A/V) hoo kup 10 Auto Clock Se t 18 Auto T ape Spe ed 35 C Cable h ookup 9 Chi.
Sony Corporation Printed in China A C68-01066A Quic k reference to using the VCR Hookup 1 To p l a y a t a p e 1 Set the TV to ch annel 3 or 4 (or to video inp ut, if you made A/V co nnections).
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony SLV-N51 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony SLV-N51 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony SLV-N51 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony SLV-N51 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony SLV-N51, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony SLV-N51.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony SLV-N51. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony SLV-N51 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.