Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto RDR-HX1010 del fabbricante Sony
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2-635-893- E1 (3 ) © 2005 Sony Corporation D VD Recorder Operatin g Instructi ons RDR-HX1010.
2 WARNIN G To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabin et. Refer s ervicing to qualified personnel only. The mains lead m ust only be changed at a qualified se rvice shop.
3 About r epairing the ha rd disk drive • The contents of the hard dis k drive may be checked in case of repair or inspect ion during a malfunc tion or mo dification. However, the contents wil l not be backed up or saved by Sony. • If the hard disk needs to be format ted or replaced , it will be done at t he discret ion of Sony.
4 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Time r Rec ordin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Before Recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Recording mode . . . .
6 Creating and Edit ing a Playlist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Moving a Playli st title (Ch ange Order) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Combining multip le Playlist ti tles (Combine) .
7 Ways to Use Yo ur DVD Re cord er Recording/Playbac k Compa tible medi a and refere nce pages Quick a ccess to r ecorded t itles – Title L ist , “3.
8 Quick G uide t o Disc Types Usable disc vers ions (a s of March 20 05) • 8x-speed or sl ower DVD+RWs • 6x-speed or sl ower DVD-RWs (Ver.1. 1, Ver.1.2 with CPRM *1 ) • 16x- speed or slowe r DVD +Rs • 16x- spee d or slow er DV D-Rs (V er.2 .0, Ver.
9 Discs tha t cannot be reco rded on • 8 c m di scs • DVD-Rs in VR mode (Video Reco rding format) *3 Only if the recor ding mode is LSP, SP , HSP, or H Q, and “DVD Rec. Picture Si ze” is set to “16:9.” *4 Erasing titles does no t free up disc s pace.
10 “DVD VIDEO” and “CD” are trademarks. Discs tha t cannot be playe d •P H O T O C D s • CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD-RWs that are not recor ded in mu sic CD or V ideo CD fo rm at, or do not cont ain .
11 Maximu m recorda ble numb er of title s * The maxi mum lengt h for each ti tle is eight h ours. Note o n playba ck oper atio ns of DV D VIDE Os/ VIDEO CDs Some playback operations of DVD VIDEOs/ VIDEO CDs may be intentiona lly set by s oftware producers.
12 Hookups and Settings Hooki ng Up the Re cor der Follow steps 1 to 7 to hook up and adj ust the se ttings of the re corder . b Notes • Pl ug cords securely to prev ent un wanted n oise. • Refer to the instru ctions s upplied with the compone nts to be conn ected.
13 Hookup s and Settings Step 2 : Conn ectin g the A erial C able Conne ct the ae rial cabl e by foll owing t he steps below . Do not con nect th e mains le ad unti l you reac h “Ste p 5: Conne cting the Mains Lead” on page 18 . 1 Disco nnect the ae rial cabl e from your TV and c onnec t it t o AERI AL IN on th e rear pan el of t he recorder.
14 Ste p 3: Conne cting the Vi deo Co rds/HDM I Cords Select one of the fo llow ing patter ns A thro ugh E , according to the input jack on your TV mon itor, projector, or AV amplifi er (recei ver).
15 Hookup s and Settings When pl aying “w ide scre en” im ages Some recorde d images may not f it your TV scre en. To cha nge t he pi ct ure s ize, see page 8 7. If you are connectin g to a VCR Connect yo ur VCR to the LINE 3/ DECODER jack on the rec order (page 23).
16 If the co nnecte d TV (or other con nected equipment s uch as a se t top box) complies wi th SMARTLINK, NexTView Link *3 , MEGALOGIC *1 , EASYLINK *2 , CINEMALINK *2 , Q-Link *3 , EURO VIEW LINK *4.
17 Hookup s and Settings Step 4 : Co nnecti ng th e Aud io Cor ds Select one of th e following patter ns A or B , according to the input jack on your TV monito r, projector, or AV amplifi er (recei ver).
18 z Hint For correct s peaker loca tion, see t he operating instructi ons suppli ed with the connect ed component s. b Notes • Do not con nect your TV’s audi o output jacks to the LINE IN (R-AUDIO-L) j acks at the s ame time. Thi s will c ause unw anted no ise to com e from you r TV’s speaker s.
19 Hookup s and Settings Step 6 : Pr epari ng the Remote You ca n contro l the rec order us ing the supplied remote. Insert two R6 (size AA) batteri es b y matchi ng the 3 and # ends on the ba tteries t o the marking s inside the ba ttery compar tment.
20 4 Releas e [ / 1 . When the TV/DVD swit ch is set to TV, the remote perf orms t he foll owing: * If y ou use the n umber but tons to s elect t he TV’s program me position, pre ss -/-- followed by th e number butt ons for two-dig it number s.
21 Hookup s and Settings Code n umbers o f contro llabl e AV am plifiers (re ceiv ers) If more than one c ode number is listed, try enteri ng them one at a time unti l you find the one that wo rks with your AV amplifie r (r eceive r).
22 Step 7: Ea sy Set up Make the basic adjustme nts by fo llowing the on - screen ins tructions i n “Easy Setup. ” 1 Turn on the re cord er and sw itch t he inpu t select or on you r TV so tha t the signa l from the reco rder ap pears o n your TV screen.
23 Hookup s and Settings Connec tin g a VCR or S imila r Devi ce After disconnecti ng the reco rder’s mains lead fro m the mains, connect a VCR or simila r recordin g device to the LINE IN jacks of this reco rder. Use the D V IN ja ck on the f ront pan el if the eq uipme nt has a D V output jack (i.
24 Connect a VCR or s imilar re cording device to the LINE 2 IN o r LINE 4 IN ja cks of this recorder. If the equipm ent has an S-vid eo jack, you can us e an S-v ideo cor d instead of an au dio/vide o cord .
25 Hookup s and Settings Connec tin g to a Sate llit e or Di gital Tuner Connect a satell ite or dig ital tuner t o this reco rder using the LINE 3/DECODER jack. Disconnect t he reco rder’s main s lead from the ma ins w hen c onnec ting th e tune r.
26 Connec tin g a PAY -TV/ Canal Plus Deco der You ca n wat ch or r ecord PAY-T V/C anal Pl us prog ramm es if you conn ect a decode r (n ot supp lied) to the reco rder. D iscon nect th e reco rder ’s mai ns le ad from the m ains w hen co nnec ting th e decod er.
27 Hookup s and Settings To watch or record PAY-TV /Canal Plus progr ammes, se t your re corder to rec eive the chan nels usin g the on-s cree n display . In orde r to se t the channe ls corr ectl y, be su re to follow all of the steps belo w. 1 Press SYSTE M MENU.
28 10 Select “System ,” and pre ss ENTER . 11 Press M / m to select an av ail able TV system, BG, DK, I, or L, and press ENT ER. To re ceive br oadc asts in Franc e, sele ct “L. ” 12 Selec t “Nor mal/C ATV,” and pres s ENTER . 13 Select “Norma l,” and pr ess ENTER .
29 Seve n Basic Ope rations — Getting to Know Yo ur DVD Recorder Seven Ba sic Oper ations — Getting to Know Your DVD Recorder 1. Ins ertin g and F ormatt ing a DVD D isc (Disc Info ) 1 Press DVD. 2 Press Z (o pen/clos e), and place a di sc on the dis c tray.
30 3 Move the cursor down th e TOOLS me nu unti l “Disc Info” i s select ed, and pres s ENTER . Exampl e: Wh en a D VD-RW (VR mo de) is insert ed. 1 “Disc Name” (DVD only) 2 “Media”: Disc .
31 Seve n Basic Ope rations — Getting to Know Yo ur DVD Recorder 2. Re cording a Prog ramme This sect ion intr oduc es t he b asic operat ion to recor d the curre nt TV programme to th e hard disk (HDD) or to a disc ( DVD). For an expl anatio n of how to make time r reco rdin gs, s ee pag e 41.
32 About the Telete xt functio n Some br oadcas ts syst ems ens ure a Tel etext service * in which th e complete pro grammes and their da ta (ti tle, date, channel, record ing start time etc.
33 Seve n Basic Ope rations — Getting to Know Yo ur DVD Recorder Title List with Thumbnail I mages (Example: DVD-RW in VR mode) Extended Title List A Disc type: Displays a media type, HDD or DVD. Also displ ays the title type (Ori ginal or Playl ist) f or DV D-RWs (VR mode).
34 To ch ange a title thumbn ail p icture (Thumb nail) (HDD/D VD-RW i n VR mode only ) You ca n sel ect a fa vourit e scene for the thu mbnai l pictur e shown in the Titl e List menu. 1 Press TITL E LIST in stop mode . 2 Select a t itle who se thumb nail pi cture you want to chan ge, and p ress ENTER .
35 Seve n Basic Ope rations — Getting to Know Yo ur DVD Recorder C The cu rrent sel ected f unctio n or au dio setting (ap pears only tempo rarily) Example: Dolby Digi tal 5.
36 Exampl e: When p layin g a V IDEO C D Exampl e: When p layin g a C D Track pl aying tim e and the current t rack/ind ex num ber m Remainin g time of the c urrent tr ack m Playing tim e of the d isc.
37 Seve n Basic Ope rations — Getting to Know Yo ur DVD Recorder 5 Press < / M / m / , to select th e char acter you wan t to ent er, a nd press ENTER. The se lected ch arac ter appe ars at t he top o f the disp lay. Example: Input Ti tle Name The typ e of ch arac ters will chang e acco rding to the la nguage you select i n “Easy Setu p.
38 6. La belling an d Prot ecting a Disc You can execu te optio ns effe ctive for the en tire disc us ing th e Disc Info rmatio n disp lay. 1 Insert a disc. See “I nsert ing a Disc” on page 29 . 2 Press TO OLS to s elect “Dis c Info,” a nd press ENT ER.
39 Seve n Basic Ope rations — Getting to Know Yo ur DVD Recorder 7. Pl ayin g the Disc on Ot her DVD Equi pmen t (Fina lise) Final ising is nece ssar y when y ou play di scs recorde d with this recorde r on other DVD equipm ent.
40 For DVD -RWs ( Video mo de) DVD-RW (Video mode) t hat have be en finalise d to prohi bit addi tional record ing or edi ting ca n be unfinali sed to allow fu rther r ecording or editi ng.
41 Timer Rec ording Timer Recording Before Recording Before you start recording… • Thi s recor der ca n recor d on va rious d iscs. Select the disc type according to your needs (pag e 8). • Ch eck that t he disc ha s enou gh ava ilable sp ace for the r ecording ( page 29).
42 The record er a utoma tical ly receiv es a nd r ecords stere o and bilin gual program mes ba sed on th e ZWEITON syst em or th e NICAM syste m. The HDD and a DVD-RW (VR mode) can r ecord both m ain and su b soun ds. You ca n swit ch betw een main an d sub wh en pla ying th e disc.
43 Timer Rec ording Timer R ecordin g (Stand ard/ Show View) You ca n set th e timer f or a total of 30 pr ogramm es (8 prog rammes when us ing the PD C/VPS funct ion), up to one month i n adva nce. There are two met hods to set th e timer: th e standa rd metho d and Show View method .
44 To s top r ecord ing duri ng ti mer r eco rding Open t he remo te’s co ver an d press x RE C STOP. Note that it may take a f ew seconds for the reco rder t o st op rec ordi ng. About the PD C/VPS functio n PDC/VPS signals are trans mitted with TV progra mmes in som e broa dcast sy stem s.
45 Timer Rec ording z Hin t You can play the reco rded progra mme by select ing the program me titl e in the Ti tle Lis t. b Not es • If a messa ge indi cating that th e disc i s full appears on the sc reen, chan ge the dis c, or mak e availab le space f or the recording (HDD/DVD+RW/DVD-RW only) (page 68).
46 3 Select “OK, ” and press ENTE R. The date , start an d stop tim es, pr ogram me position, r ecording mode, e tc. settin g (page 44 ) appe ar. • If y ou want to change the sett ing, p ress < / , to sele ct the ite m and pr ess M / m to change the set ting.
47 Timer Rec ording You ca n adju st the re cordin g pictu re qua lity and pict ure siz e. 1 Before recording starts, p ress TOOLS to selec t “Rec S etting s,” an d press ENTER. 2 Select the item you want to adju st, and pres s ENTE R. The ad justme nt disp lay appe ars.
48 b Notes • If one programme co ntains two pict ure sizes, the selected size is recorded . However, if the 16:9 si gnal cannot be rec orded as 16:9, it is record ed as 4:3.
49 Timer Rec ording : Indica tes tha t the Update function is set. When all of the ti mer settin gs do not fit on th e list, scroll bar ap pears. To view t he hidde n timer sett ings, pre ss M / m . 2 Select the tim er setting y ou want to che ck/ change /can cel, an d press EN TER.
50 If t here is n ot enoug h space for a timer r ecording, the re corder a utomatical ly eras es ol d title s record ed on t he HDD . The olde st, pl ayed titl e is erased . The prote cted titl es are no t erased. 1 Press TIMER LIS T. The Timer List appea rs.
51 Timer Rec ording 3 Press INPUT SELECT repe atedl y to sele ct “L3.” 4 Select the line i nput audio when reco rding a bili ngu al prog ram me on th e HDD o r DVD - RWs (VR mode). Press TOOLS to selec t “Line Au dio In put,” and pres s ENTE R.
52 You can record from a connect ed VCR or similar device. To co nnect a VCR or simil ar device, se e “Connecting a VCR o r Similar Device” o n page 23. Use the DV IN jack on the front panel if the equi pment has a DV ou tput ja ck (i.L INK j ack).
53 Playba ck Playback Playi ng 1 Press HDD or DVD. • If you select DVD, inse rt a di sc (s ee “Ins ertin g a Disc ” on page 29 ). • If you inser t a DVD VIDEO, VIDEO CD, or CD, pres s H . Pla yback star ts. 2 Press TITL E LIST. For detail s about the Title Lis t, see “3.
54 To re sume playba ck f rom t he po int where you stoppe d (Resume P lay) When you pres s H again a fter you stop playba ck, the recorde r resum es pla yback fr om the point wh ere yo u presse d x . To star t from the beg inning , press TOOLS to select “P lay Begi nning, ” and pres s ENTER .
55 Playba ck To check the position of the buttons below, se e the illustratio n on page 53. Playback options Buttons Operations (audi o) Selec ts one of th e audi o track s record ed on the dis c when pre ssed repe ated ly. : Sel ects t he lan guage. : Selects the main or sub soun d.
56 To resume normal playba ck, press H . b Notes • To enjoy t he TV S func tion, set “Dig ital O ut” to “On” and “Dolby Digital” to “D-PCM” and “ MPEG” to “PCM ” in “A udio” s etup. • The vo lume may be reduced when su rround effects ar e set.
57 Playba ck 1 Press TOO LS du ring playba ck t o select “Video Settings ,” and press EN TER. 2 Select an item , and p ress EN TER. The ad justme nt disp lay appe ars. “Y N R” ( lumin ance noise re ductio n): Redu ces nois e contai ned in t he lumina nce elemen t of the vid eo signa l.
58 “AV SYNC”: When the video is delayed, this funct ion dela ys the audi o for sync hroni zati on wit h the vi deo (0 to 120 mil lise conds) . Lar ger numb ers i ndic ate a longe r au dio dela y for synchr onizati on with th e video.
59 Playba ck “Si multa neous Rec and Pl ay” allows you to vi ew a prev iously re corded programme wh ile record ing progra mme s. P laybac k co ntin ues ev en i f a time r recordin g star ts. Use th is funct ion as follows: • While record ing to the HDD: Play another ti tle on the HDD.
60 Search ing for a Title / Chapte r/T rack, etc. Each chapt er is displ ayed as a t humbn ail. Y ou can search for th e desi red scen e vis ually . 1 Press VIS UAL SE ARCH du ring pl ayback. 2 Selec t a scen e usin g < / , , and pr ess ENTER . Playba ck of the selected s cene is sta rted.
61 Playba ck Playi ng MP3 Au dio Trac ks or JPE G Im age F iles You ca n play MP 3 audio t racks an d JPEG im age files o n DATA CDs (CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD- RWs) or JPEG image fil es on DATA DVDs (DVD-ROMs/DVD+RWs/DVD+Rs/DVD-RWs/ DVD-Rs). 1 Insert a disc. See “I nserti ng a D isc” on pag e 29 .
62 1 Press TITLE LI ST. The albu m list ap pears. To chang e the page , press / . 2 Selec t an album, and pre ss ENTER . The su b-menu appear s. 3 Selec t “View Al bum,” an d press E NTER. The im age list ap pears. To chang e the page , press / . 4 Selec t an imag e, and pre ss ENTER .
63 Playba ck MP3 is au dio co mpres sion t echno logy that satisf ies cer tain IS O/MPEG regu lations. J PEG is image compre ssion tec hnology. You ca n play MP 3 (MP EG1 Au dio Laye r 3) form at aud io trac ks a nd JP EG i mage files on DATA CDs (CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD-RWs) or JPEG image files on DATA DVDs (DVD-ROMs/ DVD+RWs/DVD+Rs/DVD-RWs/DVD-Rs).
64 Albu ms play in the foll owing or der: Structure of di sc cont ents When you insert a DATA CD/DATA DVD and press H , the numb ered t racks ( or files) are played seq uential ly, f rom 1 through 7 . For JPEG image file s, press to go to the next album.
65 Erasing an d Editing Erasing and Ed iting Before Ed iting This rec order of fers various ed it option s for vario us dis c types . Befo re y ou ed it, che ck the disc type in the front panel display, an d select the optio n availa ble for y our dis c (page 8) .
66 b Notes • The P laylist title c alls up data from th e origina l titles fo r play back. Wh en an orig inal title is used for a Pl aylis t titl e, the ori ginal titl e c annot be era sed. • If a messa ge appears a nd indicat es that the disc’ s control inf ormation is full, erase or ed it unnecessa ry titl es.
67 Erasing an d Editing “A-B Erase”: Erases a section of the titl e (page 67 ). “Del ete Chap ter” : Erases ch apte r units of t he title whi le viewing th umbnails ( see below).
68 b Notes • Image s or sound may be mo mentaril y interrup ted at th e point where you erase a sec tion of a title. • Sect ions shorte r than f ive sec onds ma y not be erased. • For DVD+R Ws, the era sed sectio n may be sligh tly differen t from the poin ts you selected .
69 Erasing an d Editing 1 Press TOO LS to s elect “Dis c Info,” a nd pres s ENTE R. The “D isc Inf ormatio n” disp lay ap pears. 2 Select “E rase All,” an d press ENTER. 3 Select “O K,” and pr ess ENTE R. All titles on the dis c are erase d (except the protected tit les).
70 Creat ing an d Editin g a Playlis t Playl ist edit allows y ou to ed it or re -edit wit hout changi ng the actu al reco rdings . You can c reate u p to 97 Pl aylist titl es. b Note Once yo u create a Playl ist titl e from origina l title s, you will be unab le t o era se or edit the origina l title s.
71 Erasing an d Editing To play the Play list title Press TOOLS while the Title List menu is tu rned on. Then, select “Playlist” and press ENTER. When th e Title L ist (Pla ylist ) menu appe ars, s elect a title and pre ss H .
72 Dubbing (HDD y DVD) Bef ore Dubb ing In this sectio n, “dubb ing” refers to “co pying a recorde d title on the inte rnal ha rd disk drive (HD D) to anot her dis c, or vic e versa.
73 Dubbi ng (H DD y DVD) Required times for Hig h-speed Dubb ing from HDD to DVD (for 6 0-minute programme) *1 *1 The va lues in the abov e table are for re ference o nly. Actual time s for dubbing al so require time for crea ting disc’s cont rol inform ation and other da ta.
74 Move , Titles co ntainin g “Copy -Once” co py pro tection sign als ca n be move d only from HDD to DVD- RW (VR mode)* (a fter the t itle is mo ved, the original ti tle in t he HDD is erased) . The “Move” functi on is pe rform ed usi ng the sa me pro cedure a s dubb ing (pag e 74).
75 Dubbi ng (H DD y DVD) 7 Select a du bbing mo de by press ing M / m . * Appears when High -speed Dubbin g is available for the tit le (page 72) . 8 Selec t “Sta rt,” and press EN TER. The du bbing indi catio n appear s in the fro nt panel disp lay (pa ge 35).
76 To ad just the s ettings fo r each titl e You can mak e deta iled setti ngs fo r each of the selected t itles duri ng Multiple Ti tle Dubbing. 1 In step 6 of “Dubbing multip le titles (Dub Selec ted Titles) ” on page 75, sele ct “Sett ings” and pres s ENTER.
77 DV Du bbing DV Dubbing Befor e DV Dubbin g This sect ion ex plains dubbin g with a digital video camer a via the DV IN j ack on the fron t pane l. If you w ant to dub by w ay of the LINE I N ja cks, see “Record ing fr om conn ecte d equi pment withou t a timer ” on page 52.
78 3 Press INP UT SELECT on the remote repeat edly to sel ect “DV .” The front panel disp lay change s as follo ws: 4 Press REC MODE o n the remot e repe atedl y to sele ct the r ecord ing mode . The re cordin g mod e chan ges as follow s: For det ails ab out the rec ording m ode, s ee page 41.
79 DV Du bbing Record ing an Entir e DV Format Tape ( One To uch Dubbi ng) You ca n reco rd the ent ire con tents of a DV/ Digit al8 for mat tape onto a di sc wi th a sin gle pres s of the ONE-TOUCH DUB button on the recorder. The rec order co ntrols th e digit al vide o camera fo r the wh ole proc ess, an d compl etes th e recor ding.
80 2 Select “DV EDIT, ” and pres s ENTER . The disp lay asks if you wa nt to star t selecting scenes . • If yo u have pre viousl y saved a pr ogramm e, the display asks if you want to edit an existing pr ogramme or to create a n ew programme. To r esume editing the exist ing programme, select “Saved Data,” and go to step 6 .
81 DV Du bbing 9 Select “O K,” and pr ess ENT ER. The default tit le name is fixed, an d the display asks if you wan t to start recordi ng. To chan ge the disc m edia, se lect “Med ia” and pres s M / m . To chan ge the du bbing mod e, sele ct “Du b Mode” a nd p ress M / m .
82 Settings and Adjustmen ts Aeria l Rece ption and Langua ge S ettin gs (Sett ings) The “S ettings” setup he lps yo u to mak e tuner, clock, and progr amme po sitio n setting s for the reco rder. 1 Press SYSTE M MENU while the re cord er is in sto p mode.
83 Settings and Adj ustments 8 Press M / m repeatedly unt il the chan nel you want i s di splaye d, then press ENTER. The ch annels are scan ned in the order sh own in the ta ble below. • If you k now the number of the chann el you want, press th e numbe r button s.
84 Station Nam e Chan ges or ente rs a new station na me (up t o 5 charac ters ). The reco rder must re ceive ch annel informatio n (for instanc e, SMARTLINK informa tion) fo r stati on name s to ap pear automaticall y. 1 Select “Channe l Setting” in “Setti ngs,” and press ENTER.
85 Settings and Adj ustments Chan ges or disa bles the prog ramme p osit ions afte r setting the chan nels . If any prog ramm e pos itions are unu sed or contain u nwa nted cha nnels, you can disable them . You ca n also chang e stati on na mes. If the st ation names are not dis played , you can en ter them manually.
86 4 Press the number buttons o r < / M / m / , to enter the TV guid e page num ber, an d press ENTER to confirm the s etting. • If y ou make a mistake, pr ess CLEAR to re- ent er th e correc t nu mbe r. To set or cha nge an other TV gu ide page numbe r, repe at step s 3 and 4 a bove.
87 Settings and Adj ustments OSD (On-Sc reen Disp lay) Switch es the disp lay lan guage on the scree n. DVD Men u (DVD VID EO only ) Switches the language for the DVD me nu. Audio ( DVD VIDE O only ) Switch es the lang uage o f the sound t rack. When you sele ct “Ori ginal,” th e langu age give n priori ty in the disc is select ed.
88 b Note Depending o n the disc, “4:3 Lette r Box” ma y be selected automat ically ins tead of “4:3 P an Scan ” or vic e versa. HDMI Re solution Sel ects t he t ype of vid eo si gnals outp ut fr om the HDMI OUT jack .
89 Settings and Adj ustments Progressi ve Mode DVD software can be divid ed into t wo types: f ilm based s oftwa re and video bas ed so ftware. Video based s oftwa re is der ived fr om TV, su ch as dram as and sit- coms, and disp lays ima ges at 30 fram es/60 fields ( 25 f rames /50 fi elds) pe r se cond.
90 Audio Sett ings (Aud io) The “Audio” setup allows you to adjust the sound accord ing to th e playba ck and connec tion cond itions. 1 Press SYSTE M MENU while the re cord er is in sto p mode. 2 Selec t “SETUP ,” and pre ss ENTE R. 3 Selec t “Audi o,” and press EN TER.
91 Settings and Adj ustments 1 Selec t “Audio Co nnection ” in “Au dio,” and press EN TER. 2 Selec t “Digital Out,” and pr ess ENTER. 3 Selec t “On,” an d press ENT ER. 4 Set the digit al output signal . • Dolby Digital (HDD/DVDs only) Sele ct s the ty pe o f Do lby D igi tal sig nal.
92 • Audio(HDMI) Select s the type o f audio s ignal ou tput fr om the HDMI OUT jack. b Notes • A lo ud noise (or no so und) will be outp ut if you con nect the re corde r to a TV th at is not comp atibl e wit h DOLBY DIGITAL/DTS signals and “ Auto” is select ed.
93 Settings and Adj ustments b Not es • Th e actual chapte r mark interval ma y vary depending on the amount of inform ation c ontained in the video t o be record ed.
94 One Touc h Dubbin g Displays the following o ptions for the One Touch Dub f unc tion. Final ise Disc (for all reco rdable discs exc ept DVD-RW in VR mode) Select s whethe r or no t to final ise the disc automatical ly following One Touch Dubbing (pag e 79).
95 Settings and Adj ustments b Not e If you s et the re cording m ode to be change d while dubbing from a DVD to the HDD, the sound recorde d in the source (DVD) is applied regardles s of this setting. DVD Bilingu al Rec. (for all reco rdable discs except DVD- RW in VR mode) Selec ts the sou nd to be re corded on the reco rdable disc.
96 Easy S etup (Rese tting the Record er) Sele ct th is to ru n th e “E asy S etu p” prog ram me . 1 Press SYSTEM MENU while the rec order is in sto p mode. 2 Selec t “SETUP ,” and pre ss ENTE R. 3 Selec t “Easy Se tup ,” and pre ss ENTER .
97 Additional Info rmation Additional Inform ation Trou blesho oting If yo u expe rienc e any o f the f ollow ing diffi cult ies while u sing t he recor der, use t his trou blesho oting guide t o help re med y the prob lem be fore reque sti ng rep airs .
98 TV chann els cann ot be chan ged. , The chan nel is dis abled (page 85) . , A timer recordin g starte d, which c hanged the chan nels. The pict ure fr om equip ment c onnect ed to the recorde r’s in put ja ck does n ot appea r on the scr een.
99 Additional Info rmation An alter nate a udio tr ack cann ot be re corded . , When re cordi ng from conn ected eq uipm ent, set “Line Audio Inp ut” in TOOLS menu to “Bilingu al” (p age 52). , Multil ingua l tracks (mai n and sub) c annot be recorded on DVD+RWs, DVD-R Ws (Video mode), DVD+Rs, or DVD-Rs.
100 TV Pause does no t work. , You are recording to the HDD or the HDD is full. The p rogram me po sition ca nnot be ch anged from the programm e posi tion you ar e recording. , Set th e TV ’s inp ut so urce to “TV .” Recordin g do es not s tart im mediately after y ou press z REC.
101 Additional Info rmation Sync hro-Re cord ing does not co mplete . , The timer setting for th e connecte d equipmen t over lapped th e recorde r’s timer set ting (pag e 51). , There wa s a power fail ure during t he recordi ng. The rec order automa tica lly star ts reco rdin g when th e satellite receiver is turne d on.
102 “HDD ERR OR” app ears in th e fron t panel display. , The ha rd d isk e rror occur red. P res s down @ / 1 on the re cor der fo r ten se con ds un til “ WEL COM E” appear s in the front pan el displa y.
103 Additional Info rmation Notes Abou t This Rec orde r On oper ation • If the r ecorder is brought directly from a c old to a warm loca tion, or i s placed in a very damp room, moi sture ma y condense on th e lense s inside the re corder. S hould this occu r, the recor der may not oper ate prop erly.
104 Speci ficat ions System Laser: Semico nductor laser Channel co verage: PAL/SECAM (B/G, D/K, I , L) V H F : E 2 t o E 1 2 , R 1 t o R 1 2 , F 2 t o F 1 0 , I t a l i a n A to H, Ire land A to J, So.
105 Additional Info rmation About i.L INK The DV IN jack on this recorder is an i.LINK- compliant DV IN jack. This secti on describ es the i.LINK stand ard an d its feat ures. What i s i.L INK? i.LINK is a digit al seri al in terface f or handl ing digital vide o, digi tal aud io and other data in t wo direc tions betw een equi pment having the i.
106 Guide t o Parts an d Contro ls For more information, see the pa ges in pare nthese s. A TV/DVD switch (19) B Z (open/cl ose) but ton (29 ) C [ / 1 (on/stan dby) bu tton ( 22) D HDD button (3 1) DVD button (2 9) E PROG (pro gramme) +/– but tons (31) The + but ton has a ta ctile d ot * .
107 Additional Info rmation W VISUAL SEARCH button (60) X H (pla y) bu tto n (53 ) X (pause) button (55) x (stop) button ( 53) The H button has a tact ile dot*.
108 A [ / 1 (on/stan dby) button (22 ) B Front pa nel disp lay (35 , 109) C Disc tray (29) D TIMER REC indicator (4 3) SYNCHRO REC indicator (50) E A (open /close) bu tton (2 9) F HDD button/indicator.
109 Additional Info rmation A HDD/DVD indicators Displays t he selected me dia and the play ing/rec ording/ dubb ing sta tus. B Disc type*/recording format C NICAM indicator (42) D Audio sign al indic.
110 A AERIAL IN/OUT jacks (1 3) B HDMI OUT (high -definiti on multimed ia interface o ut) jack (14 ) C LINE 1 – TV jac k (14) D LINE 3/DECODER jack (2 3) E COMPONENT VIDEO OUT (Y, P B /C B , P R /C .
111 Additional Info rmation Glos sary Chapte r (page 60 ) Secti ons of a pict ure or a m usic fe ature tha t are smaller than ti tles. A ti tle is c omposed o f severa l chapt ers . Depe ndin g on the disc , no ch apte rs may be recor ded. Copy p rotec tion s ignal s (pa ge 42) Copy res triction s et by co pyrigh t owne rs, etc.
112 HDMI (Hig h-Defi nition M ultimed ia Interfa ce) HDMI is an interf ace tha t supports both video and audio on a single digital con nect ion. The HD MI conn ection carri es st anda rd to hig h defi niti on video si gnals and mul ti-chann el aud io sign als to AV com ponen ts su ch as H DMI eq uipp ed TVs, in digital f orm without de gradation.
113 Additional Info rmation Langua ge Cod e List For det ails, see page 87 . The l angua ge spe lling s conf orm to the ISO 639: 1988 (E/F) stan dard .
114 Index Words in quotatio ns appear in the on-screen di splays. Numerics 16:9 22 , 87 4:3 Letter Box 22 , 87 4:3 Pan Sc an 22 , 87 “48kH z/96kHz PC M” 9 1 A “A-B Erase” 6 7 Adjusting playba .
115 “Erase All” 69 “Erase Titles” 68 “Exte nd Rec” 44 F “Facto ry Setu p” 95 “Featur es” 92 “File Search” 60 “Finalise” 3 9 “Finalise Disc” 94 Finalisin g 39 “Format.
Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia Printed on 100% recycled paper using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)-free vegetable oil based ink. Recording time 41 RECOVERY 101 Regi on cod e 11 Remaining tim e .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony RDR-HX1010 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony RDR-HX1010 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony RDR-HX1010 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony RDR-HX1010 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony RDR-HX1010, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony RDR-HX1010.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony RDR-HX1010. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony RDR-HX1010 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.