Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto RDR-GX210 del fabbricante Sony
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2-548-697- E3 (1 ) © 2005 Sony Corporation D VD Recorder Operatin g Instructi ons RDR-GX210.
2 WARNIN G To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabin et. Refer s ervicing to qualified personnel only. The mains lead m ust only be changed at a qualified se rvice shop.
3 On recording • N ote that the co ntents of the recording c annot be compens ated for under any and all conditio ns, including co nditions tha t may arise due to a malfu nctio n of this unit. • Make tri al r eco rding s b efor e making the ac tual r ecord ing.
4 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 DV D ubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 Before DV Dubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Connecting a Dig ital Video Camera to the DV IN Jack .
6 Ways t o Use Y our DVD Re cord er Quick access to recorded titles – T itle Lis t , Display the Title List to see all o f the titles on the d isc, includ ing recor ding da te, title length, a nd thumbn ail image (page 29).
7 Progressive PAL p layback , If your TV is compatible wi th progressive signals, yo u can enjoy accurate colo ur reproduc tion and high qu ality ima ges in Prog ressive m ode. Playing JPEG image fi les , You can enjoy viewing JPEG images on your TV screen.
8 Quick G uide t o Disc Typ es Recordable and play able discs Usable disc vers ions (a s of Februa ry 2005 ) • 4x-speed or sl ower DVD+RWs • 4x-speed or slower DVD-RWs (Ver. 1.1, Ver.1.2 with CPRM* 1 ) • 8x-speed or sl ower DVD+Rs • 8x-speed or slower DVD-Rs (Ver.
9 Discs tha t cannot be recorded on • DV D-RW s (Ve r. 1.0) • DVD+RWs that are not 2.4x-speed c ompatible • Do uble l ayer discs • 8 c m di scs Recording Features Editing Features Rew rit e (p.
10 Playable dis cs Note ab out CDs The record er c an p lay C D-RO Ms/ CD-Rs/ CD- RWs reco rded i n the f ollowi ng forma ts: • music C D format • video C D format • MP3 audio trac ks and JPEG i.
11 Note o n playba ck oper atio ns of DV D VIDE Os/ VIDEO CDs Some playback operations of DVD VIDEOs/ VIDEO CDs may be intenti onally set by s oftware producers. S ince this r ecorder pla ys DVD VIDEOs/VIDEO CDs acc ording to the disc conten ts the s oftwa re produ cers design ed, som e playba ck fe atures m ay n ot be av ailabl e.
12 Hookups and Settings Hooki ng Up the Re corde r Follow steps 1 to 6 to hook up the re corder , and ste p 7 to mak e the ini tial sett ings for the reco rder (pag e 21). Notes • Plug cord s securel y to prev ent unw anted n oise. • Se e the instruc tions supp lied wit h the compon ents to be connect ed.
13 Hookup s and Settings Step 2 : Conn ecti ng th e Aeri al Cab le Conne ct the ae rial ca ble by foll owing the step s below . Do not co nnect th e main s lead unt il you re ach “S tep 5: Con necting t he Main s Lead ” (page 1 8).
14 Ste p 3: Conne cting the Vi deo Cord s Select one of the fo llow ing patter ns A thro ugh D , according to the input jack on your TV monitor, projector, or AV amplifi er (recei ver). This will enable y ou to view p ictures. Audi o connections are explai ned in “S tep 4: Conne cting t he Audio Co rds” (page 1 6).
15 Hookup s and Settings A Connecting to a SCART input jack Conn ect usin g a SCAR T cord (not su ppli ed) t o the L I N E 1 - T V j a c k a n d y o u r T V . B e s u r e t o m a k e t h e connectio ns firmly to avoid hum and noise. See the operating instr uctions supplied with the TV to be connecte d.
16 Ste p 4: Conne cting the Audi o Cord s Sel ect one o f the fo ll owing p atter ns A or B , according to the inpu t jack on your TV monitor, projecto r, or AV am plifi er (re ceiv er). This will enable you to l isten to s ound. z Hint For cor rect sp eaker loc ation, se e the operatin g instru ctions s upplied with t he conn ected comp onents .
17 Hookup s and Settings A Connecting to audio L /R input jacks This con nection w ill use y our TV’s or stereo ampli fier’s (receiv er’s ) two s peake rs for sound.
18 Step 5 : Co nnecti ng the Mains Le ad Plug t he record er a nd T V m ains l eads (pow er cords) into the mains. Afte r you connect the mains lead, you must wait for a short whil e before oper ating th e recorde r. You ca n oper ate the reco rder o nce the fro nt pane l disp lay lig hts up and the rec order en ters standb y mod e.
19 Hookup s and Settings Controlling TVs wi th the remote You ca n adjust the rem ote’s signal to con trol your TV. If you co nnecte d the r ecorder to an AV amplif ier (recei ver), you can us e the supp lied re mote to control the AV amplifi er’s (r eceiver’s) volume.
20 Controlling the v olume of your AV amplifier (rec eiver) with the r emote 1 Slide the TV /DVD switch to DVD. 2 Hold do wn [ / 1 , and enter th e manu factur er cod e (see the tab le be low) for your A V amplif ier (rece iver) usin g the number butto ns.
21 Hookup s and Settings Step 7: In it ial Setup Use the Setup Displ ays to make the initial set tings for using the recorder. Complete the initial setup in t he fol lowin g or der. Follo w th e steps f rom “Pr esett in g chan ne ls” to “Additional se ttings” b elow.
22 2 Press M / m t o select [OSD] (on-screen display) , and p ress , . 3 Press M / m to select a languag e, and pre ss ENTER . The on -scree n langua ge change s to the selecte d langua ge. 4 Press < to return to the S etup Disp lay, and foll ow the ste ps of “Set ting the clock” (see below).
23 Hookup s and Settings Connec tin g a VCR or S imila r Devi ce After disco nnecting the re corder’s main s lead from the mai ns, connect a VCR or similar rec ording device to the LINE IN jacks of this reco rder. Use the D V IN ja ck on the f ront pan el if the eq uipme nt has a D V outp ut jack (i .
24 Connecting to the L INE 2 IN or LINE 4 IN jack s Connect a VCR or simil ar reco rding d evice t o the LIN E 2 IN or LINE 4 I N jacks o f this r ecorde r. If you are conn ecting to the LIN E 2 IN jac ks and the equi pment has an S-vid eo jack, you can us e an S-v ideo cord instea d of a vide o cord.
25 Hookup s and Settings Connec tin g to a Sate llit e or Di gital Tuner Connect a satell ite or dig ital tuner t o this reco rder using th e LINE 3/DECODER jack. Disconnect t he record er’s m ai n s lead fr om the m a ins wh en conn ecting the tune r.
26 Connec tin g a PAY -TV/C anal Plus Deco der You ca n wat ch or r ecord PAY -TV/C anal Pl us prog ramm es if you conn ect a decode r (n ot supp lied) to the reco rder. Di scon nect th e record er’s mains lead fro m the m ains w hen co nnecti ng the de coder .
27 Basic O peration Basic O peration Insert ing an d Format ting a Disc When yo u fir st ins ert a ne w disc, the re corder will ask you t o forma t the dis c. Follow the steps below to fo rmat the disc . Yo u can also refo rma t a DVD+RW or DVD-RW to create a blank disc.
28 Record ing a Prog ramme to a Disc This sec tion int roduces the basic o perati on to reco rd the cu rren t TV pro gramm e to a dis c. For de tails abo ut reco rdin g, see pa ge 37. 1 Insert a disc. For details on h ow to inser t and form at a new disc, see “Inser ting and For matti ng a Disc” (page 27 ).
29 Basic O peration Viewin g the R ecorded Progr amme ( Titl e List ) The titl es of prog ram mes re cord ed on a dis c are displayed in the Ti tle List, which also d isplays disc in form ation, such a s disc na me, re maini ng time, et c. Follow t he steps be low to play t he record ed p rogr amm e.
30 To ch ange a title thumbn ail p icture You ca n sel ect a favo urit e scen e for the thu mbnai l picture shown in t he Title List menu. 1 Play a tit le whose t humbna il pictu re you want to chan ge. 2 Press PICTUR E MAR K at t he sc ene you w ant to set fo r a thumb nail pi cture.
31 Basic O peration Checki ng t he Pl ayback Inform ation an d Play ing Time You ca n check the play back inf ormati on and remaining time displayed on the TV screen or the fron t panel displ ay. Using the on-scre en displa y Press DISPL AY to sho w variou s play back informa tion on the TV screen.
32 Notes • Playin g time of MP3 au dio tracks ma y not be displa yed correct ly. • If you create a Playlis t title l onger than “13:15 :21,” the display is reset to “0:0 0:00” and resta rts counting.
33 Basic O peration 4 Selec t [Tit le Na me] and pre ss ENT ER. The dis play for enteri ng chara cters a ppears. The default ti tle name is dis played in the input row. •P r e s s < / , to move betwe en the sett ing buttons. To mo ve between the s etting butto ns, charac ter pale tte, a nd c harac ter ty pe box on the disp lay, pres s M / m .
34 Labell ing an d Protec ting a Disc Labelling a disc A disc is automatically labelled as its disc type. You can change the disc n ame (up to 21 characters). 1 Insert a disc. 2 Press SET UP to tu rn on the Setup Display. 3 Select [Disc Info] and press , .
35 Basic O per ation Playi ng a DVD on Oth er Equip ment (Fina lize) Final iz in g i s ne cess ar y w he n you pl a y discs recorded with this re corder on other DVD equipm ent. When you finali ze a DVD+RW, DVD-RW (Video mode), DVD+R, or DVD-R, a DVD menu will be au tomatically cre ated, which can be displayed on other DVD equ ipment.
36 z Hint You can check whethe r the disc has been finali zed or not. If you cannot sel ect [Fina li ze] in step 5 above , th e disc has already bee n fi na liz e d. Notes • The ti me requi red for fina liz in g depends on the disc type, re cording t ime, or the num ber of ti tles reco rded on th e disc.
37 Record ing Recording Before Recording Before you start recording… • Thi s recor der ca n recor d on va rious d iscs. Select the disc type accordi ng to your needs (page 8). • Use t he Title Li st to che ck the av ailable recordin g time for the disc (page 29).
38 RDR-GX210 2-548-697- E2 (1) Unrecordable pictur es Picture s with copy prot ectio n canno t be reco rded on this record er. Whe n the reco rder receiv es a cop y guard si gnal, the re corder s tops re cordin g. * The recorded dis c can be played onl y on CPRM compati ble equ ipment.
39 Record ing 1 Press Z (open/clo se), an d place a recor dable disc on the dis c tra y. 2 Press Z (open/clo se) to clo se the disc tray. Wait until “LOADING” disappears from the fron t panel displ ay. For deta ils o n how to i nse rt and form at a new disc, see “Ins ertin g and Form attin g a Disc” (page 27).
40 RDR-GX210 2-548-697- E2 (1) Rec Mode Adjust If ther e is not e nough availa ble disc space fo r the reco rding, the reco rder autom atical ly sel ects th e reco rding m ode t hat wil l record the en tire programme. To us e this fu nction, selec t [AT] for the reco rding mode and set [PDC/VP S] to [Off] .
41 Record ing 4 Press , to move to [ Repeat ], and press M / m to s elec t a re peat opti on. You ca n select [Toda y], [M on-F ri], or [Weekly]. 5 Press ENTER . The prog ramm e posit ion, date , start an d stop times , record ing mo de, repe at option , and PDC/ VPS sett ing (pag e 39) ap pear.
42 RDR-GX210 2-548-697- E2 (1) Checki ng/ Changi ng/ Cancellin g Timer Settings (Timer Lis t) You can chec k, change, or cancel time r settings using the Timer Li st menu. Changing the timer s ettings The Timer List can contain u p to seven ti mer settings .
43 Record ing ◆ When th e end time of one reco rding a nd the start ti me of an other ar e the sam e After f inishi ng the pr evious reco rdin g, the othe r record ing ma y be delay ed. Notes • Whi le recording , you cannot cha nge the time r setting for the c urrent re cording.
44 RDR-GX210 2-548-697- E2 (1) To s top r ecord ing Press x . Note that it may take a few s econds for reco rding t o stop . To paus e recor ding Press X .
45 Record ing Creating chapters i n a title The recorder a utomatically divides a recordin g (a title) in to chapters by inserti ng chapter ma rks at 5, 10, or 15- minut e int erva ls duri ng r ecor ding. Selec t the in terval, [5Min], [10Min] , or [15Min] for [Auto Ch apter] in [Rec Se tting] Se tup (pag e 77).
46 RDR-GX210 2-548-697- E2 (1) 5 Press z REC on this reco rder an d the paus e or play butto n on the con nected equip ment a t th e sam e ti me. Reco rdin g starts.
47 Playback Playback Play ing DVDs and VI DEO CDs 1 Press Z (open/clos e), and place a di sc on the dis c tray. 2 Press Z (open/clo se) to clo se the disc tray. If you inse rted a DVD VIDEO or VIDEO CD, pres s H . Playbac k starts a utomatically depend ing on the disc.
48 To stop playba ck Press x . To re sume playba ck fr om th e po int w here you stoppe d the disc ( Resume P lay) The reco rder stores the point wh ere you stoppe d the disc e ven if the disc is removed or the re corder turns of f. Press x once to stop pla yback.
49 Playback Playback options Buttons Operations Discs Z (open/close ) Stops playing a nd opens the disc t ray. All discs X (pause) Pauses pla yback. All discs . (previo us)/ > (nex t) Goes to th e beginni ng of the prev ious/n ext title/ chapt er/sc ene/tr ack.
50 To resume normal pl ayba ck, press H . Notes • If appears, th e operation is not availab le on the disc . • When pla ying the discs r ecorded on this recorder, angles and su btitles cann ot be changed. • For a Sup er VCD, you cannot s elect audio t rack 2 if one is recorded on th e disc.
51 Playback To play repe atedl y Press RE PEA T repea tedly to select an item to be repeat ed. [Chap ter]: repeat s the cu rrent ch apte r. (DVD o nly) [Title]: repeats t he current title. ( DVD only) [Tra ck]: re peat s the curren t trac k. (VI DEO C D only) [All]: repeat s all th e trac ks on t he disc.
52 Search ing for a Title / Chapte r/T rack, etc. You can sear ch a DVD by title or chapter , and VIDEO CD by track. As titles and trac ks are ass igne d indi vidu al numb ers on t he dis c, sel ect t he title or track by enterin g its number. You can a lso search for a sce ne using the time code.
53 Playback To eras e the boo kmark 1 Press SE ARCH MODE to turn on the book mark sear ch disp lay. 2 Press < / , or th e numbe r buttons to select the bo okmar k numb er you want to era se, and press CLEAR . 3 Press SEARCH MODE to turn off the display.
54 To stop playba ck Press x . When y ou s tart play back t he n ext t ime, the rec order res umes pl ayba ck fro m the poin t where you stop ped the t rack. Press x twice to play fro m the beginning of the disc/trac k. z Hints • For C Ds, you can a lso select the tr ack num ber by pressing the number button s in step 3 above.
55 Playback To resume norma l playback , press H . To canc el the S urround , Rando m, Repe at, or A -B Repeat functi on, pre ss the butt on agai n to turn of f the indicato r. Creating your o wn programme (Programme Play) You c an play th e conten ts of a disc in the or der you want by arr anging the orde r of the trac ks on the di sc.
56 5 Repeat step s 2 to 4 to ad d mor e tracks to the list. To add all th e tracks o n the disc, se lect [ ] (program me al l) and pres s ENTER. 6 Selec t the tra ck you wa nt to st art play ing in [Program] li st. 7 Press H or ENTER to star t Progr amme Play.
57 Playback Playin g JPEG Image Fi les You can pl ay JPE G im age f iles on DA TA CDs (CD -R s/CD -RW s). Fo r de tail s ab ou t JPE G i mag e files, see “A bout J PEG image f iles” (page 5 8). 1 Insert a D ATA CD . The list menu appears on the TV screen.
58 5 Select a file a nd press H or EN TER. Slide sh ow starts fr om the sele cted image file. To paus e play back, pres s X . To stop the slide sh ow and r eturn to th e list menu, press x or O RETURN. About JPEG image files JPEG is image c ompression technology.
59 Erasing and Edi ting Erasing and Ed iting Before Editing This rec orde r offers variou s edit op tion s for vario us disc and t itle ty pes. Be fore yo u edi t, chec k these types and se lect an available option . Notes • Yo u may l ose ed ited conte nts if you rem ove the disc while editi ng.
60 In this case, yo u can se lect a tit le or ch apter an d create a Playlis t title. You can even re arra nge the scene ord er within t he Playlist title (p age 65). z Hint For DVD-RW (VR mode), you c an display th e disc’s P laylist titles i n Title Lis t (Playlis t), or t he original tit les in Title Li st (Original ).
61 Erasing and Edi ting 2 Select a title, a nd press ENTER. The sub -menu appe ars w ith option s ava ilable for the selecte d title. [Chapt er List ]: Disp lays the Cha pter Li st menu, w hich di splays the title co nten ts by chapter (s ee “Editing a Titl e by Chapter” on page 63).
62 4 Press ENTER at the sta rt of th e scene to be erased (poi nt A). 5 Press EN TER at the en d of the sc en e (point B). To reset e ither point A or B, sele ct [Cancel] and repe at from s tep 3. 6 Select [OK ], and pres s EN TER. The disp lay ask s for c onf irma tio n.
63 Erasing and Edi ting Editi ng a Titl e by Ch apte r You can make det ailed editin g to a tit le by using the Chapter List menu that displays ti tle conte nts by chapt er.
64 Hiding a chapter You can ski p playing ch apters without deleting from the disc . 1 Select [Edit] in step 5 of “Editin g a Title by Chapte r,” and pr ess ENT ER. 2 Select [Hid e], an d pre ss ENT ER. The cha pter i s displ ayed shaded in th e Cha pter List menu.
65 Erasing and Edi ting 4 Selec t [New P laylist ], and pr ess ENTE R. The titl e or chapt er is added to the Pl aylist as a new Playlist title. To create more Pla ylist t itles, press TITLE LIST an d repeat the step s above. Adding contents to a n existing Playlist ti tle 1 Press TITLE L IST to tu rn on the Tit le List (Original).
66 DV Dubbing Befo re DV Dubb ing This se ction ex plains dubbin g with a digit al video camer a via the DV IN j ack on the front pa nel. If you wa nt to d ub by w ay of the LINE I N jac ks, see “Reco rding Fr om Conn ected Eq uipme nt” (pag e 45).
67 DV Du bbing Dubbin g From a DV/D igital 8 Format Tap e to a DVD You ca n reco rd a DV/D igital 8 form at tape onto a disc. Th e recorde r contr ols the d igital vide o came ra. Yo u can f ast f orwar d, re wind, and stop the tape to select a scene u sing the re corder’s remote co ntro l.
68 10 Press O RETUR N to turn off th e Setup Displa y. 11 Press H to star t playin g the DV /Digital8 format tape. The p laybac k pi ctur e appe ars o n th e scre en. 12 While wa tching the scr een, se arch for t he point you want t o start r ecordin g by pressing m / M .
69 Settings a nd Adj ustments Settings and Ad justments Using the Setup Disp lays By using the Setup D isplays , you can ma ke vario us adjus tment s to items such as picture an d sound, as well as select a langua ge for th e subtit les. The Setup Display co nsists of sev eral levels to set up o ptions.
70 4 Press M / m t o select the it em you wa nt to set up , and press ENTE R to co nform . Some items require ad ditional s ettings. To turn off the Se tup Dis play Press SE T UP. Channe l and Clock Sett ings The [Setting s] Setup helps you to make tuner, clock , and c hannel s ettings for the re cord er.
71 Settings a nd Adj ustments 2 Pres s ENTER whi le [Set tin g] is sele cted . The Ch annel List menu ap pears. 3 Press M / m to select the programme posi tion you w ant to set, and press ENTER. 4 Selec t an option from t he su b-men u, and pr ess ENTER.
72 [Clock] ◆ [Aut o Adju st] Turns on the A uto Clock Set fu nction whe n a c hannel in yo ur lo cal ar ea br oadcast s a ti me sig nal. 1 Select [Clo ck] and pr ess , . 2 Select [A uto A djust On ] and pre ss ENTER . z Hint If you select [Auto Adjus t On], the Auto Clock S et function i s activated whenever th e recorder is turned off.
73 Settings a nd Adj ustments TV and V ideo S ettings These settin gs will adj ust items rela ted to the image, such as size. Choose t he settings accordi ng to the ty pe of TV, tuner, or dec oder c onnecte d to th e reco rder. Sele ct [S etti ng s] in the S etup Disp lay .
74 Notes • You ca nnot select [On] if the VIDEO OUT SELECT switch on th e rear pa nel is set to “RGB” (page 15). Make sure that it i s se t to “ COMPON ENT.” • When se t to [On], pictur es appear on a progre ssive compa tible TV or monitor .
75 Settings a nd Adj ustments Audio Set tings The [Audio] Setu p allows you to adju st the sound accord ing to the playba ck and conne ction conditions. Sele ct [Au dio ] in the Set up D isp lay. T o use th e displ ay, see “ Using th e Setup D ispla ys” (pag e 69).
76 [Audio DRC ] (Dynamic Range Co ntrol) (Dolby Digital D VDs onl y) Makes the soun d clear when the volume is turn ed down when playi ng a DVD t hat co nfor ms t o [Aud io DRC] .
77 Settings a nd Adj ustments z Hin t If you for get yo ur password, clear t he passwor d and re gist ere d a new p as swor d. Press SE T UP to turn o n the Se tup Dis play. Enter the six- digit nu mber 2 10499 u sing the number buttons. Select [ OK ] and press ENTER.
78 Note Depending on the size of the rec ording b eing ma de, the actual interv al may vary from t he int erval sel ected in [Auto Cha pter]. The se lected inte rval should only be used as an approxi mation to c reate chap ters. Resett ing the Record er (Factor y Setup) Select th is to rese t the rec order to al l its default settin gs.
79 Additional I nformation Additional Inform ation Troubl esho oting If yo u expe rienc e any o f the f ollow ing di ffi culti es while u sing t he recor der, use t his trou blesho oting guide t o help re med y the prob lem be fore reque sti ng rep airs .
80 The pict ure fr om equip ment c onnect ed to the recorde r’s in put ja ck does n ot appea r on the scr een. , If th e equi pment i s conn ected t o the L INE 1-T V jack, select “LINE 1” in the front pa nel display by pressing INPUT SELECT.
81 Additional I nformation The rec order st arts pl aying the disc automatica lly. , The DVD VIDE O features an auto play back function. Playba ck stop s auto matica lly. , If the disc h as an auto pause signal, the r ecorder stops playb ack at the au to pause signal .
82 , Other timer setting ov erlappe d the timer sett ing (page 42). , There is no t eno ugh dis c sp ace fo r the recor ding. , The PDC/VP S function is worki ng (page 39). Conten ts pr eviously record ed we re erase d. , Data that h as been recorded on a DVD wit h a PC will be erase d from th e disc w hen th e disc i s inser te d.
83 Additional I nformation Notes Abou t Th is Rec orde r On oper atio n • If the r ecorder is brought directly from a c old to a warm loca tion, or i s placed in a very damp room, moistu re may co ndense on th e lenses inside th e record er. Should this occur, the recor der may not oper ate prop erly.
84 Speci ficat ions Syst em Laser: Semic on duc tor lase r Chan ne l cove rag e: PAL/SECAM (B/G, D/K, I , L) V H F : E 2 t o E 1 2 , R 1 t o R 1 2 , F 1 t o F 1 0 , I t a l i a n A to H, Ire la nd A t.
85 Additional I nformation About i.L INK The DV IN jack on this recorder is an i.LINK- compliant DV IN jack. This secti on describes the i.LINK stand ard an d its feat ures. What i s i.L INK? i.LINK is a digital serial interface f or handl ing digital vide o, digi tal aud io and oth er data in t wo directi ons betw een equi pment hav ing the i.
86 Guide t o Part s and Con trols For more informa tion, see the pa ges in pare nthe ses. Front panel Butt ons o n the recor der have t he sa me fu nctio n as t he bu tton s on t he re mote i f t hey ha ve t he same or similar names .
87 Additional I nformation Remote Butt ons on the remo te have the same funct ion a s the butt ons on the recorder if they ha ve the sa me or si milar names . Buttons with an oran ge d ot next to them c an be used with your TV whe n the TV/ DVD switch is s et to TV.
88 wl MENU button (47, 53) e; m / M (sea rch) buttons (49, 54 ) ea H (pla y) butto n* (4 7, 53) The butt on has a tact ile dot. X (pause) button (43, 49, 54, 57) x (sto p) but ton ( 28 , 29 ) es CHAPT.
89 Additional I nformation Rear panel A AERIAL IN/OUT jacks (13) B LINE 3/DECODER jack (23, 25, 26) C DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL) jack (16) D COMPONENT VIDEO OUT (P B /C B , P R / C R , Y) jack s (14) E LIN.
90 Glos sary Album ( page 53 ) A unit in which to s tore MP3 au dio tra cks on a DATA CD. ( Albu m is an excl usive definit ion for this r ecorder.) Chapter (page 52) Secti ons of a pict ure or a m usic fe ature tha t are smaller than titles. A title is compose d of severa l chapt ers.
91 Additional I nformation File (page 5 7) A JPEG imag e reco rded o n a DATA CD. (F ile is an exclu sive de fini tion fo r this re corder .) A sing le file c onsist of a single ima ge. Folde r (p age 57 ) A un it in whi ch to s tore JP EG im age file s on a DATA CD.
92 Langua ge C ode Li st For de tails , see page 74. The lang uage spe llings co nform to the ISO 639: 1988 (E/F) stan dard. Language Code L anguage Code Languag e Code Language Code Abkhazian 6566 Af.
93 Additional I nformation Area Code Li st For det ails, see page 77 . Code Area Code Area Code Area Code Area AF Afghanistan AN Netherlands Antilles AR Argentina AT Austria AU Australia BE Belgium BO.
94 Index Words in bracket s appear in the on-scre en displ ays. Numerics [16:9] 22 , 73 , 77 [4:3] 22 , 73 , 77 [48kHz] 75 [96kHz] 75 A [A-B Erase] 61 A-B Repeat 51 , 55 Aerial 13 Album 53 , 90 Angle .
95 O On-screen d isplay 31 Setup Display 69 Sub- menu 29 Original 29 , 59 , 91 OSD languag e 21 , 74 P [Pan Scan] 73 Parental Control 48 , 76 , 77 PAY-TV 26 PBC ( Playb ack Contro l) 47 , 74 [PCM] 75 .
Sony Corporat ion Printed in China Printed using VO C (Volatile Organic Compound)-free vegetable oil based ink..
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony RDR-GX210 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony RDR-GX210 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony RDR-GX210 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony RDR-GX210 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony RDR-GX210, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony RDR-GX210.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony RDR-GX210. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony RDR-GX210 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.