Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto NWZ-A816 del fabbricante Sony
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©2007 Sony Corporation 3-270-663- 14 (1) NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-14(1) Operation Guide NWZ -A815 / A816 / A818 T able of Contents Menu Index.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 2 2 About the Manuals The follo wing man uals are inc luded with the play er . A dditionally , after installing softwar e f ro m the supp lied CD-ROM, yo u can refer t o the help pr ovided within each software .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-12(1) 3 3 Hints Y ou ca n jump to the in dicated page b y clicking a page n umber in the table of con ten ts, in the Ho me menu li st, or in the index. Y ou ca n jump to the in dicated page b y clicking a page ref erence indica tion (e.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 4 4 Playing Videos Playing a V i deo ................................... 46 Setting the V i deo Orientation ............ 48 Se tting th e D isp lay of the Vide o Screen ............................................
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 5 5 Settings Limiting the V olume (A VLS (V olume L imit)) ............................ 67 T urning O the Beep S ound ............... 68 Setting a Screensaver T yp e .................. 69 Setting a Screensaver T ime .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 6 6 Home Menu List Y o u can displa y the Ho me menu b y pr essing and ho lding the BA CK/HOME bu tton o f the play er . The H ome men u is the starting point o f each funct ion, such as p laying songs, videos an d photos, sear ching fo r songs, and ch anging settings.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(2) 7 7 Settings M usic Settings Play M o de ............................... 32 Playback Range ....................... 34 Equalizer .................................. 37 VPT (Surro und) ..................... 40 DSEE (Sound Enhan ce) .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-13(1) 8 8 Supplied Ac cessories Please check the accessories in the package . H eadphones (1) H eadphone ext ension co rd (1) Earbuds (Size S, L) (1) USB cab le * 1 (1) A ttachment (1) U se when connecting the player t o the optional cradle, etc.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 9 9 P ar ts and C ontrols 5-w ay butt on * 1 Starts pla yb ack and en ables na vigation o f the player ’ s on-scr een men us ( page 12). BA CK/HOME button * 2 Pr ess to go up o ne list screen level, o r to ret urn to the previous m enu.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 10 10 OPTION/PWR OFF button * 2 Displa ys the optio n menu ( page 17). If y ou pr ess and hold the O PTION/ PWR OFF bu tto n, the screen turns off and the pla yer en ters the standb y mode. If y ou pr ess an y but ton while the play er is in the standb y mode, the “N ow Playin g” screen, etc.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 11 11 Pla yer Con trols and Screens U se the 5-way bu tto n and the B ACK/H OME bu tto n to naviga te through screens, pla y songs, videos, pho tos, and cha nge the pla yer’ s settings. The H ome men u ap pe ars when y ou pr ess and hold the B ACK/H OME bu tton.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 12 12 How to use the 5-wa y button and screen The 5-wa y butt on performs differ ent functions o n the list screens, o n the thumb nail screens, and o n the “N ow Playin g” screen. * Ther e are tactile dots. U se t hem to hel p with butt on operatio ns.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 13 13 List Photo Buttons Description Confirms the item of the lis t. Pr ess and hold to p lay back a slide sho w of ph otos in the selected item. / M oves the cursor u p or down. Pr ess and hold to scr oll up or do wn faster .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 14 14 How to use the 5-w ay butt on on the “Now Playing” screen Music Song name Artist name Album title Genre Playing status Release year Buttons Description Starts song p layback.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 15 15 Playing status Video When y ou chang e the display o rientation t o horizon tal, the / / / butto n functions will also b e chang ed.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 16 16 Displaying the “Now Playing” Screen The “N ow Pla ying” screen dis plays info rmation a bout the curren tly playing con ten ts. 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Now Playing Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) 17 17 U sing the OPTION Button Y o u can chang e various settings o f each funct ion when yo u pres s the OPTION/ PWR OFF bu tto n. The OPTIO N/PWR OFF bu tton is useful since yo u can displa y the setting screen immediate ly withou t selec ting setting it ems from the (Settings) men u of the H ome men u.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music Playing Music 18 18 Searching for S ongs (Music Library) Songs transf erred by W indows Explo rer , or another tra nsfer capa ble software can be play ed back on the play er . Y o u can search fo r songs b y title of songs, alb ums, artist, and genr e, etc.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 19 19 Searching for songs by album Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears. Press the / / / butt on to selec t (Music Libr ar y), and then press the button to c onrm.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 20 20 Searching for songs by artist Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears. Press the / / / butt on to selec t (Music Libr ar y), and then press the button to c onrm.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 21 21 Searching for songs by genre Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears. Press the / / / butt on to selec t (Music Libr ar y), and then press the button to c onrm.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 22 22 Searching for songs by release y ear Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears. Press the / / / butt on to selec t (Music Libr ar y), and then press the button to c onrm.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 23 23 Searching for songs by folder When y ou transf er data to the “ MUSIC” folder b y drag ging and dr opp ing in W indows Explor er , up to the 8th level under the “ MUSIC” folder will a ppear and can be pla yed back.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 24 24 Searching for S ongs by Initial Letter Y o u can search fo r songs b y the initial letter of the artist na me, album title, o r song na me. 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Initial Search Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 25 25 Pla ying a Playlist Y o u can play lis ts of songs (pla ylists). Also , you can cr eate pla ylists using the sup plied W indows M edia Player 11, or a nother transf er capable so ftware fo r crea ting playlists.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 26 26 Searching for S ongs Based on the C urren tly Pla ying Song Y o u can search fo r other songs, alb ums, and artists b y the song info rmation o f the currently p laying son g.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 27 27 Pla ying Songs in Random Order (Intelligen t Shue) The pla yer offers 2 differ ent ra ndom modes (also known as sh uff le play) .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 28 28 Notes The contr ols of the pla yer cannot be opera ted while a year is being selec ted. A shuffle play of all songs begins if no ne of the songs on the p layer ha ve a release year assigned to them.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 29 29 Playing all songs in random order All the songs sto red on the pla yer ar e played in ra ndom or der .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 30 30 Displaying the N ow Pla ying Screen Each T ime the Songs S witch (New S ong P op Up ) If y ou set the screensaver t o “ Clo ck ” or “B lank ” ( page 69) and ther e is no opera tion for a while, the screen cha nges to the clock disp lay or b lank screen.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Music 31 31 Displaying the Music Option Menu Y o u can displa y the Mu sic option m enu b y pressin g the OPTION/PWR O FF bu tton o n a list screen (incl uding the thumb nail screen), such as a son g list, or on the m usic “N ow Playin g” screen.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music Setting the Music 32 32 Setting the Pla y Mode (Play Mode) The pla yer offers a va riety of play modes, incl uding rando m play a nd selected repeat p lay . 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 33 33 The list of play modes The pla y back con ten ts differ , depending on the setting o f the playback rang e ( page 34).
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 34 34 Setting the Playback R ange Y o u can set the playback range o f songs 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 35 35 Setting the Album Display F ormat The pla yer offers 3 types of alb um list forma t f rom “Ti tle On ly , ” “ Title & Cover Art, ” and “ C over Art Only .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 36 36 T o return to the previous menu Pr ess the BA CK/HOME b utto n. Hint Y ou can also selec t the album displa y forma t on the album list scr een. Press the OPTIO N/PWR OFF but ton on the alb um list screen, and select “ Album Display F ormat ” from the o ption men u.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 37 37 Setting the Sound Quality (Equalizer) Y o u can set the s ound q uality accordin g to the music g enre, etc. 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Changing the sound quality Y o u can customize the pla yer’ s sound quali ty .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 38 38 T o return to the previous menu Pr ess the BA CK/HOME b utto n. T o return to the normal sound quality Selec t “N one ” in step , a nd then press the b utt on to confirm. Hint Y ou can also set t he sound quality fro m the “N ow Pla ying” screen.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 39 39 Customizing sound quality Y o u can preset the value o f CLEAR BASS (bas s) and 5 bands Equalizer as “ Custom 1” o r “ Cus tom 2. ” Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 40 40 Making the Sound More V ibrant ( VPT (Surround)) Y o u can choose f ro m “S tudio , ” “Live , ” “Cl ub , ” “ Arena, ” “M atrix” or “ Karao ke ” accor ding to yo ur song using the “VPT* (S urround)” function.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 41 41 Hint Y ou can also set t he “VPT (S urround)” setting fro m the “N ow Playin g” screen. Pr ess the OPTIO N/PWR OFF but ton, and select “VPT (S urround)” fro m the option men u.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 42 42 Listening with Clear Stereo Sound ( Clear Stereo ) “ C lear Ster eo ” enables individ ual lef t and right digi ta l pr ocessing of the sound. 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 43 43 C orrecting Sound in the High Range (DSEE (Sound Enhanc er)) A ct iva ting the “DS EE (S ound Enhan ce)*” featur e, yo u can hear rich and na tural sound almost exactly like the original source.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 44 44 T o return to the previous menu Pr ess the BA CK/HOME b utto n. Notes The “DSEE (Sound Enhan ce)” setting is not a pplied to the sound of the video .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Setting the Music 45 45 A djusting the V olume L ev el (Dynamic Nor malizer) Y o u can reduce the vo lume level between songs. W ith this setting, when listenin g to album songs in the sh uf f le pla y mode, the volume level between songs is modera ted to minimize the difference in their r ecording leve ls.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Videos Playing Videos 46 46 Pla ying a V ideo Y o u can play videos b y transferring video files to the player usin g W indows Explor er , or an other transfer ca pable softwar e.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Videos 47 47 On video pla yback operation T o (icon) 5-way butt on operation Find the beginning o f the next video ( ) * 1 Pr ess the butt on. Find the beginning o f the current video ( ) * 2 Pr ess the butt on.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Videos 48 48 Setting the V ideo Orien tation Y o u can set the vide o orien tation fro m amon g “V er tical, ” “H orizon tal (r ight), ” or “ Ho rizontal (left). ” 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Videos 49 49 Press the / / / butt on to selec t the desired setting , and then press the button to c onrm. V er tical: Displays a t 240 × 180 pixels. (Defaul t setting) “H orizon ta l (right)” or “ H orizon ta l (left)”: Displa ys at 320 × 240 pix els.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Videos 50 50 Setting the Display of the V ideo Screen Y o u can displa y or hide the detailed informa tion of a video , such as i ts title, pla y back icon, an d elapsed playin g time, etc., during pla yback.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Videos 51 51 Setting the Zoom F unc tion Y o u can zoom in the currently p laying video . 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Videos 52 52 Press the / / / butt on to selec t the desired setting , and then press the button to c onrm. A uto: The video image is enlar ged/reduced b y ful ly fittin g it to the ava ilable displa y area, keep ing the aspect ratio .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Videos 53 53 Pla ying V ideos C ontinuously Y o u can play back all videos sto red on the pla yer con tinuo usly . 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Videos 54 54 Setting the V ideo List Display F ormat The pla yer offers 3 dis play fo rmats. Y ou can set the displa y forma t of the video list as “Title Only , ” “ Title W ith Th umbnail * , ” or “ Thum bnail Only .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Videos 55 55 Pla ying Only V ideo Sound Y o u can choose option s whi le the play er is on hold d uring the playback of videos, either by p laying a video normally o r by turning o ff t he screen and listenin g only to the sound o f those v ideos.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Videos 56 56 Displaying the V ideo Option Menu Y o u can displa y the V ideo optio n menu b y pres sing the OPTIO N/PWR OFF bu tton o n a list screen (incl uding the thumb nail screen), such as the video list, or o n the vide o “N ow Pla ying” screen.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Photos Playing Photos 57 57 Displaying a Phot o Y o u can displa y photos b y transferring p hoto files to the play er using W indows Explor er , or an other transfer ca pable softwar e.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Photos 58 58 Hints A playback of songs co ntinues even while yo u are searc hing for ph otos in the phot o folder lis ts, or phot o lists or the “N ow Playing ” screen of the Pho to is displa yed.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Photos 59 59 Setting the Photo Orientation Y o u can set the photo o rientatio n f ro m amon g “V er tical, ” “H orizon tal (r ight), ” or “ Ho rizontal (left). ” 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-12(1) Playing Photos 60 60 Press the / / / butt on to selec t the desired setting , and then press the button to c onrm.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Photos 61 61 Setting the Display of the Photo S creen Y o u can displa y or hide the detailed informa tion of a ph oto , such as an icon that sh ows pla yb ack sta tus, etc.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Photos 62 62 Pla ying a Slide Show Y o u can play back p hotos in a selected folder co ntin uously . 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Photo Library Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Photos 63 63 Setting the Slide Show Play Mode Y o u can play back p hotos as a slide s how repea tedly . 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Photos 64 64 Setting the Interval of a S lide Show Y o u can set the interva l befor e the next photo i s display ed. 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Photos 65 65 Setting the Photo List Display For mat The pla yer offers 3 dis play fo rmats. Y ou can set the displa y forma t of the pho to list as “Title Only , ” “ Title W ith Th umbnail * , ” or “ Thum bnail Only .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Playing Photos 66 66 Displaying the Phot o Option Menu Y o u can displa y the Photo o ption men u by p ressing the O PTION/PWR OFF bu tton o n a list screen (incl uding the thumb nail screen), such as the ph oto folder lis t, or on the ph oto “N ow Pla ying” screen.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings Settings 67 67 Limiting the V olume ( A VLS (V olume Limit)) Y o u can set “ A VLS (V olume Limi t)” (A uto matic V olume Limi ter System) t o limit the maxim um vol ume to pr event a udito r y disturbance or di stract ion.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 68 68 T urning O the Beep S ound Y o u can turn off the beep s ounds o f the play er . “ On ” is s et by defa ult. 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 69 69 Setting a Screensav er T ype Y o u can set the s creensa ver to either a “ Clock ” or “ Blank ” for when ther e is no opera tion for a while during son g playback. Y ou can also selec t “N one ” for n o screensav er .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 70 70 Setting a Screensav er T ime Y o u can set the time for the screensa ver to activat e f ro m 15, 30, or 60 seconds. 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the BACK/HOME button until the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 71 71 A djusting the Brightness of the S creen (Brightness) Y o u can set the display b rig htnes s to one o f 5 levels. 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 72 72 Setting the C urren t T ime (Set Da te - T ime) Y o u can set the c urren t time by adj usting it ma nually . 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings P ress and hold the BA CK/HOME button until the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 73 73 T o return to the previous menu Pr ess the BA CK/HOME b utto n. T o display the c urrent time Selec t (Clock Displa y) on the H ome men u. Pr ess the OPTION/PWR O FF but ton o n the “N ow Pla ying” screen o f a song and select “ Clock Display” fr om the optio n menu .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 74 74 Setting the Date F ormat Y o u can set the date fo rmat disp layed fo r the cur ren t time ( page 72) as “YYYY/MM/DD , ” “MM/DD/YYYY , ” or “ DD/MM/YYYY . ” 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 75 75 Setting the T ime F ormat Y o u can selec t the time forma t displa yed for the curren t t ime ( page 72) from ei ther a “12-hour” o r “24-hour ” display . 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 76 76 Displaying the Pla yer Information (Unit Information) Inf ormatio n such as model name , fir mwa re ver sion, etc., can be displa yed. 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 77 77 Available play er information Option Description M odel: Displays the model na me of the pla yer . Firm ware: Dis plays ver sion info rmation fo r the play er’ s firmwa re. T otal s ongs: Displa ys the total num ber of songs sto red on the pla yer .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 78 78 Resetting to F ac tor y Settings (Reset all Settings) Y o u can reset the play er to the defaul t settings. Resetting the play er do es not delete da ta such as audio a nd phot o data. 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Note This funct ion is o nly available in the pa use mode.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 79 79 F ormatting Memor y (F ormat) Y o u can forma t the built-in flash memory of the pla yer . If the mem or y is forma tted, all da ta and settings will b e erased.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 80 80 T o c ancel the opera tion Selec t “N o ” in step o r and pr ess the but ton to co nfirm. Y ou can also cancel the o p era tion by p ressing the B A CK/HOME b utt on in step o r .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 81 81 Selec ting the Display Language Y o u can selec t from a va riety of languages f or the displa y of men us and messages o n the play er . 5-way butt on BACK/HOME button Settings Press and hold the B ACK/HOME button un til the Home menu appears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Settings 82 82 Display language settings Setting Description Deutsch M essages and men us are displa yed in German. English M essages and men us are displa yed in English. Español M essages and men us are displa yed in Spanis h.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-12(1) Useful F ac ts Useful F ac ts 83 83 Recharging the Pla yer The pla yer ’ s ba tter y is recharged while the play er is connected to a running computer . When y ou connect the pla yer to yo ur comp uter , use the supp lied USB cable.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-12(1) Useful F ac ts 84 84 Maximizing Battery Lif e By adj usting the settings o r managing the pow er supp ly pro perly , it is possible to sav e the battery power and u s e the pla yer for a lo nger time.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Useful F ac ts 85 85 Adjust da ta format and bit rate Playin g time wil l var y , as batt er y charge ca n be affec ted by the f ormat a nd bit rat e of songs, videos or p hotos tha t are p layed. Fo r details on cha rging time and usag e time, see p age 120, 121.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Useful F ac ts 86 86 About Data T r ansferring Y o u can directly transfer da ta by dragging an d drop ping using W indo ws Explor er on yo ur comp uter . Playa ble data hierar ch y has rules. T ransfer da ta properl y , see the followin g illustra tions.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Useful F ac ts 87 87 F or videos (On Windo ws Explorer) Drag and dr op files or folder s into the “ VIDEO ” folder . On the 1st level, the “VID EO ” folder will recognize either a file or a folder . Files on the 2nd leve l wil l be recognized.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Useful F ac ts 88 88 F or photos (On Windo ws Explorer) Drag and dr op files or folder s into the “ PICTURE ” or “DCIM” f older . On the 1st level, the “ PICTURE ” folder will recognize either a file or a fo lder .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Useful F ac ts 89 89 Wha t are F ormat and Bit Rate? What is audio forma t? A udio forma t refers t o the metho d used when importing a udio data from the In ternet or a udio CDs to a co mpu ter and sa ving it as a n audio file.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Useful F ac ts 90 90 What is video forma t? V ideo forma t refers t o the metho d used when importing video and a udio data to a com puter an d saving it as a video file. Common f ormats inc lude MPEG-4 and A V C, etc.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Useful F ac ts 91 91 Stor ing Da ta Y o u can stor e com puter da t a int o the built-in flash memory of the play er by transf err ing the data fro m your co mpu ter using W indows Explo rer , or ano ther transf er capable softwar e.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Useful F ac ts 92 92 Upgrading the Pla yer’ s Fir m ware Y o u can update the p layer ’ s firmwar e, ensuring y ou to add new fea tures f or the pla yer by ins ta lling the lat est play er’ s f irmwa re to the pla yer .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting T roubleshooting 93 93 T roubleshooting If the p layer does not function as expected, tr y the followin g steps to resol ve the issue. 1 Find the sympt oms of the issue in the following tr oubleshooting tables, and try any c orrective actions listed.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 94 94 Operation Symptom Cause/Remedy There is n o sound. The vol ume level is set to zero . T urn the volum e up ( page 10). The headpho ne jack is not co nnected pro perly . C onnect the headpho ne jack pr operly ( page 9).
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 95 95 Symptom Cause/Remedy T ransf erred data is not displa yed in its list. The maxim um number of files tha t can be displayed is reached. Th e maximum n umber of files is 1,000 fi les for videos, 10,000 fi les fo r photos.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 96 96 Symptom Cause/Remedy “VPT(S urround)” setting or “ Clear Stereo ” function is not effective.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 97 97 Symptom Cause/Remedy T ransf erred data cannot be found. The built-in flash memo r y of the play er was forma tted using W indows Explor er . Forma t the built-in flash memo r y on the play er ( page 79).
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 98 98 Symptom Cause/Remedy Thum bnails a re not displa yed. Songs do not ha ve cover art info rmation. Thum bnails a re displa yed only when songs h ave cov er art informa tion. Thum bnail nam e do es not ma tch its video file, and the video fi le is not in the co rrect lo catio n.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 99 99 Symptom Cause/Remedy The screen turns o ff. There was no o peration a ttem pted fo r more tha n 30 seconds while the play er was in the pause mode.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 100 100 Symptom Cause/Remedy The pla yer cannot c harge the bat ter y . The USB cable is n ot connected to a US B p ort on your co mp uter pr operly . Disconnect the USB cable, a nd then reconnect it.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 101 101 Symptom Cause/Remedy The pla yer is not recognized by the com put er when it is connected to the com put er . The USB cab le is not connected to a US B port on your co mp uter pr operly .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 102 102 Symptom Cause/Remedy Data canno t be transferr ed to the player from y our com puter . (con tinued) There is no t enough free space in the built-in flash memory . T ransfer an y unnecessar y data back to yo ur com put er to increase free space.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 103 103 Symptom Cause/Remedy Only a small amoun t of data can be transf erred to the play er . There is no t enough free space in the built-in flash memory . T ransfer an y unnecessar y data back to yo ur com put er to increase free space.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 104 104 Other Symptom Cause/Remedy There is n o be ep sound when the play er is operat ed. “Beep S ettings ” is set to “ Off. ” S et “Beep S ettings ” to “ On ” ( page 68).
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 105 105 Messages Fo llow the instructions below if a m essage ap pe ars in the dis play . Message Meaning Remedy All group numbers ha ve been used. The total number of li st item s (except fo r the song lists) ex ceeds the limit (8,192 i tems).
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 106 106 Message Meaning Remedy Cannot play ; file is damaged. Please connect to compliant software or device and transf er again. The file you ar e tr ying to pla y is damaged. T ransf er the f ile to the pla yer again.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) T roubleshooting 107 107 Message Meaning Remedy No playlists a vailable. Please connect to compliant software or device and transf er playlists . When y ou select (Playlists) fr om the H ome men u, and there a re no pla ylists on the play er , this message a ppears.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-13(1) Additional Information 108 108 The follo wing FCC statem ent a pplies onl y to the version o f this model man ufactured fo r sale in t he USA.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-13(1) Additional Information 109 109 Disposal of Old Electric al & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separat e collec tion systems) This symbol on the p roduct or o n its packaging indica tes tha t this pr oduct shall not be treated as ho usehold waste .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Additional Information 110 110 Pr ec autions On saf ety Be sure not to s hort-circuit the terminals o f the player wi th other metallic objects. Do not to uch the recha rgeable ba tter y with bar e hands if it is leaking.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Additional Information 111 111 On installa tion Do not pu t an y heavy object on to p of the pla yer or a pply a s trong sh ock to the play er .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Additional Information 112 112 On heat build-up H eat ma y build up in the pla yer while charging if i t is used for an ext ended perio d of time. On the headphones Road saf ety A void listenin g with your head phones in si tuatio ns where hearing m ust not be impa ired.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Additional Information 113 113 On the L CD Do not a pply s trong f orce t o the surface of the LCD . This may ca use a disto rt ion in colo rs or b rig htnes s, or cause a malfunction of the L CD . If y ou use the play er in a cold location, imag es may a ppear with black ban ds ar ound them.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Additional Information 114 114 Important Notice Copyright la ws pro hibi t repr oducing the software o r the man ua l accom pan ying it in whole o r in part, or ren ting the software witho ut the permission of the co pyright ho lder .
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Additional Information 115 115 About sample da ta * The pla yer is pr e-installed with sample da ta. T o delete this data, use W indows Explor er . If y ou delete sam ple data, y ou cannot r estor e it, an d we cannot s uppl y an y replacem ent da ta.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Additional Information 116 116 About Cop yrights A TRAC is trademar k of Sony Corpora tion. “W ALKMAN” and “W ALKMAN” logo a re regist ered trademarks of Son y Corp ora tion. a nd ar e trademarks of Son y Corp ora tion.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Additional Information 118 118 Specications Suppor ted le f ormat Music File fo rmat MP3(MPEG1 Layer3) file forma t, ASF file forma t, MP4 fi le forma t, W av e-Rif f file forma t File extensio n MP3 (.mp3), WMA (.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-14(1) Additional Information 119 119 Maximum recordable number of songs and time (Appro x.) The ap pro ximate times a re based on the case in which you transf er or recor d only 4 minu tes songs (no t including videos and p hotos) in the MP3 fo rmat.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-12(1) Additional Information 120 120 Capacity (User a vailable capacity) * 1 NWZ-A815: 2 GB (A ppro x. 1.71 GB = 1,840,775,168 bytes) NWZ-A816: 4 GB (A ppro x. 3.57 GB = 3,840,638,976 bytes) NWZ-A818: 8 GB (A ppro x. 7.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Additional Information 121 121 Battery life (continuous playback) By setting as f ollows, a long er battery life can be expected.
NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Additional Information 122 122 System Requirements C om puter IBM PC/A T or co mpatib le comp uter pr einstalled with the following W indows opera ting system.
Additional Information 123 123 NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) Cus tom ........................................ 38, 39 D Data ................................................... 91 Date-T ime ............................ 72, 74, 75 Date Di splay F orma t .
Additional Information 124 124 NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) L Language ........................................... 81 Linear PCM .............................. 89, 118 Live .................................................... 41 M Ma trix ...
Additional Information 125 125 NWZ-A815/A816/A818.GB.3-270-663-11(1) V V ideo format .................................... 90 V ideo L ibra r y ............................... 6, 46 V ideo L ist Disp lay F ormat.............. 54 V ideo Or ienta tion ..
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony NWZ-A816 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony NWZ-A816 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony NWZ-A816 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony NWZ-A816 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony NWZ-A816, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony NWZ-A816.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony NWZ-A816. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony NWZ-A816 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.