Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto KDP-65W5550 del fabbricante Sony
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4-094-487- 11 Operating Instructions © 2003 Sony Corporation KDP-51WS550 KDP-57WS550 KDP-65WS550 Sony Corporation Printed in U.
1 Owne r’ s Record The model and serial numbers ar e located at the rea r of the pr ojection TV , below the Sony logo, on the sticker , and also on the TV bo x (white label). Record these number s in the spaces pr ovided below . R efer to them whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regard i ng th is prod uct .
2 Note on Capti on Vi s ion This televi sion receiver pr ovides display of television closed captioning in a ccor dance with § 15. 1 19 of th e FCC rul es. Note on Convergence Adjus tment Before yo u u se y our projec tion TV , make sure t o a djust conver gence.
3 Important Safety Instructions 1 Read these instructi o ns. 2 Keep these instructi ons. 3 He ed all warn ings. 4 Fo llow all instr uc tions. 5 Do not use this apparatus n ear water . 6 C le an on ly w ith dr y cl oth . 7 Do no t bl o ck an y ven t il a tio n op e n in gs .
AX1 PJ. book P age 4 Wed ne sday , Apri l 30, 20 03 2:13 P M.
5 Cont en t s Introd ucing the Di gital P roject io n TV Welc o me .. .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ... .... ... 9 Pac kag e Co nte nts ..... .. ... .. ... .
6 Ot her Info SETUP Wel c om e SETUP SETUP SETUP Using t he Re mote Co ntr ol Ov erv iew . .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .. ... 4 5 Ins e rtin g B a tte ri es .
7 We lcome SETUP Oth er Inf o SETUP SETUP SETUP Usin g t he M em ory S tic k V iew er Ab out M em ory Stic k ..... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. . 6 7 Fea tu res .. .. ... .....
8 Ot her Info SETUP Wel c om e SETUP SETUP SETUP Using t he Men us Ov erv iew . .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .. ... 9 1 Navigat ing Th rough M enus ... .
9 Intr oducin g th e Digital Pr ojection TV We l co m e This c hapter desc ribes the contents o f the pac kage in w hich th e TV is shipped and provides an overview of the features of your Di gital Pro jection TV . Package Conten ts Along wit h your new proj ection T V , the pac k age c ontains a remote contro l and two A A batteries.
10 SETUP SETUP Welc ome SETU P SETUP SETUP ❑ Tw i n V i e w ™ : Using the Multi-Im age Driv er (MIDX), T win V iew all ows you to watc h two pr ogr ams sid e by si de, wi th the abilit y to zo om in o ne picture. Y ou can watch pi ctur es fr om two differ ent sour ces (1080i , 720p, 480p, an d 480i) simultan eously .
11 Setting Up the Di gital Pr ojection TV Ove rview Th is chapter inc ludes illu strated ins truction s for setting up y our TV . To p i c Page (s) Car ryin g Y ou r Proje cti on T V 12 Installin g th.
12 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Carryi ng Y our Pr ojection TV Carrying the TV requires four or more people. The TV is equipped wit h cast ers fo r easy mov emen t on a h ar d s urfa ce. B e su re to mov e your projection TV using the c asters.
13 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP TV Contr ols and Conne ctors T o access the front video panel, push u p and then release . The panel drop s dow n aut oma tica lly . Front V i deo Cont rols A C C E S S A C C E S S M E M O R Y M E M OR Y P O W ER POWER T IM E R / T I M ER/ S T A N D B Y S T AN D B Y S T A N D B Y ST AND B Y i .
15 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Ite m Description 1 MEMOR Y STI CK AC C E S S L E D When lit, indicates that the Memory Stick is being read. (Do not re m ove the Memory Stick when t he indicato r is lit .) 2 MEMOR Y STI CK Memory Stick inser tion slot.
17 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Jack Descr iption 1 VIDEO IN 1/3/4 VIDEO/L( MONO) -A UDIO -R Con n ect to the c om pos ite A /V ou tput ja ck s on yo ur V C R o r ot her v ideo com pon en t. A fou rth com pon ent A/ V in put jac k (VI DE O 2) is lo cated o n th e f ront panel of the TV .
18 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Bas ic Connecti ons: Conne cting a Ca ble or Ante nna The way in which yo u will conn ect your TV varies, depending on how your hom e rec eiv es a signal (c able, cable box, antenna) an d wheth er or no t you p lan to connec t a VCR.
19 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Ca ble or An tenn a Only F or bes t resu lts , us e one of the foll owing co nnection s if y o u a re con necting a ca ble or an ant enna an d you: ❑ Do not need a cable box to unscrambl e channels . (If you have a cable bo x, see pa g es 2 1-22.
20 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Cable and Antenna Only F or bes t resu lts , use t his co nnection if you: ❑ Have a cable and an antenna. (This i s conven ient if yo u are using a sepa rate rooftop ant enna to r eceive add ition al ch ann els, such as HD TV chan nel s, th at a re not pro vided by your cabl e company .
21 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Cable Box and Cab le O nly F or bes t resu lts , use t his co nnection if : ❑ Y o ur cabl e co mpany sc ramb les som e cha nnels , such as pr emiu m channels (which requir es you t o use a ca ble box), but do es not scramb le all ch annels .
22 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Ca ble Box Onl y F or bes t resu lts , use t his co nnection if : ❑ Y ou r cab le com pany scr ambles all chan nels , whic h requ ir es y ou to us e a cable bo x . ❑ Y ou do not have a VCR. ( If you have a VC R, see pages 24 and 26.
23 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Con necting O ptional Equi pment Use the directions in this section to co nnect the follow ing optiona l equipment: Abo ut Us ing SV I D E O If the optional equi.
24 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP VC R an d Ca ble F or bes t resu lts , use t his co nnection if : ❑ Y our cable company does not requir e you to use a cable box. T o connect the VCR and cabl e 1 Connect the CA TV cable to the VCR ’ s VHF /UH F i np ut j ack .
25 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Connect ion T o Do T hi s ... Do Thi s ... W a tc h th e VC R P r ess TV/VIDEO repeatedly to select the VCR i np ut (VIDEO 1 in the i llustration). W atch cable channels Pr ess TV/VI DEO repea tedly to select the cable input (C ABLE in the i llustration).
26 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP VC R an d Ca ble Box F or bes t resu lts , use t his co nnection if : ❑ Y o ur cabl e co mpany sc ramb les som e cha nnels , such as pr emiu m channels (which requir es you t o use a ca ble box), but do es not scramb le all ch annels .
27 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Connect ion T o Do T hi s ... Do Thi s ... W atch cabl e (uns crambled) cha n ne ls Pr ess TV/VID EO r epeate dly t o select th e cable inp ut (CABLE in the i llustration).
28 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP T wo VCRs for T ape Editing Con nectin g two VCR s lets y ou re cor d fro m one VC R to th e other . By connecti ng them as s how n below , yo u can v iew (mon itor) wh at is b e i n g re c o rd e d .
29 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Connect ion T o Do T hi s ... Do Thi s ... V iew ( monitor) what is being reco rd e d Pr ess TV/VID EO r epeatedly to select the VCR i nput (VIDEO 1 in the illu str ati on a b ove) .
30 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Satell ite Receiver T o co nnect a satellite rece iver 1 Conn ect t he s atellite ante nna cable to t he s atel lite receiver ’ s satellit e inpu t jack. 2 Use an A/V cable to c onnect the sat ellite r eceiv er ’ s A/ V ou tp ut jacks to the TV ’ s A/V inpu t jack s.
31 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Connect ion T o Do T hi s ... Do This .. . W a tc h th e sa tel lit e r ec ei ve r P re ss TV/V ID EO r epeatedly to se lect the sa tellite r eceiver i nput (VIDEO 1 in t he illust ration).
32 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Satell ite Receiver and VCR T o connect a sate llite r eceiver an d VCR 1 Conn ect t he s atellite ante nna cable to t he s atel lite receiver ’ s satellit e inpu t jack. 2 Connect the CA TV cable to the VCR ’ s VHF /UH F i np ut j ack .
34 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP DVD Player with Com p on ent Vi deo Conne ctors Fo r be st resu lts , us e th is co nn e ct ion if y ou r D V D pla y er has comp onen t vide o (Y , P B , P R ) jacks.
35 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Connect ion T o Do T hi s ... Do Thi s ... W atch the DVD p layer Pr ess TV/VIDEO repeatedly to select the DVD input (VIDEO 5 in the i llustration). S et up the TV r emo te co ntr ol to o perate the DVD player If yo u have a non-Sony DVD pla yer , you must pr ogram the r emote contr ol.
36 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP DVD Player with S VIDEO and A udio Conn e cto rs Use thi s connection i f your DVD player does not have c ompon ent vid eo (Y , P B , P R ) jacks. T o conn ect a DVD play er w ith A/V connect ors 1 Use an audio cable to connect the DVD player ’ s audio ou tput jacks to the TV ’ s au d io in pu t ja ck s.
37 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Ca mcor der F or easy con nect ion of a camc ord er , t he TV ha s fr ont A/V inp ut j acks . If you pr efer , ho wever , you can connect the c amcor d er to the TV ’ s re a r A / V i n p u t ja c k s . T o co nnect a camcorder 1 Ope n the fr ont vi deo panel , as shown on pag e 13.
38 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Au di o R ec eiv er For impr oved sound quali ty , you may want to pl ay the TV ’ s audio th rou gh yo ur ste re o sy st e m . T o connect an audio sy stem 1 Use an audio cable to conn ect the TV ’ s audio out p ut j acks to t he audi o receiv er ’ s line inp ut jac ks.
39 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Connec ting a Device with an Opti cal IN Con nector Y ou can us e the TV ’ s DIGIT AL AUDI O OP TI CAL outp ut jack to con nect an audio d evice that is Dolby Dig ital and PCM compati ble, such as a n audio am pli f i e r .
40 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Using the CONTROL S Feature CON TROL S allo ws you to control your sys tem and othe r Sony equipment with one r emote control .
41 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setting Up th e Channel L ist After y ou finis h co nnectin g the T V , y ou need to run t he Auto Pro g ram featur e, which auto matically cr eates a lis t of available analog a nd d igita l channels. The Auto Program sc reens appear wh en you tu rn on you r TV for the fir st tim e after hooki ng it up.
42 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Adj usting the Conver gence Automati cally (Fl ash Foc us) The pr ojecti on tube ima g e appear s on t he scre en in thr ee colors (red, green and blue). If they do not converge, the color is poor an d the picture bl urs .
43 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Adj usting the Conver gence Manuall y The C onvergen ce featur e gives you more contr ol ov er the p icture ’ s conver gence t han the F lash Focus f eature, allo w ing y ou to f ine-tune the conver gence. 1 Pres s MENU to d ispl ay the Menu.
44 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Note s o n Adju s tin g the Conv er ge nc e Manu a lly ❑ All ow th e TV t o w a rm up fo r ab o ut 3 0 m i nut e s be fo re y ou ad ju st the convergenc e. ❑ For best results, s tand about 3 to 5 feet ba ck fr om the picture when adj usting the c onvergence.
45 Us in g the Rem ot e Co nt rol Ove rview This chapte r d escri bes how to set up, pr ogra m, and use t h e TV ’ s re m o t e c o n t r ol . Inserting Ba tteries 1 Rem ove the batt ery co ver fr om the r emo te cont rol .
47 SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con trol SETUP SETUP qh PO WER Buttons SAT/C AB LE : Press to turn on and off the satellite r ec eiver or ca bl e bo x . TV: P ress to tu rn on a nd off th e TV .
48 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con trol Inside Panel T o acc ess t he inside panel , open the outside cover as shown. ✍ Open ing t he outs ide cover automatically switch es the remote control to operate y our VCR or DVD pla yer , depe nding on the pos ition of th e A/V slide switch.
49 SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con trol SETUP SETUP Pr ogramming the Re mote Contr ol The remote c ontrol is prese t to o perate Sony brand video equipment. If you have v ideo e quipment other than So ny bra nd that y ou want to contro l w ith the TV’s remote control, use the following procedure to pro gram the rem ote c ontr ol.
50 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con trol Manu fa ctu rer ’ s Code s VCRs Ma nuf ac tur er Co de Sony 301, 30 2, 303 Admiral (M. W ar d) 327 Aiwa 338, 34 4 Audio Dynamic 314, 33 7 Br okson i.
51 SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con trol SETUP SETUP Using O ther Equi pment with Y our TV Remot e Contr ol All Equi pment Operating a VC R Operating a Satell ite Receiver T o Do T hi s .
52 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con trol Operating a C able Box Operating a DVD Player Operating an M DP (Laser d isc Player ) T o Do T hi s .
53 Using the Featu res Ove rview This c hapter describes how to us e the feat ures of yo ur TV . To p i c Page W atching TV 54 Using the Scrollin g Index 55 Using W ide Mode 56 Using T win V iew 57 Using F avo rite Channels 60 Usin g the Freeze Functio n 61 AX1 PJ.
54 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es SETUP SETUP W atching TV T o Do T hi s ... Do T his ... Acti vate th e remo te con t rol to operat e the TV Press TV FUNC TION T u rn on/off the TV Press TV POWER T une dir ectly to a channel T o tun e to analo g channels , p res s 0-9 an d th en ENTER .
55 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Using the Scrol ling Inde x The Scro l lin g Inde x let s you sel ect p rogr ams fr om a seri es of pr eview win dows tha t scrol l alo ng the ri ght si de of the sc re en.
56 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es SETUP SETUP Using Wide Mode W id e Screen mod e let s yo u w atch 4: 3 no rmal b roadc asts in sev eral W ide Sc reen m odes (16:9 aspect ratio ). ❑ Pres s WIDE MODE repeatedly to toggle through the following W ide Mode settings.
57 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Using T win View T win V iew lets yo u see two pictures fr om two sources — fr om an ant enna, VCR, DVD, etc . — on the scr een at the same time. Y ou hear the so un d f rom onl y one of the sou r ces at a tim e, but you can ch oose whi ch sour ce ’ s sound is se lected.
58 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es SETUP SETUP Activati ng the Pictur e Funct ions Avai lable in t he Active ( Highl ighted) W indow T o activate the picture in the righ t window ❑ Move the joystick b . T o activate t he pictur e in the le ft wind ow ❑ Mov e th e j oys t ic k B .
59 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Cha ngi ng th e Pictur e Size The zoom featu r e let s you v ary the relativ e si ze of t he left and rig h t pictures . When you adjust the picture s i zes, the TV memorizes the change. The next time you use the T win V iew func tion, the memorized sizes appear .
60 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es SETUP SETUP Using F avor ite Chann els Th e Favorite Chann e ls feature lets you selec t pr ogr ams from a list o f up to 16 favorit e channels tha t y ou specif y . Creat ing a List of Favorite Chan nels 1 Pres s MENU to d ispl ay the Menu.
61 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Using the Fre eze Function Th e FRE EZE button allows you to tempo rar ily c apture a pr ogram ’ s picture. Y ou can use this featur e to write down information such as phone numbers, recipes , et c. 1 When the pr ogr am information you want to capture is displayed, pr ess FR EEZ E .
AX1 PJ. book P age 62 Wedn esd a y, April 30 , 200 3 2:13 PM.
63 Using the Di gital Pr ogram Gui de Displ aying the Digit al Progr am Guide This T V is equi pped to show d ig it al pr ogramming , if a digital s i gnal is pres ent.
64 SETUP Pr ogr am Guid e SETUP Pr ogram G uide SETUP SETUP Navigating the Dig ital Pr og ram Menus Four digi tal menus are av ailable on the d igital pr ogram guide. T o navigate to the se me nu s and throu gh the avail able optio ns: 1 Move the joystick V v B b to n avig ate thr ough the op tio ns.
65 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Pr ogr am Guid e Pr ogram G uide Usi ng t he C apti on Vi si on Men u The Caption V ision menu al low s yo u to turn on /off digit al cl osed captio ning, and to modify how digita l c losed c apt ioning is show n on your TV .
66 SETUP Pr ogr am Guid e SETUP Pr ogram G uide SETUP SETUP Cus to miz ing Cap tio n V isio n Y ou can us e the Digital Capt ion Setup menu to customize your TV ’ s Cap tion V isi on. Se le ct from th e f ol low i ng op tio ns to ch an ge the vis ua l ch ar ac te r is tic s of your TV ’ s digital closed captioning.
67 Using the Memo ry Stick Viewer About Me mory Sti ck Memo ry Stick (so ld separate ly) is a new , comp act, portable , and ve rsati le I ntegrat ed Cir cuit r ec ord ing med ium wi th a data ca pacit y that exceeds that of a fl oppy disk.
68 SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Memory Stic k SETUP Memory Stick Memory Stick Com p atib ilit y Th is televi sion is c ompa tible wi th the f ollo wing Mem ory Stic k media ty p es: ❑ Memory Stick M.
69 Mem ory Sti ck Memory Stick SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Ins erting and Re moving a Memory Stick If you are using a M emory S tick Duo , see “ In se rting the Memo ry Sti ck D uo ” on page 70. Inser tin g a Memory Stick 1 Locat e the Mem ory Stick slot and insert th e Memory Stick into the Me mo ry S tick slo t as illust rated below .
70 SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Memory Stic k SETUP Memory Stick Inser tin g t he Memory Stick Duo Memo ry S tick Du o is a new , c ompact vers ion of the standa rd-sized Mem o ry Stic k reco rdin g m edi u m. CAUTI ON: I nsertin g the Me m ory Stick Du o incor rectly may re s ult in perman ent damage to the Memory St ick Du o and the TV .
71 Mem ory Sti ck Memory Stick SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Removing a Memory Stick T o remove a M emory St ick 1 Check that the M emo ry St ick indicat or is o ff. (Wh en the light is on , thi s ind i cate s th a t t he T V i s rea din g d ata f rom th e Me m o ry Sti ck.
72 SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Memory Stic k SETUP Memory Stick Using the Memory Stick Index T urn on the TV and ins ert a Memory Stick th at contai ns the ph oto or movie files y ou wan t to v iew . For d etails, see page 6 9. Th e Memory St ick Index appear s, which di splays thumbnail images of the fi les st ored on the M e mory St ick.
73 Mem ory Sti ck Memory Stick SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Using t he Memo ry Stick I ndex Th e fo llowin g d escribes h ow t o us e t he M em ory S tick Ind ex. T o Do T hi s ... Do Th is ... Move the highlig ht to a pho to or mo vie () t h u m b n a i l Move the jo ystic k V v B b .
74 SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Memory Stic k SETUP Memory Stick Vi ew i n g P h ot os When you s elect a phot o from the Memory Sti ck Index (described o n page 72), it displa ys as shown belo w , with the follow ing controls.
75 Mem ory Sti ck Memory Stick SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Ph oto M en u Bar Op tio ns Th e Ph o to m en u ba r l et s yo u ac c ess ad di ti o na l p h ot o v ie wi n g opt ions. T o access the Photo me nu bar 1 Move the joystick B or b to sel ect Sl ide Show , View , o r File .
76 SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Memory Stic k SETUP Memory Stick Using Zoom and Pan T o Z oom and P an a ph oto 1 In t he Ph oto m en u ba r , m ove t he jo ys ti ck to h i ghl ig ht Vi e w . 2 Mov e the jo ystic k to hig hligh t Zo om/P a n and pr ess .
77 Mem ory Sti ck Memory Stick SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Playi ng Movies When you select a m ov ie from the Memory Stick Index (d escribed on page 72), it displa ys as shown belo w , with the follow ing controls.
78 SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Memory Stic k SETUP Memory Stick Movie Menu Bar Op tio ns T o access the Movie menu b ar 1 Move the joystick t o highlight Index in the Movie menu bar . 2 Move the joystick B or b to sel ect Index , Sl id e Sho w , or Fi l e .
79 Mem ory Sti ck Memory Stick SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Memory S tick Index Menu Ba r Options Slide Show Menu Opt ions Th e Slide Sho w menu in clude s the follo wing opt ions: Option De scription Sta r t Start s the Slide Sh o w . Music Allo w s y ou to se lec t b a ckg roun d a udi o to pla y d u ring t he Slide Sh ow .
80 SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Memory Stic k SETUP Memory Stick Fold er Me nu Opt ions Th e Folder m enu inclu des t he fo llow ing opt ions : Memory Stick Menu The Memory St ick menu di splay s the cu rr ent sta tus of th e Memory Stick, including total capacity , used capacity , and free capacity .
81 Mem ory Sti ck Memory Stick SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Notes on Using Memory Stick Media Abou t D CF Fi le Nam e s Most S ony brand di gital sti ll and vide o cameras automa ticall y r ec ord still p hot o and m ovie file s using DC F com pliant directory and file nam es .
82 SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Memory Stic k SETUP Memory Stick Memory Stick Pr ecautions When using Mem ory Stick med ia, fol low t hese prec autions: ❑ T o av o i d pe rm a ne nt d am a ge to sti.
83 Using i. LINK About i. LINK This TV is equipped w ith i. LINK, which provides a secure digital int e rfa ce to o th er dig i ta l hom e e nte rta in m ent d e vi ces , s uc h a s d igi t al VCRs, digit al camcor ders, set- top b oxes , an d othe r d evice s th at al so ar e equipped w ith i.
84 SETUP SETUP SETUP i.LINK i.LINK SETUP Conn e ctin g i .LIN K Devices T o connect a digital i.LINK device (using only a digital signal) 1 Using an i.LINK cable (see page 83), connect the device ’ s i.LI NK jack to either of the TV ’ s i.LI NK jack s.
85 SETUP i.LINK SETUP SETUP SETUP i.LINK Notes on Using This Connect ion Notes on Connecti ng i.LINK D evices T o con nect two or mo re i. LINK devi ces, use i .LI NK c ables to co nnect th e m as sh ow n b el ow . Y ou ca n co nn e ct u p to 63 i .LIN K de vi ces .
86 SETUP SETUP SETUP i.LINK i.LINK SETUP Sele cting an i .LI NK Devi ce Bef ore an i .LI N K devi ce c an b e vie w ed , it m us t f irs t b e s ele c ted v ia th e i .L IN K De v ic e Lis t . 1 Con nect the i.LI NK devi ce that you wi sh to ope rate.
87 SETUP i.LINK SETUP SETUP SETUP i.LINK Using the i .LI NK Contr ol Pa nel Af ter yo u se lec t an i. LI NK d evi c e us ing t he Dev ice Lis t, t he T V displa ys the i.LINK Co ntrol Panel, w hich allow s you to use the TV's re m o t e t o c o n t ro l th e s e l e c t ed i.
88 SETUP SETUP SETUP i.LINK i.LINK SETUP T o Do T hi s ... Do Th is .. . Go to the Dev ice L ist Move the j oy stick t o h igh light Ba ck to D evice List and pre ss . Chang e the audi o being play ed from the TV to the curren t s electe d device, and vic e versa Move the joys tick to highl ight Swa p A udi o and pr ess .
89 SETUP i.LINK SETUP SETUP SETUP i.LINK i.L INK Setup Y ou can use t he i. LINK Co ntrol Pa nel to acc ess digit al s etu p options , some of which ar e also av ai l able thr ough the Digital Program Guide (described o n page 63). T o Do T hi s ... Do Thi s .
AX1 PJ. book P age 90 Wedn esd a y, April 30 , 200 3 2:13 PM.
91 Using th e Menus Ove rview The Menu gives you access t o the following features: Naviga ting Thr ough Menus Menu Ic on Description Page Al l ow s yo u t o m a ke a dj u s tm en t s t o y ou r p ic tu re settings .
92 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus Using the V ideo Menu T o select the V ideo Menu 1 Pres s MENU . 2 Move the joystick B or b to highlight the V id eo icon and pr ess . 3 Mov e the jo ystic k to hig hligh t an opt ion. Pr ess to s e le c t a n opt ion.
93 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP Advan c ed Vid e o Selec t Program to choo se amon g th e DR C M ode an d DR C P ale tte options while viewin g NTSC sources. DRC Mo de Crea tes a high-r esolution pictur e w ith 4x densi ty , for high qualit y sour ces (i.
94 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus Using the A udio Me nu T o s elect the Audio Men u 1 Pres s MENU . 2 Move the joystick B or b to high light the A udio icon and pr ess . 3 Move the joystick to highl ight an opti on. Pr ess to s el ec t an optio n .
95 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP Spe aker On Sel ec t t o t urn o n t he TV sp e ake rs . Off S elect to turn off the TV speakers and listen to the TV 's sou n d on ly t hroug h y o ur e x te rna l audio s ystem speakers.
96 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus Using the Screen Menu T o se lect th e Scr een M enu 1 Pres s MENU . 2 Move the joystick B or b to move to the Screen icon and pr ess . 3 Move the joystick V or v to mo ve to an opt ion. Pr es s to se lect an op tion.
97 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP 4:3 Default Sele ct the defaul t Sc reen M od e to use fo r 4:3 sour c es Wide Zoom Select to enlarge the 4:3 size picture, w hile the upper and lower part s of the pic ture ar e condensed to fit t he wide screen.
98 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus Using the Channel Menu T o select the Ch anne l Menu 1 Pres s MENU . 2 Move the joystick B or b to highlight the Cha nnel icon and pr ess . 3 Mo ve th e jo ys t ick to hig hl igh t an opti on. Pr ess to s el ec t an op t ion .
99 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP Channel Label Allows y ou t o assign labels (s uch as station call letters) to channe l numbers. Y ou can label up to 40 cha nnels. 1 Move th e joy stic k to highli ght Channel and press . 2 Move the joystic k V v to scrol l thro ugh th e c ha nnel numbers .
100 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus Using the Pa re n t Menu The Parent Menu allows you to se t up the TV to bloc k pro gram s acco rding to th eir content an d rating levels . T o selec t the P aren t Men u 1 Pres s MENU . 2 Move the joystick B or b to highlight the Parent icon and pr ess .
101 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP US Models: Selecti ng Custom Rat ing O ption s For US mode ls, the Cust om Rating Menu includes the following opt ions. (For Can adi an models , see pa ge 102.) Viewing Blocked Pr ograms Y ou can vi ew blocked programs by en tering the password.
102 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus Can adi a n Mo del s: Selecti ng Custom Rat ing O ption s For Canadi an models , the Custom Ra ting Menu inc ludes the fo llowi ng opti ons. (For US model s, see page 101 .) Viewing Blocked Pr ograms Y ou can vi ew blocked programs by en tering the password.
103 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP Using the Se tup Menu T o se lect th e Set up Men u 1 Pres s MENU . 2 Move the joystick B or b to highlight the Setu p ico n and pr ess . 3 Mo ve t h e j oy s tic k to hi ghl igh t an opti on. Pr ess to s ele ct an op t ion .
104 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus V ideo Label Al low s y ou to id en tify A/ V equ ipme nt you c onn ected to the TV , such as a VCR, DVD, etc. For example, if you have a DVD player connected to the VIDEO 5 jack, you can select t he lab el DVD f or the VIDEO 5 input.
105 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP Clock/T i mers (continued) Current T i me 1 Pres s to s el ect C urrent Ti me . 2 Move the joyst ick V and v to set th e cur rent time (day , hou r , and min ute). Pr ess (or move t he joysti ck b ) to c onfi rm e ach se tting and mo ve to the next settin g.
AX1 PJ. book P age 106 We d nesday , Ap ril 30, 2003 2:1 3 PM.
107 Other Informati on Ove rview Th is chapter inc ludes the fo llow ing topic s: To p i c Page Glo ssa ry 1 08 Contact ing Sony 109 T roub lesh oot ing 10 9 Specific ations 1 15 Optional Accessor ies 1 16 Ind e x 1 1 7 AX1 PJ.
108 Ot her Info Other Info Welc ome Ot her Info SETUP SETUP Glos sary a nal og s igna l A sig naling met hod th at use s con tinuo us ch an ges i n th e ampl itud e or f req uency of a n electro nic trans mission to convey info rmation. aspect ratio Refers to the r atio between the width and height o f t he screen.
109 We lcome SETUP Oth er Inf o SETUP SETUP Ot her Info Con tacting Son y If, a fter r eading these operating inst ructions, you have additional question s rel ated to the use o f your Sony television.
110 Ot her Info Other Info Welc ome Ot her Info SETUP SETUP Remo te Con trol Cha nn els Pr oblem Pos s ib le Re me die s Remote contr ol does not opera te ❏ The batteries could be weak. Replace the batt eries. ❏ Check the orientation of the batteries.
111 We lcome SETUP Oth er Inf o SETUP SETUP Ot her Info Memory Stick Pr oblem Pos s ib le Re me die s Image does not display /C annot see all files ❏ M ake su re t he im age file is a J PE G ( .j pg, .j p eg) file or a n M PE G 1 (. m pg, mpeg) file.
112 Ot her Info Other Info Welc ome Ot her Info SETUP SETUP Audi o Erro r message is displaye d ❏ No M emory Stic k There is no M emory Stic k in the slot. ❏ Mem or y S ti ck Locked The lock mechan ism on the Memory Stick is engaged . ❏ Memory Stick Erro r The Memory Stick in the slot might be damag ed; try a dif feren t Memory St ick.
113 We lcome SETUP Oth er Inf o SETUP SETUP Ot her Info Video Pr oblem Pos s ib le Re me die s No pictur e (scr een not li t), no sou nd ❏ If your TV does not turn on, and a r ed light keep s flashing, your TV may need servic e. Call y our local S ony Service Center .
114 Ot her Info Other Info Welc ome Ot her Info SETUP SETUP Gener al Pr oblem Pos s ib le Re me die s How to reset TV to fac tory s ettin gs ❏ T urn on the TV . While holdi ng down the RESE T b utton on th e r emote contr ol, press the POWER but t on on the TV .
115 We lcome SETUP Oth er Inf o SETUP SETUP Ot her Info Sp ecif icat ions Des ign and sp ecif ica tions are s u bjec t to chan ge with out no tice. Pr o jection System 3 picture tub es , 3 lenses, horizontal in-line system Picture T ube 7-inch h igh-bri ghtness m onoch rome tubes (6.
116 Ot her Info Other Info Welc ome Ot her Info SETUP SETUP Optio nal Acc ess ori es ❑ A/V C able (VMC-810/820/ 830 H G) ❑ Audio Cable (RKC-515H G) ❑ Component V ideo Cable (VMC-10/30 HG) ❑ Con tro l S Ca ble (RK -G6 9HG) ❑ i. LINK c able s: VMC-IL4415 (4-pin to 4-pin , 1.
117 0- 9 buttons 47 , 54 , 58 16:9 aspec t rati o 56 4:3 aspec t rati o 56 4:3 De fault set tings 97 A Add D igit al C hannels 65 Adva nced V ide o 93 Alterna te A udio 64 Alternat e Vid eo 64 ANT but.
118 Ot her Info Index S ETUP SETU P SETUP SETUP 17 hue, adjustin g 92 I i.LINK 10 , 13 , 83 – 89 i.LINK b utto n 46 I.LINK ja ck, described 17 i.LINK S tan dby 15 , 105 i.
119 SETUP SETUP Othe r Inf o SETUP Index SETUP TV/ VI DEO butt on 15 , 46 , 54 Twin V iew butto n 47 describ ed 10 usi ng 57 – 59 V Var iable audi o set ting 95 VCR using with TV r emote co nt ro l .
AX1 PJ. book P age 120 We d nesday , Ap ril 30, 2003 2:1 3 PM.
LI MI T ED W AR RA NT Y Thi s warra nty is app lica ble t o U.S. res iden ts on ly . If you are a Ca nadi an re side nt, see t he sep arat ely en clos ed wa rrant y for yo ur pro du c t.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony KDP-65W5550 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony KDP-65W5550 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony KDP-65W5550 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony KDP-65W5550 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony KDP-65W5550, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony KDP-65W5550.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony KDP-65W5550. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony KDP-65W5550 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.