Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto KDL-40W4500 del fabbricante Sony
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LCD Digital Colour TV Printed in Spain 4-106-868- 51 (1) For useful inf orm ation about Sony products Szczegółowe informacje o p roduktach Sony Для получения полезной инфор.
2 GB Introduction Thank you f or choosing this Sony product. Before operating the TV, please read this manual thoroughly and retai n it f or fu ture r efere nce.
3 GB Table o f Content s Start-up Guide 4 Safety Informa tion ............... ...................... ................. ...................... ............ ................ ..... ............ ... 9 Precautions .............. ....................... ...
4 GB Start- up Guid e Before Use To che ck the a ccessor ies Mains lea d (1) Remote RM-ED011 (1) Size AA batteries (R6 type) (2) Stand (1) and screws for stand (4) (KDL-46W45 00/KDL-40W4500 o nly) To insert batte ries into the remote ~ • Observe the co rrect polarit y when insert ing batteries.
5 GB Start-up Guide 2: Connecting an aerial/Set Top Box/recorder (e.g. DVD recorder) Connectin g a Set T op Box/reco rder (e.g. DVD recorder) with SCART Connectin g a Set T op Box/reco rder (e.g. DVD recorder) with HDMI 3: Preventing the TV from toppling over 1 Install a wood screw (4 mm in diameter, not supplied) in the TV stand.
6 GB 5: Perf ormi ng the in itial s et- up 1 Connect the TV to your mains socket (220 -24 0V AC, 50 Hz) . 2 Press 1 on t he TV. When you s witch on the TV for the firs t time, the langua ge menu appears on the screen. 3 Press F / f / G / g to select the language displayed on the men u screens, then press .
7 GB Start-up Guide If a messag e appears for you to c onfirm the aerial c onnection No digital or analogu e channels were found. Check all the aerial/cable connection and then press to start auto- tuning again. 8 When the “Progr amme Sorting” menu appears on the screen, follow the step s of “Programme Sorting” ( page 42).
8 GB 3 GUIDE Plus+ Data Download. The initial d ownload may tak e some tim e, so do no t press any butt ons on th e TV or remote while proceeding . Once you hav e received the first download of TV listings data, all f u ture down loads wi ll be done automatically.
9 GB Safety Information Installation/Set-up Install and use the TV set in accordance with the instructions bel ow in order to avoid any risk of fire , electrical shock or damage and/or injuries . Installation s The TV set should be installed near an easil y access ible mains socket.
10 GB Mains lead Handle the mains lead and socket as follows in order to avoid any risk of fire, electrical shock or damage and/or injuries: – Use only mains leads supplied by Sony, not other suppliers. – Insert the plug fully into the mains socket.
11 GB Precautions Viewing the TV s View the TV in moderate light, as viewing the TV in poor light or during long period of time, strains your eyes. s When using headphones, adjust the volume so as to avoid excessive levels , as hearing damage may res ult.
12 GB Remote and TV Co ntrols/Indicator s Button Description 1 " / 1 (TV standby) Turns the TV o n and off from stan dby mode. 2 (Subtitles) Press to displ ay the subtitl e s on curren t programme if TV channels bro adcast such informatio n (in digital mode only) (page 44) .
13 GB qa PROG +/–/ / In TV m ode: S elects the n ext (+) or previ ous (–) channel. In Text mode (pag e 16) : Selects the ne xt ( ) or pre vious ( ) page. qs (Previous channel) Return s to th e pre vious channe l watc hed (fo r more than five seco nds).
14 GB ~ • Make sure th at the TV i s completely tu rned off before unplugg ing the m ains lead. Un pluggin g the mains lead while the TV is turned on may c ause the indicato r to remain lit or ma y cause the TV to malfuncti on. • Do n ot p ut anyt hing over the indica tors as the ir functi ons m ay be aff ected .
Watc hin g TV 15 GB Watching TV Watching TV 1 Pre ss 1 o n the TV to switch on the TV. When the TV is in standby mod e (the 1 (standb y) indicator o n the TV (front) i s red), pres s " / 1 o n the remote to switch on the TV. 2 Pre ss DIGITAL to switch to digital m ode or ANALOG to switch to analogu e mode.
16 GB To acces s Tex t Press / . Each time you pr ess / , the display changes cyclically as fo llows: Text t Text over the TV p icture (mix mode) t No Text (exit the Text service) To select a page, p ress the number buttons or PROG +/– . To hold a page, press / .
17 GB Watc hin g TV Using GUIDE Plus +™ System * and the Digital Electro nic Programm e Guide (EPG) ** * condition you c an setup this fea ture: – in UK, Italy, Fra nce, Germany or Spain. – you c an rece ive dig ital broadcast in g. – when “Antenna ” is selected in step 7 of “ 5 : Perform ing the in itial set- up.
18 GB Set a prog ramm e to be disp laye d automa tically on t he screen when it starts – Rem inde r Press F / f / G / g to selec t a futu re pro gram me you wan t to watc h, th en press th e green bu tton. ~ • To canc el a re minder, use “Schedu le” on the menu bar.
19 GB Watc hin g TV Configure the GUIDE Plus+ system accord ing to y our per sonal situat ion – Set-up 1 Highlig ht “ Set-u p” on m enu b ar. 2 Press F / f for you to se lect below it ems you want to con figure . “Persona l Preferences” : You can cha nge the on s creen languag e, chang e re mind er tim ing an d set over night dow nload.
20 GB 1 In digital mode, press GUIDE . 2 Perfor m the desired op eration as shown in the foll owing tab le or disp layed on the screen. ** This function ma y not be av ailable i n some co untries/ regions.
21 GB Watc hin g TV Using the Digital Favourite List * 1 In digital mode, press . 2 Perfor m the desired op eration as shown in the foll owing tab le or disp layed on the screen.
22 GB Using Optional Equipmen t Connecting Chart You can connect a w ide range of optional eq ui pment to your TV. Connecting cables are not supplied .
23 GB Using Option al Equipment Connect to Input sy mbol on screen Description 1 /A V 1 A V 1 When you c onnect a decoder, the T V tuner o utputs sc rambled signa ls to the decode r, and the deco der unscram bles the sign als be fore ou tputting them .
24 GB 0 CAM (Conditional Access M odule) To use Pa y Per Vie w serv ices. For details, refer to the instru ction manual sup p lied with your CAM. To use t he CAM, remove the “d ummy” ca rd from the CAM slo t, then turn o ff the TV an d insert yo ur CAM car d into the slo t.
25 GB Using Option al Equipment Viewing Pictur es from Connected Equipm ent Switch on the connected e quipment, then perform on e of the following operat ion. For equip ment connec ted to the scart sockets usi ng a fully-wired 21-p in scart lea d Start playback on the connected equipmen t .
26 GB To view two pictures simultaneously – PIP ( Picture in Pict ure) You can v iew two pictures (PC inpu t and TV progra mme) on the scr een simultaneously. Connect a PC (page 2 2), and make sure th at image from a PC ap pears on the screen . 1 Press OPTIONS to displ ay the Opt ions menu.
27 GB Using Option al Equipment (Music) Ava ilable Options ~ • Picture qu ality may appear c oarse when using (Pho to) bec ause im ages may be enl arged dependi ng on the file. Also, images m ay not fill the enti re screen de pending on the image size and aspe ct ratio.
28 GB ~ • If the photograph is selected from a USB device, it must remain c onnected to the TV. • If “Sleep Timer” is activated, t he TV automati cally will switc h int o standby m ode. To display a photograph with the loca ti on on the map When using an image cap ture device with GPS function (digital st ill camera, etc.
29 GB Using Option al Equipment Using BRAVIA Sync with Control for HDMI The control for HDMI function enables the TV to communicate with the connected equipmen t that is compatible with the fun ction, using HDMI CEC (Con sumer Electronics Con trol).
30 GB Using Network Feature s With this TV, you can enjoy contents stored on DLNA-compatible devices on the home network. Devices that store and p rovide contents, such as photo/music files, is called “server.” The TV receives the photo/mus ic files from the server via the n etwork, and you can enjoy them on the TV even in other r ooms.
31 GB Using Networ k Featu res manu al for th e netwo rk de vice being us ed. Eve n files conforming to one of the file formats given above can not be pl ayed in so me cases.
32 GB Checking the Network Connection If your ho me network has a DHCP server, this step can be s kipped. Enter the respective (alphanume ric) values for your router . The items that n eed to be set may differ, d epending o n the Int ernet se rvice provider or the ro uter.
33 GB Using Networ k Featu res Adjusting the Server Display Settings You can se lect home net work se rvers to be displayed on the Ho me menu. Up t o 10 serv ers can be displ ayed on t he Home menu automatically. 1 Set the server to a llow connections from the TV.
34 GB Using MENU Functio ns Navigating throu gh TV Hom e Menu (XMB™ ) The XMB™ (Xros sMediaBar) is a menu of B R AVIA features and inpu t sources di splaye d on the TV screen. The XMB™ is an easy way to select prog ramming and adjust setting s on your BRAVIA TV.
35 GB Using MENU Fu nctions Settings Picture Picture Mode Selec ts the pict ure mode exce pt for PC inp ut source. “Picture Mo de” includ es options best su ited for vid eo and ph otograph s, respe ctive ly. The op tions tha t can be selecte d dif fer de pending on the in put so urce .
36 GB “Noise Red uction”, “ MPEG Noise Re ductio n” and “A dvanced Settings” a re not availabl e for PC. ~ “Treble”, “Bass”, “Bala nce” and “Aut o Volume” are not avai lable when “S peake r” is set to “A udio Syste m” and he adpho nes a re di sconnect ed.
37 GB Using MENU Fu nctions Features USB Auto Start Automat ically starts photo playback wh e n the TV i s turned on and a digita l still camera or other device st orin g photo files i s conne cted to the USB po rt and the n turned on .
38 GB Video/Photo Pro vides suit able image quali ty by selecti ng the op tion dependin g on th e inpu t sourc e (video or phot ograph data). Video-A Sets su itable image qu ality, d ependin g on the inpu t source, video data or photogr aph data when dir ectly con nect ing Sony HDMI outp ut-capab le equip ment t hat supp orts “Video-A” mode.
39 GB Using MENU Fu nctions Set-up Auto Start-up Starts the initial set-up to select the langua ge, coun try and lo cation, and t une in al l availabl e digital a nd analogue cha nnels.
40 GB AV Set-up AV Preset Assig ns a name to an y equipm ent conne cted to the side and rear sockets. T h e name will be displaye d briefl y on the screen when the equi pment is sel ected. You can skip an inpu t source that is no t conn ected to any equipmen t.
41 GB Using MENU Fu nctions Speaker Turns on/off the TV’s internal speakers. TV Speaker The TV speak ers are turned on in order to listen to th e TV’s sound through the TV speakers.
42 GB All Reset Re sets all settin gs to the fa ctory settings and then displays the “Au to Start-u p” screen. z • Be sure not to turn the TV off dur ing this p eriod (it takes about 30 secon ds) or press any bu ttons . • All settings, includi ng digit al favo urite list, country, l a nguage , auto tu ned channels , etc.
43 GB Using MENU Fu nctions AFT Allows you to fine-tune the select ed programm e number manually i f you fe el that a slight tun ing adjustment will improv e the pictur e quality . You can adj ust the fine tu nin g over a ra nge of –1 5 to +15. When “On” is selected, t he fine tuni ng is performe d automa tically.
44 GB Programme Sorting Remov e s any unwanted dig ital ch annel s store d on the TV, and chang es the order of t he digit al channe ls stored o n the TV. 1 Press F / f to select th e channel y ou want to remove or move to a new positi on. You can al so select a chan nel by pressi ng the numb er buttons to ente r its three-digit channel number.
45 GB Using MENU Fu nctions Parental Lock Sets an age restri ction for programme s. Any progra mme that excee ds the age restriction c an on ly be watc hed afte r a PIN cod e is entered correctly . 1 Press the nu mber button s to enter your existing P IN code.
46 GB CA Module Set-u p Allow s you to a ccess a p ay TV serv ice once you obtain a Conditional Access Module (CAM) and a v iew card. See pag e 22 for the locatio n of the (PCMCIA) socket.
47 GB Additional Info rmation Additional Informat ion Installing the Accessories ( Wall-Mount Bracket , TV St and) To Custom ers: For product pro tection and saf ety reasons, Sony strongly recom mends that installing of your TV be performe d by Sony dealers o r licensed co ntractors.
48 GB Unit: mm Figures i n the ab ove ta ble may differ slightly d epending on the installatio n. The wall th at the TV will be installed on shou ld be capable of sup p orting a weight of a t least fo ur times that of the TV. Refer to “Spe cifications” (page 49) for its weight.
49 GB Additional Info rmation Specifications Model name KDL-52W4500 KDL-46W4500 KD L-40W4500 System Panel system LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Panel TV system Analogue: Depending on your country selection: B/G/H, D/K, L, I Digital: DVB-T/DVB-C Colour /vide o system Analogue: PAL , SECAM NTSC 3.
50 GB * Specified standby power is rea ched aft er the TV finish es necessary internal proc esses. PC Input Signal Reference Chart for PC • This TV’s PC inp ut does no t supp ort Sy nc on Green or Comp osite S ync. • This TV’s PC input does not support interl aced sign als.
51 GB Additional Info rmation Troubleshooting Check whether the 1 (s tandby) i ndicator is flashin g in red. When it is fl ashing The self-diagn osis function is activ ated. 1 Cou nt ho w ma ny 1 (standby) indi cator flashes b etween each two second break.
52 GB There is a si gnifican t diffe renc e in the outp ut volume l e vel bet ween DIGITAL MEDIA PORT input a nd TV or othe r equip ment input • Adjust “Vo lume Offset” setting in the “S ound” men u (page 36). Connection Diagnostic Results “Conne ction succe ssful .
53 GB Additional Info rmation The TV cann ot be found f rom rend erer -compa tible equip ment ( the c ontro ller ) Check Connections • C heck tha t the LAN cabl e and/or main s lead of the server has not becom e disconn ected. Check Settings • C heck if the “Ren derer Funct ion” is activated (page 46).
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony KDL-40W4500 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony KDL-40W4500 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony KDL-40W4500 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony KDL-40W4500 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony KDL-40W4500, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony KDL-40W4500.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony KDL-40W4500. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony KDL-40W4500 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.