Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto KDL-26S2000 del fabbricante Sony
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© 2006 Sony Corporation 2-670-907- 12 (1) LCD Digital Color TV Operati ng Instr uctio ns KDL-26S2000 KDL-40S2000 KDL-32S2000.
2 Owner’s Recor d The model and serial numbers ar e located at the rear of the T V. Record these numbers in the spaces pr ovided below. Refer to them whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this product.
3 WARNING To reduce the risk of fire or electr ic shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. This symbol is intended to alert the us er to the pr esence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of suff icient magnitude to constitute a risk of electr ic shock to persons.
4 Tradem ark Infor mation TruSurround XT, SRS and ( ) symbol are trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc. TruSurround XT technology is incorporated under license f rom SRS Labs, Inc. Manufactured under li cense from BBE S ound, Inc. Licensed by BBE Sound, Inc. under one or more of the following US patents: 5510752, 5736897.
5 Use For the u nit with a th ree-wire ground ing type AC power cord plug (Class 1 unit) This unit must be connected t o an AC power socket outlet with a protective earthing con nection. Wall outlet Do not use a poor fitting outlet. Insert the plug fully into t he outlet.
6 Broken p ieces Do not throw anything at the unit. The screen glass may break by the impact and cause serious injury. Cabl e wi ring Take care not to catch your feet on the cables. I t may damage the unit. Volu me a djus tme nt s Adjust the volume so as not to trouble your neighbors.
7 Outdoor use Do not install this unit outdoors. If the unit is exposed to rain, it may result in a fire or an electric shock. If the unit is exposed to direct sunlight , the unit may heat up and cause damage to the unit. Vehicle an d ceilin g Do not ins tall this unit i n a vehicle o r hang from the ceiling.
8 Lightning For added protection for this TV during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and disconne ct the antenna. This will prevent dama ge to the receiver due to lightning and power-line surges.
9 Contents Getting Started Connecting the TV ........ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ....... 10 Cable Syste m or VHF/UHF Antenna Sy stem .............. ........... ........... ........
10 Getting Star ted Connecting the TV T o display clear crisp pictures, you must con nect your TV corr ectly and select the correct Wide Mode to display the picture in the co rrect aspect ratio (see “C hanging the W ide Screen Mode” on pa ge 20).
Getting Started 11 Getting Started Cable Syst em and VHF/UHF Antenna System If you wan t to watch both antenna (o ver-the-air) and cable broadcast signals, you’ ll need t o use an optional A-B RF switch ( not supplied), as sh o wn below . Use the A-B selector to switch between th e ov er -the-air signals and the cable signals.
Getting Started 12 Satellit e Receiver and Cable/Antenna VCR, Cable and Antenna VHF/UHF VIDEO AUD I O (MONO) L R VIDEO IN S VIDEO 1 Y P B P R L R HD/DVD IN (1080i/720p/480p/480i) 5 4 AUDIO 3 AUDIO OUT.
Getting Started 13 Getting Started When Connecti ng to Optional Equ ipment 1 2 3 VIDEO 2 IN S VIDEO VIDEO L (MONO) R AUD IO RGB 7 6 AUD I O PC IN IN R-AUDIO-L VIDEO AUDIO (MONO) L R VIDEO IN S VIDEO 1.
Getting Started 14 5 HDMI IN 6 HDMI/ R-A UDIO-L HDMI (High-Def inition Multim edia Interfa ce) provi des an uncompressed, all-dig ital audio /vi deo int e rf ace betwe en t his TV and a ny HDMI -equipped audio /video equ ipme nt, su ch as a set-top bo x, D VD player, and A/V receiver .
Getting Started 15 Getting Started Installi ng the TV Prevent ing the TV fr om T oppling Over Attachin g the Support Belt 1 Scre w the support belt (supplied) to the TV stand with a wood scre w (suppl ied) . 2 Attach the supp ort belt to the stand, and screw the belt with a securing scre w (supplied) us ing a coi n, etc.
Getting Started 16 Bundling the Connecting Cab les Y ou can bundle the connecting cables as illustrated below . Adjusting the Viewing Angle of the TV This TV can be adjus ted w ithin the angles shown belo w . Do not b undle the A C pow er cord i n the s tand wi th othe r conne cting cab les.
Getting Started 17 Getting Started Setting Up the Channel Li st - Initial Setup After yo u f inis h connecting your T V , you need to ru n Init ial Setup, w hich automatically sets up av ailable channels. The Initial Setup screen appears when you t urn on your TV for the f irst time.
18 Basic Op erati ons Remote Contr o l Button Description 1 TV/VIDEO Pr ess repe atedly to cyc le thro ugh the video inputs. See page 3 0 on s etting up the video input labels , includi ng the skip function.
Basic Operati ons 19 Basic Operati ons Progr am inf orm atio n in the g uide i s pro vided b y the broadcas ters . As a result, it m a y somet imes in clude only the chann el n umber , witho ut a pr ogr am tit le or descript ion.
Basi c O perat ions 20 Chan ging the W ide Screen Mode qd WIDE Press repeatedly to step thro ugh the Wid e Mode settings: Wide Zoom , Normal , Full , Zoom .
Basic Operati ons 21 Basic Operati ons TV Controls 67 8 9 0 PIC OFF/TIMER ST ANDBY PO WER TV/VIDEO V OLUME MENU CHANNEL PO WER 12 3 4 5 Item Description 1 MENU Press to display MENU with TV functions and settings (see “Overview of MENU” on page 22).
22 Intr oducing MENU Function Overvie w of MENU MENU Allows y ou to External Inputs The Exter nal In puts feature lets you select the external inputs connected to y our TV . Y ou can also assign a label using Labe l Video In puts in the Setup settings.
Intr oducing M ENU Function 23 Introducing M ENU Function Analog F a v orites The Analog F a v orites feature lets you selec t programs from a list of up to 16 fa vorite cha nnels that you specify . 1 Highlight A nalog F avorites on the MENU contr ol panel and press .
Intr oducing MENU Function 24 Navigating Thr ou gh Settings The Settings pro vides access to the f eatures: 1 Press . 2 Select . 3 Highlight the item: Picture, Soun d, Screen, Setup, PC Settings, Analog Setup, Digital Setu p. 4 Press to select an option.
Intr oducing M ENU Function 25 Introducing M ENU Function Noise Reduction Selec t to red uce the noise le vel of conn ected e quipmen t, and t he VHF/UHF in put. Select from Au t o , High , Medium , Lo w and Off . A uto is onl y av ailab le whe n you are w atching ana log chan nels.
Intr oducing MENU Function 26 Using the Sound Settings Opti on Description T arget Inp uts Determines whethe r to app ly Soun d men u setting s to a ll inputs, or only to the input yo u are currently w atching. All Inputs Applies settin gs to all inputs.
Intr oducing M ENU Function 27 Introducing M ENU Function Using the Scr een Settings Opti on Description T arget Inp uts Determines whether to a pply S creen m enu settings t o all in puts, or only to th e input y ou are currently w atching. All Inputs Applies settin gs to all inputs.
Intr oducing MENU Function 28 Horizontal Ce nter Allo ws you to mo ve the po sition of the pic ture left and right. Press B / b and pre ss to choos e a correction be tween Min , –4 to +4 and Max . Horizo ntal Cen ter f eature is usefu l if TV is co nnecte d to game equipment.
Intr oducing M ENU Function 29 Introducing M ENU Function Using the Setup Settings Opti on Description Languag e Select to display all on-screen settings in your language of choice: English , Español , F rançais . Captio n Visi on Allows you to select from several closed caption mode s (for programs that are br oadcast with clos ed caption ing).
Intr oducing MENU Function 30 Change Pa s sw o r d Select t o change yo ur password. Y o u need your password for any fu ture access into t he Parental Lock set ting s. If yo u los e yo ur pass word, s ee “Lost pass word. ” on page 40 . Select Country U .
Intr oducing M ENU Function 31 Introducing M ENU Function 2 If you se lect ed Set in step 1, press V / v / B / b to set the d ay(s), ho ur , minute, AM /PM, duratio n, chan nel numb er (VHF/UHF , CA TV or Digital), a nd v olume. When Digital i s selected, th e last digit a l channel y ou vie wed will automatically sho w when t he TV is turne d on.
Intr oducing MENU Function 32 US Models: Sel ecting Custom Rat ing Opti ons T o s elect custom rating o ptions for the U.S. , select U. S. A . in the Se lect Coun tr y setting (see page 30).
Intr oducing M ENU Function 33 Introducing M ENU Function Viewing Bloc ked Programs Y ou can vi e w blo cked p rograms b y enter ing the passwor d. Press EN T when tuned t o a block ed progr am, then enter the password. This tem porarily turns the p arental contro l f eature off.
Intr oducing MENU Function 34 Using the PC S ettings Opti on Description Wide Mo de Normal Select to displa y in th e original image size . Full1 Selec t to enl arge th e pic ture to f ill the display a rea, k e eping it s origin al horizontal-to-vertical ratio.
Intr oducing M ENU Function 35 Introducing M ENU Function Using the Analog Setup Settings Opti on Description F av orite C hannels Lets you set up a list of up to 16 of you r fa vorite chan nels. 1 Press V / v to high light a Favorite C hanne l number ( 1-16 ) which yo u want to ma ke your Fa vorite Channe l, then press to select it.
Intr oducing MENU Function 36 Using the Di gital Setup Settings Opti on Description Digita l Chann els F avo rite Channe ls Lets yo u set up a li st of up to 16 of your favorite chan nels. 1 Press V / v to h ighlight a Fa vorite Channel n umber (1-1 6) whic h you want t o make your Favorite Ch annel.
Intr oducing M ENU Function 37 Introducing M ENU Function Progr amming Caption Vision If you s elected the Progra m option under Caption Vision , you can chan ge the follo wing settings: Opti on Description Digi tal S etup Capti on Vi sion Allows you t o select from sev eral closed-caption modes for d igital channels .
Intr oducing MENU Function 38 Advanced Sett ing s Allows you to make addi tional settings for dig ital (E IA-708) close d captio n option s. Select from As Broadcas t , Smal l Te x t , Large Te x t and Custom .
39 Other Information Other Inf ormation T roub l eshootin g Problem Possible Remedi es No pictur e. No pict ure. ❑ Check Po w e r S av i n g setti ngs ( page 3 1). Cann ot re cei ve an y channe ls. ❑ Mak e su re t he po wer cord is connected secure ly .
Other Information 40 Audio no ise. ❑ Make sur e that the an tenna i s connect ed usin g the sup plied 75 -ohm co axial cable. ❑ K eep the ante nna cabl e a way from ot her c onn ectin g co rds. ❑ T o av oid TV i nte rfer ence, mak e s ure t o use an undam age d an tenn a ca ble.
Other Inf ormation 41 Other Information Resolution Horizontal frequency (kHz) V erti cal frequency (Hz) Standar d Signals Hori zontal (Pixel) × V er tical (Line) VGA 640 × 480 31.5 60 VG A 640 × 480 37.5 75 VESA 720 × 400 31.5 70 VGA-T SVGA 800 × 600 37.
Other Information 42 Specificatio ns T elevi sion syst em: NTSC American TV Standard A TSC (8VSB terre strial) A TSC compliant 8VSB QAM on cable ANSI/SCTE 07 2000 (Does not inclu de Cable CARD functio.
43 Inde x 4:3 Default 27 A A/V Sync 37 AC IN 14 Advance d Settings 25 Altern ate Aud io 19 Audio Out 31 AUDIO OUT jack, describ ed 14 Auto Adjust ment 34 Auto Program 17 , 35 , 36 Auto SAP, MTS settin.
Printed in Japan Printed on 100% recycled paper..
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony KDL-26S2000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony KDL-26S2000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony KDL-26S2000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony KDL-26S2000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony KDL-26S2000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony KDL-26S2000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony KDL-26S2000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony KDL-26S2000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.