Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto EI55223 del fabbricante Snapper
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2 IMPORTA NT SA FETY INST RUCTIONS WARNING: This pow erful machin e is capable of amput ating hand s and feet and can throw objects that can cause in jury a nd d a m ag e ! Failure to comply wit h the follow ing instruct ions may re sult in serious injur y to the ope rator or other persons.
3 IMPORTA NT SA FETY INST RUCTIONS OPERA TIONA L PRECA U TIONS (Continued From Pre vious Page) 7. DO NOT put hands or fee t near or unde r rotatin g parts. Keep clear of the discharge opening at all times. 8. St art engine only where exhaust fumes w ill be safely dissipated.
4 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - IMPORTA NT SA FETY INSTRUCTIONS .......................... 2-3 TA BLE OF CO NTENTS ............................................................................ 4 DECA LS .................................................
5 DECA LS DA NGER ROT A TING IM PELLER. DO NOT us e hand to unclog auger/im peller or dis charge chute. Stop engine and rem ove key before unclogging. GROUND SPEE D CONTROL. Snowthrower has 4 Forward speeds and 1 Reverse speed. Rabbit/Fast. Tur tle/Slow.
6 DECA LS HEA RING PROTECTION REQUIRED. Machine exceeds 100Lwa. MAXIMUM HANDL E VIBRATION 34 M/SEC 2 . DA NGER – ROT A T ING A UGER. KEEP A WAY . SA F ETY INST RUCTIONS T O PREVENT INJURY: 1) Read Owner’s Manual f or operating and safety instru ctio ns.
7 Section 2 - OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 PRE-START CHECK LIST Make the f ollowing check s and perfor m the s ervice required bef ore each start- up. 2.1.1. Check engine oil and add oil as needed to bring level up to the FULL m ark . Refer to engine owner’s m anual for oil spec ifications 2.
8 Section 2 - OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS 2.2 ST A RT ING, O PERA TION & STOPPIN G (RECOIL STA RT MODELS) (Go t o Page 10 for Electric St art M odels) 2.2.1. ENGINE 1. T urn fuel s hut off valve to the “ON” position. See Figure 2.3. FIGURE 2.3 2. Ins ert key into ignition switch.
9 Section 2 - OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS WA RNING Objects can b e thrown b y the snow throw er while it is in operation. Thrown objects could caus e ser ious injury to the operator or by standers. Alway s wear safety goggles or other s uitable ey e protection.
10 Section 2 - OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS 2.2 ST A RT ING, O PERA TION & STOPPIN G (ELECTRIC STA RT M ODELS) (Go to Page 8 for Recoil Start Models) WA RNING DO NOT use an electrical extensio n cord that is damaged. A damaged electrical exten sion cord could cause a shock or fire.
11 Section 2 - OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS WA RNING Objects can b e throw n by the snow thrower w hile it is in operation. Thrown objects could cause serious injury to the operator or bystande rs. A lways w ear safety goggle s or other suita ble eye protection.
12 Section 3 - MA INTENA NCE WA RNING Before at tempting any adjustmen ts, maintenance, service, or repair s, stop engine a nd auger, al ways remove key from ignition switch, remo ve spark plug wire an d secure wire aw ay from spark plu g. 3.1 INTRODUCT ION To retain the quality of the snow thrower, use only genuine SNAPPER replacem ent parts.
13 Section 3 - MA INTENA NCE 3.4 ANNUA LLY (END OF EA CH SEA SON) Perfor m all m aintenance as described in the m aintenance schedule. 3.4.1. Engine Refer to engine owner’s manual for service instru cti on s. 3.4.2. Spark Plug Refer to engine owner’s manual for service instru cti on s.
14 Section 4 - REPA IR & A DJUSTMENTS WA RNING Before at tempting any adjustmen ts, maintenance, service, or repair s, stop engine a nd auger, al ways remove key from ignition switch, remo ve spark plug wire an d secure wire aw ay from spark plu g.
15 Section 4 - REPA IR & A DJUSTMENTS WA RNING Before at tempting any adjustmen ts, maintenance, service, or repair s, stop engine a nd auger, al ways remove key from ignition switch, remo ve spark plug wire an d secure wire aw ay from spark pl ug.
16 Section 4 - REPA IR & A DJUSTMENTS WA RNING Before at tempting any adjustmen ts, maintenance, service, or repair s, stop engine a nd auger, al ways remove key from ignition switch, remo ve spark plug wire an d secure wire aw ay from spark pl ug.
17 Section 4 - REPA IR & A DJUSTMENTS 4.1.5. GROUND SPEED ADJUSTMENT NOTE: It is rec om m ended to r em ove the drive system cover and check rubber drive engagem ent with drive disc when adjusting gr ound speed. 1. Tilt mac hine fo rward to gain acc ess to drive s y s tem area.
18 Section 4 - REPA IR & A DJUSTMENTS 4.1 .8. SINGLE HA NDLE CONT ROL A DJUSTMENT ( 7 HP Models On ly) IMPO RTANT: Standing in the operator’s pos ition, the left handle bar lever is for w heel drive engagement and disengagem ent. T he right handle bar lever is f or auger/im peller engagem ent and disengagem ent.
19 Section 4 - REPA IR & A DJUSTMENTS WA RNING Before at tempting any adjustmen ts, maintenance, service, or repair s, stop engine a nd auger, al ways remove key from ignition switch, remo ve spark plug wire an d secure wire aw ay from spark pl ug.
20 TROUBLESHOOTING PROBL EM PROBABLE CA USE CORRECTIVE A CT ION Engine Will Not Start 1. Fuel tank empty. 1. Fill fuel tank with fresh fuel/oil mix . Using Recoil Starter 2. Engine needs choking and priming. 2. Mo ve choke control to “C HOKE” position.
21 3 YEA R LIMITED WA RRA NTY For thr ee ( 3) years from purc hase date f or the original purc haser's residential, non- com m erc ial use, SNAPPER , through any authorized SNA PPER dealer will r.
24 Safety Instructions & Operator’s Manual for EUROPEAN TWO STAGE INTERMEDIATE FRAME SNOW THROWER SERIES 3 WARNING: The engine exhaust from thi s product contains chemical s know n to the State of Californi a to cause cancer, birth defect s or other reproductive harm.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Snapper EI55223 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Snapper EI55223 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Snapper EI55223 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Snapper EI55223 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Snapper EI55223, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Snapper EI55223.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Snapper EI55223. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Snapper EI55223 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.