Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto WDF16BA1 del fabbricante Smeg
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2 GB Contents 1. The new washing system 3 2. Safety warnings 4 3. Installation inst ructions 7 4. Description of cont rols 9 5. Washing instructions 13 6.
GB 3 1. THE NEW WA SHING SYSTEM This new washer dryer is th e outcome of years of research . The leading-edge design and the quality of the p roduction processes used to manufacture this p roduct ensure it will give you many years of excellen t service.
GB 4 2. S A FETY WAR NINGS Attention! These w arnings are giv en for safety reasons. Please read them caref ully before installing a nd using the appliance. This m anual f orms an integ ral part of the appliance an d m us t ther efore be k ept in tact together with the machine.
GB 5 Do not wash petro l-soak ed garm ents in the was her dr yer. Make sure t here are no i nflamm able item s (e.g.: lighters, m atches , etc.) in pock ets befor e washing. If volatile flu ids have b een us ed to clean garm ents, make s ure that the su bstances have been r emoved before load ing them in th e washing m achine.
GB 6 For Great Britain only Warning : th is appliance m ust be ear thed. Fuse replacem ent If the m ains lead of this a ppliance is fitted with a BS 1363 A 13amp fused p lug, to chan ge a fus e in this t ype of plug use an A.S.T. A . appro ved f use to BS 1362 t ype and procee d as f ollows: 1.
GB 7 3. INSTALLA TION INSTRUCTIONS Important ! The appliance must be ins talled by a special ised technician according to curre nt regulations. This washer dr y er is ver y heav y.
GB 8 3.3 WATER SUPPLY CONNECTION 1. Check t hat inlet pressure li es between the following values: 50-900kPa . For higher pressures, install a pressure reducer. 2. Connect the c old w ater inlet hose ( light blue ring nut) to the c old water tap with a ¾ gas thread, taking ca re to sc rew it fi rmly into place in order to prevent leaks .
GB 9 4. DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS 4.1 CONTROL PA NEL All the commands and con trols of the appliance are assembled together on the f ront panel. Description of contro ls A Open doo r button B ON-O FF an.
GB 10 A Open door button Press the button to op en the d oor . Chapter 5 – Washing instructions – explains ho w the door works and h ow to use it. B ON-OFF and washing and drying programme selecti.
GB 11 I Select spin speed and drying time for delicate s button Press the button repeate dly to select the require d spin speed. The f ollowing spin speeds are a vailable: • 0000: spin d isabled and stop with tub full. T he machine does not p erform the final sp in and ends the washing pro gramm e with water in th e tub.
GB 12 Economy cycle button - e Press this button for cottons programmes, the machine will perform an e xtended wash at 35°C (biological step) thereby offering good washing p erformance combined w ith power saving. The m achine then continues the cy cle at the selected temperature.
GB 13 4.2 DETERGENT TRAY This is located to the left of the control panel. Pull it out to open. The tray com prises four com partments which are mark ed as follows “ 1” : pre-wash d etergent “2” : main wash deterge nt “ ” or “3” : f abric softener, s tarch, etc.
GB 14 5.2 OPENING TH E DOOR The machine is fitted with a safety device that prevents the door from o pening while it is working. 1. Before opening the door, w ait 1 or 2 minu tes after the programm e ends (“End” LED on) to allo w the safety device to disengage.
GB 15 Water hardness Hardness lev el French degree f H German degree dH Soft Up to 15° Up to 8° Moderatel y hard 15° - 25° 8° - 14° Hard 25° - 40° 14° - 22° Very hard Over 40° Over 22° 5.6 DOSING POWDER DETERGENT S Normally dirty washing 1.
GB 16 Intensive w ashing p rogramme for resistant cotton , coloured or hemp fabrics. Delicate w ashing progra mmes for delicate artificial synthe tic fibres , blends or linen fabrics. They prevent the formation o f creases that are difficult to remove du ring ironing.
GB 17 5.10.3 DELAYED START ( ONLY FOR MODELS FEATURING THIS FUNCTION ) Press the delayed start button ( ). The relative LED located above the button lights up . The displ ay visualises the time re maining (hou rs/minutes) before the selected washing programme starts: the display ini tially shows 0 hours 0 minutes for all programmes.
GB 18 5.13 END OF PROGRA MME The wash ing programmes are automa tically completed , the display shows END and the “Time remaining” LED lights up. 1. Turn the programmes k nob to OFF to switch off the machine. 2. Open the door. 3. Remove the washing from the drum .
GB 19 6. USING THE MACH INE FOR DRYING PURPOSES 6.1 GENERA L INFORMATION During drying cycles it is essential that the water tap is open and that th e drain hose is correctly positioned. W ith this machine it is possible to set wash-only programmes, dry-only programmes and wash-dry programmes.
GB 20 6.3 TIMED DRYING The length of drying tim e corresponds to the time selected with the drying selec tion button. 6.4 WASH-DR Y PROGRA MME It is possible to us e a wash-d ry programme for inte nsive programmes (cotton, coloureds) and for synthetics/delicates.
GB 21 7. CLEANING A ND M A INTENANCE Important – Before cleaning or servicing the machine, remove the plug from t he socket. 7.1 EXTERNA L CLEANING • Regular and constant cleani ng w ill ke ep your appliance looking like new. • Clean the outer surfaces with soap an d water and then dry thoroughly with a soft cloth.
GB 22 3. Pull out the drain hose “A”. Attention: if the hose is hot it mea ns the water is hot o r boiling. Place a tray on the floor and remo ve the plug “B” to drain the water. Depending on the quantity of water, it ma y be necessary to e mpty the tray several times.
GB 23 8. TROUBLESHOOT ING This product complies w ith current safety regulations governing electrical equipment. For safety reas ons, all technical inspections or repairs must b e perfo rmed b y qualified technicians i n o rder to prevent h azardous situations for users.
GB 24 11 The machine does not spin The unb alanced load sensor h as triggered because the washing is not uniformly dis tributed inside the drum. If the washing is wet at the end o f the cycle, distribute it well i nside the basket and repeat just the spin cycle.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Smeg WDF16BA1 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Smeg WDF16BA1 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Smeg WDF16BA1 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Smeg WDF16BA1 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Smeg WDF16BA1, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Smeg WDF16BA1.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Smeg WDF16BA1. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Smeg WDF16BA1 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.