Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto M1103 del fabbricante Axis
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About this Document This manual is intended for admini strators and users of the AXIS M1103 Network Camera, and is applicable to fi rmware 5.40 and later. It includes instructions fo r using and managing the product on your network. Previous experience of netw orking will be of use when using this product.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 T able of Contents H a r d w a r e O v e r v i e w ................ ......................... . 4 L E DI n d i c a t o r s ...... ............ ............. ............ ....... 4 A c c e s s i n g t h e P r o d u c t ...................
AXIS M1 1 0 3 H a rd w a re O v e r vi ew Hardware Overview 1 2 7 6 3 4 5 1. Focus p uller 2. Grip this part to ad just focus 3. Network LED 4. Status LED 5. Power LED 6. Control button 7. Network connector (PoE) LED Indicators LED Color Indication Green Steady for connection to a 100 MBit/s ne twork.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 A ccessing the P r oduct Accessing the Product To install the Axis product, refer to the Installation Guide supplie d with the pro duct. The product can b e used with most operating systems and browsers. The recommended brow sers are Internet Ex plore r with Windows, Safari w ith Macintosh and Firefox w ith other operating systems.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 A ccessing the P r oduct Access from the I nternet Once connected, the Axis product is accessible o n your local net work (LAN). To access the p roduct from the Internet you m ust con fi gure your network router to allow incoming data traf fi c to the product.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 A ccessing the P r oduct Select the pow er line frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz) used at the locat ion of the Axis product. Selecting the w rong frequency may cause image fl i c k e ri ft h e p r o d u c ti su s e di n fl uorescent light environments.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 A ccessing the P r oduct The Play button connects to the Axis product and starts playing a media stream. The Stop button stops the media stream. The Snapshot button takes a s napshot of the video image. The l o c a t i o nw h e r et h ei m a g ei ss a v e dc a nb es p e c i fi ed in the AMC Control Panel.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Media Str eams Media Streams The Axis product provides severa l video stream form a ts. Your re quirements and the properties of y our ne tw ork will determine the type you use. The Live View page in the product pr ovides access to H.264 and M otion JPEG vide o stre am s, and to the list of available stream pro fi les .
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Media Str eams T h eA M CC o n t r o lP a n e lc a nb eu s e dt oc o n fi gure v ario us video se ttin g s. Please see the AXIS Media Control User’s Manual for more information. The AMC Control P anel is autom a tically installed on fi rst use, after which it can be con fi gured.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Media Str eams Note • <ip>= IP addess • The Axis product supports QuickTime 6.5.1 and later. • QuickTime adds latency to the video stream. • It may be possible to use other players to view the H.264 stre am using the paths above, although Axis does not guarantee this.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Setting Up the Pr oduct Setting Up the P roduct The Axis p roduct can be con fi gured by users with admini stra tor or operator r ights. To open the product’s Setup pages, click Setup in the top right-hand corner of the Live View page.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Vid e o Video It is possible to con fi gure the following video features in your Axis product: • Video stream. See page 13 . •S t r e a m p r o fi les. See page 14 . • Camera settings. See page 15 . •V i e w a r e a . S e e page 15 .
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Vid e o • The Live View page in Internet Ex plor er in Windows . Ri ght-click in the imag e and select Pixel counter .U s e t h e m o u s e to move and resize the rectangle. Image The default image settings can be con fi gured under Video> Video Stream .
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Vid e o Four pre-programmed stream pro fi les are availab le for quick set up. Each pre -progr amm e d pro fi le has a des criptive na m e, indicating its purpose. If required, the pre-programmed stream pro fi les can be modi fi ed and ne w customi zed stream pro fi les can be created.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Vid e o 1. Go to Video > View Area . 2. Select an Aspect ratio and a Video stream resolution . 3. Use the mouse to move and resize the view area. 4. Select Enable PTZ to enable digital PTZ for the view area. 5. Click Save to save the settings.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Vid e o 1. Go to Video > Video Stream and select the Image tab. 2. Under Overlay Settings ,s e l e c t Include overlay image at the coordinates and enter the X and Y coordinates. 3. Click Save . For information about supported image formats, see the online help .
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Live Vie w Con fi g Live View Con fi g You can customize the Live View page and alter it to suit your requirements. It is possible to de fi ne the fo llowing features of t h eL i v eV i e wp a g e . •S t r e a m P r o fi le. S ee page 14 .
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Live Vie w Con fi g Browser Viewer Description AMC Recommended viewer in Internet Explo rer (H.264/Motion JPEG). QuickTime H.264. Java applet A slower imaging a lternative to AMC (Motion JPE G) . Requires o ne of the following installed on the client: • J VM (J2SE) 1.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 PTZ (P an Tilt Zoom) PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom ) The PTZ me nu is available if digital PTZ (pa n, tilt and zoom) is enabl ed in the selected view area.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 PTZ (P an Tilt Zoom) 3. Specify the pause length between runs. 4. Select a n available pre se t position and click Apply . 5. Specify the View Time in seconds or minutes. 6. Specify the View Order or select the Random view order option. 7.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Detector s Detectors Camera Tampering Camera Ta mp er ing can genera te an alarm whenever the camera is repositioned, or when the lens is covered, sprayed or severely defocused. To send an alarm, for example an email, an action rule must be set up.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Detector s Note Using the motion detection feature may dec rease the product’s overall p erformance. Set Up Motion Detection Windows To set up a motion detection Include W indow, follow these instructions: 1. Go to Detectors > Motion Detection .
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Detector s Low level (0%) Even very small objects trigger motion detection. An object that appears in the window triggers motion detection only for a very short time before it is co nside red as non-moving. Only very bright objects on a dark background trigger motion detection.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Applications Applications Third p arty ap plicatio ns can be uploaded to and installed on the Axis product. For information about available applicatio ns, downloads, trials and licenses, go to www.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Ev e n t s Events The Axis product can be con fi gure d to perform actions whe n di ffe rent e ven ts occur, for example, start a rec ord ing w he n m otion is detected. The set of conditions that de fi nes how and when the action is triggered is called an Action Rule .
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Ev e n t s • Record Video — record video to a selected storage. • Send Images —s e n di m a g e st oar e c i p i e n t . • Send Noti fi cations —s e n dan o t i fi cation message to a recipient. • Status LED — fl ash the LED indicator.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Ev e n t s To use the schedule in an Action Rule, select the schedule from the Schedule drop-down list in the Action Rule Setup page. Recurrences Recurrences are use d to trigger Action Rules repeatedly, for ex am ple every 5 m inutes or every hour.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Re c o rd i ng s Recordings T h eA x i sp r o d u c t c a nb ec o n fi gured to record video continuously or according to an action rule: • To start a continuous recording, see page 29 . • To set up action rules, se e page 27 . • To access recordings, see Recording List, on page 29 .
AXIS M1 1 0 3 Re c o rd i ng s Note If a new stream pro fi le is selected while a recording is ongoing, the reco rding will be stopped a nd saved in the recording list and a new recording with the new stream pro fi le will start.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 System Options System Options Security Users User access control is enabled by default and can be con fi gured under System O ptions > Security > Users . An administrator can set up other users by giving them user names and passwords.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 System Options IEEE 802.1X IEEE 802.1X is a standard for port-based Network Admission Control p roviding secure authentication of wired and wireless network devices. IEEE 802.1X is based on EAP (Extensible Authentication P rotocol). To access a network protected by IEEE 802.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 System Options A Server/Client certi fi cate can be self-signed or issued by a Certi fi cate Authority (CA ). A self-signed certi fi cate offers limited protection and can be used before a CA-issued certi fi cate has been obtained. To install a self-s ign e d c e rti fi cate: 1.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 System Options IPv4 Address Con fi guration By default, the Axis p roduct is set to use IPv4 (IP version 4) and to obtain the IP address automatically via DHCP. The IPv4 settings are con fi gured under System Options > Network > TCP/IP > Basic .
AXIS M1 1 0 3 System Options Select Obtain D N S server a ddres s via DH CP to use the DNS settings provided by the DHCP server. To make manual settings, select Use the following DNS server address and specify the following: Domain name - Enter the domain(s) to search for the h ost name used by t he Axis pro duct.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 System Options Use NAT traversal w he n the Axis product is located on an intranet (LAN) and you wish to make it available from the other (WAN) side of a NAT ro uter. W ith NAT tra versal prope rly con fi gured, all HTTP traf fi c to an external HTTP port in the NAT router i sf o r w a r d e dt ot h ep r o d u c t .
AXIS M1 1 0 3 System Options SMTP (email) To send email messages from the Axis pro duct via SM TP (Simple Mai l Transfer Protocol), an SMTP m ail server must be set up.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 System Options Select Always M ulticast Video to start mu lticast streaming w ithout opening an RTSP session. Bonjour The Axis p roduct includes support for Bonjour. Bonjo ur is enabled by default and the produ ct is automatically detected by operating systems and clients that support this protocol.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 System Options To identify the p roduct or test the Status LED, click Flash LED under Identify and specify the duration in seconds, minutes or hours. This can be useful for identifying the p roduct am on g other products installe d in the same locati on.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 System Options Axis strongly recomm ends that you do not use this function unless y ou understand the consequences. Axis Support does not provid e assistance for proble m s wi th custom ized scripts. To open the Script Editor, go to System Options > Advanced > Scripting .
AXIS M1 1 0 3 T r oubleshooting Troubleshooting Checking the Firmware Firmware is software that determines the func tionality of network devices. One of your fi rst actions when troubleshooting a problem should be to check the current fi rmware version.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 T r oubleshooting arp -s <IP address> <serial number> temp ping -s 408 <IP address> In Windows , type the following from a command/DOS prom pt (t his may require that you run the command prom pt as an admin istra tor): arp -s <IP address> <serial number> ping -l 408 -t <IP address> 2.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 T r oubleshooting The IP address has been changed by DHCP If the product and the client are on the same network, run AXIS IP U tility to locate the product. Identify the product using i ts model or serial numbe r. Move the Axis product to an isolated netwo rk, or to one with no DHCP or BOOTP server.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 T r oubleshooting Why do I not get maximum frames per second? See Performance Considerations, on p age 48 . The max imum frame s per se cond is dependent on the utility frequency (60/50 Hz) of the Axis product. S ee Technical Speci fi cation s, on page 46 .
AXIS M1 1 0 3 T r oubleshooting Browser freezes Firefox can sometimes freeze on a slow computer Lower the image resolution Problems uploading fi les Limited space There is only limited spa ce available for the upload of your own fi les. Delete existing fi les to free up space.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 T echnical Speci fi cations Technical Speci fi cations Function/group Item Speci fi cations Models AXIS M1103 Image sensor 1/4” progressive scan RGB CMOS Lens 2.8 mm: F2.0, fi xed iris, CS mount Horizontal angle of view: 66° Vertical angle of view: 53° Diagonal angle o f view: 82° 6 mm: F1.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 T echnical Speci fi cations Function/group Item Speci fi cations Application Programming Interface Open API for so ftw are integration, including VAP IX® from A xis Communications*, AXIS Media Control SDK*, event trigger data in video stream.
AXIS M1 1 0 3 T echnical Speci fi cations Function/group Item Speci fi cations Video management software AXIS Camera Compan ion - Basic surveilla nce, typical for small businesses, whe re video is r.
User Manal Ver. M1.10 AXIS M1103 Date: April 2012 © Axis Communications AB, 2010 - 2012 Part No. 46 766.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Axis M1103 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Axis M1103 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Axis M1103 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Axis M1103 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Axis M1103, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Axis M1103.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Axis M1103. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Axis M1103 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.