Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SI4734/35-B20 del fabbricante Silicon Laboratories
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Rev. 1.0 4/08 Copyright © 2008 by Silicon Laborato ries Si4734/35-B20 Si4734/35-B20 B ROADCAST AM/FM/SW/L W R ADIO R ECEIVER Features Applications Description The Si4734/35 is the first digital CMOS AM/FM/SW/L W radio receiver IC that integrates the complete tuner function from antenna input to audio outpu t.
Si4734/35-B20 2 Rev. 1.0.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 3 T ABLE OF C ONTENT S Section Page 1. Electrical Specificat ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. Typical Application Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Si4734/35-B20 4 Rev. 1.0 1. Electrical S pecifications T able 1. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol T est Condition Min T yp Max Unit Supply V oltage V DD 2.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 5 T able 3. DC Characteristics (V DD = 2.7 to 5.5 V , V IO = 1.5 to 3.6 V , T A = –20 to 85 °C) Parameter Symbol T est Condition Min T yp Max Unit FM Mode Supply Current I FM —1 9 . 2 2 2 m A Supply Current 1 I FM Low SNR level — 19.
Si4734/35-B20 6 Rev. 1.0 Figure 1. Reset Timing Parameters for Busmode Select T able 4. Reset Timing Ch aracteristics 1,2,3 (V DD = 2.7 to 5.5 V , V IO = 1.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 7 T able 5. 2-Wire Control Interface Characteristics 1,2,3 (V DD = 2.7 to 5.5 V , V IO = 1.5 to 3.6 V , T A = –20 to 85 °C) Parameter Symbol T est Condition M in T yp Max Unit SCLK Frequency f SCL 0— 4 0 0 k H z SCLK Low Time t LOW 1.
Si4734/35-B20 8 Rev. 1.0 Figure 2. 2-Wire Control Interface Read and W rite Timing Parameters Figure 3. 2-Wire Control Interface Read and W rite Timing Diagram SCLK 70% 30% SDIO 70% 30% START START ST.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 9 Figure 4. 3-Wire Control Interface W rite T iming Parameters Figure 5. 3-Wire Control Interface Rea d Tim ing Parameters T able 6. 3-Wire Control Interface Characteristics (V DD = 2.7 to 5.5 V , V IO = 1.5 to 3.6 V , T A = –20 to 85 °C) Parameter Symbol T est Cond it ion Min T yp Max Uni t SCLK Frequency f CLK 0— 2 .
Si4734/35-B20 10 Rev. 1.0 Figure 6. SPI Control Interface Write T iming Parameters Figure 7. SPI Control Interface Read T iming Parameters T able 7. SPI Control Interface Characteristics (V DD = 2.7 to 5.5 V , V IO = 1.5 to 3.6 V , T A = –20 to 85 °C) Parameter Symbol T est Cond it ion Min T yp Max Uni t SCLK Frequency f CLK 0— 2 .
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 11 Figure 8. Digit al Audio Interface T iming Parameters, I 2 S Mode T able 8. Digital Audio Int erface Characteristics (V DD = 2.
Si4734/35-B20 12 Rev. 1.0 T able 9. FM Receiver Characteristics 1,2 (V DD = 2.7 to 5.5 V , V IO = 1.5 to 3.6 V , T A = –20 to 85 °C) Parameter Symbol T est Condition Min T yp Max Unit Input Frequency f RF 76 — 108 MHz Sensitivity with Headphone Network 3,4,5 (S+N)/N = 26 dB — 2.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 13 Seek/Tune Time 6 RCLK to lerance =1 0 0p p m — — 80 ms/channel Powerup Time 6 From powerdown — — 1 10 ms RSSI Offset 12 Input levels of 8 and 60 dBµV at RF Input –3 — 3 dB T able 9. FM Receiver Characteristics 1,2 (Continued) (V DD = 2.
Si4734/35-B20 14 Rev. 1.0 T able 10. 64–75.9 MHz Input Frequency FM Receiver Characteristics 1 (V DD = 2.7 to 5.5 V , V IO = 1.5 to 3.6 V , T A = –20 to 85 °C) Parameter Symbol T est Condition Min T yp Max Unit Input Frequency f RF 64 — 75.9 MHz Sensitivity with Headphone Network 2,3,4,5 (S+N)/N = 26 dB — 4.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 15 T able 1 1. AM/SW/L W Receiver Characteristics 1 (V DD = 2.7 to 5.5 V , V IO = 1.5 to 3.6 V , T A = –20 to 85 °C) Parameter Symbol T est Condition Min T yp Ma x Unit Input Frequency f RF Long Wave (L W) 153 — 279 kHz Medium Wave (AM) 520 — 1710 kHz Short Wa ve (SW) 2.
Si4734/35-B20 16 Rev. 1.0 T able 12. Reference Clock and Cryst al Characteristics (V DD = 2.7 to 5.5 V , V IO = 1.5 to 3.6 V , T A = –20 to 85 °C) Parameter Symbol T est Condit ion Min T yp Max Unit Reference Clo ck RCLK Supported F requencies * 31.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 17 2. T ypical Application Schematic Notes: 1. Place C1 close to V DD pin. 2. All grounds connect directly to GND pl ane on PCB. 3. Pins 1 and 20 are no connects, leave floating. 4. T o ensure proper operation and receiver performance, follow the guidelines in “AN383: Antenna Sele ction and Universal Layout Guide.
Si4734/35-B20 18 Rev. 1.0 3. Bill of Materials Component(s) V alue/Description Supplier C1 Supply bypass capacitor, 22 nF, ±20%, Z5U/X7R Murata C4 Capacitor, 18 pF, ±20%, Z5U/X7R Murata C5 Coupling capacitor, 0.47 µF, ±20%, Z5U/X7R Murata L1 Ferrite loop stick, 180 – 450 µH Jiaxin L2 4.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 19 4. Functional Description 4.1. Overview Figure 9. Functional Block Diagram The Si4734/35 is the indu stry's first fully integrated, 100% CMOS AM/FM/SW/L W radio receiver I C.
Si4734/35-B20 20 Rev. 1.0 4.2. Operating Modes The Si4734/35 ope rates in e ither an FM receive or an AM/SW/L W receive mode. In FM mode, radio signals are received on FMI (pin 2) an d processed by the FM front-end circuitry . In AM/SW/L W mode, radio signals are received on AMI (pin 4) an d processed by the AM front-end circuitry .
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 21 4.7. Digit al Audio Interface (Si4735 Only) The digit al audio interface opera tes in slave mode and supports three different aud io da ta formats: I 2 S Left-Justified DSP Mode 4.
Si4734/35-B20 22 Rev. 1.0 Figure 10. I 2 S Digita l Audio Format Figure 1 1. Lef t-Justified Digit al Audio Format Figure 12. DSP Digit al Audio Format LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHAN NEL 1 DCLK 1 DCLK 13 2n .
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 23 4.8. Stereo Audio Processing The output of the FM demod ulator is a stereo multiplexed (MPX) signal. The MPX st andard was developed in 1961, and is used worldwide.
Si4734/35-B20 24 Rev. 1.0 4.13. T uning The frequency synt hesizer uses Silic on Laboratories’ proven tech nology , including a com pletely integrat ed VCO. The frequency synthesizer g enerates the quadrature local os cillator signal used to downconvert the RF input to a lo w intermediate frequen cy .
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 25 word by driving SDIO low on the next falling edge of SCLK. Although the Si4734/35 will respond to only a single device address, th is address can b e changed with the SEN pin (note that the SEN pin is n ot used for signaling in 2-wire mode).
Si4734/35-B20 26 Rev. 1.0 will be ignored by the devic e if the transaction is aborted. For details on timing specifications and dia grams, refer to Figure 6 and Figure 7 on page 10. 4.17. GPO Output s The Si4734/35 provides fi ve general-purpo se output pins.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 27 5. Commands and Properties T able 14. Si473x Command Summary Cmd Name Description 0x01 POWER_UP Power up device and mode selection. Modes include AM/SW/L W or FM receive, ana log or dig ital output , and re fe re nc e c loc k or cry stal suppo rt.
Si4734/35-B20 28 Rev. 1.0 T able 15. Si473x Property Summary Prop Name Description Default 0x0001 GPO_IEN Enables inte rr upt sources. 0x0000 0x0102 DIGIT AL_OUTPUT_FORMA T Co nfigures the digit al output format (Si4735 only). 0x0000 0x0104 DIGIT AL_O UTPUT_ SAMPLE_RA TE Configures th e digital outpu t sample rate in 100 Hz steps.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 29 0x1502 RDS_CONFIG Configures RDS setting. 0x0000 0x3100 AM_DEEMPHASIS Sets de-emphasis time const a nt. Can be set to 50 us. De- emphasis is disabled by default. 0x0000 0x3102 AM_CHANNEL_FIL TER Select s the bandwid th of the chan nel filter for AM/SW/L W recep- tion.
Si4734/35-B20 30 Rev. 1.0 6. Pin Descriptions: Si4734/35-GM Pin Number(s) Name Description 1, 20 NC No connect. L eave floating. 2F M I F M R F i n p u t s . 3 RFGND RF ground. Connect to ground plane on PCB. 4 AMI AM/SW/L W RF input. 5R S T Device reset (active low) input.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 31 7. Ordering Guide Part Number* Description Package Ty p e Operating Te m p e r a t u r e Si4734-B20-GM AM/FM/SW/L W Broad cast Radio Receiver QFN Pb-free –20 to 85 °C Si47.
Si4734/35-B20 32 Rev. 1.0 8. Package Markings (T op Marks) 8.1. Si4734/35 T op Mark 8.2. T op Mark Explanation Mark Method: YAG Laser Line 1 Marking: Part Number 34 = Si4734, 35 = Si4735 Firmware Revision 20 = Firmware Revision 2. 0 Line 2 Marking: Die Revisi o n B = Revision B Die TTT = Internal Code Internal tracking code.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 33 9. Package Outlin e: Si4734/35 QFN Figure 14 illustrates the package details for the Si4734/35. T able 1 6 lists the values for the dimensio ns shown in the illustration. Figure 14. 20-Pin Quad Flat No-Lead (QFN) T able 16. Package Dimensions Symbol Millimeters Symbol Millimeters Min Nom Max Min Nom Max A 0.
Si4734/35-B20 34 Rev. 1.0 10. PCB Land Pattern: Si4734/35 QFN Figure 15 illustrates the PCB land pattern det ails for the Si4734/35-GM. T able 17 lists t he values for the dimensions shown in the illustration.
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 35 T able 17. PCB Land Pattern Dimensions Symbol Millimeters Symbol Millimeters Min Max Min Max D 2.71 REF GE 2.10 — D2 1.60 1.80 W — 0.34 e 0.50 BSC X — 0.28 E 2 .71 REF Y 0.61 REF E2 1.60 1.80 ZE — 3.31 f 2.53 BSC ZD — 3 .
Si4734/35-B20 36 Rev. 1.0 1 1. Additional Reference Resources EN55020 Compliance T est Certificate AN231: Si4700/01 Headphon e and Antenna Interface AN332: Universal Programming Guide .
Si4734/35-B20 Rev. 1.0 37 D OCUMENT C HANGE L IST Revision 0.4 to Revision 1.0 Updated T able 1, “Recommended Operating Conditions,” on page 4. Updated T able 3, “ DC Characte ristics,” on page 5. Updated T able 5, “2-Wire Co ntr o l Inte rf ace Characterist ics 1,2,3 ,” on page 7.
Si4734/35-B20 38 Rev. 1.0 C ONT ACT I NFORMATION Silicon Laboratori es Inc. 400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701 T el: 1+(512) 416-8500 Fax: 1+(512) 416-9669 T oll Free: 1+(877) 4 44-3032 Email: Internet: www Silicon Laboratories and Silicon Labs are trademarks of Silico n Laboratories Inc.
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Se non hai ancora comprato il Silicon Laboratories SI4734/35-B20 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Silicon Laboratories SI4734/35-B20 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Silicon Laboratories SI4734/35-B20 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Silicon Laboratories SI4734/35-B20 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Silicon Laboratories SI4734/35-B20, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Silicon Laboratories SI4734/35-B20.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Silicon Laboratories SI4734/35-B20. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Silicon Laboratories SI4734/35-B20 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.