Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto TDP-52-SN3 del fabbricante Sigma
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27.1.1999 Dp_52ngbTO 1 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / SERVICE MANUAL BENEFON SIGMA GOLD TDP-52-SN3.
27.1.1999 Dp_52ngbTO 2 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / TDP-52-SN3 1.0 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 1.1 TECHNICAL I NFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 1.1.1 Ope rational S ystem . .
27.1.1999 Dp_52ngbTO 3 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 4.0 S ERVICE APPLICAT IONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 1 4.1 Ben eWin SC A-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 1 4.1.1 Inst allation of Be neWin prog ram .
27.1.1999 Dp_52ngbTO 4 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 5.3.1 Gen eral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 36 5.3.2 Fun ctional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 36 5.
27.1.1999 Dp_52ngbTO 5 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 7.4.6 Hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 3 8 7.4.7 Parts list OO0009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 1 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral 1.0 GENERAL General 1.1 TECHNICAL INFORMATION 1.1.1 Operational Syste m NMT -450i 1.1.2 Dimension s Size: 58 x 153 x 26 mm Wei ght: 295 g 1.1.3 Power Cons umption - Batteri es: 5 x 1.2 V NiCd (or NiMH ) - Sl eep curre nt: 2 mA - Standby curre nt: 60 mA - Conversa tion mo de, hig h power: app.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 2 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral - hand strap - belt clip 1.1.5 Ring ing Tones Adjustable - type, fi ve fixed, one chan geable with B eneWin - volume - progressive or fixed Silent alert - short tone an d ‘ca ll comi ng’ text in the d isplay 1.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 3 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral 1.1.9 Other Function s DTMF - receiver / transmitter DTMF - key tones Display and key illumination V olume cont rol - 5 levels - level in dicator B.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 5 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral Mains char ger Benefon Sigma Gold Cigarette lighter charger Light holder Anten na adapt er LIGHT CAR KIT CMA-50-230 KDC-50 CCS-50-12.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 6 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral HANDS FREE CAR KIT Carbox Antenna External handset with holder HDS-50 Loudspeaker Micro- phone Car Ra dio Mute External Ale rt +12/24V Benef on Sig.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 7 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral Line i nterf ace Branching unit LIF-40 DB-40.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 8 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral OFFICE SET OFFICE SET Mains Line Benefon Sigma Gold T elefax T elephone Micro- Modem Sp are batt ery charge r DDS-50 interface computer.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 9 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral Belt clip Hand strap Port able hands free Bene Wi n.
1use 1 2.0 OWNER’S MANUAL.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 1 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 Phone Programming You can program Benefo n Sigma Gold by usi ng either the keys on your phone, or the BeneLoc comp uter prog ram.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 2 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / It is possible to program the sales date ONLY ONCE, which means that you will not be able to change it again afterwa rd s . If the sales date ha s no t been progra mmed, your pho ne will not enter the nor mal stand-by mode.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 3 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.1.2 To program Using the BeneLoc Program Start the inst alled pr ogram by clicking the icon. The phone must be c onnected to the s ystem as discribed above . Main window Press Dea ler-key to en ter the progra mming wi ndow.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 4 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / You ca n read t he phon e data by pressi n g the Read phone -key. You can change the mi scellanous settings w ith th e compute r and t ransfer them to phone by pressi ng the Program phone -key . BeneLo c includes He lp -program for fu rther informatio n .
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 5 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.2 CAR KIT I N STALLATION The Ca r Kit incl udes a p h one holder (KDS-5 0), a car b o x (UDH-50), a n antenn a, an instal lation base , a hf speaker, a microphon e and a cabl e.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 6 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.2.6 Car Box UDH-5 0 Place the ca r box out of sigh t insid e the d ashbo ar d of the car or t o anot her place. First, conne ct the wires to the car b ox. Install the car box so, t hat the heat si nk has some space for co oling.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 7 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / A Diagram of Conn ections 87 87A 86 85 30 +VB Horn Ext ernal Aler t 86 85 87A 87 30 87 87A 86 85 30 MUTE +ACC Car Radio Supply Volt age +VB Battery Voltage .
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 8 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.3 HF-FUNCTION Benefo n S i gm a Gol d off er s yo u t wo different han ds free -setups f or th e C ar Ki t and Office Set: the backgro un d no ise tun ing (CAR KIT/OFFICE SET TUNING) and MIC-ER P contrast tuni ng (CAR KIT/O FFICE SET SWING).
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 9 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / b. If the CAR KIT TUNING has b een set up to o low, th e backgroun d noise in your car (2) will activa te the microphone path, and the volum e of the HF- speaker will be low. c. When th e CAR KIT TUNING has bee n set correctly on ly your voice (1 & 3 ) will open the microp hone path.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 10 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.3.2 CAR KIT SWING/ OFFICE SET SWING (theory) The fou r-step CAR KIT SWING/OFFICE SET SWING tu ning is use d to set the contra st of the m icroph one ampl ificati on/speake r attenu ation sw ing.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 11 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.3.3 HF-functio n tuning in practice Y ou can tune HF-fun ctions two ways: manually or with car kit. Manua l tu ning 1. Conn ect the loc albox t o your pho ne, and t urn the ph one on . 2. Press and the fo llowing te xt will appe ar in the displ ay: ***BENEFON*** .
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 1 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 4.0 SERVICE APPLICATIONS 4.1 Bene Win SCA- 50 The BeneW in SCM P rogram f or Windo ws is de signed to facilit ate mainten ance o f phone nu mbers and u ser settings on Benefon mo bile phones .
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 2 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / In the Command Line box, ty pe the l etter A: or B: to indicate y our floppy disk drive, a nd then type SETUP . For exampl e, A:SETUP . Click the OK button, an d follow the ins t ructions d isplaye d on your scree n.
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 3 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 4.1.2 To start the BeneWin p rogram Connect your phone wit h a cable to the serial po rt of you r compu ter , w hich is called COM1 or COM2 . The se rial por t s ar e locat ed in t he bac k of yo ur comp uter , and more precise instruct ions can be found in the manu al accomp anying the computer .
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 4 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 4.2 Beneloc BeneLoc pr ogram is design ed to help servi ce person on tu ning and servi ce purpose. With B eneLoc Progr am you will also get W inFlash Progr am. With Wi nFlash Progr am you can cha n ge the softwa re to Benef on phones.
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 5 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / The Se tup Progra m will ask you to spe cify the drive a nd directory in whi ch you want to inst all the Benel oc Prog ram. The P r ogram suggest s the follow ing: C:Bene- AppBeneLoc . Accept the drive and di rectory by clickin g Next button .
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 6 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 4.2.3 Using the BeneLoc pr ogram In the mai n window of the BeneLo c, you will find submenu s and buttons. Clicking the buttons you can g o to the su bmenus. Change For chang ing phone to anoth er similar you do not ne ed to do more t han enter in to main menu.
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 7 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / T unings From T unings mai n menu you can se lect diff erent tu nings to do. Ever y tuning have they o wn inst ru ction w indow . Fol low give n instruc t ions to do tuning s. Click ing ST ART will star t tuning.
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 8 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 4.3.2 Using the WinFlas h program Y ou will fin d all Benefon mobile p hone softw ares inst all ed to your com puter from win- dow in th e left side. Select the so ftware you wan t to transfer to phone b y clicking it.
27.1.1999 7DP_52GB 1 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / 5.0 PHONE’S CONSTRUCTION M F 1 502 A N C 2108 A V 0001 M C 08 06 M C 08 0 8 M C 08 10 M C 08 12 M C 08 14 M C 08 24 C o lor B lack B lue R e.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 2 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor 5.1 LOGIC / AUDI O OA0701 Processor Processor 5.1.1 General The enti re ra dio audi o and pr ocessor f unctions are foun d withi n a sing le PA07 00 boar d, thro ugh which al l othe r modu les are conne cted.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 3 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor 5.1.2 Connecto rs: RF-Module, V102 20 pin connector Keyboard module + sys temconnector l ines V101 40 pi.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 4 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor 16 GND 17 GND 18 GND 19 GND 20 GND 21 X KEYINP0 key matrix i nput 0/5V 22 XKEYINP1 23 XKEYINP2 24 XKEYINP3 25 XKEYINP3 2.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 5 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor Display Module, A 101 Answer Module, I101 5.1.3 Circuit D iagram The pro cessor an d audio circuit d iagram is split i nto five parts.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 6 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor Circuit Diagram Contents 5.1.4 Functio ns CPU I304 is itse lf a proces sor circuit. It is comprise d of CPU, 512*8bit EE PROM, timers, A/D conve rters, and both ser ies- and p arallel I/O l ines.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 7 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor Memories Memo ry and e xternal I/O-cir cuit addre ss coding is done with the ASIC circu it I305. Th e circuit opt ions CS R, CSP, and OE a re 0-a ctive. The prog ram memory is in 256k*8 EP ROM.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 8 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor RESET The proc essor volt age regula tor ERROR out put reset s (stops) t he proces s or and ze roes the c ontrol s when the ba ttery vo ltage d r op s belo w 5V . When th e voltage r ises aga in, the proce ssor restarts.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 9 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor Power Adjustment The tra nsmitter control l ogic switches TX power and also a djusts it to the correct leve l. The STX_REG signa l sets the tran smitter to ready mode.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 10 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OA 0700 Audi o Audio 5.1.5 Functio n Description OA0700 Audio The audi o module is compris e d of th e f ollowi ng functi ons: 1. TX-a udio sign al handling 2. RX- audio si gnal ha ndling 3.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 11 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OA 0700 Audi o transmit signal. VR3 is a maximum deviation g ain control circuit t o set the transmit signal le vel. After the VR3 comes switch T XAUDON, which mutes the tx-au dio signal usin g the TXMUTE contro l.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 12 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OA 0700 Audi o detecti on level standard. Once the detect or judges a val id FFSK sign al, ’H ’ signal i s put out on th e FFSKDET p in (pin 43). The data dete ctor spee d is deter mined by th e exte rnal cond ensator C438.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 13 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OA 0700 Audi o 5.1.14 Audio sig nals for answer module The record sig nal comes from the tx side through the switch AUDLOOPON, ADD4, VR 11 and A MP5 to ans wer modu le I10 1. The audi o signal from the answer m odule comes to the summi ng junct ion AMP6.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 14 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ 5.1.16 Parts list OA0701 OA0701 Proc./Audio CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE OO0521 A101 Matrix display module 5V Alps LSU4Y4021A AE0017 A400 B uzzer 13x1 1x3mm 1.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 15 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ CH0105 C440 SMD capasitor 1uF/-20/+80%/16V T aiyoY uden EMK212 F105Z00T CD0104 C443 SMD capasitor 100 nF 10% 50 V X7R Phi.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 16 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ RF0102 R128 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0102 R129 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0101 R130 SMD resistor 100 R 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0101 R131 SMD resistor 100 R 5% 0.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 17 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ RF0104 R313 SMD resistor 100 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0224 R314 SMD resistor 220 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0103 R315 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RTN154 R316 SMD NTC-resistor 150k 5% B=4100 Hokuriku 157-154-4500 1 TP RF0104 R325 SMD resistor 100 k 5% 0.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 18 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ RF0105 R459 SMD resistor 1 M 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0102 R501 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0102 R502 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0102 R503 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 19 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ The Top Side Layout PA0700 A5.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 20 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ The Bott om Side Layout P A0700 A5.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 21 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ G N D 1 V C C 2 C O M P 2 3 C O M P 1 4 T A G N D 5 B IA S 6 A G N D 7 E X T R IN 8 E X P IN 9 R X D E T 10 R A G N D 1 1.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 22 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ PB2 GND PA0 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PB0 PB1 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7 PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PD0 PD1 PD2 D7 RW E A.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 23 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 24 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 25 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 26 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 27 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 28 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./.
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 29 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700 5.2 KEYBOAR D OH0700 K eyboard 5.2.1 General Keyboard unit i ncludes: key matr ix, batte ry current measuring co mponent s, radio base conne ctor , battery con nectors a nd micr ophone .
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 30 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700 Radio Base Connector (printed circuit) The Ext-ho ok switch i s connec ted to th e erp-lin e so that the erp-line dc level drop s when th e handset is in it s holder .
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 31 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700 5.2.3 Parts list OH0700 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE AM0062 A100 Microphone Electret condenser -65 -+4dB Matsushita.
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 32 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700 AS01 15 S132 S witch with LED Citizen LS5J2M-1YG-T AS01 15 S133 S witch with LED Citizen LS5J2M-1YG-T AS01 15 S134 S witch with .
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 33 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700 The Top S i de Layout PH 0700 A5.
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 34 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700 The Bottom Sid e Layout PH 07 00 A5.
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 35 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700.
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 36 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / S ynthesizer 5.3 RF MODULE RX Synthesizer Synthes izer 5.3.1 General The RX synt hesizer gener ates an upper si de inje ction frequ ency for the r eceiver . The injection fre quency is fed to the rece iver’ s first mixer .
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 37 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / S ynthesizer TX-Synthesizer 5.3.4 General The TX synthe sizer genera tes the fi nal modu lated transmissi on frequ ency , which is fed to the transmitter . 5.3.5 Functio n Description The TX freq uency is g enerat ed with a phase locked l oop (PL L).
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 38 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / S ynthesizer 5.3.6 Control- and Ou tput-Signals VTXS TX synthe sizer operatin g volt age (4.
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 39 Produc t: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma Gold) / OY0725 Receiver OY0725 Rec eiver 5.3.7 General The module co ntains a ll FM-receiver functional b locks. When the RF sign al isrece ived it is brou ght thro ugh t he duplex f i lte r to the amplifie r stage Q101.
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 40 Produc t: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma Gold) / OY0725 5.3.8 Input- and Outpu t-Si gnal s SENSITIVITY CHE CK RF inpu t from the du plex filter 463,000. ..467, 475 MHz RXI NJ RX i njecti on signa l to the double bal anced mixer 12.8 MH z 12.
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 41 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / Transmitter OY0725T ransm itter 5.3.9 General 5.3.10 Functio n Description The transm itter un it is com prised of thre e ampl ifier st ages and two a ttenuator stages. The pre- amplifi er Q600 an d power mo du le I620 fo rm the t ransmitt er ampli - fier chai n.
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 42 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF The T op Side La yout PY070 0A3 OY0725 -RF.
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 43 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF The Bott om Side Layout P Y0700A3.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 44 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF 5.3.12 Parts list OY0725 OY0725 -RF CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CF0330 C101 SMD capasitor 33 pF 5% 50 V NP0 Philips CF0479 C102 SMD capasitor 4.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 45 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF CF0101 C328 SMD capasitor 100 pF 5% 50 V NP0 Philips CU3106 C329 SMD tantal 10uF / 6 V +-20% A VX T AJA 106M006R CC0223 C341 SMD capasitor 22 nF 10% 50 V X7R Philips CU0334 C342 SMD tantalium capasitor 0.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 46 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF CF0101 C61 1 S MD capasitor 100 pF 5% 50 V NP0 P hilips CF0569 C612 SMD capasitor 5.6 pF/0.25pF 50 V NP0 Phil ips CF0222 C620 SMD capasitor 2.2 nF 5% 50 V NP0 Philips CF0332 C621 SMD capasitor 3.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 47 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF QA4995 Q420 SMD RF transistor NPN 1 1GHZ 16dB/900MHz Hitachi 2SC4995 QF A739 Q430 GaAs MES FET 2 G Hz 240mW N1.8dB/1.75GHz Siemens CF 739 A QA3606 Q600 SMD RF-transistor NPN 7GHz NF=1.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 48 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF RF0822 R410 SMD resistor 8.2 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0222 R41 1 S MD resistor 2.2 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0151 R412 SMD resistor 150 R 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0220 R420 SMD resistor 22 R 5% 0.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 49 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF QA4931 Y421 S MD RF-tarnsistor NPN 9GHz/NF1. 2dB/G13dB Sanyo 2SC4931-B2 Last update 22.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 50 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 51 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 52 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF.
26.1.1999 8HAR_GB .fm 1 6.0 CHARGING CHARGING.
27.1.1999 8CMA 50GB _fm5 .f 2 Product: CMA-50-230 ( Mains Charger ) / 6.1 MAINS CHARGER CMA - 50-2 30 The charg er prov ides fun ctions for chargin g Benefon bra nd mobil e phone s from a mains supply . CONN E CTOR A Conn ecto r A YO02 40 YC005 5 1 16 PIN CONFIGU RATION: 1,2 charge current max.
27.1.1999 8CCS50G B_fm5.f 3 Product: CCS-50-12 ( Light So cket Charge r) / 6.2 LIGHTER SOCKET CHARGER CCS-50 -12 The charge r include s function s for using th e handpo rtab le and for charging it s bat ter- ies from the car batte ry . CONN E CTOR A Conne ctor A YO02 43 YC0058 1 16 PIN CONFIGU RATION: 1,2 charge current max.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 2 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / YO0702 7.1 CARBOX UDH-50 YO0702 7.1.1 Including attached functions - powe r sup ply filter - voltage regula to rs - processo r control led ba tt.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 3 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / YO0702 HANDSET V102: EXTMIC V103 PC/AUX V104 1 HS_ERP Audio si gn al fo r e arphone + HOOK -sig nal 2E G N D 3M G N D 4 .
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 4 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / YO0702 BOX V105 Operati on Operati ng volt age is f ed to pi n EXTVB /6. L100/ C104 filter s the po wer supply a nd D100 l imit s any volt age peaks.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 5 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 7.1.3 Parts list OO0700 OO0700 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CD0101 C100 SMD capasitor 100 pF 5% 50 V NP0 P hilips CD0101 C10.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 6 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 CE0476 C415 Al elko 47 uF/25 V 7x7mm Philip s 2222 097 56479 CD0104 C416 SMD capasitor 100 nF 10% 50 V X7R P hilips CU1 106 C417 SMD tantal 10uF/16V A VX T AJB106M016R CU0225 C418 SMD tantal 2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 7 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 RD0103 R210 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamay a RD0101 R220 SMD resistor 100 R 5% 0.125 W K amay a RD0101 R221 SMD resistor 100 R 5% 0.125 W K amay a RD0103 R230 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamay a RD0102 R231 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 8 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 VN0003 V102 Modular jack 4-pin AMP 215875-1 VN0005 V103 S tereo jack 3.5mm Zupami 3.5 EJW- C386 VM0242 V104 SMD system connector 1x16 pin AMP 188227-1 VM01 16 V105 Contact strip angle 2x8 NB-electr .
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 9 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 The Top Side Layout PW0700B 2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 10 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 The Bot tom Si d e Layo ut PW07 00B2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 11 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 A2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 12 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 A2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 13 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 A2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 14 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 A2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 15 Product: UDH-50 (Carb ox) / YO07 02 / Mecha nics YO0702 / Mechani cs OO 0700 NC 2008 MD 0702 MF 1502 NG 0012 MF 1140 MD 0703 NC 2010 NF 0200 NG 0011 NC 2066 NG 1015 UDH-5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 16 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / YO0704 7.2 CARBOX UDH-50 YO0704 7.2.1 Including attached functions - powe r sup ply filter - voltage regula to rs - processo r control led ba tt.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 17 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / YO0704 HANDSET V102: EXTMIC V103 PC/AUX V104 1 HS_ERP Audio si gn al fo r e arphone + HOOK -sig nal 2E G N D 3M G N D 4 .
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 18 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / YO0704 BOX V105 Operati on Operati ng volt age is f ed to pi n EXTVB /6. L100/ C104 filter s the po wer supply a nd D100 l imit s any volt age peaks.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 19 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 7.2.3 Parts list OW0700 OW0700 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CD0101 C100 SMD capasitor 100 pF 5% 50 V NP0 P hilips CD0101 C10.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 20 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 CD0104 C331 SMD capasitor 100 nF 10% 50 V X7R P hilips CD0222 C332 SMD capasitor 2.2 nF 5% 50 V NP0 Phil ips CD0680 C333 SMD capasitor 68.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 21 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 DT0033 D100 SMD T rans il 33V71500W SGS- Thomso SM15T33A DZ0180 D200 SMD zener 18V 5% 300mW Philip s BZX84C18 DT0033 D230 SMD T rans il 3.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 22 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 RD0103 R230 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamay a RD0102 R231 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RD0103 R232 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamay a RD0103 R240 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamay a RD0102 R241 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 23 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 RC0108 R501 SMD resistor 0.1 R 5% 0.25W P hilips 232272496002 RD0332 R510 SMD resistor 3.3 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RD0103 R51 1 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RD0153 R520 SMD resistor 15 k 5% 0.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 24 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 The Top Side Layout PW0700A 5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 25 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 The Bot tom Si d e Layo ut PW07 00A5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 26 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 A5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 27 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 A5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 28 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 A5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 29 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 A5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 30 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 A5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 31 Product: UDH-50 (Carb ox) / YO07 04 / Mecha nics YO0704 / Mechani cs OW 0700 NC 2008 MD 0702 MF 1502 NG 0012 MF 1140 MD 0703 NC 2010 NF 0200 NG 0011 NC 2066 NG 1015 UDH-50.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 32 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / System cable YC1304 7.2.4 System Cable System cable Y C1304 YC1304 is a system cable f or the hands-free car kit of Gamma. CORD GUARD 6-100648-1 ORGANIZER 6-100387-1 CLAMP COVER6-100386-3 CLAMP BASE 6-100386-2 CABLE CONNECTOR 6-100385-1 TORX SCREW 6-100649-1 ( 2 kpl) 5 .
27.1.1999 8kds50g 33 Product: KDS-50 (Ha nds-free Cr adle) / Y O0701 7.3 HANDS-FREE CRADLE KDS-50 YO0701 7.3.1 Mechanics.
27.1.1999 8kds50g 34 Product: KDS-50 (Ha nds-free Cr adle) / Y O0701 7.3.2 Module OO070 2 The T op Side Layou t PO070 2A0 The Bottom Sid e Layout PO0 702A0.
27.1.1999 8kds50g 35 Product: KDS-50 (Ha nds-free Cr adle) / Y O0701 KDS-50.
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 36 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / 7.4 EXTERNAL HANDSET WITH CRADLE HDS-5 0 7.4.1 External Handset (n ot serviceable) 7.
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 37 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / Cable 7.4.2 General The extern al handset is de signed for us e togethe r with th e hands- free car ki t. The ext er nal hand set inc ludes a mic ropho ne, an ea rphone and a ree d s witch.
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 38 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / 7.4.3 Connecto r XIN Signals 7.4.4 Microphon e 7.4.5 Speaker 7.4.6 Hook The hook op eration is done by u s e o f a r e ed swi tch . H oo k op er at io n i s co nnected to the h andset ea rphone termina l.
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 39 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / 7.4.7 Parts list OO0009 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CU0475 C106 SMD tantal 4.
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 40 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / The T op Side Layou t PO000 9A1 (Sch ematic OO0009A1 ).
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 41 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / The Bot tom Side L ayout PO0 009A1 ( Schemati c OO0009A 1).
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 42 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / H L S -4 1 , H D S -50 , H X S -4 0.
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 43 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / 7.4.8 Cradle Mechanics.
27.1.1999 8OSET_GB .fm 1 8.0 OFFICE SET OFFICE SET.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 2 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 8.1 OFFICE SET DDS-50 YO03 1 1 8.1.1 General Main featu res of th e of fice set are: - Hands Fre e microphone a nd speake r - Handse .
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 3 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 8.1.2 Connecto rs Main module OO03 03 AUX/PWR_IN_1 , AUX/PWR_I N_2 V2 PIN # NAME DESCRI PTION LEVEL 1,2 VB pow er in max.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 4 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 V4 V5, V13 V6, V1 1 V7 V8, V12 V9 PIN # NAME DESCRI PTION LEVEL 1 V_ CHG charge curren t for ph one max.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 5 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 V10 Led module OO0301 V1 V2 Connector module OO0302 V1 PIN # NAME DESCRIPTION LEVEL 1 HF_SPKR Hands Free speaker 2 GN.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 6 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 V2 PIN # NAME DESCRIPTION LEVEL 1,2 V_ CHG char ge curren t for pho ne max . 10 V , 1.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 7 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 8.1.3 Operation General Power supply un it is con nected to one of the conn ectors on the back of the unit. Con ne ctions on the s e two conn ectors ar e ident ical to ea ch othe r .
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 8 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 Spare ba ttery d ischarge is controlled wi th signal D2. High leve l on output switches transisto rs Q28 7 and Q285 into conducti ng state , whic h makes current flow thro ugh resis tors R2 80-283 and tr ansistor Q285.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 9 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303 8.1.4 Parts list OO0303 (P3) OO0303 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CD0101 C100 SMD capasitor 100 pF 5% 50 V NP0 Philips C.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 10 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303 CD0223 C292 SMD capasitor 22 nF 10% 50 V X7R Philips CH0105 C293 SMD capasitor 1uF/-20/+80%/16V T aiyoY uden EMK212 F105Z00T CH0105 C402 SMD capasitor 1uF/-20/+80%/16V T aiyoY uden EMK212 F105Z00T CD0104 C403 SMD capasitor 100 nF 10% 50 V X7R Philips CD0222 C406 SMD capasitor 2.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 11 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303 IA1905 I499 Audio power amplifier 5W/20V/4ohm SGS/ Thomso TDA1905 IA1905 I528 Audio power amplifier 5W/20V/4ohm SGS/ Thomso TDA1905 LF0061 L109 S MD EMI suppression filt 4700pF/2A 1.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 12 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303 RD0471 R304 SMD resistor 470 R 5% 0.125 W K amay a RD0103 R310 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamay a RD0103 R31 1 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RD0471 R312 SMD resistor 470 R 5% 0.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 13 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303 NI0508 V13 Battery contact spr ing for DDS-40 95204240 VM0242 V3 SMD sys tem connector 1x16 pin AMP 188227-1 X80006 X1 Crystal 8.0000 MHz T elequartz 8.00MHZ/B X80007 X261 S MD crystal 8.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 14 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303 The Top S ide Lay ou t PO030 0A0 The Botto m Side Layout PO 0300A0.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 15 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 16 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 17 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 18 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0301 8.1.5 Parts list OO301 OO0301 The Top S ide and t he Bott om Side Lay outs P O0 301A3 CODE P ART DESCRIPT .
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 19 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0301.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 20 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0302 8.1.6 Part list OO0302 OO0302 The Bottom Sid e Layout PO0 302A1 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE VN0242 V2 SMD system conn. (holder) AMP PO0302 Y 1 Flexible PCB for OO0302 DDS-40 Simflex Last update 12.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 21 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0302.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 22 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0302.
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 23 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / 8.2 EXTERNAL HANDSET HXS-40 8.2.1 External Handset (n ot serviceable) Mechanics External Handset HXS-40 YH0443.
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 24 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / Cable 8.2.2 General The extern al handset is de signed for us e togethe r with th e of fice set. The exte rnal handset i ncludes a microp hone, an earpho ne and a reed switch.
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 25 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / 8.2.3 Connecto r XIN Signals 8.2.4 Microphon e 8.2.5 Speaker 8.2.6 Hook The hook op eration is done by u s e o f a r e ed swi tch . H oo k op er at io n i s co nnected to the h andset ea rphone termina l.
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 26 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / 8.2.7 Parts list OO0009 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CU0475 C106 SMD tantal 4.
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 27 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / The T op Side Layou t PO000 9A1 (Sch ematic OO0009A1 ).
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 28 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / The Bot tom Side L ayout PO0 009A1 ( Schemati c OO0009A 1).
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 29 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / H L S -4 1 , H D S -50 , H X S -4 0.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 2 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 9.1 LINE INTERFACE L IF-40 YO0245 9.1.1 General The lin e interfa ce is an accessory for a Be nefon phone to enabl e a tele-d evice approved for the genera l network to be connected to the h andpor tabl e.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 3 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 When the dialli ng tone is hear d, ther e is app rox. 30 s. time to star t dialli ng the num- ber . The nu m be r may also be dialled fro m the hand portable key board. Answering a call with the tel e-device.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 4 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 TROUBLE SHOOTING When mo ving ab out or in an area with poor re ception , radio fa de and ch anges betw een base stations wi ll inter rupt ra dio contac t.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 5 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 Connectors X120 X121 Audio The audio uni t cons ist s o f oper atio n ampli fie rs I100 C an d I100D and their p eri pher al componen ts .
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 6 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 While Q100 is conduct ing, the en ergy flows thr ough re sistor R108 to t he coil L1 00. When the sw itch Q100 stop s condu cting, th e energy rece ived by L10 0 is dischar ged through the r ectifier diode D100 to the cap acitor C106.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 7 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 9.1.4 Manufacturers Declaration for BA BT/SITS/85/22 a) The e lectric al conditio ns prese nt at the ter minal apparat us connect.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 8 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 BENEF N Title: Line interface Date: 21.4.1993 / HJo PCF 8574 I2C address 4AH IICINT SDA SCL VB +5V REG. RXAUDIO TXAUDIO DC/DC Converter LPF LB LA HOOK DET. 4/2-WIRE AUDIO CONV. OSCILLATOR/ DIVIDER (74HC4060) P0/RING_OFF Input: 5.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 9 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245 9.1.5 Parts list OO0245 OO0245 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CF0680 C100 SMD capasitor 68 pF 5% 50 V NP0 Philips CF06.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 10 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245 MC1280 M105 Charger case T amplast MF1405 M 108 Type plate LIF-40 ScreenHous 931652 40 QF0024 Q100 SMD n-channel 60V/15A/Rds=0.1 I&R IRFR024 QF7002 Q101 SMD n-channel FET 60V 0.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 11 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245 RF0103 R145 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0104 R146 SMD resistor 100 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0103 R147 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0103 R148 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 12 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245 OO0245 Componen t Side Layo ut PO0245 A0.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 13 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245 Solde r Side Layout PO024 5A0.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 14 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 15 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245.
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 16 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / YO02 36 9.2 BRANCHING UNIT YO0236.
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 17 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / YO02 36 9.2.1 General With the branch ing box you can simultaneously conn ect several acce ssories, such as an exter nal ha ndset and a line co nverter , to the car in stallation kit and the hand - por table.
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 18 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / YO02 36 Connector PC Signals 9.2.3 Operation Audio routes f or either an exter nal ha ndset or a lin e converter are select ed using audio switch es I201 ( mic) a nd I202 (erp ).
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 19 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / OO0241 9.2.4 Parts list OO0241 OO0241 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CH0105 C201 SMD capasitor 1uF/-20/+80%/16V T aiyoY ude.
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 20 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / OO0241 OO0241 Componen t Side Layo ut PO0241 A3 (Schematic OO 0241A3).
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 21 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / OO0241 Solde r Side Layout PO024 1A3 (Sc h ematic OO0241 A3).
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 22 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / OO0241.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sigma TDP-52-SN3 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sigma TDP-52-SN3 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sigma TDP-52-SN3 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sigma TDP-52-SN3 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sigma TDP-52-SN3, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sigma TDP-52-SN3.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sigma TDP-52-SN3. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sigma TDP-52-SN3 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.