Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PW-E550 del fabbricante Sharp
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The Ne w Oxford American Dictionary Oxford American Thesaurus of Current English Garner's Modern American Usage ELECTRONIC DICTIONAR Y OPERA TION MANU AL MODEL PW -E550 P age • Getting Star ted ..................................................
35 Introduction Thank y ou for purchasing the SHARP Electronic Dictionary , model PW -E550. The PW -E550 contains data based on the f ollowing dictionaries (see page 4): • The New Oxf ord American D.
1 CONTENTS Getting Star ted Using the PW -E550 f or the first time ............................................................ 2 La yout ........................................................................................................... 5 Basic Operation .
2 Getting Started Using the PW -E550 for the first time Be sure to perf or m the follo wing operations bef ore using the PW -E550 for the first time. 1. Set the batter y replacement s witch on the bottom of the unit to the ‘REPLACE BA TTER Y’ position.
3 T urning the power on/off The power can be s witched on by pressing the k eys listed below . To tur n off the pow er , press o . Key o m d t g s a Displa y status upon star t-up Restores the displa y as it was bef ore the unit was s witched off (Resume function).
4 Data contained in the PW-E550 The dictionar y data contained in this unit are based on the f ollowing dictionaries: •N ew Oxford American Dictionar y © Oxf ord University Press 2001 • The Oxf ord Amer ican Thesaur us of Current English © Oxf ord University Press 1999 • Gar ner's Modern Amer ican Usage © Bryan A.
5 Menu ke y Clear ke y F ont siz e shift ke y P age scroll ke y Layout Back space k ey Cursor ke ys Enter ke y Escape ke y Po w er on/off ke y Displa y symbols (Ref er to the next page f or details) D.
6 This symbol will be displa yed when the batter y le vel is lo w . Promptly replace the old batter y with a new one . Indicates that the ke y sound (beep) is set to ON. Indicates that ^ has been pressed. These arrows suggest that more contents can be bro wsed by scrolling up/ down the windo w .
7 Basic Operation Inputting words for a dictionary search In this section, the basic search operation is described. For details , refer to the manual chapter f or each dictionar y . <Example> Find definitions of ‘shar p’ in the New Oxf ord Amer ican Dictionar y .
8 Filter search view: selecting an item; scrolling Press d , then type A , and B . ‘ab’ is entered, and words star ting from ‘ab’ listed. Selecting each entry Use } { to place the cursor (indicated as ‘ ’ on the left of the listed items) at the desired entr y , then press e .
9 12 dot-based (def ault) 9 dot-based Detailed view: scrolling Press d , then type A , and e . The detailed view with definitions appears . Browsing contents above/below the screen ‘ ’ and/or ‘ ’ may appear on the left side of the screen, indicating that more inf or mation can be browsed b y scrolling up/down the vie w .
10 Browsing Notes ( r ) A Note icon ( ) ma y appear in the detailed view . This indicates that a note can be selected to view e xtra information (additional inf or mation, usage note, etc.
11 Note: Using the r ke y will display the f ollowing: • The New Oxf ord Amer ican Dictionar y • Usage notes • Additional (bo xed) inf ormation • Oxf ord Amer ican Thesaur us of Current Englis.
12 Setting the Auto power off activation time This product automatically tur ns its po wer off to sav e the batter y . The auto power off time is set to fiv e minutes by def ault. 1. Press m , 5 , then 2 . The A uto power off setting screen appears. 2.
13 W ord Entr y f or search AC a c UK uk W ord Entr y f or search 4WD f ourwd A5 afive • Conv er t uppercase letters to lowercase . <Example> • Spell out the numbers when applicab le. <Example> • Enter ‘and’ instead of ‘&’.
14 In this Dictionar y , definitions of a word can be f ound by entering its spelling. F eatures such as Phr ase search, Crossw ord solver , and Anagram solv er are also av ailab le. Looking up a word (Filter search) A definition of a word can be look ed up by inputting its spelling.
15 Phrase search To search f or idioms or phrasal verbs , enter no more than three words in the input field. The phrases containing ALL the entered words can be searched f or . <Example> Search f or a phrase containing ‘take’ and ‘care’.
16 Anagram solver A word or series of letters can be entered to find any matching anag rams found in the New Oxf ord Amer ican Dictionar y . <Example> Find anagrams f or ‘dear’. 1. Press d to open the New Oxf ord Amer ican Dictionar y . Press the } three times to place the cursor at the ‘Anagram solv er’, then press e .
17 4. In the list, select a desired word using the number k eys . The detailed view with descriptions of the word is displa yed. • If a word selected is not in its original f or m, and cannot be f ound as a headword, then the detailed vie w of the word's original form will be displa yed.
18 Input a word in this Thesaur us to find its synon yms, as well as antonyms and other related terms in the detailed view . Looking up a word (Filter search) Find a set of related words b y inputting the spelling of a given w ord. <Example> Find a set of relativ e words for ‘make’.
19 Phrase search To search f or idioms or phrasal verbs , enter no more than three words in the input field. The phrases containing ALL the entered words can be searched f or . <Example> Search f or a phrase containing ‘make’ and ‘up’, and find its synonyms .
20 Using Garner's Modern American Usage Input a word or an essa y's title in Gar ner's Modern Amer ican Usage to find the latest American English usages. A word can also be searched in the Select Glossar y . Searching by a word or an essay’ s title (Filter search) <Example> Find usage e xamples of ‘that’.
21 Select Glossary Search f or a word’ s definition in the Select Glossar y . <Example> Find a definition of ‘lexicology’. 1. Press g , } then e to open the Select Glossar y input screen of Gar ner’ s Moder n American Usage . 2. Input ‘lexico’.
22 Using the Super jump function Use the Super jump function to select any w ord in the detailed view of each dictionar y , then initiate a search based on the selected word. How to use the Super jump function <Example> Initiate a Super jump search via the New Oxf ord Amer ican Dictionar y .
23 Specifying a Dictionary to jump to In step 4 abov e, press d , t or g instead of pressing e , to specify the Dictionar y to jump to . Note icon in the Super jump window When the Note icon appears in the Super jump window , press r and e to view the contents .
24 Use the Histor y function to recall a headword or phr ase previously searched in the Dictionaries. How to use the History function <Example> Recall the search histor y in the New Oxf ord Amer ican Dictionar y . 1. Press d to open the New Oxf ord Amer ican Dictionar y .
25 Using the Calculator function The built-in calculator in the Electronic Dictionary can perf or m twelve-digit arithmetic calculations with memor y function. T o access the Calculator function, press a . Prior to initiating calculations • Bef ore performing any calculation, press @ @ b to clear the memor y and the displa y .
26 Using the Converter function The Conv er ter function consists of two conv er ters: the Currency con verter , and the Metric conv er ter . Currency converter Setting a currency rate One conv ersion rate can be set. <Example> Set the f ollowing rate: US$1 = C = 0.
27 Metric converter Conv ersions between diff erent units of measurement (length, mass, etc.) can be perf or med. <Example> Conv er t 40 feet to meters . 1. Press m 4 2 to access the Metric conv er ter . 2. Use { } to select ‘Conv er ter [length2]’.
28 Replacing the battery Battery used • Use only the specified alkaline battery . Appendices Precautions • Fluid from a leaking batter y accidentally entering an ey e could result in ser ious injur y . Should this occur , wash with clean w ater and immediately consult a doctor .
29 Reset procedure if trouble occurs Exposure to a strong ph ysical shock or pow erful electr ical fields ma y render the ke ys inoperab le, to the point that the pow er cannot be switched on. If such case is suspected, tr y f ollowing the procedure below .
30 Tr o u b leshooting Solutions to possible symptoms ma y be found here . The unit cannot be switched on. • Check if the battery is drained. See page 28. • Check the battery replacement s witch; it should be set at the ‘NORMAL OPERA TION’ position.
31 The New Oxford American Dictionary Introduction The New Oxf ord Amer ican Dictionar y has been compiled according to principles that are quite diff erent from those of traditional American dictionar ies.
32 SUBSENSE: Economics the desire of purchasers, consumers , clients, emplo yers, etc., f or a par ticular commodity , ser vice, or other Item: EXAMPLE: a recent slump in demand. (c) other extension or shift in meaning, retaining one or more elements of the core sense, e.
33 Specialist Vocabulary One of the most impor tant uses of a dictionar y is to provide e xplanations of ter ms in specialized fields that are unf amiliar to a general user .
34 Grammar In recent years , grammar has begun to enjo y greater prominence than in the past fe w decades. It is once again being taught e xplicitly in schools throughout the United States. In addition, there is a recognition that diff erent meanings of a word are closely associated with diff erent lexical and syntactic patterns.
35 mark those cases in which predicative use w ould be less usual. [predic.]: used to mark an adjective that is normally used predicatively , i.e., comes after the v erb, e .g., ajar in the door was ajar (not the ajar door ). [postpositive]: used to mark an adjective that is used postpositiv ely , i.
36 Examples The New Oxf ord Amer ican Dictionar y contains many more e xamples of words in use than any other compar able dictionar y . Generally , they are there to sho w typical uses of the word or sense. All examples are authentic , in that they represent actual usage.
37 meaning change of any kind is inherently suspect. For e xamples of notes on such issues, see preposition , due and hopefully . The usage notes in the New Oxf ord Amer ican Dictionar y take the vie w that English is English, not Latin, and that English is, lik e all living languages, subject to change .
38 W orld English English is spoken as a first language b y more than 300 million people throughout the world, and used as a second language by man y millions more. It is the language of international communication in business , diplomacy , spor ts, science , technology , and countless other fields.
39 V ariant spellings The main f or m of each word giv en in the New Oxf ord Amer ican Dictionar y is alwa ys the standard American spelling. If there is a standard variant, e .
40 • present par ticiples dropping a final silent e and adding - ing to the stem, e.g., c hange → c hanging ; dance → dancing Other f or ms are given in the dictionary , notably f or : •v erbs that inflect by doub ling a consonant, e.g., bat → batted , batting •v erbs ending in - y that inflect by changing - y to - i , e.
41 Key to the Pronunciations This dictionar y uses a simple respelling system to show ho w entries are pro- nounced, using the symbols listed below . Generally , only the first of two or more identical headwords will ha ve a pronunciation respelling.
42 Foreign Sounds KH as in Bach | bä KH | A fricative consonant pronounced with the tongue in the same position as f or | k |, as in Ger man Buch and ich , or Scottish loch .
43 Oxford American Thesaurus of Current English Guide to The Oxford American Thesaurus of Current English HEADWORDS The te xt of The Oxf ord Amer ican Thesaur us of Current English is organized under headwords , which are display ed in bold type. The headwords are listed in strict alphabetical order .
44 GROUPS WITHIN SENSES In general, the synon yms in an entr y are separated by commas . How ev er , there are cases in which the words f all naturally into two or more distinct g roups, which are separated b y semicolons.
45 Garner’ s Modern American Usage LIST OF ESSA Y ENTRIES This data contains essentially two types of entries: (1) word entries, which discuss a par ticular word or set of words; and (2) essa y entr ies, which address larger questions of usage and style.
46 B. Which to Use-Suffix es or more and most? C. Be-V erbs Repeated After Comparativ es D. The Double Compar ative E. Greater of A [or] B; greater of A [and] B F. Absolute Adjectives COMPUTERESE CONCORD A. Subject-V erb Disagreement B. Noun-Pronoun Disagreement C.
47 B. V ersus Endnotes FOR-; FORE- FORMAL WORDS -FREE FUDGE WORDS FUNCTIONAL V ARIA TION A. Generally B. Nouns as Adjectiv es C. Adjectives as Nouns D. Nouns as V erbs E. Adjectives as V erbs F. Prepositions as Adv erbs or Pa r ticles G. Conjunctions as Prepositions H.
48 OBSCURITY OFFICIALESE -OR; -OUR O VERST A TEMENT O XYMORONS A. Generally B. Plural P ARALLELISM A. Generally B. Pa r ts of Speech C. Phrases and Clauses D. Content P ASSIVE V OICE A. Generally B. The Double P assive PER- PERIPHRASIS PHRASAL ADJECTIVES A.
50 LIST OF ABBREVIA TIONS adj. = adjective adv . = adverb AHD = The American Her itage Dictionar y of the English Language (4th ed. 2000) Am. = Amer ican AmE = American English arch. = archaic A.S. = Anglo-Saxon Au s. =A ustralian Br . = British BrE = B ritish English c.
51 PRONUNCIA TION GUIDE @ f or all the v ow el sounds in amok, b urger , London a as in f act, vat ah as in calm, f ather ahr as in bar , star t air as in flare, lair aw as in tall, la w ay as in page.
34 This de vice complies with P ar t 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the f ollo wing two conditions: (1) This device ma y not cause har mful interference , and (2) this de vice must accept any interf erence received, including interf er- ence that ma y cause undesired operation.
36 LIMITED W ARRANTY SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORA TION warr ants to the first consumer purchaser that this Shar p brand product (the “Product”), when shipped in its original container , will be free .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sharp PW-E550 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sharp PW-E550 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sharp PW-E550 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sharp PW-E550 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sharp PW-E550, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sharp PW-E550.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sharp PW-E550. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sharp PW-E550 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.