Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MX-B382 del fabbricante Sharp
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MODEL: MX-B382 MX-B382SC DIGITAL MULTIFUNCTIONAL SYSTEM ST AR T GUIDE Keep this man ual c lose at ha nd for re ference w heneve r neede d..
EMC (t his mac hine a nd peripheral devices) Caution! For co mplete electric al dis connect ion, pu ll out the ma in plug. The so cket- outlet sha ll be instal led near th e equi pmen t and shal l be e asily ac cess ible. Shield ed inte rface cab les mus t be used with thi s equi pment to mainta in co mplianc e with EMC regulat ions.
1 For the users of the fax function FAX interface cable and Line cabl e: These spec ial acce ssori es must be use d with th e dev ice. SOFTWARE LICENSE The SOFTWA RE LICEN SE will appear when yo u instal l the soft ware fr om the CD -ROM.
2 Content s CAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Symbo ls in thi s man ual . . . . . . . 4 Power note s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Installat ion not es . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 About c onsumab les . . . . . . . . . . 6 Handli ng preca utions .
3 The pro ducts tha t meet the ENERGY STAR ® gu idelines carry the logo s hown a bove. The pro ducts with out the lo go may no t meet the ENERGY STAR ® gu ideli nes.
4 CAUTIONS Symbols in this manual Power notes To en sure sa fe use of the machine , this manua l uses va rious sa fety symb ols. The sa fety symb ols are classifi ed as expla ined below. Be sur e you u nders tand th e mean ing of the symb ols wh en re ading th e man ual.
5 CAUTIONS Installation notes CAUTION Do not in stall in a location wit h moisture or dust. Ris k of fire and e lec tric al s hoc k. If dust enters the machin e, dirty outpu t and mac hine fa ilure m ay result . Locat ions that are ex cessively hot, cold , hum id, or dry (nea r he ate rs, humid ifi ers, air condi tioner s, etc.
6 CAUTIONS Installation notes (continued) About con sumables The machine includes a built-i n hard drive. Do not s ubject the mach ine to shock or vib ration. In particu lar, never mov e the machin e while the powe r is on. • Th e machi ne should be in stalle d near an acces sible po wer outl et for ea sy con nection.
7 CAUTIONS Handling p recautions The m achin e include s the docum ent fil ing funct ion, w hich stores do cume nt ima ge dat a on the mach ine's ha rd driv e. Stored docu ments ca n be c alled up and pri nted or transm itted as neede d. If a hard dri ve failu re occ urs, it w ill no l onger b e possib le to call up the st ored do cument data.
8 CAUTIONS Laser inform ation Wave length 790 nm ±10 nm Pulse times (North Am erica and Europe) 4.1 µs ±4.1 ns /7 mm Outpu t power Max 0. 6 mW (LD 1+ LD2) Caution Use of co ntrols or adju stme nts or p erform anc e of p rocedur es ot her th an th ose s pecif ied here in may r esult in ha zardous radi ation expo sure.
9 OPERAT ION MANUALS AND HOW TO USE THEM Printed manua ls and a manua l in PDF f ormat ar e provide d with th e mac hine. Printed manual s This sec tion e xplains preca utions to ensure sa fe usa ge, par t name s and func tions and basic s oftware. Re fer to the PDF instru ction ma nual fo r instruct ions on h ow to us e the mach ine.
10 DIGITAL MULTIFUNCTIONA L SYSTEM FU NCTIONS This mac hine provides four ma jor are as of func tional ity. Refer to the Op eration Guide fo r detai ls on us ing the various functi ons wit hin each area.
11 ACCESSING THE W EB SERVER IN THE MACHINE Wh en t he ma chin e is conn ect ed t o a ne twor k, the m achi ne' s b uilt -in Web s erv er ca n be acce ssed from a Web browser on your compute r. Opening the Web pages Recom mended We b brows ers • Interne t Explorer: 6.
12 CHECKING THE IP AD DRESS To ch eck the IP add ress of t he ma chine , print out t he all custom setti ng list in th e syste m settin gs. 1 Press t he [SYSTEM SETTINGS] key. 2 Select the al l custom setting lis t in the touch panel. (1) Touch the [List Pr int (Use r)] key.
13 PART NA MES AND FUNCTIONS (1) Aut omatic d ocument feed er This autom atica lly feed s and scans mul tiple originals . Both s ides of 2-si ded ori ginal s can be s cann ed at once . (2) Docum ent feeder tray Plac e the or iginals i n this tray when usi ng the automat ic docume nt feed er.
14 SU PPLI ES * Periphe ral devic e. For more informati on, se e "PERIPHERAL D EVICES" i n "Chapte r 1 - BEFO RE USING THE MACH INE" in t he Op eration Guide. (1 5) Fr ont cov er Open to re pla ce a t one r car trid ge. (1 6) Byp ass tra y Spec ial types of paper and env elopes c an be f ed from the bypa ss t ray .
15 OPERATION PANEL IMA GE SEND HOME PRINT DA T A LINE DA T A READ Y SYSTEM SETTINGS JOB ST A TUS Job Status MFP Status 020/015 005/000 010/000 010/000 Copying Waiting Waiting Waiting Special Modes Plain 2-Sided Copy Output File Quick File Copy Ratio Tray1 100% 1.
16 OPERATION PANEL LOGOUT Numeric keys Numeri c keys The se are used to ente r the numb er of copies , fax numbe rs, and ot her num bers . [LOG OUT] key ( ) When user au thentica tion is enab led, press this key to log ou t after using t he mach ine. When using the fax functi on, this ke y can be pressed to send t one signals on a pul se dial line.
17 TURNING THE POWER ON AND OFF The m achine ha s tw o power s witche s. One i s the mai n pow er switch on the left si de of the ma chine , and t he other is the [PO WER] ke y ( ) on t he upp er right side of th e operati on pan el.
18 PLACING ORIGIN ALS The au tomatic d ocum ent fee der can be used to automa ticall y sc an many origina ls at once. This sav es you t he troub le of man ually feeding e ach o riginal . For origina ls that cannot be sc anned using the automatic docu ment feed er, such as a book or a docum ent with notes attached , use t he docum ent gl ass.
19 PLACING ORIGINALS Using the document glass Take care that y our fin gers a re not p inched w hen clo sing the autom atic d ocument feeder. After pla cing the origin al, be sure to close th e automat ic doc ument fe eder. If left op en, parts o utsid e of the original will be copie d blac k, caus ing ex cessiv e use of toner.
20 LOADING PAPER IN A TRAY Names of the trays The na mes o f the trays are sh own bel ow. For the number of sheets of pa per that can be l oaded i n each tra y, se e the fo llowing manua ls: • Opera.
21 LOADING PAPER IN A TRAY Loading paper in a tray A maximum of 500 sh eets of paper fro m size A5 (5-1/ 2" x 8-1/2 ") to A4 (8-1/2" x 14") can be loa ded in trays 1 a nd 2. A maximu m of 5 00 sh eets of pa per from size B5 ( 7-1/4" x 10-1/2 ") to A4 (8-1 /2" x 1 4") can b e load ed in t rays 3 and 4.
22 LOADING PAPER IN A TRAY Loading paper in bypass tray Example: Loading an envelope When loading paper l arger than A4 o r 8-1/2" x 11", pu ll out the tray exte nsion. The si de to be copi ed or pr inted on must be face down! Load th e paper in the horizontal orie ntation.
23 BEFORE INSTALLIN G THE SOFTWARE This cha pter de scribes the so ftware pro grams tha t allow y ou to use the pr inter an d scan ner functi ons of the mach ine, th e CD-R OMs th at contain the s oftware, a nd the pages where th e basi c inst allation proce dures can be fou nd.
24 BEFORE INSTALLI NG THE SOFTWARE Disc 1 Software for Windows • Printer drive r Th ese a llo w th e ma chin e to be us ed a s a p rint er . - PCL6 print er driver The m achine s upports t he Hewlet t-Packar d PCL6 pr inter contr ol lan guages.
25 BEFORE INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE Disc 2 Software for Windows • PC-Fax driver This enables y ou to send a fil e from your com puter a s a fax u sing t he same proce dure as w hen printi ng the file.
26 BEFORE INSTALLI NG THE SOFTWARE VERIFYING SYS TEM REQUIREMENTS SYS TEM REQU IREM ENTS Before i nstallin g the softwa re descri bed in thi s manual , make sure that yo ur compu ter satis fies t he foll owing re quirem ents.
27 BEFORE INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE SOFTWARE REQUIREMEN TS The fol lowing requireme nts must be me t to us e the softwa re des cribed in this man ual. *1 For the typ es of comp uters a nd ope rating s yst ems tha t can r un the soft ware, s ee "S YSTEM REQU IREME NTS" (pa ge 26) .
28 BEFORE INSTALLI NG THE SOFTWARE CONNECTING THE MAC HINE CONNECTING TO A NETWORK To con nect the machi ne to a ne twork, c onnec t the LAN cab le to t he machi ne's ne twork con nec tor .
29 SETUP IN A WIND OWS ENVIRONMENT This sec tion e xplains ho w to ins tall th e softwar e on a Win dows c omputer. F or more detail s rega rding ins tallati on proced ures a nd instruc tions for instal lation in Maci ntosh en vir onme nts , see C hap ter 1 of t he Op erat ion Guid e.
30 SETUP IN A WINDOWS ENVIRONME NT 5 Read the m e ssage in th e "Welcome" window an d then click the [Next] button. 6 The softwa re select ion screen appears. Before i nstallin g the softwa re, be sure to cl ick the [Di splay Readm e] button a nd view th e detaile d informat ion on the software .
31 SETUP IN A WI NDOWS ENVIRONMENT INSTALLING THE PRINT ER DRIVER / PC-FAX DRIVER To ins tall the p rinter d river o r the PC-Fax driver, f ollow th e appro priate pr ocedure i n this secti on dep ending on whet her the machine is c onnected to a ne twork or c onnecte d by USB cabl e.
32 SETUP IN A WINDOWS ENVIRONME NT Standard i nstallat ion When th e software selec tion scre en appears in step 6 of "OPEN ING THE SOFT WARE SELECTION SCREEN (FOR ALL SOF TWARE)" (pa ge 29), perform the steps below. 1 Click the [Pr inter Driver] button .
33 SETUP IN A WI NDOWS ENVIRONMENT When [Cus tom in stall ation] is selecte d, you ca n chan ge any of the item s below. When [ Standard insta llation] i s selec ted, the insta llation wi ll take p lace a s indic ated belo w.
34 SETUP IN A WINDOWS ENVIRONME NT 4 A confirmation w indow app ears. Check the conten ts and then click the [Next] button. 5 When the printer driver selecti on window ap pears, select the printer driver to be installed and cli ck the [Next] butto n. Click the ch eckbox of the p rinter d river to be insta lled s o that a checkm ark ( ) appea rs.
35 SETUP IN A WI NDOWS ENVIRONMENT If you clicke d the [Cu stom instal lation] bu tton in step 2, the f ollowin g windo ws will ap pear. • Printer name w indow If you wish to c hange the printe r name, en ter the desired n ame and c lick th e [Next] butt on.
36 SETUP IN A WINDOWS ENVIRONME NT This completes the install ation. • After in stalla tion, see "CO NFIGURING THE PRINT ER DRIVER FOR THE OPTIONS INSTALLED ON THE MACHI NE" in the Op eration Guide to con figure th e printer dr iver setti ngs.
37 REGULA R MAINTENANC E To ens ure that th e mac hine cont inues to provid e top q uality pe rformance , period ically clean the m achine. Cleaning the document glass and automatic document feeder If.
38 SUPPLIES Standard supplie s for th is pro duct that can be replaced by the user inc lude pape r, toner cartrid ges, and staple cartri dges for th e finis her. Be sure to use on ly SHARP-sp ecifi ed produc ts for th e toner ca rtridges , finishe r stap le cartrid ge, and tra nspare ncy film.
39 SPECIFIC ATIONS Machine specific ations / copier specificat ions Name Digit al Multif unctional Syste m MX-B382/M X-B382SC Type Desktop Display 7 i nch c ol our t ouc h p ane l LCD Photoconduc tive.
40 SPECI FI CATIONS Machine specific ations / copier specificat ions (Continued ) Warm-up time MX-B38 2: 50 sec onds or l ess MX-B38 2SC: 45 seconds or les s (This may va ry dep ending on the am bient conditio ns.) First-copy time MX-B38 2: 8.0 secon ds or les s MX-B38 2SC: 6.
41 SPECIFICATIONS Machine specific ations / copier specificat ions (Continued ) Bypass tr ay Paper si zes: A4, B5, A5, 1 6K, 8 -1/2" x 14" , 8-1/2 " x 13-1/2" , 8-1/2" x 1 3-2.
42 SPECI FI CATIONS Machine specific ations / copier specificat ions (Continued ) * Type A co nnect ors are loc ated o n the fr ont and ba ck rig ht of th e machin e (two conn ectors); ho wever, th e con nectors c annot be u sed s imultane ously on the MX-B382 .
43 SPECIFICATIONS Ambient environment 85% (Humidity) (T emperature) 60% 20% 10˚C (54˚F) 30˚C (86˚F) 35˚C (91˚F).
44 SPECI FI CATIONS Chemical emissi on (measured according to RAL-UZ122: Edition Jun. 2006) Acoustic noise emi ssion (measurement accor ding to ISO7779 ) Ozone 1.5 m g/h or l ess Dust 4 .0 m g/h or les s Styr ene 1.0 m g/h or l ess Benzene less than 0.
45 SPECIFICATIONS Automatic document feeder specifi cations * 1 Scan ning in m ono 2 mode o f one sid e only is poss ible in fax and scan send modes. * 2 Heavy paper (12 9 g /m 2 (34 lbs.) to 280 g /m 2 (75 lbs .)) is only dis charged at th e heavy exit.
46 INFORMATION ON DISPOSAL A. Informat ion on D isposal fo r Users (private households) 1. In th e European Union Atten tion: If you wa nt to dispos e of this equipm ent, pl ease d o n ot us e t he or.
47 Informati on that the administrato r of the machine requires is printed on the back of this page. (Separate this pa ge from the manual and keep it in a safe place. In addition , fill in the name of th e administrato r and t he administrato r's contact information in the left hand margin.
48 TO THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE MACHINE (Separat e this page fr om the ma nual a nd keep i t in a safe p lace.) Factory default passwords When a ccess ing the s ystem setti ngs, t he admin istra tor pa ssword is requ ired t o log in with ad minis trator rights.
49 TO THE ADMINI STRATOR OF THE MACHINE For the users of the fax function Important safety instructions • If any of yo ur telep hone equi pment is no t operating properl y, yo u should imme diatel y remove i t from y our te lephone l ine, as it ma y cause harm t o the te lephone n etwork.
50 TO THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE MACHINE Trademark ac knowledgments The f ollowi ng tra demarks and re giste red tra demarks are us ed in conj unctio n with the mach ine an d its p eriphera l de vices and acce ssorie s. • Mic rosoft ® , W indows ® , Wind ows ® 98 , W ind ows ® Me, Wind ows NT ® 4.
SHARP ELECTRONICS (Europe) GmbH Sonnin straße 3, D-2009 7 Hamb urg.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sharp MX-B382 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sharp MX-B382 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sharp MX-B382 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sharp MX-B382 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sharp MX-B382, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sharp MX-B382.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sharp MX-B382. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sharp MX-B382 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.