Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Fritz! Wlan Repeater 300E del fabbricante AVM
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891186001 FR IT Z! WL A N Re pe at er 3 00 E C onfigurin g and Operatin g.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 2 T able of C ontents Symbols and Highlighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 Getting to Know FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 300E . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.1 FRITZ!W LAN Repeate r 300E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 3 7 Help in Case of Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7.1 LEDs Not On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7.2 The Use r Interface Is Not Disp layed .
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 4 Symb ol s a nd H i gh l ig h t in g Sy mbols and em phas ized text are used to designate c er tain informat ion in this manu al. Sym bo ls High lighti ng This symbol desi gnates h ints and tips that are useful in oper- ating y our product.
Get tin g to Kn ow FR ITZ !WLA N Re peate r 30 0E FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 5 1 Gettin g to Know FRI TZ!WLA N Repeater 30 0E This chapter present s a qui ck over view of the vario us func- tions of y our FRITZ !WLAN Repe ater 300E.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 6 Butt on and LEDs C onnecting a Devic e to the WLAN via the LAN P or t The FRITZ!WLAN Repeater has a gig abit LAN port to which you can connect any net work device, for instance b l u-ray play ers, satellite/TV rece ivers, p rin ters, netw ork storage devices or IP ca m e ra s .
Pack a ge C ontents FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 7 LEDs 1.3 Package C ontents • FRITZ!W LAN Repeate r 30 0E • one p rinted quic k gui de • one net work cable (LAN cable) LED C ondition Meaning fla.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 8 Before Y ou C onnect the FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 2 Before Y ou C onnect the F RITZ!WLAN Repeater Read thi s chapter before connecting the FRI TZ!WLAN Repea ter to the po wer su pply an d the WLAN bas e stati on.
Security and Hand ling FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 9 2.2 Securit y a nd Handling • Never let liquids ge t in side the F RITZ! WLAN Repeate r. Otherwise, electric shocks or short cir cui ts may result. • The FRI TZ!WLAN Repeater is inte nded for indoor use on- ly.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 10 Connecti ng F RIT Z!W LAN Re peate r with a WL AN Bas e Stat ion 3 C onnec ting FRITZ !WLAN Repeater with a WLAN Base Stat ion C onnect the FRI TZ!WLAN Re peater with the FR ITZ!Bo x or an- other WLAN base station whose radio network the FRITZ!W LAN Repeater is to extend.
Esta blishing a C onnection Us ing WPS FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 11 C o nnectin g FRIT Z!WLAN Re peater via WPS with FRITZ!B ox This section describes how t o connect the FRITZ!WLAN Repeater with a FRITZ!Box using WPS. Y ou can also connect the F RITZ!WL AN Repe at er with any ot her WLAN base station that supports WPS as described below.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 12 Esta blishing a C onnection Us ing WPS 3. Now pre ss the “WLAN” but ton on the FRITZ!Bo x within the ne xt two minu tes. Hold th e “WLAN” butt on down u n - til th e “WLAN” LED of the FR ITZ!Box be gins fla shing.
Estab lishing a C onnection U sing the Online Wi zard FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 13 3.2 Est a bli shing a Co nnection Using the Online Wizard If your WLAN base station doesn’t support WPS, you can con- nect the F RITZ!WLAN R epeater wi th your WLAN ba se st ation using th e onlin e wizard.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 14 Estab lishing a C onnection U sing the Online Wi zard 4. Save the FRI TZ!WLAN Repeater 300 E online wizard on your computer. 5. Start the on line wiz ard by doub le-cl icking the ex ecut able “.exe” file. 6. Follow the instru ctio ns.
Esta blishing a C onnection Manual ly FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 15 3.3 Est ablishing a C onnection Ma nually Using this meth od, you can connect the F RITZ!WL AN Repeater with your WLAN base station even if the WLAN base station doesn ’t support WP S and you cannot u se the online wizard.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 16 Esta blishing a C onnection Manual ly Starting th e Configur atio n Wizard 1. Start a web browser on the computer that is c o nnected with yo ur FR IT Z! WLA N Rep eat er. 2. Enter fritz.repeater in the ad dress line o f the browser.
Extending the Range of th e WLAN Radio Network FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 17 4 Extending the Range of the WLAN Radio Netw o rk This chapter d escribes how to extend the ra nge of yo ur WL AN rad i o netwo rk using the FRITZ!WLA N Repeater . 4.1 Prerequi site The FRIT Z!WLA N Repeater m ust be connec ted with your WLAN base statio n.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 18 Integrating WLAN D evice s into the Wireles s Network 4.3 Integr a ting WLAN Devic es into the Wire less Network FRITZ!WLAN Repeate r WLAN Settin gs The FRI TZ!WLAN Repea.
Co nnecting Devices to the LAN Port FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 300E 19 5 C o nnect ing Devices to the L AN Por t C onnecting a devic e to the LAN port (network st orage devi ce, for exa mple) The FRITZ!WLAN Rep eater 300E has a LAN port at the under- si de of the dev ice.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 20 The User Interfac e of the FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 6 The Us er Interf ace of the FR ITZ!WLAN Repe ater The FRITZ!WLAN Repeater has a user interface you can open in a we b br owser o n your compu ter.
Performin g a Firmware Update FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 21 Sett ing Up Password Protec tion As long as no password protection has been set up, e very time you open the use r in terface you will be prom pted to en- ter a pass wor d. I f yo u di sable d t his messa ge, her e is h ow to set password protecti on: 1.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 22 Performin g a Firmware Update 3. T o transfer new firmware to t he FRIT Z!WLAN Repeater, click “Start Firmware Update Now”. The firmware update beg ins and th e “Power” LE D on the FRITZ!Bo x starts flashing. The f irmware update is comple te when the “Power” LED sto ps flashing.
Help in Case of Errors FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 23 7 H elp i n Case of Erro rs 7.1 LEDs Not On The LED s on the FRI TZ!W LA N Re peater d o not ligh t up. The FRI TZ!WLAN Repeater has no el ectricity. • Make sur e that the FRITZ!WLA N Repe ater is conn ected to electrical power.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 24 The User Interface Is Not Di splayed 7.2 The User Int er fac e Is Not Displa yed The us er interf ace of t he FRITZ!W L AN Repea ter is n o t displ ayed in the web browser. The u ser inte rfac e of the FR ITZ!WLAN Rep eater c annot b e reached under the ad dress “fritz.
No Connection with the WLAN Base St a tion FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 25 Auto matic connec tion via WPS faile d. Start the connection procedure via WPS again (see Establishing a Connect ion Usin g WPS on page 10 ). WPS is disabled on the W LAN base statio n.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 26 No Connection with the WLAN Base St a tion The encryption of your WLAN base station is set to “WEP” or “non-en crypted” . WPS can o nly be used with WPA/WP A2 en- cry pt io n. Set up encrypti on with WP A/ WPA2 in the user interface of your WLAN base station.
No WLAN C onnection with a C omputer FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 27 7.4 No WLAN Conne ction with a C omputer No WLAN connecti on can be established between the FRITZ!WLAN Repe ater and a com puter. The computer’s WLAN adapter is not ready for operation.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 28 No WLAN C onnection with a C omputer The en cryption m etho d set i n the FR ITZ!W LAN Repeater is d if- ferent from the o ne in your computer’s WLAN software. Set the s ame encryption me thod in yo ur comp uter’s WLAN software as in t he FRIT Z!WLAN Repeater.
Throughput T oo Slow for WLAN N FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 29 7.5 Throughput T oo Slow for WLAN N A WL AN de vice (fo r ins tance, a compu ter ) conn ecte d with the FRITZ!W LAN Repeater should use th e 802. 11n (WLAN N) standard for high data transmission speeds.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 30 Cann o t Acc ess Devices in the Network The d evices are not bo und to TC P/IP . Ch eck the netw ork connect ion of the netw ork adapter in the dev ice in que stion. See t he docum e ntati on of you r operating system for more informati on.
Cann o t Acc ess Devices in the Network FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 31 4. On the “General” tab, enable the options “Obtain an IP address automatical l y” and “Obtain DNS server ad dress autom atically ”. Prope rt ies of the I nterne t proto col (TCP/ IP) 5.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 32 Cann o t Acc ess Devices in the Network Obtaining an IP Add ress Automat ically in Mac OS X 1. Sele ct the “S ystem Pr eferen ces.. .” in the Ap ple menu. 2. In th e “System Preferen ces” window, click t he “Ne t- work ” ico n.
T echnical Specification s FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 33 8 T e chnical Specifications 8.1 Phys ical Specific ations • Dimensions (w x h x d) appro x. 101 x 76 x 76 mm • Su pply v olt age: 23 0 V / 50 Hz • T otal po wer con sumpt ion: appr ox. 5 W • W eight: a ppro x.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 34 Cust omer Ser vice Guide 9 Cus t omer Ser vice Guide AV M is t h e r e t o h e l p s h o u l d a ny q u e s t i o n s o r p r o b l e m s a r is e . H e r e y o u will find the imp ortant info rmation you need, in the fo rm of frequent ly asked questions (FAQ s), manu als, updates and support.
Support from the Suppor t T eam FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 35 9.3 Support from the Support T eam Should proble ms with your FRI TZ!WLAN Repeater arise, we rec ommen d taki ng the f ollo wing s teps : 1. If yo u have any prob lems, seek fi rst aid by c onsulti ng the chap te r Help in Case of Errors from page 23 .
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 36 Manu facturer’s Warranty We offer a manu factur er’s warr anty of 5 year s on the ha rdware of t his origin al product.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 37 Legal N ot ice Legal N otice This doc umentation and t he software i t descr ibes are pro tected by copyright. AVM g rants the non- ex clusive right to u se the software , which is s upplied e xclusi vely in o bject co de format.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 38 Decla ration of CE C onformity The manufac- turer AVM Gm b H Alt-M oab it 95 D 10559 Berl in herewith declares that th e product FRITZ!WLAN R e peater 300E T ype: WLAN re.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 39 Dis posal Inform ation In acc o rdance wi th European regulations an d the Wa ste Ele c- trical and Electro nic Equi pmen t Act (WEEE) , th e FRITZ!W LAN Repeater 300E, as well as all de vices and elec- tr onic componen ts contained i n the pack age, may no t be dis- posed with household waste.
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 40 Index A ambient condi tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 B base statio n FRITZ! Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 base statio n, conne cting with . . . . . . . 10 button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FRITZ!WLAN Repe a ter 300E 41 R recovery electrica l equip ment . . . . . . . . . . . 39 elec tronic e quipme nt . . . . . . . . . . . 39 recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 S secu rity ope rating i nstructi ons . . . . . . . .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il AVM Fritz! Wlan Repeater 300E è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del AVM Fritz! Wlan Repeater 300E - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso AVM Fritz! Wlan Repeater 300E imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul AVM Fritz! Wlan Repeater 300E ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il AVM Fritz! Wlan Repeater 300E, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del AVM Fritz! Wlan Repeater 300E.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il AVM Fritz! Wlan Repeater 300E. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo AVM Fritz! Wlan Repeater 300E insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.