Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 17840 del fabbricante Sears
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MANUAL MODEL 1 /1 / 7831/ 178140 / 1 / 7842/17843 /i7891/17892 DP69537.
TAB OF NTENTS 1. KNOWING YOUR SEWING MACHINE identlflca_ _art ........ , ..................................... 2 - 3 Setting up your machine ........ ._.. ............................. 4 Foot 0ontrol, Power/light switch, Needles, Needle, thread and fabric chart,,.
1. KNOWING YOUR _NG MACHINE IDE_RCATION CHART Thud cutter T_ _ temion c_trol Bobbin winder tenon disc )lever channel Face cover Thread A_ box/ extension table Preset foot thumb screw lever Thread cutt.
Built-in button_ control * Bobbin wl_ ehaft Bobbin wl_r latch * Available _ndtng upon model. Stitch width control Stitch selector Reverse stitch lever Stitch length control S_ ra_ _tch * Power/llght s.
S_NG UP YOUR MACHINE 1, Install your Kenmore sewing machi_ in s Kenmore .blnet Or OP.,e_ or set the Foot control 2_ Your K_e sewing _chine has been thoroughly cited at the factory. Be sum to wipe off the _ie p_W e_ end bed _ie ur_tlv I_ore uwl_:e garment, It i_ wise to practice on a mrap of fabric so any lurplul oil is a_.
CONVERTING TO FREE-ARM SEWING This machine can be used either as e flatbed or H a freearm model. With the accessory box in place, the machine is a flatbed model With e ierge, working liut_ece, which slopes og_ntly toward you to help the smooth flow fabric.
SNAP.ON FEET Straight ititch Stllnda_ zlgztlg Satin stitch Built-in buttonh¢_ Zlpt_ Prmmerfoot foot t_lo, E6483) foot |No, ET_IE) foot (No_ 57998) guidefoot (No. E6484) holder (No, b_NI4l (No. 56481) ONE.PIECE FEET (No. 45W6) (No. 46727) INo. 46729) (No, 43820| {No.
OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Roller foot INo. 6765) Blind hem foot (No, _1 - Holds fa_ folded f_ blind _ _ng. srd _ther mtke behind h. RKO_ tot i_n k_ttm or vinyl. Even-feeding foot tNo. 6888) -F_ both fabric leyeNi _lts_dy to help _t bundCtXl Of Ultra Su_ fabric, matin, tricot oroth_ sltck fabrics, S_ g-Brown INo.
.if you do not have a Kenmore needle, please i Use KENMORE needles. The size of the needle should conf_ with the size of the thud and both should be suitable to the fabric. Ken_ _les ere colcx.©oded by size for your €onvenle_ (See chert below). Never use a bent needle or one with a dull point.
CHANGING NEEDLE Raise _is bar to its highest p_itlon by turning the hand w_l toward you. Loosen the _e clamp screw, Holding the _le with _ _ __ _ _o dip the needle into the _tebar. When It is in as far as tt will go, tighten the needle €l_p screw, PREUER UVER PruNr foot lever _ a two _itlon lift.
WINDING THE BOBBIN ® ! ® I. Pull out retractable spool pin and place thread spool on the pin. To windbobbin, draw thread from spool through bobbin winder tension disc as indicated, and pull end of thread toward bobbin winder.
THR_DING THE BOBBIN CASE i ® ® ® • O 6 , Pull thread through slot (B) toward the rear of machine and leave _out 4 inches of thread, Replace bobbin cover plats allowing thread to emerge through slot in needle plate, 1, Raise needle to its highut position by rotating hand wheel toward you.
THR DiNG TOP READ 1, Rain thread take,up lever to its highest position by turning hand wheel toward you, Raise preuer foot lever, Place thread' Wool on _ pin.
PICKING UP BOBBIN READ 1. Raise pr_ foot lever. Hold n_ie threed I_y in left hand and rotate he,heel toward you _ complete turn. (Fig. 1) 2. Bring bobbin thread up by pulling upper thread. (Fig. 2) ® 3. Pull both threads under and to the back of the presser foot, leaving 3 to 4 inches of thread clear, (Fig, 3) / ® FIg.
t ) i4 F_. i Fig. 2 FIo. 4 PREUER FE_ /'his machine is fitted wlzh a zigzag P_r 1. Straight stitch foot 2, Satin stitch foot 3, Buttonhole foot 4. buttonhole guide foot 6. Zipper foot CHANGING _EUER FEn Make sure needle is tn the up position, Raise presser foot lever.
STITCH 8ELECTOR All of the stitches t_t are made by your Kenm_ _chine ere illustrated on the stitch sel_tor, You can obtain your desired stitch by imply turning the dial.
8TITCH WIDTH/NEEDLE PosrrloN CONTROL The width of all the Stitche_ produced on this machine, with the obvious exception of I I i ! I i Revere stitch _er I i I To decrease or increase the width of s stitch, turn the stitch width control dial from .!.. 4, The-higher the number the wider the atltch.
PRESSURE REGU_TOR Presser foot pressure is vital for strsight seame, uniform etitch length and even handling of both isyml of hlbdo, To adjust pressure; use pressure regulator whk:h Is located inside the face cover, To Incremm p_ure, turn the dial d6ckwlse, To decrease pressure, turn the dlal €ounterclockwise.
STRAIGHT STITCHING Decrease ktereue temllotl tensioh Top stitch too tight too lOOse ZIGZAG STITCHING For molt febdu the top thread tlm_on control _o,ld be ut inthe white zone betwwn 3 endS.
2. STARTING TO SEW Now that you m faunmw with the eontrols on your machine and with the accessories provided for the machine, you sireready to start to low with your sewing meohine, Below am some good habits to follow eaK:h time you sit down to low: 1.
MACHINE S_iNG CHART 0012-- u, s___ Machine settings ere graphically shown in this section for your quick reference, Simply following illustrated charts, select and _ a variety of stitches shown below,.. Blind slttr, h Two-point _1 stiWh Box stt_h StitGh Buttonl_e 2O Db_ Stitch paekap is different depe_i_ u_ the model.
STRAIGHT STITCHING SM_IL °'R"_ C-L-R lO i2 ii : THREE NEEDLE POSITIONS Stmlght etiteh foot gl_ optimum stitching, but _et be used at center It) setting. You may stitch in tl left (L) or right qR) setting, but be sure to use the zigzag foot.
Cornering Guide TURNING A SQUARE CORNER To rum a square corner 518" from the fabdc edge_ stop stitching with :the_nndle piercing the fabdc, when reaahlng the comertng gu_ as shown. Raise the presser foot, turn fabn¢. (Fig. 1) Fig, I New stitching line will align with 5/8" seam guide on side of needle plate.
DARNING SETTINGS Pressure Regulator. 0 (DARN) Zigzag foot or square automatt© buttonholo f_t S_tch fabric be_n .embFol_ with _ centered. L_ p_ Mr end sew at a slow _ moving fabdc back and f_ with a study rhythm to cover dern_ area.
ZIPPER APPLICATION!CORDING Needle P_tion/Stitch Width. C Uu zipper foot whioh ali_ you to m to the right _ left of the zlp_ or €I_ to the cord. ZIPPER APPUCATION To sew down the fight side, attach left ldde ofi zipper foot toper foot holder so that the needle pal_ through the opening on the left side of the foot.
ZiG_G _iTCHING 0 See_ 10. 1--4 e012_ m |1 Simple zigzag stitching nblu you to do many exciting things with your Kenmore sewing machine, Beyond basics, you'H use zigzag stitching to applique, embroider end monogram. Unlike straight stttc_, zigzag stitches have a trials-to-side width as well as a stitch length.
OVERCASTING This is one. of the more frequently used zigzag stizches on garnmnt construction, YOU may want to overcast along the raw edge of uch mm allowance or fold the raw edge toward the garment end stitch.
APPLIQUEING Settings same as Satin Stitching Select an applique design to be appl_ to y ow garment and baste it in place. Satin stitch Mou_ the raw _ of the applique € p te!v €ovedng the You may w.
SUTTON S ING _TTINGS Stitch Selector Uu feed cover plate 1. Fix' the bqtton on febdc at desired posittoCJ With _r tape, 2 Align two holes of button with StOl of presser foot and lower foo! to hold the button securely. 3, Turn hand wheel manually until needle _proachu just above button.
6UNO HEMMING 0 page 18. 1H- 4 _foot 12 -8 Blir_l hemming is a good technique to use on _ts, and esp_laliy on curtains and rapery hen sO that stitches need not show on the front of the fabric. Because your Kenmore has two types of bli_titches built in, blind hemming Is easier than you'd exit, It's just O matter of folding.
Working on _,g side _of fabric, foJd hem up. Prm and pin in place. T_n fold _m allowan_ under.., lea_ng _'° of hem edge extending, ® Place _rment under p_r foot tn much a manner that straight stitchu wilt be a_ on extended edge, The zlgz_ stitch should just catch the fold of the garment.
MENDING AND OVERCA_ _ITCHING (THREE.STEP ZIGZAG) See moo le_ S - 4 MENDING A TEAR Stitch _th- 24- 12 StitchWldth. 3- 4 To _Iraa straight or _cornered tear, _tion the tearunder she _ _ such a way that thestkchl.
8HE_ _TCHING 2--4 0 _foot ......... = i ,i ¸ 12 m PROCEDURE Stitch Leith- 12 Slltch Width- 2- 4 This shell.stitched edge is a _lar finish for li_ and nightgowns, To achieve t_ mui_ _ affect, a#ow _ to clear just the rlgh! edge of the fabric when it z_z_.
BOX STITCH 0 2--4 24 -- 12 Stitch Length - 24.12 Stitch Width- 2.4 OVERLAPPED SEAM Box stitch is ideal for producing flat overla_ sear _ almost any _ of fabric and e bolder effect wig ruult from sewing with e contrasting thread.
FAGOTING STITCH 0 Seepage IlL _foot 24-- 12 m Tissue pa_ PROCEDURE Sfltoh Length- 24.12 StltchWidth. 4 This is a popular decorative stitch (used In or fronts of bloum end d_). To attach two separate IdeCes of fab_ together, leave a little apace between, To prepare the fabric, fold under the seam allowances on the cut edges, and press.
STRETCH STITCHES 1,-4 mmmO _l I _/ 4 tow zn The stitches shown at right are all for use with stretch and knit fabrics, t, S_ioht Stretch 2, Rick-Rack Stretch 3, ElasUc Edge Stretch 4, _r_st Stretch 5, Ovedock Stretch 6.
STRAIGHT STRETCH STITCH SETTINGS Stitch Selector. | StitCh _ngth- Yellow Zone Needle Pot_lontStltch Width - c- L- R You may use any of the three nee(fit positlont. (See page 21 for directions. Straight stitch foot Is reoommended fo optimum stitching. Use this stretch stitch with knit or synthetlt fabdQ, Sew as you do with regular straigh stitch.
SMOCKING STRETCH STITCH . Stitch Selector, Stitch Length - Yellow Zone Stitch Width. 2 - 4 1. Sew rows of s_Ight stitches 3/8" apart, Draw Up the bobbin thread to wither the fid_ricto _ _uired length. If requtr_l, _k the ptherlng with a stdp of fabric ot bias binding.
OVERCASTSTR_CH STITCH Stitch Selector _ Stitch Length. Yellow J'one Stitch Width - 4 This hi' _ lame _ sWi3h _ by older gaits. Note: To tmw overcast stretch stitch in the opposite direction, use Nrging or ovedoek stretch stitch. SERGING (OR PINE LEAF) STR_CH STITCH 1t Stitch Selector - P Stitch Length- Yellow Zone StttchWldthh.
_f OVERLOCK STRETCH STITCH n Stitch Selector - 15 Stitch Length- Yellow Zone Stitch Width- 4 durability, 0 ir el, o ELASTIC EDGE STR_CH STITCH Stitch Selector. :_ Stitch Length - Yellow Zone StltchWidth. 4 Use this stitch in preforence to overcast Watch for _r_ting ltmtch or knit febd= where strength and flexibility are required.
WHERE TO USE WHICH 81rRETCH 8TrrCH: A CHECK-CHART 8oma _relchy _mggeNions,.. Loosely GonstmcttKI knits sometimeo catch over toeJ of IXU_r foot. To remedy this, wrap ehort strip of transparent tape aro.
HINTS ON 8_ING DtFFERE_ FABRICS The ©hmrt below pr_ee _ny details but you', also want to remmben,. *Soft fabd_ need backing- especially where stitches are close together. S_ ® ® ® ® 42 S_p-in Aut_ittc System B_ONHOLE MAKING Your Ken_ bdngs you two buttonhole syste_ along with several _iel acc_ s_ that enab_ you to me all your clothes "€i_lng" proteins. Your built-in _tsm enables you to sew button_ with flni_ ends tbar-tncked) by limply moving the canvas.
BU_ONHOLE MAKING - BUiLT-iN SY_EM 0 SNp_ 11t, m $ © PREPARATION Carefully mark the buttonholo length _ your gaunt. Place tfle fabric with tho buttonhole marked under the buttonhole foot. PuB the guide foot (A) all the way forward so that the irndex mark (B| is eltgnedwlth the grlidual_n (C), with th_ to rear.
I' T III ...... i[ll ¸¸ II i _ I I ......... sir .......... _ ill I ¸ .............. I M_e _W ® ® Lm _f ADJUSTING STITCH DENSITY Depa_r_ upon the_abrtcs on which you are 1, For more density, turn l_ dial toward "12", 2.
BU_ONHOLE MAKING - USING B_NH_ ATTACHME_ 0 | OO 12-- 1!. Ii | m PROCEDURE Stitoh S_tor -_!; Sttt¢h Length- _ tuber s,=,w th -"l u r_l covw plate Buttonhole foot Ra_ needle to its h_t _tion end r.
3_ Place guide plate onto machine so it fits i, place with plnlengeer tn the center of arc h_de of the tmmp_ete. Make sure guide blocks are inserted In guide slotsl , Carefully mark the buttonhole length on your garment. Pick up bobbin thread through guide pla!e by turning hand wheel.
ADJUSTING STITCH DENSIW 0ependtng upon the fabrics on which you are sewing, at your own preference in button- holes, you may alter buttonhole stitch density by turning stitch density control knob, I, For more denalty, turn the knob toward you, 2.
DECORATIVE EMBROIDERY DESIGNS 0 +pVR_,.__ Scallop Domino ++_,_ Diamond ....... ,,= ...... ,,, ...... ,d=. Arrowhead +"_,vvVV| ..... v_ll .... wvv_ .
APPLICATIONS Create the loveliest of custom designs-your own personal touch. There is much you can do by adjusting stitch width or length. Below you see some applications end vartatin. You*il find many more design _s as you _ mote expert, SCALLOP PA_ERN A speedy and decorative way of handling a raw edge is by udng the k_dlop pattern.
ARROWHEAD PATTERN A aeries of arrow _ htide can ba UUd te_ accent your sewing, Indtylduel plttemunit Is I sloe tit good etltOh to r etnforoe the point M atre!jl, Oae It onthe poQket earner, DOMINO PAT.
3, CARING FOR THE MACHINE CLEANING THE FEED DOGII ITH A BRUOH To insure the belt poulble operation of your machine, It il neceaury to keep the essential parle clean at all tJnlo|, I, Remove bobbin cover plate, 2.
! TOp OOVlit' ptltl ......... ,JL k ........................................ _ ......... OILING UNDER TOP COVER PLATE Remove top €ove r,plafe by Iooleelng two _- screws (A end B)!II ShOwn at le.
OILING IN FACE COVER PLATE _wlng face cover plate open end oli points ndlaated by arrows In illustration, !©HANGING LIGHT BUL B I The eewlng light II located Ineide thin faae ¢0ver plate as shown, T.
4. C _our KenmOre sewing machine im e pr_lelon mltrurneht, designed to give you mall9 years of troublefree sewing with minimum malnte nence. If YoU have any Performance probe shack the/lit below and you'll _ ikl, solve the'problem_ourielf. - .
_chino skips ititchH Needle size Is not correct for thread and fabric,. See page 8, Fabric is certain knit or synthetic, • Use "0 NEEI)L£",, end "O FOOT",.. Needle la bent or blunt. • Replace needle, Needle le not |ll the way up into needle clamp.
)¥ WITH 50.
SLEWING MACHINE Now that you havre puraha_ your Kanmore Sewing Meohlne, ehould a rt_ ever exit for repair parts or urvloe, almply oontaot any Sum Service Cent_ and most 8earn, Roebuok and Co, Stores, Be sure to provide all pertinent facts when you .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sears 17840 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sears 17840 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sears 17840 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sears 17840 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sears 17840, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sears 17840.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sears 17840. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sears 17840 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.