Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 412E del fabbricante SATO
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LM Basic (408e/412e) OPERATOR ’ S MANUAL.
SATO ASIA PACIFI C PTE. LTD. 438A ALEXANDRA ROAD #05-01/04 ALEXANDRA TECHNOPA RK SINGAPORE 119967 Tel: (65) 6271 5300 Fax: (65) 6273 6011 Sales Hotline: (65) 6276 2722 Service Hotline: (65) 6273 6455 Email: sales Website: www.satoworldwide.
1 T AB LE OF CONTENTS 1. OVERV IEW 1.1 Ge n e ra l Spe c if icat ions ..... ..... .. ..... .. .... .. ..... .. .... ... .... .. ..... .. .. .... ... .... .. ..... .. .... ... .... .. . 1-2 2. INSTAL LATION Safety Precau ti ons ......... ...... .. ....
2 3.6.7 Euro Code ...... ..... ........ ....... ..... .. ........ ..... .. ....... ...... .. ....... ..... .. ....... ...... .. ..... .. .... 3-13 3.6.8 Select Language .......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .......... . ........
3 T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CON’T D) 4. CLEANI NG AND MAINTENANCE 4.1 Intr oduction .............. .......... ....... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... ......... .......... ......... 4-1 4.2 Clean ing The Prin t He ad, Plate n an d Ro ller s .
4 T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CON’T D) 7. OPTI ONAL ACCESSORIES 7.1 Intr oduction .............. .......... ....... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... ......... .......... ......... 7-1 7.2 Available Inte rf ace Boards ..... .. .. .........
Section 1 : Introdu ction LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Oper ator’s Manual Pa ge 1- 1 1 OVER VIEW Thank you for you r investme nt in th is SA TO printer product. This Oper ator ’s Manual cont ains basi c in formatio n about the inst allatio n, setu p, config uratio n, op eration a nd m aintena nce of the print er .
Section 1: Introd uction Page 1-2 LM Basic 40 8e/412e Operato r’s Manual 1.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS The SA T O LM 40 8e and 4 12e are dual-use (Therm al T ransfer and Direct Thermal) high perfor mance la belin g soluti ons design ed for l ogistics an d manu facturin g sectors.
Section 1 : Introdu ction LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Oper ator’s Manual Pa ge 1- 3 1.1 GENERAL SPECIFI CATIONS (CONT’D) Specification Model LM408e Model LM412e Electrical Characteristics Print m ethod T.
Section 1: Introd uction Page 1-4 LM Basic 40 8e/412e Operato r’s Manual Specification M odel LM4 08e Mo del LM412e Media Characteristi cs Media T ypes s uppo rted Thermal transfer or direct thermal: 0.
Section 1 : Introdu ction LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Oper ator’s Manual Pa ge 1- 5 1.1 GENERAL SPECIFI CATIONS (CONT’D) Specification/ Model Name LM408e and LM412e Interface Characteristics External con.
Section 1: Introduc tion Page 1-6 LM Basic 408e/412e Operato r’s Manual 1.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONT’D) Specification/ Model Name LM408e and LM412e Barcodi ng Function s Barcodes Supported One.
Section 1 : Introdu ction LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Oper ator’s Manual Pa ge 1- 7 Specification / Model Name LM408 e and LM 412e Physical Characteristi cs Dimensio ns W 430 mm x D 271 mm x H 321 mm (S t .
Section 1: Introduc tion Page 1-8 LM Basic 408e/412e Operato r’s Manual This page is intent ionally left blank.
Section 2: Insta llati on LM Ba sic 408 e/412e Ope rator’ s Manu al Page 2- 1 2 INST ALLA TION This sectio n assists you in unpacki ng and inst alling the pr int er from the shipping contai ner. You will also be guid ed thro ugh a familiarizat ion tour of the main part s an d contr ols.
SECTION 2: INSTALLATION Page 2-2 LM Ba sic 408 e/412e O perator ’s Manu al SAFETY PRECAUTIONS THE CAUTION SYMBOL Whenev er the tr iangular Caution l ogo appear s in thi s manual , pay speci al attenti on to the warning(s ) cited below it . Fai lure to ab ide by th e warning s may r esult in injur y or da mage to pr operty .
Section 2: Insta llati on LM Ba sic 408 e/412e Ope rator’ s Manu al Page 2- 3 This equi pment is a piece o f Class B inform ation te chnology equipme nt base d on th e standar ds of the Voluntar y Cont rol Coun cil fo r Interf erence b y Informa tion Tec hnolo gy Equi pment (VC CI).
SECTION 2: INSTALLATION Page 2-4 LM Ba sic 408 e/412e O perator ’s Manu al 2.1 UNPACKING When unpacki ng the pri nter, t ake note of the fol lowing: Note The fol lowing illustr ation s are re presentativ e only . Y our p rinter m ay not be pa cked exa ctly as shown, but the unpacki ng st eps are simila r .
Section 2: Insta llati on LM Ba sic 408 e/412e Ope rator’ s Manu al Page 2- 5 2.1.1 INCLUDED ACC ESSORIE S After unpacki ng the pri nter, veri fy that the followi ng ma ter ials are in the acces sor.
SECTION 2: INSTALLATION Page 2-6 LM Ba sic 408 e/412e O perator ’s Manu al 2.1.2 PARTS IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFYING THE MAIN PRINT ER PARTS Power switch Operation Pa nel Front Cover Operation p ane l .
Section 2: Insta llati on LM Ba sic 408 e/412e Ope rator’ s Manu al Page 2- 7 2.1.2 PARTS IDENTIFICATION (CONT’D) IDENTIFYING THE MAIN PRINT ER PARTS Vie w of Front Panel Icons, prompts a nd system messages are displayed here. LCD scr een . Feeds the label forward.
SECTION 2: INSTALLATION Page 2-8 LM Ba sic 408 e/412e O perator ’s Manu al 2.2 LOADING TH E CARBON RIBBON 1. Lift up the main cover . Make sure t hat the cover is pushed upwards until i t rest s firmly on top of the printer , in case it fall s downwards and injures you.
Section 2: Insta llati on LM Ba sic 408 e/412e Ope rator’ s Manu al Page 2- 9 2.3 LOADING LABELS This pri nter is designe d to p rint on roll paper suppli ed via a separate label supply stand. The printin g mechan ism can be set to det ect the I-mark on the paper to feed each lab e l cor rectly.
SECTION 2: INSTALLATION Page 2-10 LM Bas ic 408e/41 2e Operator ’s Manu al 2.3 LOADING LABELS (C ON T’D) 2.3.1 Loading Rol l Paper 1. Lift up the main cover . Make sure t hat the cover is pushed upwards unt il it locks f irmly i n place so that it will not fa ll downwards and in jure your hands .
Section 2: Insta llati on LM Ba sic 408 e/412e Ope rator’ s Manu al Pag e 2- 11 2.3 LOADING LABELS (CONT’D) 2.3.2 Lo ading Fan fold Paper 1. Lif t up the main cover. Make sure t hat the c over is pushed upwards until it l ocks fi rmly in place. Remove the fa nfold slot cover b y removing t wo screws.
SECTION 2: INSTALLATION Page 2-12 LM Bas ic 408e/41 2e Operator ’s Manu al 2.3 LOADING LABELS AND TAGS (CONT’D) 2.3.3 Adjus ting the Paper Sensor Adjustment of the paper sensors ( I-mark and Gap sensors) is usuall y not nec essary, but the procedure i s describ ed here when y ou need to make adjustm ents.
Section 2: Insta llati on LM Ba sic 408 e/412e Ope rator’ s Manu al Pag e 2- 13 2.4 REPLAC ING THE PRINT HEAD Before attempt ing t o replace the print hea d, it is advisable to cont act your local dealer or service center so that th ey can as sist you in case of probl ems.
SECTION 2: INSTALLATION Page 2-14 LM Bas ic 408e/41 2e Operator ’s Manu al This page is inte nt ionally left blank.
Section 3: Confi guration and Oper ation LM Bas ic 408e/ 412e Oper ator’s Manua l Page 3-1 3 CONFIGURA TION AND OPERA TION Before usin g the printer, it is bes t to read this manual thor oughly first. Otherwise, you may disturb default sett ings around which the instr u cti onal procedures in this manual are based on.
Section 3: Configur ation and Operati on Page 3-2 LM Basic 408e/412e Operato r’s Manual 3.2 THE OPERA TION PANEL LINE STATUS FEED PR INT OF FS ET PIT CH DSW 8888888888888888 8888888888888888 Icons, prompts and s ystem mes sages are displayed here. LCD sc re en Feeds the label forward.
Section 3: Confi guration and Oper ation LM Bas ic 408e/ 412e Oper ator’s Manua l Page 3-3 3.3 AC CES SING THE VARIOU S PRINTER MODES The chart below provide s an overview of the way to access the di ff erent modes of the print er.
Section 3: Configur ation and Operati on Page 3-4 LM Basic 408e/412e Operato r’s Manual 3.3 ACCESSING THE VARIOUS PRINTER MODES (CONT’D) 3.3.1 How t o access speci al Modes and Menus after tur nin.
Section 3: Confi guration and Oper ation LM Bas ic 408e/ 412e Oper ator’s Manua l Page 3-5 3.3.2 OVERVIEW OF LCD ME NU OPTIONS IN VARIOUS MODES The chart below prov ides an overview of t he LCD menus and options presented to the user in the differ ent modes.
Section 3: Configur ation and Operati on Page 3-6 LM Basic 408e/412e Operato r’s Manual 3.3.2 OV ERVIEW OF LCD MENU OPTI ONS IN VARIOUS MODES (CONT’D) The chart below prov ides an overview of t he LCD menus and options presented to the user in the differ ent modes.
Section 3: Confi guration and Oper ation LM Bas ic 408e/ 412e Oper ator’s Manua l Page 3-7 3.3.2 OVERVIEW OF LCD ME NU OPT IONS IN VARIOUS MODES (CONT’D) The chart below prov ides an overview of t he LCD menus and options presented to the user in the differ ent modes.
Section 3: Configur ation and Operati on Page 3-8 LM Basic 408e/412e Operato r’s Manual 3.4 NO RMA L MOD E S 3.4.1 O nline Pressing the LINE button causes the print er to go ONLINE or OFFLINE alt ernately.
Section 3: Confi guration and Oper ation LM Bas ic 408e/ 412e Oper ator’s Manua l Page 3-9 3.4 NORMAL MODES (CONT’D) 3.4.4 Print Speed Pressing LINE repeated cyc les t hrough the various avai lable speeds. The sl owest speed is 2ips, while t he highest speed is 6ips.
Section 3: Configur ation and Operati on Page 3-1 0 LM Basic 4 08e/412e O perator ’s Manua l 3.5 ADVA NCED MODE 3.5.1 Ad vanced Holding d own the LINE button whe n turni ng the pr inter ON c auses the printe r to go into the Advanced Mode.
Section 3: Confi guration and Oper ation LM Bas ic 408e/ 412e Oper ator’s Manua l Page 3- 11 3.5 AD VAN CED MODE (CONT’D) 3.5.6 Set Calend ar If a Calendar chip has been inst al led, this scr een allows you to set the time an d date. The default is NO.
Section 3: Configur ation and Operati on Page 3-1 2 LM Basic 4 08e/412e O perator ’s Manua l 3.6 SERVI CE MODE 3.6.1 S ervice In this mode , pres sing the LINE button bri ngs you to the COUNTERS mode screen. Otherwise, press FEED t o proceed t o adjust serv ice mode settings.
Section 3: Confi guration and Oper ation LM Bas ic 408e/ 412e Oper ator’s Manua l Page 3- 13 3.6 SERVICE MODE (CONT’D) 3.6.6 Forward/ Backfeed Amount This sett ing allows customization of the l abel feed/ backfeed distance inst ead of the default setti ng.
Section 3: Configur ation and Operati on Page 3-1 4 LM Basic 4 08e/412e O perator ’s Manua l 3.6 SER VICE MODE (C ONT’D) 3.6.11 Ribbo n Near End On/Off This screen let s you enabl e or disable the earl y de tec tion and warning of the ribbon suppl y rea ching an end.
Section 3: Confi guration and Oper ation LM Bas ic 408e/ 412e Oper ator’s Manua l Page 3- 15 3.7 COUNT ERS MODE 3.7.1 Counters In this mode, pressi ng the LINE button brings you to the Motion Mode settings. Other wise, pres s FEED to proceed to adj ust the behavior of the buil t-in c ounters.
Section 3: Configur ation and Operati on Page 3-1 6 LM Basic 4 08e/412e O perator ’s Manua l 3.8 MO VE MOD E 3.8.1 M ovements of La bels In this mode , pres sing the LINE button returns you to t he main Advance Mod e screen. Ot herwise, press FEED to proceed to adjust the behavi or of the built-in count ers.
Section 3: Confi guration and Oper ation LM Bas ic 408e/ 412e Oper ator’s Manua l Page 3- 17 3.9 TEST PR INT MODE 3.9.1 Select Test Print In this mode, you can choose from five typ es of test prints .
Section 3: Configur ation and Operati on Page 3-1 8 LM Basic 4 08e/412e O perator ’s Manua l 3.10 DEFAULT SETTING MODE 3.10.1 Rese tting th e Pri n t er In this mode, sel ecting YES will reset the settings in the printer to factory defaults. The default val ue for this scre en is NO.
Section 3: Confi guration and Oper ation LM Bas ic 408e/ 412e Oper ator’s Manua l Page 3- 19 3.11 PROTOCOL STO RING 3.11.1 Proto col Download In this mode, DSW2-7=OFF for sta ndard code, and DSW2-7=ON for non-st andard code. Press the LINE to set the pri nte r ready to receive protoc ol data.
Section 3: Configur ation and Operati on Page 3-2 0 LM Basic 4 08e/412e O perator ’s Manua l 3.12 MAINTENANCE MODE 3.12.1 Factory or All Clear M ode In this mode, the st atus of DSW2-4 determines wheth er you can access th e Factory mode or the Al l Clear Mode.
Section 3: Confi guration and Oper ation LM Bas ic 408e/ 412e Oper ator’s Manua l Page 3- 21 3.12 MAINTENANC E MODE (CONT’D) 3.12.5 All Clear Mode In All Clear set tings, you can clear the Counter/EEPROM. Press the FEED button to proceed. 3.12.6 Counter/E EPROM clear In this screen you can choose to clear either the Head Counte r or the EEPROM.
Section 3: Configur ation and Operati on Page 3-2 2 LM Basic 4 08e/412e O perator ’s Manua l 3.13 HEX DUMP MODE 3.13.1 LCD Status In the Hex Dump Mode, when data is received , a hex dump is printed. The LCD scr een then shows the qua ntity of l abels pri nted, and the pr inter s tatus.
Section 3: Confi guration and Oper ation LM Bas ic 408e/ 412e Oper ator’s Manua l Page 3- 23 3.14 DOWNLOAD MODE 3.14.1 LCD Status In the mode, the LCD shows whether the print er is ready to rec eiv e the Flash Download. At the screen shown here, procee d to send the program/font /command data from the host PC.
Section 3: Configur ation and Operati on Page 3-2 4 LM Basic 4 08e/412e O perator ’s Manua l 3.15 BOOT DOWNLOAD MODE 3.15.1 LCD Status In the mode, the LCD shows the Boot Downloader prompt. Press the FEED button t o prepare t he printer for the data.
Section 4: Clea ning a nd Mainten ance LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Oper ator’s Manual Pa ge 4- 1 4 CLEANING AND MAINT ENANCE 4.1 INTRODUCTION This section pr ovi des informati on on user maint enance for the LM Basic printer.
Sectio n 4: Cle aning and Mainte nance Page 4- 2 LM Basi c 408e /412e Ope rator’s M anual 4.3 HOW TO CLEAN THE P RINTE R (WITH A CLEANING SET) If a carbon ribbon has been loaded int o the printer, be sure to remove it before cleaning. Follow the instruc tions suppli ed with the cleaning set.
Section 4: Clea ning a nd Mainten ance LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Oper ator’s Manual Pa ge 4- 3 4.4 HOW TO CLEAN THE PRINTE R (CLEANING SHEET) The cleaning sheet is used for clea ning stubborn stains on the prin t head. 1. Lift up the fr ont cover . 2. Unlatch the prin t head uni t using the purple Head Lock lev er .
Sectio n 4: Cle aning and Mainte nance Page 4- 4 LM Basi c 408e /412e Ope rator’s M anual 4.5 ADJUSTING PRINT QUALITY Print quality can be optimi zed with regular cleani ng and maint enance of t he print head and components along the labe l pat h.
Section 4: Clea ning a nd Mainten ance LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Oper ator’s Manual Pa ge 4- 5 4.5 ADJUSTING PRINT QUALITY (C ONT’D) 4.5.2 Adjus ting Print Speed Besides var ying the print dar kness level to cont rol pri nt qualit y, you c an also change the rat e at which labels are pr inted.
Sectio n 4: Cle aning and Mainte nance Page 4- 6 LM Basi c 408e /412e Ope rator’s M anual This page is intention ally left blank.
Sec tion 5 : In ter f ace S peci fic ati on s LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Operato r’s Man ual Page 5-1 5 INTERF ACE SPECIFICA TIONS 5.1 INTERFACE TY PES The LM printer is supplied with a single int erface of the user’s choic e: typically a parall el interface is used for transmi tt ing dat a to and f rom the h ost.
Secti on 5: Int erface S pecificati ons Page 5-2 LM Ba sic 408 e/412e O perator ’s Manu al 5.2 INTERFACE CARD DIP SWITCH SETTINGS (RS-232C ) The LM Basic super-speed serial int erface card (opt iona l) contai ns DIP swi tches for contro lling communication c onditions.
Sec tion 5 : In ter f ace S peci fic ati on s LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Operato r’s Man ual Page 5-3 5.3 INTERFACE CARD DIP SWITCH SE TTINGS ( LAN) The LM Series Local Area Net work inter face card (op tional) contai ns DIP switch es f or initial izing LAN configuration, LAN pri nting config uratio n, and LAN card sel f-diagnosi s.
Secti on 5: Int erface S pecificati ons Page 5-4 LM Ba sic 408 e/412e O perator ’s Manu al 5.5 EXTERN AL SIGNAL INTERFACE Unlike the more advan ced SATO print ers such as the CL4XXe series, th e LM printer cannot be fitted with an EXT Signal Int erface card for sending pr inter i nformation status to any dev ice or LAN.
Sec tion 5 : In ter f ace S peci fic ati on s LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Operato r’s Man ual Page 5-5 5.7 READY /BUS Y Ready / Busy is t he hardware f low contr ol method for the serial interfac e on the pr inter.
Secti on 5: Int erface S pecificati ons Page 5-6 LM Ba sic 408 e/412e O perator ’s Manu al 5.8 SINGLE JO B BUFFER Timing Chart — Normal Proces sing Powe r ON Pri nter si de ER RD RS Pr i n t er st.
Sec tion 5 : In ter f ace S peci fic ati on s LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Operato r’s Man ual Page 5-7 5.9 MU LTI JOB BU FFER Timing Chart — Normal Proces sing Timing Chart — Erro r Pro cessing Power O.
Secti on 5: Int erface S pecificati ons Page 5-8 LM Ba sic 408 e/412e O perator ’s Manu al 5.10 X-ON /X-O FF This transmissi on pro tocol infor ms the host if the print er can receive data or not, by sendi ng the "XON" (Hex 11H) or "XOFF" (Hex 13H) code.
Sec tion 5 : In ter f ace S peci fic ati on s LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Operato r’s Man ual Page 5-9 5.11 SINGLE JOB BUFFE R Timing Chart — Normal Proces sing Timing Chart — Erro r Pro cessing Pow er.
Secti on 5: Int erface S pecificati ons Page 5-10 LM B asic 408e/4 12e Op erator’ s Manual 5.12 MULTI JOB BUFFER Timing Chart — Normal Proces sing Timing Chart — Erro r Pro cessing Po we r ON Pr.
Sec tion 5 : In ter f ace S peci fic ati on s LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Operato r’s Man ual Page 5-11 5.13 IEEE 1284 INTERFACE The IEEE 1284 Interface on the printe r complies with IEEE1284 st andards. The ECP mode is recommended for LPT1 port settin gs.
Secti on 5: Int erface S pecificati ons Page 5-12 LM B asic 408e/4 12e Op erator’ s Manual 5.13 IEEE 1284 IN TERF ACE (CON T’D ) Pin Assignment Make sure to use a IEEE1284 compliant cable .
Sec tion 5 : In ter f ace S peci fic ati on s LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Operato r’s Man ual Page 5-13 5.13 IEEE 1284 IN TERFACE ( CONT’D) Pin Assignment With Centroni cs standar ds, each si gnal pin placement is as fol lows: However, the IEEE 1284-B type connector is compliant when connecting the IEEE1284 standard.
Secti on 5: Int erface S pecificati ons Page 5-14 LM B asic 408e/4 12e Op erator’ s Manual 5.14 SINGLE JOB BUFFE R Timing Chart — Normal Proces sing Power ON In it ia l O n lin e Receive, analyze,.
Sec tion 5 : In ter f ace S peci fic ati on s LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Operato r’s Man ual Page 5-15 5.14 SINGLE JOB BUFFE R (CONT’D) Timing Char t — Proc edure durin g Paper End O n lin e Rece ive,.
Secti on 5: Int erface S pecificati ons Page 5-16 LM B asic 408e/4 12e Op erator’ s Manual 5.15 MULTI JOB BUFFER Timing Chart — Normal Proces s On l ine Recei ve, anal yz e, edi t (1) Pr i n t ( 1.
Sec tion 5 : In ter f ace S peci fic ati on s LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Operato r’s Man ual Page 5-17 5.15 MULTI JOB BUFF ER (CONT’D) Timing Char t — Proc edure durin g Paper End Powe r ON Pri nter s.
Secti on 5: Int erface S pecificati ons Page 5-18 LM B asic 408e/4 12e Op erator’ s Manual This page i s intenti onally lef t blank.
Sect ion 6: Troublesh ooting LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Oper ator’s Manual Pa ge 6- 1 6 TROUBLESH OOTING If you ar e unable to produce printout s on t he LM Series pr inter , use this section to make sure the basics have been checked, before deciding you are un able to pr oceed any fu rther .
Section 6: Troublesh ooting Page 6-2 LM Basic 4 08e/412 e Operator ’s Manua l 6.2 USING THE RS232C (SERIAL) INTERFACE 1. Is the RS232C Serial cable connect ed securely to your serial port on the PC and to the RS232C con- nector on the print er? (The st andard SA TO cable for RS-232 uses a 9 pin-f emale to a 25-pin mal e con- nector) 2.
Sect ion 6: Troublesh ooting LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Oper ator’s Manual Pa ge 6- 3 6.3 UND ERS TANDING THE LCD E RROR MESSAGES When an error occurs, or when the pri nter needs to alert the user of something import ant, the message on the LCD screen wil l co ntain t he neces sary informat ion.
Section 6: Troublesh ooting Page 6-4 LM Basic 4 08e/412 e Operator ’s Manua l 6.4 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Symptom: The di splay remains bl ank when the power switch i s pressed. Caution Do not oper at e t he p ower sw it ch o r handle t he power ca bl e w ith a w et han d.
Sect ion 6: Troublesh ooting LM Bas ic 408e/4 12e Oper ator’s Manual Pa ge 6- 5 6.4 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (CONT’D) Symptom: Low qualit y print Caution Pull out the pow e r cable be fo re cleani ng t he pr int er.
Section 6: Troublesh ooting Page 6-6 LM Basic 4 08e/412 e Operator ’s Manua l 6.4 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (CONT’D) Symptom: Print position is misaligned Caution Pull out the po wer cab le bef or e cl ea ning the prin te r. No. What to che ck Remedy 1 Are the paper a nd carbon ribbo n set corre ctly? Fix the pa per and ca rbon ribbo n securel y .
Sect ion 7: Op tional Acces sories LM Basic 4 08e/412 e Opera tor’s Ma nual Pa ge 7-1 7 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 7.1 INTRODUCTION This section cont ains detail s of the optio nal accessor ies avail able for the LM pri nter: • I nterface boa rds • Cal endar IC 7.
Sectio n 7: O ptional A ccessor ies Page 7-2 LM Ba sic 408 e/412e O perator ’s Manu al 7.3 OPTIONAL ACCES SORIES: INTER F ACE BOARDS 7.3.1 RS-232C board 7.
Sect ion 7: Op tional Acces sories LM Basic 4 08e/412 e Opera tor’s Ma nual Pa ge 7-3 7.3 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 7.3.3 IEEE-1284 board 7.3.4 USB board Interface boa rd Connector Printer Anphenol (DDK) 57 ~ 40360 (e quivalen t) Cable Anpheno l (DDK) 57~30360 (eq uivalent) Cabl e leng th: sh orter t han 1.
Sectio n 7: O ptional A ccessor ies Page 7-4 LM Ba sic 408 e/412e O perator ’s Manu al For more informati on on any of the accessories available for the LM Basic pri nter , please cont act an authorized SA TO dealer near you. 7.3 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 7.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il SATO 412E è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del SATO 412E - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso SATO 412E imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul SATO 412E ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il SATO 412E, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del SATO 412E.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il SATO 412E. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo SATO 412E insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.