Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto NETWORK CAMERA VCC-WB4000P del fabbricante Sanyo
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INSTRUCTION MANUAL Network Camera VCC-WB4000P Ab out th is m anua l Befor e in stal ling a nd u sing t his un it, plea se r ead th is ma nual car efully .
Contents Precauti ons........................... ............................ 3 Fe atur es/O per atin g Envi ronm en t ... ...... .... ...... 4 Accessories ........... .................. .................. ....... 4 Nam e and Fun ctio n of E ach P art .
Contents Saving Live Images and Alarm Images ........ 57 Saving Live Images on to a Co mpu ter.. ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... .... ...... .. 57 Saving Alarm Images onto a Co mpu ter as S ti ll Im age s .... ...... .... ...... .. 57 Saving All of a Single Alarm Event into a Comput er .
Precautions In case o f problem Do not use the camera if sm oke or a st range odour comes from the unit, or i f it seems not to function correctly. Disconnect the power cord immediately, and consult your dealer (or a Sanyo A uthorized Service Centre).
Features/Operating Envir onment Web Serv er Func ti on This camera is equipped with a web server function. The camera can be accessed using a computer ’ s web browser in order to view t he camera images. In addi tion, up to a maximum of 16 users can simul taneously access a single camera on the net work.
Name and Function of Each Part PC CARD RS-232C ALARM IN OUT MODEM PC COM D/N IN AC24V DC12V GND 1 2 ETHERNET PO WER MONITOR OUT 5 6 7 1 2 3 3 CLASS 2 WIRING 4 1 Lens mo unt c ap Attach this cap to protect the lens mounting section. When usi ng the camera, remove the cap and attach t he automatic iris-type lens (sold separately).
Name and Function of Each Par t CLASS 2 WIRING PC CARD RS-232C ALARM IN OUT MODEM PC AC24V DC12V GND 1 2 ETHERNET POWER MONITOR OUT 8 H G JF I 9 COM D/N IN 9 Alarm, Day/Night termi nals A ALARM IN terminal (IN) Connect this terminal t o an infrared sensor or simi lar use in external detection of intruders.
Attaching the Lens Use a DC-type autom atic iris-type lens (sold separat ely). 1 Remove the l ens mount cap. 2 Attach the CS mount-type lens. Note: The “ L ” part of the lens should be 5 m m or less i n length. If a lens that does not conform to this standard is used, it will not be possible to attach the lens correctly.
Flange Back Adjustment The flange back i s taken from the distance bet ween the lens (sold separately) and the image capturing surface of the camera. It is adjusted at t he time of shi pment from the factory to accom modate the types of lenses that are general ly assumed to be i n use.
Connections Turn off the power for all equipment before making any connect ions. Basic Connections 1 Connect th e camera to a computer. Connect a cable between the ETHERNET connectors of the camera and the computer. Use a crossed wire-type Et hernet cable .
Connections Conn ecting to a LAN Use an Ethernet cable t o connect t he ETHERNE T connector of the camera t o the LAN ’ s Ethernet switching hub. ☞ Use a straight-type Ethernet cable. Conn ecting to Alarm Te rminals 1 Connect an infrared sen sor or similar to the ALARM IN terminal at the rear of the camera.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Settings In order to use t he camera as a network cam era, you must make the following settings i n the order given. 1 Installatio n of Pl ug-in Software (JPEG 2000) to the Compu ter (p. 12) Insert the contents of the suppl ied setup CD-ROM to the com puter.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings 1 Installation of Plug-in Software (JPEG2000) to the Computer Install the plug-in software (on the setup CD-ROM) onto t he computer that i s to be used. Installing the plug-in software makes it possible to view live images from network cameras usi ng the computer ’ s web browser.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings 8 Type in yo ur usern ame an d or ganizati on name, and then click th e [Next] button . 9 Click the [I nstall] button. Installation of t he software will start and the window display wil l change to show the installation progress.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings 2 Browser Settings Check that the Security settings f or Microsoft Internet Explorer are set as described below. Select Internet Options f rom the Tools menu, click the Security tab and then cl ick the Custom Level button to display t he settings.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings 4 Wired LAN Settings Once the pl ug-in software has been installed, use the computer ’ s web browser t o access the camera. Note: The network camera handles large vol umes of image dat a that has been compressed into JPEG2000 format.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings Live View The initial screen is displayed once the network cam era and the computer have been set . This screen is mainly used for monitoring live images and for making various settings such as image quality and image size.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings 2 Menu sel ect buttons The live image display area and setting area changes when you click on one of these but tons. • [LIVE VIEW] button (p. 52) Live images can be monitored. • [FULL SCRE EN] button (p . 52) Sets the l ive image display area to a fixed image size (720x480).
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings 7 Indi cat ors ALARM indicator Camera title • Off: No alarm data, or recording of images is com plete. • Lit r ed: Post-alarm recording in progress. • Lit o ran ge: Pre-alarm recording in progress. The display for the camera title indicator changes when the camera title itself is changed.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings 8 Detailed setting s (Drop-down list boxes) FRAME RATE setting Set the image transmission speed from the drop-down list box. Images can be transmitted at maximum speed depending on the netw ork environment that the camera is connected to.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings 5 NETWOR K SET S etti ngs Click the [NETWORK] menu select button. These settings are used in order to connect the cam era to the net work. After these set tings have been completed, you may also have to make wireless LAN settings or PPP settings.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings Access Level Settings (Table 1) When operating the network cam era, you need to select an access level to either limit operations to only the monitoring of live images or to allow menu set tings to be changed as well.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings 6 HTTP PORT NUMBER (default setti ng: 80) This setting is used when m ore than one camera is connected to a broadband router and a si ngle IP address for that router is being used to make the images being monitored by the camera publicly avai lable over the Internet.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings Changing a Password You can change the password to one of your own choosing. It is recommended that you change t he passwords whenever possible f or security purposes. Passwords can consist of bet ween 4 and 8 alphanumeric characters.
Network Camera (Wired LAN) Se ttings Changing the Access Level If live images are monitored without using a password, the [SET] button wi ll change to “ CHANGE ID ” . To change the access l evel to “ ID2 ” or “ ID3 ” , f ollow the procedure below.
CLOCK SET Settings Description of the CLOCK SET Screen Click the [CLOCK] menu select button. This lets you set t he camera ’ s internal clock. You can also m ake settings f or summer t ime. The CLOCK SET screen will be displayed. Set t he date and time using the drop-down list boxes, and then click the [SET] button.
CLOCK SET Settings 4 DAYLIGHT SAVING MODE The daylight savi ng settings are displayed when “ USE ” is selected from t he drop-down list box. Available settings: • NO USE: Daylight saving is not used. • USE: Daylight saving time i s used. When set t o “ USE ” , you can t hen set the times for daylight saving t o be applied.
CLOCK SET Settings NT P Ser ver Se tti ngs 1 Select “ USE ” as the setting for “ SYNC. WITH NTP SERVER ” and then click the [DETAIL] butto n. The NTP SERVER SET screen will be displayed.
CAMERA Settings Description of the CAMERA SET Screen Click the [CAMERA] menu select button. The CAME RA SET screen will be displayed. This lets you set the camera title and adjust the images and make day/night set tings in accordance with the camera setting-up condi tions.
CAMERA Settings 4 CAMERA Adjustment Select automatic iris or electronic iris. Note: The electronic iris does not have an electronic shut ter setting. Click the and buttons repeatedly to adjust the iri s level. Note: The larger the setting is, the wider the iris is.
CAMERA Settings 4 CAMERA Adjustment (continued) Select a value that i s suitable for t he monitor being used. Sett ing r ange: 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.45 (def ault setting), 0.3 Set to “ HIGH ” if you would like the contours of t he objects in the images to be emphasized.
CAMERA Settings DAY/NIGHT Settings A AUTO Mode Settings Monitoring switches automatically between col or and black & white depending on the luminance of the objects. 1 Click the [DETAIL ] button in th e DAY/NIGHT field and set MODE to “ AUTO ” .
CAMERA Settings B COLOR M ode S etting s In addition, devices such as an inf rared sensor can be connected t o the D/N IN terminal used to forcibly switch between col or and black & white. 1 Click the [DETAIL ] button in th e DAY/NIGHT field and set MODE to “ COLO R ” .
CAMERA Settings 4 Click the [SET] button. At the same t ime as the camera images switch to black & white, an ALARM OUT (NO/NC) signal wi ll be output and the connected IR lamp will illuminate. Note: The IR lamp will illuminate only whi le black & white monitoring is being carried out.
CAMERA Settings D TIMER Mode Settings Monitoring can be switched between color and black & white after the length of time specified. Example: To set monitoring to black & white between 8:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. 1 Click the [DETAIL ] button in th e DAY/NIGHT field and set MODE to “ TIMER ” .
Alarm Settings Flow of Operations fr om Alarm Detection to Recording The camera i s equipped with the following al arm functions. When an intruder is detected, the images immediately before the al arm.
Alarm Settings Description of the ALARM SET Screen ☞ Click the [ALARM] menu select butto n. The ALARM SET screen is displayed. You can use this screen t o set ext ernal sensor alarms and m otion detector alarms. 1 ALARM REC USE This function sets whether t he alarm functions are to be used or not.
Alarm Settings 5 ALARM MODE This selects what combination of external alarm and motion detector i s to be used to provi de alarm input. Make t his setting when “ EXTERNAL ALARM ” is set to ei ther “ NC ” or “ NO ” or “ MOTI ON DETEC TOR ” is set to “ ON ” .
Alarm Settings Detecting Intruders A Detecting Intruders Using an External S ensor When a device such as an infrared sensor is installed to a place such as a door, intruders can be detected by t he opening and closing of the door.
Alarm Settings 7 Set “ ALARM SOUND MODE ” to “ USE ” . 8 Set “ ALARM BUFFERING ” to “ ON ” , and then click the [DETAIL] b utton. The ALARM BUFFERING SET screen wi ll be displayed. • Set the following values f or alarm images being recorded into t he camera ’ s internal memory, and then click the [SET] button.
Alarm Settings B Detecting Intruders Using Motion Detector Settings You can set sensor m arks in the l ive image screen to detect intruders. When an alarm is detected, an alarm buzzer can be made to sound and the ALARM indicator on the live image screen can be made t o illuminate.
Alarm Settings 9 Set “ ALARM SOUND MODE ” to “ USE ” . 10 Set “ ALARM BUFFERING ” to “ ON ” , and then click the [DETAIL] b utton. The ALARM BUFFERING SET screen wi ll be displayed. • Change any settings t hat are required for recording alarm images into the internal memory, and then click the [SET ] button.
Alarm Settings C Detecting Intruders Using Both an External Sensor and Motion Detector Settings You can use both an external sensor and m otion detector settings t o detect alarms. 1 Set “ ALARM REC USE ” to “ NO USE ” and then click the [SE T] button.
Alarm Settings Remote Alarm Operation s You can use the REMOTE ALARM indicator to set alarm output to com e out from the A LARM OUT terminal at the rear of the camera f or a specified period or cont inuously regardless of the actual alarm det ection status.
Alarm Settings B Cont inuou s Alarm Ou tput 1 Set “ ALARM REC USE ” to “ NO USE ” and then click the [SE T] button. Set to “ NO USE ” first so that al arms cannot be detected while you are making the settings. Change the setting back to “ USE ” after you have f inished making the settings.
Recording and Deleting Alarm Images Saving into the Camera ’ s Internal Memory If you click the [DETAIL ] button next to “ AL ARM BUFFERING ” , t he ALARM BUFFERI NG SET screen will be displayed.
Recording and Del eting Alarm Images A Recording Post-alarm Images Only 1 Set detecti on of intr uders usi ng “ A Detecting Intrud ers Using an External Senso r ” (or “ B Detecting Intruder s Using Motion Detector S ettings ” ).
Recording and Del eting Alarm Images (3) Recording of alarm data into the internal memory i s comple te Once this happens, the recorded data can then be played back. Note: • The display screen in (3) shows that the alarm recording area is full and overwriting i s set to “ OFF ” .
Recording and Del eting Alarm Images Transmitting Alarm Images Via E-mail The first image recorded immediately after an alarm i s detected can be saved as a file and automatically transmitted to a designated e-mail address as a file attachment.
Recording and Del eting Alarm Images 1 SMTP SERVER ADDRESS Enter the SM TP server address. 2 USER MAIL ADDRESS Enter the e-mail address for the sender of the e-mail messages. 3 RECIPIENT MAIL ADDRESS Enter the e-mail addresses for the recipients of the e-mail addresses.
Recording and Del eting Alarm Images Setting E-mail Message Transmissions 1 Click the [DETAIL ] button next to “ ALARM NOTICE (SMTP) SET ” . The ALARM NOTICE ( SMTP) SET screen will be displayed. 2 Enter the S MTP server address and the user ’ s e-mail address.
Recording and Del eting Alarm Images Saving to an Expansion Memory Card If you would like to save and play back several sets of alarm data from the camera ’ s internal memory, use a CompactFlash memory card with a capacity of 16M B or greater.
Viewing Live Images Viewing Live Images Click the [L IVE VIEW] menu sel ect button. The live image screen wi ll be displayed. Camera settings in the l ive image screen such as the camera title and iris can be changed using the “ CAMERA SET ” set tings.
Playing Back and Deleting Alarm Data Alarm detection data (when an external sensor or motion detector have been set) and alarm image data is automatically recorded.
Playing Back and Deleting Alarm Data Playing Back Expansion Memory Card Images 1 Click the AL ARM DATA indicator while it is r ed or green . The ALARM DATA LIST screen will be displayed, and the f irst image that was recorded will be displayed i n the PREVIEW screen.
Playing Back and Deleting Alarm Data Playing Back Alarm Images Stored in a Computer Refer to p. 58 for details on saving al arm data into a computer. 1 Using W indows E xplorer, click on th e download destination and then double-click the “ Download ” folder.
Playing Back and Deleting Alarm Data Alarm Data Deleting 1 Click the AL ARM DATA indicator while it is r ed or green . The ALARM DATA LIST screen will be displayed. 2 Click the check boxes to select the alarm data to be de le ted, and the n cl ick t he [DELET E] butt on.
Saving Live Images and Alarm Images Saving Live Images onto a Comput er The camera i mages that are being monitored can be saved as still images in the com puter ’ s storage area in JPEG2000 format. 1 Right-click th e mouse on the image to be saved.
Saving Li ve I mages and Alar m Im ages Saving All of a Single Alarm Event into a Computer 1 Click the AL ARM DATA indicator while it is r ed or green . The ALARM DATA LIST screen will be displayed, and the f irst image that was recorded will be displayed i n the PREVIEW screen.
WIRELESS LAN SET Settings Flow of Set up Make the wireless LAN settings in the following order. 1 Camera wired LAN settings (TCP/I P settings) Make sure that the set tings in “ Network Camer a Settings ” (p.
WIRELESS LAN SET S ettings Camera Wireless LAN Settings Click the [WIREL ESS LAN] m enu select button. The WIRELESS LAN SET screen will be di splayed. 1 Make these setti ngs after step s 1 and 2 on page 59 have been completed. The WIRELESS LAN SET screen will be displayed.
WIRELESS LAN SET S ettings Description of WIRELESS LAN SET Screen 1 CURRENT CHANNEL The transmission mode (f requency channel) that was set fo r the wireless LAN device (access point) will be displayed here automatically. 2 ESS ID This is a verification code for tr ansmissions sent over the wireless LA N from the camera to the wireless LAN device.
PPP Se ttings Two types of PPP settings can be made: “ Connecting to an In ternet Service Provider ” or “ Conn ecting from a computer ” . A PPP Connection to an Int ernet Service Provider (Dia.
PPP Se ttings 6 Click the [SET] button. The PPP SET screen will be displayed. 7 Sel ect the type of telephone l ine (CIRCUIT TYPE). This sets the type of telephone circuit that the modem is connecting to.
PPP Se ttings 5 Install the Network Archiving Softwar e into the co mputer. Note: • After installing the sof tware, close t he software window. • Camset only makes t he settings that are required for set ting up the camera. • Refer to the instruction manual f or the Network Archiving Software f or further details.
PPP Se ttings 6 Click the [APPLY] button. The new settings will be written to the camera. 7 Click the [OK] button. The settings will be applied to the network archiving software. 8 Close the Camset window. Note: • The camera cannot be accessed using the computer ’ s web browser while the camera is connected t o the m odem.
PPP Se ttings 3 Set the followin g items. A LOGI N I D: Type in a username of 48 characters or less to use f or the dial-up networking settings on the com puter. B PASSWORD: Type in a password of 19 characters or less to use f or the dial-up networking settings on the com puter.
Communication Speed Setting (RS-232C) This sets the communication speed for the RS-232C connector of t he camera when the camera is connected to a computer for maintenance and servicing. Click the [RS-232C] menu select button. The RS-232C SET screen will be displayed.
STATUS Checking This displays i nformation about the camera status. Click the [STATUS] menu select button. The ST ATUS screen will be displayed. Note: If you click the [LIVE VIEW] button, the display will return t o the live image screen. 1 FIRMWARE VERSION This shows t he version number for the camera ’ s firmware.
Glossary of Terms Cookie A system whereby a comput er (HTTP server) that hosts web pages sends information that is stored by a user ’ s computer, so that when that user visits the sam e web page a second time, the information that has been automatically saved is transmitted back to the HTTP server.
Glossary of Ter ms MAC addr ess (Media Access Control address) A 12-digit hexadecimal identification number t hat is assigned to LA N cards and LA N boards in a computer.
Glossary of Ter ms SMTP/POP3 E-mail client program s and e-mail servers use different protocols for handling the informatio n that is exchanged when sendi ng and receiving e-mail messages.
Glossary of Ter ms Pre-alar m and po st-alarm recor ding Pre-alarm and post -alarm recording involve recording data according t o a selected ratio in the camera ’ s internal memory.
Troubleshooting If the camera cannot be connected If the live image screen does not appear when you type the cam era ’ s IP address into the location bar of t he web browser, check the following items.
Troubleshooting B Checking Using a Memory Card You can create a speci al text file i n the root directory of a memory card, and then generate an address data f ile when the card is i nserted. For text input only single byte charact ers can be used. 1 Create a command file (WBCMD.
Specifications Len s : CS mount Pictur e element : 1/3 inch 410,000 pixel CCD Effective pixels : 768 (H) x 494 (V) Minimum object il lumin ation : 0.6 lx (F1.2, color m ode), 0.03 lx (F1. 2, B/W mode) Whit e bal anc e : AUTO/INDOOR/OUT DOOR/MANUAL manually selectable Electro nic shutter : 1/60 to 1/10000 sec.
Spec ifications Dimensions Appear ance and specifications are subject to change for impr ovement without notice. 136 mm 126 mm 12 mm 51 mm 69 mm 85 mm 28 mm L5AM2/XE (VCC-W B4000P) GB 2004, 2, 17 – .
1AC6P1P2682-B L5AM2/XE (0204K P) SANYO Electric Co., L td. L5AM2/ XE (VC C-WB40 00P) GB 2 004, 2 , 20.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sanyo NETWORK CAMERA VCC-WB4000P è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sanyo NETWORK CAMERA VCC-WB4000P - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sanyo NETWORK CAMERA VCC-WB4000P imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sanyo NETWORK CAMERA VCC-WB4000P ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sanyo NETWORK CAMERA VCC-WB4000P, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sanyo NETWORK CAMERA VCC-WB4000P.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sanyo NETWORK CAMERA VCC-WB4000P. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sanyo NETWORK CAMERA VCC-WB4000P insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.