Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SyncMaster 400DXn del fabbricante Samsung
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I nst a ll Pr og ra ms PDF Man uals Re gis trati on Safety Instructions In tr od ucti on Conn ec tions Using th e Software A djus ti ng th e L CD Dis pl ay Trou ble shoo ti ng Speci fication s In formation Ap pen di x © 20 07 Sam sun g Elec tro n ics Co.
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of t he p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
U se onl y a pr ope rly gr ounde d pl ug an d rec e ptac le . z A n im prope r gro un d may c aus e ele ctr ic sh ock or e quipm ent da ma ge.(C lass l E quip men t onl y.) In sert the power plug firml y so that it does not come loose. z A ba d con ne ctio n may ca use fire.
Fa ilu re to d o so ma y cau se ser ious dam ag e to y our L CD D ispl ay. Place yo ur LCD Display in a locat ion with low humidity and a mini mum of dus t. z Failure to do so may cause electric shock or fire inside the LCD Displ ay. Do not d rop the LCD Display when moving it.
Put dow n the LCD Display careful ly. z Fa iling to do so may dama ge the LC D Di splay . Do not p lace th e LCD Displ ay fa ce down. z Th is may dam ag e the T FT-LC D su rface. The i nstallat ion of the bracket must be done by a quali fied pro fessional.
If the con nector between the plug and the pin is dusty or dirty , clean it pro per ly us in g a dry cl oth. z A di rt y con necto r ma y c ause electr ic sho ck or fire . Mak e su re to unplug the power cord befo re cleaning the pro duct. z O therw ise, thi s ma y cause el ectr ic s hoc k or fi re.
Do not try to mo ve th e LCD Display by pulli ng only the wire or the sig nal cable. z Th is may c ause a bre akdo wn, el e ctric sho ck or fir e due t o d amage to t he ca ble. Do not move the LCD Di splay righ t or lef t by pulling only the wire or the sig nal cable.
out let and co nta ct t he Serv ice Cent er. Whe n viewing a fixed screen for an exten ded period of time, re sidual imag e or blurriness may appear. z Ch ang e the m od e to en er gy sav ing mode or s et a s cr eens aver t o a ch angi ng pictur e whe n a way from the LCD Di spla y for an exte nded p er iod of ti me.
Place t he product out of child ren’s re ach, as they could damage by hang ing on to it. z A fal ling product m ay cause i njury to the perso n or ev en fatality . Whe n not using the product for an exte nded period of time, keep the prod uct un pl ugge d.
rec ycl ing cent er or to a sto re s ellin g th e sa me ty pe of the bat ter y or rec har geabl e batt ery . © 199 5~ 2007 SA MSUN G. A LL Ri ghts Reser ved.
Select Langu age Main Page Model The color and appearance of the product may v ary depending on the model, and th e product spec ifications ar e subject t o change witho ut prior notic e for reasons of pe rformance enha ncement. Introduction Package Contents Note • Please make su re the following items are included with y our LCD Display.
Remote Control Batteri es (AAA X 2) (Not available in all locations) Cover-Hole BNC to RCA Adaptor Jack Semi Stand Screw: 4 EA USB Holder & Scre w (1EA) Sold separately Wall Mount KIT Speaker Set DVI Cable BNC Cable LAN Cable Your LCD Display Front 1) MENU Opens t he on-screen menu an d exits from t he menu or closes the adjustment me nu.
2) Navigate buttons ( Up-Down buttons) Moves f rom one menu item to a nother verti cally or adjust s selected menu values. 3) Adjust buttons (Left- Right buttons)/ Volume buttons Moves fro m one menu item to a nother horizo ntally or adj usts select ed menu values.
1) POWER S/W ON [ | ] / OFF [O] Switches the LCD Display On/Off. 2) POWER IN The power co rd plugs into t he LCD Display an d the wall plug. 3) REMOTE OUT/IN You can use a wi red remote contro l by connecti ng it to your monitor.
12) AV AUDIO IN [L-AUDIO -R] (LCD Display Audio Connection Terminal (Input)) 13) AV OUT [VIDEO] (VIDEO Connection Terminal): AV mode (Output) 14) AV IN [VIDEO] (VIDEO Connection Terminal) (Input) 15) .
7. VOL 8. MUTE 9. TTX/MIX 10. MENU 11. ENTER 12. P.MODE 13. AUTO 14. ENTER/PRE-CH 15 . CH/P 16. SOURCE 17. INFO 18. EXIT 19. Up-Down Left-Right buttons 20. S.MODE 21. STILL 22. FM RADIO 23. P.SIZE 24. SRS 25. DUAL/MTS 26. PIP 27. SOURCE 28. SWAP 29. SIZE 30.
12) P.MODE When you pres s this button, current pictu re mode is displ ayed on the lower center of the s creen. AV / S-Video / Component : P.M ODE The Monitor has four au tomatic picture settings tha t are preset at the factory. Then push but ton again to c ircle through available prec onfigured modes .
Every tim e you press the butt on, a PIP screen appea rs. 27) SOURCE Changes the sour ce of the PIP window s ignal. 28) SWAP Swaps the cont ents of the PIP an d main image. The image in th e PIP window will appe ar on the main screen , and the main screen image will appear in t he PIP window.
Mechanical Layou t | Monitor Head | Stand | Sp eaker | I nstalla tion VESA Bracket | Wa ll B rac ket In s tal lati on 1. Mechanical Layo ut NETWORK MODEL SIZE PROTECTION GLASS + N ETWORK MODEL SIZE Weight z Se t { 25.
{ 28.5 kg (with Basic Stand) { 34.0 kg (with Basic Stand / option protection glass) 2. Monitor Head NETWORK MODEL SIZE PROTECTION GLASS + N ETWORK MODEL SIZE 3.
4. Speaker.
5. Installation VE SA Bracket z When installi ng VESA, make sure to comply with the internat ional VESA st andards. z Purchasing VESA Bracket an d Installation Information : Please co ntact your near est Samsung Distributor t o place an order. After your order is place d, i ns tallation professionals will visit you and install the bracket.
For securing t he bracket on a wall, us e only machi ne screws of 6 m m diameter and 8 to 12 mm l ength. 6. Wall Bracket In st allation z Contact a technician f or inst alling the wall brack et. z Samsung Electronics i s not respo nsible for any damages to the product or h arm to cust omers when the installation is done by the customer.
Check the installation diagram a nd mar k the drill points on the wall. Use th e 5.0 mm bit to dr ill holes deeper than 35 mm. Fix each anchor in t he corresponding hole. Match each of the brackets and hinge holes to the corresponding anchor holes and inse rt and tighten the 11 screws A .
1. Mount the product on the wall bracket and make sur e it is properly f ixed to the left a nd right plastic hangers. 2. Be caref ul when installing the product on the bracket as fingers c an be caught in the h oles. 3. Make sure the wall bracket is securely fixed to the wall, or the product ma y not stay in p lace after installation.
Mechanical Layou t | Monitor Head | Stand | Sp eaker | I nstalla tion VESA Bracket | Wa ll B rac ket In s tal lati on 1. Mechanical Layo ut NETWORK MODEL SIZE PROTECTION GLASS + N ETWORK MODEL SIZE Weight z Se t { 31.
{ 37.6 kg (with Basic Stand) { 42.4 kg (with Basic Stand / option protection glass) 2. Monitor Head NETWORK MODEL SIZE PROTECTION GLASS + N ETWORK MODEL SIZE 3.
4. Speaker.
5. Installation VE SA Bracket z When installi ng VESA, make sure to comply with the internat ional VESA st andards. z Purchasing VESA Bracket an d Installation Information : Please co ntact your near est Samsung Distributor t o place an order. After your order is place d, i ns tallation professionals will visit you and install the bracket.
For securing t he bracket on a wall, us e only machi ne screws of 6 m m diameter and 8 to 12 mm l ength. 6. Wall Bracket In st allation z Contact a technician f or inst alling the wall brack et. z Samsung Electronics i s not respo nsible for any damages to the product or h arm to cust omers when the installation is done by the customer.
Check the installation diagram a nd mar k the drill points on the wall. Use th e 5.0 mm bit to dr ill holes deeper than 35 mm. Fix each anchor in t he corresponding hole. Match each of the brackets and hinge holes to the corresponding anchor holes and inse rt and tighten the 11 screws A .
1. Mount the product on the wall bracket and make sur e it is properly f ixed to the left a nd right plastic hangers. 2. Be caref ul when installing the product on the bracket as fingers c an be caught in the h oles. 3. Make sure the wall bracket is securely fixed to the wall, or the product ma y not stay in p lace after installation.
Select Language Main Page Model The color and appea rance of the product ma y vary depending on the m odel, and the product speci fications are subject to change w ithout prior notice for reaso ns of performance enh ancement. Connections Installi ng the Stand KIT Note • Only the supplied bolts should be used.
Connecting the LCD Display Using a Power cord with Earth In the event of failur e, the earth lead may cause elec tric shock. Make sure to wire t he earth lead in correctly, befo re connecting the AC power. When un-wiring t he earth lead, make s ure to disconnect th e AC p ower in ad vance .
3) Connect the audi o cable for your LCD Displa y to the audio port on the back of your com puter. Note • Turn on both your comput er and the LCD Display. Note • The DVI cable or BNC cabl e is optional. Co ntact a l ocal Samsu ng El ectr onic s Service Ce nter to buy optional item s.
1) Connect a set of aud io cables between the COMP ONENT AUDI O IN [L-A UDIO-R] on the LCD D isplay and the AU DIO OUT jack s on the DVD playe r. 2) Connect a Comp onent cable between the BNC/C OMPON ENT IN - P R , Y, P B po rt on the LCD Displa y and the P R , Y, P B jacks on the DVD player.
• The audio-video cabl es shown here are usual ly included with a Camc order. (If not, check your local electronics store.) If your camcorder is st ereo, you need to connec t a set of two cables. Connecting a DTV Se t Top Box Note • The connecti ons for a typical Set Top Box a re shown b elow.
Note • Connect the speaker connection cable between the speake r connectio n jack on t he back of the SET an d the speake r connection jack on the b ack of the speaker. Note • Do not move the SET w hile the SET is connect ed to the speakers. The speaker -bracket for connectin g the SET speaker my beco me damaged.
Note • You can cont rol your m onitor by a llowing it t o receive the remote con trol signals of other d evices through the REMOTE OUT terminal. • You can control a dev ice by allo wing it to receive remot e control s ignals from other device s through t he REMO TE IN te rmina l.
1) Connect the LAN cabl e. Connecting a US B device 1) You can connect USB d evices such a s a mouse or keyboard . Using a USB Holde r When using a small external devic e such as a portable m emory stick and it is connected to the USB terminal at the back of your moni tor, it is exposed to the possi blity of theft or loss.
1) Insert part of your USB holder in to the groove in part at the back of your monitor . 2) Align part of your USB holde r with the groove at the bot tom of part at the back of your mo nitor. Align part of your USB holde r with the bottom of par t at the back of your monitor.
1) Ins ert p art of yo ur U SB hol der i nto t he g roov e in part at the back of y our m oni tor. 2) A lig n part of yo ur USB h older wi th t he gr oove at t he bott om of p art at t he bac k o f you r mon itor . Ali gn p art of yo ur U SB hol der w ith t he bott om of p ar t at t he bac k o f you r mon itor .
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of t he p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
6. Ch oose a fo lder to i nstal l th e M agicN et progr am. 7. Click "I nstall ." 8. Th e "In stal lati on Sta tus " wi ndow appea rs.
9. It is recommend ed restarting the system for the normal operation of the MagicNet Serv e r program. Cl i ck "F in ish . " 10. Whe n th e ins tal lati on is co mple te, the Ma gic Net e xecut abl e ic on ap pea rs on y our de sktop. 11. Do uble-cl ic k th e icon to s tar t the prog ra m.
What is MagicNet? | Using MagicNet | Library | Screen | Sch edule Remot e Ma nageme nt | Messa ge | Option | Client / Conte nts Server | Troubleshooti ng Wh at is Mag icNet? MagicNet us es an Ethe rne.
schedule s. 5. Instants m essage → You can di splay a message on selected mo nitors regardl ess of schedule s. 6. MDC and Syst em → The MDC an d System fun ctions al low you to control, view the status of, and diagno se monitors .
What i s Magi cNet? | | Library | Scre en | Schedule Remot e Ma nageme nt | Messa ge | Option | Client / Conte nts Server | Troubleshooti ng Running MagicNet 1.
2. Configure the Network Con nection settings In the Genera l tab. Enter the server name on the mon itor identical to the name of the server. To change the server name, double-click th e Value field of the Server N ame item . 3. If there is more than one network card in the server, select a ne twork card in the Network Device item.
File Sub-Menus Register ing a Library 1. Select L ibrary from the Fil e menu to ope n the Library View. 2. Selec t a phot o file, mu sic file, m ovie file , docum ent, or Flash file etc. on t he server . 3. Right-click on the selected fi le and select Send T o Library from the displayed menu to register it to the library.
Registering a Scre en 1. Select S creen from the Fil e menu to open a S creen View. 2. Right-click on the backgrou nd view. Click on the Area and cli ck either Photo, Movie, Flash, Web, Text, or Source from the displaye d menu.
2. Selec t the mo nitors t o which t he sched ule is to b e registe red in th e Tree Vie w at the left. Th e Operating Mode of the selected monitors must be set to Schedule if they can display the schedule reg iste red on the se rver.
4. To di splay the m essage on the selec ted mon itors, clic k the Send Message icon in the toolbar u nder the menu bar. To hide the message which wi ll be displa yed on the se lected mo nitors, cl ick the Stop Messag e icon in the toolbar.
What i s Magi cNet? | Using MagicNet | Lib rar y | Screen | Schedu le Remot e Ma nageme nt | Messa ge | Option | Client / Conte nts Server | Troubleshooti ng Librar y File Me nu Librar y / Screen / Sc.
Synchronize z Syn chronizes the library fil es of the main server with the file s of the content server. Opti on z Changes the server settings. For more information, refer to the Options section.
view in the right p ane. Exploring No rmal Files Exploring Li braries Exploring Sc reen Files Exploring Normal Files Exploring Libraries Exploring Screen Files Exploring Content Servers Displa ys all the fo lders in the comput er on whic h a server is installed in a tree view.
Exploring Cont ent Servers Disp lays the ma nageme nt folders for the co ntent ser vers in a tree view . Function: If you selec t a folder, its su bfolders and a list of conten t servers are di splayed in the li st view in the right pane. Hot Key z F2 key: Rena mes the sele cted folde r.
Exploring Li braries z O p en: If y ou clic k O p en for a folder, y ou are moved to that folder. If y ou click O p en for a file, th e file is run. z Send To Library: If you click Send To Library for the selected f iles, they a re regis tered to the libra ry.
Exploring Sc reen z O p en: If y ou clic k O p en for a folder, y ou are moved to that folder. If y ou click O p en for a file, th e file is run. z Send To Library: Moves the s elected library files to the topmos t folder for eac h content item. Howev er, this me nu item is deactiv ated wh en a folde r is selecte d.
Disp lays the sub folders a nd file s under the s elected f older. Function: Double -Click z Double -click to mov e to the u pper fold er. z Double-click to move to that lower folder. Drag & Drop z If you d rag and dro p screen files to a screen fol der in th e tree view o r the list vi ew, the y are moved to t hat folder.
z Cut: Cuts th e selected scre en files to the cl i p board so that y ou can p aste them to anoth er location. However, this m enu item is deactivated when a fold er is selected. z Delete: Deletes the sele cted screen files and folde rs. How ever, if th e select ion inclu des ".
Exploring the Content Serv er z F2 key: Ren ames the se lected fo lder. Howe ver, you ca nnot rena me a file. z Delete ke y: Delete s the select ed folders , subfolde rs, and scr een file s. z Ctrl + X keys: Cu ts the selecte d screen files to th e clipboard so that you can paste them to a nothe r locat ion.
1) Mac Addre ss: The MAC address of the se lected cont ent server. You can edit this. 2) Ser ver N ame: The serv er name o f the s elect ed con tent se rver. You ca n edit t his. 3) IP Addr ess: The IP ad dress of the sel ected conte nt server. You ca nnot edi t this.
What is MagicNet? | Using MagicNet | Library | Screen | Sc hedule Remote Management | Message | Option | Client / Contents Server | Troubleshoo ting Screen File Menu Library / Screen / Schedule / R em.
{ Administrator: Has privileges for all server functions. { User: Has privileges for all server function s except for changing server options and user account features. Exit z Exits the program. If there are any un saved chan ges, a new window is displayed so that you can save them.
Screen Tree View Edit View List View Tree View A tree is created in accordance with the order of the areas created in the Edit View. You can check the area currently selected in the Edit View using the Tree View . If you select a property of an area, the detailed property information is displayed in the List View.
Background This is for configuring the background for all screens. The background consists of the Area, Screen, Music, and Effect functions. If a colo r or photo is used as the background, you can freely place other areas such as a movie and te xt on the background to compose a varied screen.
Resolution: Changes the resolution for the background. You can ad d a new resolution and set the default resolution using the Options menu. Start Time, Stop T ime, Duration: Sets the play ing time of the background in minutes. The playing time of the background changes to that of the screen.
Changes the detailed properties and transfer mode for the selected f ile of each type. z Transfer Mode: Changes the mode in which the selected file is transferred to the monitor. z Download: Downloads the file to t he monitor and plays it. z Stream: Streams the file to the monitor.
Photo This function is for configuring screens using photo files and consists of the Area, Screen, Background, Effect functions. The Area fu nction allows you to set the position where the photo is displayed and when and for how lon g it is disp layed.
Ar ea Name: Changes the area name. You cannot use a name already used for another area name . Lock Positio n: Locks the position of the area. Left, Top, Width, Height: Changes the position and size of the area. The area positions must be within the background and the area size cannot be larger than the background size.
Backgro und Type: Sets the background type (Color, Picture File) for the Photo area . Color: Selects the color when the background type for the Photo area is set to Color. Transparency: Selects the degree of transparency when the background ty pe for the Photo area is set to Color.
Movie Changes the detailed properties and the transfer mode for the selected f ile of each type. z Transfer Mode: Changes the mode in which the selected file is transferred to the monitor. z Download: Downloads the file to t he monitor and plays it. z Stream: Streams the file to the monitor.
This function is for configuring screens usin g movie files and consists of Area, Screen, Background, Effect functions. Th e Area function allows you to set the position where the movie is playe d and when an d for how lo ng it is playe d . The Screen function allows you to select the movie file and how to play it.
Movie File: Selects the movie file to be played in the Movie area. Aspect Ratio: Selects the aspect ratio for the movie file to be played in the Movie area. z Full: The movie file is enlarged or reduced to fit the entire background. z Original: The movie file is displayed at the original size.
File. Only one picture file can be selected in the Movie area. Picture Aspect Rati o: Selects the aspect ratio for the photo file to be played in the Movie area when the background type of the Mo vie area is set to Picture File. z Full: The photo file is enlarged or reduced to fit the entire background.
Flash This function is for configuring screens using Macromedia flash files and co nsists of Area, Screen, Background, Effect functions. The Area function allows yo u to set the position where the movie is played and when and for how long it is played.
Name: Changes the area name. You cannot use a name already used for another area name . Lock Positio n: Locks the position of the area. Left, Top, Width, Height: Changes the position and size of the area. The area positions must be within the background and the area size cannot be larger than the background size.
Type: Sets the background type (Color, Picture File) for the Flas h area. Color: Selects the color when the background type for the Flash area is set to Color. Transparency: Selects the degree of transparency when the background type for the Flash area is set to Color.
Web Changes the detailed properties and the transfer mode for the selected f ile of each type. z Transfer Mode: Changes the mode in which the selected file is transferred to the monitor. z Download: Downloads the file to t he monitor and plays it. z Stream: Streams to the monitor.
This function is for configuring screens by co nn ecting website files and consists of the Area, Screen, Background and Effect functions. The Area function allows you to set the positi on of the webpag e and when and for how long i t is displayed .
Website: Sets a web page to display in the Web area. Only one URL can be selected in t he Web Area. Refresh: Sets the refresh ti me for the URL displayed in the Web area. Input Enable: You can input using the mouse in the Web area. Offset Left /Top / Right / Bottom: Moves the position of the we b page in the Web area.
z Full: The photo file is enlarged or reduced to fit the entire background. z Original: The photo file is displayed at the original size. z Auto: The photo file is enlarged or reduced to fit the entire background and keeps the original aspect ratio. z Tile: The photo file is tiled continuo usly across the entire background.
Text This function is for configuring screens by co nn ecting text and consists of the Area, Screen, Background, Effect functions. The A rea function allows you to set the position of the text and when and for how long it is displayed. The Screen function allows you to select the t ext and how to display it.
Name: Changes the area name. You cannot use a name already used for another area name . Lock Positio n: Locks the position of the area. Left, Top, Width, Height: Changes the position and size of the area. The area positions must be within the background and the area size cannot be larger than the background size.
the Text area. The font type shows the font of the computer where the server is operating. The same font should be installed in the monitor so that the monitor can disp lay the same font. Align Horizontal, Vertical: Aligns the text in the Text area. Background Type: Sets the background type (Color) for the Text area .
Source Changes the detailed properties and the transfer mode for the selected f ile of each type. z Transfer Mode: Changes the mode in which the selected file is transferred to the monitor. z Download: Downloads the file to t he monitor and plays it. z Stream: Streams the file to the monitor.
Area Name: Changes the area name. You cannot use a name already used for another area name . Lock Positio n: Locks the position of the area. Left, Top, Width, Height: Changes the position and size of the area. The area positions must be within the background and the area size cannot be larger than the background size.
(TV: General broadcasting channel range - 2~69, Cable broadcasting channel range 1, 14~135) (DTV : Main chann el range - 0 to 999, Sub channel rang e - 0 to 999) Edit View This view is used for screen design and allows you to create, move and change the size of an area using your mouse.
What i s Magi cNet? | Using MagicNet | Library | Scre en | Schedule Remot e Ma nageme nt | Messa ge | Option | Client / Conte nts Server | Troubleshooti ng Schedule File Me nu Library / Screen / Sched.
Tool Menu Undo / Redo z Canc els the pr evious ly perfo rmed c ommand or perfor ms the c anceled command a gain. Yo u can cha nge the ma ximum number o f comman ds that you can un do usin g the Opt ion men u. Add z Adds the screen you wish to s chedule after selecting a monitor and ti me by clicking in the EPG wi ndow .
Tree Vi ew EPG V iew List V iew Pub lish View Tree View Displays the connec tion state of the monitors curren tly connected to the server depending on the monitor icon. You ca n also eff icient ly man age the monitors by crea ting net work g roups. You can mo ve a ne tworked monitor by dragging and dropping it in to a group.
Loca l Network: A monitor wh ich is connected to the server over a netw ork. New Group: Creates a new group that can include some networked monitors. You can drag and drop a networked monitor to a group. Copy/Pas te: Copies al l the schedul es configu red on the se lected monit or to the clipboa rd and pastes them to another monitor.
This is a virtua l monitor used to cr eate sc hedules for a mo nitor us ed withou t bein g connected to the network. Loca l publishing ca n be performed for a lo cal monitor to crea te schedules for it. New M onitor: Create s a new v irtual local monitor .
Add: Adds the screen you wish to schedule after selecting a monitor and time by clicking in the EPG w indow . Delete: Del etes the scree n currently selec ted in the EPG w indow. Copy / Paste: Copies the curren tly selected screen and past es it after selec ting a monitor an d time by c licking in the EPG window.
Start Time / S to p Time / Duration: Se ts the time information for the se lected screen in minutes. Peri odic: S ets h ow frequ ently t he sel ected s creen r ecurs . (None / Daily / Week ly / Mo nthly) End on: Sets an end date for the selected schedule to recur.
What is MagicNet? | Using MagicNet | Library | Screen | Schedu le Remote Man agement | Message | Option | Client / Contents Server | Troubleshoo ting Remote Man agement File Menu Library / Scree n / S.
Refresh z Refreshes the value of each client for the currently selected remote control item. Option z Changes t he server settings. For more information, refer to the Options section.
Tree View Displays various control item s for the client in a tree view. If you select an item, the current state of the selected item is displayed and you can control it in the list view. MDC Displays the items for which remote management is required from among the OSD menus of each client monitor in a tree view.
System -On Timer 1) Hour: Enter the hour. 2) Minute: Enter the minutes. 3) AM/PM: Enter AM or PM. 4) Status: Select whether to use the turn-on time. 5) Source: Select the externa l input 6) Volume: Select the volume -Off Timer 1) Hour: Enter the hour.
Displays the items required to manage the client in the tree view separately from MDC. If you select an item, the current state of the selected item is displayed and you can control it in the list view. Detaile d Items System: Displays the product informat ion for the client in a list view.
Phase, Gain, and Sharpness. You can control each item by clicking on it and changing the setting in the list view. z The R Phase, G Phase, B Phase, Gain, and Sh arpness items are only applicable if the Signal Balance item is set to On.
System Power On/Off: This item is only enabled when a monitor name is selected and used to turn the client (monitor) on or off. Copy: Copies the settings of the selected item. z If you select a monitor name and click Copy, a ll the items displayed in the list are copied.
- Network Adapter: Dis plays the network adapter f or the selected client. - Mac Address: Displa ys the MAC address of t he selected client. - : Select an IP address type. - IP Address: Enter the IP address. - Subnet mask: Enter the subnet mask. - Default gateway: Enter the address of the default gatewa y.
1) Startup: Select the program to be performed when the client starts. 2) Automatic update: Select how to perform automatic updates. 3) Use password lock: Select whether to use the password lock. 4) Content Server: Select whether to use the content server.
z Only available if the copied item is th e same as the currently selected item. z Only applied to clients which are turned on. Refresh: Refreshes items for the s elected monitor. Monitor Status z : The server is connected to the monitor in Player mode.
What i s Magi cNet? | Using MagicNet | Library | Scre en | Schedule Remot e Ma nageme nt | Mess age | Option | Cli ent / Contents Server | Troubleshooti ng Message File Me nu Library / Screen / Schedu.
Exit z Exits the program. If there are any unsaved change s, a new win dow is dis played so that you can save the m. Tool Menu Undo / Redo z Canc els the pr evious ly perfo rmed c ommand or perfor ms the c anceled command a gain. Yo u can cha nge the ma ximum number o f comman ds that you can un do usin g the Opt ion men u.
Tree Vi ew List V iew Tree View You can sele ct the monitors to which the m essage is se nt by checking th e checkbox next to each moni tor and group. List View Changes the detailed functions fo r the message to be s ent to the monit ors by double-clickin g it or by clicking the created button.
What is Mag icNet? | Using MagicNet | Library | Scr een | Schedu le Remot e Ma nageme nt | Messa ge | Option | Cli ent / Contents Server | Troubleshooti ng Option Opti on General Network Connection: Se lects the connection meth od between the server and the monito r.
If the server and monito r are on a different private network, they cannot connect to each other. However, if the server has a public IP address, a monitor with a private IP address can be c onnected to it using the d irect connection m ethod. Server Name: Changes the s erver name.
z Use the equal disk space of each monitor: Sets the size to the val ue entered in the edit box. z Do not check disk space when schedule is published: Publishing continues even though the total size of the sch edules to be p ubli shed is lar g er than tha t of the free disk s p ace of the monitor.
What i s Magi cNet? | Using MagicNet | Library | Scre en | Schedule Remot e Ma nageme nt | Messa ge | Option | Clie nt / C onte nts Se rver | Troubleshooting Co ntent s Serv er A prog ram run on the addit ional PC where the co ntent serv er is ope rating.
EWF Dis plays or change s the drive se ttings. Password Manages the password. Setu p Rotati on Rotates the screen with the sel ected option. Program Runs or exits the program. Exit Exits m nMain . If you ex it mnMain , MagicN et X and t he Sched ule progr am are also exite d together.
Old password z Enter the existing password. New password z Enter the new password. Change z Change the password. Use password lock z Verifie s y our p assword before y ou enter the Setu p screen. Setu p Connection Tab Schedule server z Serve r Conne ction Set tings { The client autom atically connec ts to the server.
{ The ID of the serv er to connect to { Client ID 1 Schedule server z Automatic con nection usi ng server nam e : If the sche dule server and client are on the same sub netw ork, the client con nects to the servers usi ng their name.
z Sele ct th e progra m perfo rmed w hen the cli ent start s. Automatic upda tes z Select how to perform autom atic updates. 1S t a r t u p z Sets the program to be performed when the client starts. z You can select one of two program s, or select neither of them.
{ Background: Sets the background for the entire screen. { File: Set s the lo g o scre en to b e dis p la y ed on t he bac k g round. ( A flash, p hoto, or movie fil e can be se t.) 2 Schedul e f older z Sets the directory which the content to be sc heduled is downloaded to and managed in and manages th e size of the disk.
What i s Magi cNet? | Using MagicNet | Library | Scre en | Schedule Remot e Ma nageme nt | Messa ge | Option | Client / Conte nts Server | Troubl eshooting Troublesho oting When a monitor is not connec ted to the se rver z Check whether the network environ ment for the server and monitor is normal.
When the monitor upd ate function does not work Check the monitor versi on. If it is the latest version, no up dating is performed. When a mo vie file is not registere d to the lib rary Check whet her the proper cod ec is install ed for the movie file the serv er wants to register to the monitor.
Introduction A Multiple Display Control (M DC) is an application allowing v arious displays to be easily and simult aneously operated on a PC. RS-232C, a standard of serial communication, is used for the communication between a PC and a display.
Main Icons Select Button Remocon Info Grid Safety Lock Display Selection Port Selection Control Tools 1. Use the main icons to switch into each screen. 2. Allows you to enable or disable the remote control signal receiv ing function of the display unit.
1. The Multiple Di splay Control is o riginally set to COM1. 2. If any port other than CO M1 is used, COM1 through COM4 can be selected in th e Port Selection Menu. 3. If the exact port name that is connected to the LCD Display using a serial cable is not selected, communicatio n will be unavailable.
Info Grid shows some basic inf ormation necessary to Power Control. 1) (Power Status) 2) Input 3) Image Size 4) On Timer 5) Off Timer 2. Use the Select All butto n or Check Box to choose a display to control. Power Control allows contro lling some of the functions of the selec ted display.
- Turns the power of the selecte d display On/Off. 2) Volume - Controls the volume level of the selected display. It receives the volume value of the selected display from the sets and displays it i n the slider.
Info Grid shows some basic inf ormation necessary to Input Sourc e Control. 1) PC - Changes the Input Source of the se lected display to PC. 2) BN C - Changes the Input Source of the se lected display to BNC. 3) DV I - Changes the Input Source of the se lected display to DVI.
Info Grid shows some basic inf ormation necessary to Image Size Control . 1) ( Power Status) - Shows the power status of the curren t display. 2) Image Size - Shows the current Image Size of the display in use. 3) Input - Shows the current Input Source of the display in use.
Info Grid shows some basic inf ormation necessary to Image Size Control . 1) Click the Video Sour ce tab to adjust Image Size for TV, AV, S-V ideo, Component, DVI(HDCP), HDMI , DTV.
Info Grid shows some basic inf ormation necessary to Time Control. 1) Current Time - Set the current time for the sele cted display (PC Time). - To change the current time, first change the PC Time. 2) On Time Setup - Set the Hour, Minut e, AM/PM of On Time Setup, Status, Source, Volume of the selected display.
Info Grid shows some basic inf ormation necessary to PIP Size Con trol. 1) PIP Size - Shows the current PIP Size of t he display in use. 2) OFF - Turns off the PIP of the selected dis play. 3) Large - Turns on the PIP of the selected displ ay and changes the size to Large.
Info Grid shows some basic inf ormation necessary to PIP Sour ce Control. 1) P IP Source - PIP Source can be controll ed with turning on the LCD Display power. 2) PC - Changes the source of the PIP of the se lected display to PC. 3) BNC - Changes the source of the PIP o f the selected display to BNC.
Info Grid shows some basic inf ormation necessary to Settings Con trol. When each function is se lected, the set value of the selected f unction is displayed in the slide.When selected, each function fetches th e value for the set and displays it on t he slide bar.
1. Click Settings of th e main icons and the Settings Control scre en appears. Info Grid shows some basic inf ormation necessary to Settings Con trol. When each function is select ed, the set value of the selected functi on is displayed in the slide. When sel ected, each function fetches the valu e for the set and displays it on the slide bar.
Audio 1. Click Settings of th e main icons and the Settings Control scre en appears. Info Grid shows some basic inf ormation necessary to Settings Con trol. When each function is select ed, the set value of the selected functi on is displayed in the slide.
Info Grid shows some basic inf ormation necessary to Settings Con trol. 1) Image Lock - Available only for PC, BN C. 2) Coarse - Adjusts Coarse of the selected dis play. 3) Fine - Adjusts Fine of the selected dis play. 4) Position - Adjusts Position of the sele cted display.
An "Info Grid" showing seve ral basic data items appears. 1) Maintenance - Allows the Maintenan ce Control function for all input sources . 2) Auto Lamp Control - Automatically adju sts the backlight of the selected display at a s pecified time.
1) Safety Screen - Eliminates the afterimages t hat can result when the selected displa y stays in Pause mode for an extended period of time. You can set the repeat cycle timer by selectin g the "Interval" by hour and "Second" by second.
1) Video Wall - A Video Wall is a set of video scree ns that are connected together, so that each screen shows a part of the whole picture or so that the same picture is repeated on each screen. 2) Video Wall (Screen divider) - The screen can be divided into.
- Check the displays to see if any of the other displays co nnected have the same ID. If mo re than one displays have the same ID, those displays are not properly detected by the program due to data confli ct. - Check if the Display Set ID is a number between 0 and 25 .
Select Langu age Main Page Model The color and appearance of the product may v ary depending on the model, and th e product spec ifications ar e subject t o change witho ut prior notic e for reasons of pe rformance enha ncement.
[MENU] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] Selects the inpu t source for the PIP. - PC : AV / S-Video / Comp onent / HDMI Mode - BNC :.
MagicBright™ [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] MagicBrigh t™ is a new featur e providing the optimum view ing environmen t depending on t he contents of th e image you a re watching. Currently four differ ent modes are ava ilable: Enter tain, Interne t, Text and Cust om.
1) Red 2) Green 3) Blue Note • If you adjust the picture by using the Cu stom function, Color To ne will turn to the Cuso me mode. Color Temp [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [< / > ] → [ENTER] Color Temp i s a measure of the 'w armth' of the ima ge colors.
This is use d to make up for th e weak RGB signal t ransmitted b y a long signal cab le. (Available in PC , BNC mode only) 1) Signal Balance [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] Selects eit her On or Off with th e signal contro l.
2) Standard 3) Movie 4) Custom [The direct button on the remote control is the ' P.MOD E ' button.] Custom [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [< / >] → [ENTER] By using the o n-screen menus, the contrast and brightness can be c hanged to your pe rsonal prefere nce.
Brightness Sensor [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [< / > ] → [ENTER] Brightness Sensor is to aut omatically de tect distrib ution of inpu tted visual s ignal and adjus t to create opti mum brightness.
AV S-Video Component HDMI MagicNet Mode [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] The LCD Di splay has a buil t-in high fid elity stereo amplifier . 1) Standa rd Selects St andard for the standa rd factory se ttings.
Sound Select [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] Selects either Main or Sub when PIP is On.
Menu Transparency [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] Changes t he opaqueness of the OSD back ground. 1) High 2) Medium 3) Low 4) Opaque Safety Lock PIN [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [0~9] → [0~9] → [0~9] The passw ord can be chan ged.
[MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER ] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] Sets how ma ny parts the scree n should be divide d horizontally.
When the pict ure is not displa yed properly on t he screen when set ting the graphi cs card resolut ion of the computer to 1024 x 768 @ 60Hz, 1280 x 768 @ 60Hz, 1360 x 768@ 60Hz or 1366 x 768 @ 60Hz, by usin g this function( Resolution Se lect), you can have the pictu re displayed on the screen in the specified res olution.
Multi Con trol Available Modes PC / BNC / DVI AV S-Video Component HDMI MagicNet Multi Con trol Assigns an ind ividual ID to the SET. 1) ID Setup [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [0~9] A ssigns distinctive IDs to the SET.
• Resetting the password for th e function key lock. Press MUTE → 1 → 8 → 6 → On. The password will be re set to '0000'. The remote control is r equired for resetti ng the passwo rd.
4) Rotati on Displays a n image file by t urning it cloc kwise by 90 degr ees. 5) Zoom Displays a reduced pictur e. 6) Close Closes th e image control Menu. Music The MP3 file f ormat is supporte d. Movie The MPEG1, WMV file f ormat are support ed. 1) Play Plays a movie file.
will reset the prev ious settings of Setup mode. 5) File Local : You can delete or c opy files on both local an d removable disks . 6) Pl ay Option You can set the repe at play and screen settings. Repeat : Det ermines the re peat option for playing movies and music.
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of t he p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
Mainte nance and Clean ing 1) Ma intain ing the L CD Displ ay Case . Cle an w ith a so ft c lot h af ter dis c onne ct ing th e po wer cor d. • Do not us e ben zene , th inner o r othe r f lammab le s ubs tan ces, or a wet cloth. • We rec omm end th at a Sa msung c lea nsi ng age nt is us ed t o pre vent dam age to t he s cr een .
The LCD D isplay sc reen flick ers. Di spl ay is se curel y conn ect ed. (Ref er to Conne ctin g a Com puter ) Problems related to the Screen Note • P robl ems r elat ed to the LCD Disp lay scre en and the ir s olu tions are li sted. Problems Sol utions The sc reen is blank and the power in di cat or is of f.
• P robl ems r elat ed to au dio si gn als an d th eir sol ution s ar e li sted belo w. Problems Sol utions No s oun d. z Ens ure that the audi o ca ble i s fi rmly con nect ed to bot h the aud io-i n port on yo ur LC D D ispla y an d th e audi o-o ut port on yo ur s ound card .
Set the res olutio n in the Co ntrol P anel → Appe aran ce an d Th emes → Di splay → Settin gs. z Wi ndows ME/200 0: Set the res olutio n in the Co ntrol P anel → Dis play → S ettin gs. * Contact th e video car d manufa cturer fo r deta ils.
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model SyncMaster 400DXn Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of t he p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
Audi o Input 2 RC A Ja ck Re d(R) Whi te(L) , 0 .5 Vrm s (-9 dB ) PC A udi o In pu t 3.5 Ø Ste re o Ja ck , 0. 5 Vr ms (- 9 d B) Fr equen cy RF : 80 H z ~ 15 k Hz (a t -3 dB) Re spon se A/V: 80 H z ~ 20 kH z (a t -3 dB ) Plug and Play Capabilit y This monitor can be installed on any Plug & Play comp atible system.
your monitor OFF when it is not nee ded, or when leaving it unattended for long per iods. The PowerSaver system ope ra tes wi th a VESA D PM c ompl iant vid eo ca rd i nsta lled i n yo ur c omput er. Use th e sof tw are ut ili ty i nsta lled o n your computer to set u p thi s feature.
Ver tical Freque ncy Li ke a fluor esc ent l amp, the sc reen has t o repe at the same ima ge ma ny t imes p er s eco nd to d isp lay an i mage t o th e u ser. The freque ncy of t his rep etition i s call ed the Ver tical F requency o r Refre sh Rate.
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model SyncMaster 460DXn Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of t he p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
Audi o Input 1 RC A Ja ck Re d(R) Whi te(L) , 0 .5 Vrm s (-9 dB ) Audi o Input 2 RC A Ja ck Re d(R) Whi te(L) , 0 .5 Vrm s (-9 dB ) PC A udi o In pu t 3.
swi tchi ng y our m oni tor to lo w-pow er m ode w hen i t ha s no t be en us ed for a cert ain a mount of time. The m on itor aut oma tic ally retur ns to no rmal oper atio n w hen y ou pr ess a key on th e ke yboa rd . For ener gy con ser vati on, turn your monitor OFF when it is not nee ded, or when leaving it unattended for long per iods.
Ver tical Freque ncy Li ke a fluor esc ent l amp, the sc reen has t o repe at the same ima ge ma ny t imes p er s eco nd to d isp lay an i mage t o th e u ser. The freque ncy of t his rep etition i s call ed the Ver tical F requency o r Refre sh Rate.
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of t he p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
Po wer Off, Sc reen Save r, or Powe r Save Mode z Tu rn the po wer off f or 4 h our s a fter 20 ho urs in use z Tu rn the po wer off f or 2 h our s a fter 12 ho urs in use z Set the Mon itor to pow er o ff w ith t he P C Dis play Pro perti es Power Sc heme .
z Ev ery 30 m inu tes , chan ge the char acte rs with mo veme nt. z All are a d ispla y M oving i mag e to get her w ith L ogo peri odica lly. - Cycl e: Displ ay mo vin g im age t ogeth er with Logo for 60 s econ ds a fter 4 hou rs in use .
- S elec t method . Inst ruct ion Gui de : OSD M enu -> S et Up -> S afety Scr een -> B ar . Time Inte rva l : 1 ~ 10 ho ur s ( Recom mend : 1 ) . Time Peri od : 10 ~ 5 0 se cond ( Re com mend : 50 ) Note • ( Ple ase check CD 's Use r Gu ide a t "OS D Fu ncti on ", som e mod el's wil l not avai lab le.
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of t he p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Samsung SyncMaster 400DXn è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Samsung SyncMaster 400DXn - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Samsung SyncMaster 400DXn imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Samsung SyncMaster 400DXn ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Samsung SyncMaster 400DXn, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Samsung SyncMaster 400DXn.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Samsung SyncMaster 400DXn. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Samsung SyncMaster 400DXn insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.