Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 1100MB del fabbricante Samsung
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Instal l drivers Instal l programs SyncMaster 1 100MB.
Notat ional Fail ure t o foll ow d irect ion s n oted by t his s ymbol cou ld re sul t in bod ily har m or damage t o equi pment. Prohi bited Impor tant to read and under stand at all ti mes Do not di.
occur ed, or the screen ma y be blurre d. Do not use a damaged or loose plug . z T his may cause an electr ic shock or fir e. Do not pu ll t he plug out by t he wi re nor t ouch the pl ug wi th wet hand s. z T his may cause an electr ic shock or fir e.
Do not drop the monitor when moving i t. z This may cause damage to the product or human body. Inst al l the monit or base in a show case or s helf s o that t he e nd of the base does not pro tru de from the showcase or shelf. z Droppi ng the produc t may cause damage t o the product or personal inju ry.
Do not pl ace the m onitor f ace down. z The CDT sur fa ce may be damage d. Do not us e t he monitor wit hout th e moni tor stand. z It could break down or cau se fire due t o bad ventil ation. z If the monitor must be used wit hout the suppl ied sta nd, take ste ps to ins ure pr oper venti lati on.
Mak e sure to unplug the power cord before cleaning the product. z Other wis e, this may cause electri c shoc k or fire. Unplug th e power cord from the power outlet and wipe the product using a soft, dry cloth. z Do not use any chemi cal s such as wax, benzene, alc ohol, th inners, ins ect icide, air f reshener , lubr ica nt or det ergent .
Disconn ect th e plug from the outlet during stor ms or lighteni ng or if it is not used for a long period of time. z Fa ilur e to do so may cause an electr ic shock or fire. Do not t ry to m ove the moni tor by pul ling only t he wire or the si gnal cab l e.
Keep the mon itor away fro m any m a gnetic subst ances. z Th is may cause disc olo ring or dist ortio n of the ima ge. Wat ching the monit or continuous ly at a too close angle may result in eyesi ght damage. To ease e ye s tra in, take at l east a fi ve-mi nute br eak aft er every h our of using t he monitor.
Please make sure t he followi ng items ar e incl uded wit h y our mon itor. If an y items are missin g , contact y our deale r . Unpacki ng M onitor and Stand (Som e models incl ude a stand att ached .
Quick Setup Guide (Not av ailabl e in al l loc ations) Monit or Driver, Natur al Color software, Ma g icTune ™ s oftw are Cable Po wer Co rd D-s ub Cab le BNC Cable ( Sold se p aratel y) Stand Stand Front 1.
2. Exit butt on [ ] Use thi s button for Exi t the active menu or the OSD. 3 . Ad ju st b utt on s [ ] / [ ] / [ ] These but ton s allow you to highl ight and adj ust ite ms in the menu. Adjus t Bright ness and Cont ra st. 4. Menu button [ ] Use thi s button fo r open the OSD and activa te a highlight ed me nu i tem .
Bott om 1. T ilt/ Swive l Base You c an s epar ate the b ase fr om the mo nitor ..
Connecti ng the Monitor 1. Connect the power cord for your monit or to the power por t on the back of the monit or. Plug t he p ower cor d f or t he monit or i nt o a nearby out let. 2-1. Co nnect ing t o a c omputer Connect the signal cabl e to the 15 - pin, D-sub connec tor on the back of your comput er .
Base I nst allat ion Ti lt /Sw iv el B ase | Attachi ng and Removing the Base T ilt/S wiv el Ba se Wi th the built-i n pedestal , you can tilt and/or swivel the monitor for the most comfortabl e vi ew in g an g le . Attaching and Removing the Base Atta chin g the Ba se 1.
5. Sq ueeze and pul l up on the release l atch on the base. 6. Pu sh the bas e towar d t he back of t he monito r an d l ift up to r emove t he b ase. The b ase wil l al ign wi t h the m onitor slot s in onl y one posit ion .
2 . Cli ck " Windows XP/2000 Driver" 3. Ch oose your monitor model in the model li st, th en click t he "OK " butt on. 4. I f yo u can s ee fol lowing mess age windo w, then cl i ck th e " Continue Anyway" but t on. T hen click "O K " button.
3 . Cli ck " Displ ay " ic on and choose the " Settings " tab then clic k " Advanced.. ". 4 . Cli ck th e " Proper ties " button on the " Moni t or " tab and se lec t " Driver " tab . 5 . Cli ck " Update Driver.
7 . Cli ck t h e " Br owse " but ton then choose A:(D:Dr i v er) a nd c hoose your monit or model in the mod el l i st and click the " Next " but ton. 8. I f you c an see following message w indo w , then cl ick t h e " Conti nue Anyway " button.
10. Monit or driver insta llation is compl et ed . Microsoft ® Wi ndows ® 2000 Operating Syst em When you can see "Digit al Signature Not Found" on your monitor , follo w th ese st eps . 1. Ch oose " OK " button on the " I nsert disk " wind ow.
fr equency by referr ing t o the pres et Timing Modes in the user guid e. Linux Operati ng Syst em To exec ut e X-Window, yo u need to make the X86Con fig f ile, which is a type of syst em sett i n g fi le. 1. Pr ess Enter at the fir st and t he second sc reen after executi ng the X86Config file.
Selec t [Set ting] / [Cont r ol Panel] on t he [Sta rt] menu and then doubl e -c lick [Ad d/D el ete a progr am ] . Selec t Natural Color fr om the li st and t hen cl i c k the [ Add/Delete ] butt on.
1. [M agic Br ight ] MagicBr i ght ™ is a new feat ure pr oviding optim um viewi ng environment dependi ng on the contents of the image you are watch ing. 2. [Ex it ] Use t hi s butt on to Exi t the acti ve menu or t he OSD. 3. [ / / ] These b uttons allo w you to high l i ght an d ad j us t i t ems i n the men u.
Magi cBright™ Menu De scr i pt i on MagicBr ight ™ Mag i cBr ight™ i s a new feat ure pr oviding the opti m um vi ewi n g en vi r onment dependi ng on the contents of the image you are watch ing. Current ly four dif f e rent modes are avail able: Text, Inte rnet, Entertai n and Cust o m .
Menu De scr i pt i on Adjus t Bright ness and Cont rast. OSD Lock/Unlock Menu De scr i pt i on OSD Lock/Unlo ck Aft er pushing the "MENU" button more than 10 seco nds, OSD function is loc ked (unlocked) .
Selec t an i c on that y ou want t o know f rom the OSD men u to display a text or a nimation expl anation of that icon. Menu Descri ption Play/ St o p Posit i on Foll ow t he se instruct i on s to change t he position of the mon i t or's ent ire di splay.
Menu Descri ption Play/ St o p Par all el/Ro ta tio n Adjus t t h e pa r al lelogram setti ng when t he di splay is leaning lef t or r i g ht; a djust the rotati on setting when the en tire displ ay is ti lt ed le ft o r ri ght .
Menu Descri ption Play/ St o p Selec t t h is mode when you want to adju st t h e image accor ding t o your pr eferences. The o riginal setting for the color t em perat ure is 9300K. Fo llow these step s to chang e t he color temperat ure an d adju st individ ual R, G ,B col or bal ance.
Menu Descri ption Play/ St o p Clear Moire A 'moiré' p attern can appear on your scr een, looking lik e a seri es of concent ric ci rcles or arcs . To eli minate thi s patte rn, use t he cl ear moiré a djustments. Li ne ari ty Adjus t t h e li nearity set t i ng when t he di splay image is com pr es sed at t he top or bott om .
Menu Descri ption Play/ St o p Degauss The Degauss f eature will remove col or impurit i es ca used by mag net i c f i elds. Do not use the Degauss feat ure mor e than once within a 30- minut e period. Note: T he monitor may buzz mom ent a rily, the image col or s may change and the image wil l jiggle for a few seco nds.
Menu Descri ption Play/ St o p Displ ay t i m ing You can see the f r eque ncy (user contr ol mode) us ed by the user , t he polar ity of the opera t i onal sig nal s , t h e defaul t fr equency (defaul t mode) set when you buy the moni t o r and the re solution l evel.
Overvi ew | Installation | OS D Mo de | Uni nstal l | Troub leshoo ting Overview What is MagicTune™? Moni tor per formanc e can v ary due to the gr aphics ca rd, ho st computer lighti ng con d it ions a nd other environmental f actors. In order to get the best image on a monitor requires you t o adjust it for your u nique setting.
Over view | Installation | OSD M ode | Un inst all | T rouble shoo ting Installation 1. Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive. 2. Click t he MagicTune™ installa tion file. 3. Select installatio n Language, Click "Next". 4. When the I n stallationShield Wizard window appears, click " Ne xt.
6. Choose a folder to install the M agicTune program. 7. Click "In s tall." 8. Th e "I n stall a tion St at u s" win d ow ap pears .
9. Click "F in ish." 10. When the installation is complete, th e MagicTune executable icon appears on your desktop. Double-click the icon to start the program. Insta llation Proble ms The installation of MagicTune™ can be affected by such factors as the video card, motherboard and the network envir on ment.
OS z Wind ows™ 98 SE z Window s™ Me z Windows ™ 2 000 z Windows™ XP Home E dition z Windows™ XP Professional Har dwa re z 32MB Memory abov e z 25MB Hard disk space above * F or more inform ation , visi t the Ma gicTu ne websi te . It is r ecommended using MagicTune in Windows™ 2000 or later.
Over view | Installation | OSD Mode | Uni nstal l | Troub leshoo ti ng OSD Mode The OSD mode makes the adjustment of settings on all m onitors easy. When selected , each tab on top of the control window displa y s the ge neral descriptions o f the sub -menu items for adjustme nt .
Allows the user to a djust the screen settings to the desired values. Color Tab Defin i ti on Adjust s the "warmth" of th e mo ni t or background or im ag e co lor . Brightness Contrast Magi cBright n m l k j i n m l k j n m l k j Brightness Makes the entire screen brighter or darker.
Image Tab Definition Adjusts the Position, Size and Rotation values. Color Tone Color Cont rol n m l k j i n m l k j Color Tone The tone of the color ca n be changed. z 5000K - 6500K - 9300K z Rese t Color C ontrol Adjus ts of the m onitor im age color.
Option Tab Defini ti on You can con fig ure MagicTune usi n g the following op tio ns. Geo metry 1 Rotation Size Position Geo metry 2 Pi ncus hion Pinb alance Tra pezoid P aralle logram Other Moire De.
Support Tab Defi ni tio n Shows the Asset ID and the version number of the program, and allows you to use the Help feature. Prefer ences Loads the Preferences Dia log Box. Preferences in u se will have an "V" in the chec k bo x. To turn on or off a ny Prefere n ce, posit ion the cursor ove r the box a nd clic k.
User ID Show s the user ID that is register in PC. Serve r I P Writ e down the s erver IP . Departm ent Write down the department. Locatio n Write down t he location.
Over view | Installation | OSD M ode | Uninstal l | T roubles hooting Unin s tall The Mag i c T une program c a n b e re moved on ly b y usi n g the "Add or R em ove Progr ams" opti on of the Window s™ Co ntrol Pane l. Per form the f ollowing s teps remov e MagicT une.
Over view | Installation | OSD M ode | Unins tall | Troubl eshooti ng Troubleshooting The current com p uting system is not com p atible with Ma gi cTu ne. Please press OK and click on the " Sho rtcut to the Mag ic Tun e site" to view our hom e pa ge for furth er reference.
Visit the video card m aker's hom epage and do wnload and install the latest driver . For more information about the v ideo card, contact the card manufa cturer. To ensure no r m al op er at i on, please rest ar t yo ur syst em . An error occurs wh en th e syst em is not res tart ed after installing M agi cTun e.
z Visit the MagicTune website for technica l support for MagicTune, FAQs (questions and a nswers) and software upgrades. z Visit the MagicTune website and download the in st allatio n software for MagicTune MAC. the graphic card, visit our website to ch eck the compatible graphic card list pr o vided .
Check List Befor e calling for ser vice, check the infor mation in this sect ion to see if you can remedy any probl ems your self. If you d o need a ssistance, pleas e call the phone numbe r on the Inf ormation s ection or conta ct you r dealer . Symptom Ch eck Li st Solut i on s No images on the scre en.
changes ? The image on the scre en is shakin g. Check the moni t o r conf iguratio n to see if it is in In te rlac e Mod e. (I nterlace Mode: Vertical fr equency 43 Hz, 87H z (i ), e tc ) The sign al from the video car d exceed s the max i mum resolut ion a nd frequenc y of the moni tor.
The s creen c ol o rs have chang ed a fter changi ng the video car d. Displ ay → Se ttings . Has the vi deo card been set pr operly ? Set the video car d by r ef erring to the vide o card man ual . There is a message that reads "Unr ecognized monit o r, Plug & Play (VESA DDC) monitor found ".
How can I s et the Power Saving func tion? Windows M E/ XP/ 2000 : Set the fun ction at BIOS-SET U P of the com put e r or t he screen s aver. ( Ref er to W indows/Comput er Man ual ) .
1. I f ther e are any sub woofer speakers ne ar the monitor, unplug an d relocat e the woofer to anot her room. 2. Re m ov e all e lectroni c devices such as radi os, fans, clocks and teleph ones th at are wit hi n 3 feet (o ne meter ) of t he monit or .
General General Model Name SyncMaster 1100MB Picture Tube Type 21" DynaFlat (20" viewable) Deflection angle 90 ° Dot Pitch 0.20 mm (Horizontal) Screen type Aluminized tri-color phosphor dot trio with black matrix. Anti-doming invar shadow mask.
Maximum Pixel Clock 360 MHz Power Supply 90 ~ 264VAC rms, 60/50 Hz ± 3 Hz Power Consumption 130 W (nominal) Dimensions (WxDxH) 504 x 500 x 508 mm / 19.
Display Mode Horizontal Frequency (kHz) Vertical Frequency (Hz) Pixel Clock (MHz) Sync Polarity (H/V) IBM, 720 x 400 31.469 70.087 28.322 -/+ VESA, 640 x 480 43.269 85.008 36.000 -/- VESA, 800 x 600 53.674 85.061 56.250 +/+ VESA, 1024 x 768 68.677 84.
Servi ce Th e address and p hone num ber of t he com p an y can be chan g ed without p reviou s notice. CANADA : Sams ung El ec t r onics Canada Inc., Custo m e r Ser vi ce 55 Standi sh Court Mississauga, O n tario L5R 4B2 Canada Tel. 1- 8 00 -SAMSUNG (7267 864) Fax.
BRAZIL : Sams ung El ec t r onica da Amaz onia Ltda Rua Pr of. Ma noelito de o rnellas 303, Ter reo B. Chacar a Sto. Ant onio, 047 19-040 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil Tel. 0800-124-421 http ://w ww .sa msun g. com/ br CHILE : Sams ung El ec t r onics Chile LTDA.
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Tel. 1800- 1 0-SAMSUNG (7267 864) http ://w ww .sa msun g. com/ ph SINGAPORE : Sams ung Asia Pte. Ltd. 20 Toh Guan Road Accord Distri Centre #01- 01 Singapore 60883 9 Tel. 1800- SAMSUNG (7267 864) Fa x. ( 65) 6565 7513 http ://w ww .sa msun g. com/ sg THAILAND : Thai Samsung El ectronic s Co.
Pitc h'. U nit: m m Vert ical Frequency The s creen mus t be r edr awn severa l t imes pe r secon d in or de r to cr eate an d display an ima ge for the user . The f r equency of this repet i t ion p er second is call ed Ver t i c al Fr equency or Refr es h Rate .
Class B This device i s a C las s B di gi t al appar atus. For Saf ety and EMC compli ance guide, you may ref er to "Regulato ry" G u ide..
Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & E lectronic Equipment) - Europe only (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection s ystems) This mar.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Samsung 1100MB è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Samsung 1100MB - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Samsung 1100MB imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Samsung 1100MB ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Samsung 1100MB, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Samsung 1100MB.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Samsung 1100MB. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Samsung 1100MB insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.