Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VX-44d del fabbricante Runco
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O WNER ’ S O PERATING M ANUAL VX-44d VX-55d 1080p Digital Light Processing TM Projector and Digital High Definition (DHD™) Controller.
Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manual iii PRE L IMINAR Y TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY For Projectors, Video Processors and Controllers Congratulation s on your purchase of a Runc o video product and welcome to the Run co family! We believe Runco produ ces “The World’s Fine st Home Thea ter Products .
iv Runco VX-44d/-55d Own er’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y This warranty begins on the effective da te of delivery to the end use r. For your convenience, k eep the origin al bill of sale a s evidence of th e purchas e date. Please fill out and mail your warranty registration card.
Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al v PRE L IMINAR Y To locate th e name and address of th e nearest Runc o Authorized Se rvice Center, o r for additiona l information ab out this Limited Warran ty, please call or w rite: RUNCO INTERNA TIONAL, INC.
vi Runco VX-44d/-55d Own er’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Thank you for your purcha se of this quality Runc o video projector! It has been designed to prov ide you with the quality of vide o that is exp ected in a home theat er.
Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al vii 1 Table of Content s PRE L IMINAR Y TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY ................ ................ ................ ............. ................ .... iii S afety Precauti on s .............. ...........
Table of Contents viii Runco VX-44d/-55d Own er’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Installing the Projecti on Lens ..... ................. ................ ............. ............ ............. .......... 25 Installing the Optional CineWid e Lens Mount .
Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al ix PRE L IMINAR Y 4. Operation .......... ................ ............. ................ ............. ................ ................ ............. 61 Using the On-Sc reen Menus ............ ..........
Table of Contents x Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Note s :.
Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al xi 1 Li s t of Figure s PRE L IMINAR Y 2-1. VX-44d/-5 5d Top/Rea r/Front View ......... ................ ................. ............ ................. ........ 5 2-2. VX-44d/-55 d Input Panel ..........
List of Figures xii Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 5-1. Removing the Lamp Door ....... ................ ................ ............. ................ ............. .......... 79 5-2. Unlocking t he Lamp .................
Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 1 PRE L IMINAR Y 1.1 About This Manual This Owner’s M anual descri bes how to in stall, set up and operate the R unco Video Extreme™ Series DLP Projector (Models VX-44 d and VX-55d) and DHD Controlle r.
Introduc tion 2 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y G raphic Convention s : These symbols appear in numerous p laces throug hout the manual, to emp hasize points th at you must k eep in mind to avoid problem s with your equipment o r injury: 1.
Introd uction Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 3 PRE L IMINAR Y 1.3 Description, Features and Benefits Runco’s VX-44d and VX-55d b ring the most advanc ed technology, 108 0p SuperOnyx™ resolution and the world’s first THX ® Certified home video product s together in truly awesome fash ion.
Introduc tion 4 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Key Features and Bene fits The VX-44d/-55 d offers thes e key featur es and benef its: • Native Resolution: 19 20 x 1080 �.
Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 5 PRE L IMINAR Y 2.1 V X -44d/-55d at a Glance Figure 2-1 shows the key VX-44d/- 55d components. Figure 2-1.
Controls and Functions 6 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 1. TOP IR S EN S OR 2. BUIL T -IN KEYP AD The built-in keypad is locat ed at the ba ck of the pro jector, be side the input panel. Use it similarly to the TheaterMa ster Remote Cont rol to perform service-related tasks on the projector .
Controls and Functi ons Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 7 PRE L IMINAR Y 1. R S 232 IN Connect the RS-232 outp ut from the D HD Controller he re, using the provided RJ11-to-DB9 adapt er and communicatio n cable. 2. R S 232 OUT Not used. 3.
Controls and Functions 8 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 2.3 V X -44d/-55d Rear-Panel Keypad Figure 2-3 shows the VX-44d /-55d rear-panel keypa d.
Controls and Functi ons Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 9 PRE L IMINAR Y 9. Menu Navigation Button s : UP BUTTON ( ) Used to move the menu cursor up in the VX -44d/-55d menu system. LEF T BUTTON ( ) Used to move the menu cursor left in the VX-44d/-55d menu system.
Controls and Functions 10 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 2.4 DHD Controller Front Panel Figure 2-4 shows the controls and ind icato rs on the DHD Controller front panel; the paragraph s that follow descr ibe them. Figure 2-4.
Controls and Functi ons Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 11 PRE L IMINAR Y 7. ENTER BUTTON When an item is hig hlighted on t he On-Screen Disp lay, the ENTER button selects the item. 8. DOWN BUTTON Use to direct s elect aspect r atios or move the menu cu rsor down in the OSD.
Controls and Functions 12 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 2.5 DHD Controller Rear Panel Figure 2-5 show s the rear connec tor panel on the DHD Con troller. Figure 2-5. DHD Controller Rear Panel Outputs 1. HDMI OUT Connect this t o Input 2 (DVI) on the VX-44d/- 55d (see Figure 2-2 ).
Controls and Functi ons Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 13 PRE L IMINAR Y 8. R S -232 OUTPUT Connect this to the R S 232 IN input on th e projector, using the provided communication cable. 9. IR Wired input from a wired remote con trol or infrared re ceiver.
Controls and Functions 14 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 2.6 V X -44d/-55d Remote Control Unit Figure 2-6 sho ws the VX-44 d/-55d remote control, and the paragr aphs that f ollow describe its fun ctionality.
Controls and Functi ons Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 15 PRE L IMINAR Y 1. IR OUTPUT INDICA TOR Lights when a button is pre ssed to indic ate that an IR signal is bein g transmitt ed. 2. ON / OFF Press to turn t he projector o n or off.
Controls and Functions 16 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 9. A s pect Ratio S election B utton s Use the red but tons to select an aspect ra tio directly or t o enter num eric characters, as follows: ANA (16:9) (3) For viewing 16:9 DVDs or HDT V programs in their n ative aspect ra tio.
Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 17 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.1 Remote Control To install batteries in the remote co ntrol, press up on the battery cove r retainer clip and lift off the cove r. Install the two AAA batteries w ith the correc t polarity a nd then replac e the cover .
Installation 18 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 3.2 Quick Setup Table 3-1 gives a quick over view of the VX-44d/-55d in stallation process. Th e sections following this one provid e detailed instructions. Installation sh ould be performed by a qualified custom video installation specialist.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 19 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.3 Installation Considerations Proper installation of you r projector will ensure the qualit y of your display .
Installation 20 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Throw Distance Throw distance is the dista nce measured fro m the front of the projecto r to the screen.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 21 PRE L IMINAR Y Vertical and Horizontal Position Proper placement of the projector relative to the screen will yield a rectang ular, perfectly-centered image that completely fills the screen.
Installation 22 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Figure 3-4. Horizontal Len s S hift (EXAMPLE ONLY) 0% Screen Center 100% Width Lens Shift (1.0 x W) 50% Width Lens Shift (0.5 x W) Screen Width (W) Note: This is a general example of lens shift.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 23 PRE L IMINAR Y Table 3-4 lists th e lens shift lim its for each a vailable VX-44 d/-55d lens, a s percentage s and absolute meas urements with a 10 0 x 56 inch (1.
Installation 24 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Folded Optics In rear screen applications whe re space behind the projecto r is limited, a m irror may be used to fold the op tical path, a s shown in Figure 3-5 . Th e position of the projector and mirror must be ac curately set.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 25 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.4 Installing the Projection Lens The projection le ns is shipped separa tely from the projector. Proc eed as follows to install the projection lens: 1. Remove the lens plug fr om th e lens opening in the projector.
Installation 26 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 3.5 Installing the Optional CineWide Lens Mount If you are in stalling a VX-4 4d/-55d with the optional C ineWide or CineWide w ith AutoScope system, pr oceed as follows to install the an amorphic lens mo unting assembly (stationary ba se plate or Aut oScope lens motor).
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 27 PRE L IMINAR Y Install Projector Stand (CineWide with AutoScope, Floor-Mount) ( S kip thi s s tep if you ar e in s talling a fixed CineWide anamorphic len s , or ceiling-mounting an Auto S cope-equipped pr ojector .
Installation 28 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 3.6 Mounting the V X -44d/-55d There are se veral method s for mountin g the projec tor. Depending o n your chose n installation, one method may b e more suit able than ano ther.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 29 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.7 Connections to the V X -44d/-55d and DHD Controller Proceed as foll ows to connect th e DHD Controller to the VX-44d/-55d, you r video sources, exter nal controller( s) – if present – and AC power .
Installation 30 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Connecting Source Components to the DHD Controller Connect your vid eo sources to t he DHD Controlle r as shown an d described in the sections th at follow. HDMI Connection s : See Figure 3- 9.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 31 PRE L IMINAR Y Digital (DTV) R G B or Compon ent Video Connection s : See Figure 3-10. Figure 3-1 0.
Installation 32 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Analog (Computer) R G B Connec tion s : See Figure 3-11 . Figure 3-11. Analog R G B Conne ction s HD1 HD2 G/Y INPUTS HV R/P.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 33 PRE L IMINAR Y Compo s ite/ S -Video/Component Video Connection s : See Figure 3- 12. Figure 3-12.
Installation 34 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y RS-232 Controller Connection Use a straight-thro ugh, 9-pin RS-232 c able to conne ct a PC or hom e theater control/automation system (if present) to the RS-232 Control port on the DHD Controller; see Figure 3-1 3 .
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 35 PRE L IMINAR Y Figure 3- 14. Con necting 12-Volt Tr igger Ou tput s Connecting an External IR Receiver to the DHD Controller If infrare d .
Installation 36 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Connecting to AC Power The VX-44d/-55d system incl udes two (2) AC power cords (one each for the DHD Controller and projector). DHD Controller: Plug the female end of one power cord in to the AC receptac le on the rear of the DHD Controller.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 37 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.8 Turning on the Power 1. Turn on yo ur source components. 2. Turn on the main p ower switch at the re ar of the DHD Controller . 3. If this is an Auto Scope-equipped projector, tu rn on the main power switch at the rear of the AutoScope lens mo tor.
Installation 38 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 3.9 Adjusting the Picture Orientation By default, th e VX-44d/-55d is co nfigured fo r a “floor/front” insta llation, in which the projector is installe d upright and in front of t he screen.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 39 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.11 Installing and Adjusting the CineWide Anamorphic Lens If you are installing a CineWide-equipped proj ector, proceed as fo llows to install and adjust the anam orphic lens.
Installation 40 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Configure Lens Motor Trigger (CineWide with AutoScope) ( S kip thi s s tep if you ar e in s talling a fixed CineWi de anamorphic len s .
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 41 PRE L IMINAR Y Height (Y) Adju s tmen t: W ith the white field still on-screen, loosen the Height Adjustment Levers on either side of the lens.
Installation 42 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Yaw Adju s t: Loosen the Y aw/X-Adjustmen t Levers to a llow the lens to p ivot freely from side to side.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 43 PRE L IMINAR Y 3. Grasp t he lens by the f ront ring a nd rotate the lens until the image is pro perly anamorphic: 4. When the image g eometry appea rs correct, tighten th e three Lens Rotation Set Scr ews to secu re the lens in place.
Installation 44 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 3.12 Calibrating Projector Input 2 (DVI) After you have installed and ad justed the pr ojector and lens (or lense s), you are ready to begin calibrat ing the DVI input ( Input 2) to the VX-44d/- 55d.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 45 PRE L IMINAR Y Figure 3-16. TheaterMa s ter Remote Control for VX-44d /-55d SYSTEM MENU MENU GUIDE GUIDE EXIT INFO DIS PREV PR EV CH CH + .
Installation 46 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y TheaterMaster Remote Contro l Functio ns 1. POWER Button Hold this button down for 1-2 seconds to turn on or off the projector.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 47 PRE L IMINAR Y Navigating the Projec tor Menus Most of the controls for the projector ar e accessed from within th e projector’ s menu system. There are several groups of related functions, with ea ch group selectable from the Main Menu.
Installation 48 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y All available channe ls are listed in the Ch annel Setup menu (Figure 3-17), wh ich describes how each ch annel can be a ccessed and which serves as th e gateway for ed iting, copying and deleting chann els.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 49 PRE L IMINAR Y 3. Select Locked fro m the Channel Setup menu an d press ENTER to clear t he check box.
Installation 50 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Auto Setup also optimizes the follow ing setti ngs, based on the ch aracteristi cs of the incoming signal: • Pixel Tracki.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 51 PRE L IMINAR Y For 1080i digit al and 1080p signals, ch annels are pre-co nfigured at th e Runco factory for each aspect ratio. Thes e channels use Cu s tom size pres ets to achieve t he select ed aspect r atio.
Installation 52 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Pixel Pha s e: Adjust pixel ph ase when the image (usu ally from an RGB source) still shows shimmer or “noise ” after pixel tracking is opti mized. Pixel phase adjusts the phase of the pixel sampling clock relative to the incoming signal.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 53 PRE L IMINAR Y Filter: The proper filter setting is automatically set for virtually all signals, an d rarely needs to be changed . It applie s a low pass filter for noise re duction in th e incomi ng input signal, particularly for HDT V or SDTV.
Installation 54 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y • Pre-Calibration: Keep off for virt ually all sources (defa ult). Temporar ily enter a chec k mark only if you are an ex perienced tech nician and you have an unusu al source that you feel need s further colo r temperature and/or white balance adjus tment.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 55 PRE L IMINAR Y • Clipping Detector: The Clipping Dete ctor is a tool to assist with defining individual input levels, e nabling you to accurately set the white bala nce for any p articular sourc e with the appr opriate imag e.
Installation 56 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 6. It may be advantageou s to go back and chec k the black ba nd. Adjust the blacklevel slidebar if necessar y. 7. Repeat Steps 4 through 6 with the ot her two rem aining primary colors.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 57 PRE L IMINAR Y OptiCal (Primary Len s Calibration): OptiCal provides the ab ility to store and recall focus, zoom and position settin gs for the pr imary lens. To enable OptiCal: 1. Select In s tallation from the Main Menu.
Installation 58 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 3.13 Working With the Lamp Access the Lamp Adjust menu to : • Choose a lam p mode for regulatin g power and light output. • Change the o ptical aperture size. • View informat ion pertaining to past an d present lamps.
Installation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 59 PRE L IMINAR Y Lamp Mode: Select the Lamp Mode you want to u se in order t o control t he light output.
Installation 60 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y For example, a 1000-Watt lamp can be dr iven at no mo re than 100 0 Watts. To p roduce desired brightn ess at the screen, a new lam p would likely need less than this maximu m rating — per haps 812 Watts ( example only).
Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 61 PRE L IMINAR Y 4.1 Using the On-Screen Menus Press the MENU button on either the rem ote control or the DHD Contr oller front panel to display the Main Menu. To select a m enu item, use th e and buttons on either th e remote cont rol or the DHD Controller fro nt panel to highlig ht it.
Operation 62 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Figure 4-1. DHD Co ntroller O S D Menu S tructure for VX- 44d/-55d S ervice Test Vide o Grey Bars 1 Grey Bars 2 Color Bars 1 C.
Operation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 63 PRE L IMINAR Y Main Menu The Main Me nu is the startin g point for a ccessing all project or functions. (The Calibration and Service m enus are hidd en and not accessible un til you enter a passcode.
Operation 64 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Table 4-1. A s pect Ratio S etting s A s pect Ratio Remote Control Key De s cription 16:9 16:9 Select 16:9 to view 16: 9 DVDs and HDTV programs in their nati ve aspect ra tio. 4:3 images are stretched horizontally to fit a 16 :9 screen.
Operation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 65 PRE L IMINAR Y VirtualWide V-WIDE VirtualWide sca les a 4:3 image NON-linearly (more on the sides than in the center) to fit a 16:9 screen. On a 2.35:1 screen, the image is centered between black bars on either side.
Operation 66 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Pic ture Use the contro ls in the Picture Me nu to calibrat e your VX-44d/-5 5d for optimum pict ure quality. The VX-44d/-55 d has been de signed to inco rporate setu p and calibra tion standard s established b y the Imaging Science Foundat ion (ISF).
Operation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 67 PRE L IMINAR Y Brightne ss : On your external test pa ttern source, select a PLUG E pattern. (PLUG E is an acronym for “Picture Line -Up Generation Equipm ent.”) Figure 4-2 shows a typical PLUGE pattern.
Operation 68 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Contra s t: On your external t est pattern sour ce, select a ste pped, gray-bar pattern like the one shown in Figure 4-3 . Figure 4-3. Typical G ray Bar Pattern for Ad ju s ting Contra s t Select Contrast and press ENTER .
Operation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 69 PRE L IMINAR Y Select Color and press ENTER . While looking at the color bar pattern through a blue filter, adjust the color satura tion leve.
Operation 70 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y S harpne ss : “Sharpness” is th e amount of high-frequen cy detail in the ima ge. To ad just sharpness, select Shar pness from the Pictur e menu and press ENTER . On your external test pattern source, sele ct a patte rn like the one shown in Figure 4-5 .
Operation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 71 PRE L IMINAR Y Over s can: Image Overscan push es the outside ed ge of the acti ve picture area of the video signal out beyond the edge of the display area.
Operation 72 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Calib ration Use the Calibration menu to perform adv anced picture quality a djustments.
Operation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 73 PRE L IMINAR Y •N o i s e Filter: To apply noise filtering to the input signal, select Noise Filter from the Input Color men u. The Noise Filter is usefu l for clearing u p noisy images from 480i video sources.
Operation 74 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Service Use the Service m enu to access advanced projec tor configuratio n settings. Thi s menu s hould be u s ed by I S F-certified technician s on ly . Te s t Video: Select Test Video from th e Service Menu to access th e internal test p atterns on the VX-44d /-55d.
Operation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 75 PRE L IMINAR Y When you chan ge a remot e code on the DHD Controller, you must re-prog ram your remote con trol to send t hat same cod e.
Operation 76 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y HD Format: If the characteristic s of the incom ing signal on the HD1 or H D2 inputs are known, select HD Fo rmat from the Service menu an d set them as desc ribed below.
Operation Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 77 PRE L IMINAR Y • S ide Bar Color: This controls the co lor of the ina ctive image are a. The rang e is from -100 (black) to 100 (whi te).
Operation 78 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Note s :.
Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 79 PRE L IMINAR Y 5.1 Lamp and Filter Replacement The VX-44d /-55d uses a Ce rmax® Xen on lamp to delive r its high brig htness. The la mp should be replac ed when it re aches the end of its life (typically 1000 hours) , or sooner if a noticeable de gradation in brightness occ urs.
Maintenance and Troublesho oting 80 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 4. Grasp the lamp by its hou sing only and p ull it straight out (lamp slid es along guides) until it’s free; see Figure 5-3 . Discard the lamp using safe disposal/r ecycling practice s or contact your Runco dealer for a po ssible re-lamping p rogram.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 81 PRE L IMINAR Y 13. Press ENTER to accept the ch ange. This ad ds the new lam p serial numb er to the Lamp Histo ry menu and resets the Lamp Hours t imer to “0.” L amp Mode and Lamp Limit remain as they were for the previous lamp and can be ch anged at any time.
Maintenance and Troublesho oting 82 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 5.2 Lens Replacement If you need to remove the lens – either to replace it or to prepar e the project or for shipment – proceed as follows: 1. Power down th e projector and wa it five minutes t o allow the lamp to co ol.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 83 PRE L IMINAR Y 5.3 Troubleshooting Tips Table 5-1 provide s some general guideli nes for troublesho oting problems you may encounter with the VX-44d/-55d .
Maintenance and Troublesho oting 84 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y The display is jittery or unstable. • Poor-quality or improperly connected source. • The horizontal or vertical scan frequency of the input signal may be out of range for the projector.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 85 PRE L IMINAR Y Error Codes If the status co de display on the back of the projector show s one of the f ollowing values, you have encounte red a likely system error requiring th e attention of a qualified service technician.
Maintenance and Troublesho oting 86 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Lamp Failure s 20 Lamp turned on unexpectedly (fault related to ballast). 21 Lamp airflo w low, overheat ing imminent . 23 Cannot read valid ballast ID. 26 Lamp 1 Interlock: lamp door open, lamp not installed.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 87 PRE L IMINAR Y TIPM (Image Proce ss or) 60 Boot code CRC failed. 61 Unable to program DigMux PLD. 62 Unable to program Control PLD. 63 Unable to program Bubks PL D. 64 Unrecognized ROM type.
Maintenance and Troublesho oting 88 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Mi s cellaneou s A0 Unable to program the optional mo dule. A1 Unable to power the optional module. A2 Unable to program the Dual Sl ot Backplane Module (DSBP).
Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 89 PRE L IMINAR Y 6.1 RS-232 Connection and Port Configuration To interface the DHD Contro ller with a ho me theater automation/con trol system or a PC running terminal emulation soft ware, connect it to your control system or PC as shown in Figure 3-13 .
Serial Communications 90 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al P RELI M INARY Input S election Command s COMPONENT NA YES Selects the Component input COMPOSITE NA YES Selects the Composite vid.
Serial Communications Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 91 PRE L IMINAR Y Picture Adju s t Command s BRIGHTNESS -100/100 YES Sets a value for brightness BRIGHTNESS? NA NA Returns brightnes.
Serial Communications 92 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al P RELI M INARY Input Po s ition Command s IHEIGHT -100/100 YES Sets the value for input height IHEIGHT? NA NA Returns input heigh.
Serial Communications Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 93 PRE L IMINAR Y Mi s cellaneou s Command s BKGND -100/100 YES Sets the background color for letterbox or 4:3 aspect ratio (-100 = .
Serial Communications 94 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al P RELI M INARY The following serial commands a re meant to emul ate buttons on the remote con trol or DHD Con - troller front panel. Each button has its own serial command, so effe ctively it is as if you were using the IR remote only you’ll be doing so via se rial commands.
Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 95 PRE L IMINAR Y 7.1 V X -44d/-55d Specifications Table 7-1 lists the VX-44d /-55d specifications . 7. S pecification s Table 7-1.
Specifications 96 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Brightne ss and Contra s t: Cinema S tandard s Mea s urement S y s tem (C S M S ) S pecification s - Brightness: 87.
Specifications Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 97 PRE L IMINAR Y Limited Warranty: Projector: Two (2) years parts and labor from the date of delivery to the end user. Lamp: 1000 hours or six (6) mo nths, whichever comes first. S pecification s are s ubject to change without notice.
Specifications 98 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 7.2 DHD Controller Specifications Table 7-2 lists the DHD Controller specifications.
Specifications Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manu al 99 PRE L IMINAR Y 7.3 V X -44d/-55d Dimensions Figure 7-1 shows the VX-4 4d/-55d dim ensions (all d imension s are in in ches). Figure 7-1. VX-44d /-55d Dimen s ion s Inta k e V ent s Exhau s t V ent 9.
Specifications 100 Runco VX-44d/-55d Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Note s :.
Runco CL-810 Owner’ s Operating Manual Runco International • 2900 Faber S treet • Union City , CA 94587 • Ph (510) 324-7777 / (800) 23RUNCO / Fax (510) 324-9300 www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Runco VX-44d è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Runco VX-44d - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Runco VX-44d imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Runco VX-44d ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Runco VX-44d, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Runco VX-44d.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Runco VX-44d. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Runco VX-44d insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.