Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Lancer LX del fabbricante Rocstor
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1 s tore yo ur future LX User Manual.
TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT NOTICES 4 • Safety No tices _ __ _ _________________ ______________ _____________ ________ 4 • General Notices • Capacity Disclaimer ___ ______________ ______________.
T ROUBLESH OOTI NG 33 • Troubl eshooti ng for Macinto sh c ompu ters _____ __________________ _______ ___ 33 • Troublesho oting for PC Wind ows base d compu ters 36 K NOWLEDG E BASE 38 • Lancer .
IMPORTANT NOTI CES Safet y Notices • The warrant y is void if an unauthorized person attempts and/or re pairs the hard disk drive. • Read al l Ma nuals and instr uctions care fully be fore us ing t he devi ce. • Do not spill any li quid or insert any object i nto t he devi ce.
• Do not spill any li quid or insert any object i nto t he device. • D o not attempt to disass emble and service the Lan ce r drive during the wa rranty period. • Please read the Sa fety N otices a nd Li mited Wa rra nty infor matio n in thi s Ma nual an d on the Rocsto r web site ( www .
GENERAL Introducti on LANCER LX - Mobile (Pocket) Hard Driv es USB 3.0 ( 2.0) and T wo FireWire 800 (4 00) po rts Lancer LX pocket drives deliver remarkable performance and reliability.
Box Conten ts • External hard disk drive • USB 3.0 cable (compatible with USB 2.0) • 9- pin to 9 - pin FireWire 800 (1394b) ca ble • Instal lation user G uide • Carrying case ROCSTOR | L ANC.
Minimum System Requ irement s Mac User s: Wind ow Users: * Many computers d o not come with fact ory installed FireWire 800 ports. Therefore, you may need to purchase a PCI, PCI - X or PCI - Express card to use thes e ports . Roc stor of fers a variety of accessories to work with PC Windows or Mac based Computers.
QUICK INS TALLATION How to Conn ect the Inte rface Cables - Connect ing the Dr ive 1. Turn ON y our c omputer and w ait u ntil it fully boots up to l oad al l progr ams. 2. Using o nly one inter face c able a t a tim e, sel ect th e int erfa ce por t you wish to us e on y our comput er.
Cable Types Fire Wire 400 ( IEEE 139 4 a) 6- Pin FireWire 400 co nnector • Fire Wire 400 can trans fer data betwee n devices at 400 Mbi ts/sec Fire Wir e 8 00 (IEEE 1394 b) 9- Pin FireWire 8 00 conn ec tor • Fire Wire 400 can trans fer data betwee n device s at 8 00 Mbi ts/sec USB suppo rts thre e data trans fer rate s: • USB 3.
INSTALLING YOUR DRIVE All Rocstor hard driv es are formatted as blank FAT32 (32 - bit file allocation table) volumes { unless other wise s tated on the box} that are compa tible w ith mo st mode rn Win dows a nd Macint osh oper ati ng system s. To begin using yo ur R ocsto r drive, simply connect a data cable and pow er co rd.
drive and try again. Windo ws will display an alert when you can safel y disconnect or tur n off the drive. Mac The easiest way to safely un - mount an exte rnal hard drive is to drag its Fi nder icon to the Trash. An ale rt will notify you i f the drive i s in use by an applic ation .
How to Daisy - Ch ain thro ugh FireWi re ports to y our Lanc er Drive at one time Daisy - Chain (Connecting Mu ltiple Devices) mean s that device A is co nnecte d to dev ice B and dev ice B is connected t o device C and so f orth. All connec tions are made only through FireWire ports.
PARTITIONIN G AND FORMAT TING THE LANCER DRIVE ON A MAC OS All Rocstor drives are facto ry forma tted wit h FAT32, unless ot herwis e stated on the retail box. WARNING: Formatting and Partitioning the L anc er Drive will destroy all of its data. To protect your data, back it up before formatting or partitioning this d evice.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAR TITIONIN G AND FOR MATTING FROM F AT32 to H FS+: 1. Connec t the R ocstor driv e to t he com puter v ia a p ort. 2. The drive will ap pear as an icon o n the Deskto p o n the mi ddle rig ht si de (fi gure 1. 0 belo w) the icon will repres ent the method of co nnection (USB or FireWire).
Note: I f the H ard Drive is conn ected v ia USB port, the des ktop w ould i ndica te the USB (fi gur e 1.1) i f it is connec ted vi a FireWi re port , it wou ld the n indi cate Fire Wire as ( figure 1. 2) on the “ Macin tosh HD ” ico n. The s ame pr ocedure s woul d also apply to the follo wing steps.
4. In the “ Macintos h HD ” m enu, cl ick on the “ A pplicatio ns ” icon . 5. In the “ Applica tions ” menu, click on the “ Utilitie s ” icon ( figure 3.
6. In the “ Utili ties” m enu, c lic k on the “ Disk U tility ” ic on (figure 4.0.) Figure 4.0 ROCSTOR | L ANCER LX user manual Page | 18.
7. On the l eft s ide o f the “ D is k Util ity ” menu is a list of available drives (figure 5.0.) On e will show a s Rocs tor driv e. C lick on the ic on s howing the disk capac ity ( figure 5.
8. You ar e now i n the R ocstor menu. Clic k on the “ Pa rtition ” tab and then click the “Current” tab under “Vol ume Scheme.” A drop down “ P artition ” menu will appear. 9. In th e “ Partit ion ” me nu, you may s elec t any n umber o f par titions a vaila ble u nder “Volume Schem e.
12. Volume Information: s elect a name fo r your driv e (figur e 7.0.) Figure 7.0 13. Format: Click on either the “ For mat ” area or t he Blue up/down arr ows.
14. After selec ting th e type of form at, cl ick t he “ App ly ” tab i n the lower r ight of the scr een, (figure 7.1.) On the next screen, Parti tion Disk, click “ Partition ” (fig ure 8.
15. The dri ve wil l begi n to fo rmat ( figure 8.1) a nd up on compl etio n; the s ame i con tha t firs t app eared o n the Desktop will reappe ar with your d esi gned name on t he De sktop (fi gure 9.0) Figure 8.1 Figure 9.0 16. You ca n now E xit or c lose to re turn to the de skto p.
PARTITIONIN G AND FORMATTIN G THE LA NCE R DRIVE ON WIND OWS 200 0, XP AND V ISTA and Windows 7 All Rocstor drives are factory formatted with FAT32, unless otherwise stated on the retail box. WARNING: Formatting and Partitioning the L anc er Drive will destroy all of its data.
DIFFERENT WAYS TO GET TO THE CONTR OL PAN EL: ( You may use a ny o ne of the foll owing metho ds) 1. If th e icon “ My Comp uter ” shows o n yo ur desk top, cl ick or double c lick on th e icon. Und er “Other Places” clic k on “Control Panel.
3. If the ic on “ My Compu ter ” doe s not sh ow on your des ktop, click on the Star t icon o n the lower left o f your s creen. If the Con trol Pa nel li nk is not displayed, click on the Set tings link and th en clic k on the Co ntrol Pa nel li nk.
INSTRUCTI ONS UPON REACHING CONTROL PANEL a. Aft er reac hing the Control Panel, clic k on Administrative Tools. b. After reac hing Administrative T ools, click on Computer Management. c. After reachi ng Com puter Managem ent, cl ick o n Disk Managem ent.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAR TITIONING AND FORMA T TI NG FR OM FAT32 to NTFS 1. In the “ Disk Ma nageme nt” w indow , right c lick the R ocstor drive i n the upper po rtio n of th e menu to hig hligh t it. I n the drop do wn menu, sel ect “D elete P artiti on.
4. The Rocstor drive will s h ow up in the l ower me nu as an “ U nallocated” disk. 5. Right click anywhere in the “ U nallocated” disk ar ea in the lower me nu. 6. Click on “New Partitio n.” 7. You are taken to “Welco me to the New P artition Wizard.
9. Under “ Speci fic Par tition Size,” click Next to acce pt the d efault setting , w hich is the maximum size allow ed. 10. Under “Assign Drive Lett er or Path, ” acc ept the defaul t let ter a nd clic k “Ne xt”.
11. In the “F ormat Pa rti tion,” ac cept t he def ault se tting . 12. The “Volume lab el ” can be c hanged to a ny nam e up to 11 cha racte rs.
14. You now reached the “C ompleti ng the New Pa rtiti on Wizar d” scr een. It d isplays the various settings you pr eviously selected. If yo u are satisfied with your selections, click “ Finish ” to complete the new formatting. At t his time the Rocstor disk drive is being fo rmatted, which may take a few mi nutes.
entered in t he “Volume labe l ,” t he Ro csto r drive will show up as “New Vol ume.” To rename the v olume at this time, righ t click “New Volume” an d click “Properties.” Yo u can now cha nge t he v olume name up to 11 character s. Click OK.
Troublesh ooting Rocs tor data s torage pro ducts a re subj ected to se veral quality cont rol test s befo re leav ing our factory. However, from ti me to ti me, t he pro duct ma y not work a fter s hipmen t or w ould experience intermitten t problems under cer tain criteria and/or situations.
• Have you chec ked t o confir m tha t the c ompute r’s ope rati ng syste m wor ks wi th the fil e system? • Review the manual that came with yo ur com puter to ensur e that the f ile sy stem is compati ble wi th the ope rating s ystem. Probl em: Th e Lan cer drive is not w orking fas t enoug h.
Troublesh ooting for PC WI NDOWS based compu ters Probl em: The com puter does not appe ar to recog nize t he drive Solutions: • A window shoul d appea r, notifying you that a dev ice is c onnecte d and /or t he Lan cer HD icon sho uld ap pear on th e “My Com puter” folder .
Solution: • USB po rts co me in differ ent spee ds fro m 12Mbi ts/ s to 48 0Mbits /s. USB 3 .0 is a S upper - Speed c onnec tion. I f the Lan cer HD is c onnec ted to a USB 1.1 or 2. 0 port (lo w spe ed) or hub, the drive will work slower than if co nnect ed t o a US B 3 .
K K N N O O W W L L E E D D G G E E B B A A S S E E Lancer LX Unique Fe atures Special Featur es: • Pocke t si ze Rugge dized e xternal storage drive • Incorporates SATA Har d D rive or Solid State D rives • Contains USB 3 .0 and Fir eWire 800 (1 394b) con nections • Compatible with USB 2.
Introdu ctions: Interfaces ( ports) and Cable s FireWire is Apple Inc.’s brand name for the IEEE 1394 inter face (al though the 1 394 sta ndard a lso de fines a backplane interface). Fi reWire is also known as i.LINK ( Sony’s name) and DV ( Panasonic’s name, not to be confuse d wit h DV camcorder tapes ).
FireWire 8 00 (IEEE 1394b) 9- pin FireWir e 800/32 00 (IEEE 139 4b) connec tor was int roduced comme rcially by Apple in 2003. This newer 13 94 specification (1394 b ) an d corresponding product s allow a transfe r rate of 786.432 M bits /sec fu ll - duplex v ia a new enco ding scheme termed beta mode.
USB suppo rts four data tr ansf er rat es: • USB 3.0: A Supper - Sp eed (USB 3.0) ra te of up to 5, 000 Mbits/s (1GB/ 3.3sec) • USB 2.0: A Hi - Speed rate of 480 M bits /s (60 M B/s). All Rocstor devices are integrated with USB 2.0, Hi - Speed . • USB 1.
Compassion Chart: Raw Bandwidth Transfer Spee d (M bits /s ) (Mb its /s ) Max . Cable Length Feet (meters) Pow er Provid ed Device p er channel SAS 3000 375 26 Ft (8 m) No 4 eSA TA 3000 375 6.5 Ft (2 m) No 1 (15 W/ port multiplier) SATA 300 3000 375 3.
Int rod uct ions : Form attin g File All ocation Table ( FAT ) FAT is a file sy stem developed by Microsoft for MS - DOS and is the primary file system for consumer versions of Micros oft W indo ws. The FAT file system is relatively uncomplica ted and is supported by v irtually all existing operating systems for personal computers.
HFS Plus or HFS+ This is a file system developed by A pple Inc . to replac e their Hiera rchical File System (HFS) as the primary file sy stem used in Maci ntosh c ompute rs (or other system s ru nning Mac OS ). It is also on e of the for mats u sed by the iPod digital music player.
LIMITED WARRAN TY This Limited Warranty is provided by R ocstorage, Inc. (hereinafter: Rocstor) for al l lines of products. General T erms EXCEPT AS EXPRE SSLY SE T FORTH IN THIS LIM ITED WAR RANTY, R.
Rocsto r Repla ceable Pa rts Pro gram Where av ailable, the Rocstor Replace able Parts pr ogram ships approved r eplacement part s direc tly to you to fulf ill your warr anty. This will save cons iderable repair time . After you call the Rocs tor Technica l Support Cente r at 888.
WARNING : T he individua l user should t ake care to determ ine prior to us e whethe r this devi ce is suitable , adequate or saf e for the us e intended.
Contact Info rmation Corpo rate Headquarter s 8130 Re mmet Ave nue Canoga Park, CA 91304 - 41 29 Office: +1 ( 818) 44 9 - 2000 Fax: + 1 (818) 884 - 8777 Email: info@Rocstor.
Thank yo u for purc hasing La ncer LX. Rocsto r Ver. 0301L ROCSTOR | L ANCER LX user manual Page | 51.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Rocstor Lancer LX è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Rocstor Lancer LX - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Rocstor Lancer LX imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Rocstor Lancer LX ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Rocstor Lancer LX, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Rocstor Lancer LX.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Rocstor Lancer LX. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Rocstor Lancer LX insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.