Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Raritan ASMI G4 del fabbricante Raritan Computer
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Raritan ASMI G4 Module User Manual.
Raritan ASMI G4 Module User Manual.
T able of Cont ents Preface ......... ......... ............ ........ ........ ............. ........ ........ ............ ........ ......... ............ ........ ........ ............ .... viii Copyright ...... ........ ............ ........ ......
Resetting the ASMI mo dule to its Factory Settings .......... ........ ......... ............ ........ ........ ............ ...... 17 Using the KiraT ool ......... ............. ........ ........ ............ ........ ......... ............ ........ .
UNIX and UNI X-like OS ........... ............ ......... ........ ............ ........ ........ ...... 45 MS Wi ndows ...... ............ ........ ........ ............. ........ ........ ............ ........ ......... . 4 5 CD R OM/ISO 96 60 Images .
A. F requently Ask ed Questio ns ...... ........ ......... ............ ........ ........ ............. ........ ........ ............ ........ ......... . 8 9 B. Glossary ............ ........ ........ ............ ........ ......... ............ ...
List of T ables 1-1. In itial Network Con figuration ................. ............ ........ ........ ............ ......... ........ ............ ........ ........ ........ 1 1-2. Lo gin Setting s ..... ............ ........ ........ ............. .
Preface Copyright Copyright 2004- 2007 Raritan Corp. All righ ts reserved. Documen t V er sion V ersion: 1.8 Date: T uesday , February 27, 2 007 T rademarks This pub lication contains proprietary information which is protected by copyrigh t.
Pr eface About the ASMI G4 Modul e The ASMI modu le (ASMI G4 ) provides rem ote server m anagemen t capabilities: you can use th e A SMI add-on card to ma nage a nd m onitor compo nents in you r ser vers. The ASMI G4 offers a co mprehe nsiv e hardware solution for server m anagemen t.
Chapter 1. The Quick Star t Guide About the Rarit an ASM I G4 Remot e Man agement C ar d Figure 1-1. Front View of t he ASMI G4 Mo dule The ASMI G4 ad d-on car d provides rem ote ser ver m anagemen t capabilities. Y ou can use the ASMI G4 add-on card to ma nage a nd m onitor compo nents in you r ser vers th rough the W AN/LAN.
Chapter 1. The Quick Start Guide T able 1- 1. Initial Network Co nfiguration P arameter V alue IP auto con figuration DHCP IP address - Netmask - Gatew ay - W arning If the DHCP con nection f ails on boot up, the ASMI modul e will not hav e an IP address and will no t f unction o n t he ne twork.
Chapter 1. The Quick Start Guide The Remote Conso le will behave e xactly the same way as if y ou were sitting d irectly in fro nt of the screen of you r remote system. That means that both the keyboard and mouse can be used in the usual way . Open the console by choosing the appro priate link in the navigation f rame of the HTML frontend.
Chapter 2. Intr oduction General In f ormation The ASMI modu le is an integrated solution for your server system. Based on an emb edded operating system, the ASMI G4 add-o n card provides both exceptional stability and perm anent a v ailability even wh en your server is down or po wered of f.
Chapter 2. In tr od uction • Sophisticated mou se trackin g and synchr onization • Local Mouse sup pression (only when using SUNs Ja va V irtual Machine) • W or ks ind ependen tly fr om the remote h ost OS.
Chapter 2. In tr od uction Category Probability CPU fan failure 8% RAM failure 4% Using the ASMI mo dule, admin istrators can d etermine which kind of seriou s ha rdware failure has occurre d (see T able 2-2 ).
Chapter 3. ASMI Installation Guide About the ASM I A dd-On Card The ASMI add-o n car d red irects lo cal keyboard, mou se an d video data to a rem ote adm inistration console. All data is transmitted u sing th e TCP/IP pr otocol family . The ASMI add- on ca rd is e specially useful in a mu lti-administrator e n vironmen t.
Chapter 3. ASMI Insta llation Guide Connecting the Ethernet The ASMI add- on card has a dedicated RJ45 Eth ernet connector - this has to b e provided by the native system. The conn ector may be used eith er as a 100 Mbp s 10 0Base-TX co nnection o r as a 10 Mbps 10B ASE-T connec tion.
Chapter 4. ASMI G4 Module Configuration Initial Con figuratio n The ASMI modu le’ s co mmunica tion interfaces ar e a ll based on TCP/IP . It comes pr e-configu red with the IP config uration listed in T able 4- 1 . Addition ally you ca n d o some simple config uration using th e serial interface.
Chapter 4. AS MI G4 Mod ule Config uration Using the Psetup T ool via Graphical User Interf ace After in voking psetup a window op ens as shown in Figu re 4-1 (Windo ws V ersion) an d Fig ure 4-2 (Linu x V ersion). Figure 4-1. Psetup T ool (Windows V e rsion) Figure 4-2.
Chapter 4. AS MI G4 Mod ule Config uration After selecting a device, the "De vice T ype" should show "Raritan ASMI G4". Y ou may n ow query the current n etwork settings o f that device using "Que ry Device".
Chapter 4. AS MI G4 Mod ule Config uration Changing the n etwork settings test@teststation:~# /home/test/psetup --mac 00:0D:5D:00:65:78 --ipacp none --ip --gateway --netmask --login super --p w pass Device configured successfully.
Chapter 4. AS MI G4 Mod ule Config uration New super-user password Enter the new password for the super-user . New password (confirm) Re-type the new password for the super-user . Press the "OK" button to ac cept the chan ges and close the window .
Chapter 4. AS MI G4 Mod ule Config uration Mouse and Ke yboard Configuration Three Blind Mice, See How They Run... The prop er c onfigur ation of a rem ote mo use is somewhat difficult to under stand un less y ou know so me underly ing con cepts. Basically mice transmit their movement using two methods: either absolu te or r elative mode.
Chapter 4. AS MI G4 Mod ule Config uration A uto M ouse Speed and Mouse Sync hroni zation The automatic mouse speed m ode p erform s the speed detection dur ing m ouse syn chron ization.
Chapter 4. AS MI G4 Mod ule Config uration While the ASMI mo dule works with accelerated m ice and is able to sy nchron ize the local with the remote mo use pointer, there are som e limitations which.
Chapter 4. AS MI G4 Mod ule Config uration SUN Solaris Adjust the mouse settings either via "x set m 1 " or u se the CDE Control Panel to set th e mou se to "1:1, no acceler ation". As an alternativ e you may also use the Single Mouse Mode.
Chapter 5. ASMI Module Usage Prerequis ites The ASMI modu le featur es an emb edded op erating system and app lications offering a variety of standardized in terfaces. This chapter will descr ibe these inter faces and the way to u se them in a more detailed mann er .
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage In or der to acc ess the rem ote host system using a securely enc rypted conne ction, you need a browser that supports the HTTPS pro tocol. Strong security is only assured by using a key length of 128 Bit. Some old browsers do not offer a strong 1 28 Bit encry ption algo rithm.
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage Figure 5-2. Login screen Note: Y our web browser has to accept cookies or else logi n is not possible. The ASMI mod ule has a built-in super-user that has all the perm issions to administrate you r ASMI module. See the following table for the d efault settings.
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage Figure 5-3. Main Page T able 5- 2. Front End Buttons Return to th e main page of th e ASMI module . Open the ASMI m odule Remote Con sole. Exit fro m the ASMI mod ule fron t end. Logging out of th e A SMI module This link log s out the cur rent user and p resents a new login screen.
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage Note: If the re is no activity for half an hour , the ASMI modul e will log you out from the W eb session automati cally . A click o n on e of the links will br ing you ba ck to th e login scree n. If the re is a KVM session activ e, the Web s ession will no t e xpire.
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage very unlikely to be ab le to establish a conn ection. This is b ecause today’ s web pro xies are no t capable of relaying this K VM proto col. In case of pr oblems, please con sult your network administrator in order to provid e a working network en vironm ent.
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage W arning Please not e tha t some o f th ese op tions a re o nly visible and usable wh en you have selected the ope rating system type "Oth er Operatin g Systems". Driv e Redirection Opens the virtu al media Drive Redirection menu for th e Remote Console.
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage Figure 5-8. Successful Redirection of a Local Drive This m enu shows you an estab lished drive redirection (the secon d drive is not redirecte d): Sync Mouse Choose this optio n in order to synchronize the local with the remo te mouse cursor .
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage Remote Console Options T o open the Optio ns menu click on the button "Option s". Figure 5-9. Remote Co nsole O ptions Menu A descriptio n of the op tions follows. Monitor Only T oggles the Monitor Only filter on or off.
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage Scaling Allows y ou to scale down the Remote Console. Y ou can still use b oth m ouse an d keyboard, however the scaling algorithm will no t p reserve all display d etails.
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage • Intelligent Sy nc Use this op tion if the fast sync d oes not work o r the mo use settings have been changed on the rem ote host system. Local Cursor Offers a list of different cursor shapes to c hoose from fo r the local mo use pointer .
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage Soft K eyboard The Soft Ke yboar d simulates an entire keyboard th at is connected to the remote system. It is necessary in case y our rem ote system ru ns with a comp letely different language an d cou ntry mappin g to y our administration machin e.
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage Figure 5-15. Soft Keyboard Mapping Local K e yboard Used to chan ge the lan guage m apping of yo ur browser machine r unning the Remote Con sole Apple t. Normally , the applet determines the correc t v alue for this auto matically .
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage Hotke y s Opens a list of pr eviously defined ho tkeys. In o rder to send a pr e-defined co mmand to the ho st system simply choo se the appro priate entry . A co nfirmation dialog will b e displaye d before send ing the selected comman d to the remo te host.
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage Figure 5-18. Remote Console Options: Encoding compression The next two option s allo w you to set the comp ression le vel to a pr edefined lev el OR to set a lev el for "lossy" compre ssion. T his c ompresses well, but lead s to a degrad ation in image qu ality .
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage Figure 5-20. Remo te Console Optio ns: Lossy Co mpression • Color Depth: set the d esired co lor depth. Y o u may select be tween 8 or 1 6 bit fo r compre ssion lev el 0 or between 1 a nd 8 bit fo r compre ssion le vels 1 to 9 .
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage Remote Console. "Norm " mean s a standard connectio n without encryp tion, "SSL" indicates a secu re connectio n using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
Chapter 5. AS MI Module Usage the Section called Re mote Console Con tr ol B ar . Optimizin g the Video Pictur e The ASMI modu le detects th e video mode with 8 bits (2 56 colors) automatically .
Chapter 6. Menu Options Remote C ontrol KVM Console Figure 6-1. KVM Co nsole Remote Console Preview Y ou can op en the KVM con sole by clicking either on th e menu entry on the lef t or o n the console picture on the right. If you need to r efresh the pictu re click on the "Refresh " button.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Remote P owe r Figure 6-2. Remot e Cont rol via IPMI On this scree n you will find buttons which allow y ou to power cycle or reset the remote server . Th is do es not affect the ASMI modu le! In order to con trol the ASMI module please con sult the section un der "Device Settings".
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Vir tua l Media Flopp y Disk Figure 6-3. Virtual Floppy Area Dual Floppies As you can tell fro m the previous screen, you can actually red irect two virtual floppies using the pop-u p.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Figure 6-4. T wo Virtual Floppies Upload a F loppy Image W ith two small working steps a (flo ppy) image can be uploa ded. 1. Specif y the path of th e images. Y ou ca n pecify u p to two imag es. Y ou can do th at eith er manually or by using the file selection dialog of y our web br owser .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Drive Redirecti on The Drive Redirection is another possibility to use a local disc drive on the remo te compu ter . W ith Drive Redirection yo u do no t have to use an imag e file but ma y work with a drive from your local co mputer on the remote m achine.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Drive Redirection Options As shown in Figure 6-6 the fo llowing options ma y b e en abled: Disable Drive Redirection If en abled the Driv e Redirection is switched o ff. Force rea d-only co nnection s If en abled the Write Supp ort for th e Drive Redirection is switched o ff.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Specify the p arameters of the network con nection (see Figure 6-7 ). Device This is th e address (either the DNS n ame or the I P address) of the A SMI module you would like to connect to . Port This is the network port. By default the ASMI module uses the remote console port (#443) here.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Select th e drive you would like to r edirect. All available de vices (dr iv e letters) are shown he re. Please note that the wh ole drive is shared with the re mote comp uter, not only on e partition. If you have a hard disc with m ore than o ne par tition all dr i ve letters that b elong to this d isc will be red irected.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions De vice Authe ntication Figure 6- 10. Device A uthentication Y ou have to authenticate on th e ASMI mo dule using a valid usernam e and password in orde r to use Drive Redirection. Y o u also need p ermission to chan ge the virtua l disc co nfiguratio n.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Exit/Hide When the " Exit" button is pressed, the Drive R edirection software is closed . If a Drive Redirection connectio n is activ e, th e co nnection will be p roper ly closed befor e the applicatio n termin ates.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Figure 6- 12. RawWrit e for Windows selection dialog Select the tab "Read " from the m enu. Enter (or cho ose) the name of th e file in which y ou would like to sa ve the flop py content. Click on th e button "Copy" to in itiate the ima ge creatio n process.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions MS Windo ws Create the image file using your f a vorite C D imaging tool to copy the whole contents of the disc i nto one single ISO ima ge file on you r harddisk. For example with "Nero " you cho ose "Copy and Back up".
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Chassis C ontrol Figure 6-14. Chassis Co ntrol Using Chassis Control y ou ca n: • Obtain infor mation abou t the selected chassis • Switch th e remo te power on and off (p.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Monitor Sensors Figure 6- 15. Monitoring Remo te Sensors Screen 1 On th is scr een y ou can see some of the remo te hosts sensor s and the ir values or state.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Figure 6- 16. Monitoring Remo te Sensors Screen 2 50.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions System Event Log Figure 6-17. Syste m Event Log Screen 1 Y ou can b rowse the System Event Log s here. No te: these lo gs are for I PMI events.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Figure 6-18. Syste m Event Log Screen 2 User Manag ement The ASMI modu le co mes with a pre-co nfigure d user account for the administrato r also re ferred as the super-user . The super-user has the default login name "super" and a fixed set of permissions.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Note: Even acting as t he super-u ser you cannot del ete any of the p re-define d groups. Y ou may create and del ete othe r groups as you wish . Change P assw or d Figure 6-19. Set password Change y our password by en tering the n ew passw ord in th e upp er entry field.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions User s And Groups Figure 6-20. Set User List o f A vailable Options A full list o f av ailable options follows. This list can only b e seen by the sup er-user . Existing users Select an existing user for mod ification. Once a user has been selected, click th e "Looku p" b utton to see the user in formation .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Passw ord The password for the login name . It must be at least four charac ters long. Confirm password Confirmation o f the p assword above. Email addr ess This is option al. Mobile num ber This info rmation may b e o ptionally provided .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions P ermissions Figure 6-21. Set Permissions Only one per mission set per user is allowed. Either the user inherits perm issions from his/her group or if the user d oes not belong to a g roup , the permissions can be set ind ividually f or this user .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Each entry allows or denie s the usage of a certa in function ality . The fields labelled "RC Setting s" pertain to the setting s of the Remote Conso le. KVM Settin gs User Cons ole The following settings are user specific.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions T ransmission Encoding The T ransmission Encodin g setting allows chang ing the imag e-enco ding algor ithm that is u sed to transmit the vide o data to the Remo te Console window .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Figure 6-23. User Console Settings (Part 2) Remote Console T ype Specifies w hich Remote Console V iewer to u se. Default Jav a V irtual Machine ( JVM) Uses the default JVM of you r web browser . This may be the Microsoft JVM for the Interne t Explore r or the Sun JVM if it is configu red this w ay .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Howe ver , in order to make the in stallation possible you still have to answer the r equired dialog s with "yes". The download volume is aroun d 11 Mb ytes. Th e advantage of downloadin g Sun’ s JVM is th e usage o f a stable an d iden tical JVM across different platfo rms.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions The "keycode" is th e key to be sent. Multiple key codes can b e conca tenated with eith er a plu s, a min us, or an ">" sign . T he p lus sign builds key co mbinatio ns - all th e keys will be pressed un til a min us sign or the end of th e combinatio n is encountered .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Ke y Release Timeout This is an im portant option if yo u are accessing the ASMI module over a slo w or congested network. In such a situatio n you transmit a network packet con taining the key PRESS to the ASMI mod ule. When you release th e key , then the ASMI modu le will receive a c orrespon ding RELE ASE packet.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Figure 6-25. Net work Settings W arning The init ial IP configuration is usually done directly on the host system using t he special proce dure descr ibed in T able 4-1 i n Chapt er 4. W arning Changi ng the ne twork settings o f the ASMI module mig ht result in l osing the connectio n to it.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Basic Network Settings IP auto con figuration W ith this option you can define whether the ASMI mo dule should fetch its network settings from a DHCP or BOO TP server . F or DHCP select "dhcp" and for BOO TP select "b ootp" accordingly .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions SSH port Port n umber at which the ASMI m odule’ s SSH (Secu re Shell) server is listening. If left e mpty the default value (po rt 22) will be u sed. Bandwidth Limit The m aximum network traffic generated thr ough the ASMI m odule Ethe rnet device.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Dynamic D NS Figure 6- 26. Dynamic DNS A f reely av ailable Dyn amic DNS service ( ) can be used in the fo llowing scen ario (see Figure 6-2 7 ): 66.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Figure 6- 27. Dynamic DNS Sce nario The ASMI mod ule is reachable via the IP address of th e DSL rou ter which is dynamically assigned by the provider .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions the abbreviated hostna me. Username Y ou have registered this usern ame du ring you r manu al r egistration with the Dyna mic DNS Server . Spaces a re not allowed in the N ickname. Passw ord Y ou have u sed this password durin g your manual registration with the Dyn amic DNS Server .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Security Figure 6-28. Device Security KVM Encryp tion If this option is enabled , access to the web front-end is only possible using a HTTPS connection. The ASMI m odule will n ot listen o n the HTT P port fo r incomin g conne ctions.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions IP Access Control This section con tains settings fo r the ASMI m odule’ s b uilt-in firewall. Th e firewall can b e en abled or disabled. When enable d the firew all a llows yo u to explicitly block o r allow conn ections fro m certain client I P addr esses.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Certificate Figure 6-29. Cert ificate Settings The ASMI mod ule uses the Secure So cket Layer (SSL) proto col for any encrypted network traffic between itself and a co nnected clien t. Du ring th e co nnection establishm ent the ASMI modu le has to expose its identity to a client using a cryp tograp hic certificate.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions 1. Create a SSL Certificate Signing Request u sing the panel shown in Figure 6- 29 . Y ou nee d to fill out a number of field s that are explaine d belo w . Once this is d one, click on the button "Create" which will initiate the Certificate Signin g Req uest generation .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Common nam e This is the network n ame o f the ASMI mo dule onc e it is in stalled in the user’ s network (usually th e fully qualified doma in name). It is identical to the name that is used to acc ess the ASMI module with a web b rowser b ut without the prefix "h ttp://".
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Date And Time Figure 6-31. Da te and Time This link r efers to a page wh ere the intern al realtime clock of the ASMI module can be set up (see Figure 6-3 1 ). Y ou have the possibility to adjust th e clock man ually or to u se an NTP time server .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions A uthentication Settings Figure 6-3 2. LD AP and other Au thentication Set tings On this screen you can specify w here the ASMI modu le will look in order to authenticate the users.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions on the ASMI mo dule b efore this user can login via LD AP . Also, all privilege con figuration s have to be done within the ASMI u ser m anagemen t (see the Section ca lled User Management ).
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Remote Conso le. If there is n o activity for h alf an ho ur your c onnection to the ASMI module will b e terminated and closed. • Server: enter either the IP a ddress or the h ostname of the RADIUS Ser ver to connect to. If you use th e hostname DNS has to b e co nfigured an d enab led.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Event Log Figure 6-33. Event Log Screen Part 1 ASMI inter nal e vents (like a login failure or a firmware update) are log ged to a selection o f loggin g destinations (see Figu re 6-3 3 and Figure 6 -34 ). Each of those events belong to an event group which can be acti vated sep arately .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Figure 6-34. Event Log Screen Part 2 The commo n w ay to log events is to use the in ternal log list of the ASMI mod ule. T o show the log list click on the item " Event Log" from the section "Mainten ance".
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions W arning If the reset button on the HTML fr ontend is used to resta r t the AS MI module, all log ging in formatio n is saved per ma nently a nd is av ailable after the ASMI module h as been sta r ted . If the ASMI modu le loses power or a ha rd reset is performe d all l oggin g data will be lo st.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions SNMP Figure 6-35. SNMP set tings The following inf ormation is av ailable v ia SNMP: • Serial numb er • Firmware version • MA C address / IP address / Netmask / Gatew ay.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions The following e vents are reported by the ASMI m odule via SNMP: • Login attemp t to th e ASMI mo dule failed. • Login attemp t to th e ASMI mo dule succeed ed. • Denying access to a p articular action . • Server was reset.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Maintena nce De vice Inf or mation Figure 6-36. Device Information This section con tains a sum mary of various inf ormation ab out this A SMI m odule a nd its curren t firmware and allows you to reset the card . Y ou may have a look at Figure 6-3 6 for an example .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Figure 6- 37. Connecte d Users Figure 6 -37 displays the ASMI m odule activity . From left to right th e connected user( s), its IP addr ess (from wh ich ho st the u ser come s from) and th eir activity status is disp layed. "RC" indic ates that th e Remote Console is open .
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Event Log Figure 6- 38. Event Log List Figure 6 -38 displays the E vent Log list. It includ es the ev ents that are kept by the ASMI m odule extended by the event date, a short event description and the I P address that the request was sent f rom.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Update Firmware Figure 6-39 . Update Firmwa re The ASMI modu le is a co mplete stan dalone compu ter . The sof tware it r uns is called the firmware. T he firmware of the ASMI mo dule can be up dated remotely in ord er to install new functionality , bug fixes or special features.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions file and w hether there were any tran smission errors. In case of any erro r the Upload Firm ware function will be a borted and the cur rent firmware is left in place. No u pdate will take place. 2. Then, if everything in step 1 went well, yo u will see th e Up date Firmware pan el.
Chapter 6. Menu Op tions Unit Rese t Figure 6- 40. Unit Re set This section a llows you to reset specific parts of th e device. This in volves the bo th keyboard and mouse, the video en gine and the ASMI m odule itself. Resetting the c ard itself is main ly needed to activ ate a newly upda ted firmware.
Appendix A. Frequentl y Asked Questions 1. The mouse does no t react correctly in the applet screen. The mouse is not in sync with the mouse of the ho st. Navigate your mo use pointer into th e upp er left cor ner of the app let screen and m ove it slightly f orth and back.
Append ix A. F r equ ently Asked Questions 8. The ASMI G4 module web pa ges are not displayed correctly . Check you r browser’ s cache settings. Make sure the cach e settings are not set to som ething like "never check fo r ne wer pages".
Appendix B. Glossar y A CPI Advanced Configu ration and Power Inter face A specification that en ables the operatin g system to imp lement p ower manag ement and system configur ation. A TX Advanced T ec hnolog y Extende d A pa rticular specification tha t covers the style o f moth erboard s and enclosure introd uced by Raritan in 1995.
Append ix B. Glossary PS/2 Personal System/2 IBM’ s second genera tion of personal computers, which was released t o the public in 1987. T oday , PS/2 is known as a device interface fo r mo use and keyboard . SNMP Simple Network Managem ent Protoco l A widely used ne twork m onitoring a nd contro l p rotocol.
Appendix C. Configuring the RA DIUS ser ver This app endix describes the necessary steps to co nfigure a RADIUS server in o rder to be able to u se remote authe ntication on the ASMI G4 module. This is shown for a W ind ows 2 003 Server Standard Edition sy stem with Active Directory enab led.
Append ix C. Config uring the R ADIUS server T ype the share secret that will be used b etween this RADIUS server and ASMI m odule. (Note: please memorize this secr et, as the same secret will be req uested for the configu ration of RADIUS func tion on ASMI mod ule).
Appendix D . K e y Codes T able D-1 shows the key codes used to define the key strokes or hotkeys for se veral functions. Please note that these key cod es do no t ne cessarily repre sent the key char acters that ar e used o n intern ational keyboards.
Appendix E. Specifications Sizes a nd W eight T able E-1 . ASMI G4 Specificat ion Attribute V alue Height 13m m W idth 173.4mm Depth 64.4 mm W eig ht 110g (w/o r eplicator cable ) Power Consumption up to 1A En vironment T emperature T able E-2 .
Appendix F . Raritan Corp. W arranty Inf ormation Limited W arrant y Raritan Corp. man ufactures its har dware pr oducts from parts and comp onents th at ar e new or equiv alent to ne w in accordance with industry -standard practices.
Append ix F . Ra ritan Corp. W a rranty Info rmation inability to use this pro duct, e ven if Raritan has been advised of the possibility of such dama ges. In any case, Raritan’ s entire liability un der any p rovision of this ag reement shall b e limited to the amou nt actually paid b y you for the firmware an d/or hardware.
Appendix G. GNU General Pub lic License (GPL) V ersion 2, Jun e 1991 Copyright (C) 1 989, 1991 Free Software Foundatio n, Inc. 59 T emple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 -1307 U SA Everyone is permitted to copy an d distribute verbatim copies of this license doc ument, but changin g it is not allowed.
Append ix G. GNU General P ublic License (GPL) Activities other than copying , distrib ution and mod ification are not covered by this Licen se; they are outside its sco pe.
Append ix G. GNU General P ublic License (GPL) a. Accom pany it with th e c omplete correspo nding ma chine-rea dable sourc e co de, wh ich must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 an d 2 above on a medium custom arily used for software interchang e; or, b .
Append ix G. GNU General P ublic License (GPL) If any portion of this section is held inv alid or unenforcea ble u nder any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intend ed to apply and the section a s a whole is in tended to app ly in other circumstances.
Appendix H. The OpenLD AP Public License V ersion 2.8, 17 Aug ust 2003 Redistribution and use of this software and associated docum entation ("Software"), with or without modification , are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Raritan Computer Raritan ASMI G4 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Raritan Computer Raritan ASMI G4 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Raritan Computer Raritan ASMI G4 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Raritan Computer Raritan ASMI G4 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Raritan Computer Raritan ASMI G4, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Raritan Computer Raritan ASMI G4.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Raritan Computer Raritan ASMI G4. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Raritan Computer Raritan ASMI G4 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.