Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Detector del fabbricante Radio Shack
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Own e r ’ s Man ual Fr ont/R ear La ser X • K • Ka Superwi de Rada r Dete ctor with V G -2 Gu ar d Plea se read before using this equipment . Ca t.
2 FEA TURES Y our Radi oShac k Front/R ear Laser X • K • Ka Superwide Radar Detector rec eives all X-, K-, and Ka-ban d traffic radar signals and also detects both the instant-on and laser systems many police dep artments now use to measure ve hicle speed .
3 Safety Alert Signal Detection — warns you when the detect or detects signals broadcast by safety alert trans- mitters. Some publi c safety and government agencies install t hese trans mitters i n .
4 We recommend you record your detec t o r ’s s erial num- ber here. The number is on t he detec tor ’s bottom panel. Serial Number:_______ _______ ______ _______ ____ 22-1 676.
5 Y our det ector includ es the following items: • Hook-and -loop tape • Bracket holder • Sun viso r clip • Winds hield bracket and holder • Power cord • Power cord clips (6) 22-1 676.
6 CONTENTS A Lo o k at the De tector ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... . 7 Safe t y Alert and Safet y War n in g S y stem ... ..... .... 1 0 Ins ta ll atio n ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... 1 1 Sel ecting a Mount ing L o cati on .
7 A LOOK A T THE DETECT OR Front Lase r Detection Lenses — rece i ve incomin g laser s ignals directed at the front of your vehicle. DC 12V Jack — t h e power cord plugs in here. DARK Button — t u rns off a ll your detector ’s indicators, except the P (Power) indicator .
8 MUTE But ton — silences the alert sound. CITY ( Cit y /Hi g hw a y) Button — switches bet w een the city and highway modes. Si g nal S tren g th Indicator — two LE Ds show an acc u- rate visual indica tion of the strength of the rada r signals received.
9 X (X-Band Radar) Indicator — blinks when the detector detects an X-band radar signal. L (Las er) Ind icator — b oth LE Ds und er X and K/Ka light when the detector detects a traf fic laser signal. VG-2 Indicato r — lights wh en a VG-2 signal is detect ed.
10 SAFETY ALERT AND SAFETY W ARNING S YSTEM These s ystems are low-powe red transm itters used by some eme rgency services a nd road crews to alert driv- ers to hazardo us conditions. The Safety A lert system can indicat e st ationary , movin g, or rail road ha zards.
11 INST ALLA TION SELECTING A M OUNTING LOC A TION For the bes t performa nce, s elect a location f or the detector whe re it has a direct vie w of the road. The detector ’s radar ant enna an d front laser detection lenses are at t he oppos ite end from the rear laser detect ion lens and controls.
12 • Some vehicles ha ve InstaClea r ® or Elect riClear ® defogging wind shields, whi ch have me tal coatings that block signals. G eneral Mot ors APV vans have a solar shield that keeps t h e vehicle cooler during the summer . This shield al so blocks signals.
13 Note: The tape ’s adhesive m ight not sti ck to a sur- face treated with vinyl cleaner or prot ec tant. 2. Peel off th e pap er backing on one sid e of bo th pieces of tap e, then apply both pieces of tape t o the bottom of your detector .
14 War n i n g : Do not mount the detector on a visor if this places the de tector ne ar the driver ’s or a pas senger ’ s head. Follow these steps to us e the sun visor clip. 1. Slide th e su n visor cl ip into th e bracke t h old er’s slot. Note: For proper mount ing, you m ust attach the bracket holder as shown.
15 3. Clip the detector to the edge of the sun visor so you can see the detector ’ s fron t display . Removin g the Sun V isor Clip If you later want to use anot her method f or mount ing the d etector , follow these step s to rem ove t he sun visor clip from the bracket holder .
16 2. Using a f lathead screwdriver , carefully li f t out the plastic tongue holdi ng the sun visor clip and bracket holder together , then slid e the sun visor clip out of the bracket holder . WI N DSHIELD MOUNTING The supplied windshie ld bracket and hol der let you quickly moun t the detec tor on your v ehicle’s w ind- shie ld .
17 3. Clean the windshi eld where the detector will be mount ed. 4. Position the bracket on the windshield and p ress firmly on each suction cup. 5. If nec essary , you c an adjust the angl e by removing the detector and bending the windshield bracket.
18 Cautio n : U nplug the powe r cord from your vehicle ’ s cigarette-lighter socket when you turn off the i gnition. This prevent s your vehicle’s bat tery from bei ng drain ed if you leave the dete ctor on when you turn of f the igni- tion.
19 Moun ting the Pow er Cord Clip s Y ou can use t he supplied power c ord clips to route t he power cord out of t he way . Follow t he se steps to mount the power cord clips. 1. Use a damp cloth t o thoroughly clean the locations on the dashboard where y ou want to m ou nt the clips.
20 OPE R A T ION TURNING THE DE TECTOR ON A ND OFF T o turn on t he detector , turn VO LU M E /O F F awa y from you unt il it clicks. The detector sounds a distinctive tone for each band and lights all indic ators in seque nce as a self test (X , K, Ka, L, M, S, O, and VG-2, in order).
21 OPERA TING SET T INGS Select ing th e City and High way Mod es Y o ur det ector ha s two opera ting mod es: city an d highwa y . In the ci ty mod e, th e detector re qui res a st rong er X-, K-, or Ka-b and s ig nal b ef ore it s o und s or disp la y s an al ert .
22 T o select th e highway mode, press CITY until the C i ndi- ca to r tu rn s o ff . M uti ng the Audio A lert While th e detect or is sound ing a rada r or safety ale rt sig- nal, you can press MUT E to tem p orarily si lenc e the d etec- tor .
23 T urning Off the Displ ay Y ou c an press DARK to temporarily turn off all indica- tors, except the L and P indicators . The L indicator alerts you to laser sign als, the P indicator remains on to let you know the det ector is receiving power , and the detect or ’s audio alert remains active.
24 When your detect or senses a radar signal, it responds with different audible and visua l alarms to indicate the signal typ e for X- a nd K - or Ka-band radar signals. When y our de tecto r senses i nst ant -on ra dar , it sounds conti nuo us bee ps, then al l indicato rs ligh t.
25 TROUBLESHOOTING If you have probl ems operating your detector , the sug- gestions in this section m ight he lp. If you cannot s olve the probl em after trying th ese sugges tions, take your detector to your local Rad ioShac k store for assistance. If the de te ct or do e s no t turn on : • Be sure al l power c onnec tions are secure.
26 If the detector gives a false alert whe n you use vehicle a ccesso ries su ch as p ower windo ws, motorized mi rrors, b rakes , and so o n: • Check the vehi cle’s electri cal syst em for lo ose con- nections, includi ng t he m ain b attery c able a nd alter- nator conn ections.
27 CARE A ND M AINTENANCE Y our Ra dioShac k Fron t/Rear Laser X • K • Ka S uperwid e Radar Det ector is an exam ple of sup erior d esign and craftsmans hip. The fo llowing suggestions wi ll help you care for the de tector so y ou ca n en joy it fo r years.
28 Modifying or tampering with the det e ctor ’ s internal component s can c a use a malfunction and might invali- date its warranty . If your d et ect or is not operating as it should, take it to your local Ra dioShac k store for assis- t anc e.
29 3. Check the f use. If it has blow n, replace it with a 2- amp, 1 1 / 4 × 1 / 4 , fast-acting fuse (Ca t. No. 270-1007 ). Caution: U sing a fuse t hat do es not meet these rat- ings or def eating the f use protection can dam age your d et ec tor , the power c ord, or the vehicle’s elec- trical system.
30 NOTES 22- 16 76 .f m Pa g e 30 F ri da y , Au gu st 6, 19 99 1 0 :38 A M.
31 22- 16 76 .f m Pa g e 31 F ri da y , Au gu st 6, 19 99 1 0 :38 A M.
Ra dioS hac k A Divisi o n of Tandy Corporation Fort Wo rth, Texas 7610 2 5A6 Prin ted in Korea Limit ed O ne- Y ea r Warr ant y This produc t is warrante d b y RadioShac k a g ainst manufactur in g d.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Radio Shack Detector è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Radio Shack Detector - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Radio Shack Detector imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Radio Shack Detector ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Radio Shack Detector, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Radio Shack Detector.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Radio Shack Detector. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Radio Shack Detector insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.