Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CT-501 del fabbricante Radio Shack
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Owner ’ s Manual Ca t. N o. 17-1 1 10 C T-501 Ha ndheld Fl ip-S tyle Ce llul ar T ele pho ne Please re ad before usi ng t his equi pment. 17-1 11 Page 1 Wedne sd a y, Jul y 21 , 1 999 1: 38 PM.
2 Your Radi oShack CT- 501 Han dheld Fli p-Styl e Cellu lar Tele- phone i s a stat e-o f-the-ar t pers onal cel lula r tele phone. I t has all of these fea tures: Easy-t o-Read Te n-Charact er Display — bri ght o range an d green L ED char act ers le t you see es sent i al cal l inf ormat ion i n almost any light i ng cond it io n.
3 Securit y Featur es — to prev ent unautho rized phone use, you can l ock the phon e (so i t canno t be used at all) or set it so cal ls can b e pl aced onl y t o numb ers st ored i n memory lo- catio ns 01–10.
4 T ABLE OF CO NTENTS A Look at Y our Phone ........... ............. ........... ................ ............ 6 Reading t he Display/ Indicators ........................................ .... 7 Usi ng t he Ba tt ery .... .... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .
5 Spec ial Fea ture s ... .. .. ..... .. .... ... .. .... .. ..... .. .... ... .. .... .. ..... .. .. .... ... ... 40 Using th e M essag ing Fu ncti ons ... .... .. .. ..... .. .... ... .... .. .. ..... .. . 40 Using th e Cal l T im ers ... .. ..... .
6 A LOOK AT Y O UR PHONE 1. Retra ctable Ante nna Extend during a cal l for optimum per formance . 2. Earpi ece 3. Alphanumer ic Displ ay (Ten- Charact er LED) Displ ays t he statu s indi cator s, ph one number , memory loca tion number , and message.
7 5. Functio n Keys — Recal ls a functio n or number s sto red in memory . — Remov es char act er s or cl ear s fun cti ons. — Ends a call or exi ts the funct ions menu. — Places or answer s call s. — Incr eases or decr eases t he r inger or ear piece vo lum e l eve ls.
8 Signal S trength In dicator Indi cates t he relat ive st rengt h of the si gnal bei ng recei ved by your pho ne. See “Signal Stren gth/Ser vi ce Area ” on Page 15 . Battery Charge Indic ators Repres ent the cur rent v oltage level of t he batt ery.
9 NS (No Service ) Indicator Flashes if t he phone i s bey ond the r ange of t he cell ular ser- vice a rea, m eaning call s cannot be made or rec eived. See “Signa l Strength/ Servi ce Area” on Page 15 . RM (Roam) Indic ator Flashes if the phon e i s acces sing a ser vice a rea out side o f your h ome s yst em (ro aming ).
10 USING THE BATTE RY War ning: A detach ed bat tery c ould caus e proper ty dam age, inj ury, o r burns i f a meta l objec t (suc h as a pen spr i ng, bead- ed chain , or piece of jewelr y) contac ts the bat tery’ s termin als and ca uses a s hort c ircui t.
11 To rem ove t he b attery , be sur e the phone is tur ned off, then press the latch at the top of the batte ry and sli de t he batter y toward t he bott om of th e phone unt il i t s tops.
12 Notes: • Y ou can use the phone while i t is chargi ng, but charg- ing ta kes longer . • For f astest ch arging, be sur e the pho ne i s tur ned of f if you a re not e xpec ting a cal l. 4. When the batter y is fully cha rged , disconn ect the char ger fro m the AC o utlet.
13 To see a more detai led i ndicat ion of the batter y’s c har ge l eve l at any time, p ress . The b atter y s trength meter ap- pears o n t he dis play f or abo ut 5 seconds . Read this meter in th e s ame w ay . When bat tery power becom es low, the pho ne displ ays Lo bAt and sou nds a warni ng tone ever y few secon ds.
14 2. Remove the bat tery , a nd withi n 3 se conds , i nstall th e fre sh batter y . Y our call is sti ll on the lin e. Note : If you do not comple te Step 2 withi n 3 seconds, the cal l disc onnec ts. IMPORTANT BATTERY TIPS • Use only th e supplie d charge r and use only batter ies desi gned for th is phone.
15 BASIC O PERATION T URN ING THE PHONE O N/OFF To turn on the p hone , f lip o pen the c over then pr ess . The phone per form s a short s elf te st and sound s a tone, t he keypad back light turn s on for abou t 17 seconds, and on ap- pears.
16 Notes: • If few or no bars a ppear ( meani ng the signa l streng th is weak) and you want to make or receive a call , move the phone t o a dif fe rent locat ion so t he signal stre ngt h incr eas es.
17 3. Press to call the p hone number . IU ( in us e) fl ashes and diALin g then t he nu mber call ed appear brief ly , then on reappea rs. 4. T o end t h e cal l, pres s .
18 ANSWERING A CALL When the phone receiv es a n in comi ng ca ll, it r ing s and CALL fl ashes on t he dis play. To a nswer the cal l, pre ss . To en d the cal l, pre ss . Notes: • Y our phone c an r eceiv e call s even i f th e anten na is not exten ded.
19 ADJUSTING THE V OLUM E Adjusting t he Earpiece V olume To incr ease or de crease t he earpie ce vol ume duri ng a call , hold d own . A s you h ol d down t he key, the vol ume in- creases or decre ases (dependi ng on th e last ad justmen t you made) and t he phone di splays the vo lume meter for ab out 8 seconds.
20 Using Mute To turn off the phone’s m icrop hone durin g a call so the ot her part y on the phone can not hear you (so you can tal k pr ivat ely with someone else in the room, for example) , press . MUtE appears . To t ur n the micr ophon e on agai n, p ress aga in so MUtE disapp ears.
21 Impo r tan t No te s : • If you di sa bled t he emergen cy d ispla y (see “Disabl ing the Emerge ncy Di splay” on Page 29), the phone does not di splay EMr g CY when you mak e emer gency ca lls using th e key .
22 Using Automat ic Redi al To au tomat ical ly r edial a num ber when you ge t th e c ellular syst em busy si gnal (whe n Snd to rEdiAL appears) , press so rEdiAL app ears. Th e phone aut omatical ly r edials the number at regul ar int erval s for up to 4 minutes or until th e call goes t hro ugh.
23 DISPLAYING NUMBERS Y our Phone Number To disp lay your ph one numb er at a ny time (even whi le a c all is i n pro gre ss), sim ply pr ess . Note : If you have t wo phone number s programmed i nto your phone (see “Sele cting the Act ive Phone Number ” on Page 45), pr essing disp lays onl y the curr ently ac - tive pho ne number .
24 MENU FUN CTIONS OVERVIEW T urning a Function O n/Off Foll ow these s teps t o acce ss the f uncti ons menu and tur n any o f th e phone’s fu nction s on or off. Notes : • All funct ions on y our phon e ( except for t he me ssage remin der tone and emerg ency cal l) ar e prese t to of f (dis- abled ).
25 Function Status Quick-Review Follo w these s teps t o per form a q uick-r eview o f all funct ions curren tly enabl ed on your phon e. Notes : • Wh en you d o a quick- revi ew , your phone shows only those fu nctio ns for whi ch the defa ult setti ng has been changed.
26 Functions List Displ ay Shows Functi on Descript ion See Page OnEMIn tMr On or OF F Phone bee ps once eve ry minute dur ing a call to remind you how long you have been on the ph one 27 rin g Er St .
27 USING THE MENU FUNC TIONS Using the Call- T ime Reminder T one The call -ti me reminder f uncti on lets yo u set the phon e to sound a s ubt le ton e about 5 0 sec onds aft er you place o r an - swer a cal l, the n once every minute af ter tha t, to rem ind you of how l ong you ha ve be en on the phone.
28 5. When you hear t he ri nger st yle y ou wan t to use, pr ess to sel ect i t. The ph one di splays ringEr n SEt (wher e n is the numbe r of the ringer style yo u selecte d).
29 Disabling t he Emergency Dis play Your phone is pres et to di splay EMr g CY when y ou hold down to make an emerg ency cal l ; however , you c an se t the phon e so EMr g CY does no t a ppear ( if yo u did no t s tore an emergency num be r in memor y 01, f or exa mple).
30 Using Message Re minder T one s If y our cel lular car rier offer s a spe ci al mes saging s erv ice , and you su bscr ibe t o that serv ice, your pho ne i s pre set to bee p every 2 minute s unti l y ou read al l n ew mes sages.
31 US IN G M EM O R Y Your pho ne h as 40 sp eed- dial memory locat ions that can each ho ld a phone nu mber of up to 3 2 d igit s. STORING SPEED DIAL NUMBERS Note: I f you are unabl e to comple te Steps 2 and 3 within 2 minutes , the phone ex its t he procedur e and its display g oes blank to conse rve batte ry power.
32 To use t he sel ected m emory lo cation and r eplace th e inf ormati on current ly sto red there, pr ess . ONE-T OUCH DI ALING To qui ckly p lac e a call t o any number st or ed in memory loca- ti ons 2 or 3 ( withou t press in g ), s imply h old down t hat numb er key for about 1 seco nd.
33 MEMORY SCROLLING/D IALING 1. Press . 2. Press to start scrol lin g from the firs t memory locat ion, o r en ter a sp eci fic mem or y nu mber (suc h as 1 1 ) that y ou want t o star t fr om. The l oca ti on numb er foll owed by ’ ( t o in dicate scrol lin g is acti ve) an d t he st ore d phone number f l ash on the d isp lay .
34 CHANGING A NUMBER IN MEMORY 1. Recall the n umber that you wan t to ch ange. 2. Repeat edly pre ss to backsp ace and e rase dig its, then en ter th e correc t number s; or s imply add d igits t o the exi stin g number . Then press and enter the two- digi t locati on number .
35 USING SCRATCHPAD ME MORY Your ph one’ s scr atc hpad m emory let s y ou t empor ar ily st ore a telep hone num ber on t he displ ay duri ng a cal l. Th is is handy, for exampl e, when someone gives you a number dur ing a c all and you don’t have a place to write it down.
36 SECURITY FE ATUR ES LOCKING Y OU R PHONE To prev ent u nauthor ized use of your phone , you can ent er a thr ee-digi t co de to l ock your phone at any time ( see “Usin g Manu al Lock”).
37 The phone re mains locked un til you unl ock it. To unlo ck you r phone, si mply ent er th e t hree-d igit lock cod e. If you m ake a mistak e, press then try again. Using Automatic Loc k The automat ic lo ck feat ure lets you set your phone to auto- matical ly loc k each tim e you t ur n it on.
38 2. Enter the si x- dig it secur i ty code. 3. Enter the new three- digi t lock code you want to use. 4. Press . The pho ne d isplays ChAn g Ed to and the new l ock code. 5. When you f inish, hold down for abou t 1 secon d t o clea r the l ock co de from t he displ ay .
39 USING THE SERVICE R ESTRICTION Your pho ne i s pres et to let you (or an yone el se) di al any type of number ( local or l ong di stance) an d free ly acc ess any in - format ion st ored i n its memory.
40 SPECIAL FE ATURES USING THE MESSAGING FUNCTI ONS Some c ellul ar sys tems provi de serv ices t hat can se nd cal lin g li ne ID and voi ce mail noti fica tion to your phone.
41 Notes: • If the message s tac k is full (20 messages ar e cur rently stored ) and t he pho ne recei ves a new mes sage, it auto- matical ly store s the ne w mes sage an d d eletes the oldes t messag e in th e s tack. • Y our phone does not r eceive messag es wh ile it is t ur ned off .
42 2. T o view anot her m essage, repeat edly pr ess (t o scro ll back wards) or ( to scr oll f orwards ) unti l that mes sage appe ars . 3. When you fin ish, press to e xit the m essage func- ti on. Deleti ng Messages To del ete an indivi dual m essage , rec all t hat m essage, then hold down unt il the pho ne displ ays dELEtEd .
43 • Cu mu lat iv e ca ll ti m er — ti mes the calls you make o r answer in mi nutes, and it cannot be reset. See “Di splay - ing t he Cum ulative Cal l T imer” on Page 44. Notes: • E ach cal l tim er begi ns coun ting wh en yo u hea r the first ring (duri ng an out going c al l) or when your phone r ings to signa l an incomi ng call.
44 Using the Resettable Call T imer Th e resett able cal l ti mer t ra cks the ca lls yo u make or answer in minu tes, and i t ca n be rese t at any ti me. You can res et this ti mer to co incid e with y our cel lul ar bil ling state ment date , for exam pl e, then tr ack yo ur mont hly air time .
45 SELECTING THE ACTIV E PHONE NUMBER If you subs cribe to two ce llul ar ser vices ( fo r exampl e, com - petit ive c ellul ar sys tems in your ar ea or cel lul ar syst ems i n diff erent citi es), your dealer progr ams your ph one with two diff ere nt phone num ber s.
46 Notes: • Call s can be m ade on your phon e from onl y one phon e numb er at a ti me, and you ca nnot ac tivat e the other phone num ber while a cal l i s in pr ogress.
47 Your phone’ s select able syst em regi str ation fu nctio n lets you select one of seven poss ible ro am ing modes: Roaming Mo de Descri ption Display St an dar d M od e — the ph on e firs t se e ks a hom e ty pe sy st em , the n i t seek s a no n-h ome type .
48 Displayi ng the Currently Sel ected Syste m T ype To dis pl ay the sy stem type cur rentl y selec ted on your ph one, press . The cu rr ent ly se lec ted s yst em t ype ( such as HOME ) appea rs for about 8 seco nds. To clear the disp lay sooner , press .
49 ROAMING In some ar eas, the cel lula r system’ s c omputer aut omati call y recogni zes roa ming tel ephon es. In o ther ar eas, you mus t contact the ser vice pr ovide r b efore it ca n r ecogniz e you r phone.
50 Notes: • Ena ble PIN dial ing on yo ur ph one only if it is requir ed by your cel lul ar pr ovider . • Y ou must stor e you r PIN i n memory 07, otherwi se your phone cann ot pr operly make c alls throu gh your cell ular syst em.
51 USING THE PHONE WITH HANDSFRE E EQUIPMENT Your phone i s preprogr ammed to work wit h most opti onal handsfr ee equipment in your vehi cle tha t lets you automat i- call y swit ch from handse t to handsfr ee mode when you place the phone in the handsfr ee hol der.
52 Adding a Pause Some ser vices , such as voic email, requi re yo u t o ent er an ac- cess code then wai t bef ore en teri ng addi tional di gits. To i n- clud e one or more pauses in a sequ ence when stori ng it i n memory, press so o appear s, t hen press .
53 T ROUBLE SHOOTI NG If t he phone ’s power doe s not come o n or stay on: • M ake sur e the batt ery is pro perl y i nstal led and char ged. • B e sure t he cont acts on the battery a re c lean, If they ar e not, cl ean t hem with a soft clot h or pen cil er aser .
54 SAFETY INFORMAT ION T RAFFIC SAFE TY • Do not use a handhe ld pho ne w h ile drivi ng a vehicl e. If usin g a han dheld ph one, par k the ve hic le bef ore tak ing or m ak i ng a c al l.
55 • D o not stor e or carry flam mable li quids , gases, or explo- sive mater ials i n the same c ompar tment a s a cell ular phone or any of its part s or acc esso ries. • O nly qual ified p ersonnel sho uld in stall or ser vice the phone in a vehi cl e.
56 You migh t no t be able t o make emer genc y ca lls on al l c ellular phone n etwo rks or when certain net work ser vices or phon e feat ures are set . Check with your local ser vi ce provi ders. FCC REGULATIONS A cell ular pho ne might caus e TV or radio interfer ence , even when it i s opera ting pro perly.
57 CARE AND MAINTENANC E Your Radi oShack CT-5 01 Handh eld Flip- Style Ce llular Tele- phone is an exampl e of superi or desi gn and craft smanship . The fol lowing sugge stions wil l hel p you car e fo r your ph one so you can enjoy it for ye ars . • K eep the ph one and al l of i ts par ts and acc esso ries ou t of the rea ch of chi l dre n.
58 SPECIFICATIONS Dim e n s io n s .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... . 5 5 / 8 × 2 3 / 8 × 1 1 / 2 Inch es W eight (wit h Supplie d Battery ) ... .... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .... 9.6 oz (272 g) T rans mi tti ng Po wer .
59 4400585 4668917 482 7507 50181 88 D332261 5363071 D270835 4670747 482 9274 5020091 5182749 5 365549 D271491 4 672502 4837534 5020092 D332785 D352497 Re31470 4 680787 D301476 50200 93 5185566 536682.
60 DISPLAY MESSAG E GLOSSARY Mes sage Desc ri pti o n Se e Page (s) ’ (Apostro phe) Me mory s crollin g act ive 33 o Sho w s a paus e st or e d in me m or y 52 Auto Ansr Au toma tic an swe r 28 Auto.
61 HOME Hom e syste m-t yp e se le cted 47 LEvEl 1 or 4 Serv ice restri ction lev el current ly sele ct ed 39 LocCode A pp ears bef o r e lock cod e 38 Loc’d Phon e is lo c ke d 36 Lo bAt Batte ry p.
62 NOTES 17-1 11 Page 6 2 Wedn es da y , Jul y 21, 199 9 1: 38 PM.
63 17-1 11 Page 6 3 Wedn es da y , Jul y 21, 199 9 1: 38 PM.
RadioSh ack A Divisi on of T andy Corpo rat ion Fort Wor th, T exas 76102 68P 0 9398 A5 4-A 7/ 28/ 97 - R GC 10 /9 7 Pr in ted in t he US A Limited On e-Y e ar W arran ty This product is warranted by .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Radio Shack CT-501 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Radio Shack CT-501 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Radio Shack CT-501 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Radio Shack CT-501 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Radio Shack CT-501, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Radio Shack CT-501.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Radio Shack CT-501. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Radio Shack CT-501 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.