Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 28 del fabbricante Radio Shack
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Cat. No. 16-42 0 OWNER’S MANUAL Please read before using this equipme nt. Mo del 28 9" Co lo r TV with Bu il t-In VHS VC R 16-4 20.f m Page 1 T ue s day , Jul y 20, 19 99 11: 32 AM.
2 © 199 6 T a ndy Cor por at ion . All Rights Re serv ed. Ra dioSha ck is a trad emark u sed b y T and y Cor poratio n. FEA TURES Channel Return — lets you qui ckly switch b e- tween broadcasts on two di f f erent chan nels by pressing a single button.
3 Three Recor ding/P la yback S pee ds — let you choose the best rec ording speed for the desired length and recording quality. Earph one Ja ck — lets you conne ct an ear- phone (not sup pli ed) to t he Mo del 28. Note: Y our Mod el 28’s remote co nt rol requires two AA batteries ( not included) f or operation.
4 IMPORT ANT SAFEGUARDS AN D PRECAU TIONS 1. Read i nstruct i on s — Al l th e safety and oper at- in g ins tructio ns shoul d be read b efore the a ppli- ance is op erat ed. 2. Re tain Instr uc tion s — The sa fety and oper at- in g in str uction s shou ld be reta ined for futur e r ef- erenc e.
5 14. Light ning — For added pr otect ion for this TV/ VCR receiver dur in g a li g htni n g storm, or when it is l ef t unattended and unus ed fo r lon g peri ods of tim e, u npl u g it from the wa ll outlet and discon- nect t he a ntenna or cable sys tem.
6 OUTDOO R GR OUNDING AND POWER LINES An outside a nt enna system should not be locat- ed in the vicinity of overhead power lines or oth- er electric light or power c ircuit s, or where i t can come into cont act with power lines or c ircuits.
7 CONTENTS BEFO R E YOU BEG IN . .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... 9 Ac cessorie s ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ....
8 SPEC IAL FUNCTI O NS .... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... .. ... . 24 Th ing s Y ou See....... ... .. ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ..... .. .. ..... ..
9 BEFORE YOU BEGIN ACCESSORIES Your Mo del 28 includes the followin g accessories. Be sure you hav e all of these items before you store the p acking mat erial. Rem ote C ontro l — controls mo s t of your Mode l 28’s f unctions. UHF/VHF Di pole Antenna — provides adequate recept ion in most metropolita n areas.
10 MOISTUR E CONDENSA TION Condensa t io n inside the Mode l 28’s VCR can cause tape jams or video head damage. When the Model 28’s aut omatic dew senso r sens es mo isture , DE W appears on t h e TV screen and the Model 28 wil l not play a tap e.
11 CONNECTIONS Before using your Mode l 28 f or the first time, read through this entire section to determine which con nections best m eet y our need s.
12 CONNECTING AN OUTDOOR ANTENNA The supplie d antenna provides good rec eption in most areas. B ut, for the best reception in al l areas, use a high-quali t y out door antenna, avail- able at your local RadioShack store. • If t he antenna us es 75-ohm coaxial c able, connect th e antenna ’ s cabl e directly to the Model 28’s ANT .
13 Cable Channel Designations Your Mod el 2 8 can recei ve up to 125 cable c han- nel s, dis played as 1 -125. Channel s 2-13 are t he sam e for VHF an d cable TV , a nd cable c ompa- ni es usual ly n umber t hem as the y appe ar on t he TV sc reen.
14 Using the DC Power Cord To power the Mo del 28 fr om your v ehi cle’s b at- tery, plug the suppli ed DC power cord’s s mall plug into t he Mod el 28’s DC 12V j ack. Then p lug the other e nd into the vehicle’s c igarette-lighter sock e t . Cautio n s: • D o not operate your M odel 28 while driving .
15 SETUP FRO NT P A N EL The but t on s on the M odel 28’s f ront panel con- trol the TV and t he V CR. 1. POWER 2. S TOP/EJECT 3. REWIND 4. PLA Y 5. F .FWD 6. REC/OTR 7. V OLUME / 8. CHA NNEL / 9. MONITOR REMOTE CONTROL All the remot e control’s buttons have t he sam e functions as the but- tons o n the Model 2 8’s front panel.
16 Insta lling Batter ies The rem ote control requires two A A b at t eries (not supp lied). For the longest operation and best performance, we rec o mmend a lkali ne bat- teries (such as RadioS hack Cat. No. 23-557). Cautio n s: • U se only fresh bat t eries of the requ ired size and type.
17 SETTI NG THE ON-SCREEN PROGR AMMING LANGUAGE The first t im e you turn on the Model 28, the lan- guage se lection menu au tomatically appears on the TV sc r een.
18 Changing the Channels S tored in M emory Although the Mode l 28 automatically stores all active channe ls in your are a the first time you turn i t on, you can manually program the tuner’s me mory . Note: I f you tune both TV (broad c a st) and CATV (cable TV) signals, you can store bo t h t y p e s o f channels.
19 3. Repeat edly press 1 to sele c t the des ired input signal (TV or CA TV). • If you conn ected an antenna (not cable) to the M odel 28 and want t o receive up to 68 VHF / UHF c hannels, or if you have cable service and use a ca ble box, y ou must selec t TV from the c hannel set up menu.
20 BASIC T V OPERA TIO N SELECTING CHANNELS To select a channel, press CH or CH . The tun er automatically advanc es to the n ext channel s tored in the tuner’s m emory.
21 3. Repeat edly press SELECT within 5 seconds until the setting y ou want to adjust appears on the TV s creen. Note: If you do not press SELECT wi t hin 5 seconds, the displa yed setting disappears . Simply repeat Steps 1-2 to r e display the setting.
22 BASIC VCR OP ERA TION LOADING A VIDEO T APE Hold the c assette with t he m ain label fac ing up and the spine facing out from the Model 28. Then i nsert the cass ette i nto the casse tte com- partment an d gently pu s h the cent er of its spine until the M odel 28 draws it i n.
23 CHANGING T HE T A PE’S DIRECTION/ V AR YING THE PLA YBACK SPEED You can use the buttons on the front of the Mod- el 28 a nd remot e control to change t he tape’s di- rection and vary the playback speed.
24 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS The following information d escribes some of your Model 2 8’s special on-screen, d isplay, and search func tions. THINGS YO U SEE On-S creen D isplays To view your M odel 28’s current op erating mode and other information about y o ur Mode l 28, re- peatedly p r e ss SELECT during playback or while watching TV.
25 USING THE G AME MODE The Mode l 28 has a preprogramm ed picture control setting for viewing video gam es o r simi- lar programs. T his s e tting softens the c ontrast and is e asier o n the eyes. Follow these steps to t urn on the game mode. 1. P ress MENU on the remote control to sel ec t the main m enu.
26 USING TIME SEARCH Your Model 28 lets you quickly move f orward or backward through recorded material on a tape. For example , if y ou recorded three half-hour programs on a tape and you want t o see the third program, y o u can set t he Model 28 to quickly move the tape pa st t h e first h our of re- corded material.
27 4. P ress MENU . The set up menu disappears. Notes: • If y ou select ALL or BLAN K , the Model 28 is set to autom at i c repeat playback even after you turn it off. T o turn off repeat play , you must selec t OFF in Step 3. • D uring automatic repeat playback, none o f the buttons on the Model 28 work except POWER and STOP/EJECT .
28 RECORDING GENERAL INFORM A TION You can use t he following methods to record with your Model 28. • Im m ediate recording • One-t ouch rec ording • A utomat ic timer recording • T oday timer recording • Dubbing Notes: • Y our M odel 28 autom atically records t he audio signal and adj usts t he sound level while it re cord s.
29 IMMEDIA T E RECORDING Notes: • Y ou c anno t use the Mod el 28 to record one program while watching another . • If you want to rec ord f rom a VCR or other audio/video s ource with A/V outputs, see “Dubbing (Cop ying) a T ape” on Page 35. Follow these st eps to record the program you are watching.
30 2. Repeat edly press SPEED on the remote control until the desired recording speed ( SP , LP , or SL P ) appe ars on the TV screen. 3. P ress CH or CH or use the remote control’s number but t ons to sel ect the desired channel . 4. P ress REC/OTR twice on the front of the Model 28 to begin recording.
31 Sett ing th e Autom ati c Time r Note: Bef ore you start, be s ure you set the M od- el 28’s clock to t he correc t dat e and t i me (see “Setting the Clock” on Pag e 19). If you have no t yet set the clock, the Model 28 au tomatically en- ters the clock setting mo de before it display s the automatic timer program screen.
32 7. Us e the number keys on the remote control to enter t he program’s start hour and minute. For examp le, pres s 1 , 0 , 2 , and 8 to set 10:28. 8. P ress 1 or 2 on the remote control to s el ect AM (1) or PM . (2). 9. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 to enter the st op hour and minute.
33 Notes: • If you press ADD/DELETE after se lecting the program number (the program nu m- ber flashes), the M odel 28 clea r s t he timer program screen and deletes any settings you entered. • After you m ake a t ape speed s election, pressing SELECT causes the timer pro- gram scree n to disappear and s tores any settings you entered.
34 3. Repeat edly press CHANNEL or CHAN- NEL to set the s t a rt hour . Then pre ss VOLUME . T he start m inute flash es. Note: If you set an earlier start hour than the current hour , t h e Model 28 automati- cally changes the to day timer ’s date to the next day .
35 TIMER RECORDING HINTS • The Model 28 can record only one broad- cast at a t ime. If you prog ram t he Mo del 28’s timer to record broa dcasts on different channels that start at the same tim e, t he Model 28 records the broadcast with t he lowest p r ogram num ber .
36 Dub bin g a T a pe Note: F or t h e best results while dubbing, h old the remote cont rol close to the Model 28’ s infra- red window when you pres s a but t o n. Other- wise, the rem ot e control might af fect the dubbing sour ce’s operation. 1.
37 ADDITIONAL INF ORM A TION TROUBL ESHOOTING GUIDE If you f ol low the instructions in this m anual and still hav e trouble operat ing your M odel 28, try the sug- gestions i n this t roubleshooting chart. Problem Possible Cause Su gg est i on No p ower .
38 Problem Possible Cause Su gg est i on Operation buttons do not work when power is o n and a ca ss e t t e is i n s er t e d ( DEW appears on the display). Dew prote c tion syst em is acti - va ted . Unplug the Model 28 for about 2 hours o r until DE W does not appear when you plug it in.
39 CARE AND MAI NTENANCE Your Radi oShack Model 28 9" Co lor TV with Built-in VHS VCR is an example o f superior design and craftsmanship. The following sugg estions will help y ou care f or your Model 28 so you c an enjoy it for years. Keep the Mo del 28 dry.
40 THE F CC W ANTS YOU T O KNOW Your Model 28 m ight cause TV or radio interfer- ence e ven when it is operat ing properly. To de- termine whether your M odel 28 is causing the interference, turn off your Mod el 28. I f the inter- ference goe s away, your Model 2 8 is causing the interference.
41 SERV ICING YOUR MODEL 28 T her e ar e no us er -s er vi ce abl e pa rts in si d e yo ur Model 28. If you encou nt er a proble m t h at you cannot correct us ing this manual and its trouble- shooting g uide, take the M odel 28 t o your local RadioShack store for assistance.
42 SPECI FICA TIO NS T elevision System ...................... .. ................. .. ................. . .................. . .. N T SC Standard Color Signal Playback S ystem ..................................... ............ .............. .... Rot ary T w o-Head Helical S can Syst em T ape Wi dth .
43 NOTES 16- 42 P age 4 3 Tue sda y, J uly 2 0, 19 99 11 :32 AM.
RadioShack A Divisi on o f T and y C orporat ion Fort Worth, T exas 7610 2 B4616UOHHHHH OEMN 01066 1A6 P r int e d in Mal ay si a RadioShack Li m i te d W arra nty This prod uc t is wa rran ted ag ain.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Radio Shack 28 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Radio Shack 28 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Radio Shack 28 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Radio Shack 28 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Radio Shack 28, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Radio Shack 28.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Radio Shack 28. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Radio Shack 28 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.