Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto IPmux-1 del fabbricante RAD Data Communications
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IPmux-1, IPmux-1E TDMoIP Gateways Installation and Operation Manual Notice T h i s m a n u a l c o n t a i n s i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t i s p r o p r i e t a r y t o R A D D a t a C o m m u n i c a t i o n s .
Warranty This RAD product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. Durin g the warranty per iod, RAD will, at its op tion, either repair o r replace products w hich pr ove to be defe ctive.
Safety Warnings The exclamation point withi n a triangle is intend ed to warn the operat or or service personn el of opera tion an d mainte nance f acto rs relating to the produc t and its op erating enviro nment wh ich co uld pose a safety haz ard.
Declaration of Conformity Manufacturer’s Name: RAD Data Communicatio ns Ltd. Manufacturer ’s Address : 24 Raoul W alle nberg St. Tel A viv 69719 Israel declares that the product: Product Name: IPm.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual i Contents Chapter 1 . Introdu ction 1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 1-1 Versions....................................
Table of Contents ii IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Setting IPmux-1/1E C onfiguration Options.............................................................. 3-11 Performanc e Monitoring ...................................................
Table of Conten ts IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operat ion Manual iii List of Figures 1-1. Multiple xing Voice and Data over an Et hernet Trunk ................................................. 1-2 1-2. E1/T1 Circuit Extension over an IP Based Network .
Table of Contents iv IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-14. Performanc e Monitoring Menu for IP mux-1E ISDN- S ............................................ 3-13 3-15. Performanc e Monitoring Menu for IP mux-1E FXS ........................
Overview 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overvi ew IPmux-1/1E offe rs a solution for exte nding traditional E1/T1, ISDN, or POTS TDM servi ces tran spar entl y over the wi del y depl oye d IP n etwor ks.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-2 Overvi ew Applications Typical IPmux-1/1E applications are shown with E1/T1, ISDN, and FXS inte rfaces. Fig ure 1-1 illustrates Multiplexing Voice and Data over an E thernet Trunk .
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Overview 1-3 100 M b ps Fi be r 10/ 1 00 Mb ps IPm ux-1 PBX Fr acti on al E1/T1 Pu b l ic In t er n et Et herne t Switc h Fr acti on al E1/T1 PBX IPm ux-1 100 M b ps IPmux-16 or IPm ux-4 n E1/T1 × Et herne t Switc h PBX PSTN IP Net work Figure 1-2.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-4 Overvi ew Fas t Et herne t Swit ch Co mput er W ork stat ion Comp ut er W ork stat ion ISDN T eleph on e ISDN T eleph on e I.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Overview 1-5 Fas t Et herne t Swit ch Co mput er W ork stat ion Comp ut er W ork stat ion ISDN T eleph one ISDN T eleph one IPm ux-.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-6 Overvi ew IPmux-16 T ele ph on y Swit ch BRI ISDN Phones FXS E1/T 1 IPmux-1 IPmux-1E IPmux-1E Et herne t Swit ch IP Net work Intern et Swi tch Figure 1 -6.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Overview 1-7 ISDN BRI IPmux-1E has 4-ports, S- interface only . Each port can be configure d as eithe r NT or TE (Network/User) by jumper and soft ware; NT or TE is configured per device.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-8 Overvi ew Table 1-1. F iber Optio ns Interface Type Wavelength (nm) Optical P ower (dBm) Min Max Receive Sensitivity (dBm) Optical Budget (dB)* Loss (dB/km) Min Max SC Multimode 1300 –20 –14 –31 8* 1 4 SC Single mode 1300 –20 –14 –31 8* 0.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Overview 1-9 IPmux E1/T1 working oppo site IP mux- 1E with BRI p orts should work in Fract iona l E1/T1 mo de (no CAS). When wo rking o pposite IPmux-1E w ith FX S, use E 1/T1 CAS mode.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-10 Physical D escription 1.2 Physical Description IPmux-1 is a 1U high 19-in (IP mux-1E i s a 1U high ½ 19-i n), easy -to-inst all standalone unit . A rack mounting ki t option is available (ordered separately).
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-11 Front P anel The con trol int erfac e and indica tor LEDs ar e located on th e fro nt pa nel o f IPmux-1/1E. For furt her det ails see Chapter 2. Rear Panel User and network ports and power supply are located on the rear panel of IPmux-1/1E.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-12 Functional Description IPmux-4/1 6 IPm ux-1 IPm ux-1 IPm ux-1 E1/ T1 Li ne 1 E1/ T1 Li ne 2 E1/ T1 Li ne 4 E1/ T1 Li ne 3 IPm ux-1 Sub E1/ T1 Sub E1/ T1 Sub E1/ T1 Sub E1/ T1 IP ove r Et herne t Fig ure 1-10.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-13 Fractional with CAS In the f ractio nal -with -CAS mode, th e stru ctu re bl ock ( as descr ib ed und er Fractional Ope ration Modes, above ) also include s Channel Associated Signaling (CAS).
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-14 Functional Description The IPmux-1E FXS ope ration modes allow IPmux to work opposite E1, T1-D4, or T1-ESF.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-15 Timing Modes The E1/T 1 Tx cl oc k, or I SDN/F XS PCM clock, can opera te in sev eral timin g m odes to provide maximum flexibility for conne cting the IPmux-1 E1, T1, ISDN or FXS channels .
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-16 Functional Description Network Timi ng Schem es The following paragraphs d escribe typical timing schemes and the correct timing mode sett ings for achi eving end -to-en d synchronizat ion.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-17 IP ove r Et herne t IPm ux-1 E1/T1 E1/T1 IPm ux-1 E1/T1 E1/T1 Adaptive Mode Loop back T imin g Mo de E1/ T1 D evice E1/ T1 D evice Ma ster C l ock So urc e D evi ce Rem ote Loop back Timi ng De vi ce Figure 1-14.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-18 Functional Description Table 1-2. E therne t Frame Structure Field length (bytes ) Field 7 Preambl e 1 SFD 6 Destinatio n M.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-19 802.1 D T ag Protoc ol T ype 81 00 user_ priority CFI = 0 VID 86 5 4 1 8 1 Priorit y VLAN I D Figure 1-17. VLAN Ta g Fo rmat (802.1p&q) UDP Suppor t Table 1-3.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-20 Functional Description PDV t t Pa ck e ts Le av i ng IP mu x- 1 Pa ck e ts Ar ri ving Figure 1-18. Packe t Delay Variation PDVT (Jitter) Buffer IPmux -1 is equ ipp ed w ith a Pack et DVT ( D elay Va riatio n Tol eranc e) buffer .
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-21 integer betw een 1 and 8. Con figu ring T DM bytes/f ra me to a high er va lue r educe s the IP /Ethern et overhea d segment of the to tal p acke t an d thus ca n si gnifican tly reduc e the to tal Ether ne t thr oug hpu t.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-22 Functional Description ➤ To calculate Ethernet throughput and intrinsic PDV as a function of TDM bytes/frame: Ethernet lo.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-23 Ethern et User Por t The E thern et us er po rt al lows a user to aggr egate bo th T DMoI P traff ic an d his private n etwork LAN traff ic to a sin gle Ether net n etw ork con nectio n w ithout requiring an access swi t ch.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-24 Technical Sp ecifications All of t he abov e exist on ly in rat e lim iting mod e, and d o not ex ist in brid ge mod e. The b ridge/r ate l imi ter mo des are sele cted b y th e rat e limit e r par ame ter.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Technical Sp ecifications 1-25 T1 Framing Compliance Framing Signaling ANSI T1.403 Pass thro ugh, SF, ESF CAS (bit robbing), CCS (t ranspare nt) Local Term inal and Control Interface Mode Baud Rat e Connecto r DB-9, female RS-232/ V.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-26 Technical Sp ecifications Transformer isolation: 1500 VRM S Ringing – 22 Hz, si ne wave Diagnost ics Remote analog loopba.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Technical Sp ecifications 1-27 Signal Level s Jitter Perform ance Receiv e: 0 t o –10 dB Transmit: ±2.7V ± 10%, ad justable, meas ured in range 0 to 13 3 feet , without CSU AT&T TR-62411, G.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-28 Technical Sp ecifications Power co nsumption IPmux-1: 4W IPmux-1 (wit h LAN): 10W IPmux-1E : 25W IPmux-1E (wit h LAN switch): 32W Physi cal IPmux-1 IPmux-1E Height 4.4 cm /1.
Site Requir ements and Prer equis ites 2-1 Chapter 2 Installation This chapter includ es: • Site r equirem ents and p rer equisit es • Packa ge cont ents • Equip ment n eeded • Installati on and setup 2.1 Introduction IPmux-1/1E is deli vered complet ely assemble d for benc h-top inst allation.
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 2-2 Install atio n and Setup The DC po wer source mu st be isola ted from the main s suppl y by doub le or reinforced insu lation. A suitable fu se or a circuit br eaker shoul d be integrate d in the negat ive power-supply line .
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Inst allation Install atio n and Setup 2-3 IPmux-1E The IPmux-1E FXS v ersion needs NO user internal jumper configu ration. The IPm ux-1 E ISD N versio n con tains ju mp ers for pha ntom feed ( see Figure 2- 1 ).
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 2-4 Install atio n and Setup ENA DIS Figure 2-1. The IPmux-1E ISDN-S J umpers ➤ After comple ting the inte rnal settings, re install the top cover a s follo ws: 1. Posi tion th e IPmux-1 /1E c ase on a f lat, clea n surfa ce.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Inst allation Install atio n and Setup 2-5 Figure 2-3. IPmux-1 F ront Pane l for Two Ethernet Ports : FO R CON TI NU E D TYPE AND RATING OF F U SE. FIRE, REPLACE ON L Y W ITH SAME PROTECTION AGAINST RISK O F CA UTIO N 100-2 30 VAC 1.
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 2-6 Install atio n and Setup 100-240 V AC 1A T 250V POWER I/O 3 : CAUTION IISD N S 12 3 4 Figure 2 -9.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Inst allation Install atio n and Setup 2-7 Table 2-1. E 1/T1 Port Co nnectors Pinout Pin Designat ion Direction Function 1 RD (R) Input Receive .
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 2-8 Install atio n and Setup Table 2-4. ISDN-S Inte rface Pi n Assignments Pin Number Signal Name 3 Tx+ 4 Rx+ 5 Rx- 6 Tx- Table 2- 5.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Inst allation Install atio n and Setup 2-9 Co nnect ing the Pow er To connect powe r to Ipmux-1/1E, re fer to the appropriate section below, dependin g on your versio n of the un it (AC or DC). AC Power Connection AC power is supplied to IPmux-1/1E t hrough the 5-ft (1.
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 2-10 Insta lla tion a nd Setup Order from: Cutter Networks Ph:727-398-5252/Fax:727-397-9610 www.
Front Panel Controls, Connectors, and In dicators 3-1 Chapter 3 Operation This chapter: • Provides a detaile d descri ption of the fr ont panel co ntrols and indicators and their fu ncti ons • Exp.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-2 Front Panel Controls, Connectors, and In dicators 2 3 7 4 5 1 Figure 3-1. IPmux-1 Front Pane l LEDs : FO R CON TI NU E D TYPE AND RA TING OF FUSE. FIRE, REPLACE ON L Y W ITH SAME PROTECTION AGAINST RISK OF CA UTIO N 10 0-230 V AC 1.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation Front Panel Controls, Connectors, and In dicators 3-3 Table 3 -1. IPmu x-1 S ystem In dicat ors an d Swit ch es (C ont. ) No. Name Type Function 7 ETH FDX LED On: Full duplex Off: Half duplex 8 POWER Switch Turn s IPmux-1/1E p ower On and Off IPm ux-1 E 1 3 4 5 6 7 2 Figure 3-3.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-4 Operating Inst ructions Table 3-2. IPm ux-1E (B RI/FX S) System Indica tors and Swit ches (Cont.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation Operating Ins tructions 3-5 6. Press <Esc > to open the configuration software. 7. Enter your Use r Name according to your assigned system privileges (either Supervisor ( su ) or User and then your Password when prompted (the factor y-set p asswor d is xxxxxxxxxx ).
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-6 Overview of Menu Operations 3.3 Getting Started After ins tallation, ther e are no specia l op erat ing pr ocedu res f or I Pmux-1 /1E. O nce it is pow ered u p, th e uni t operates au tomatical ly.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation Overview of Menu Operations 3-7 Ma in M enu 2. Co nfig ura tion 1. G ener al Co nfig ura tion 7. Set D efaul t Pa rameters 1. Sy st em 1. General I nformat ion 2. S elf-T est Resu lts 5.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-8 Overview of Menu Operations Mai n Menu 2. Co nfig ura tion 1. G ene ral Co nfig ura tion 1. Sy st em 1. General I nformat ion 2. S elf-T est Resu lts 5. P ing 3. R es et 4. E ven t Log 4.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation Overview of Menu Operations 3-9 Ma in M enu 2. Co nfig ura tion 1. Sy st em 1. General I nformat ion 2. S elf-T est Resu lts 5. P ing 3. R es et 4. E ven t Log 4. Ex it 3. Pe rf orm ance Monitoring 3.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-10 Overview of Menu Operations Main Menu Fig ure 3-8 shows the IPmu x-1/1E Ma in Men u. Acc ess all system con figura tion a nd control funct ions via this menu. At any point and from any sc reen, you can press <Esc> repeatedly, backing up until yo u reach the ma in m enu.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation Overview of Menu Operations 3-11 SYSTEM 1. General Information 2. Self-Test Results 3.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-12 Overview of Menu Operations CONFIGURATION 1. General Configuration 2. Analog Configuration 3. Bundle Connection Configuration 4. LAN Configuration ESC. Exit Select item from the menu: _ Figure 3-12.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation Overview of Menu Operations 3-13 Performance Mo nit oring ➤ To view Perfor mance Sta tistics: • Type 3 (Pe rformance Monitoring) in t he Main m enu. Typical menus are shown in Fig ure 3-13 , Figure 3-14 , and Figure 3-1 5 .
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-14 Overview of Menu Operations Order from: Cutter Networks Ph:727-398-5252/Fax:727-397-9610 www.
Error Detection 4-1 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics This chapter describes how to: • Dete ct errors • Troubles hoot problems • Perform diagn ostic tests. 4.1 Error Detection Using Front Panel LEDs LED indi cators on the fro nt p anel IPmu x-1/1 E indi cate the op eratin g sta tus of th e modul e.
Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics I Pmux-1/1E Installation and Operation Manua l 4-2 Error Detection Table 4-1. E vent Type s Event Des cription Corrective Actio n COLD_START The IPmux-1/1E .
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics Diagn ostic T ests 4-3 4.2 Troublesho o ting Table 4-2 presents th e event typ es as th ey appear o n th e Even t Log Fil e and li st s the ac tions r equired to corr ect th e even t (al arm ) indi cation .
Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics I Pmux-1/1E Installation and Operation Manua l 4-4 Diagnostic Tests PBX IPmux- 1 Figure 4-1. IPmux-1 Exte rnal Loop Internal Loop The E1 /T1 mo dul e can be set to an inter nal loo p to test the co nne ctio n betw een the E1 /T1 p ort a nd th e IP n etwor k (ref er to Chapter 3 ).
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics Diagn ostic T ests 4-5 IPmux-1 ISDN S Figure 4-4. IPmux-1E /BR I Internal Loop ➤ To run a loopback test: • Press the <Spacebar> on your keyb oard to toggle b etween the val ues: Internal/Ext ernal /Disabl e .
Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics I Pmux-1/1E Installation and Operation Manua l 4-6 Diagnostic Tests Order from: Cutter Networks Ph:727-398-5252/Fax:727-397-9610 www.
Overview 5-1 Chapter 5 Application Configuration Procedures This appendix pr ovides de tailed instru ctions f or setting u p a test appl ication using IPmux-1 and IPmux-4. The applicat ion can be used as an optional test setup for an IPmux unit, or c an be used as a quic k reference guide for basic confi guration of an IPmux unit.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-2 Overview Guidelines Certain guidelin es/assumptions for conf iguring IPmu x-1 working opposite IPmux-4 that are relevant to t his application are explained below.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures Overview 5-3 Table 5-1. B undle Co nfiguratio n E1 Channel Bundle Number for E 1 Bundle Number for T1 1 1-31 1–24 2 32-62 25–48 3 63–93 49–72 4 94–124 73–96 • A bundle c ontaini ng 10 timeslots will be c reated on each IPmux- 1 unit.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-4 IPmux-1 • Manage IPmux-1/4 by means of SNMP-based network management stations, e.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures IPmux-1 5-5 Configuring I Pmux-1 – S tation A Proced ure for Modify ing Paramet ers ➤ To modify param eters: 1. Choose the numbe r of the paramet er to be c hanged.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-6 IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration ➤ To configure E1/T1: 1. From the Main menu, select 2 Configu ra tion. 2. From the Conf igur atio n menu select 2 E1/T1 C onfi guration (see Figure 5-3 ).
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures IPmux-1 5-7 Rememb er to p ress < Enter > aft er modifying each para meter. Pr ess < S > to s ave all chang es on t he men u. DS0 BUNDLE CONFIGURATION 1.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-8 IPmux-1 BUNDLE CONNECTION CONFIGURATION 1. Bundle ID 1 2. IP TOS Empty! 3. TDM Bytes in Frame 48 4. Connection Status Empty! 5. Destination IP Address 192.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures IPmux-1 5-9 Rememb er to p ress < Enter > aft er modifying each para meter. Pr ess < S > to s ave all chang es on t he men u. E1/T1 Configuration ➤ To configure E1/T1: 1.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-10 IPmux-4 4. Select Next Hop an d enter the nex t hop rou ter IP a ddress (this parameter is only n ecessary if th e Destination IP Addr ess is no t in th e same su bne t as this IPmux.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures IPmux-4 5-11 Configuration Host IP A ddress Frames w ill n ot leav e the d evice until IP and M ask ad dresses are d efin ed. ➤ To confi gure Host IP Address: 1.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-12 IPmux-4 PHYSICAL LAYER CONFIGURATION 1. Channel Status Enable 2. Transmit Clock Source Loopback 3. Loopback State Disable 4. Rx. Sensitivity –10dB 5.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures IPmux-4 5-13 Rememb er to p ress < Enter > aft er modifying each para meter. Pr ess < S > to s ave all chang es on t he men u. Bundle Connection Configuration ➤ To link the bundles to IPmux- 1 Stati on A: 1.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-14 Configuring the Management Option 8. Press < Esc > a few tim es to return to th e Main menu . 1. Rememb er to press < Ente r > after modifyin g each paramet e r.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures Configuring the Management Option 5-15 Rememb er to p ress < Enter > aft er modifying each para meter. Pr ess < S > to s ave all chang es on t he men u.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-16 Configuring the Management Option MANAGER LIST 1. Manager IP Address 2. Status Change Trap On 3. Alarm Trap On 3. System Trap Off ESC. Exit S.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures Checking the Application 5-17 DEFAULT GATEWAY 1. Gateway IP 0.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-18 Checking the Application 6. If you have underflows or overflows at non-set intervals of time : Try to gr adual ly incr ease the ji tter buff er size.
Booting IPmux-1/1E A-1 Appendix A Boot Sequence for Downloading Softwar e A.1 G eneral This chapter provide s a description of the IPmux-1/1E boot procedure via an ASCII terminal for download ing software. The IPmux-1/1E software is stored in flash memory in two sections, in the boot sector and in the file system.
Appendix A Boot S equence f or Downloading S oftware IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual A-2 Booting IPmux-1/1E BOOT Program V 1.21 7-1-2001 08:35 Flash : size 3e0000h, FileSys sectors 62 BOOT Program is running !!! Checking File System.....
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appendix A Boot Sequence f or Downloading Software Booting IPmux-1/1E A-3 IPmux-1/1E BOOT MENU The device can store two software files in its File System. One is called Operating file and the Second is called Backup file.
Appendix A Boot S equence f or Downloading S oftware IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual A-4 Booting IPmux-1/1E Order from: Cutter Networks Ph:727-398-5252/Fax:727-397-9610 www.
Using Telnet to Manag e the IPmux- 1/1E B-1 Appendix B Telnet B.1 General Telnet, which stands for Telecommunications Net work, is a protocol t hat gives you the ability to connec t to a remote mach ine, by giving commands and instructio ns intera ctiv ely to that ma chine, thu s cr eating a n in tera ctive conn ection.
Appendix B Teln et IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual B-2 Using Telnet to Manage the IPm ux-1/1E Figure B-1. Tel net Logon Dialog Telnet Oper ation Telnet a nd AS CII termin al ca nno t be ac tive a t the sa me time. If a terminal is ac tive, a Telnet session cannot be established.
SNMP Environment C-1 Appendix C SNMP Management Appendix C provides specific inf ormation for IPmux- 1/1E management by SN MP (Simple Net work Management Protocol).
Appendix C SNMP M anagement IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual C-2 SNMP Environment Managemen t Informatio n Bas e (MIB) The MIB includes a c ollection of managed objects. A managed object is defined as a parameter that can be managed, s uch as a performance stat istics value .
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix C SNMP Management SNMP Environment C-3 • rfc2233.mib ( IF-MIB) • rfc1493.mib • rfc2665.mib • rfc1907.
Appendix C SNMP M anagement IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual C-4 SNMP Environment In genera l, SNM P agen ts sup port two typ es of access rights: Read-Only : The SNMP agent acce pts and proces ses only SNMP ge tR e que st and getNex tRequ est comman ds from management stations whi ch have a Read-Only community name.
Inband TFTP Download Procedure D-1 Appendix D TFTP Download Procedures D.1 Inband TFTP Download Procedure General New IPmux- 1/1E softwa re version c an be downloade d to the IP mux-1/1E using TFTP.
App end ix D TFT P Down loa d Proc edu res IPmux-1 Installation an d Operation Manu al D-2 Inband TFTP Download Procedure Prelimi nary Pr oced ure ➤ Before performing TFTP download: 1. Ping IPmux- 1/1E from the stati on running the TFTP serve r to ensure that IPmux-1/1E has communication with the machine.
IPmux-1 Installation an d Operat ion Manual Appendix D T FTP Download Procedures Inband TFTP Download Procedure D-3 Fig ure D- 2. Agent a nd Serve r IP Addre sses Checking the Dow nloa d ➤ To check the download: 1. Log on the MIB Browser again, as follows: is o.
App end ix D TFT P Down loa d Proc edu res IPmux-1 Installation an d Operation Manu al D-4 Inband TFTP Download Procedure Fig ure D- 3. System Descripti on Order from: Cutter Networks Ph:727-398-5252/Fax:727-397-9610 www.
Main Menu E-1 Appendix E Parameters and Screens This ap pend ix ill ustra tes th e IPmu x-1/1 E scr eens and expl ains th e para met ers fo r: • Main Menu in Section E.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-2 Main Menu • DS0 Bundle Config uration in Se ctio n E.9 • Performance Monitoring in Sectio n E.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Viewing the IPmux-1/1E System E-3 E.2 Viewin g the IPmux-1/1E System General Informatio n This screen displa ys information incl uding sof tware an d hardware versions an d module descriptions.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-4 Viewing the I Pmux-1 /1E S yste m GENERAL INFORMATION Software Version Hardware Version Inventory No. Boot: 1.21 7-1-2001 08:35 HW:0.0 314154 Application: 2.00 9-4-01 12:02 Backup: 2.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Viewing the IPmux-1/1E System E-5 Logfile Ev en ts LOGFILE EVENTS 2053-08-07 00:01:20 LOS START TDM SLOT 2053-08-07 00:.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-6 Genera l Configuration PING Enter Destination IP And Press Enter. Destination IP: Use Space Bar to Choose Ping Repetitions Ping Repetitions: Endless Repeats Pinging.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens General Configuration E-7 Default Gateway Defau lt gateway defin es the managem ent next ho p . When next hop is not defined for th e bun dle con nect ion the defaul t gat eway ad dress will b e use d.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-8 Genera l Configuration Manager Li st The Man ager List win dow pa rameter s are used when IPmux -1 inb and management capabilit y is used. The parameters define the parameters for up t o eight mana gers.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens General Configuration E-9 Alarm Traps Mask Each of the IP mux-1/1E alarms can ac tivate a trap t oward the NMS. It is possible to enable/disable the trap operat ion for each one of the alarms, us ing the Alarm Trap Mask screen .
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-10 Genera l Configuration The othe r ala rms are not us ed. ASCII Termi nal Configurati on ASCII TERMINAL CONFIGURATION 1. Display Mode Color 2. Baud Rate (bps) 19200 3.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens General Configuration E-11 Time/Date Update TIME/DATE UPDATE 1. Set Time (hh:mm:ss) 16:09:12 2. Set Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2001-04-17 ESC. Exit Select item from the menu:_ Use <Esc> key or keys <1> to <2> Figure E-14.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-12 Genera l Configuration Table E-8 . Down load /Upl oad Usin g X-M odem Paramet ers Parameter Possible Values Remark.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens General Configuration E-13 ➤ To save the parameters and start t he transmission process: • Enter S . If all paramet ers are correct , you will be asked for confirmati on.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-14 IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration ➤ To overwrite the system and reconfigure it according to defaul t settings: • Type Y . IPmux-1 is recon figured accor ding to def ault set tings.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration E-15 Table E -11. E1 Physi cal Layer Configura tion Parame ters Parameter Possible Values R.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-16 IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration Table E -11. E1 Physi cal Layer Co nfiguratio n Parameter s (Cont.) Parameter Possible Values Remarks Signaling mode CA S enable CAS disable The E1 framer is set to CA S MF mode and the operation mode to fractional with CAS mode.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration E-17 T1 Config uration T1 CONFIGURATION 1. Channel Status Enable 2. Transmit Clock Source Adaptive 3. Loopback State Disable 4. Line Type T1-ESF 5.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-18 IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration Table E -12. T1 Confi guratio n Parame ters Parameter Possible Values Remarks Chann el.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration E-19 Table E -12. T1 Config uration Pa rameter s (Cont.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-20 IPmux-1E ISDN Configuration Table E -12. T1 Config uration Pa rameter s (Cont.) Parameter Possible Values Remarks Cond. CAS fi rst 2 .5 s ec pattern 0 to F (ESF) 0 to 3 (D4) FF 2 or 4 Bit Code app lied (dur ing the first 2.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens IPmux-1E ISDN Configuration E-21 Table E -13. ISDN Co nfigura tion Parameter Possible Values Remarks Interfaces Mode Te.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-22 Anal og Configuration E.6 Ana log Config urat ion ANALOG CONFIGURATION 1. Clock Source Adaptive 2. Far End Type E1 3. Channel Configuration > 4. Signaling Profile Configuration > ESC.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Analog Configuration E-23 Channel Conf iguration CHANNEL CONFIGURATION 1. Channel Number 1 2. Channel Status Enable 3. Rx Gain –4dBm 4. Tx Gain 0dBm 5. Testing Disable ESC.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-24 Anal og Configuration Signaling Profile Configura tion SIGNALING PROFILE CONFIGURATION 1. Rx A A 2. Rx B N/C 3. Rx C N/C 4. Rx D N/C 5. Tx A A 6. Tx A 1 7. Tx A 0 8.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Bundle Connection Configuration E-25 Table E-1 7. S ignaling P rof ile Con figur ation (Cont .) Parameter Possible Values Remarks Tx B B, B Inverse, 0, 1 Spec ifies which ABCD Signalin g Bit ca rries the on ho ok/o ff hook information to the far-end device.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-26 Bundle Connection Configuration Firs t define the bundle. Table E -18.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens LAN Configuration (no User port ) E-27 E.8 LAN Configurat ion (n o User port) For LAN co nfiguration fo r two LANs, see Ethernet Co nfiguration/Statistic s Menus . LAN CONFIGURATION 1.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-28 DS0 Bundle Configuration E.9 DS0 Bundle Conf iguratio n This conf iguration sele cts th e timeslo ts to be transferr ed end-to-en d for E1/T1 when the operation mode is Frac tional or Fract ional with CAS.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Performance Monitoring E-29 E1 models only E.10 Pe rformance Monitor ing E1/T1 Statistic s E1 STATISTICS E1 over UTP LOS: 0 LOF (Red): 0 LCV: 0 RAI (Yellow): 0 AIS: 0 FEBE: 0 BES: 0 DM: 0 ES: 0 SES: 0 UAS: 0 LOMF: 0 Time Since: sec 7------Valid Intervals 12---- 1.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-30 Performance Monitoring Table E-21 . E1/T1 Statistic s Paramet ers Alarm Failure Comments LOS Loss of Signal Sync L.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Performance Monitoring E-31 Table E -21. E1/T1 Stati stics (Co nt.) Alarm Failure Comments DM Degraded Minutes A Degrade d Minute i s calcul ated by co llecting a ll of t he availab le seco nds, subtract ing any SESs and sorting t he resul t in 60 sec ond group s.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-32 Performance Monitoring ISDN Statis tics in IPmu x-1 ISDN STATISTICS ISDN-S over UTP LOF (Red): 0 ES: 0 SES: 0 UAS: 0 Time Since: 710 sec ------Valid Intervals 11---- 1.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Performance Monitoring E-33 Analog Status – IPmux-1E with FXS ANALOG STATUS Channel 1: ON HOOK Channel 2: ON HOOK Channel 3: ON HOOK Channel 4: ON HOOK ESC. Exit Fig ure E-31.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-34 Performance Monitoring ➤ To reset counters: Type R . Table E- 23.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Performance Monitoring E-35 Bundle Co nnecti on Statis tics BUNDLE CONNECTION STATUS Destination IP Address: 192.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-36 Etherne t Configuration/Statistics Menus Table E -24. Bundle Connectio n Statisti cs Parame ters (Cont.) Parameter Possible Values Remarks Jitter Buffer Un derflo ws The nu mber of times frames were drop ped because th e receive buffer was in an underr un state.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Ethernet Configuration/Statistics Menus E-37 Aging Time SWITCH CONFIGURATION 1. LAN Configuration > 2. Aging Time <seconds> 120 ESC. Exit Select item from the menu.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-38 Etherne t Configuration/Statistics Menus Table E -25. LAN Config uration – Tw o Ether net Ports (Cont.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Ethernet Configuration/Statistics Menus E-39 LAN statist ics are not c ollected in intervals.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-40 Etherne t Configuration/Statistics Menus Table E-2 6. L AN St atistics – Two Eth e rnet P orts Statistics Values.
I-1 Index —A— access rights , C-4 adaptive, E-18 Agent IP Ad dress, D-2 Aging T ime, E-40 AIS, E-9, E-30 alarm buffer, 4-1 alarms, E-9, E-10 alarm trap, E-8 alarm trap mask, E-9 End-to-End, 1-22 t.
Index IPmux-1 Installation an d Operation Manu al I-2 Ethernet two ports, E-36 Ethe rnet Throughp ut, 1-21 Event Log File, 4-1 events, 4-2 —F— FEBE, E-9, E -30 fiber op tic, 1-7 length calculat io.
IPmux-1 Installation an d Operat ion Manual Index I- 3 Logfile Events, E-5 Main Menu, 3-10 Manager List, E-8 navigating, 3-6 Performance Monitoring, 3-13 Ping, E-5 Self- Test Resu lts, E-4 System Menu, 3-10 T1 Physical Laye r Conf iguration , E- 17 Time/Date, E-11 View Transfer Status , E-13 MIB brow ser, D-1 MIB Browser , D-2 MIB structur e.
Index IPmux-1 Installation an d Operation Manu al I-4 TFTP server, D -1 tftpRetryTimeOut, D-2 tftpTotalOut, D-2 time, E-11 timeout, E-10 timeslo t, E-28 timing, 1-9, 1-16 adaptive, 1-15 intern al cloc.
DC Power Supply Connection – Terminal Block Connector Note: Ignore this supplement if the unit is AC-powered. DC-powered units are equipped with a plastic 3-pin VDC-IN power input connector, located on the unit rear panel. Supplied with such a unit, is a mating Terminal Block (TB) type connector plug for attaching to your power supply cable.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il RAD Data Communications IPmux-1, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del RAD Data Communications IPmux-1.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il RAD Data Communications IPmux-1. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.