Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 4411-0106 del fabbricante Princeton
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4411 -0106 Version 2. C July 2, 2013 *4411-0 106*.
Copyright 200 4-2013 Princeton I nstruments, a div ision of Roper Scien tific, Inc. 3660 Quakerbridg e Rd Trenton, NJ 08619 TEL: 800-874- 9789 / 609-587- 9797 FAX: 609-587- 1970 All rights reserv ed.
iii Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 9 PIXI S ...........................................................................................................
iv PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Chapter 6 Advanced Topics ............................................................................. 67 Introduction ...............................................................................................
Table of Conten ts v v Appendix C Adapte r Adjustment and F ocusing Procedures ...................... 109 Adjustable C- Mount Adapter .......................................................................................... 109 F-Mount Adapter Foc using Procedure .
vi PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2. C Figure 23. WinX D et ector Tem per ature dialog .............................................................. 57 Figure 24. Array T erms for a CCD with a Dual Output Am pl ifier ................................ 59 Figure 25.
Table of Conten ts vii vii Tables Table 1. USB Driv er Files and Loc ations ........................................................................ 26 Table 2. Exam ple of Controller Ga i n {Analog G ain} vs. Readout Port .......................... 64 Table 3.
viii PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C This page intentionally left blank..
9 Chapter 1 Introduction PIXIS Thank y ou for purchasing a PI X IS camera system from Princeton I nstruments. For over two dec ades Princeton I nstruments has been t he legendary nam e behind the m ost revolution ary spectroscopy and imaging pr oducts for cutting edge resea rch.
10 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Grounding and Safety Before turning on the power supp ly (air-cooled system or liquid-cooled system with a CoolCUBE II circulator), th e ground prong of the power cord pl ug m ust be properly connected to the g round connector o f the wall out let.
Chapter 1 Introduct ion 11 11 Cleaning Turn off all power to the equipm ent an d secure all cov ers before c leaning the units . Otherwise, dam age to the equipment or injury to you could occu r .
12 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Chapter 1 , Int roduction prov ides an overv i ew of the PI X IS cam eras. Chapter 2, System Component D escriptions prov ides information abou t the camera, interfa ce card, cabl es and application software.
13 Chapter 2 System Component Descriptions System Components Standard Components A typical air- cooled PIXI S system consists of the cam er a with a Cer tificate of Performance, a p ower supply , a USB 2.0 interfa ce cable for y our computer system , MCX to BNC adapte r cables, and the user manual.
14 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C PIXIS Camera CCD Array: The PI X IS cam era system offers both front- and back- illuminated CC Ds in a variety of array sizes that a llow you to preci sely match the sensor t o your applicat ion.
Chapter 2 System Component Descri ptions 15 15 Fan : Ai r-c ool ed came ras co ntain an in tern al fa n. Its purp ose i s: to remov e heat from the Pel tier device that coo l s the CC D array and to cool the ele ctronics. An internal Pel tier device direct ly cools the co ld finger on which the CCD is m ount ed.
16 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Cables USB 2.0 Cable : The sta ndard 16.4' (5 m) cable (6050-0494) has USB conn ectors that interconnect the "USB 2.0" connecto r on the rear o f the PI XIS with a USB card in st alled in the host com put er.
Chapter 2 System Component Descri ptions 17 17 Optional Components Application Software WinX: The PI XIS camera can be ope r ated by using either WinView/32 or WinSpec/32, Princ eton I nstrument's 32-bit Windows ® softw are packages des igned specifically fo r high-end imaging and s pectroscopy, re spectively .
18 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Internal Shutte r Optional 25 or 45 m m internal shutter (dependent on C CD array size). Shutters are mechanical dev ices with a fini te lifetime, typically of the order of a million cy cles, although som e individual shutters m ay last a good dea l longer.
19 Chapter 3 Initial System Verification The list and diagrams below briefly describe the sequence of actions required to install your system and prepare to gather data. Refer to the indicated ref erences for more detailed in formation. Action Reference 1.
20 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Action Reference 14. Adjust the focus for the best im age or spectral l ines. If you are using WinSpec/32, y ou may want to use the Focus He l per function for spectroscopy app lications. If you are u sing LightField, you may want to use the Alig n Spectrom et er function.
Chapter 3 Initial System Verifi cation 21 21 Figure 4. Typical Imaging Experiment Layo ut (Liquid -coo led Camera with CoolCUBE II ) Figure 5. Typical Spectroscopy Exp eriment Layout (Liquid -coo led .
22 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C This page intentionally left blank..
23 Chapter 4 System Setup To minimiz e risk to users or to sy st em equipm ent, turn the system OFF before any cables are connected or disconnected. Introduction A PIXIS camera sy stem consists of thr.
24 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Checking the Equipment and Parts Inventory Confirm that y ou have all of the equ i pment and par ts required to set up the PI X IS system .
Chapter 4 System Setup 25 25 Ventilation: Allow at least on e inch clearan ce for the side air vent s. Where the ca mera is inside an enclos ure, > 30 cfm air circulation and he at dissipation of 100W is req uir ed. Power: The PIXI S camera receives its powe r from the supp lied power supply which in turn plugs into an AC power source.
26 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Software Installation WinX Notes: 1. Before proceeding , please check t o see if your com puter supports USB 2.0. I f it do es not, install a USB 2. 0 i nterface c ard. Follow the m anufacturer’s instruction s . 2.
Chapter 4 System Setup 27 27 LightField The following installation is perform ed via the LightF ield software installation C D. 1. Before starting the installation: Verify that the computer op erating system is Windows Vista (64-bit ) or Windows 7 (64- bi t).
28 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Notes: 1. Make sure that there are no kinks in the hoses that im pede the coolant flow. Lack of sufficient f low can seriously harm the detecto r and any resulting dam age is not covered under warr anty. 2. Damage caused by water leak ing into the PIXI S voids the warranty.
Chapter 4 System Setup 29 29 Entering the Default Camera System Parameter s The following instructions assum e t hat you hav e perform ed the compute r interf ace installation. WinX 1. Ma ke s ur e the P I XI S is co nnec te d to t he h os t com pu ter an d th at i t is t ur ned o n.
30 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Figure 9. LightField Experiment Workspa ce 5. Because this is a new experim ent , the default set tings will autom ati cally be entered for the exp eriment device(s). These se ttings will allow you to beg in previewing ( Run butt on) or acquir ing ( Acquire button ) data.
Chapter 4 System Setup 31 31 Attaching to an F-Mount Adapter F-mount adapte rs use the Nik on bayonet format. To mount the lens on the cam era: 1. Locate the large in di cator dot on t he side of the lens. 2. Note the correspo nding dot on the fr ont side of th e adapter.
32 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C 6. When you have f inished with focus i ng and rotational a l ignment, secu re the sliding tube in pl ace with the spe ctrograph setscrews. 7. If they hav e a lready been install ed, loosen the ada pter’s two re cessed locking setscrews (use a 0.
Chapter 4 System Setup 33 33 Connecting an External Shutter Disconnecting or connecting the shutter cabl e to the cam era whil e the cam er a is ON can destroy the shutter or the shutter driv er in the cam era! Introduction Typically, PI X IS cam eras for imaging applicat ions are shipp ed with an inte rnal shutter.
34 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Overexposure Protection Cameras that are e xposed to room l ight or other cont inuous light so urces will quic kly become satura ted.
35 Chapter 5 Operation Introduction Once the PI X IS camera has been installed as explained in the preceding chapters, operation o f the cam era is straightforward.
36 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C The remainder o f this chapter pr ovides "First Lig ht" procedures (these provide st ep- by - step instruction on how to initially verify system operation) and discus ses factors that affect exposure, r eadout, and digit ization of the in coming sig nal.
Chapter 5 Operation 37 37 Getting Started 1. Mount a test target i n front of th e camera. 2. Power ON the cam er a (i.e., switch the power sup ply ON). Note: The cam era must be turned on b efore WinX is opened, and WinX must be closed before the c amera is turned off.
38 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Experiment Se tup Main tab (Acquis ition|Experimen t Setup…): Exposure Time: 100 ms Accumulations & Number of I mages: 1 Experiment Se tup ROI t ab (Acqu i sition|Expe riment Setup… ): Use this function to define the region of inte rest (ROI ).
Chapter 5 Operation 39 39 Spectroscopy The foll ow ing par ag raphs prov ide ste p- by-s tep in stru cti ons for op era ting PIXI S i n a spe ctrosc opy se tup f or th e fi rst t im e.
40 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Internal Slit Shut ter: A shutter m ounted internally has an externa l shutter connector in the sidewall of the spectrograph. Connect a shutter cable f rom the PIXI S Shutter connector to tha t connector. 6. Power ON the cam er a (i.
Chapter 5 Operation 41 41 Experiment Se tup Main tab (Acquis i tion|Experimen t Setup…): Exposure Time: 100 ms Accumulations & Number of I mages: 1 Experiment Se tup ROI tab (Acqu i sition|Experi ment Setup…): Use this function to define the region of inte rest (ROI ).
42 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C th e pro bl em is f ixe d, st op a cqu is iti on o r co nt in u e to th e “ F oc us ing ” t op ic on pa g e 42 ; ot her wis e, s to p d at a ac qu isi tio n and c on ti nu e to St ep g . If you do not he ar a shutter operating and you have don e St eps a-e, stop da ta acquisition and cont inue to Step g.
Chapter 5 Operation 43 43 2. With the spec trograph properly conn ected to the c amera, turn the powe r on, wait f or the spectrograph to i nitialize. 3.
44 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C N o te : Wh en a lig nin g ot he r a cce ss ori es , su ch as fi be rs, le ns es, o pt ic al fi ber a da pt er s, fi rs t al ig n the sp ec tro gr ap h to th e s lit . Th en al ig n the a cce sso ry wi th ou t dis tu rbi ng th e ca m era po si tio n.
Chapter 5 Operation 45 45 LightField First Light Instructions Imaging This sec tio n p rov ides ste p- by-s tep in stru ctio ns for acqui ring an im aging mea sur em ent in Lig htFi eld fo r the f irst tim e.
46 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C 1. After LightFiel d opens, you shou ld see an icon repre senting y our camera in the Available D evices area. In the figure abov e, t he cam era is a PIXIS:512B eXcelon ® . 2. Drag the icon int o the Experiment D evices area.
Chapter 5 Operation 47 47 Figur e 15 . View Area 3. Click on the Run bu t ton to star t Preview m ode. In this mode, imag es will be continuously ac quired and dis played. Figure 16 . View Area Displaying a n Image 4. Adjust the lens a perture, intensity sc aling, and focu s for the best image as v i ewed on the computer m oni tor.
48 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C C he ck th e br ig hte st r eg ion s o f th e im ag e to de ter mi ne if th e A /D co nv er te r i s at fu ll- sc al e. A 16 -b it A/ D i s at fu ll s ca le wh en th e b ri gh te st pa rt s of th e i ma ge re ac h an i nte ns ity o f 6 55 35 .
Chapter 5 Operation 49 49 6. The spectrograph h as an entrance slit shutter that is being contro lled by the PIXI S via the Shutter connector. If the PI X IS has an internal shutte r, DO NOT USE the Shutter con nector to drive a spectrograph en trance slit shutter.
50 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C 1. After LightFiel d opens, you shou ld see icons repres enting your cam era a nd the spectrograph in the Available Devices area. I n the figure above, the cam er a is a PIXI S:400BR eX celon ® and the spectrog r aph is an SP - 2356.
Chapter 5 Operation 51 51 Confirming the Setup 1. Turn on the light source at t he spectrograph e ntrance slit. 2. Click on Run to beg i n previewing th e data. Depend ing on the display se ttings, you should see ei ther a spectral b and (image) or a graph.
52 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Focusing The detector m ounting hardware p rovides two degre es of freedom : focus and rotation . In this contex t, focus mean s to physically m o ve the detector back and forth through the focal plane of the spectrograph.
Chapter 5 Operation 53 53 6. Make sure that the spectroscopy-m ount adapter moves freely at the spectrograph. 7. Se lect Align Sp ectrometer… from the Experiment Options menu. Rev iew the displayed info r mation and then cl ick on the Beg in button.
54 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C 9. Next adjust the rotation. You can do th i s by rotating the cam er a while watching a live display of th e line (you m a y need to loosen two setscrews securing the spectrograph adapte r). Click on the peak y ou want to monitor during the rotational alignm ent.
Chapter 5 Operation 55 55 IsoPlane SCT-320 Spec trograph Because the PI XIS is mounted directly to the m ounti ng plate on the I soPl ane, focusing and alignm ent is different from the way that focusing and alig nment are perform ed for an Acton Series spec t rograph.
56 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Exposure and Signal Introduction The following topics address f actors that can a ffect the signal acquired on the CCD array. These factors incl ude array arch itecture, exposur e time, CC D temperature, dark charge, and saturation.
Chapter 5 Operation 57 57 Continuous Exposure (No Shuttering) For full-frame im aging CCDs, the standard PI XIS camera for imaging i s equipped with an integral shutt er. However, in asmuch as it is possible to order the camera wi thout a shutter, the follow ing general d i scussion of uns huttered operat ion is provided.
58 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Once the target a rray tem perature {Temperature Setpo int} has been set, t he software controls the cam era's cooling ci rcuits to reach s et array tem per ature. On reach i ng that temperature, the control loo p locks to that tem per ature for stable and r eproducible performance.
Chapter 5 Operation 59 59 For signal lev els low enough to be readout-noise lim it ed, longer exposu r e times, a nd therefore longer s ignal accum ula tion in the CCD, will improv e t he S/N ratio approximately l inearly with the length of exp osure time.
60 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Full Frame Readout The upper left drawing i n Figure 25 represents a CCD after exposure but before the beg inning of readout. The capital letters repr esent diff erent amounts of charge, i ncludin g both signal and dark charge.
Chapter 5 Operation 61 61 The readout tim e i s approxi mately g iven by: (2) where N x is the smaller dim ension of the CCD N y is the larg er dimension of the CCD t sr is the tim e needed to shift o.
62 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C pixels, the binning of large section s may result in s aturation and “b l ooming ”, or spilling of charge back in to the im age area. Figure 26 shows an example of 2 2 bi nning. Each pix el of the im age displayed by the software represen t s 4 pixels of th e CCD array.
Chapter 5 Operation 63 63 Figure 27 . Binning a nd Array Orientation Note: You can e asily switch between t hese orienta tions by rotat i ng the cam er a 90° and changing the binn i ng param et ers in the applicat ion software.
64 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Controller Gain Controller gain (a func tion of the pr eamplifier) is software-selectable a nd is used to change the rela tionship betw een the number of el ectrons acqui red on the CCD and the Analog- to -Digital Units (A DUs or counts) generated.
Chapter 5 Operation 65 65 Digitization (Rate) Introduction After gain has be en applied to the s i gnal, the Ana log- to -D igital Converter (AD C) converts that analog i nformation (cont inuous amplitud es ) into a dig ital data (quan t ified, discrete steps) that can be read, d i splayed, and stored by t he application sof t ware.
66 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C This page intentionally left blank..
67 Chapter 6 Advanced Topics Introduction Pr e vi o us c h ap t er s h a ve d is c us s ed s e tt i n g up t h e h ar dw ar e an d t he s of t war e fo r b as i c op e ra ti o n . T his c ha pt e r d i sc us s es to pi c s a ss o ci a te d wi t h e x pe ri me n t s yn c hr on i za t io n .
68 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Timing Modes Overview The basic PIXI S timing modes are Free Run {No Resp onse}, External Sy nc {Readout Per Trigg er}, and External Sync {R eadout Per Trigg er } with Continuous Clea ns {Clean Until Trigg er }.
Chapter 6 Advanced Topic s 69 69 Free Run {No Response} In the Free Run {No R esponse} m ode t he camera does not synchronize with the experiment in any way. The shutter opens as soon as the prev ious readout is complete, and remains open for t he exposure tim e, t exp .
70 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C External synchron ization depends on an edge trigger (negativ e- or positive-going) w hich must be supplied to the EXT SYNC connec t or on the back of the cam era.
Chapter 6 Advanced Topic s 71 71 The PreOpen {Open B efore Trigg er } mode is useful in cases whe re an External Sync pulse cannot be pr ovided 8 ms or ~ 20 ms (the length of time the 25 m m or 45 mm mechanical shu tter takes to open) before the ac t ual signal oc curs.
72 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Figure 32 . Continuous Clean s {Clean Un til Trigger} Flo wchart Once the Extern al Sync pulse i s received, clean i ng of the array stops as soon as the current row is sh ifted, and fram e col lection beg i ns. With N ormal Shutter {Normal} operation the shut ter is opened for the s et exposure tim e.
Chapter 6 Advanced Topic s 73 73 Figure 33 . WinX Continu ous Cleans Timing Diagra m Figure 34 . LightField Clean Until Trigger (CUT) Timin g Diagram EXT SYNC Trigger Input The sele cte d Timi ng Mod .
74 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Fast and Safe Modes Introduction The PIXIS has been d esigned to allow the grea test possib le flexibility when synchronizing da ta collection with an experim ent.
Chapter 6 Advanced Topic s 75 75 Figure 36 . Chart of S afe and Fast Mod e Operation.
76 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C LOGIC OUT Control The TTL- compatible logic lev el output (0 to +3.3 V) from the LOGIC OUT connector on the rear pane l can be used to m onit or cam era status and con t rol externa l devices. By def ault , t he l ogi c o ut put leve l is h igh whil e t he a cti on is occur rin g.
Chapter 6 Advanced Topic s 77 77 Kinetics Mode In the past, Kinetics Mode was a purchased option fo r WinView/32. Kinet ics Mode is now included in the standard Li ghtField and WinX applications. Introduction Kinetics m ode uses the CCD to expose and store a lim i ted number of images in rapid succession.
78 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Kinetic Timing Modes and Shutter Control Kinetics m ode operates wit h three timing modes: Free R un {No Response}, Single Trigger {Readou t Per Trigger}, and Mu ltiple Trigg er {Shift Per Trigg er} .
Chapter 6 Advanced Topic s 79 79 Wi nd ow S iz e. Integrate sig nal s (SHUTTER {Shut ter Open}) or Rea dout signals (N OT SCAN {Not Reading Out}) are prov ided at the LOGIC OUT connector fo r timing measurem ents.
80 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C In m ultiple trigger mode, the shutter i s opened when A cquire or Focus {Run} is cl i cked and each “exposure - shi ft” cycle in the acquisition is trigg ered independently by a pul se ap plied at the EXT SY NC connector.
Chapter 6 Advanced Topic s 81 81 Software Settings Princeton I nstruments does not en courage users to chang e these parameter set tings. For most application s, the default sett ings will giv e the best result s. We strongly advise contacting the fac tory for guidan ce before custom i zing the chip definit ion.
82 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Custom Timing Notes: 1. This mode is standa rd with LightFie ld for full fram e CCD cam eras. 2. This option is ful l y supported by WinX Version 2.5. 18.1 (and higher). 3. This option is no t supported by WinX for 5 MHz systems.
83 Chapter 7 Troubleshooting Do not attach or r emov e any cables while th e camera system i s powered on. Introduction The following issues have c orresponding troubl es hooti ng sections in this chap t er.
84 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Acquisition Started but Viewer Contents Do Not Update In LightField, liv e da ta is norm all y displayed in the Ex peri ment wo r kspace viewe r as it is being acquired (P review or Acquire mode).
Chapter 7 Troubleshoot ing 85 85 Camera1 (or similar name) in Camera Name field Figure 51 . Camera 1 in Camera Name Field When the Cam era Detection Wiz ard installs a n ew cam era, the camera is autom ati cally named “Cam er a#” (where # = 1, 2 , or 3.
86 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Controller Is Not Responding If this messag e pops up when y ou click on OK after selecting the "I nt erface Ty pe" during Ha rdware Setup (under t he WinX Setup m enu), the system has not been ab le to communicate w ith the cam era.
Chapter 7 Troubleshoot ing 87 87 Cooling Troubleshooting Temperature Lock Cannot be Achieved or Maintained. Possible causes for not bein g able to achiev e or maintain lock could include: Ambient tem per ature greater than + 23°C. This condition affec t s TE-cooled cameras.
88 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Gradual Deterioration of Cooling Capability While unlikely w ith the PIXI S camera (guaranteed p ermanent v acuum for the lif e of the camera), if you se e a gradual dete rioration of the cooli ng capability, there m ay be a gradual deteriorat i on of the camera’s vacuum .
Chapter 7 Troubleshoot ing 89 89 Data Overrun Has Occurred message Because of mem ory constraints and the way that USB transfers data, a "Da t a overrun has occurred" m essage may be displayed during data acquisition. I f t his messag e is display ed, take one or m or e of the follow ing actions: 1.
90 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C C an cel t he lo ad . Ca nc el lin g a lo ad m ean s tha t the l ast u sed ex pe rim en t w ill n ot be lo ad ed a ut om ati ca lly wh en Lig htF ie ld op en s.
Chapter 7 Troubleshoot ing 91 91 Program Error message Figure 56 . Program E rror dialog This dialog m a y appear if you hav e t ried to acqu ire a test im age, acquire data, o r run in focusing m ode a nd the DMA buffer size is too small. To correct the p roblem: 1.
92 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Serial violations have occurred. C heck interface cable. Figure 57 . Serial Vio lations Have Occurred dialog This error m essage dialog will appe ar if you try to acquire an image or focus the cam era and either (or both ) of the follow i ng conditions exists: The camera syst em is not turned ON .
93 Appendix A Basic Specifications Note: This appendix pr ovides som e of the basic sp ecifications of a PI X IS sy st em. If the information you a r e lookin g for is not here, i t may be av ai lable in Appendix B, "Outline Drawings" or on the appropriate dat a sheet.
94 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Shutter Typically, PI X IS cam eras for imaging applicat ions are shipp ed with an internal shutter. P IX IS: 51 2/1 02 4 : I nt er na l, win do wl es s, 1 in (2 5 m m) ap ert ur e, 8 ms o pen t ime , 8 ms cl os e t im e P IX IS: 20 48 : I nte rn al, w in dow le ss, 1 .
Appendix A Basic Specif ications 95 95 USB 2.0 (USB B Female): Data link to computer via U SB cable inserted at this connector. Cab le length of 5 meters is standard. Other lengths m ay be available. Contact Custom er Support for m or e inform ation. USB A/B cable supplied w i th system.
96 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C C o ol CU BE II C i r cu la t or w i th P IX IS -c om pa ti b le H os es (PN 7 56 7- 0002) Closed loop system Hoses: CoolCUBE II an d PIXIS-Compatible 3/8" I D, with no-drip quick disconn ect s at the circulator en ds and 1/4” CPC quick disconnects a t the camera ends.
97 Appendix B Outline Drawings NOTE: Dimensions are in inche s [mm]. PIXIS Camera: C-mount (Air-Cooled) Figure 58 . Adjustab le C-Mount: In ternal Shutter (Air-co oled).
98 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Figure 59 . Fixed C-Mou nt: Internal Shutter (Air-cooled).
Appendix B Outline Drawings 99 99 PIXIS Camera: C-mount (Liquid-Cooled) Figure 60 . Adjustab le C-Mount: In ternal Shutter (Liquid -cooled).
100 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Figure 61 . Fixed C-Mou nt: Internal Shutter (Liquid -coo led).
Appendix B Outline Drawings 101 101 PIXIS Camera: F-mount (Air-Cooled) Figure 62 . F-Mou nt: Internal Shutter (Air -cooled).
102 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C PIXIS Camera: F-mount (Liquid-Cooled) Figure 63 . F-Mou nt: Internal Shutter (Liquid -coo led).
Appendix B Outline Drawings 103 103 PIXIS Camera: 2048 F-mount (Air-Cooled) Figure 64 . F-Mou nt: 2048x2048 , Internal Shutter (Air-co oled).
104 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C PIXIS Camera: 2048 F-mount (Liquid-Cooled) Figure 65 . F-Mou nt: 2048x2048, Interna l Shutter (Liquid -cooled ).
Appendix B Outline Drawings 105 105 PIXIS Camera: Spectroscopy mount (Air- Cooled) Figure 66 . Spec troscopy-Mount: No In ternal Shutter, 3.60 bolt circle (Ai r -cooled).
106 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C PIXIS Camera: Spectroscopy mount (Liquid-Cooled) Figure 67 . Spec troscopy-Mount: No In ternal Shutter, 3.60 bolt circle (L iquid -co oled).
Appendix B Outline Drawings 107 107 Figure 68 . Spectrosco py-Mount: In ternal Shutter (3.60" and 3.8 8" bolt circles) (Air -coo led).
108 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C CoolCUBE II Circulator Figure 69 . CoolCUBE II Circulator.
109 Appendix C Adapter Adjustment and Focusing Procedures Adjustable C-Mount Adapter PIXI S cameras are now available w i th an adjustable C- mount adapter. The camera is adjusted at the fa ctory for s t andard C-mount focusing distance. How ever, you m ay want to adjust the focus ing distance for y our application.
110 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C F-Mount Adapter Focusing Procedure Note: This proce dure sets the fo cus for the F-m ount adapt er, not the lens. Once set, it should not need to b e disturbed ag ain. 1. The lens should be m ounted to the camera as desc ribed in Chapter 4.
Appendix C Adapter Adjust ment and F ocusing Procedures 111 111 Lens Focusing Procedure Except for the lens m ount focus procedure th at applies to F-mount lenses as descri bed above, there is no difference betw een focusing considerations fo r an F-mount lens and a C-mount lens.
112 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C This page intentionally left blank..
113 Appendix D Spectrograph Adapters Princeton I nstruments offer s a variety of spec tro graph adapters for PI X IS system s . T he mounting instruc tions for these ada pters are o rganized by spectrograph model, detecto r type, and adap ter kit number.
114 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Acton Series Spectrograph (PIXIS with Flange) Qty P/N Description 1. 3 2826-0120 Screw, 10-32 1 / 2, Hex Head, St ainless Steel Assembly Instruct i ons 1. Make sure that the shipping cover has been rem oved from the detector po rt on the spectrograph.
Appendix D Spectrograph Adapters 115 115 Acton Series Spectrograph (PIXIS with 3.60/3.88 Bolt Circles) Qty P/N Description 1. 3 2826-0127 Screw, 10-32 1/4, Bu t ton H ead Allen Hex, Stain l ess Steel Assembly Instruct i ons 1. Make sure that the shipping cover has been rem oved from the detector po rt on the spectrograph.
116 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Acton Series Spectrograph (PIXIS with C-Mount) Qty P/N Description 1. 1 8401-071-01 Adapter Plate 2. 1 8401-071-02 Threaded C- Mount Adapter 3. 3 2826-0127 Screw, 10-32 1/4, Bu t ton H ead Allen Hex, Stain l ess Steel Assembly Instruct i ons 1.
Appendix D Spectrograph Adapters 117 117 Acton SP-2350/SP-2550 Adjustable C- to Spectroscopy-Mount Adapter (Adapter Kit 7050 - 0104) Qty P/N Description 1. 1 Adapter Plate 2. 1 2518-1284 1.25” -32 Threaded I nsert Assembly Instruct i ons 1. Make sure that the shipping cover has been rem oved from the detector po rt on the spectrograph.
118 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Acton SP-2150/SP-2750 Adjustable C- to Spectroscopy-Mount Adapter (Adapter Kit 7050 - 0107) Qty P/N Description 1. 1 Adapter Plate 2. 1 2518-1284 1.25” - 32 Threaded Insert Assembly Instruct i ons 1. Make sure that the shipping cover has been rem oved from the detector po rt on the spectrograph.
Appendix D Spectrograph Adapters 119 119 IsoPlane SCT-320 (PIXIS with Flange) Qty P/N Description 1. 3 2826-0120 Screw, 10-32 1 / 2, Hex Head, St ainless Steel Assembly Instruct i ons 1. Make sure that the shipping cover has been rem oved from the detector m ount ing plate on the IsoPlan e.
120 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C This page intentionally left blank..
121 Appendix E C ro ss- Re fe ren cin g o f W in X a nd L ig htF ie ld T er ms WinX- to -LightField WinX LightField Active Rows Pa rallel to Shi ft Register Active Height Active Shift Reg i ster Colum.
122 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C WinX LightField Minimum Block Size Final Section Heig ht Multiple Trigg er (Kinetics) Shift Per Trig ger (Kinetics) Normal Shutter Normal (Shutter) Number of Block.
Appendix E C ro ss- Re fe ren ci ng o f W in X an d Li gh tF ie ld T erm s 123 123 LightField- to -WinX LightField WinX Active Area: Bottom Margin Post-Dummy Rows Parallel to Shift Register Active Area: Lef t Margin Pre-Dummy Shif t Register Colum ns Active Area: Rig ht Margin Post-Dummy Shif t Register Colum ns Active Area: Top Ma r gin F.
124 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C LightField WinX Output Signal: N ot Reading Out Logic Out: Not Sc an Output Signal: Shu t ter Open Logic Out: Shut ter Preview Focus Quality Readout Port Readout P.
125 Declaration of Conformity This section of the PIXI S system manual contains the Decla ration(s) of Conform it y for PIXI S systems..
126 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C.
Declaration of Conformity 127 127.
128 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C This page intentionally left blank..
129 Warranty & Service Limited Warranty Princeton I nstruments, a div i sion of Roper Sc ientific, Inc. ("Pr inceton Instrum ents", "us", "we", "our") mak es t he following l imited warrant ies.
130 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C Sealed Chamber Integrity Limited 12 Month Warranty Princeton I nstruments warrants the sealed cham ber integrity of all our produ cts for a period of twelv e (12) months afte r shipment.
Warranty & Service 131 131 Owner's Manual and Troubleshooting You should read the owner’s m anual t horoughly befo re operating this pro duct.
132 PIXIS Sy stem Manual Version 2.C 10. Al l w ar ra nt ie s im pl ie d b y sta te la w o r no n-U . S. la ws , in clu din g th e im pl ie d w ar ra nt ie s of m erc han ta bil ity an d fit nes s for a pa rti cu lar p urp os e, a re ex pre ssl y li m it ed t o t he d ur at io n of th e li m it ed w ar ra nt ie s set f or th ab ov e.
133 Index A-B A/D converters 65, 95 AC power requirements 25 Ac ces so ri es, al ign men t of 44, 54 Acquisition started, vie wer conten ts do not update 84 Adapter instructions 114, 115, 116 Ac ton S.
134 PIXI S System Manual V ersion 2.C Connectors EX T S YNC 14 ex te rnal sh utt er 14, 94 L EMO 14 LO GIC OU T 14 pow er 1 4, 95 US B 14, 95 Connectors LOGIC OUT 94 Contact infor mation 132 Continuou.
Index 135 135 L-N LEMO connector 14 Le nse s, m oun ting 31 LightField 17 LOGIC 0 output level 76, 94 LOGIC 1 output level 76, 94 Logic Out levels Alw ays Hig h 76 Alw ays Low 76 Bu sy 76 LO GIC 0 76 .
136 PIXI S System Manual V ersion 2.C T Technical support 132 Temperature co nt ro l p rob lem s 87 op era tin g 95 s pe cif ica ti ons 95 th ermal cu tout sw itch 87 Temperature control 57 ef fe ct o.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Princeton 4411-0106 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Princeton 4411-0106 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Princeton 4411-0106 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Princeton 4411-0106 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Princeton 4411-0106, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Princeton 4411-0106.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Princeton 4411-0106. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Princeton 4411-0106 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.