Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto FSS-0342J del fabbricante Powerware
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FERRUPS ® Uninterruptible Power Systems FE or QFE 500VA to 18KVA 50/60 Hz USER MANUAL FSS-0342J Listed Models Available.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIO NS SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS — Thi s manual c ontains i mportant instr uctions fo r your UPS. How to Use This Manual Your FERRUPS is very easy to start and operate. This m anual tells y ou how to start, operate and com m unicate with FERRUPS and how to get m ore information for special situations.
Table of Contents I n t r o du c t i o n .......................................................................... . 1 001 I f You Ha v e a Proble m or a Questio n ................................................ . 1 002 I f You Need More I nfor m atio n .
Page 1 Introduction Welcome to the g rowing FERRU PS family. FER RUPS represents a breakthroug h in the design of advanced, on- line uninterruptible power system s. Please read this manual thoroug hly before operating your FERRUPS. Keep this m anual handy for future reference.
Page 2 Section 100: Identifying Your FERRUPS FERRUPS units com e in different sizes. This section will help y ou choose the startup section for your m odel. If your FERRUPS does not hav e a plug, or if it has a separate battery cabinet, m ake sure it has been installed before you go on.
Page 3 Section 200: Startup This section provides step- by-step instructions on starting your FERRUPS. We’ll explain how to turn on DC and AC power and how to prepare the UPS to support your equipm ent.
Page 4 CAUTION To avoid possible equipment damage or personal injury, ass um e t hat AC voltage is present at the FERRUP S te rminals or receptacles any time AC input voltage or DC battery voltage is supplied. FERRUPS can prov id e ou tp ut voltage f rom its bat teries even w hen there is no AC input vol tage.
Page 5 4 FERRUPS units with receptacles on the back: Plug the equipm ent you want to protect into the UPS’ receptacles. (I f you have a 50 H z model, use the cord or plug prov ided to connect your equipment to FER RUPS’ receptacles.) Next, switch on y our equip m ent.
Page 6 203 Startup: FE and QFE 4.3KVA to 18KVA Make sure the tem perature is 0 to 40 Celsius (32 to 104 Fahrenheit). The relative humidity must be 0- 95% without condensation. The air must be free of dust, chem icals that corrode, or other contaminants, and the air must be free to m ove around FERRUPS.
Page 7 CAUTION To avoid possible equipm ent damage or personal injury, assum e that F ERRUPS’ terminals or receptacl es may have AC voltage present any time AC input voltage or DC battery voltage i s supplied. F ERRUPS can provide output voltage f rom its batteries even w hen there is no AC input voltage.
Page 8 4 To start FERRUPS on battery power, use the key t o turn on the On/Off sw itch. After a brief self- check, the y ellow BATTERY POWER light and the green READY light will lig ht on the UPS and the control panel. The UPS will beep ev ery 20 seconds to let you k now it is running on battery power (inv erter).
Page 9 6 FERRUPS units with receptacles on the back: Plug the equipm ent you want to protect into the FERRUPS’ receptacles. Then, switch on y our equipment. If the red ALAR M light comes on, see Section 304 on page 15. FERRUPS units without receptacles: Switch on the equipment connected to y our FERRUPS.
Page 10 8 Please fill out the Warranty Registration Card in this manual and return it to Best Power. T his card helps Best Power’s Worldwide Serv ice when your FER RUPS needs routine m aintenance or if there is a problem. Your FERRUPS includes free C heckUPS I I Suite power m anagem ent software.
Page 11 Section 300: Operation This section will describe how FER RUPS work s. We’ll discuss the meaning of the front panel lights and describe how to use the control panel. We’ll also describe what the autom atic system test does, what each alarm means, what param eters are, and how to read the Alarm and Inv erter Logs.
Page 12 302 How to Use the Control Panel The control panel comes with all FE/QFE 4.3KVA to 18KVA models. I f you hav e an FE/QFE 500VA to 3.1KVA, you m ay hav e ordered the control panel as an option. If you hav e, please see TIP 407 to connect the control panel.
Page 13 How to Enter Passw ords Before you can chang e some param eter values, y ou must enter a passw ord. (The instructions below describe how to display and chang e parameters.) You m ust also enter a password before y ou enter some of the com mands listed in Section 402.
Page 14 How to Lock and Unlock the Control Panel You may need to disable (lock) your control panel if y ou want to limit its use. When y ou disable the control panel, it will not respond to its key s until you enable it ag ain. To disable the panel, press the keys shown below .
Page 15 303 Autom atic System Test FERR UPS regu larly tests its m emory , batteries and inverter to mak e sure they will perform when y ou need them. (The factory setting for the tim e between tests is seven day s.) During the system test, the BATTERY POWER and READY lights will blink .
Page 16 Letter Audio Code Alarm Messag e What It Means What To Do A – Low Battery The battery charge is lo w because the sy stem wa s running on batte ry powe r, or the DC Sw itch is not on. The UPS w ill shut down. Bef ore this ala rm, y ou should have received a “Lo w Run time” alarm ( ) to warn you to s hut down y our equipm ent.
Letter Audio Code Alarm Messag e What It Means What To Do Page 17 M – – Check Battery The batte ries have f ailed the automatic system test. Phone Best Powe r’s Wor ldwide Se rvice. N– Check Inverter The inverter h as failed the automatic system test.
1 If you change param eter 39 to “Yes,” a User password is required f or changes. 2 On a FERRUPS control panel, y ou can display the Am bient Tem perature by pressing [DISPL AY] [ . ] or [DISPLAY] [1] [1] [ENTER]. 3 This is a reserved parameter in later m odel FE 1.
Num ber Samp le Display Password Terminal Nam e (Short Form) Ex planati on Page 19 14 14 Xfmr Tem p 28c Chang e Not Allow ed xfmr te mp (xt) The te mperature of the transf ormer. FERRUPS will a larm and shut dow n if this value is too hig h. This param eter is on ly active on som e m od els; for oth er m od els, the disp lay always sh ows -63c.
Page 20 306 How to Read the Alarm and Inverter Logs Your FERRUPS mak es an entry in its log s every tim e it sounds an alarm or switches to inv erter (battery power).
Page 21 Each entry includes four pieces of inform ation: the inverter code, the date (m onth/day) of the inverter run, the time (in 24- hour tim e) and the duration (in hours and minutes).
Page 22 307 If You Have an Extended Power Outage If y our power is out for an extended tim e, y our FERRU PS will continue to provide pow er for your equipm ent until it gets near the end of its runtim e. If y ou wish, you can check how much runtim e you hav e left by reading para m eter 9.
Page 23 Units with a Break-Before-Make Bypass Sw itch (see the label on the side of the switch): Shut down your protected equipm ent; then, turn the bypass switch to “LI NE.” Turn your equipm ent on again if y ou must use it while the U PS is off.
Page 24 Section 400: Communication FERRUPS is capable of full-duplex com munication, so it can com m unicate with a computer, a Local Area Network , or a multi- user computer sy stem. I f your sy stem com es with UPS m onitoring and autom atic shutdown software, FERRU PS can comm unicate with that software.
Page 25 Figure 401 401 Connecting a Terminal or C omputer to the RS232 Port CAUTION Do not make connections to t he RS232 communication port if FERRUPS is connect ed to a positive ground battery system. The RS232 ground must be isolated or equipment damage will result.
Page 26 Figure 402 Computer DB25 to UPS 2. Connect the cable from the RS232 port on the back of the FERRUPS to the serial port on your term inal or computer. 3. Your term inal or computer should hav e these settings: 1200 baud. 8 data bits and 1 stop bit.
4 If you change param eter 39 to “Yes,” this comm and requires the User password. Page 27 To do this Use this key seque nce Delete last character typed. [BACKSPACE] or [CTRL]- [H] Delete line. [CTRL]-[X] Pause displays that tak e more than one screen.
Command Short Form Pa ssword Function 4 If you change param eter 39 to “Yes,” this comm and requires the User password. Page 28 delay dl None D elays next com m and when you enter a num ber after delay . Each unit represents 2.5 milliseconds, so delay 1 would cause a 2.
Command Short Form Pa ssword Function Page 29 program pr Depends on param eter password Lets y ou set the value of any param eter. You must enter the appropriate password before you reset the value. See the Password com mand abov e. Format: PR [param eter # or nam e] [newvalue] Exam ple: PR 0 815 resets the time (param eter 0) to 8:15 a.
Page 30 403 Rem ote M onitoring and R e m ote Shutdown Monitoring Alarm Signal Contacts: These are relay contacts (rated at 25V AC/D C and 250 mA) that chang e status on any alarm condition or when the UPS is turned off. (See the be g i nnin g of Section 400 .
Page 31 Section 500: Maintenance and Service In this section, we’ll look at the kind of m aintenance your FERRUPS needs and how to contact Best Power’s Worldwide Service. 501 Regular Maintenance Best Power desig ned your FERRU PS to provide years of trouble- free operation.
Page 32 Section 600: Specifications 601 Specification Table: Standard Product — FE and QFE 500V A-3.1KVA Mode l 500VA/ 350W 700VA / 500W 850VA / 600W 1.
Page 33 602 Specification Table: Standard Product — FE and QFE 4.3KV A-18KVA Mode l 4.3KVA /3kW 5.3KV A/3.7kW 7KVA /5k W 10KVA/7.5k W 12.5KVA /10kW 18KVA/15k W AC I nput Voltage and Curren t, Standa.
Page 34 603 AC Output with Nominal Input Power and Loads (Protected Equipment) Voltage Regulation: FERRUPS prov ides ±3% load regu lation. Total voltage reg ulation under any line, load, or battery condition to within - 8.3% and +5% of nominal. Exceeds CBEMA and ANSI voltag e regulation standard for com puting equipm ent.
Page 35 Ventilation Requirement: Clean, dust-free air, free of corrosive chem icals or other contaminants must be available. FERR UPS uses internal fans to circulate the air for cooling. Air m ust be free to circulate around the UPS and battery cabinet(s).
Page 36 Section 700: Warranty LIMITED TWO YEAR WARRANTY Standard Warranty For All Purchases BEST POWER, a division of G eneral Signal Power System s, Inc.
Page 37 LIMITED WARRANTY Transient Voltage Surge Suppression Circuitry (For U.S. and Canadian Purchasers Only) BEST POWER, a division of General Signal Power Sy stems, I nc.
Page 38 Section 800: Options Best Power offers m any options for y our FERRUPS. The list below describes these options; if y ou would like more inform ation, contact your local Best Power office or dealer.
Receptacles: The following output receptacles are av ailable for new units. NOTE: 5-15R receptacles are standard for the FE500, 700, and 850VA and 1.15 and 1.4KVA. 5- 20R receptacles are standard in FE1.8, 2.1, and 3.1KVA m odels. IEC 320 receptacles are only available for QFE500VA-QFE3.
For Users in the United States Only This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the lim its for a Class A dig ital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules . These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harm ful interference when the equipment is operated in a comm ercial environm ent.
ALARM AUDIO CODE A – Low B attery K – – High Tra nsform er Tem p B– Near Low Batte ry L – Ch eck C harg er C– – High Battery M – – Check Batte.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Powerware FSS-0342J è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Powerware FSS-0342J - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Powerware FSS-0342J imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Powerware FSS-0342J ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Powerware FSS-0342J, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Powerware FSS-0342J.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Powerware FSS-0342J. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Powerware FSS-0342J insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.