Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 115270226 del fabbricante Poulan
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Ple as e do not re tur n produc t to r et aile r . Por fa vo r , no devu elv a el produc to al lugar de c om pra . V euille z ne pas re tourner le pr oduit a u déta illan t.
2 ID ENTI FIC A TIO N OF SA FETY SYMB OL S WAR N I N G: T his unit c an be da ngerous ! Careles s or improper use c an caus e ser ious injury. DANGER: Us e only s pecified t rimmer head, spool, and 0.080 inch ( 2 mm) rec ommended trimmer line. N ever use blades , flailing devic es, wire, r ope, string, etc .
3 ID ENTI FIC A TIO N OF SA FETY SYMB OL S When ser vicing unit, us e only identic al replacement parts . Nev er allow childr en to operate this unit. Store unit indoors in a high, dry plac e out of the reach of childr en. Alway s s top unit and dis connec t spar k plug befor e clean- ing or ser vic ing.
4 SAFE TY RUL ES WAR N I N G: When us ing gardening appliances , basic s afety pr ecautions mus t al- way s be follow ed to r educe the risk of fire and ser ious injury. Read and follow all instr uc- tions. This pow er unit can be dangero us! Ope rator is res ponsible f or followin g instru ctions a nd warn - ings on u nit and in manual.
5 TRANSPORTING AND STORAGE S Allow engine to c ool before s toring or tr ans- porting in v ehicle. S Empty the fuel tank befor e storing or tr ans- porting the unit. Us e up fuel left in the car bu- retor by s tarting the engine and letting it run until it stops .
6 BLOWER/V ACUUM SAFETY WAR N I N G: Ins pec t area before star ting unit. Remov e all debris and hard ob- je cts su ch a s ro cks, glass , wire, et c. that c an ric ochet, be thr own, or other wise c ause injur y or damage during oper ation. S Do not s et unit on any s urfac e ex cept a clean, hard ar ea while engine is r unning.
7 S Avoid heavy c ontact with s olid objec ts that might s top the t ines. If heav y c ontact oc - cur s, s top the engine and inspec t the unit for damage. S Nev er operat e the cultiv ator without the tine cov er in place and proper ly sec ured. S Keep the tines and guard c lear of debris .
8 with the engine/motor r unning. S top en gine and disc onnect s park plug before unc logging snow or debris fr om dischar ge chute or w hen adjusting v anes. WAR N I N G: N ever lean ov er dis- char ge chute. Rock s or debris could be thrown into the eyes and face and caus e s eri- ous injury or blindnes s.
9 Lock ing/Releas e Butto n in Prima ry Hole For as sembly of opt ional attac hments (s ee list on page 11), refer to the ASSEMBL Y sec- tion of the applicable at tachment instruc tion manual. AT TA C H I N G S H I E L D WAR N I N G: T he shield mus t be prop- erly ins talled.
10 ST ART LEVER The ST ART LEVER helps to suppl y fuel to the engine to aid in s tarting. Act ivate t he st arting syst em b y mo vin g the s ta rt l e ver t o th e S T AR T posit ion. D O N OT s queez e the thr ottle tr igger until the engine has s tart ed and runs.
11 4. Pull s tarter rope handle sharply until en- gine star ts and runs . 5. Allow unit to r un for 10 - - 15 s econds , then fully s queez e the thr ottle trigge r t o disen - gage the starting sys tem. ST ARTING A W ARM ENGI NE 1. Squeez e and hold the thr ottle trigger.
12 OP ERA TIN G POS ITION Eye Protection Long Pants Heav y Shoes AL WA YS WEAR: Cut from y our right to your lef t. WAR N I N G: Alw ays wear ey e protec- tion. Nev er lean ov er the trimmer head. Roc ks or debris c an ricoc het or be throw n into eyes and face and c ause blindness or other ser ious injury .
13 Mow ing SWEEPING - - The fanning ac tion of the r otat- ing line can be us ed for a quic k and eas y clean up. Keep the line parallel to and above the sur faces being s wept and move t he tool from s ide to side. Sweepin g MAINTE NANCE WAR N I N G: D isc onnect the s park plug before perfor ming maintenance except for car buretor adjustments .
14 SERVIC E AND ADJUSTMENTS REPLACING THE LINE 1. Pr ess t he tabs on t he side of the trimmer head and remove c over and s pool. Ta b Cover Ta p B u t t o n 2. R emove any remaining line. 3. C lean dirt and debr is f rom all parts . R e- place s pool if it is w orn or damaged.
15 T o adjust idl e speed: Allow engine to idle. A djust s peed until engine runs w ithout trimmer head or any optional at- tachment moving or s pinning (idle too fas t) or engine stalling (i dle speed too s low). S Turn idle s peed scr ew clock wis e to incr ease engine speed if engine stalls or dies.
16 TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY Engine will not sta rt. 1. Engine flooded. 2. Fuel tank empty. 3. Spark plug not firing. 4. Fuel not reac hing carbur etor . 5. Carbur etor requires adjustment. 1. See “St arting a Flooded Engine” in Operation Sec tion. 2. Fill tank w ith cor rect fuel mix ture.
17 LIMI TED WA RRANTY Poulan PRO , a div ision of Hus qvarn a Consum - er Outdoor P roduct s N.A., Inc ., w arrants to the original c onsumer purc has er t hat eac h new Poulan PRO bra nd gasoline too.
18 abuse, neglec t, improper maintenance, un- approv ed modific ations, or the us e of par ts not made or approv ed by the original equip- ment manufacturer. Y ou a re re s pons ible for pres enting y our smal l off - - road e ngine t o an Poulan PR O authoriz ed repair cent er as soon as a pr oblem exis ts .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Poulan 115270226 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Poulan 115270226 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Poulan 115270226 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Poulan 115270226 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Poulan 115270226, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Poulan 115270226.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Poulan 115270226. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Poulan 115270226 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.