Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto creative 1471 del fabbricante Pfaff
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02/14/2008 • I% %%4L LI II Extienda esta hoja Bu sayfayi diariya doru katlayiniz Flettiô essari sIôu me safety rules Take care to avoid injury to your fingers by the needle during sewing. Make sure you unplug the power cord whenever you have to leave the machine or want to clean it, oil it or change mechanical and accessory parts.
02/14/2008 )iki makinasinrn parçalari 00 Tasima kolu 01 Acihr kapanir kapak 02 El çarki 03 Ayirma diski 04 Gosterge sahasi 05 Balans (äne ye arkaya doru bati uzunlukiari arasinda dengeleme) ye örn.
02/14/2008 Parts of your sewing machine 100 Carrying handle 101 Hinged top cover 102 Hand wheel 103 Stop motion knob 104 Display 105 Balancing-out & pattern length key 106 Stitch length & patt.
02/14/2008 Machine connection Fold down the carrying handle. Conexión eléctrica Eche hacia atrás el asa. Elektrik batantIs4 Taima kolunu arkaya doru deviriniz Tenging vélarinnar LeggiO handfangiO niOur. 4 Lift off the cover Saque el maletin, canta kapaini kaldiriniz Lyftiôlokinu.
02/14/2008 ._ Pull the power cord out of the foot control. 7_ Saque el cable del pedal. Kabloyu martan dariya doru çekiniz -— Togiã IeiOsluna r mótstOOunni. - —-—- _______ __________________________ Plug the foot control lead into the machine socket and place the foot .
02/14/2008 , b000(fl winaing preparalions: Meacn under the work support and swing it out _______ toward the left. — — Preparación para & deyanado: Tome el — suplemento por abajo y girelo hacia Ia izquierda. EpIii masuraya sarmanin hazirlanmasi: ii .
02/14/2008 j I Place the bobbin on winder 124 and turn it until pin A engages in slot B. Coloque a canilla en el devanador 124 y girela hasta que Ia espiga A encaje en a ranura B. A pimi B yarii içerisine oturuncaya kadar masurayl, sarici uzerine takiniz.
Winding from a second spool: Swing thread guide 138 forwards. Pull the thread through guide 136, then into guide 138, placing it between guide and tension spring A (see ill.) Wind a few turns of thread on the bobbin and push the bobbin towards the right.
02/14/2008 kinci bir makaradan ipligi masuraya sarmak: Sarici-iplik kilavuzunu (138) one doru cevirerek döndürünüz. ipiii, kiiavuz 136 içerisine ye ekilde goruiduu gibi, kilavuz 138 içerisine çekiniz; bu arada ipliin kiiavuz ye geriiim yayi (A) arasina gelmesi gerekir.
02/14/2008 Winding through the needle: Raise the sewing foot with the needle in its up position. Place a bobbin on spindle 124. Disengage the sewing mechanism. Draw the needle thread under the sewing foot, up and through guide 138 (see ill.). Wind a few turns of thread on the bobbin and push the bobbin towards the right.
02/14/2008 igne vaitastyla iphi rnasuraya sarmak Diki ayaini yukanya kaldiriniz. lnenin durumu: yukarida. Masurayi, sanc (124) üzerine takinz. Diki mekanizmasini kapatiniz. Diki ayaI altindaki üst iplii, saa doru ye kilavuz 138’den geçirmek suretiyle cekiniz (ekle bakiniz).
02/14/2008 Inserting the bobbin: insert bobbin so that thread unwinds towards the back (A). Draw the thread into slot B and into eye C. Colocación de Ia canilla en Ia cápsula: lntroduzca Ia canilla como se muestra en A (hilo hacia atrás).
02/14/2008 Inserting the bobbin case: Raise latch A and push the bobbin case onto stud B as far as it will go, making sure cutout C points upwards. Colocación de Ia cápsula con Ia canhlla en el garfio: Levante Ia bisagrita A e introduzca Ia capsula hasta el tope en Ia espiga B.
02/14/2008 Upper threading: With the needle in its top position, raise the sewing foot. Draw the thread into slot A, from below into slot B and take-up lever 137 (see arrows), then back into slot 8 and into the right thread guide on the needle holder.
02/14/2008 Swing threader towards front against needle. Gire el enhebrador hacia Ia aguja de forma que su gancho penetre por el ojo de Ia aguja. lneye iplik geçiriciyi, nenin on tarafina getiriniz. SnóiO nü rôaranum annig aô hann fan i gegn urn nalaraugaO.
02/14/2008 0 ID 0 Hold the needle thread taut. Turn the hand wheel toward you until the needle moves down and up again. Pull the bobbin thread up by pulling on the needle thread. Sujete el hilo superior, gire el volante hacia el frente, haga una puntada y saque el hilo inferior tirando del hilo superior.
02/14/2008 I! L - - Swing work support 109 back against the free arm. Gire hacia dentro el suplemento 109. Diki yüzeyini (109) makinaya doru çe virerek döndürünüz. YtiO vinnuborOi 109 aô arminum. — . Lower presser bar lifter 119. (A indicates the darning position).
02/14/2008 Operating the toot control: The farther you press the pedal down, the faster the machine runs. Para poner en marcha Ia máquina, pise el pedal: a medida que aumente a presiOn aumentarâ Ia velocidad.
02/14/2008 iplik gerginhiinin kontrol edilmesi, Normal ayar, beyaz balgede 3—5 arasmda bulunrnaktadir. Says nekadar büyuk se, gerginhik okadar slkldfr. Kon trot, zikzak dikile (batila) yaplmaktadr. Ayar: Program 10’na basiniz (Sayfa 22). Kisa bir dikis yapiniz.
02/14/2008 7 Dual feed This prevents shifting of the material plies during sewing. Before engaging or disengaging the dual feed always raise the sewing foot. Doble arrastre El doble arrastre evita el que una pieza quede más larga que otra después de cosidas.
02/14/2008 )perating keys of the electronIc system hose are described on the following ages. otones de mando de Ia parte lectrónica. Sus funciones so describen n as páginas siguientes. :Iektronic’in kullanim tulari Stick the enclosed English labels on the keys Pegue en los botones correspondientes los letreros en espanol adjuntos.
02/14/2008 Electronic bobbin thread monitor: Bobbin thread monitor light 113 starts to flash when the bobbin thread is running out. It goes off when a full bobbin is inserted and sewing is resumed.
02/14/2008 Elektronik alt ipilk kontrolu: Alt p11k bittiinde, iplik-kontrol gostergesi (113) sin yal verir. Dolu masura yerletirildiinde ye dikmeye devam olunduunda, kontrol 9östergesi sOner. Onemli: Kapak klapesi (131) daima kapali bulunmahdir. lne durumu, aaida ye yukarida: Makinanin durmasi esnasinda ino yukariya gider.
02/14/2008 Operation of the Creative computer Botones de mando de Ia computadora de Ia “Creative” “Creative-komputer” in kullanilma SekIl Notkun ,,creative-tölvunnar”. Stick the enclosed English labels on the keys. Pegue los letreros espanoles, adjuntos e los botones correspondientes.
02/14/2008 T i(1puter of the Creative contains tillwnt alphabets, numbers from 0 1 id 100 programs. The programs together with the seam nit the corresponding setting ii 4 r in symbol in the table on the do d the top cover. (i ptirnum width and length for each iir.
02/14/2008 {iTfljflTr Program seclml: “creative nm cahtinlmasi sirasinda gösterge sahas 120’de program -00- görülmektedir. Arzu edilen numarayl: program tulari (121) Ozerine basmak suretiyle, program göstergesi (120) icensino veriniz. Alfabeler ye sayilar 1cm semboller, soldaki tula seçilir.
02/14/2008 Stitch width setting: The stitch width ranges from 0 to 6 mm. Key 107 has three functions: 1. Selection of stitch for the respective program. 2. Selection of the size of letters and numbers. 3. Straight-stitch needle position for programs 01 and 03 (13 positions).
02)14/2008 Diki (bati) uzunluu- ye örnek uzunluu ayari: 1. Yanan A göstergesi bulunmayan programlarda diki (batis) uzunIuu nun seçilmesi. Dikii (batt) uzunluu sahasi 0—6 mm’dir. Programlarin bir kismi, sinirli bir diki (batl) uzunluuna sahiptir.
02/14/2008 Balancing out and pattern length setting: Key 105 has three functions: 1. Adjusting the reverse stitch length in a pattern (for balancing out, see page 28) in programs for which display B does not light up. 2. Selecting the pattern length in mm while the stitch density remains the same in programs for which display B lights up.
02/14/2008 Balance, or the correction of reverse stitches The balance control serves for correction of pattern- or program combinations which are sewn with a slight shift owing to influences by the type of material or working method used.
02/14/2008 Balans (one ye arkaya doru batis uzun lukiari arasinda dengeieme) veya geriye bati dUzeitmesi Balans, kumain cinsi ye iienl tarzi gibi etkiierie hafifce kaymi bir ekiide dikil mi olan Ornek- va program kombina syoniarinin düzeitiimesine yarar.
02/14/2008 F— — ‘ I _______ Memorizing program J T T71 I combinations: — prog () + + + ° + ° + Working with combinations of programs 00 to 99 with letters and figures. — — — — — J The Creative computer contains 16 M memories, MO to M15.
02/14/2008 Cancelling a program combination: [] When key 142 “Correct” is pressed, the program memorized last in the combina tion will be cancelled. Press key 142 repeatedly until the entire combination is cancelled. If the combination consists of serveral M memories, each memory has to be se lected and cancelled individually.
02/14/2008 —————---—————————== / ________ Program kombinasyoniarinin I [TJ Ih4flIflPzfl biriiriImesi [i.] prog () j. (TI 13’i 1fl rp Kombinasyonlarin: 00 — 99 programlarin tl ri dan, ayrica harfierden ye sayilardan — — * — raya getirilmesi.
02/14/2008 çaliir. Tu 125’e tekrar haflfce dokunui duunda gosterge )iaret) durur. Mar çahtirildiinda makina, kombinasyon baiangcina balan,r. Program kombinasyonlarini silmek: [jj Tu 142 ‘ye (“düzeltme tuuna”) bas mak suretlyle son olarak biriktiriien kom binasyon programi silinmektedir.
02/14/2008 1’ [s-I “repeat” key 141 has two functions: 1. Returning a program combination to the starting position. 2. Repeating selected program combina tions after other programs have been sewn in the meantime. 3. Initiating sewing after free programming.
02/14/2008 Twin-needle sewing: Key 129 “twin needle” must be pushed in. Display A lights up, and the stitch width is limited to 4 mm. Again push key 129 to switch off indicator light and function. Pattern start setting: i-1 L1 1. Push “pattern start” key 128.
02/14/2008 4 Tek örnein ayarlanmasi: Tu 127 (“tek örnek”) üzerine basiniz, gösterge A yanar. Sir program veya bir kombinasyon dikilir ye balangiçta ye son ksimda takviye dikii yapilir. Dikis esnasinda tua basildiinda, program sonuna kadar dikilir ye takviye dikii yapilir.
02/14/2008 [. Emm Press “pattern mirroring key 126. Display A lights up. The program select ed is mirrored. Programs can also be entered in a com bination for mirroring. When key 141 is pressed beforehand, the pattern combi nation is mirrored. Again push key 126 to switch off display and function.
02/14/2008 I LLLT1LJ pmg () . E 1 d LIEIEIELIEEJ Costura en punto recto: El programa 00 sirve para coser en punto recto con posiciOn central de Ia aguja. Elija el large de puntada deseado con el botOn 106. El programa 01 sirve para coser en punto recto con posicion zquierda de Ia aguja.
02/14/2008 Zigzag sewing: Program 10 is zigzag sewing with the needle in its left position. Program 11 is a zigzag seam made with the needle in the right position. With key 107 the stitch width can be set between 0.5 and 6.0 mm. Set the desired stitch length with key 106.
02/14/2008 Recomendaclones para Ia costura: Para cada programa 00 a 99, letras y cifras van mernorizadas recornendacio nes do costura para ol doble arrastro, Ia tensiOn del hilo superior y ol pie prensa telas quo deberá emplearse. Pulse el botdn 125 y no lo suolte.
02/14/2008 Free programming Using the programming sheet inside the rear cover of the sewing book (also available from your dealer), trace your own design and number the penetration points on it (see sewing book). This numbering is entered in the P memory reserved for this purpose in the computer.
02/14/2008 Memorizing in free programming N First select a free P-memory using left key 121 P 0 and right key 121. Press key “Correct B/L”: in display 104, “B 00” appears above stitch-width key 107 and “L 00” appears above stitch length key 106.
02/14/2008 w I I I I I i I I ÷ rag Con el botén izquierdo 121 elija prime ramente P 0 y con el botôn derecho 121, una memoria libre P. Pulse el botOn 142 corrección BL. En el panel indicador 104 aparece B 00 sobre el pu[ sador 107 para el ancho de pun tada y L 00 sobre el pulsador 106 para el lar go de puntada.
02/14/2008 tiziczrnnn Serbest programlama esnasinda biriktirme: Once sQl Tu 121 P O’i ye sa Tu 121 iie bir serbest-P-biriktiricisini seciniz. Tus 142 “Korrektur” (düzeitme) B/L’ye basi niz. Gosterge sahasi 104’de: bati ge ni.lik tuu 107’nin üzerinde B 00 ye bat, uzunluu-tuu 106 ‘nm üzerinde L 00 görunur.
02/14/2008 [ r iiiij; 1 1 i i i ijjj prog () .1. E!F3 ZEJiflDflfl Elgin mynztur sett I minnin, Ytiö fyrst a vinstri takkann 121 og stilliô a -o, en me hgri takkanum 121 Ieitiã per aô auôu P-rninni. ‘‘tiô sloan a takka 142 ,,L.eiê retting B/I”.
02/14/2008 7 .‘ 7 Changing the needle (System 1301705 H): Loosen screw A. Take out the needle. Push the needle up as far as it will go (flat side facing the back). Tighten the screw. Carnbio de Ia aguja (sisterna 130/705 H): Afloje el tornillo A y saque Ia aguja.
02/14/2008 usne sweiy rwes a) Take care to avoid injury to your fingers by the needle during sewing. b) Make sure you unplug the power cord whenever you have to leave the machine or wish to clean it, oil it or change mechanical and accessory parts. c) Be sure to use only a 15-watt light bulb in the sewing lamp.
8OOIVL/O I4SUIA I! iA QflUS bo QIQJ0qnUUIA Jipun QpEj znun.rnpuop $eJeJA6ô ruop eios nunq 8A znurfln4 iui u!uiAoznA !N!a epJe!flbZi el oeiiei ic oE8qep iod ouewadns 0 ewoi 1401 041 pJeMO lflO 4! 6U!M.
02/14/2008 Detachable work support and accessories: The work support can be lifted out (A). Open its lid and take out accessory box C. Underneath the box is an accessory compartment B. Illustration D shows how to arrange sewing feet, needles and bobbins in the accessory box.
02/14/ 2008 I.nanglng sewing Toot; noiu sewing iooi at front and push down to disengage foot. Cambio del pie prensatelas: Para desencajar el pie prensatelas, sujételo por su parte delantera y presiOnelo hacia abajo. Oiki ayaIni deitirmek: Diki aya,ni an taraftan tutunuz ye asaiya doru bastiriniz.
02/14/2008 Sewing feet (normal accessories) foot sewing foot 1 Fancy-stitch foot, 5 Buttonhole foot 0 Ordinary sewing 4 Zipper- and edge- with dual feed 6 Darning foot 2 Fancy-stitch foot, 7 Hemming f.
02/14/2008 Limpieza y engrase: Levante Ia placa de aguja por detrás (A). y retirela (B). Limpie con un pincel el transportador y Ia zona del garfio. El control del fib inferior se limpiará de acuerdo con las normas de Ia página 47. No engrase Ia maquina.
02/14/2008 Changing the light bulb: Pull out the mains plug. Close the hinged top cover and swing up the carry ing handle. Insert the edge guide into cutout D, push down the lamp housing and hold it there. Turn the light bulb to wards A and take it out.
02/14/2008 Cambio del fusible: Retire el enchufe do Ia red. Gire con un destornillador el portafusibles A un cuar to de vuelta hacia a zquierda, suèltelo y sáquelo. Saque ahora el fusible B y meta un nuevo fusible. Coloque de nuevo el portafusibles en su lugar, ernpüjelo con un destornillador y gIrelo un cuarto de vuelta a Ia derecha.
02/14/2008 Changing the batteries: Switch on the machine, so that the memories are not lost when the batteries are changed, and tilt the machine over backwards. A battery compartment is infl stalled in the base. Lift cover B at the catches in recesses A and remove cover.
02/14/2008 Important When the machine is switched on by pushing the master switch, the sewing light goes on. When the machine is switched off by pushing the master switch. pufling out the mains plug or by power failure, the program memory in its computer is retai ned by a battery.
02/1412008 Onemli! ( Ana altere basilmak suretlyle makina çalitirildiinda dikme ii yanar. Ana saltere basilmak suretiyle makina elektriki olarak kapatildiinda, ceryan fini cekiniz veya ceryanin kesil.
02/14/2008 Fault finding Cause: Remedy: 1. Machine skips stitches Needle not inserted correctly. Wrong needle used. Needle bent or blunt. Machine threaded improperly. Needle too thin for thread used. 2. Needle thread breaks For any of the above reasons.
02/14/2008 Cause: Remedy: 5. Machine feeds irregularly or not at all Lint has accumulated between tooth Remove needle plate and clean out lint. rows of feed dog. Feed dog dropped. (Drop-feed control is Flick drop-feed control to the left. at right). 6.
02/14/2008 Fallos y remedios Causa: Remedio: 1. La máquina hace puntadas saltadas La aguja no estã bien colocada. Se ha puesto una aguja falsa, La aguja esta torcida a despuntada. La máquina no está bien enhebrada. La aguja es demasiado hna para el hilo utilizado.
02/14/2008 Causa: Remedio: 5. La maquina no arrastra el material o 10 hace irregularmente Se ha acumulado polvo y suciedad entre Retire a placa de aguja y limpie el los dientes del transportador. transportador con un pincel. El transportador estã oculto.
02/14/2008 DikiS arizalari ye bunlarin giderilmesi Necleni: Giderilmesi: 1. Makina diki atlatlyor lne doru takilmamistir. Yanlis ine takilmistir. ne eri veya küttür. p11k makinaya doru takilmamitir. Ine, p11k 1cm çok incedir. 2. Ust iplik kopuyor Yukarida belirtilen nedenlerden.
02/14/2008 Nedeni: Giderllmesi: 5. Makina kumai yUrUtmUyor veya dUzensiz bir ekiIde yürütUyor Transportorün (taiyicinin) di stralari Bati levhasini kald,riniz, Diki tozunu arasinda diki tozu sikica bastiriImitir. fircayla gideriniz. TransportOr (taslyici) asaiya gömulmu- GOmme surgusunü sol tarafa çeviriniz.
02/14/2008 Gangtruflanir og rã8 viô eim Orsök: RáO: 1 Vélin hleypur yfir Nálin vitlaust sett 1. Vitlaus nalartegund. Nálin bogin eôa oddbrotin. Vélin vitlaust rdd. Nálin of fin fyrir ann tvinna sern saurnaO er rneO. 2. Yfirtvinninn slitnar Orsbkin gti veriO eitthvaO af ofannefndu.
02/14/2008 OrsOk: RáO: 5. Vélin flytur illa e8a óreglulega Ohreinindi hafa festst a mIIi flytjaratannanna. Takiô stingplOtuna at og hreinsiO burt Ohreinindin. Flytjari er niOri e. flytjarastillir er tH vinstri. StiUiO flyt)arastitli til hgri 6. Vélin gengur erti8lega Tvinnaspottar hafa festst I gripara.
02/14/2008 iie SIdi aucesorie iiteu L)CIOW We iiiWiiuCu OF speuiai sewiny jous. ney cdii be obtained from your dealer at an extra charge. Accessories without part numbers are in preparation and not yet available.
02/14/2008 Contents Page Balancing out and pattern length setting ............................. 27, 28 Bobbin winding preparations 4, 5 Changing the batteries 55 Changing the fuse 54 Changing the light bulb 53 Changing the needle 46 Changing the sewing foot 50 Checking the bobbin thread tension 10 Checking the needle thread tension .
02/14/2008 ara labores de costura especiales se pueden adquirir en todas las agencas y endas de Pfaff accesorios especiales. Los accesorios que no levan asignados nümero de pedido se hailan en preparaciOn , no se pueden suministrar todavia.
02/14/2008 Indice alfabético Botones de mando de a parte electrOnica 19—21 Botones de mando de a computadora de Ia Creative . 22. 23 Cambio de Ia aguja .
02/14/2008 e,r eru fyrir sérstaka sauma, og fast hjá Pfaff umboOEnu. ukahIutirnir her aô neOan, sem hata ekkert nümer eru i undirbüningi og munu koma seinna. I Hiutur Nr Applikeringarfotur 93-042 941 -91 SnUrufofur Gatasaumspiata Faldfôtur 4mm (f.
02/14/2008 EtnisyfirUt AriOand upplysingar . 56—57 Beint soor 38 Efri flytjannn 18 Eth mynztur 36 EektrOniskir stjOrnhnappar 19—21 Endurtekning sarntengdra rnyrlztra 34 Flytjarf tekinn ür samband.
02/14/2008 Subject to atteratons n design Printed in WestGerniany Salvo modificaciones tdcnicas impreso en a RFA. P FAFF—HAN D ELSG ESELLSCHAFT Teknik deihk yapma Almanyada basilmistir für Haushaltnàhmaschiflefl m b.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Pfaff creative 1471 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Pfaff creative 1471 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Pfaff creative 1471 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Pfaff creative 1471 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Pfaff creative 1471, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Pfaff creative 1471.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Pfaff creative 1471. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Pfaff creative 1471 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.