Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto automatic 261 del fabbricante Pfaff
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CPFAFD® Automatic 262-261 INSTRUCTIONS Foreword Your dream has come true! You ore now the proud owner of a Pfaff 262-261 Automatic -- the sewing machine with unlimited possibilities. The machine you have chosen has a built-in vibrator which enables you to darn without hoops.
R 8025 A rz 6 I Thread take-up lever 8 Stitch length dial 14 2 Top control (D) cover 9 Reverse feed control 15 3 Embroidery pattern length lever (E) 10 Light switch 16 4 Dial (C) 11 Drop feed control .
R 8024 A 21 Balance wheel 22 Collapsible spool pins 23 Top cover 24 Needle threader control 29 Needle set screw 30 Bed plate 31 Stopmatic switch box 32 Double receptacle for speed control and power co.
Fundamentals of Machine Operation DR 084 I Make sure stop motion knob b is tightened before you begin sewing (clockwise as indicated by white arrow). If you want to turn balance wheel a by hand (although normally there is no need to do so), alwoys turn it toward you (counier.
DR 735 Treadle Control Comfortably rest both feet on the treadle and press. The harder you press, the foster the machine will rue. Electrical Information Place the foot control under the cabinet within easy reach of your feet. Rest the right foot on the control pedal and press.
R 8007 Straight Stitching Set: Dial C=O Dial A=O • Lever B= I Lever E engages and disengages the Automatic mechanism. If you don’t need this mechanism for a longer period, set lever E at “0”.
R 7999 Zigzag Sewing Set: Dial C=O If you want to sew a few wide zigzag stitches while the machine is set for straight stitching (A on 0), merely press down the finger-tip control. When the lever is released, the mochine resumes straight stitching automatically.
R 8002 Setting the Built-in Automatic Embroidery Mechanism Aj Bli C15 DL3 To avoid heavy working of the automatic embroidery mechanism after periods of idleness, occasionally set lever E on 3, dial D on 4, and dial C on 5. Then unthread the needle, raise the presser bar lifter and run the machine for a few minutes.
The arrow appearing in box B indicates whether lever B should be moved to the right, left or central position. A You can produce a nice border effect (see above illustration) by simply moving lever B from the left to the center and right, wiihout changing settings A, C and D.
Winding the Bobbin Hold the blonce wheel and turn stop motion knob b all the way to the left (counter-clockwise). Place spool of threod on right-hand spool pin. The bobbin thread should always be the some size as that used on the spooi, or a little finer.
6 Pass end of thread through slot in bobbin, from inside. Set bobbin on bobbin winder spindle so that key at base of spindle enters slot in bobbin. Press in lever i. Hold end of thread and slowly start machine. Having wound a few turns, break off end of thread and continue winding at a faster pace.
A Operate the Stopmatic lever to raise the needle, and open the bed slide, so you can see sewing hook. Reach under the machine with your left hand and lift latci k with your forefinger. Pull out bobbin case with bobbin by holding the latch. When you release latch k the empty bobbin drops out.
Inserting the Bobbin Case It is best to tilt machine bock when inserting bobbin case the first time. After you have become more practiced, you will manage without tilting it. Move bed slide all the way to the left. Make sure the needle is still at its highest point.
Recommended Needle and Thread Sizes The appearance of the finished seam is dependent on the correct relationship between needle, thread and fabric. Select the proper thread sizes and needles from this chart. The same size fhreads should be used in the needle and on the bobbin.
Important Facts about Needles On Pfaff 262 sewing machines, System 130 R, flat-shank needles are used for all ordinary sewing and embroidery work. The needle system is stamped on the bed slide. Genuine Pfaff needles, System 130 R, are available from every Pfaff dealer.
Upper Threading Place spool of thread on spool pin I and lead thread end through holes in thread guides 2 and 3 and through both thread retainer openings 4 (see illustration opposite).
V 9109 N.
Operating the Needle Threader Operate the Stopmaiic Ieer to lift the needle to its raised position (which has been reached when the ascending takeup lever is about /32” below the top of its stroke, os illustrated on page 4).
R 8458 When you have had sufficient needle threading practice, you may shorten the procedure as follows: Push needle threader control down. Place thread behind hook of prong w so that its end is about /s inch to the right of the prong. Slowly re lease control.
R 8004 Correct Tension Regulation Balanced tensions are essential for sewing. If your tension is correct, you will have perfect seams as sketched below (Ill). Sketch I — The threads interlock on the underside of the fabric. Ca use: Upper tension too loose or lower tension too tight.
DR 079 Regulating the Thread Tension The bobbin thread tension rarely needs adjusting, except for embroidery when it should be a little tighter than for ordinary sewing. Adjustment is mode by a small knurled screw on the bobbin case which can be turned with the thumb tip.
Stitch Length Regulation Turn dial until the number indicating the desired stitch length is opposite the mork on the dial housing (see straight arrow). Or sew a few stitches and regulate stitch length as required. To facilitate satin stitching, the 0—I range on the scale is just as large as the 1—4 section.
Dropping the Machine Feed The machine feed is dropped for darning with the aid of the vibrator, for hoop embroidery and button sewing. To lower feed below the needle plate, turn drop feed control v clock wise.
Attach darning foot No. 53670, as instructed above. Drop machine feed and lower presser bar lifter. As the machine sews, the vibrator moves presser bar and darning foot up and down. The fabric is thus held down when it is entered by the needle, and can be moved freely when the needle has risen clear again.
R 8035 Care and Maintenance Longevity and smooth machine performance are dependent on regular and proper cleaning and oiling. Use Pfaff sewing machine oil only. Never lubricate machine with animal or vegetable oils. Remove all lint before oiling. All moving and rotating parts require regular lubrication.
Oiling points in the machine head The oiling points in the machine arm can be reached easily by removing the top cover. Oil should be applied sparingly. Excessive quantities of oil may soil the work and cause machine sluggishness. One or two drops of oil usually will suffice.
8 8030 Regular Machine Care Accumulations of lint packed between the tooth rows of the feed cause noisy operation of the machine. Therefore, from time to time, remove the needle plate ond clean the feed with a toothpick or similar wooden obect. To remove the needle plate, turn out the thumb nut (Fig.
Sewlight Facts The 15-watt sewlight is recessed under the machine arm and can be swung out by pulling down the grille. To change the light bulb: Push bulb into socket, turn Ieft and pull out. When inserting new Pfaff light bulb, be sure to slide bulb pins into bayonet socket slats.
Trouble Shooting 1. Machine Skips Stitches Ca use: Needle incorrectly inserted. Wrong needle, Needle bent. Machine threaded improperly. Needle too fine or too thick for the thread. Remedy: Push needle up as far as it will go and be sure that the long groove faces toward you, and flat side of shank away from you.
3. Needle Breaks Ca use: Bent needle strikes point of sewing hook. Needle too thin or thread too heavy. Fabric pulls needle so it bends and strikes needle plate. Bobbin case inserted incorrectly. 4. Faulty Stitch Formation Cause: Improper tension. Thread too heavy, knotty or hard.
6. Machine Works Heavily Cause: Remedy: Motor belt is too loose, or has shrunk and causes Have your Pfaff dealer adjust the belt tension. excessive pressure on bearings. Hook raceway lacks oil or is obstructed by pieces Clean and oil hook raceway. of thread.
R 7153A Using Sewing Feet and Attachments (for settings see page 6) Zipper Insertion Edge Stitching Machine Setting: Machine Setting: DiaIA=O Lever DialA=Oto4 Lever Dial C=0 Lever E=0 Dial C=O Lever E=0 Sew parallel rows of straigt or zigzag stitches at various distances from the fabric edge by using adlustable seam guide No.
41242 Flat Felled Seams Machine Setting Dial A=O or 2 (optional) Lever B= 4 Dial C=O Lever E=O Flot felled seoms ore used to durably join two pieces of fabric. They are made in two operations. Flat felled seams usually ore straight stitched. Norrow zigzag stitches ore used for felling on elosilcized fabrics only.
R 5912 41248 Hemming Machine Setting: DialA=eOor2to4 LeverB=’I Dial C=O Lever E=O The hemmer foot is indispensable if you want to sew a uniform hem. You can hem with straight or zigzag stitches, depending on the type of fabric you are using. Fold over edge of fabric about ‘Is” to facilitate insertion into the hemmer foot.
— 44088 Overcasting Edges Machine Setting: Dial A=2 to 4 ‘ Lever B= Dial C=O ‘ Lever E=O 4 Overcasting prevents frayed edges. Use a long, wide zigzag stitch and sew edge with the needle taking one stitch into the fabric and the other over its edge.
Attaching Lace Machine Setting: Dial A=1 to 3 Lever B= I Dial C=O Lever E=O You con attach lace edging in one simple opera tion. First fold fabric down /e inch with the fabric grain. Press fold. Overlap lace on folded edge. Sew together with narrow zigzag stitches.
44088 Inserting Patches with the Elastic Seam ‘? (especially on elastic materials) Machine Setting: Dial A=0 Lever B= Dial C=3 Dial D=8 Lever E=1 Stitch length control between 0.
Single-Needle Cording Machine Setting: DiolA=2 Lever B=4 Dial C=O Lever E=O Trace cording pattern on fabric and pull a filler thread through the groove in the sole of the sewing foot. Follow your pattern with a satin stitch and hold the filler thread lightly.
6121 Applique Work Machine Setting: DialA==1 1 /s LeverB=+ Dial C=O Lever E=O Appliqueing is easy and modern. Trace design on the wrong side of fabric and baste a piece of contrasting material to right side. Outline design with narrow zigzag stitches on the wrong side, and the motif will appear on the right side of the fabric.
46721 R7166 Openwork Embroidery Machine Setting: Dial A=O and 2/2 Lever B= 4 Dial C=O Lever E=O There are hundreds of patterns excellent for openwork embroidery. Although similar in appearance to applique, openwork embroidery is much simpler. Let’s embroider the 25-square box illustrated.
R 7158 — 44088 ScaHoping Machine Setting: Dial A=2 Lever B= 4. Dial C=3 Dial D=5 Lever E=1 to 7 Scalloping can be done in a jiffy on your Pfaff 262 Automatic. Scalloped edges can be used effectively as trimming on numerous articles. The illustrations (left) show how scalloping adds sparkle to a child’s collar.
1? 7138 Machine Setting: Dial A=2 1 /s Lever B= ‘4 Dial Cw0 Lever E0 Stitch Length: 1_li/s Increase Tension Beautiful hemstitching effects on handkerchiefs, blouses, dresses, and so forth, can be made with Ploff’s System 130 (wing) needle available at Pfaff stores at extra cost.
15669 Bhndstitching Machine Setting: Dial A=1 to 2 Lever B=q Dial C=0 Lever E=0 Stitch Length: Maximum Hemming dresses and skirts by hand is a laborious task. You can do it easily on your Pfaff on medium and heavy fabrics. Use zigzag foot No. 44088 with blindstitch guide No.
Sewing Buttonholes I? 8046 Machine Setting: Dial A=1 1 /z Lever 8= i. Dial C=0 Lever E=0 Stitch Length: 0.2 Darning Thread: No.50 Filler Thread: cotton (pearl thread) Attach buttanhole foot No. 54300 and set slide on buttonhole gauge to buttonhole length desired.
© © 0 © © 0 Instructions for Buttonholing I Sew first side over a filler cord. When beginning of seam reaches slide indicator on buttonhole gauge, it is the right length. Leave needle in fabric on right side of its throw. 2 Lift foot, turn fabric around clockwise, using needle as a pivot.
51951 Button Sewing Don’t be afraid to sew on buttons, hooks, eyes or rings with your Pfaff. Attach all-purpose sewing foot No. 51991 or button sewing foot No. 46120, which can be obtained from your Pfaff dealer, and drop machine feed. Machine Setting: Dial A=0 Lever B= • .
Darning Machine Setting: Stitch width dial A=0 Needle position lever B=4 Attach darning foot, as instructed on page 24, drop machine feed, and lower presser bar lifter. Since your machine is fitted with a vibrator, there is no need to place the fabric into darning hoops.
Darning without Foot Prepare your machine for darning as follows: R 5914 Remove presser foot and drop machine feed. Use feed cover plate No. 41 251 to increase tautness of fabric in hoops and permit free movement.
.4- R5926 Monogram Embroidery Machine Setting: Dial A=3 to 4 (optional) Lever B= + Dial C=O Lever E=O 4 Script letters are best for monogram embroidery without o sewing foot. It requires a little practice. You will soon enjoy creative embroidery once you hove learned to move the material at a uniform rate.
Cording To cord on your Pfaff-Autamatic, use Cording Kit No. 50115 which is available at extra cost. The Cording Kit comprises: 4 double-needle holders for needle dis tances of 1/16, /64, /32 and /s inch; 3 cording feet; 3 cording plates (2 with cord ducts and I with center claw); I package of System 130 B needles; and I screwdriver.
Increase the bobbin thread tension slightly for cording. Pfaff recommends you fill your cording so it keeps its shape in the laundry. Filler cord thickness depends on cording size you want. To sew filled cording, use the two cording plates with cord ducts.
DR 839 SI 591 Two-Needle Decorative Sewing All black patterns on the narrow-design side of the embroidery design dial can be sewn with two needles, if the distance between them does not exceed /64 inch. These patterns can be sewn without changing machine parts.
R 7137 R 7175 Three-Needle DecorativeSewing To do three-needle sewing, you must 7? buy spool holder No. 53137 which slips over the regular spool pins (see Ilustrafion) and have your Pfoff dealer convert your machine to sew a stitch width of about ‘)s inch.
The Transverse Spool Holder To ensure that the thread will unwind evenly from a cross-wound spool, use the transverse spool holder. You can buythe transverse spool holder from your Pfaff-deo ler. To attach the spool holder, slip position spring I over the vertical spooi pin, the bent portion of the spring pointing toward you.
Contents Foreword . Essential Ports of Machine Fundamentals of Machine Operation The Stopmatic Electrical Information Straight Stitching Zigzag Sewing Setting Machine for Automatic Embroidery Winding .
CPFAFFI Wormsr Vo1 sdnickre. 0-6520 Wom Pfaff, D 6750 Kalserslautem undesrepublk 0etsohIand Postlach 302013040, Telefon (0631) 200-0, Printed o Wont Gormony Telex 45753, Telefax (0631)1 7202 Nr.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Pfaff automatic 261 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Pfaff automatic 261 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Pfaff automatic 261 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Pfaff automatic 261 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Pfaff automatic 261, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Pfaff automatic 261.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Pfaff automatic 261. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Pfaff automatic 261 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.