Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 585-310-231 del fabbricante AT&T
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585 -310 -231 Issue 2 Decem ber , 1995 INTUITY Integrati on with MERLIN LEGE ND Communications S ystem Graphics © AT& T 1988 Table of Contents.
Conten ts Issue 2.0 De c e m b er 1995 v Tabl e o f Cont ents iii Abou t Th is D ocument xiii ■ P urpose xiii ■ In t e nded A ud ience xiii ■ How This B ook I s O rganized xiii ■ Conventions U.
Conten ts vi Issue 2.0 Decemb er 199 5 P rimary Automated Att endant Impl e menta tion on t he MERL I N LEGEND Syst em 1-12 S econd ary Aut om ate d Att endant Mod e Im p lem ent ati on on the M E RLI.
Conten ts Issue 2 .0 Decemb er 1995 vii Business S chedules 2-14 Holida y Schedul e s 2-16 3 Implement in g t h e Integratio n 3-1 ■ Hard ware Plat fo r m Installa tion 3-1 ■ Hard ware Plat fo r m.
Conten ts vi ii Issu e 2 .0 December 1995 Connectin g to Fir st A vaila b le Serial P ort on Mu lti-Port S erial Card 4-12 Connecti ng S M D R P orts More Than 5 0 f eet/ Dif fe re nt P o wer Outlet 4.
Conten ts Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 ix ■ E nterin g the Business Sche dules 6-4 ■ E nterin g the Hol iday Schedules 6-6 ■ E nterin g the R out i n g T a b l e 6- 8 ■ Other Ad m inist rati on .
Conten ts x Issue 2.0 De c e m b er 1995 B Instal ling MERLIN L EGEND Software on the Intuity System B- 1 ■ R e q uirem ents B- 2 ■ P r ocedure 1: S to p the Voic e Sy s tem B-2 ■ P r ocedure 2:.
Conten ts Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 xi ABB Abbreviat ion s AB B-1 GL Glossary GL-1 IN Ind ex IN-1.
Conten ts xi i I ssue 2.0 December 1995.
Issue 2.0 December 1995 xiii About This Document Purpose This book, Intu ity In tegrat ion with M E RL I N LE G END Com mu nicat ions Syste m, 585-310-231, c onta ins informa tion need ed to in te grate a n In tuity™ sy stem with a M E R LIN L E GE ND ® Communicat ions Syst em .
xi v I ssue 2.0 D e c e m ber 1995 ■ Chap ter 2, ‘‘ Plan ning th e In tegra tion ’’ This chap ter provides In tu i ty sys tem and M ER LI N L EG EN D system pl anning wor ksheets and adm i n.
Issue 2.0 De c e m ber 1995 xv ■ Glos sary The g l o s sary provide s a defi nit ion of t er ms and acronyms used in I ntui ty V o ice Processing documenta t ion. ■ Index The inde x provid e s a n alphabet ical li stin g of p rincipal subje c ts covered in this book.
xv i I ssue 2.0 D e c e m ber 1995 ■ The sequenc e of m enu o p t ions tha t you m ust sel ect to d isplay a specific screen is shown as fo llows: Begin a t the I N T UITY A d m i nistration menu, an d select the f ollowin g sequence : In t his exam pl e, you woul d fi rst access the INTUI T Y Ad mi nistrat ion m enu .
Issue 2 .0 Decemb er 1 995 x vii Related Resources In a d d i t ion to this docum e nt , y o u m a y ne ed t o r e f erence th e following d ocu- ments: Docu ment Document Nu mber I ss ue INTUITY™ Release 3.
xv iii Issue 2 .0 Decemb er 1995 I NTU ITY™ I n t egrati on with S y stem 75 a n d DEFINITY® Communicatio n s S ystem Generic 1 a nd Generic 3 585-310-214 4 or later I NTU ITY™ I n t egrati on wi.
Iss u e 2.0 December 1995 xix How to Make Commen ts About Thi s Book A reade r commen t c ar d is behind th e ti tle page of t h is bo ok. W hile w e ha ve tri ed to make this b o o k fit your needs, we are int erest e d in your suggest ions for i mproving it and urge you to c o m p lete an d retu rn a reade r co mme nt car d .
Issue 2.0 De cemb er 1995 1-1 1 MERLIN LEGEND Integrati on Concepts This chap ter cont ains inf orma tion that d escribes th e In tui ty system and expl ains how the Intu ity s ystem and the ME RLI N LE G E ND Comm un i c a t ions System work to get her.
1-2 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 Developi ng the I ntui ty system wi th the proce s si ng plat f orm layer as its base keeps reliabil ity and m aint ainabilit y as a f ocus throug hout the produc t.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 1-3 Switch Int egration Con c ept s Swit c h i nt e g ra ti o n refers t o the sharing of in forma tion bet ween a voice mess ag in g system and a switch in or d er to provide a seamless int erface to callers an d subscribers.
1-4 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 T o under stand how I ntu ity s ystem a p p l icat ions are i ntegrated wi th the M ER LIN LEGEND C o m m u nicat ions Syst em , the f ollowin g d e f ini tions wi ll be u.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 1-5 Coverage for ca lls i s p ro vid e d by assigning a c all c ov era ge group as the last po i nt o f each e xtension’s coverag e pa t h. The c alling group fo r the Int u it y vo ice ports is then programmed as th e receiv e r for the call coverage group.
1-6 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 ■ V o ice Ma il V oice mail services al lows subscribers to send voice messages t o o t her subscrib ers, listen to received message s , forward messages received w it h com men ts a ttached, reply to m essages , and retu rn c a l ls t o oth er subscrib ers who le ft messages.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 1-7 ■ Bullet in Board Service Bullet in Board service (also called Inf ormation service) is a c all-in information f acil ity.
1-8 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 Because o f these c onstraints, the channel as sig nmen t s t rategy for the I ntui ty s yst em wi th th e ME R LI N LEG END s ys t e m m a y d if fer considerably f rom t he strat egy th at would b e used w ith o ther swit ches wh ere t hese const raint s are not present.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 1-9 Intu ity P ort A dmi nistration Intuit y p ort a dmi nistrat ion c o n si sts of two st eps: 1. De fining the extension asso ciated with a physical port ( c hannel ) a n d the initial serv i ce a sso ciated with th a t port (DNIS_ SV C o r d e d i cated I ntuity I V R a pplication ) 2.
1-10 Issue 2 . 0 De cember 1995 Auto m ated Atte n d ant En hancemen ts A numb er of autom at e d at te ndant enhanceme nts have been made to R el ease 2.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 1-11 In tuity AUDIX can use i t s own weekly business s c hedu les t o d et ermin e hours for day and night operation or it can rely on the t elep hone system to in dicat e when it should op erat e in d ay mo d e and when in n i g ht m ode.
1-12 Issue 2 . 0 De cember 1995 Bus inesses can als o s p ecify a l t ernate se rvic e h ours for ad d itio nal fl exibil i ty. This allow s b usi nesses to h andle c alls more prof essionally during lunch time .
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 1-13 Customers may want to pl a y d i fferent automat e d at ten dant g reet in gs a n d /or handle calls d iff erently d uring day a nd night t imes . T his i s done by specifying di f f erent aut om at e d atte n d ant mail boxes for day and night ti mes in the au tom ated at tendan t rout in g t ab le.
1-14 Issue 2 . 0 De cember 1995 Gen eral C all H and ling by t he Int u ity System : Ro uting Ta ble As d i sc us sed in " P ort Consid eration s" earli er in t his chapter , call s fo r I ntu ity AUDI X are proce ss ed through DNIS_ S V C .
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 1-15 Each in co m ing ca ll is matched to th e Incoming Called Numb er column i n t h e routi n g t a ble: 1 . I f an incoming call is to one of the num b ers in the ta b le, furt her examinat ion is m a de o f Business Schedule and Holiday Schedule c olumns.
1-16 Issue 2 . 0 De cember 1995 6. Final ly, if the current time is during the day s e rvic e hours speci f ie d in th e b usiness schedule, if any , sp ecifi ed in the Business Schedule co lum n of t.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 1-17 The Business Schedule n ame is arbitrary and c an be change d t o ind icate t he use of th e sp ecific sched ule. It may c ontai n up to e ight letters or digit s. T he def aul t n a mes are “bus1” t hrough “ bus4”.
1-18 Issue 2 . 0 De cember 1995 Figure 1-3. Routing Tab l e Processing AUDIX Note: The Business Schedule and Holiday Schedule columns of the routing table cannot both be blank.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 1-19 Other Features of Particul ar Int erest for th e MERLIN LEGEND Syste m A numb e r of featu re s of Intu ity AUDI X are of particula r i nt erest t o cust omers who ar.
1-20 Issue 2 . 0 De cember 1995 Funct i o n alit y Differences for th e MERLIN LEGEND Syste m Inte g ra tin g the I ntu ity s ystem with th e ME RLI N LE G END switc h h as the fol lowing dif ferences.
Issue 2.0 De cemb er 1995 2-1 2 Planning the I ntegrat ion Before you int egrate t he M E RLIN LE G END s ystem wi th t he Intu ity system , you m u s t pl a n t h e proc e s s .
2-2 Issue 2.0 De cember 1995 ■ Vo i ce P ort s (Form 2a ) ■ I nt u it y AU D IX S ubscribe r s (Form 2a ) ■ Loop- S t art R e liable Disconnect (Form 2 c ) ■ Intuit y System Trunks (Form 2 c ) ■ Group Cov e rage (Form 7c f or R elea s e 3. 0; Form 6 d fo r R elease 2.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 2-3 T o ass ign these p orts, use Form 2 a a n d fol low these st eps: 1. Determin e the lo g ical ID ( “L og . ID ” column) for each p ort. Be sure t he ports are located on BT M -012 m odules an d th a t th e confi g urati on ru les (see Cha p t er 4) have b e e n follo wed.
2-4 Issue 2.0 De cember 1995 T o s et up the group coverage, use the G roup Coverage form (Form 7 c for R e lease 3.0; Form 6 d f or R e lease 2.0 ) an d foll ow these steps: 1. At the to p of the form , write 30/AUDIX a s th e group nu mb er. The d e faul t group n umbe r i s 30 , but t his ma y b e c h a nged if necessary.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 2-5 6. For R e l ease 3.0, in the “P rovide coverage for Coverage Group Num bers” section at the to p o f p a g e 1, enter the coverag e group number from F orm 7c. For R e l ease 2.0, under “Coverage Group Receiver ,” check “Y es ,” and en ter the coverage group n umber from Form 6 d .
2-6 Issue 2.0 De cember 1995 Night Service I f y ou w ant to de ploy au tomated at t en d ant service i n prim ary mo d e d uring the day and nig ht, you do n ot have to c o m p let e the N i g ht S e rvi c e - Group Assignmen t f orm (Form 9a f o r R el ease 3.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 2-7 W orks h eets A , B, C , a n d D are provided i n t his b ook. W orksheets Intu ity A UDIX Syste m Param et ers Fe atures: T ransfer Consid erati ons , Channel Inf orm ation for Install atio n , and S ervices for Assig n Services to Channel are in Intuity New Syste m P l anning for R e lease 3.
2-8 Issue 2.0 De cember 1995 Workshee t A: Numbe r of Dig i ts in Dial Pl an Customer: Prep ared b y: Phon e Nu m b er : Date: I ntu ity Locat ion/Nam e Number of Digits in D ia l Plan.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 2-9 Syst em Featu res The In tuit y system featu res required f o r th e M ER LIN L E G END s yst em a re recorded in W or k shee t In tui ty AUDI X Syst em P arame ters Feat ures: Transfer Consid erati ons in Intuity New Syst em P l annin g for R e lease 3.
2-10 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 Ro uting Ta ble The R outi n g Tab le is create d from “Wo r kshee t B: R o u t ing Table .” T here are a maxi mum of 25 rows i n the rout ing table.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 2-11 ■ Holiday S chedu le This column cont ains the name or num ber of one of t he four pos s i ble holi day sc hedules o r is b lank. NO TE: Bo th t he Busi ness S chedul e column and the Holiday S ched ule colum n can not b e b lank.
2-12 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 Workshee t B: Rout in g Tab le Customer: Prep ared b y: Phon e Nu m b er : Date: I ntu ity Locat ion/Nam e Incom ing Calle d Number B u siness Sched ule Holid a y Schedu .
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 2-13 Incoming Called Number B u s iness Sched ule Holid a y Schedu le Day Service Mailbox Night Ser vice Mai lbox Alternate Service Mailbox.
2-14 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 Busin ess Sched ules A b usiness schedule al lows a business t o sp ecify dif ferent autom ated at tendan t serv ice based o n it s n or ma l h our s (day s erv ice range) and, i f needed , an alternate service ran ge (for exam p le, lunch break).
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 2-15 Workshee t C: B usiness Schedule Customer: Prep ared b y: Phon e Nu m b er : Date: I ntu ity Locat ion/Nam e Business Sch edule: F ollow Switch Night Service Status (.
2-16 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 Ho li day S c he dul es A holiday sched ule allo w s a business to sp ecify a p propr ia t e g r ee t i ngs and au tomated attendant service based o n h o liday s . There can be a m aximum of four hol id ay schedules, each with up t o 26 holi d ays.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 2-17 Workshee t D: Holi da y Schedul e Customer: Prep ared b y: Phon e Nu m b er : Date: I ntu ity Locat ion/Nam e Holiday Schedule: Holiday N ame Da t e (mm/dd) Mailbox.
2-18 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 Holid ay Schedule: Holiday N ame Da t e (mm/dd) Mailbox.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb er 1995 3-1 3 Impl ementing the Integration This chap ter expla ins how t o im plem ent the int e g ratio n b et ween the ME RLI N L E GEND system and th e I nt uit y system. It includes all ste ps n ecessary to get the sys tem up and running for bot h accep t a nc e t es t ing an d cu t- to-s erv ic e.
3-2 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 Complet i n g the Soft ware I nstal lation A ll basic sof tware is insta lled at the factor y bef ore shipmen t. T o c omp lete the software insta llat ion a n d c u stom ize the system, refer to the softwa re install ati on checklis t i n Chapter 2 o f th e Intu ity In stall ati on C hecklist, 585-310-161.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 3-3 2. As sig n a n i n tegrated V MI c alling group wi t h li near hunt t ype, as d ef ined o n the Group Calling f orm (Form 7 d for Re lease 3.0 ; Form 6e fo r Rel ease 2 .0) that you fil led out fol lowing the instru ct ions i n C hap t er 2, ‘‘Planning the Inte g ratio n’’ in thi s book.
3-4 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 The fol lowin g proced ures should b e p erforme d b efore pr o ceeding w i th th e rema inder o f th e Int u ity system software inst alla tion : 1. S top the voice sy stem, s et the num ber of digi ts i n th e di a l p lan, and rest art th e voice system.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 3-5 Pe rform Ac cep tance T esti ng For a ccep tance t esti n g , you must p e rform a d minist rati on on b oth the M ERLIN LEGEND s y st e m a n d t he I n tu ity s yst em . Then , yo u m ake te s t c alls to check fu ncti onali ty.
3-6 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 5. W hile listeni n g to the first s u b sc ri ber’s greetin g, e nter , , t he ot her subscrib er’s extension , a n d . Verif y t hat th e call is tr ansferred to th e second subscriber . 6. Make test calls directly f rom t h e s u b scriber s t ati ons to the calling group.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 3-7 3. E n ter the Rout ing Tabl e using the i nf ormation on Worksheet B that you f illed out foll owing the i nstructions in Chapte r 2 , ‘ ‘ P l annin g the In te g ration’’.
3-8 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 Admin ister Networki ng If your system includes analo g ( AMIS ) or d i gital n etwork in g, re turn to the S o ftware Installa tion Ch ecklist, Chap ter 2, t o t he step marked “Ad m i n ister A nalog Network i ng.” Continue t o the end of the soft ware installat ion c h e cklist.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb er 1995 4-1 4 Connectivi ty This chap ter cont ains inf orma tion that d escribes th e hardware co mp onent s an d connections inv o lved in connectin g an I ntu ity system a n d a.
4-2 Issue 2.0 De cember 1995 MERLIN LEGE N D Voice Po rt Requ irements The Int ui t y system voice p orts m ust b e c onnecte d to t i p /rin g ports on a Bas ic Telephone M odule ( BT M - 0 12). The MER L IN LEGEND system must c ontain a ring gener a tor fo r ringing th e B TM ports o n ea ch carr ier that has a B TM b oard.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-3 Intuity S ystem Conn ections Use the inform atio n an d d i a gram s in this section to connect or verif y the connections fo r the Int uit y s yste m w ith a ME RL IN L E G END switc h.
4-4 Issue 2.0 De cember 1995 Figure 4-1. Connec ting IVC6 Boards Usin g 885A Adapt er Connect IVC 6 Boards Usin g 10 4A C onn ecti ng Blo cks: Connect I VC6 boards using type 104A connecting bloc k s as follows: 1. Make sure that the line pairs were r un tog e ther to t ype 104A connect i ng bloc ks o r equiva lent.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-5 Figure 4-2. Connec t ing IVC6 Board s Using 104A Connecting Bloc ks Co nnec ti ng Ser ial Por ts The In tu it y s yst em c o mm un i cates w ith various devices through s eria l ports .
4-6 Issue 2.0 De cember 1995 ■ Add-on serial ports (ttyaa t hrough tty a h ) o n a Mul t i-Port Serial Card are used for the third and subseq uent d evice.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-7 3. Connect t o th e In tuity system : — For t he M A P /5 , connect the 3 55AF adapter direc tly to S erial Port 1 (tty00) of the MA P / 5.
4-8 Issue 2.0 De cember 1995 ■ M7-U 87 Crossover Cable ■ Two (2) Z3A 2 ADU s ■ Two M8 AJ-87 C a b les ■ D8AM-87 Mo du lar Crossover Cable ■ Two (2) 400B2 Ad a p ters ■ Two (2) D6A P -87 M .
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-9 Figure 4-4. Connecti ng Adm in Ports More Than 50 Fee t/Differ ent P ower O utle t D8W-87 Modular Cord. Maximum 50 Feet.
4-10 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 Go to t he Intuity system site to c ont inue th e co nnect ion. R ef er to Figure 4-5. Figure 4-5. Connecti ng Adm in Ports More Than 50 Fee t/Differ ent P ower O utle t 14 .
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-11 20. Mount a 248B adapt er o n a 2012D po w er transform er. 21 . Connect t he ot her end of the D 6 A P-87 cord to the 248B a d a p t er.
4-12 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 3. Connect th e 355AF a d ap ter to the mat ching connec tor of a 9 -pin-to-25-pin adapt er . 4. Connect th e ot her end of the 9 -pin-to-25-pin ad a p ter to t he Serial P ort 2 (MAP/5) or CO M2 (MAP / 40 an d MA P/100) of t he I ntui ty syst em .
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-13 Figure 4-7. Connecting SM DR Ports Within 50 Feet and Same Powe r Outlet (Multi-Port Ser ial Card) Co nnec ti ng SM D R Ports More T h an 50 feet/ Diff erent Power O ut.
4-14 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 The fol lowin g parts are required for connectio n t o t he Mu l ti -P ort Serical Card: ■ Mu lti-Port S erial Card (if ne eded a nd no t alre ady instal le d) ■ 6 p .
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-15 3. Connect th e 3 5 5 A F ad apt er to one en d of an M7-U87 crossover c able. 4. Connect th e ot he r en d o f th e M 7-U87 crossover cable t o t h e m atching end of a M8AJ-87 c a b le. 5. Connect th e o t her en d of the M8A J-87 c a b le to the mat ching connector o n a Z3A 2 ADU.
4-16 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 Figure 4-8. Connecting SM DR Ports M ore Than 50 Fee t/Differ ent P ower O utle t Go to t he Intuity system site to c ont inue th e co nnect ion. R ef er to Figure 4-9. Z200A EMI Filter Cord. Maximum 50 Feet. Connect to SMDR (upper) Jack.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-17 Figure 4-9 . Connecting SM DR Ports More Than 50 Fee t/Differ ent P ower O utle t 14 . Connect t o the In tui ty Sys tem: — T o connect to S erial P ort 2 on the MAP /5 or COM2 on th e MAP / 40 or M AP /1 00, connect the 9 - pin end o f the 9 -p in-t o-25-pin ada p ter to Seria l P ort 2 on the I ntu ity s yste m .
4-18 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 19 . Connect one e n d of a D6AP -87 c o r d to the 400B 2 ad a p t er. 20. Mount a 248B adapt er o n a 2012D po w er transform er. 21 . Connect t he ot her end of the D 6 A P-87 cord to th e 248B a d a p t er. 22. P lug the 20 1 2 D p ower transf orme r into an AC outlet .
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-19 R efer to Figure 4-10. Connec t the I ntuity l ow speed n e t working b y following these steps: 1. Connect one en d o f the A CCX c a b l e to th e c o nnector on the A CCX card. 2. Connect th e ot her end of the A CCX cable t o t he m a tching c onnector on the b reak-out b ox.
4-20 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 Figure 4-10. Digital Networking Conne cti ons Remo te Main tenanc e R e mo te M ain tenance i s a n op tiona l ap p licat ion f or the M E R L IN LE G END I ntui ty system .
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-21 The fo llowin g parts are required: ■ DB -9 S to DB -25P A d a p te r ■ R S-232 M -F c a b le ■ Mod e m (Paradyn e COMS PH E R E 3820, i nclud es mo d ular cord and p ower suppl y) R efer to F i gure 4-11. Con nect the In tui ty Re mo te Mai nten ance Modem by followin g these ste p s : 1.
4-22 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 Figure 4-11. Remote Maintenance Conne ctions Remo te A ccess Local Access to the In tu ity system i s p ro vid e d by the keyb oard and mo ni tor of the I ntuity s ystem. The M ul t i-User Feature P a ckage an d Remo te Ac c ess i s an op tiona l ap p licat ion f or the M E R LIN L E GEND I ntu ity s yste m .
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-23 Because th e Mu lt i-User Featu re P ackage al lows mult i p le l o g in sessi o ns, it is possibl e t o delegate Int u it y s ys te m a dmi nistration d uties to several p eople.
4-24 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 Figure 4-12. L ocal Dedic a ted Line Term inal Connec tions Connect ing Ded icated Lines b eyond 50 Feet This m eth o d is used only when the Int uity system and the t erminal are more t han 50 feet apart.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-25 ■ Two D8W -87 Mo dular Cords ■ M7-U 87 Crossover Cable ■ Two Z3A 2 ADUs ■ Two M8 AJ-87 C a b le ■ D8AM-87 Mo du lar Crossover Cable ■ Two 400B2 A d a p t er.
4-26 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 9 . Mount a 248B adapt er to a 2012 D p ower transforme r. 10 . Connect t he ot her end of the D 6 A P-87 m odular cord to t he 2 48B a dapter. 11. P l ug the 20 1 2D p ower transf orme r into an AC power o utle t. Figure 4-13.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-27 Figure 4-14. Connecti ng De di cated Line Term inal More Than 50 Feet (Intu ity End) 12 . Connect one e n d of t he 6-posit ion , 6-conducto r mod ular cord t o th e first availa ble p ort o n the Mult i-Port S erial Card.
4-28 Issue 2.0 Decembe r 1995 Remo te Access (D ial- Up) Conn ec tio ns Connect to S eria l Port 2 (COM 2) if it i s avai labl e. If Serial Port 2 (COM 2 ) is not available, connect to the f irst avail able p ort on the Mult i-Po rt Serial Ca rd .
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 4-29 4 . Depending on w hether or not t he M E RLIN L EGE ND system is eq u i p p e d with DI D lines: — If th e s ystem d oes not have DID lines, connect th e ot her end of the modular cord t o a R J11C t e leph one jack wired to a Loop Start (LS) line f rom the C O.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb er 1995 5-1 5 MERLIN LEG END Switch Admi nistration This chap ter describes ho w to admin is ter th e ME RL IN L E G EN D s ys te m f o r in t egrat ion wit h the I ntu ity s ystem . Be sure to have the M E R LIN LE G END system forms t hat you com p let ed in Chap ter 2.
5-2 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 4 . S pecify the disconnect sig nal as reli a ble. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Yes . ■ On th e P C: Press . 5. Save your e ntry. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Enter . ■ On th e P C: Press . 6. R eturn to the Syste m Programmin g men u.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 5-3 4. E n ter the coverage group n u mb er (ty p ical ly, 30.) 5. Save your entry. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Enter . ■ On th e P C: Press . The Group Cov e r S enders sc reen a p p ears. 6. E n ter the ext ension num ber of th e t e lephone yo u want to p u t in the coverage group.
5-4 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 4. S e lect Members. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Members . ■ On th e P C: Press . 5. E n ter the ext ension num ber of the calling group. (Generally, use 770, unless it has b e e n renum b ered.) 6. Save your e ntry. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Enter .
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 5-5 3. S e l ect Group Callin g. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Grp Calling . ■ On th e P C: Press . The Group Calling m enu app ears . 4. S elect L ine / P ool. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Line/Pool . ■ On th e P C: Press .
5-6 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 2 . Access the s e cond screen of the E x tensions me nu. ■ On the co nsole: Press More. ■ On th e P C: Press . 3. S e l ect Group Callin g. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Grp Calling . ■ On th e P C: Press . The Group Calling m enu app ears .
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 5-7 9 . R eturn to the Syste m Programm ing men u. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Exit three times. ■ On the P C: Press three times. Group Coverag e Receive r Use this proce dure t o assign a calling group as rec eiver f or a c overa ge group.
5-8 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 8. Save your e ntry. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Enter . ■ On th e P C: Press . 9 . R eturn to the Syste m Programm ing men u.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 5-9 8. S e lect Integrated V MI . ( Fo r a d e dicated I V R group, select Generic VMI.) ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Integ VMI . ■ On th e P C: Press . 9 . Save your e ntry. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Enter . ■ On th e P C: Press .
5-10 Issue 2 . 0 De cember 1995 4. Save your e ntry. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Enter . ■ On th e P C: Press . 5. Erase the c u rren t area code /excha nge. ■ On the co nsole: P ress Drop. ■ On th e P C: Press + . 6. E n ter the all owed area c o d e/e xc hange (up to 6 digi ts).
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 5-11 2. S elect Ass ig n A llowe d Lists To . ■ On the c o nsole: S elect AllowTo . ■ On th e P C: Press . The A llow To List screen a p pears. 3. E n ter the A llowe d List you want to a ssig n . (If you are programmin g a sequence , e nte r the l ow est num ber.
5-12 Issue 2 . 0 De cember 1995 Disall o w ed Lists Use this proced ure to est ablis h Dis allowed L ists, c o n sistin g of te leph one nu mbers that cannot be di aled from specif ied I ntu i ty p orts. A m aximum of ei ght lists, num bered 0 thr o ugh 7, with 10 entries each, num bered 0 t hrough 9 , is allowed.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 5-13 7. T o s a ve your entry a n d enter the next item in the Disal lowed List : ■ If the next en try nu mb er is sequen t ial: — On th e c o nsole: S elect Next and r epeat Steps 5 and 6. — On th e P C: Press and re peat Steps 5 and 6.
5-14 Issue 2 . 0 De cember 1995 4. Save your e ntry. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Enter . ■ On th e P C: Press . 5. E n ter the ext ension to assign to the Disal lowed L is t .
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 5-15 Assign E xtensio ns for Nigh t Service Use this proce dure t o assign all ex t ensions to a N ight Service group fo r af ter - hours coverage. A maxim um of ei ght N ight S erv ice groups can b e assigned (no more than one f or each op erator pos ition assi gne d).
5-16 Issue 2 . 0 De cember 1995 ■ I f the next service group operator is not sequent ial : — On t he console : S elect Enter an d then select Exit . R e p eat S teps 2-6. — On th e P C: Press a n d then press . R epeat S teps 2-6. T o save your entry when all entries are c o m plete: ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Enter .
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 5-17 5. Save your entry. ■ On the c o nsole: S elect Enter . ■ On th e P C: Press . 6. E n ter the c a l ling group to be add ed .
Issue 2.0 De c e mb er 1995 6-1 6 Intuity System Administration This chap ter describes ho w to admin is te r t he In tu i t y sy ste m fo r in t egrat ion wit h th e ME R LIN LEG E ND sw itch. T o in te grate w i th th e M E R LIN L EG END sy s te m, the Intuity system needs to k now th e exten s ion length bei ng used.
6-2 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 The S witch In terface Ad minis tration screen is displayed . A sampl e s c r een is show n b elow: 4. Fill o ut th e n um ber of d igi ts in the ext ension l ength. The M E R LI N LE G E ND d i a l p lan m ust use eith er 3 d i g i t or 4 d i gi t f ixed l ength ex t ension.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 6-3 3. Begin a t the IN TUITY A d m i nistration menu, an d select the followi ng sequence : ! CAUTION: Be sure to c ho ose S t o p Voice S y stem . Do not c h o ose S hu tdown V o ice S ystem. The fo llowin g message is displayed: Enter y to continue , n to quit.
6-4 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 Ente r ing t he Bu siness Sched u l e s The business sched ule(s) must be e ntered bef ore the rout ing table. Use t he followin g proced ure: 1. Log i n a s craft . 2. Press to a c c e p t t he A T386 d e f aul t. The INT UITY A d m i nistrat ion menu is d isplayed.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 6-5 5. Ent e r ch or chang e The s yst e m responds wi th a lis t o f choices. 6. S elect th e foll owing sequence: The s ys t e m r e q uests the business sch edul e n umb er or n ame be entered on the c o m m a n d line. 7.
6-6 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 Ente ri ng t he H olida y Sch edu le s The holi day sc hedule(s) m ust b e ent ered b efore t he routin g t a b le. Use the followin g proced ure: 1. Log i n a s craft . 2. Press to a c c e p t t he A T386 d e f aul t. The INT UITY A d m i nistrat ion menu is d isplayed.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 6-7 5. Ent e r ch or chang e . The s yst e m responds wi th a lis t o f choices. 6. S elect th e foll owing sequence: The syst em requ ests t he holi day sc hedule n u mb er o r na me b e e n tered o n the c omm an d li ne. 7.
6-8 Issue 2.0 Dece mber 1995 En te ri ng t he R o ut in g Ta bl e The rout ing table m ust b e en tered aft er any business sched ules or h oliday schedu les that it refere nces. Use the f ollo wing proc edure: 1. Log i n a s craft . 2. Press to a c c e p t t he A T386 d e f aul t.
Issue 2 .0 Dec emb er 1995 6-9 5. Ent e r ch or chang e . The s yst e m responds wi th a lis t o f choices. 6. S elect th e foll owing sequence: The s yst e m d isplays the rout i n g ta b le form. A samp le scr e en is shown below . 7. E n ter the rout i n g ta b l e inform at ion.
6-10 Issue 2 . 0 De cember 1995 8. Press (F3). The rout ing table is saved. 9 . Press (F6) u ntil t he INTUI T Y Ad m in istrat ion m enu disp lays. Other Ad ministrat io n In addi t io n to the speci.
Is sue 2.0 D e cem b e r 1995 A-1 A System Security and To ll Fraud Telecomm unic at ions fraud is the u nauthorized use of ano ther c o m p a n y’s te l ecom munications service. T his type of fraud has been i n exist ence since th e 1950’s when AT & T first i ntrod uced D ir ec t Dist ance Dial ing (DDD).
A-2 Iss u e 2.0 December 1995 Switc h S ecurity The only too l a criminal needs to breach an inadequat ely secured system is a to uch-tone telep hone. If crimin als can g ain a ccess to an inside d ia.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 A-3 Voice Mes sagi ng System Sec urity V o ice messaging sys tems h av e two areas of weakness: ■ codes t h a t t ransfer to i nsi de or o utside dial tone ■ mailbox es th at can be used as message drops Once t hieves transfer to inside d ial tone, t hey have a ccess to any un prote cte d switch f ea tur es.
A-4 Iss u e 2.0 December 1995 ■ Make sure subscrib ers change the i ni t ial password the first t ime they l o g in to th e AU DIX sys tem by making the i ni tial p assword s h orter th an the min imum pass wor d lengt h. ■ Use the password aging fea t ure so that users must c h ange t heir passwords m onthly.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 A-5 Secu rity T i ps T o help prev e nt t oll frau d at the autom at e d at ten dant, f ollow these guid elin es: ■ Do not allow transf e rs to i nside or outsid e d i a l t one. ■ R es trict t ransf er s to su b scribers only.
A-6 Iss u e 2.0 December 1995 ■ Passwords must not be p rogram med in to auto-d ial buttons. Violat ion will result in an entry in the e m p loyees perm anent personnel rec ord.
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 A-7 max i mum o f ei ght a l lowed l ists in the ME RLI N LEG E ND system wit h a m aximum of ten n umbers on each l ist. Each voice p ort can b e assigne d any o r all of the allo wed number lists.
A-8 Iss u e 2.0 December 1995 Mailbox Adm inis tratio n The use o f In tuit y AUDI X s ystem s e c urity fe atures in c o m b i nati on with mail box a d mini strat ion can help reduce the risk of unautho rize d use of ma ilboxes . ■ Use the long est f easible password leng th .
Issue 2.0 De c e mb e r 1995 A-9 If c all transfers a re restric t e d to subscrib ers, a caller canno t in i ti ate a transfer t o an o ff-prem ises dest inat ion unle ss the digits ente red match an ad ministered subscrib er’s mail box ident i fier.
A-10 Is sue 2.0 D e ce mber 1995 Intuity AUDIX Traffic Report s The Int ui t y A UD I X s y st e m t racks tra ffic d ata over va rious tim espans . R ev iewing these r e p orts on a r e g ular basis helps to estab lish traf fic trends.
Issue 2.0 Decemb er 1 995 A-11 ■ AT & T sales and service people will be the best i n form e d in the i ndustry on how to he l p custom ers m anage t h eir systems securely. In their con tin uing contacts w i th cust om ers, they will provide the lat est inf orma tio n on how to d o th at most ef fect ively.
A-12 Is sue 2.0 D e ce mber 1995 AT& T Toll Frau d Cris is Int e rven tio n I f yo u suspe ct you are being vict imized by t oll f ra u d or thef t of service and need te chnical s up p ort or assistance, c all t he A T & T G BC S Na t ional Service Assistan ce Center (NSAC ) im m ediate ly.
Issue 2.0 December 1 995 B- 1 B Install ing MERLIN LEG END Software on the Intuity System This a p p endix prov ides proced ures f or insta lling the M E R LIN L EG E ND soft ware on the Intu ity s ystem .
B-2 Is su e 2 . 0 December 1995 Requi r ements Before you insta ll the ME RLI N LE G E ND so ftware, note the follo wing requirem ent s : Procedu re 1: S to p the V oice S ystem Before you can load the M ER LIN L E G END softwa re , you must sto p th e voic e sy ste m.
Is su e 2 . 0 December 1995 B-3 5. Ent e r y to cont inue. The s yst e m wi ll wait until all c alls in progr es s disco nnect bef ore st o p p i n g th e voice system.
B-4 Is su e 2 . 0 December 1995 The s yst e m responds with the S o ft ware Install Screen, as shown b elow: Figure B-1. S oftw are Install Screen 5. Press to sele ct th e Flo p p y d rive . The s yst e m responds: Insert a diskette into Floppy Drive 1.
Is su e 2 . 0 December 1995 B-5 8. Press to a c cept th e d efa u lt o f a l l. You will see m essages indicating th e installat ion is still runni ng . When t he installat ion is c o m p l e te, you see the foll owing messages: Installation of Int uity MERLIN LEGEND Switch Integration Package (swin) was successful.
B-6 Is su e 2 . 0 December 1995 16. Press to shutd o wn the voice sys tem. The s yst e m responds: Enter y to continu e, no to quit 17. E n ter y to cont inue th e shutd o wn. The s yst e m responds: Shutdown started. Month date time year The system is comi ng down.
Issue 2.0 Decemb er 1995 C--1 C Switch Administration for I ntuity Lodging Intro d u ction This chap ter describ e s th e swit c h a d m inist rati on yo u nee d to co m p let e if you have Intuity Lod g i n g . R e a d the informat ion an d configure your s wi t c h as required.
C--2 Issue 2.0 Decemb er 1995 Message Retriev al Ad ministrat i on The me ss a g e re trieval num b er is t he tele phone nu mb er t ha t subscribers call to retrieve voic e mai l messages. L ike other calls to th e I ntu ity system, messag e retrieva l c alls are ultimat ely fo rwa rd e d to the In tui ty hunt g ro u p .
Mess a g e Re trieval Ad m ini strat ion Issue 2.0 De c e m b er 199 5 C--3 2. Confi gu re th e p hanto m num ber s o th e In tui ty sys tem h unt g roup covers a l l calls . 3. If you r swit ch has password c ap abil ity, a s si gn a p assword to th e new extensi on.
C--4 Issue 2.0 Decemb er 1995 Voice Mail Admi n istrati on V o ice mail is enabled whe n the swit ch send s a g uest’s ca l l to a c overage p a th. The f ollowi ng p rocedure, however, provide s a separate n umber th a t can be used at any time to send vo ic e mail to a guest.
Call Coverag e Path Issue 2.0 De c e m b er 199 5 C--5 Call Co verage Path A coverage pat h directs th e switc h t o transf er unanswe r ed c alls t o a hunt group, to a serv ic e, o r t o ano ther extension. W hen a call g o es to c overage, the switch f orwards the called number to t he Intuit y system.
C--6 Issue 2.0 Decemb er 1995 Grad ual Cu t-to- Service Using this cut -to-service strat egy, e nte r gu ests in to the Intuit y Lo dg i ng system as t he y chec k i n .
Sum m a r y Issue 2.0 De c e m b er 199 5 C--7 Cut t o service as f ollows: 1. Use Intuit y L o d g i n g to a d mi nister th e op t ions that guests req uire. 2. Make sure guests and a t ten dan ts know when the c h ange will t ake p la ce and have some i dea of how the new se rvic e o perat e s.
Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 A BB- 1 ABB Abbreviations A AC alt ernating c ur rent ACD automatic call distr ibution ADAP administ ratio n and d ata acqu is i tion p ackag e ADU asy nchronous data unit A.
A bbreviati o ns ABB-2 Issue 2.0 December 1 995 DC di rect curr ent DCE data comm unications e q uip ment DCIU data comm unications inter face un it DCP digi tal c omm unic at ions protocol DCS distri.
A bbreviati o ns Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 A BB- 3 K Kbps kilobi ts per s econd Kbyte kilo byte (1024 b y tes) kHz kiloher tz L LAN lo cal area network LCD liquid crystal display LE D light-emi t tin.
A bbreviati o ns ABB-4 Issue 2.0 December 1 995 R RAM ra ndom-a c cess memory REN ringer equivalence n u mb er ROM read -only memory RTS re quest to send RTU right to use S SCA switc h c o mm unic ati.
Is su e 2 . 0 December 1995 GL -1 GL 5ESS Swit c h An AT& T ce n t ral off i ce switch that can be integrated with t h e A T& T I ntuity system. A accessed mess a ge A mes sage that was received and s c anned (ei ther the entir e messa g e or just the header).
Glos sary GL- 2 Issue 2 .0 December 1995 ALT See ass embl e load and te st. AMIS See Audio Messaging Inte rch a nge Specific ati on . AMIS Pr efix A n umber adde d t o the des t ination number to indica te th at the destination number i s an AMIS analog networking n u m ber.
Glos sary Is su e 2 . 0 December 1995 GL -3 Audio Mess a gin g Int erchange Specificati on ( AM IS) An analog networkin g protocol that a l lows sub scrib ers to e xchang e mes sages w i th an y messag in g sy stem that also has AMIS Analog N et working capab ili t ies.
Glos sary GL- 4 Issue 2 .0 December 1995 B background testin g Testing that runs conti n uously when the s ystem is not b usy doing other tasks. ba ckup A d u p lica te copy of f iles and directories s aved on a r emovable media suc h as floppy diskette o r tape .
Glos sary Is su e 2 . 0 December 1995 GL -5 bps (bits per second) The number o f binary units of information (1 s or 0 s) that c an b e t ra nsmi t ted p er s econd. Mbps refers t o a millio n bits per se cond; Kbps refers to a thous and bits per s econd .
Glos sary GL- 6 Issue 2 .0 December 1995 call c ov e r age A switc h feature th a t d e fines a preselected p ath fo r call s to follow if the first (or second ) coverage points a re not a nswered.
Glos sary Is su e 2 . 0 December 1995 GL -7 central proces si ng unit (CPU) The compon ent o f the computer that ma nip ul ates data and pro cess es ins t ructions coming from softw a r e. channe l A telecommunications trans m issio n p a th for voice and/or d ata.
Glos sary GL- 8 Issue 2 .0 December 1995 compound message A mes sage that combines b o th a me ssag e an d a fax messag e into one unit, whic h is t h en han- dled by Intuity AUDIX as a single message.
Glos sary Is su e 2 . 0 December 1995 GL -9 common control swit c h proces sor o v er a d i r ect me mory ac c ess ( DMA) c hannel th at r e ads data di r ectly f rom F P memory. data li nk A term used t o desc r ibe the c ommunica t ions li n k u sed for data t ra nsmission f rom a sourc e to a destinatio n.
Glos sary GL-10 Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 diagno st ic testing A program run for t est ing and determining f aults in the sys te m. dial-ahead/dial- th ro u gh The act of interrup t ing or preced in g I n tu it y AUDIX sy st em a nn ouncements by typing (buffering) to uch-ton e c omman ds in the ord er the system would normal ly prompt fo r the m.
Glos sary Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 GL-11 DNIS See dialed n umber identificati o n s er vic e . DSP See digi tal sig nal proces so r . DSU See data s erv ice u nit .
Glos sary GL-12 Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 e rro r messa ge A mes sage on the s c reen in dic a ting th at something is wrong and poss ibly sug gestin g ho w t o corre c t it . e rrors P roblems d etected by the s ystem d ur ing operation an d recorded in the maint e nance log.
Glos sary Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 GL-13 FOOS See fac i lit y out-of- s er vice . for mat To set up a disk, floppy diskett e, or t a p e with a pr e d e termi ned ar rangeme nt of characters so that the s ystem c an interpret m eaningful i nfor mation.
Glos sary GL-14 Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 header Informat ion that the system cr ea te s to id entify a me s sage. A messag e h eader include s the originator or recipient, type of mess age, creation t ime, and delivery t ime.
Glos sary Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 GL-15 integr ate d ser vic es digital network (ISDN) A network that provides end-to-end d i gital con nectiv it y t o s upport a wide range of voice and d ata services.
Glos sary GL-16 Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 J jumper Pair s or sets of s m all prongs o n c ircuit cards and mother boards tha t a l low the user to instru ct the computer to s elect one o f i ts available o peration optio ns. When t wo pins are covered, a n electrical c ircuit is complet e d .
Glos sary Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 GL-17 local area netw o rk ( LAN) A network of P Cs that c o m munic ate with each other and that normally share the re sources o f on e or more servers. Op eration of A T& T Intuity Messa ge M a nager require s t hat t h e Intuity AUDIX system and the s ubscribers ’ PCs are o n a LAN.
Glos sary GL-18 Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 mean time between f a ilures The ave ra g e time a manufactur er esti mates before a fail ure occurs in a compon ent or system. megabyte A unit of memory e qual t o 1,048,576 bytes (1024 x 1024). It is of ten r o unded to o ne million.
Glos sary Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 GL-19 modular process or data modu l e ( MPDM) A d at a de vic e that c onvert s RS-232 C or R S-4 4 9 protocol s ig n als to digi tal c omm unic at ions p roto col (DC P) used by Sys t em 75/85, Generic1, and G e neric 3 swit c h es.
Glos sary GL-20 Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 operating s ystem ( OS) The set of progra ms that runs the har d war e a nd interprets soft ware commands. option A choice selected from a menu, or an ar g ument used i n a command l ine to modify pro g ram output b y modifying the exe c u t ion of a c o mmand.
Glos sary Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 GL-21 personal fax extension See seco ndary extension . pinouts The signal description per pin number for a partic u lar connec tor. PMS See p roper ty manageme nt sys te m . po rt A c o nnection o r link between two devic e s , allowing information to travel to a d esire d location.
Glos sary GL-22 Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 pub li c mai l ing l is t A list of ad d resses that any I n t uity AUDIX subsc r iber can us e if that s ubsc r iber knows the own er's list I D# and extens io n nu m b er . Only t he owne r can modify a public maili ng list.
Glos sary Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 GL-23 reply to s e nder An Intuity AU DIX feature that allow s s ub scrib ers to i mmediately place a call t o the or ig inator of an in comin g mes sage if that person is in the swi tch's dial plan.
Glos sary GL-24 Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 SCSI See small computer system interfa c e . secondary ex tension A s econd, fax- d e d ic a te d ex ten sion that directs in comin g faxes directl y into a s ubscriber’ s ma ilbox wi thout r inging the telephone .
Glos sary Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 GL-25 SW See switc h integrat ion . sw itc h An automatic t eleph one exch ange that al lows the tran smis sion of calls to and f rom th e public tele phone network. S ee also p rivate br an ch excha nge ( PBX) . switched acc ess A connection made f rom o ne e ndpoint to another through switc h port cards.
Glos sary GL-26 Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 TDD See tele c ommunicat ions d evice for the deaf . TDM See time divisio n multi plex . telecommunic atio n s devic e for th e d e af ( TDD) A d evice with a k eyboard and display unit that c o n nects to o r s ubsti tutes for a phone.
Glos sary Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 GL-27 U UCD See uniform call distr ibuti o n . Unde lete An Intuit y AUDIX feature that al lows su bscribers to restore t he last m es sage deleted.
Glos sary GL-28 Iss u e 2 .0 December 1995 V vector A customi zed p rogram in the s wi tch for pro cess ing incoming calls. voice link The AT& T Intuity analo g c on nectio n (s ) t o a call-distr ibution g ro u p (or hun t g roup ) o f a nalog p or ts on the switch.
Issue 2 .0 Decemb er 1995 IN- 1 IN Numerics 10 4A Co nnecting Bloc k IVC6 c onnections, 4-4 885A A dap t er IVC6 c onnections, 4-3 A A c ceptance Testing, 3-5 Administration automated at tenda nt, 3-6.
Index IN- 2 I ssue 2.0 December 1995 Con necti v i ty, 4-1 Conventions, d ocumentation, xv Corporate S e curit y ( AT&T) , A- 1 2 Cov erage Group defini tion of , 1-4 Cov erage P ath defini tion o.
Index Issue 2.0 De c e m ber 1995 IN-3 automated at tenda nt service, 1-6 bulletin board service, 1-7 call an swer service, 1-5 s e c urity, A-7 services , 1-5 su b scribers, integrati on planning, 2-.
Index IN- 4 I ssue 2.0 December 1995 sha red ports, 1- 8 Prim ary Mode Automated Attendant defini tion of , 1-10 inplementation, 1-12 Proces sing Platform Layer, 1-2 P u rp o s e, of this book, xiii R.
Index Issue 2.0 De c e m ber 1995 IN-5 automated at tenda nt sec ur ity, A-5 su bscriber passwo rd, A-5 switc h s ecuri tySecu r ity switc h ti p s, A-2 voice mess aging s ystem s ecuri ty, A- 3 Toll .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il AT&T 585-310-231 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del AT&T 585-310-231 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso AT&T 585-310-231 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul AT&T 585-310-231 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il AT&T 585-310-231, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del AT&T 585-310-231.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il AT&T 585-310-231. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo AT&T 585-310-231 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.