Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Cloud Office Protection del fabbricante Panda
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Panda Manage d Office Prote ction Web console walkthrough.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Panda Managed Of fice Protection W eb console walkt hrough Mar ch 2009.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 3 of 53 Contents 1. Web console w alkthrough ...................................................................................................
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 4 of 53 1. Web console waltkthrough To start the evaluation of the administration and m onitoring console, let’s first take a look at the conso le itsel f.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 5 of 53 3. Centralized security management functions accesible through the Settings s ection,.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 6 of 53 4. Centralized monitoring of the secur ity status of workstations, laptops or serv ers, and of detections and firewall events. This is accessible throug h the main dashbo ard in the Status section.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 7 of 53 5. In the Reports section y ou can conf igure executi ve reports on the status of y our IT r esources and of detections m ade, with high -level statistics and gra phics as wel l as det ails.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 8 of 53 2. The console in detail In this secti on we’ll tak e a more detailed look at the m onitoring and m anagement options in the cons ole.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 9 of 53 There are three ways of installing the pro tection, each adapting to different secu r ity managem ent scenarios.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 10 of 53 Once you download and install th e distribution tool, you c an launch the program us.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 11 of 53 To use the d istribution tool you m ust be either the ad m inistrator of the com puters’ domain or log in to the computers using credentials with adm inistrator privileges .
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 12 of 53 Administering centr alized security polic ies Through the S ettings section you can determ ine the security policies to appl y to the protected c om puters.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 13 of 53 Go to Create n ew profile . W rite the nam e of the new security polic y profile and make any modifications y ou want.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 14 of 53 If you go to the Advanced update sett ings secti on, you can configure the update rules for th e computers .
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 15 of 53 In the Scheduled scans section you can schedule Th e on-dem and scans to be run o n computers to which the profile appli es.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 16 of 53 The Warnings s ection lets you conf igure the following: 1. If you want the local prot ection to displa y a warning whene ver a detection occurs or if you would rather that the end-us er is not notified.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 17 of 53 For each security prof ile, you can now c onfigure func tions related w ith the antivirus . Select A ntiviru s and establish the protecti on levels for each m alware entr y point: 1.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 18 of 53 2 3.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 19 of 53 4.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 20 of 53 For each sec urity profi le, you can now configure fu nctions related with the firewall .
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 21 of 53 If the firewall is m anaged centrall y by the administrator , you must determ ine whether the p rof ile applies to computers within the cor porate net work or outside of it.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 22 of 53 At applicati on level, you c an s ee the ru les th at Panda Securit y applies and m aintains throug h the automatic updates.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 23 of 53 You can also ad d y o ur o wn app lication rul es b y selecting U ser rules and defining them in the screen that appears after clicking Add .
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 24 of 53 You can see the s ystem- level Panda rules in the System sec tion.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 25 of 53 To configure a user ru le, select Us er rule in the drop- down menu and c lick Add .
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 26 of 53 Finally, Panda Securit y also offers, maintains and upd ates intrusion detection rules, which are enabled b y default but c an be d isabled by the a dministrator.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 27 of 53 Creating groups of comp uters and assigning security policies remotely Once you have finished creating securit y policies, the y have to be assigned to the com puters which ar e protected and managed.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 28 of 53 Once you are in the secti on f or c reating a new group, assign it a name and a se c.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 29 of 53 Local or remote install ation of the protection w ith predefined security po lic.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 30 of 53 2.2. Centralize d security monitoring Consolidated networ k dashboard Once you h.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 31 of 53 To see details of licenses , select V iew more . Here y ou c an see the co mput ers affected by m aintenance contrac t expir y. T here is a pr eliminary l ist of computers that will c ease t o have lice nses.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 32 of 53.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 33 of 53 Monitoring the security status of t he network In the Protection section y ou can check the status of the protec tion, with a straightfor ward view of all t he computers on your network with the protect ion installed.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 34 of 53 By selecting one of the protected com puters, y ou will be able to acces s detailed inf ormation about the protection, with inf ormation regarding: Name and IP of the com puter.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 35 of 53 There is a filter th at allows you to quickl y search for c omputers with the prot ection disabled, o utdated, pendin g restart, etc.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 36 of 53 Exporting the comput ers’ status to file It is possible to export t he list of computers to Excel or CV S .
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 37 of 53 Centralized monito ring of detections In the Status s ection, cl ick View list of detection s to go to the section f or m onitoring detec tions.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 38 of 53.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 39 of 53 If y ou cl ick one of the detections, you will see it even more details: where it was located, which protection module detected the attack or m alware, etc.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 40 of 53.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 41 of 53.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 42 of 53 Exporting informatio n on detections and fi rewall ev ents to f ile This opti on lets you sav e inf ormation, in Excel or plain text about detections occurred.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 43 of 53 2.3. Consolidated re ports The reports off er rapid and straightfor ward inform ation about the mos t im portant aspects of the protec tion.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 44 of 53.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 45 of 53 3. High-level information about the detec tions in the selected period 4. Top 10 detections and T op 10 compute rs infected In the Executive r eports you can choose to see infor mation about detect ions in: Last 24 hours.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 46 of 53 You can choose to om it inform ation about the licenses. T his option is useful for re sellers using the c lient consults manage c lients b y groups of computers .
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 47 of 53 High- level consolidat ed and detailed r eport of client s’ network security statu s This report contains: 1.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 48 of 53 3. Details of each com puter’s protection stat us and ‘health’: if there is an error or if th ey require intervention. You can choose to om it high-leve l information, graphic s or certain detai ls according to your needs.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 49 of 53 High-level consolidat ed and detailed r eport of firewal l detections and e vents This report contains: 1. High-level inform ation about f irewall detections and events.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 50 of 53 You can choose to omit high-leve l information, graphic s or certain detai ls according to your needs. You can also choose to get inform ation about one group or several groups in the status rep ort.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 51 of 53 2.4. Users and centralized administration profiles This option allo ws security m anagement to be delegat ed among adm inistrators with dif ferent roles.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 52 of 53 To create a new user, s elect Create new user . I n this section you m ust specif y : 1. The user nam e and password 2. The managem ent and/or monitoring perm issions 3.
Panda Managed Office Protection . W eb console walkthrough Revisión 0.2 2009 © Panda Security 2009 P age 53 of 53 2.5. In -depth malware audits. Panda Malware Radar Panda Malware Radar detects malware and other security p roblems in your netw ork , which have s lipped past the protection ins talled in your company.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panda Cloud Office Protection è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panda Cloud Office Protection - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panda Cloud Office Protection imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panda Cloud Office Protection ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panda Cloud Office Protection, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panda Cloud Office Protection.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panda Cloud Office Protection. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panda Cloud Office Protection insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.