Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto TH-42PHD5 del fabbricante Panasonic
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Panasonic Services Compan y National Training TH-42PHD5/TH-50PHD5 TH-42PHW5/TH50P HW5 GPH5D Ch assis Plasma Display Panel Troublesho oting Guide Warning This servic e information is designed for experienced repair tec hnicians only and is not designed for use by the general public.
3 Objective ............................................................................................................... 5 2002 Model Lin e Up .............................................................................................. 6 Specifications .
4 Service Hints .................................................................................................... 46 After Image Prevention ....................................................................................... 53 Screen Saver Feature .
5 Objective The infor mation prov ided in this docume nt is desi gned to assist the t echnician in determi ning the d efectiv e printed circ uit board .
6 2002 Mode l Line Up TH-50PHW5 50-inch (12 7 cm) HD Plasma Display HD Panel Digital Cinema Reality Advanced 3-dimen sional Progressiv e Scan 1366 x 768 XGA Resolu tion (UXGA Compatible) TH-42PHW5 42-inch (10 6cm) TH-42PW5 42-inch (10 6 cm) Wide P lasm a Di splay Plasma C ontrast A utomati c Tracki ng System (C.
7 Specifications Our New 50” & 42” HD Progre ssive Pa nels The industr y’s hig hest-resolution panels Panasonic Company PI Company F/H Scanning Method Progressiv e Progressiv e Interlace 50- inch 1,366 x 76 8= 1.05 million p ixels 1,280 x 76 8= 0.
8 Features Pixel explanati on 852 pixel s 480 pixel s 410 , 000 Pi xels 1,024 pix els 768 pixel s 790 , 000 p ixels SD (Stan dard Defi nition) Pan el HD (High-Definition) panel Reproduc es even the tini est details o f high-de finition sources and other hig h-qual ity imag es.
9 New front protection filter glass improves the natural reds New phosphors improve the blue color reproduction. Scan Explanati on The 1-fiel d (1/60 sec) display pix els on the P anasonic 4 2" and 3 7" SD model s and on the ALIS sy stem mod els are VGA l evel .
10 D D u u a a l l S S c c a a n n ( ( H H D D ) ) S S i i n n g g l l e e S S c c a a n n ( ( S S D D ) ) •Simple an d low cost c ircuit •High per formance •Higher brightness Figure 5 Figure 4.
11 Disassemb ly Rear Cover Removal Remove the 27 screw s, shown in Fi gure 6, and then pull aw ay the rear cover. Remo val of the shie ld Remove th e six screw s, shown in Figure 7, an d then pull aw ay the r ear shield cover.
12 Location o f Lead W iri ng High freq uency electromag netic signal s can create electri cal interfer ence within the unit . Be sure to route al l wir es through their respective har nesses referenc e. The chart b elow i s an illustration represen ting the connectors a nd the w ire harnesses ass ociated wi th them.
13 42” HD PCB Board La yout Diagram Printed Circui t Board Informati on Table Board Name Part Number Function C1 TNPA242 8 Data Driv e (Upper Left) C2 TNPA242 9 Data Driv e (Upper Ri ght) C3 TNPA243.
14 50” PCB Board Lay out Diagram Board Name Part Number Function C1 TNPA251 0 Data Driv e (Upper Left) C2 TNPA251 1 Data Driv e (Upper Ce nter) C3 TNPA251 2 Data Driv e (Upper Ri ght) C4 TNPA251 3 D.
15 42” SD PCB La yout Diagram Board Name Part Number Function C1 TNPA254 0 Data Driv e (Lower Ri ght) C2 TNPA254 1 Data Driv e (Lower Left) D1 TZT NP01MMSB Format Con verter D2 TNPA258 9 Plasm a AI .
16 Video Signa l Path Expla nation HY/HZ Board Figure 13 The "HY / HZ" boar d is equipped w ith one C ompo nent input, one Co mposite i nput and one S- Video in put. The Co mposite and S- Video inputs are appli ed to a switchi ng circuit, w hich is controll ed by the system c ontrol IC, l ocated on the D1- Board.
17 HX Board Figure 14 PC RGB Sig nals are in put to t he HX Boar d. The RGB sig nals as w ell as the verti cal and hori zontal sy nc signals are am plified by a series o f transi stor amplifier s. The RS 232C com munications bus l ine is also c onnected on this board.
18 D1 Board Figure 15 After the i nput sig nals are ampl ified by the HY /HZ and HX boards the desi red signal i s selected. Th e micropr ocessor sends the comma nd via the II C bus to th e input sel ect switch (IC 3001). The v ideo sw itch selects fro m one of the t hree inputs.
19 DVI Interface Figure 16 An option al Dig ital Visual In terface ( DVI) mo dule conn ection is pr ovided on this generation Plasma D isplay Panels. The D VI i nterface all ows dir ect digi tal transfer from a displ ay dev ice to the panel.
20 Figure 18 show s an example of the D VI interface. It permits dir ect connection o f the digital video si gnal to the For mat converter . This bypass es the D/A an d A/D proce ss provi ding the be tter quality picture.
21 Sync Process Figure 19 The ver tical and hor izontal sy nc signal paths are sl ightly different d epending on the Source signal. A V/ RGB/PC I nput Mode Sync The ver tical and hor izontal sy nc signal s gener ated by the i nput dev ice are applied to c onnect or D3 or D2 t o a Sync sw itch (IC3002) .
22 D1 Board Figure 20 D1-board c onsists o f the Analog and Dig ital sig nal process. It also contai ns the Discharg e control and Microprocessor con trol block. S upply v oltages of 13.5 V, 5V, Stan dby 5V, 3.3 V, and 1.8 V operat e the D 1-board. The i nput R GB vi deo signals ar e at 0.
23 D2 Board Figure 21 The D2 boar d prov ides the sc an, sustai n and data drive si gnals. The scan pulses are outpu t to the SC board. The sustain puls es are out put to the SS board . The data driv e signals are outp ut to the C 1, C2, C 3 and C4 boar ds.
24 D2 Board detail s Figure 22 The Plasma AI (Adaptiv e brightness Int ensifier ) circuits anal yz e the video progr am level for the distributi on of dark and bri ght components. The upp er and lower eight bit v ideo signals are me moriz ed into two Pl asma AI processor s IC9651 an d IC9601.
25 SC Board Expla nation Figure 23.
26 Figure 24 The SC Boar d consists of buffers and driv ers used to g enerate th e scan sig nals to the pan el. The bu ffers provi de isolation betw een the D2 bo ard and th e driv ers. Connector SC20 prov ides the driv e voltages (140V, 10 0V and 18 V).
27 Figure 25 After the sc an waveform is d eveloped on the SC Board, i t is appli ed to th e SU and SD bo ards for de- multiplexing . The signal is input to a series o f shift regi sters inside the PD P scan dr iver IC. Fig ure 25 show s an example of the de- multiplex ing cir cuit.
28 SS Board Expla nation Figure 26 After the v ideo signal is processed on t he D2 board , the sustain an d erase pulses are outpu t to the SS board. The erase pulse is out put at the beginning o f each scan period.
29 Figure 27 Figure 28.
30 The Sustain pulse is d eveloped using a simil ar circuit as the Sc an Pulse. A seri es of speci fically timed pulses are applie d to FET driver s creating the d istinctive sustain pulse. The drivers sw itch the voltag es (150V, 1 55V and 1 75V) at sel ected interv als determined by the D2 board.
31 Pow er Supplies Standby Power Suppl y Figure 29 The standby power supply provides the necessary DC voltag e for the sy stem control Micr oprocessor, R eset circuit an d the EEPR OM. D421 recti f ies the incoming AC Volt age and appli es it to the transformer T402 and the standby B+ control cir cuit IC400.
32 Main Power Supply Figure 30 Power Factor Control The pow er factor co ntrol circui t operates li ke a bo ost regulat or. The incoming AC voltag e, after being switched on, enters the re ctifier D402 w here it is conv erted to DC. The P ower Factor Contr ol (PFC) ci rcuit conver ts the DC lev el to 400Vdc.
33 Low Voltage Power supply VCC and Start-up v oltage for the low voltag e power suppl y is pr ovided t o IC650 of the P5 B oard by the standby power supply circuit (not sh own). U pon start-up of the sw itching control circuit, a pulse w idth modulat ed signal is output at pin 9 of connec tor P18/P18 A to driv e the switching tr ansistor Q416.
34 High Voltage Power Suppl y Figure 31 The P3-Boar d contains the drive v oltage oscillator circ uit that dev elops the Vsus voltag e needed to dr ive th e Scan and Sustain bo ards. Opera tion be gins wi th the 18Vdc sup ply being applied t o pin 12 of connector P15.
35 Over-v oltage protection ( OVP) is prov ided via pin 6 o f connect or P16. This voltag e enters pi n 4 of IC601 for immediat e shutdow n of the IC if th e Vsus voltag e rises to an un desired l evel. The OVP feedback is also pr ovided t o the system contr o l circui t via pin 13 of connector P15 for immedi ate shutdow n of the entire uni t.
36 Protection Circuits Figure 32 Protection ci rcuits are incorporat ed in the u nit to prev ent the failure of a singl e circuit or component from creati ng catastrop hic damag e. The P7 a nd P8 boards are daughter boards o n the P1 mai n pow er supply boar d.
37 the resul t is comp ared to a re ference v o ltage. The refer ence vol tage is pr ovided by a z ener diode. I f the output of the com parator g oes high, Q 6741 tur ns on effectivel y gr ounding the SO S line. The SC boar d uses a simi lar circ uit to moni tor the +17V l ine.
38 Diagnostic Proc edures Self Check Disp lay Indication Self-check is used to automatically check the bus line controll ed circui ts of the Plasma display . To get into th e Self-ch eck mode, press and hold the Volume Do w n button on the front of t he unit, the n the OFF-TIMER button on the remo te control.
39 Power LED Flashing timing chart W hen an abnormality has occurred in the unit, the protection circuit operates and shuts off t he power supply . The faulty area can be ide ntified by the num ber of flashes o f the Pow er LED at t he front of the u nit.
40 Diagnostic Fl ow Charts No Power There are three sta tes of “No P ower” indication by the pow er LED: 1. The pow er LED does n ot light up . 2. The pow er LED is g reen at pow er up. It then t urns red a few second s later and blinks o n and o ff.
41 The Power LED is red and blinking on/off. W hen one or more of the pow er supply voltages is missing, the red LED blinks on and o ff . Remo ve Connector P 5 No Is the LED still blinking red? Check D1-B oard. Check SS/SC- Boards. Yes Blinking stops But still no picture Check the o utput of th e P-Board.
42 Power LED blinks twice Are the SS board LEDs lit? The SS board is suspected to be defective. Is the SC board LED lit? The SC board is suspected to be defective. Is the Vda voltage correct? The Power supply is sus p ected to be defec tive. The D1 is su spected to b e defective.
43 No Picture Flo w chart 1 Is the On sc reen Displa y inform ation visibl e? Is the SC Board LE D illum inated? Is the SS Board LE D illum inated? SC Board is probab ly defectiv e. SS Board is probabl y def ective . D1 or D2 B oard is proba bly defectiv e.
44 No picture Flo w chart 2 Are the video signals correc t at th e D1 board input? Reference the HY/HZ and HX board troubleshoot ing charts Is the SC board LED lit? The SC board is suspected to be defective. Is the T PSC1 Wave form inco rrect? The D2 Board is suspected to be defective.
45 Dark picture Flowchart Are the video signals correc t at th e D1 board input? Reference the HY/HZ and HX board troubleshoot ing charts Are the SS board LEDs lit? The SS board is suspected to be defective. Is the TP SS1 Wave form inco rrect? The D2 Board is suspected to be defective.
46 Local screen failu re The Plas ma Dis play Panel unit may develop a fail ure, w here the sy mptom is localiz ed in a parti cular ar ea of the scr een. Th e figure bel ow can help local ize the circuit boar d that i s most l ikely to be defecti ve. In the exampl e in figure 34 , one of the tw o boards, C3 and D 2 is likely to be the cause.
47 2. Listen to t he buzz noise of the SC board; if t he buzz noise is not present, a malfunctio n of the SC- Board is s uspected. Suggestions: Check t he Scan pulse wav eform at TPSC1. (Use TPSS1 of the SS-board to trigger the oscilloscop e.) Verify th e input signal s at conn ector SC2, SC 4, SC20 and SC21.
48 Symptom: No picture (bl ack Screen) Suggestion: The use of a magnifying glass can help locali ze the de fective printed cir cuit bo ard. Use th e magni fying glass to tak e a close lo ok at the pi xels o f the screen.
49 Suggestions: Check t he Scan pulse wav eform at TPSC1 of the SC- Board. (Use TPSS1 of the SS - board to tr igger the oscilloscope.) Proceed to check the pow er sources at connector S S11, SS12 and SS33. Verify th at the clock and serial dat a lines fr om the D - board ar e presen t at connector S S33.
50 Figure 41 Symptom: Horiz ontal Black Bar (Complet ely dark) Note: T he u se of a magnifying glass can h elp localiz e the defectiv e printed cir cuit board . Use the magni f ying glass to take a cl ose look at the pixel s in the area of the bl ack bar.
51 Symptom: Vertical Bl ack Bar • Suggestion: Since the C2 board contains th e serial t o parallel converter s for the pict ure data that driv e this portion of the scr een; the most likely cause for thi s defect ca n be local ized to th e C2-Boar d or th e D2-Board.
52 Symptom: Burned im age (pattern) is visibl e. Suggestion: Activate the scr oll bar or run the set w ith a white raster for at leas t fiftee n minutes .
53 A ft er Image P re vention If a custo mer has bee n vi ewing a 4:3 pictur e or another st ationary pattern for a long peri od of ti me it is possi ble for an after i mage to b e burned i nto the p anel. Advise the c ustomer that o peration in 4:3 mod e for a long period ca n cause a permane nt image b urn, da maging the panel.
54 4. To stop the screen sav er, press the R but ton on t he remo te cont rol. Side Bar Bright ness adjustment This feat ure allow s the customer to adjust the brightness o f the non-pictur e area on ei ther si de of the 4:3 i m age on scr een. 1. Press th e Setup bu tton on t he remote c ontrol.
55 Option Setting A ccessing the Option Menu 1. Press to displ ay the Se tup menu. 2. Press to sel ect OSD Lang uage. 3. Press the sur round but ton on remote c ontrol for mo re th an thre e se co nds. Th e act ion m enu should be display ed on screen.
56 Settings th e Action Me nu 1. Use the Up/Dow n buttons t o select th e desired item. 2. Use the Le ft / Right Bu ttons to select t he desired functi on The option menu will disappear 60 sec onds after the operati on. Press the R b utton to ex it the Option Menu.
57 Note: Setting the r emote con trol User Level an d Remote ID o ff. 1. Access serv ice mode (CAT- mode) and pr ess SET UP key on remote. 2. Access th e hidden o ption menu.
58 Sample Wa v eforms HY/HZ board The pages th at follow contain samples of wa veforms that ar e present w hen the unit is in g ood oper ating condition. Prior to de termining that a b oard should be replaced, i t is adv isable that t hese w aveforms are ch ecked to hel p achiev e the right conclusi on.
59 The waveforms listed below must be chec ked at connector H2 of the HZ- Board. Note: If any of the sig nals show n here is missi ng, th is indicates a possible malfunction o f the HZ- Board. Ver ify that all DC and I 2 C inputs to th e HZ-Board are prese nt.
60 The waveforms listed below must be chec ked at connector H2 of the HZ- Board. Note: A possible malfuncti on of the HZ- Board may exist if any of th e signal s listed a bove is mi ssing. Veri f y that al l DC and I 2 C inputs to the HZ- Board are pres ent.
61 HX board Figure 62 is an illustrat ion of the HX -Board. The board is the interfac e between the PC inpu t and the D1- Board. W hen trouble shooting , connect a P C to the input terminal s and observ e the out put signals at connector HX1/D3. See the nex t page for w a veform sa mples.
62 Note: The signals lis ted below must be checked at connector H X1 of the HX - Board. Note: A possible mal function of the H X-Board may exist i f any of the si gnals li sted on this page is missing. Verify th at all DC i nputs to t he HX-Board ar e present .
63 SC Board Input Signals Figure 63 Figure 63 is an illustrat ion of the SC-Bo ard connection t o the remaining boards of the panel . The SC- board i s the inter face between the D2-Boar d, SU and the SD Boards.
64 SC Board Waveforms The wavefo rms listed belo w must be chec ked at connector SC2 0 of the SC- Board. CN SC20, Pin 1 1ms / div , 0.2V CRL CN SC20, Pin 2 1ms / div , 0.2V CEL CN SC20, Pin 3 1ms / div , 0.2V CEH CN SC20, Pin 6 1ms / div , 0.2V CSL CN SC20, Pin 7 1ms / div , 0.
65 The wavefo rms listed belo w must be chec ked at connector SC2 1 of the SC- Board. CN SC21, Pin 2 1ms / div , 0.2V CL CN SC21, Pin 3 1ms / div , 0.2V CLK CN SC21, Pin 4 1ms / div , 0.2V SIU CN SC21, Pin 9 1ms / div , 0.2V CPH CN SC21, Pin 6 1ms / div , 0.
66 SS-Board Input Signals Figure 64 Figure 64 is an illustrat ion of the SS-B oard connecti on to the remaining boards of the panel . The SS-b oard is the inter face betw een the D2- Board, S S2 and t he SS3 Boards .
67 SS Board Waveforms The wavefo rms listed belo w must be chec ked at connector S S32 of the SS- Board. CN SS32, P in 2 1ms / div , 0.2V URH CN SS32, P in 3 1ms / div , 0.2V UEL CN SS32, P in 4 1ms / div , 0.2V UEH CN SS32, P in 5 1ms / div , 0.2V UBL CN SS32, P in 6 1ms / div , 0.
68 PDP Defect Pixel Specificati on Zone B Zone A 25% 25% Check Zone Lit Pi xel Singl e Defect Pair Defe ct Defect Dist ance G0 AR 0 0 - B3 G BR 0 6 0 5 c m B Dead Pi xel Zone Specification 1. Dead P ixel (pixel is always off) 2. Lit Pi xel (pi xel is always 3.
69 Connector Ta bles F-BOARD CONNECTORS The follow ing table list s the voltag e level s present at each pi n of the connectors of the F-Bo ard. Use thi s information to confirm t hat the F- Board is o perating properly .
70 P-BOARD CONNECTORS (Continued) Connector P3/SS 3 Pin Numbe rs Signal Name Signal Flow (Board or Connector) 1 VDA P3--- S S3 (SS- BOAR D) 2 VDA P3--- S S3 (SS- BOAR D) 3 NC P3--- SS3 ( S.
71 Connecto r P10/F AN Pin Numbe rs Signal Name Signal Flow (Board or Connector) 1 FAN +12V P10- -- FAN 2 GND P10--- FAN 3 FAN SOS P10- -- FAN Connecto r P11/F AN Pin Numbe rs Signal Name .
72 P-BOARD CONNE CTORS (Cont inued) Connecto r P18/P1 8 A Pin Numbe rs Signal Name Signal Flow (Board or Connector) 1 STO P P18--- P18 A (P1- BOARD) 2 VCC P18--- P18 A (P1-BO ARD) 3 START P18- -- P18 A (P1-BO ARD) 4 NC P18--- P18A ( P1-BO ARD) 5 GATE P18- -- P18 A (P1-BO ARD) 6 NC P18--- P18A ( P1-BO ARD) 7 H.
73 HX- BOARD CONNECTORS The follow ing table list s the voltag e level s present at each pi n of the connectors of the HX -Board. Use this i nformatio n to confi rm that t he HX-Boar d is opera ting properly . Connector HX1/D3 Pin Numbe r Signal Name Voltage Findings Signal Flow (Board or Connector) A-1 5V 5.
74 HY / HZ- BOARD CONNECTORS The follow ing table list s the voltag e level s present at each pi n of the connectors of the HY or HZ -Boar d. Use thi s in formation t o confirm t hat the HY or H Z-Board is operati ng properly .
75 A d justment P rocedures Panel label Inform ation An exampl e of the p anel prod uction date: MC106 W 36P4 NO. ************* Vbk: **** V Vsus: **** V Ve: **** V Vad: **** V Made in Jap an M Panel Produ ction Date *** Panel Part Number Panel Serial Number Adj us t me n t Voltage Year 9 1999 0 2000 1 2001 1.
76 +B Set-up Item / Pr eparati on • Input a 10 0% white si gnal. • Set the picture mo de to N ormal an d the W hit e Balance to N ormal • A djustments Adjust and confirm t he indicate d test p oint bel ow for the sp ecified v o ltage.
77 Driver S et-up Item / Prepar ation • Input an AP L 100 % w hite signal . • Set the picture mo de to N ormal an d the W hit e Balance to N ormal A djustments To perfor m the foll owing adjustments, please r efer to t he panel i nformati on label located on the heat si nk o f the panel.
78 Initia lization Pu lse Ad just Item / Pr eparati on • Input a Cross hatch signal. • Set the picture mo de to N ormal an d the W hit e Balance to N ormal A djustments Adjust the i ndicated test poi nt for the s pecified wav ef orm. Use TPSS1 as the trigger sour ce.
79 P.C.B. (Printed Circuit Board) exchange procedure 1. Caution Wait 1 minute for the el ectrolyti c capacitors t o discharg e before re moving any PCB from the u nit.
80 Test Point location s Figure 69.
81 Lef t/R ight Act i o n VO L R Status Re t u r n V O L U p/ D ow n V O L U p/ D ow n Serviceman mod e CAT (computer aided test) Mode CAT mode me nu CAT Panel sys8.1 IIC Mode CD Mode SD Mode MS Mode ID Mode Remo te Control How to access the CA T mode .
82 CD mode Select the C D mode from the front pag e of t he CAT men u by pressing the Up/Down button on th e remote con trol, and t hen press t he Mute button on the remo te contro l for more t han 5 sec. OSD The softw are ver sion of the EE PROM (IC 9354) can be upgraded by: 1.
83 SD Mode Select the SD mode from the front pag e of th e CAT mod e by pressi ng the Up/Down button on t he remote control, a nd then pr ess the A ction button on the remo te cont rol. OSD To exit the SD mode , press the R but ton on th e remote cont rol.
84 I 2 C Menu Structure The values i ndicated i n this flowchart are sampled data. Figure 70.
85 A lignment Procedures Pedestal Setting Equipme nt requir ed: HDTV Co mponent Video Gray scale pattern G enerator, PC Video Gr ay Scale G enerator Panel Set tings; Pictur e = Nor mal, W hite Bal ance = C ool, Aspect R atio = 16: 9 Pattern Display : Figure 71 Step 1- Access the R, G an d B cutoff set tings and set them t o “80”.
86 NTSC (480i) White Balance Adjustment Equipme nt requir ed: NTSC P attern G enerato r, Colori meter Panel Set tings; Pi cture = Stan dard, Col or Temper ature = Cool, As pect Ratio = 16:9 Step 1- U sing the Patter n generat or; apply a 20 IRE (15% Lig ht) Window pattern signal to the panel.
87 480p White Balan ce Adjustment Equipme nt requir ed: 480p Pattern G enerator, Col orimet er Panel Set tings; Pi cture = Stan dard, Col or Temper ature = Cool, As pect Ratio = 16:9 Step 1- U sing the Patter n generat or; apply a 20 IRE (15% Lig ht) Window pattern signal to the panel.
88 720p White Balan ce Adjustment Equipme nt requir ed: 720p Pattern G enerator, Col orimet er Panel Set tings; Pi cture = Stan dard, Col or Temper ature = Cool, As pect Ratio = 16:9 Step 1- U sing the Patter n generat or; apply a 20 IRE (15% Lig ht) Window pattern signal to the panel.
89 1080i White Balan ce Adjustment Equipme nt requir ed: 1080i Patter n Genera tor, Col orimeter Panel Set tings; Pi cture = Stan dard, Col or Temper ature = Cool, As pect Ratio = 16:9 Step 1- U sing the Patter n generat or; apply a 20 IRE (15% Lig ht) Window pattern signal to the panel.
90 Sub Brightness Setting Equipme nt requir ed: NTSC gr ayscale pat tern Genera tor Panel Set tings; Pi cture = Nor mal, Aspect Ratio = 16:9 Pattern Display : Note: Adjust i n a Dark room.
91 Service Contact Informatio n Panasonic Customer Call Center 1-800-211-7262 Tech Support Hotlin e PTV and Digital Products 1-800-743-2335 (Authorized Service Centers onl y) A ll Other Products 1-800.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic TH-42PHD5 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic TH-42PHD5 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic TH-42PHD5 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic TH-42PHD5 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic TH-42PHD5, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic TH-42PHD5.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic TH-42PHD5. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic TH-42PHD5 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.