Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto NE-2180C del fabbricante Panasonic
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© 2001 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Unauthorize d copying and distribution is a violation of law. NE-3280 NE-2180 NE-2180C Microw ave Ov en ORDER NO.
1 CONTROL PANEL 4 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE-2180C.
2 OPERATION PROCEDURE 5 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE-2180C.
6 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE-2180C.
7 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE-2180C.
8 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE-2180C.
3 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM NE-3280 (USA) 9 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE-2180C.
4 WIRING DIAGRAM NE-3280 (USA) NOTE: When replaci ng, check the lead wire colour as shown. 10 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE-2180C.
5 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM NE-2180C (CANADA) 11 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE-2180C.
6 WIRING DIAGRAM NE-2180C (CANADA) NOTE: When replaci ng, check the lead wire colour as shown. 12 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE-2180C.
7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM NE-2180 (USA) 13 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE-2180C.
8 WIRING DIAGRAM NE-2180 (USA) NOTE: When replaci ng, check the lead wire colour as shown. 14 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE-2180C.
Variab le power cookin g control The coil of power relays are energiz ed intermi ttently by the digital programm er circuit, when the oven is set at a ny power selectio n except for High power position . The digital programmer circuit controls the ON-OFF time of the power relays contact s in order to vary the output power of the microwave oven.
Unlike many other applian ces, the microwave oven is high- voltage, high-cu rrent equipm ent. Though it is free from danger in ordinary use, extrem e care should be taken during repair. CAUTION Servicemen should remove their watches whenever working close to or replacing the magnetron.
10.6. Confirm after repair 1. After repair or replacement of parts, make sure that the screws of the oven, etc. are neither loose nor missing . CAUTION Servicemen should remove their watches whenever working close to or replacing the magnetron. 11.1. Magnetrons (Upper and Lower) Upper magne trons (Right and Left) 1.
11.2. Digital programmer circuit board 1. Remov e ground ing screw for membrane switch and D.P.C. ground. 2. Remov e 2 screws holding control panel assemb ly to detach it from main unit then remove connec tors. 3. Remov e 2 screws holding the D.P.C. board and remove the board by freeing catch hooks.
11.5. Upper antenna (Right and Left) Upper antenn a (Right and Left) 1. Remov e 8 plastic clips holding ceiling plate and exhaus t guides by using flat screwd river or the like. 2. Remov e 2 screws holding upper antenn a assy by insertin g screwdriver through the openin g on the antenn a as shown in figure.
11.7. Replacement of temperature sensor (Thermal protector) 1. Cut 2 lead wires at the top of sensor termina ls. 2. Remov e 2 screws holding temp sensor and replace with new one. 3. Solder the lead wires secure ly to the sensor terminals. 11.8. Replacement of antenna motors (upper and lower) 1.
CAUTION 1. High voltage is present at the high voltage terminal of the high voltage transformer during any cook cycle. 2. It is neither necessary nor advisable to attempt measuremen t of the high voltage. 3. Before touching any oven components , or wiring, always unplug the oven from its power source and discharge the high voltage capacitor.
12.6. Diode 1. Isolate the diode from the circuit by disconn ecting the leads. 2. With the ohmme ter set on the highest resistan ce scale, measu re the resistan ce across the diode terminals. Reverse the meter leads and again observe the resistan ce reading .
13.1. Adjustment of the secondary interlock switch (SAFETY SWITCH B) (Right and Left side) 1. Switch operat ion When the door is slightly opened , the second ary interloc k switch opens the main circuit.
13.3. Adjustment of the primary interlock switch (SAFETY SWITCH A) (Right and Left side) 1. Switch operat ion W hen the door is slightly opened , the contact s of primary interloc k switch opened to give digital program mer circuit the informa tion that the door is opend.
· Glass thermometer 212°F or 100°C · 600cc glass beaker 14.2. Procedure for measuring radiation leakage Note before measuring 1. Do not exceed meter full scale deflecti on Leakag e monito r should initially be set to the highest scale.
15 TROUBLESH OOTING GUIDE CAUTION 1. Check grounding before checking for trouble. 2. Be careful of the high voltage circuit. 3. Discharge high voltage capacitor. 4. When checking the continuity of the switches or the high voltage transformer, disconnect one lead wire from these parts and then check continuity with the AC plug removed.
DISPLAY CONDITIONS POSSIBLE CAUSE TIMING OF FAILURE INDICATION F89 Shorted contacts of RY- 9 1. Relay f ailure RY-9 (D) 2. Digital programmer circuit failure It is appeared when failure occured. [TROUBLE] Oven does not operate at all or oven does not start cookin g.
16 EXPODED VIEW AND PAR TS LIST 28 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE- 2180C.
29 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE- 2180C.
17 PARTS LIST NOTE When ordering replace ment part(s), please use part number(s) shown in this parts list. Do not use description of the part. Importan safety notice: Compo nents identifie d by mark have special characteristics important for safety. When replacin g any of these compo nents, use only m anufa cturere ’s specifie d parts.
Ref. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Pcs/Set Remarks 15 ANE000Z000AA CUSHION RUBBER C 14 15 ANE000Z000AA CUSHION RUBBER C 14 15 ANE000Z000AA CUSHION RUBBER C 14 15 ANE000Z000AA CUSHION RUBBER.
Ref. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Pcs/Set Remarks 57 A33373030GP DOOR ARM LEVER 2 58 A400B3040AP AIR FILTER FLAME(U) 2 59 A400C3040AP EXHAUST GUIDE B 1 60 A402N3030GP EXHAUST GUIDE A 1 61 .
Ref. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Pcs/Set Remarks 102 XYN5+C8BN SCREW 2 NE-3280(5X8)FOR NOISE FILTER 103 A64083040AP WASHER 2 103 A64083040AP WASHER 2 104 A65313030GP SWITCH HOLDER 1 105 ANE64086Q0AP WASHER 1 106 A65513030GP H.V.T.MOUNTING 2 106 A65513030GP H.
Ref. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Pcs/Set Remarks 138 XWG5BV WASHER 2 FOR SHELF SUPPRT 138 XWG5BV WASHER 2 FOR SHELF SUPPRT 139 A90273A40AP CORD BUSHING 1 NE-3280 139 A90273040AP CORD BUSH.
Ref. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Pcs/Set Remarks D12 XYEANE4+C16T SCREW 4 4X16 D12 XYEANE4+C16T SCREW 4 4X16 D13 A30853030GP DOOR C 1 D14 ANE0245X00AP DHHS LABEL 1 NE-3280,NE2180 D15 ANE01728U0CP CAUTION LABEL 1 NOTE: Please order DHHS label togethe r.
20 PACKING AND ACCESSORIE S Ref. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Pcs/Set Remarks P1 A00033A40AP INSTRUCTION BOOK 1 NE-3280,NE-2180 P1 A00033A60CP INSTRUCTION BOOK 1 NE-2180C P2 A00873040AP ME.
21 WIRING MATERIAL 37 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE- 2180C.
Ref. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Pcs/Set Remarks W1 A030A3A40AP LEAD WIRE HARNESS 1 NE-3280 W1 A030A3A60AP LEAD WIRE HARNESS 1 NE-2180 W1 A030A3590CP LEAD WIRE HARNESS 1 NE-2180C W2 A0360.
Ref. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Pcs/Set Remarks W3 A03623560GP LEAD WIRE 1 NE-2180(C) W4 A03633560GP LEAD WIRE 1 W5 A604Q3570AP SURGE ABSORBER A 1 NE-2180 W6 A03653560GP LEAD WIRE 1 W7 A.
Ref. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Pcs/Ser Remarks D2,D3 ERZC10DK112R VARISTOR 2 F1,F2 A62316010BP FUSE HOLDER 4 F1,F2 A6116-1740 TERMINAL BOARD 2 NE-3280 F3 A62314000AP FUSE HOLDER 1 NE-32.
41 NE-3280 / NE-21 80 / NE- 2180C.
Ref. No. Part No. Description Pcs/set Remarks C10,12,13,15,16,17 ,19,22,26,29 AECF50F104Z CERAMIC CAPACITOR 10 0.1MF/50V C11 ECA1HM221B ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR,AL 1 220MF/50V C14 ECEA1CKA100B ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR,AL 1 10MF/16V C18 ECEA1HKA2R2B ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR,AL 1 2.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic NE-2180C è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic NE-2180C - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic NE-2180C imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic NE-2180C ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic NE-2180C, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic NE-2180C.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic NE-2180C. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic NE-2180C insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.