Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Multimedia Projection Display del fabbricante Panasonic
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PT - 50L C 1 3 LSQT0738B Multimedia P rojection Displa y Operating Ins t ructions F or assistanc e, please call : 1 - 888 -VIEW PT V(84 3- 97 88) or send e-mail to : or visit us at www (USA) Three Impor tant Reasons to Register Y our Pro du c t I mm e di at el y! 1 Protect Y our New I nv e stme nt .
2 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Note to C A T V System Installer: This reminder is provided to call t he CA T V system installer ’ s at tention to Ar ticle 820 - 4.
3 Getting Start ed The lamp has a maximum life of about 10 000 hours. If use exceeds this fi gure, the possibility of lamp damage becomes greater . The lamp should be changed as soon as possible once the lamp warning message appears. If the lamp is damaged, please contact your nearest dealer .
4 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) W elcome to the Pana sonic family of cu stomers. W e hope th at you will ha ve man y years of e njoyment f rom yo ur ne w proj ection displ a y .
5 Getting Start ed To Start ! Use Now ! Enjoy More ! Other Information ! Getting Start ed T able of C onte nt s Basic Operation Advanced Op er a tion Information Important Safety Instructions............................................................
6 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) R ecei v er L ocatio n This projection display is intended to be used wit h an op tional stand or enter tainment c enter . Consult your dealer for avail abl e o pti ons . Locate for c omfor table viewing.
7 Getting Start ed A cc essories Requires t wo A A bat teries (supplied). 1 . T urn the T ransmit ter face down. Rem ove to p c over by pr es sin g down on mark ing and sliding cover of f in the direct ion indicated. 2. Install the bat teries as shown in the bat tery c ompar tment.
8 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Number keys When 6 is pressed, channel 6 is dis played in single screen. (P . 3 1 ) Illumi nated Remote C ontrol POWER button Press to turn t he projection display ON or OFF . (P . 22) MUTE button Press this but ton to mute the sound.
9 Getting Start ed ASPECT button Changes the way the image is display e d. (P . 32) Light button Lights all buttons. T he selected mode but ton (T V , V CR , etc. ) fl ashes. TV/VIDEO button T oggles bet ween T V and VIDEO inputs. ( P . 35) Re duce s volu me.
10 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Con t r ols and T erminals on the pro jection displa y < FR ON T > LAM P i nd i ca to r This indicator lights up w hen there is a malfunct ion with the lamp unit. (P . 76) TEMP indicat or This indicator lights up w hen there is an abnormal tem per a ture in the unit.
11 Getting Start ed < R EA R > VHF/UHF terminal (PP . 1 2- 1 4 ) Ve n t Note: Make sure the vents are not blocked. (This could cause damage.) Loc ati on of Cont rols Ve n t Component signal input 1- 4 ter mi nals (P . 16) AV out terminals (P . 1 7) Input 1, 2 ter mi nals (P .
12 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Co nnecting the Anten na / Cable to the RF in T er mi nal (No V CR) Antenna Connect ion For prop er rec ept ion of V HF / UHF c hann els, an ex ter nal a ntenn a is req uired . For best re cep tion a n outd oor ant enna is r eco mmen ded .
13 Getting Start ed Cabl e Conn ec tion Use thi s con fi gura tion w hen co nnec ting t he proj ect ion di splay to a c abl e T V system. Notes: • Certain cable systems offset some channels to reduce interference or have Premium (scrambled) channels.
14 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Use thi s con fi gura tion w hen con nec ting t he proj ect ion disp lay to a ca ble T V syste m using VCR. Note: When the RF coaxial cable is connected to the projection display VHF/UHF terminal via a cable box or VCR, set the TV channel to CH3 or CH4.
15 Getting Start ed Ho w to connect the “ 1 , 2, 3” Input T er mi nals Connects VC Rs and other p eripheral equipment Similar connec tions are available at the INPUT 1, 2, 3 input terminals. Notes: • Similar connections are available at the INPUT 1, 2, 3 input terminals.
16 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Ho w to con nect the C OMPONEN T VIDEO In put T er mi nals Notes: • Similar connections are available at the COMPONENT VIDEO INPUT 1-4 T erminals. • Select the desired COMPONENT VIDEO INPUT position by pressing the TV/VIDEO button.
17 Getting Start ed Ho w to connect the A V Out T erminals The “ AV Out ” T erm inals ou tpu t the sa me sig nals a s the m ain pic ture on t he p rojec tion di splay scr een an d sound f rom th e spea ker at th at tim e, e.g. T V pro gra ms or sig nals f rom IN PUT 1 , 2 , 3 te rmin als.
18 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) RGB OUT AUDIO OUT COMPU TER Ho w to connect the R GB IN T erminals Notes: • Some PC models cannot be connected to the set. A conversion adapter is required to use the RGB cable (D-SUB 15P) to connect a Macintosh computer to the set.
19 Getting Start ed Installation RGB OUT AUDIO OUT Connecting a DTV Decod er to R GB I N RG B cable (D - SUB 15P ) Audio cable Notes: • Select the desired RGB input position by pressing the PC/MENU or TV/VIDEO button. (P . 35) • Similar connections are available at the RGB IN 1, 2 T erminals.
20 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) DIGIT AL IN T er minal P in Lay out s Connect ion por t view 81 16 17 9 24 Pin No. Signal name 1T . M . D . S D a t a 2 - 2T . M . D . S D a t a 2 + 3 T .M. D .S Dat a 2 Shield 4N C 5N C 6D D C C l o c k 7D D C D a t a 8N C 9T .
21 Getting Start ed R GB / DIGIT AL IN signals that can be input The t able b elow li sts t he dif f erent t yp es of RGB / DI GIT A L IN sig nals t hat c an be inp ut .
22 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Press the POWER but ton to turn the projection display on. (Refer to page 23 for “ T urning the Power ON and OFF ” .
23 Basic Operation Always be sure to follow the proc edure given belo w to turn the project ion display power ON and OFF . • The lamp cooling fan will continue to operate for approximately 1 minute after the power is turned off. At the same time, the POWER indicator will blink Red.
24 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) 2 Use the ▲ , ▼ but tons to select an item. Selec t MENU desired by pushing Lef t “ ◄ ” button or Right “ ► ” but ton. Use the ACTION but ton to set or go to ne x t menu screen.
25 Basic Operation Returning to the previous screen If RECALL is pressed w hile a menu screen is displayed , t he display will return to the previous screen. Adjust items Set an item INF O RMA T I O N s cr ee n P. 6 1 LA NG U A GE sel e ction scre en P.
26 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Autom atic ally se arch es and a dds r ecei vable c hanne ls to me mor y. Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t SET UP . Press to select CHAN NEL. Press to display the CH AN NEL.
27 Basic Operation Notes: • After AUTO SET is fi nished, the lowest channel number added will be received. • Some channels with very weak signals may be locked into memory . If desired, these channels can be deleted man u al ly using the MANUAL SET feature.
28 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Use thi s set ting w hen cha nging set t ing of rec eiving c hanne ls or cha nging t he cha nnel di s play . 3 Press to select MANU AL SE T . Press to display the M ANUA L SET screen.
29 Basic Operation 4 Press to select c hannel. Repeat steps 4 to continue adding or deleting channels. Press to add channels to memor y . Press to select c hannel. Press to delete channels from memor y . Press to exit menu. Note: Some channels with very weak signals may be locked into memory .
30 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Operation c an be done from the projection display . Press to select the desired volu me lev el. Press to select the desired channel. (Or use number keys ) Press to turn t he projection display on.
31 Basic Operation Auto sh ut of f T o extend lamp life, if there is no signal to the set ’ s tuner for 5 minutes, the lamp will shut of f automati cally . Asp ect t y p es (P . 3 2) Rec eivable broad cast t y pes (P . 3 7) Chan ne l Chan ne l caption (P .
32 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) The co lor moni tor wi ll allow you to enjoy viewin g the p ictu re at it s ma ximum si ze, inclu ding wi de scre en cinema format picture. The aspect mode c hanges each time the ASPECT button is pres sed.
33 Basic Operation Notes: • The screen size changes if ID-1 is detected. (P . 57) • When ASPECT is in ZOOM mode, PIP feature cannot be used. (P . 40) ASPEC T C o nt ro ls Mode Picture Ex pla na tion NORMAL NOR MA L will display a 4:3 picture at its stand ard 4:3 size.
34 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) When the SE A RCH / OPEN /C L OS E button is presse d during single screen. When a channel but ton is pressed during channel search. Sound from t he left sc reen is output from t he speak er s on the projection display set.
35 Basic Operation VC R DV D p l a ye r This equipment can also be co n nect ed to the rear terminals. See Connec tions for details. T ur ning the power on and s witching input mod es T urn the projection display on. 1 2 The input mo de changes each time this but ton is pressed.
36 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Press this but ton to mute the sound. Press again to reactivate sound. Sound is als o reactivated when p ower is turned of f or volume level is changed.
37 Basic Operation The following are pos sible broadcast t ypes with t hei r acc ompanying on- screen displays. The signal being received is indic ated with a “ ” mar k while the se lec t ed audio mode is indic ated with an ar row .
38 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Notes: • Sound from the Left screen is output from the speakers on the projection display set. • When the screen is split, signals of the Left screen are output from the rear monitor output terminal.
39 Basic Operation Swapping lef t and right screens Example: Du r i ng SP LI T SCR EEN NOR M A L Changing the channel of the right screen Press to swap. Example: Du r i ng SP LI T SCR EEN NOR M A L Note: When outside input is fi nished, the low est reg is tered c han nel number is displayed.
40 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Y ou can view t wo pictures simult aneously using t wo tuners and pic ture in picture ( PIP ) display function. Display P IP screen Press to split (T he previously selected screen appears on the M ain.
41 Basic Operation Swapping Main and PIP screens Press to swap. Changing the channel of the PIP screen Mov e PIP screen Y ou can move the PIP screen to four po si tions. Press re peat ed ly to select PIP position. Press to select the desire d channel.
42 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) 4 Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t ADJU ST . Press to select POSITION / SIZE. Press to display POSITION / SIZE. Press to adjust PO SI TI ON / SIZE. 2 3 Press to select the sc reen mode.
43 Advanced Op er a tion Notes: • This projection display is equipped with various screen modes. If a screen mode with a different aspect from the broad cast program is selected, image will appear differently . Select the proper screen mode with this in mind.
44 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) 1 Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t AD JUST . 2 Press to select AU DI O. Press to display AUDIO screen. 3 Press to select the menu to set each item. The sound level is au to mat i cal ly adjusted to suit the program sourc e.
45 Advanced Op er a tion Adjust the desired level b y listening to the sound. BASS Adjusts low sounds TREBLE Adjusts high sounds BALANCE Adjusts lef t and right volu mes 1 Repeat step 1 on page 44. 2 Press to select AUDIO A DJUST . Press to display AUDIO AD JUST screen.
46 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) W ARM Warm co lor (more red ) Ideal for movies in low lighting c onditi ons. CINEMA See next page Note: There is little change when PICTURE is increased with a bright picture or reduced with a dark picture.
47 Advanced Op er a tion Adjust to desired level while viewing picture through the menu overlay . 2 Press to select PICTU RE A DJUST . Press to display PICTURE A DJU ST screen. Press to select the menu to set each item. 3 1 Repeat step 1 on page 46. Press to exit menu.
48 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t SET UP . Press to select LO C K .
49 Advanced Op er a tion Setup US MO VIES Ratings 1 2 3 Perform “Enter Secret Code” step 1 on page 48. Press number ke ys to enter your secret code. Press to select US MOVIE S. Press to set Press to select CHANG E SET TINGS . Press to display the CHANGE SET TINGS screen.
50 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Setup US T V PR OGR A MS Ratings 1 2 3 Perform “US MOVIES Ratings” step 1 on page 49. Press to select US T V PROG R A MS . Press to set. Press to select CHANG E SET TINGS . Press to display the CHANGE SET TINGS screen.
51 Advanced Op er a tion US TV PROGRAMS RA TINGS: Chart 1 Reset User ’ s Memory Functions <Whe n V - Ch ip Control is act ivated > T emporarily deactivate V -Chip control Enter y our sec ret code in the bloc king message screen. • V -Chip control is reactivated when power is turned off or power failure occurs.
52 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) CA PT I O N MO D E Activates the On - Screen Close d Caption feature. When activated this feature will remain on until OFF is selected in this menu. Closed Caption Modes from which to Choose Caption Mode: CAP C1 or C2 A narration of selec ted T V programs is displayed.
53 Advanced Op er a tion 1 2 Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t SET UP . Press to select CAP TION. Press to display the CAPTI ON screen. Press re peat ed ly to selec t CC ON MU TE. Press to select CC ON MU TE. Press to exit menu.
54 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Stat ion na mes , e.g. ABC, TNN, etc. so t hat t hey will ap pea r when a c hann el is sel ect ed. Choos e 24 pre set names. 1 2 Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t SET UP .
55 Advanced Op er a tion 1 2 Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t SET UP . ON : Picture is displayed regardless of signal condition, and may not always be clear ly visible. OFF : Screen tur ns solid blue when signal is absent or weak.
56 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) 1 2 Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t SET UP . ON : When signal is noisy OFF : When signal is high - qualit y Press to select VIDEO . Press to display the VID EO screen.
57 Advanced Op er a tion 1 2 Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t SET UP . ON : When screen size speci fi cat ion signals are detected, screen size is automatically change d. OFF : The screen size is not au to mat i cal ly c hanged.
58 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) 1 2 Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t SET UP . VGA : When RG B / DIGIT AL I N input signal is VGA 60 Hz from PC. 48 0P : When RGB / DIGIT A L IN input signal is 48 0 P from other equipment.
59 Advanced Op er a tion 1 2 Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t SET UP . ON : Usually set to ON. OFF : Set to OFF if picture appear s unnatural. Accu rate se para tio n of the p ict ure’ s b right ne ss and c olor si gnal s allows you to e njoy a beau ti ful pic ture .
60 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) 1 2 Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t SET UP . Press to select OT H ER . Press to display the O THER screen. Press re peat ed ly to select the desired time.
61 Advanced Op er a tion 1 Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t SET UP . Press re peat ed ly to selec t the desired L A NGUA G E. Press to select L A NGUAGE. Press to exit menu. 2 The la ngua ge of t he proj ect ion di splay is se t to Engli sh as th e fac tor y sett ing.
62 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Demo Mode F eature 1 2 Press the ACTION but ton to display the MENU screen and selec t SET UP . Press to select OT H ER . Press to display the OTHER screen. Press to set “ON ” or “OFF” .
63 Advanced Op er a tion Still im age d ata (JPEG) mad e wit h a digi tal c am era, d igit al vid eo ca mera , or PC c an be p layed back u sing an SD Card / PC Card .
64 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Index Area Folders and fi les are displayed here . Notes: • Up to 1 000 JPEG fi les can be displayed. (This number may be lower if subfolders, or fi les other than JPEG are included in the folder .
65 Advanced Op er a tion SINGLE A single image sele cted fr om the index area fi lls t he screen. Y ou c an also rotate t he image and view imag e informat ion. ( PP . 6 6 - 67) SLIDE Images are displayed one af ter an other as a slide show. Also, the S PEED and T ransit ion features (p.
66 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) JP E G Viewer (SD Card / PC Card) Single Play Mode 1 Pre ss ▲▼ to selec t “SIN GLE, ” and press A CTION . Pre ss ▲▼ ◄ ► to move cursor to desired fi le in IND E X AREA .
67 Advanced Op er a tion FILE P2000006 DATE 07/31/2003 JP E G Viewer (SD Card / PC Card) Slide Show Mo de 1 Press ▲▼ to select “SLIDE,” and press ACT I O N . Press ▲▼ ◄ ► to move cursor to desired fi le in Index Area. ( Press ▲▼ ◄ ► to display next/previous page of 9 thumbnail fi les).
68 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) • Please wait more than one hour for lamp replacement. [ If you need to replace the lamp more urgently ] • The projection display has a forced cooling feature.
69 Information R emote C ontro l Quick Re ference Guide (Operati ng p eripheral equ ipmen t) Pr ogramming The Illuminated Remote Control Using Access Codes The remote control c an be preset for other .
70 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Setting to t he remote using the step and set me t hod (When code is not known): 3 4 1 2 Press and hold the POWER and ACTION but tons simultaneously fo r at lea st 5 sec onds . Af ter 5 sec onds, all the illuminated mode but tons will begin to fl ash.
71 Information Infrared C odes Index The remote control is c apable of operating many brands of peripheral equipment. Refer to page 69 and 70 for programming procedures. Notes: • The remote control memory is limited and therefore some models may not operate.
72 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) CABL E CONVERTER B OX AND D VD , CD PLA YERS Infrared C od es Index DVD CBL Maker List (CBL ) Maker Set Up No.
73 Information CA SSET TE P L A YERS , PERS ONAL V IDEO RE CORDERS , RECEIVERS, AMPL IFIERS, and DBS Infrared Codes Index DBS RCVR AUX Remo te Control Quick Reference Guide (Op erating p eripheral equipment) Maker List (T APE) Maker Set Up No. Maker Set Up No.
74 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Quick Reference F unct ional Button Char t BUTTON MODE FUNCTION All Components T urns selected components On and Off TV Press to access Second Audio program MUTE TV CBL RCVR Mutes audio ASPECT TV DTV DBS Select picture size (ratio) to match programming format.
75 Information Notes: • Not all functions listed may be controllable. • Some TV , Cable Box and DSS Receiver brands require you to turn on the power manually .
76 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) Before y ou call for ser vice, determine the symptoms and mak e a few simple checks as sho w n below . Symptoms Checks Page Power does not turn ON • Is the power plug plugged in? 22-23 Lamp does not light up.
77 Information Note: Design and Speci fi cations are subject to change without notice. Weight and Dimensions shown are approximate. PT -5 0L C 1 3 Power Source AC 1 20 V , 6 0 Hz Power Consumption Power ON : A pprox. 220 W ( When audio is at maximum) Power OFF : Approx.
78 For assistanc e, please call : 1- 88 8 -VIEW P T V( 84 3 - 9788) T o ensure continued excellent per formanc e by this product, p eriodic cleaning is recommended. The unit c ontains many plastic par ts. For this reason DO N O T use benzine, thinner or other chemic als to clean the unit.
Customer ’ Record The serial number of t his product c an be found on its back c ov er . Y ou should note this ser ial number in the space provided below and retain this book, plus your purchase re ceipt, as a permanent rec ord of your purchase to aid in identi fi c ation in the even t of t heft or loss, and for Warrant y Ser vice pur poses.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic Multimedia Projection Display è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic Multimedia Projection Display - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic Multimedia Projection Display imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic Multimedia Projection Display ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic Multimedia Projection Display, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic Multimedia Projection Display.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic Multimedia Projection Display. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic Multimedia Projection Display insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.