Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto KX-TA1232 del fabbricante Panasonic
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Model No. KX-T A1232 Ad v anced Hybrid System User Manual A1232 A1232 A D V A N C E D H Y B R I D S Y S T E M K X - T A 1 2 3 2 P a n a s o n i c Panasonic Please read this manual bef ore using the Adv anced Hybrid System.
2 User Manual Thank you for purchasing the Panasonic Telephone System..
System Compon ents User Manual 3 System Components Model No. Descript ion Service Unit KX-TA1232 Advanced Hybr id System (Main Unit) Telephone KX-T7130 KX-T7135 KX-T7020 KX-T7030 KX-T7050 KX-T7055 Pro.
Attention 4 User Manual Attention When using the KX-T7000 series, keep the following condi tions in mind: • If ther e is any trouble, unplug the exten sion lin e and conne ct a known wo rking phone . If the known workin g phone op erates p roperly, h ave the defecti ve phone re paired by a speci fied Panasonic Factor y Service Cent er.
Introduc tion User Manual 5 Introduction Who Should Use This Manu al This manual i s designed f or users of an Advanced Hybri d System, model nu mber KX-TA1232. It is to be u sed a fter the s yst em is inst alled and Syst em P rogr ammin g i s com ple ted.
Introductio n 6 User Manual Conference , Unattended allows yo u to leave the co nference and let t he othe r two part ies continue conversat ion when you are i n a confer ence with t wo outside parties.
Introduc tion User Manual 7 Programming Guide Refe rences The relat ed an d require d prog ramming tit les are noted for your refere nce in t he Prog ramming Guide. Syste m Progra mming should be done by the extens ion which i s connect ed to Jack number 01 or the System Manager.
Table of C ontents 8 User Manual Table of Contents 1 PT Overview 1.1 Configuration ......................... .................. ........................... .................. ....................... 14 1.1.1 Configur ation ........................ ...
Table o f Conten ts User Manual 9 4.3.11 Call Forwarding — No Answer ...................... .................. .................. ...................... 86 4.3.12 Call Forwarding — Busy / No Answer ............................. .................. .
Table of C ontents 10 User Manual 4.3.60 Outward Dialing, Line Acc ess — SUMMARY .............. .................. ..................... 18 2 4.3.61 Paging — SUMMARY ...... ........................... .................. ...........................
Table o f Conten ts User Manual 11 5.2.4 One-Touch Acc ess Assignment for System Feat ures ........................... .................. .. 255 5.3 DSS Console Feature s ............................... .................. ........................... .
Table of C ontents 12 User Manual.
PT Overview User Manual 13 Section 1 PT Overview Note : All il lustr ation s used in the initia l sett ing ar e based on mo del KX-T7130 / KX-T7135..
PT Overvi ew 14 User Manual 1.1 Con figura tion 1.1.1 Config uratio n Panasonic Propri etary Tele phones ( PTs) are availa ble to ut ilize va rious fea tures of KX-TA12 32 System, in additi on to suppo rtin g basic te lephone se rvice s (making an d receivi ng calls ).
PT Overview User Manual 15 1.1.2 Location o f Controls (Back View) — See the diagram below. KX-T7020 MESSAGE Button FWD/DND Button CONF Button INTERCOM Button REDIAL Button FLASH Button HOLD Button .
PT Overvi ew 16 User Manual LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) MESSAGE Button FWD/DND Button CONF Button INTERCOM Button REDIAL Button FLASH Button HOLD Button (Back View) — See the diagram below.
PT Overview User Manual 17 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) KX-T7135 has a backlit LCD. MESSAGE Button SAVE Button FWD/DND Button CONF Button INTERCOM Button REDIAL Button FLASH Button HOLD Button (Back View) — See the diagram below.
PT Overvi ew 18 User Manual MESSAGE Button INTERCOM Button REDIAL Button FLASH Button HOLD Button (Back View) — See the diagram below. Programmable Feature Buttons Flexible CO Buttons TRANSFER Butto.
PT Overview User Manual 19 INTERCOM Button REDIAL Button FLASH Button HOLD Button (Back View) — See the diagram below. Programmable Feature Buttons Flexible CO Buttons TRANSFER Button PAUSE Button A.
PT Overvi ew 20 User Manual 1.1.3 Feature Buttons Proprie tary tel ephones (PTs ) have the foll owing t ypes of Feat ure Butto ns: • Fixed Butt ons • Flex ible B utto ns • Program mable Fea ture Butt ons Fixed Bu ttons Fixed but tons have s pecif ic funct ions permane ntly ass igned to t hem.
PT Overview User Manual 21 Usage AUTO ANSWER/MUT E Button Used for Han ds-free a nswer b ack; or it turns t he microphon e off du ring a co nversati on. AUTO DIAL/STORE Button Used for Sys tem Speed Dia ling or s toring pr ogram change s. CONF (Conference ) Button Used to est ablish a three-pa rty co nference .
PT Overvi ew 22 User Manual Flexible Buttons Flexibl e Buttons do not have s pecific features permanentl y assigne d to them. Fe atures ar e assigne d to Fle xible Butt ons throu gh Syste m or Stati on Programming . "Flex ible Butt on Assignment " is addr essed in "Station Progra mming".
PT Overview User Manual 23 " " ind icate s tha t the fe ature is ava ilable . Line Acc ess Butto ns The follo wing three types o f CO buttons can be used to seize an outs ide line when making a call.
PT Overvi ew 24 User Manual User Manual Referenc es 2.2.2 Flexible Butt on Assignment 4.3.60 Outward Dialin g, Line Access — SUMMARY Group-CO (G-C O) button To suppor t ef ficient utiliz ation of outs ide l ines, a group of outsi de line s (out side li ne group) can be assig ned to a CO but ton.
PT Overview User Manual 25 1.1.4 Initial Settings Display Contrast Adjustment (KX-T7030, KX-T7130 and KX-T7135 only) The CONTRAST select or is use d to adjus t the displa y contr ast.
PT Overvi ew 26 User Manual • You may also a djust the handse t rece iver vo lume durin g a conve rsation using th e handset receive r. To adjust t he headse t volume To adjust t he ringer v olume To adjust t he speaker v olume PT NORMAL HIGH HANDSET VOLUME Adjust the HANDSET VOLUME lever to the desired setting (three levels from NORMAL to HIGH).
PT Overview User Manual 27 1.1.5 LED Indication The Light Emi tting Diod e (LED) bu ttons ind icate t he line co nditions with light ing patt erns. Flashing l ight patterns LED Indication on the INTERCOM Button The table below sh ows the lig hting pat terns fo r inte rcom line condition s.
PT Overvi ew 28 User Manual BLF on DSS Button The Busy Lamp Fi eld (BLF) indicat or button i s red when t he corr esponding extension is busy . This is ava ilabl e for Dir ect St ation Sele ction (DS S) but tons on a DS S co nsole and for fle xible CO buttons assigned a s DSS buttons on prop rietary telephone s.
Statio n Progra mming User Manual 29 Section 2 Station Programming Note: Al l il lustrat ions us ed in th is se ction are based on model KX-T7 130 / KX-T7135.
Station Progra mming 30 User Manual 2.1 Stati on Progr amming Instructi ons 2.1.1 Station Progra mming Instructions Station Progra mming allows y ou, the prop rietary tele phone (PT) us ers, to pr ogram cert ain featur es from you r teleph one ind ividually.
Statio n Progra mming User Manual 31 Exiting St ation Progra mming mode Confirming t he assigned function dat a — Be su re tha t you a re in the Stati on Pr ogram ming mode : Pres s [PAU SE] [ 9] [9] . — To exit t he Station Pr ogramming mode: Press [P AUSE] or lif t the hands et.
Station Progra mming 32 User Manual Confirming t he assigned data on t he Flexibl e button — Be sure tha t you are in the Station Progr amming mode: Press [PAUSE] [9] [9]. — To exit Sta t ion P r ogrammin g mode: Pres s [PAUSE] or l i ft the handset.
Statio n Progra mming User Manual 33 Station Pro gramming [Flex ible Button Assi gnment] Note For detai ls about t he flexib le buttons assig nment, refer to 2.
Station Progra mming 34 User Manual Station Pr ogramming [Functio n Assignment] Note For d etails abou t the f uncti on ass ignme nt, re fer to 2.2 S tation Prog ramm ing.
Statio n Progra mming User Manual 35 2.2 Station Prog ramming 2.2.1 Initial Settings The origi nal setting a r e sh own in bold l etters in the s haded boxes. Fi nd and ma rk your d esired selecti ons for pr ogramming. — Be su re tha t you a re in the Stati on Pr ogram ming mode : Pres s [PAU SE] [ 9] [9] .
Station Progra mming 36 User Manual — To exit th e Station Prog ramming mode : Press [ PAUSE] or lift the handset. Initial Display Selection Which display do you prefer when a call is receiv ed? 8 O.
Statio n Progra mming User Manual 37 2.2.2 Flexible Button Assignment — Be su re tha t you a re in the Stati on Pr ogram ming mode : Pres s [PAU SE] [ 9] [9] .
Station Progra mming 38 User Manual Conditions • * 1 " ", "#", FLASH, PAUSE, SECRET (INTERCOM) and — (CONF) ca n also be s t ored . – If you do no t want to display the s tored number, press the SECRET (INTERCOM) button before and after the nu m bers you wish to con ceal.
Statio n Progra mming User Manual 39 2.2.3 Phantom Extension Ringing On/Off Set Allows you t o assign a ringi ng On/Off functio n on a Phantom butt on (defa ult: On). — Be su re tha t you a re in the Stati on Pr ogram ming mode : Pres s [PAU SE] [ 9] [9] .
Station Progra mming 40 User Manual 2.2.4 Self-Ext ension Number Confirmation ( K X-T703 0, KX-T7130 and KX-T7135 only ) Allows you t o display your e xtension port phy sical number and e xtension number. — Be sure tha t you are in the Station Progr amming mode: Press [PAUSE] [9] [9].
Statio n Progra mming User Manual 41 2.2.5 Station P rogramming Data Defa ult Set Allows you t o return each of the following i tems assigned b y Station Programmi ng to thei r default set t ings .
Station Progra mming 42 User Manual.
User Programming User Manual 43 Section 3 User Programming.
User Prog rammin g 44 User Manual 3.1 U ser Programming Instructions 3.1.1 General Prog ramming Instructions User Progr amming allo ws you, any ext ension user who kno ws the User Programmin g Password, t o program the followi ng system features from your telephon e individually .
User Programming User Manual 45 Before entering the user programming mode Before ent e ring the user programming mode, co nfirm that : • Your tel ephone is on-hook, and • No call s are o n hold at yo ur telep hone.
User Prog rammin g 46 User Manual • The displa y show s the I nitia l Messa ge: USR-PGM NO? Note • If nothi ng is ente red within five seconds af ter the PAUSE butto n is pressed, programming m ode is c a ncele d. • During the programming mode, your extension is tr eated as a bu sy extensi on.
User Programming User Manual 47 3.1. 2 Progr ammi ng Met hods Advancing to the next stage When "USR-PGM NO? " is displayed, you can select on e of the f ollowing: • To go to p r ogram [ 000], press t he NEXT butt on. • To go to a nother program, ent er the 3-di git program addre ss.
User Prog rammin g 48 User Manual Entering Character s Each char acter can be ent ered by usi ng the dia l key pad or various buttons for sto r ing n ames. Comb inat ion T able shows the combi nation o f the key s and the number of t imes to pres s the SELECT (AUTO ANSWER/MUTE) bu tton to ente r each characte r.
User Programming User Manual 49 3.2 User Programming 3.2.1 [000] Date and Time Set Notice It is as sumed that you have read Section 3.1 " User Progr amming Instructio ns". Description Sets the cu rrent date a nd tim e. Select ion • Year: 00 t hrou gh 9 9 • Mon th: Ja n.
User Prog rammin g 50 User Manual Programming Display PT Dial 000 . Enter the year (last 2 digits). 0 0 0 year <Date Setting> <Time Setting> Press NEXT . Press → . K eep pressing SELECT until the desired month is display ed. K eep pressing SELECT until the desired day of the w eek is display ed.
User Programming User Manual 51 Conditions • After chan ging an entry , you can press STO RE . You do not have t o perform the r est of the steps. • To return t o the previous f i eld , press in steps 4 through 9 and st eps 13 thr ough 18. • If you hear an alarm after pressing STOR E , check t hat the date is valid.
User Prog rammin g 52 User Manual 3.2.2 [001] System Speed Dialing Number Set Description Used to pr ogram the Sys t em Spee d Dialing numbers. Th ese numbers are avail able for any extensi on user in the system. Sele ction • Speed dial numbers : 000 through 499 • Telephone number: 24 digits (max.
User Programming User Manual 53 Programming Conditions • Each speed d ial number has a maximum of 24 di gits. The valid cha racters are 0 throu gh 9, , and # keys, and th e FLASH, PAUSE, SECRET and " – " (hyphen ) buttons. — To store the flash signa l, press FLAS H .
User Prog rammin g 54 User Manual — To stor e a feature num ber to con vert pulse signa ls to DTMF (Dual Ton e Multi- Frequency ) sign als, press the and # keys.
User Programming User Manual 55 3.2.3 [003] Extension Number Set Description Assigns an extension number t o each ext ension. Select ion • Jack number: 01 through 32 • Extension Nu m ber: 2 thro u.
User Prog rammin g 56 User Manual Programming Conditions • There is a maximum of 32 extension numbe rs. Each exten sion number can be two, three , or four dig its, consistin g of 0 through 9 .
User Programming User Manual 57 [813] "Fl oating Number Assign ment". Vali d entry ex amples are: 10 and 11; 10 and 11 0. Invalid e ntry examples are : 10 and 106. • Program [004 ] "Extension Name Se t" is used to na me the exte nsion number s.
User Prog rammin g 58 User Manual 3.2.4 [004] Ext ension Name Set Description Assigns na mes to the extens ion numbers progra m med in program [003] Exte nsion Number Set.
User Programming User Manual 59 Programming Conditions • There is a maximum of 32 name s. Each name has a maximum o f 10 cha racters. • For enter i ng cha r acte rs, see " Entering Ch aracters" in 3.1.2 Program ming Methods. • Program [003 ] Extension Number Se t is used to ass ign extens ion numbers .
User Prog rammin g 60 User Manual 3.2.5 [017] DISA User Codes Description Assigns the Direct Inwa rd System Acces s (DISA) Us er Codes and a Cl ass of Serv ice (COS) to each code. T he co de COS dete rmin es the toll re strict ion le vel of the D ISA cal ler.
User Programming User Manual 61 Programming Conditions • This sett ing is requir ed if Trunk (Outs ide line) Secur ity mode is sel ected in progra m [809 ] DISA Security Typ e. • Each code shoul d be unique and composed of f our through ten numeri cal digit s, 0 throug h 9 .
User Prog rammin g 62 User Manual.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 63 Section 4 Station Features and Operation (PT/SLT).
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 64 User Manual 4.1 Before Operating 4.1.1 Bef ore Operating What kind of telephone do you us e ? In this manual, you will fi nd your way to oper ate the featur e depending on the telephone you use. Plea se use the prop er opera tion for your telephone.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 65 Description of Symbols Used In this s e cti on, many symbols are used. Mos t symbols do not need a descript ion, but so m e symbols do. Th ey are as follows. Lift the handset, or press t he SP-PHONE or MONITOR but ton.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 66 User Manual 4.2 Basic Opera tions 4.2.1 Making Calls Interc om Calling You can ma ke a call to another exte nsion. Outward Dialing You can ma ke a call to an outs ide party using one of the follo w ing li ne access methods.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 67 Conditi ons <PT> • Ther e are f our type s of Line Pref erence for ou tgoing call s ( — Idle Lin e/No Line /Prim e Line/Pr i me INTERCOM Line). Each prefe rence can be selected by Stati on or System Programming.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 68 User Manual 4.2.2 Receiving Calls Conditions <PT> • There ar e three types of Line Pref erence f or incomi ng call s ( — No Lin e/Pri me O utsid e Line/Ring ing Line). Each preference can be select ed by Station Prog ramming.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 69 4.3 Station Features and Operation 4.3.1 Absent Message Capability You can sele ct one of nine pr e-programmed Abse nt Messages (1-9) for your e xtension. The display PT use rs calling your ext ension see th e m essa ge you select .
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 70 User Manual Note Enter th e desired value in the "%" space. You must make an entry in all of the %s usi ng 0 thro ugh 9, "# " or " ". Any T elephone D ISPLA Y M ESSA GE P ARAMETER 1 W ill Return Soon None None None M ESSA GE N O .
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 71 Canceling t he absent mess age Conditi ons • All nin e messages can be pr ogrammed either by User or System Pr ogramming. <display PT> • The mes sage you se lect is shown on t he display of you r PT whenever you g o off-hook .
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 72 User Manual 4.3.2 Account Co de Entry An Account Cod e is used to iden tify outside c a lls f or accoun ting and billin g purposes . The account code is appen ded to the "Station Mes sage Detai l Recording (SM DR)" call record.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 73 Entering ac count codes during or after a conversat ion During a con versation or wit hin 15 seconds af ter the other p arty hangs up; Conditi ons • In Verifi ed - All Ca lls mode, you m ust al w ays ent er a pre-assigned a ccount code when making an y of the f ollowing calls.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 74 User Manual <PT> • Pressing the Account butto n (flexible but ton) while ente ring an accou nt code ca ncels the entry.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 75 4.3.3 Alternate Calling — Ring / Voice You can voice-ann ounce your intercom call or hav e the call ed extensi on ring. When you make an inter com call by voice- announcement, t he other pa rty hears your v oice over the built-i n speaker of PT and can speak in the hands-free mode.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 76 User Manual <PT> • Mode Sele ction You can sel ect either to b e ring-signale d or voice-sign aled by Sta tion Programming (Inter com Alert Ass ignment). The defaul t is Ring- Calling mode. User Manual Referenc es 2.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 77 4.3.4 Answering, Direct Outside Line [PT only] You can an swer an outs ide cal l by pressing a flashing a CO button dire ctly. You do not have to lift t he handset or press t he SP-PHONE/MONITOR but ton.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 78 User Manual 4.3.5 Automatic Callback Busy (Ca mp-On) Allows you t o set to receive callback r inging when the di aled li ne becomes i dle. When y ou answer th e callback ring ing; For an exte nsion : The called extension star ts ringing with out diali ng.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 79 Ans weri ng an o utsid e line r ecall Canceling Conditi ons • If you do no t answer the reca ll ringing wit hin 10 seconds (f our callback ring sign als), thi s feat ure will b e autom atica lly ca ncele d.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 80 User Manual 4.3.6 Background Music (BGM) [PT only] You can hear background music t hrough the built -in spea ker of your PT. An exter nal music source, suc h as a radio, must be connected. The music st ops whenever a call comes in or when you go off - hook.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 81 4.3.7 Busy Station Signaling (BSS) You can prompt a busy ext ension (ringing or during a call ) to answer your c all. The ot her extensio n hears three bee ps and knows tha t you are wa iting. Conditi ons • To answer th e signal from the calling extens ion, see 4.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 82 User Manual 4.3.8 Call Forwarding — SUMMARY Automatic a lly transfers in coming cal ls to a nother extensi on or to an e xternal desti nation. The followi ng types are avai lable: Note You can al so set Voice Ma il as the fo rwardi ng de stina tion.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 83 • Two extensio ns can set each ot her as the desti nation extensi on. In this case, a n intercom call to the other party wh ile he/she is absent will not be forward ed back to the ori ginal extension.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 84 User Manual 4.3.9 Call Forwarding — All Calls All of ca lls coming to your extension are f orwarded t o the pre-assi gned exten sion automa tically. Setting PT and SL T Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 85 4.3.10 Call Forwa rding — Busy You can forwa r d cal ls to ano ther extension wh en your extension is busy. Sett ing PT and SL T Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR. For PT : Press FWD/DND .
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 86 User Manual 4.3.11 Call Forwar ding — No Answer Your call s are forwarded to another extensi on when you do not answe r the call with in a pre- determ ined tim e.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 87 4.3.12 Call Forwa rding — Busy / No Answer You can forwa r d your calls t o another extension when your extension is bus y or you do n ot answ er th e call w ithi n a pre -dete rmin ed time .
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 88 User Manual 4.3.13 Call Forwar ding — to Outside Line You can for ward all incoming calls to your exte nsion to an outsi de party v ia a CO. The telepho ne number of t he outside part y must be pr e-progra m med.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 89 4.3.14 Call Forwa rding — Follow Me You can set the "Cal l Forwarding" fe ature from the destin ation extension. Thi s is usefu l if you forget t o set "Cal l Forwarding — Al l Calls" bef ore you leave your desk.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 90 User Manual 4.3.15 Call Forwar ding — CANCEL There ar e two cancelin g methods for " Call Forwarding" .
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 91 4.3.16 Call Hold Allows you to pla ce an intercom or outsid e call on hold. While th e call is on hold , you can make and r ece ive ot her ca lls. To place a ca ll on hold Retrievin g a call on hold Conditi ons • To retrie ve a call on hold at anothe r extension, ref er to 4.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 92 User Manual • Automati c Disconnect ion If a cal l (out side, ext ension) placed on hold is not ret r iev ed within 3 0 minutes, i t is automati cally disconnec ted. <PT> • With outs ide calls , you can put multi ple call s on hold.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 93 4.3.17 Call Hold, Exclusive [PT only] Allows you t o prevent other e xtension users from retrievin g your held cal l. A call put on exclusiv e hold can only be r etrieved from the e xtension that p laced it on hold .
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 94 User Manual Features Guide Ref erenc es Hold Recall User Manual Referenc es 4.3.16 Call Hold.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 95 4.3.18 Call Hold Retrieve Allows you t o retrieve a ca ll that has bee n placed on hold at other ex tensions.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 96 User Manual Programming Gu ide Refe rences [990] Sys tem Additio nal Infor mation User Manual Referenc es 4.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 97 4.3.19 Call Infor mation / Log, Incoming Provid es you with the call er ’ s te lephone nu m ber and name simultan eously on the outside (CO) line assi gned to receive Call er ID service *1 c all s.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 98 User Manual the sent number matches o ne programmed in the system. A CO name will not displayed unless i t has b een assig ned by System Programmi ng. • If "OUT OF AREA" i s displayed, the call may be from out of the calli ng area.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 99 4.3.20 Call Lo g, Incom ing [PT o nly] If a cal l is n ot a nswer ed, t he incom ing o uts ide c all in for mati on fr om th e Ca ller ID se rvice *1 is automatic ally logg ed in the system and the Cal ler ID Indicat ion butt on indicat or light s.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 100 User Manual Confir ming an d cal ling ba ck Display Operation ( — for the KX-T7 030/KX-T7130/KX-T7135) Whe n the C aller ID In dica tion — Pe rsonal but ton indicator is red, ther e are new ca lls logged in the p erson al area .
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 101 Confirming t he number of lo gged calls Clearing al l call logs in the personal area To call back 1. Confirm the di splayed number you desi red after pressi ng the Call er I D Ind icati on button, and then li ft the h andset or pres s the SP-PHONE button.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 102 User Manual Conditions • When "Disre garding the 21 st call in the per sonal area" ha s been set and 20 c alls are lo gged, the Call er ID Selec tion — Personal but ton indic ator lights an d inform s you that no more calls c an be logged.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 103 4.4.3 Call Log, Incoming i n the Common Area — CL EAR AL L 4.4.5 Call Log Lock, Inco ming in the Common Area 4.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 104 User Manual 4.3.21 Call Log Lock, Incoming in the Personal Area [PT only] Allows you t o lock the displ ay of your extension so tha t the "Call Log, .
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 105 User Manual Refer ences 4.3.20 Call Log, I ncoming [PT o nly] 4.4.4 Call Log Lock Contr ol, Incoming in the Personal Area — CANCEL 4.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 106 User Manual 4.3.22 Call Park Allows you to place a held call i nto a system parking area. You ca n be released from t he parked call to pe rform other operat i ons. The parked call can be re trieved from any ext ension.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 107 Retrievin g a parked call Conditi ons • Call Park Reca ll If a p arked call is not re triev ed in a specifi c peri od of t ime (d efau lt: 12 rings), "Call Park Recall" oc curs.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 108 User Manual 4.3.23 Call Pickup, Directed Allows you t o answer an incomi ng call ri nging at any other extens ion. Conditions • Doorphone c alls can be pick ed up from extensio ns that are not pro grammed to answ er doorphone c alls.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 109 4.3.24 Call Pickup, Group Allows you t o answer a call that is ringing at another t elephone wi thin your extension group. Conditi ons • Con firma tion t one A confirmat ion tone i s audi ble when the call is picked up.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 110 User Manual 4.3.25 Call Pickup, Outside Line Allows you t o answer an incomi ng outside call tha t is ringin g at another extension . Conditions • Confirmati on Tone A confirmat ion tone is audible when t he call i s picked up .
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 111 4.3.26 Call Pickup Deny Allows you t o prevent another extensi on from picking up y our calls with t he "Call Pickup" featu re. Sett ing / Ca ncel ing User Manual Refer ences 4.3.23 Call Pickup, Dir ected 4.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 112 User Manual 4.3.27 Call Splitting Allows you to have two call ers on a line a nd alternate b etween the m. If a call comes in while you are a lready on the li ne, you can place t he current cal l (1st ca ll) on hol d and have a conversa tion with the ot her party (2nd ca ll).
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 113 Features G uide Referen ces Consultat ion Hold User Manual Refer ences 4.3.16 Call Hold 4.3.17 Call Hold , Exclusive [PT onl y].
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 114 User Manual 4.3.28 Call Transfer — to Extensio n Allows you t o transfer th e call you received to anot her extension. T here are two ways. Screened Cal l Trans fer: The de stinati on confir ms the transf er before you se nd it.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 115 Call Transfer using a DSS button Allows PT use r s to p erform Screened or Uns creened Call Tran sfer by us ing a DSS butt on. There are two operat ions, depending on wh ether or not One- Touch Transfer *1 is set.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 116 User Manual <PT> • The desti nation extensi on shows the Ca ller ID a nd the extensio n number where t he call was trans ferred from on th e display. <Example> The Caller ID number "123 456789" is trans f erred f rom extension 101.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 117 4.3.29 Call Tr ansfer — to Outside Line You can tra nsfer a c all (inter com, outside) to a n outside party via outside l ine. Screened Cal l Transf er Conditi ons • Class of Ser vice Class of Se rvice progra mming dete rmines th e extensions that can p erform this fea ture.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 118 User Manual • If you wa nt to retu rn to th e held call , press the TRANSFER button or corresponding C O or INTERCOM button before the destin ation party answe r s.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 119 4.3.30 Call Waiting During a ca ll, a Call Waitin g tone informs you t hat ther e is anot her call waiting for you. You can answ er the se cond call by disc onnecting or p lacing t he current call on hold.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 120 User Manual To ta lk to t he new part y by ter mina ting the cur rent c all To ta lk to t he new part y by h olding the c urren t cal l Conditions • The call waiting tone is generated when an ou tside call, a d oorphone call is received, or when an ext ension caller e xecutes Busy Stat ion Signalin g.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 121 <PT> • Call Wait ing Tone Type Sel ection For PT us ers, two types of call waiting to nes are provided to pr event them fr om m iss ing the ton e. You can change t he desired Call Waiting tone f or an incoming ou tside call and inter com call (T one 1 and Tone 2).
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 122 User Manual 4.3.31 Call Waiting from Central Of fice During a c onversation, a ca ll waiting tone offered by the l ocal Cent ral Office sig nals your extensi on that there is an other call waiting. You can a nswer the sec ond call by pl acing the first call on hold.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 123 4.3.32 Caller ID Call Waiting [P T only] During a con versation, a Cal l Waiting tone offered by your Ce ntral Office inf orms you that there is a ca ll waiting.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 124 User Manual Common button indi cators li ght. However in this cas e, if nobody has as signed the Caller ID Indic ation — Co m mon but ton, the call info.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 125 4.3.33 Camp- On Transfer t o Phanto m Extension / Ring Grou p Allows you to tra nsfer a cal l to busy phantom extens ions or extensions in a Ring Group *1 . The call i s transf erred when at least one ex tension becomes fr ee.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 126 User Manual Conditions • If the d estination ext ension does no t become fr ee within twel ve rings ( default ), "Trans fer Recall" occurs.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 127 4.3.34 Conf erence During a two -party conversa t ion, y ou can add a third party to m ake a th ree-party conf erence. The members of a conference on a l ine may be three ext ensions, one e xtension a nd two outsi de lines, or two extensions a nd one outside li ne.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 128 User Manual To leave t he conference To te rmin ate o ne part y and talk to the other To ta lk to t he th ird par ty wh ile ho ldin g the origi nal par ty Any T elephone Hang up or press SP-PHONE. The other two parties may continue their con versation.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 129 To ta lk to the or igin al part y whi le hol ding the th ird pa rty To put both part ies on hold Conditi ons • Up to six co nference calls are allowed simul taneousl y.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 130 User Manual User Manual Referenc es 2.2.2 Flexible Butt on Assignment 4.3.35 Conference, Unat tended [PT only] 4.3.43 Executive Busy Ov erride — Extension 4.3.44 Executive Busy Ov erride — Outside Li ne [PT only] 4.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 131 4.3.35 Conference, Unattended [P T only] When you ar e in a conf erence wi th two outs ide parties, you can leave the t hree-party conferenc e allowing the ot her two parties to conti nue their conver sation.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 132 User Manual Programming Gu ide Refe rences [206] Out side-to- Outside Li ne Call Dur ation Time [503] Cal l Transfe r to Outside Line [601] Cla ss of Servic e Features Guide Ref erenc es Hold Recall User Manual Referenc es 4.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 133 4.3.36 Data L ine Secur ity Your extensi on is prot ected agai nst inter ruptions from the "Cal l Waiting", "Ho ld Recall", and "Executi ve Busy Override" features .
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 134 User Manual 4.3.37 Direc t Inward System Ac cess (DISA) Allo ws an outs ide ca ller t o acce ss sp ecific syst em fe ature s as if the ca lle r is an exten sion in th e system.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 135 Calling an o utside party Extending th e call durati on while cal ling an outs ide line From Outside T elephone Dial the DISA phone number . DISA outgoing message Ringback tone DISA phone no. line acccess code Enter a line access code (9 or 81 through 88).
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 136 User Manual Re-try Conditions Calling an exte nsion • You can choos e Non Security or Al l Security mode. I n All Secur ity mode, t he caller must enter a pre-as signed DISA u ser code t o make inte rcom calls.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 137 Each number must be one digit . The DISA bui lt-in auto at tendant number m ay be the same as the fi rst dig it of other numbers ( extension number, F loating Numbe r, etc.). To avoid confus ion, the sy stem waits f or the second di git for a pre-p r ogrammed amount of time (def ault: 1 s ).
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 138 User Manual 4.3.38 Do Not Dist urb (DND) Allows you t o prevent other parties fr om disturbing you. Your extension wil l not receive interc om and outside call s. Setting / Cancel ing Conditions • DND also works for an incoming ca ll from a doorphon e.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 139 • A PT user i n DND mode can ans wer a call by pre ssing a flashin g button whi ch shows the ar rival of the ca ll. User Manual Refer ences 2.2.2 Flexibl e Button Ass ignment 4.3.8 Call Forwarding — SUMMARY 4.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 140 User Manual 4.3.39 Do Not Disturb (DND) Override You can overr ide the "Do Not Disturb (DND)" feature set on the other extension, if per mitted by System Pr ogramming beforehan d.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 141 4.3.40 Doorpho ne Call Allows you t o have a conversat ion with a visitor at your do orphone.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 142 User Manual To unlock the door from an assigned extension To unlock the door whil e talking to the vi sitor at the doorp hone from any extens ion Any T elephone door opener no. Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 143 Conditi ons • An optional Doorphone / Door Opene r Interf ace Card a nd a doorphon e are necessary for this featu re. • Doorphone 1 and Doorphone 2 cannot rece ive calls s imultaneousl y when one is in use, an extension user cannot have a c onversation wi th the ot her.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 144 User Manual User Manual Referenc es 2.2.2 Flexible Butt on Assignment.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 145 4.3.41 Elec tronic Stat ion Loc kout Allows you t o lock your ext ension so t hat othe r users cannot make outgoing outsid e calls from your exten sion.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 146 User Manual <SLT> • If anoth er user tries to access an outs ide line from a l ooked extension, the user hears a reord er tone.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 147 4.3.42 Emergenc y Call Allows you t o dial out a pre- assigned emergency number after se izing an o utside line regardle ss of the restric tions impose d on your extens ion. Up to 10 emergency dial numbers can be st ore d in th e syst em.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 148 User Manual 4.3.43 Executive Busy Ov erride — Extension You can int errupt an exis ting extension c all (either b etween two i nside parties or between an outside party and an insi de party) by dia ling "2".
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 149 Programming Guide Referenc es [505] Executi ve B usy Overrid e [601] Class of Se rvice [990] System Additi onal Informa tion User Manual Refer ences 4.3.34 Confe r ence 4.3.36 Data Line Security 4.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 150 User Manual 4.3.44 Executive Busy Ov erride — Outside Line [PT only] Allow you t o connect to an exi sting outsi de call or add a third party to your exis ting conversa tion.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 151 Programming Guide Referenc es [505] Executi ve B usy Overrid e [601] Class of Se rvice [990] System Additi onal Informa tion User Manual Refer ences 4.3.34 Confe r ence 4.3.36 Data Line Security 4.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 152 User Manual 4.3.45 Executive Busy Override Deny Allows you t o prevent other extensio n users from inte rrupting your t elephone c onversation. Conditions • Class of Service "Cla ss of S ervic e" pr ogra mming dete rmine s the e xten sions that c an per form this fe atur e.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 153 4.3.46 Extern al Feature Acces s Allows you t o access special featur es (e.g., Cal l Waiting) of fered by a host PBX, Centrex or Central Of fice. This feat ure is effect ive only du ring an outside call.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 154 User Manual [990] Sys tem Additio nal Infor mation User Manual Referenc es 4.3.47 Flash [PT only].
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 155 4.3. 47 Fl ash [PT only] You can disc onnect the curr ent call and make a nother ca ll without hanging up . Conditi ons • A disconnect ion signal must be selected by Sys t em Prog ramming in order to execute t his feature.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 156 User Manual 4.3.48 Full One-Touch Dia ling [PT only] The hand s-free speakerpho ne is automati cally ac tivated. You can e nter a phone nu mber or acc ess a s ystem feat ure with t he tou ch of a but ton. Conditions • DSS buttons on a DSS Console can al so activate th is featu re.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 157 4.3.49 Hands-fr ee Answerba ck [PT only ] You can answer an intercom cal l witho ut lifting th e handset. Sett ing Canceling Conditi ons • Ring/Voice I ntercom Alerting M ode Override This feat ure overrides t he "Alternate Calling — Ring/Voice" f eature.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 158 User Manual 4.3.50 Hands-free Operation [PT only] You can ans w er an i ntercom call wit hout lif ting the h andset.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 159 Helpful hin ts • Use this un it in a quiet r oom for best pe rformance. • If the ot her party has di fficulty hear ing you, decrease the volume. • If you a nd the other p arty speak at the same time, parts of your conversation wi ll be l ost.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 160 User Manual 4.3.51 Inter com Calling You can ma ke a call to anothe r extension user within the syst em or a tena nt.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 161 Programming Guide Referenc es [003] Exte nsion Number Set [004] Exte nsion Name Set User Manual Refer ences 2.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 162 User Manual 4.3.52 Live Call Screening (LCS) [P T only] *1 When you have set a Voice Mail ex tension as the Ca ll Forwarding des tination and hav e activat ed the LCS feature, you can monitor a message while a calle r is leaving the me ssage in your mail box.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 163 Flow cha rt of t he Li ve Ca ll Scr eenin g (LC S) Fea ture Sett ing the pass word Note In order t o change the p assword, ca ncel the curren t password and t hen set a new password. Press LCS button.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 164 User Manual Canceling the pass word Setting L ive Call Screening Canceling L ive Call Screening PT Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR. Hang up or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR. Enter the same passw ord you used to set.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 165 In the Hands-f r ee mode; When call ers are connected to your voice mail box, the message recordi ng is monito red automatic ally thr ough your ex tension s peaker. While monit oring in the Hand s-free mode, the LCS indicat or light flas hes green slo wly.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 166 User Manual Monitoring the recordi ng message Having a conve r sati on with a part y During a conv ersation with anot her party; When the exten sion user is having a co nversation, a call waiting tone is sent.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 167 Having a c onversatio n with a part y - If you wan t to h old th e curr ent ca ll Monitori ng Hav ing a conv ersa tion w ith th e pa rty Conditi ons • The LCS indica tor shows the feature status as follows.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 168 User Manual • During Keep Recording mode, if you wan t to stop record ing the conversa t ion, p ress the Two-Way Recordi ng button.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 169 4.3. 53 Lockou t If one p arty in a conversat ion goes on-hook, they bot h are disconne cted from the s peech path automatic ally. A reo rder tone is se nt to the off-h ook party be fore it is di sconnected.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 170 User Manual 4.3.54 Log-In / Log-Out Allows you t o assign the Log-In mode or Log-Out mode wi thin a hunti ng or ring gr oup. When in the Log-Out mode, you can leave the group temporar ily, pre venting huntin g calls from being sent to y our extension.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 171 Log -In / Lo g-Ou t (Usin g the featu re num ber ) Conditi ons • By default , all ext ensions in the gr oup are in "Log-In" mode. • When exten sions are logged out , calls directe d to the abo ve mentioned group do not come in on thei r extension.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 172 User Manual 4.3.55 Message Wa iting When the ca lled extensio n or phantom extens ion is busy or does not answer yo ur call, you can leave a n otification s o that the call ed party may ca ll you bac k.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 173 Canceling Checking a nd Selecting a m essa ge notifi cation by the rece iver Calling bac k the message noti fication sender Any T elephone extension no. Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 174 User Manual Clearing a ll message notifi cations l e ft on your extens ion Conditions • The syste m supports a maximum of 128 simulta neous message s. Except t hese, up to 128 phantom mess ages can be recor ded.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 175 • Even if t he MESSAGE buttons a re neit her provi ded nor a ssigned, d i al tone 4 *1 after goi ng off-hook i nforms you i f a mes sage has be en received at y our extension. For single line telephone users, a spec ial ring tone can be provided as noti fication.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 176 User Manual 4.3.56 Microphone Mute [PT only] During a conver sation in th e hands-fre e mode, you can turn off your PT's microphon e so that you can con sult privatel y with othe rs in the room.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 177 4.3.57 Night / D ay (Lun ch / Break) Ser vice This syst em supports both the night an d day modes of operati on. The day mode includes the lunch and b reak modes. The sy stem operat ion for o r igin ating and recei ving calls can b e changed dep ending on the mode .
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 178 User Manual Confirming t he current mode Conditions • The foll owing items have sep arate day and night pro gramming.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 179 [407-408] DIL 1:1 Extension —— Day / Ni ght [457-458] DIL 1:1 — Lunch / Break Group [463-464] DIL 1:1 Extension —— Lunch / Break [51.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 180 User Manual 4.3.58 One-Touch Dialing [PT only] Allows you t o make a call (inte r com or o utside) or acces s a system featur e with the touch of a button. Th is is done by sto ring an exten sion number , telephone number o r feature number (up to 16 dig its) in a One-Touc h Dialing button.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 181 4.3.59 Opera tor Call Allows you to call an operator within the syste m . Two ext ensions can be ass igned as Operator 1 and 2. Conditi ons • If no oper ator is assi gned, this fe ature i s not availabl e and you will he ar a reorder t one after dialing the fea ture number.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 182 User Manual 4.3.60 Outward Dialing , Line Access — SUMMARY A CO line ca n be access e d in t he following w ays. Conditions • The CO button assignment on your telephone can be re-arranged as required. Refer to 2.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 183 — The extens ion has been lock ed by the owner (E lectron ic Stati on Lockout) or the operator / manager ( Remote Station Lock Control). — The extens ion is rest ricted by the accoun t code mode, "Ver ified - All Call s" or "Verifi ed - Toll Rest riction Overri de".
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 184 User Manual Line Access, Individual [PT only] You can get an idl e outside l ine for making a call by simply pres sing a CO button (Single- CO) direct ly. Conditions • You may press the CO button dire ctly without fi rst going off- hook.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 185 4.3. 61 P aging — SUMMARY Allows you to make a voice ann ouncement to several people at th e same time. Your message is announce d over the buil t-in spe akers of proprie tary telephones (PT) and/ or exter nal speake rs (External Pagers).
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 186 User Manual Paging — All Allows you to make a voice ann ouncement to all exten sions. Your message is ann ounced over the buil t-in speakers of the propri etary t elephones (PT) and external pagers. Paging — Extern al Allows you t o make a voi ce announcement over external pager s.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 187 To access a p articular pager Conditi ons • If the de signated pager i s in use, a busy t one is hear d.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 188 User Manual Paging — Group You can ma ke a paging announcement by selecting a particular paging group. You can sel ect a maximum of 8 pag ing groups simult aneously. The announc ement can only be he ard through the b uilt-in speake rs of PTs.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 189 4.3. 62 P aging — ANSWER Allows you t o answer an announce d page at any exte nsion with in the sys tem.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 190 User Manual 4.3.63 Paging — De ny [PT only] Allows you t o deny receivin g paging ann ouncement th rough the built -in speake rs of your telepho ne. Setting Canceling PT Dial 7211 . Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 191 4.3.64 Paging and Tran sfer You can tra nsfer a c all afte r making a p aging announcement v ia Paging — All, Paging — External , or Paging — Group. Using Paging — All PT and SL T Dial tone Confirmation tone (optional) Confirmation tone (optional) Announce.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 192 User Manual Using Paging — External: to al l external pagers Using Paging — External: to a pa rticular exter nal pager PT and SL T Dial tone Confirmation tone (optional) Confirmation tone (optional) Announce.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 193 Using Paging — Group : to all p aging groups Using Paging — Group : to a pa rticular paging group PT and SL T Dial tone Confirmation tone (optional) Confirmation tone (optional) Announce. W ait for an answ er.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 194 User Manual Conditions • A confirmat ion tone is audible befor e making th e voice announcement . Elimin ating the tone is prog rammable.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 195 4.3.65 Paralleled Telephone Connection A Propriet ary Telephone (PT) c an be connected in parall el with a s i ngle l ine telephone ( SLT). This feat ure allo ws you to enable or disable SLT ringi ng.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 196 User Manual 4.3.66 Pers onal Speed Dialing Allows you to store up to 10 spee d dial number s at your ext ension.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 197 User Manual Refer ences 2.2.2 Flexibl e Button Ass ignment.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 198 User Manual 4.3.67 Phanto m Extension Allows you to route ca lls to a phantom exten sion. The call arri ves at the e xtension who has the corresp onding Phantom butt on. A flexible CO butto n can be assigned as the Pha ntom button.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 199 To transfer a call to a phantom exte nsion (Screened Call Tra nsfer) Dial tone Ringback tone Confirmation tone Flash the switchhook. Announce. W ait for an answ er. During a con versation; Hang up .
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 200 User Manual To transfe r a cal l to a phant om extension ( Unscreened Ca ll Transfe r) To answer a phan tom extension call Confirmation tone During a con versation; Flash the switchhook. Dial tone Ringback tone Hang up .
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 201 Conditi ons • A phantom number m ust be a ssigned by System Progr amming before assi gning the Phantom Exten sion butt on by Station Pr ogramming or System Progr amming. • If sever a l ext ensions ha ve the same phantom extension n umber, they will r ing simult aneously.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 202 User Manual 4.3.68 Pickup Dialing (Hot Line) You can ma ke a call to the pr e-programmed party simply by going off -hook.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 203 Programming Guide Referenc es [204] Pic kup Dial Waitin g Time.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 204 User Manual 4.3.69 Priv acy Release [PT only] Allows you t o establish a thr ee-party confe r ence c all whil e connecte d to an exi sting cal l. Setting To leave t he conference To te rmin ate o ne part y and talk to the other PT Press the corresponding CO .
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 205 Conditi ons • The CO button pres sed to join the conver sation ne eds to be assi gned as a Singl e-CO (S-CO) button. • After the user presses t he CO button, the CO indicato r light of the o ther extension flashes rapidly f or only 5 second s.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 206 User Manual 4.3.70 Pulse to Tone Conversion You can chan ge the dialing mod e from Pulse to Tone temporari ly to acc ess services su ch as com puter te lepho ne se rvices, Voice Mail, etc., th at req uire a tone.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 207 4.3.71 Quick Dialing Allows you t o make a quick dial call by dialing a pre-assig ned quick di al number. F or example, Quick Diali ng is convenient for room service calls in a hot el. Dialing Conditi ons • Up to eight quick dial numbers can be st ored by Syst em Programming.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 208 User Manual 4.3.72 Redial, Last Number Automatic ally saves the last outs ide call number yo u dialed so that you can make a call to the same part y later with a s imple opera tion. Conditions • Up to 24 digits can be s tored and redia led; this does not include an ou tside l i ne ac cess code.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 209 4.3.73 Redial, Saved Numbe r [PT o nly] Allows you t o store a telep hone number du ring the convers ation, so t hat you can redi al the same party later with a si mple operat ion. The sa ved number ca n be redialed unt il anoth er number is s tored.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 210 User Manual 4.3.74 Room M onitor Allows you t o monitor a room throu gh a proprietar y telephone with a n AUTO ANSW ER/ MUTE button. The proprietary t elephone yo u want to moni tor shoul d be prepared for monitori ng beforehand.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 211 Canceling a mon i tor tempor arily Canceling Monitoring t hrough a doorphone Conditi ons • The doorphone access tone can be disabled by Sys tem Programmin g. <PT> • The acce ss tone will not be sent to the moni tored PT.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 212 User Manual Programming Gu ide Refe rences [625] Room Moni tor Assig nment [819] Door phone Access Tone Selec tion.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 213 4.3.75 Secret Dialing [P T only] Allows you t o conceal all or part(s) of a "System Speed Dialing" or "One-Touch Dialin g" number assi gned to a flexi ble button on your PT and DSS con sole which norma lly appea rs on the displ ay.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 214 User Manual 4.3.76 Station Prog ram Clear Allows you t o reset the fo llowing station features to t he default sett ings.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 215 4.3.77 System Speed Dia ling Allows you t o make a call usin g speed dia l numbers pr ogrammed prev iously. Thi s system supports five hundred speed dial numbe rs which ar e available t o all extension users.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 216 User Manual 4.3.78 Timed Reminder Allows you t o set your extensi on to sound a n alarm once or dail y at a preset ti me. Each telep hone can be set to generate an alarm tone at a preset time as a re minder.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 217 Che cking the se tting ti me Stopping the alarm Conditi ons • System Time The system cl ock must be set before the alarm is set. • Timed Reminder m essage can be recorded by the Manager or an Ope r ator.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 218 User Manual • Stat ion Mess age De tail R ecor ding (S MDR) SMDR auto mati cally recor ds the detai led Ti med R eminde r info rmat ion (d ata, time, extensi on number, start /no answer ).
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 219 4.3.79 Toll Restriction Override — SUMMARY There are two types of toll restrictio n overrid e: • Toll Rest riction Override by Account Cod.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 220 User Manual 4.3.80 Toll Restriction Override by Account Code Entry Allows you t o temporar ily over ride tol l restrict ion and make a toll c all from a to ll-restricted telepho ne. You can carry out this featur e by entering an approp riate account code before dialing the tel ephone number .
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 221 4.3.81 Toll Restriction Override for Syst em Speed Dialing Allows you to ca ncel toll restr iction in "Sys tem Speed Dialing". Nor mally, call s originated by "System Speed Dia l ing" are restri cted dependi ng on the extensio n's toll restricti on level.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 222 User Manual 4.3.82 Trunk Answer From Any Station (TAFAS) Allows you t o answer a n incoming ou tside call, page d through a n externa l pager , from any extensi on.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 223 4.3.83 Two-W ay Recor ding into Vo ice Mail *1 [PT only] Allows you t o record a conver sation into your mailbox or the desir ed mailbox .
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 224 User Manual Recording i nto the mailbox of a nother extensi on Stopping re cording Conditions • A flexible CO and DSS button can be assigned as a Two-Way Record but ton or a Two-Way Transfer button. • Pressing the Two-Way Record bu tton sends an al arm tone, if no i dle voice mail p ort exis ts.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 225 4.3.84 Voice Mail In tegratio n Allows you t o have your calls forwarded to your Voice Processing System mailb ox. If your telephone has a MESSAGE button, the button li ght turns on and l ets you kn ow you have messages.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 226 User Manual Canceling Listening to a stored message You can lis t en to the messages store d in your mailbox easily. The re are two op erations to play back mess ages. Using the M e ssag e Waiting (MESSAGE) but ton Manual diali ng PT and SL T For PT : Press FWD/DND .
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 227 Conditi ons • Outside ca llers can leav e their messages in your mailbox. Wh en an incomi ng outside call arrives, the Operator ans wers the call and tran sfers it to you r extensi on. And...
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 228 User Manual 4.3.85 Voice Mail Transfer [PT only] You can tr ansfer the cal l s to t he Voice Pr ocessing System so that callers can leave the ir messages i n a desired ext ension mail box.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 229 4.3.86 Walking COS Allows you t o use your calling pr ivileges (Cla ss of Servi ce) at a nother exten sion.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 230 User Manual h) Acc ount Code En try op erati on – ver ifie d – all calls / ve rified – to toll restr iction overrid e / option i) Access the Night S.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 231 4.4 Operator / Manager Service Features 4.4.1 Operator / Manager Service Features The system s upports up to two op erators and one m anage r.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 232 User Manual 4.4.2 Background Music (BGM) — External Allows the Manager and the Oper ators to broadcast backgr ound music (BGM) in the office through t he external pag ers.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 233 4.4.3 Call Log , Incomin g in the Common Area — CLEAR ALL The operat or or manager c an clear all ca ll infor mation store d in the c ommon area. Sett ing Conditi ons • This opera tion is not avai lable while someo ne is chec king a call inf ormation st ored in t he common area.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 234 User Manual 4.4.4 Call Log Lock Control, Incoming in the P ersonal Area — CANCEL The Manager and the Oper ators ca n cancel the " Call Log Lo ck, Incoming i n the Per s onal Area" featur e set at any othe r extension.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 235 4.4.5 Call Log Lock, Incoming in the Common Area The operat or or manager ca n lock the displ ays of e xtensions so th at the "Cal l Log, Inco m ing" feature is not shown on the displays when the Caller ID Indica tion — Common button i s pressed.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 236 User Manual User Manual Referenc es 4.3.20 Call Log, In coming [PT only] 4.3.21 Call Log Lock, In coming in the Perso nal Area [PT only].
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 237 4.4.6 Live Call Screening Passwor d Control *1 The Manager a nd the Operators c an clear the Live Call Screen ing passwor d of any extensio n.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 238 User Manual 4.4.7 Outgoing Mess age (OGM) The Manag er and the Operators can re cord and pl ay back outgoing vo ice messages. The foll owing three types of outgoing messag es can be reco rded. DISA message: This messag e is played when a n outside ca ller acc esses the system vi a DISA line.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 239 Recording a mes sage Any T elephone Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR . Enter OGM number (1 through 3). Record a message. Confirmation tone Confirmation tone Press ST ORE or wait until playbac k is finished Confirmation tone Dial 361 .
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 240 User Manual Playing bac k a message Conditions • OGM Type 1: for DI SA Message 1 2: for DI SA Message 2 3: for Ti med Reminder Message 4: No Use • You can sel ect a maximum r ecording time of 0/16/32/64 secon ds for eac h message (Outgoing M essa ge Time).
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 241 4.4.8 Remote Station Lock Control The Manager a nd the Operators can r emotely lock or u nlock any e xtension. To lock a n extensio n, you can select t o lock outside c alls or intercom ca lls.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 242 User Manual 4.4.9 System Working Report The operat or or manager can print or clear the syst em working report.
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 243 4.4.10 The 301st Call Log, Incoming in the Common A rea Treatment When the call log is fu ll in the c ommon area (300 call s are stored) , you can sele ct how the 301st call is treated.
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 244 User Manual User Manual Referenc es 4.3.20 Call Log, In coming [PT only].
Station Fe atures and Operati on (PT/SLT) User Manual 245 4.4.11 Timed Reminder, R emote (Wa ke-Up Call) The Manager and the Operators can remotely set or cancel the Timed Reminder to th e desire d extensio n. Sett ing Canceling Any T elephone Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR .
Station Features and Ope ration (PT/S LT) 246 User Manual Checkin g the time s etting Conditions • The s ystem cloc k mu st be s et co rrect ly bef ore hand . • There is no limit to the n umber of the extensio ns who can set the T imed Reminder at the same time.
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 247 Section 5 DSS Console Features Note: Al l illustrat ions of the PT ( paired telepho ne) used in these operating instru ctions are based on mode l KX- T7130 / KX- T7135.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 248 User Manual 5.1 Con figuratio n 5.1.1 Config uration With a Dire cted Station Se lection ( DSS) Console , you can ma ke or tra nsfer calls and access system fe atures with the touch of a button. The DSS Console must be connected to the Panasonic Advanced Hybrid Sys tem and paired wit h a PT.
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 249 5.1.2 Location o f Controls DSS Buttons with a Busy Lamp Field (BLF) (01 throgh 32): These are used to access extensions. The BLF indicates the busy or idle status of each extension in the system. These buttons can also be changed to other feature b uttons.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 250 User Manual 5.1.3 F eature Buttons A DS S Cons ole has th e foll owin g type s of Featu re Bu ttons : DSS Buttons with Bus y Lamp Field (BLF) Used to ac cess extensions . The BLF indic ates the busy or idle status of each extensi on in the system.
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 251 5.2 Station Prog ramming 5.2.1 Station P rogramm ing Instruc tions PF buttons are provided with no default sett ings, whil e each DSS button ha s a default set ting as follo ws. DSS 01-32: extensi on numbers 101-132 ( DSS 33-66: no t stored) .
DSS C onsole Fe atures 252 User Manual " " indi cates that the feature is availabl e. • When the STORE but ton is pressed a fter pro gramming, you wi ll hear b eep tones a s follows. – One beep: The entry is changed f rom one that was st ored prev iously.
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 253 5.2.2 Extensi on Number Assignme nt You can assi gn the desired e xtension number to a DSS b utton. – Be sure t hat you are in th e Station Progra m ming mode : Press [ PAUSE] [9] [9]. — To exit t he Station Pr ogramming mode: Press [PAUSE] or li ft the h andset.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 254 User Manual 5.2.3 One-Touch Dialing Assig nment You can ass ign a DSS or PF button as a One-Touch Diali ng button . The number can be an extensi on number or a t elephone nu m ber. Up to 16 digits ca n be stored into each memory locati on.
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 255 5.2.4 One-Touch Ac cess Assignment for System F eatures You can assi gn the des i red fea ture number to a DSS or PF button. — Be sure t hat you are in th e Station Progra m ming mod e: Press [PAUSE] [9] [9]. — To exit t he Station Pr ogramming mode: Press [PAUSE] or li ft the h andset.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 256 User Manual 5.3 DSS Cons ole Features 5.3.1 Di rect Station Dialing An extensio n can be call ed and accessed , simply by pre ssing a DSS button. The BLF shows if the exte nsion is busy . PT and DSS Console Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 257 5.3.2 One-Tou ch Dialing The stored number is dialed automaticall y by pressing a pr ogrammed DSS or PF button. PT and DSS Console Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 258 User Manual 5.3.3 One- Touch Access for System F eatures You can acc ess system featu res by pressing a programmed DSS o r PF but ton. PT and DSS Console Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR. Press the desired DSS or PF button.
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 259 5.3. 4 Cal l Trans fer A call can be transferre d to an ext ension by using th e DSS button. One-T ouch T ransf er An outside call can be tra nsferred to an exte nsion with an One-T ouch operation. The One-Touch Transfer funct i on must be set through Sys t em Prog ramming.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 260 User Manual.
Appendix User Manual 261 Section 6 Appendix.
Appe ndix 262 User Manual 6.1 Appen dix 6.1.1 Dis play Examples The foll owing explains th e displays in m ore detai l. Display Des cription Set Time & Date Factory se tting. — Shown on the manager's displa y only. FRI JAN01 12:00A The curr ent date and time are n ot set.
Appendix User Manual 263 Alarm Not Stored Conf irm "T imed Remi nder " pro gram ming w hen it is not stor ed. All Call Page Access t o "Paging — All" . At Ext 123 Ab sent M essa ge 3. Back at 11:00 Abse nt Me ssag e 4. BGM On Start BGM.
Appe ndix 264 User Manual Data Mode Off Cancel "Data Line Securi ty". Data Mode On Complete to set "Data Lin e Security". Day Mode Day mode stat us. (Cancel Night mode.) — "Night S ervice" Do Not Disturb Confirm key programmi ng on the FWD/DND button.
Appendix User Manual 265 Gone Home Abse nt Me ssag e 2. Group Page 1 Ac cess to "Paging — Group" (- to a partic ular paging group). Group Page All Ac cess to "Paging — Gro up" (- to all pagi ng groups) . In a Meeting Absent M essa ge 6.
Appe ndix 266 User Manual Examples — in Station Programming mode RCL:Ext 1234 Called by transf er recal l, without name. — "Call Tr ansfer" Restricted An outgoi ng call is restric ted. Room Monitor Off Cancel "Roo m Monitor". Room Monitor On Complete to set " Room Monitor " .
Appendix User Manual 267 Conditi ons • If the di splayed charact ers exceed sixt een digits, "&" is shown at the right-hand edge. • The durati on time display is only shown when you make or receive an outside call . Count start t ime for out going cal ls can be pr ogrammed as d e sire d.
Appe ndix 268 User Manual 6.1.2 F eature Number List Numbers lis t ed bel ow are the i nitial factor y settings (def ault value). There are flexible f eature numbers and fixed feature numbers. To change th e flexible fea ture number s, System Programming is required.
Appendix User Manual 269 Do Not Dist urb (DND) se t/cancel 710 1/0 Doorphone Cal l calling / door op en 31 / 55 1-4 Electroni c Station Lockout set 77 000-999 twic e Electroni c Station Lockout cancel.
Appe ndix 270 User Manual Conditions • Extensio n numbers can be thr ee or four digits in l ength. Any number can be set as the leading first or secon d digit.
Appendix User Manual 271 • When " " or "#" are i ncluded in a fea ture number, it will not be possibl e for users with dial pulse (DP) telephones to ac cess the featur e. Programming Guide Referenc es [003] Exte nsion Number Set [100] Fle xible Numb ering User Manual Refer ences 3.
Appe ndix 272 User Manual 6.1.3 Tone List 1 s Confirmation T one 1 Confirmation T one 2 Confirmation T one 3 Confirmation T one 4 Dial T one 1 Dial T one 2 Dial T one 4 Busy T one Ringback T one 1 Rin.
Appendix User Manual 273 Hold Recall 15 s <TONE> Call W aiting T one 1 <RING TONE> 1 s Outside Calls / Outside Call Hold Recall Intercom Calls / Intercom Hold Recall T imed Reminder Callba.
Appe ndix 274 User Manual 6.1.4 Troubleshooting If a power failure should occur... Your Syste m enable s conversations between specifi c outsi de lines and extensions ( Power Failure Transfer), and s upports system da ta backup. Powe r Failur e Transfer Specifi c exte nsions are aut omatically conn ected straight to specific outside lines .
Index 275 Section 7 Index.
Index 276 A Absen t Messa ge Capa bility 69 Accessory 4 ACCOUNT 22 , 251 Account Code Entry 72 Advanced Hybri d System 4 , 5 Alternate Callin g - Ring / Voice 75 Another D SS 251 Answering, Direct Out.
Index 277 Feature Number List 268 Fixed Butt ons 20 FLASH 20 , 38 , 45 , 122 Flash 155 Flash Time 153 Flexible Butto n Assignment 33 , 37 Flexible Butto ns 22 Floati ng Station 82 Full One-Touch Diali.
Index 278 Remote Station Loc k Cont rol 241 Rin g/Voi ce In ter com Ale rtin g Mod e Over ride 157 Ringback to ne 160 Ro om Moni tor 210 S SAVE 20 , 22 , 251 Screened Call Transfer 114 , 117 , 19 9 SE.
Index 279.
PSQX2424 X A KA0701HK 2 0 13 Panasonic Consumer Electr onics Company , Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, Ne w Jersey 07094 www Panasonic Sales Company ( “ PSC ” ), Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico, Inc.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic KX-TA1232 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic KX-TA1232 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic KX-TA1232 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic KX-TA1232 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic KX-TA1232, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic KX-TA1232.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic KX-TA1232. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic KX-TA1232 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.