Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DBS576 del fabbricante Panasonic
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DBS 576 & DBS 57 6HD (USA)Ver. 2.6 Issued October 1 999.
2 The con tents of this ma nual are subject to c hange withou t notice an d do not c onstitute a commitmen t on the part of Pan asonic T elecommunicat i on Systems Comp an y (P TSC). Every effort has been made to ensure the acc uracy of this docum ent.
3 CONTENTS Pref ace ....... .... ....... ...... ....... .... ....... ...... ....... ..... ...... ....... ...... . 7 How to Use This Manu al ........................... .................. ............. 7 What This Manual Cont ains ............. .......
4 Ha ndling Inco ming C alls .. ....... ...... ..... ...... ....... ....... ...... ... 43 Answering Calls ................................ .................. ......... ............. 43 Using Call Hold ..... ........................... ................
5 Using the Flash Feature .................... ......... .................. ......... .... 69 Making Confere nce Calls ................. ........................... ............. 69 Controlling Bac kground Music.................................... ...
576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 7 PREFACE The Key T eleph one User Gu ide is for anyone who uses a Panaso nic 44-Series dig ital telephone in conju nction with th e Panaso nic DBS 576 or DBS 576HD .
8 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 Pref ace • Append i x B, “Cust om ized PSD Bin Numbe rs.” - Prov ides a tab le for docume nt ing or t ra cking yo ur person alized l ist of spee d dial nu mb ers.
576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 9 1. UNDERSTANDING YOUR PHONE The follo wing inform ation in this ch apter will fa miliarize y ou with you r Panasoni c digital p hone .
1. Understanding Your Phone 10 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 T abl e 1. No n-di spla y phon e featu res # Feature Desc riptio n Messa ge W aiting Indi cato r Indi cates that y ou ha ve a messag e.
1. Understanding You r Phone 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 11 SMALL-DISPLAY PHONES Small-d ispla y phones have a displa y conta ining two lines of te xt. T able 2 on page 1 1 describes the features (1-22 below) t hat are t ypical of small-d isplay phones.
1. Understanding Your Phone 12 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 Soft Keys Used to select spee d dial direc to ries or num bers. PROG Key Used to program Fle xi ble Func tion (FF) and one- touch ke ys, to ad just rin ger volum e, and to send a flash signal.
1. Understanding You r Phone 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 13 Changing the Default Display The MODE key enables you to ch ang e the software mode of t he display from Defa ult Mode (i.e., time and da te) to Di recto ry Mode (i.
1. Understanding Your Phone 14 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 Figure 4. Messa ge s received for sm all-displ a y phone Figure 5. Reminder al a rm for smal l- displa y phone Figure 6. I nco ming outs i de call for smal l-disp l ay phone Figure 7.
1. Understanding You r Phone 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 15 2. Press the V ariable Mode Key . 3. Repla ce t he handset or press the ON/ OFF key .
1. Understanding Your Phone 16 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 T abl e 3. Lar ge -d isplay phon e fe atu res # Feature Desc riptio n Messa ge W aiting Indicato r Indi cates that you have a message. Display Displays inform ation abou t the ph one’ s sta tu s, menus, a nd dialing directori es.
1. Understanding You r Phone 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 17 Changing the Default Display The ten soft ke y s loca te d al ongside the disp la y on a lar g e - dis p la y ph on e al low yo u to chan ge the softwar e mode of the displa y .
1. Understanding Your Phone 18 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 Understanding Display Infor mation Display i nformation in dicates the status of t he phone. Howe ver , this inf ormation will va ry dependi ng on how t he p hone is pr og rammed an d its sta tus.
1. Understanding You r Phone 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 19 Figure 13. Incom ing outsid e cal l for large-disp lay phone Figure 14 .
1. Understanding Your Phone 20 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 This page intention ally left b lank..
576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 21 2. SETTING UP YOUR PHONE Y o u can use the procedures in this chap ter to custom ize your phone fo r the following: • Ad justing V.
2. Setting Up Your Phone 22 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 Enter 9 , t hen 2 to adjust the int er com ring t one. ( The phone p roduce s a t one.) 4. Press the VO L U ME key . 5. Press the ON/OFF key . Note: This ta sk requir es a di splay p hon e.
2. Setting Up You r Phone 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 23 5. Press the HOLD key . 6. Repeat steps 2-5 t o program a dditional keys. 7. Repla ce t he handset or press the ON/ OFF key . 1. Pick up the han dset or press the ON/O FF key .
2. Setting Up Your Phone 24 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 4. Dial the ph on e number to be sto r ed. 5. Press the HOLD key . 6. Repla ce t he handset or pr ess the ON/OFF key . 1. Pickup the hands et or press t he ON/OF F key .
2. Setting Up You r Phone 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 25 3. Press th e one-tou ch key to be checked . (Prog r ammed data appear s on the displa y .
2. Setting Up Your Phone 26 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 • Y ou can check P SD n umbers or names tha t have been assi gned to one-tou ch or soft ke ys. For more i nf or m ation, see “Checki ng Speed Dial Num bers” on page 40.
2. Setting Up You r Phone 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 27 OR • Enter the Spee d Dial Set/Clear co de (default = 71 0 ). 3. Enter the P SD bin number ( 80 - 99 ). 4. Enter the phone num ber you want to be speed-diale d (maximum length = 1 6 characte rs).
2. Setting Up Your Phone 28 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 1. Pick up the han dset or press the ON/O FF key . 2. Either: • Press the PROG key and then press the AUTO key . OR • Enter the Spee d Dial Set/Clear co de (default = 71 0 ).
2. Setting Up You r Phone 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 29 1. Pick up the han dset or press the ON/O FF key . 2. Either: • Press the PROG key and then press the AUTO key . OR • Enter the Spee d Dial Set/Clear co de (default = 71 0 ).
2. Setting Up Your Phone 30 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 4. Enter 0 for th e Name Assignment mode. 5. Press the VO L U ME key until the de sired PSD bin number ( 80 - 99 ) is disp layed. 6. Press the FLASH key to c lear the cu rrent/default data.
2. Setting Up You r Phone 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 31 Figure 17 . Name assign men t examp le - small-di spl ay phon e T o enter a D : Press the first on e-touc h ke y from the left on th e botto m row . Press the fou rth FF k ey from the l eft on the bottom ro w .
2. Setting Up Your Phone 32 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 Figure 18. Name assig nment example - large-d isplay phone To e n t e r a D : Press the first soft key on the to p left. Press the fo urth FF k ey from the left on the bo ttom row .
2. Setting Up You r Phone 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 33 Notes: • This ta sk r equires a di sp lay phon e. • Y ou need t o k now the PS D bin numb er for th e P SD number in order to delete an assigne d name. T o check the bin number for a ke y , see “Checking S peed Dial Numb er s” on page 40 .
2. Setting Up Your Phone 34 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 This page intention ally left b lank..
576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 35 3. PLAC ING OUT S IDE C ALLS Y o ur d ig ita l ph on e , i n c onj un ctio n with the DBS 576 and DBS 576HD , provides the follo wi .
3. Placing Outside Calls 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 36 1. Pick up the han dset or press the ON/O FF key . 2. Attempt to access an ou tside line. 3. When you hear the busy to ne, enter the Callback Request code (defa ult = 3 ).
3. Placing Outside Calls 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 37 3. Enter the Account Code (up to 10 digits). 4. Press the # key . 5. Dial 9 or press a n FF key that i s dedica t ed to an ou tside lin e . 6. Dial th e phon e number .
3. Placing Outside Calls 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 38 3. Press the REDIAL ke y . ( Th e phone di spl ays and di al s the last ou t side numb er dialed.
3. Placing Outside Calls 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 39 1. Press the MODE key one time . ( SSD and PSD appear o n the seco nd line of the displa y .) 2. Press th e soft ke y next to SSD or PSD . (The first two speed dial entries appear on th e second l ine of the di splay .
3. Placing Outside Calls 40 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 1. Pick up the han dset or press the ON/O FF key . 2. If necessary , access an out side line. 3. Press the AUTO key . 4. Enter the appro priate three digi t speed dial bin n umber (PSD bins 80 - 99 or SSD bins 00 - 79 or 000 - 799 ).
3. Placing Outside Calls 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 41 For t he SSD dir ector y , press the soft k ey to th e left o f the d esired gr oup of letter s to disp la y the fir st five spe ed dial en trie s. 3. Scroll thro ugh the speed dia l directory until the desired spe ed dial en try is displayed.
3. Placing Outside Calls 42 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 This page intention ally left b lank..
576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 43 4. HANDLING INCOMING CALLS Y ou can handl e calls t ha t reach yo ur phon e i n a variety of ways: • Answer Calls (page 43) • Us.
4. Handling Incoming Calls 44 DBS 576 & DB S 576HD (USA ), issued October 1999 576- 26 -750 USING CALL HOLD Depend i ng on the set up of your syst em, y ou can put one or more ca lls on ho ld and retrieve tho se calls usi ng the HOL D key or a desig nat ed Flo a t ing Hold key.
4. Handling I ncoming Calls 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 45 Note: The n umber o f floa ting ho ld orbits avai lable may ve ry dep ending on the Statio n/Flo ating Par k Hold Pic kup sett ing (FF1 -0-0 2- 0025) . T he statio n/par k pi ckup access code can set to *9 (defaul t ) or 733 .
4. Handling Incoming Calls 46 DBS 576 & DB S 576HD (USA ), issued October 1999 576- 26 -750 2. Either d ial the exte nsion numb er or the o utside line numbe r to which th e call will be transferred. 3. When the recipi ent answers, an nounce the ca ll.
4. Handling I ncoming Calls 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 47 b. If On-h oo k T rans fe r is disa ble d for yo ur ex te n si on , pre ss the PROG ke y .
4. Handling Incoming Calls 48 DBS 576 & DB S 576HD (USA ), issued October 1999 576- 26 -750 1. Lift the h and set or pres s the ON/OFF key . 2. Enter the Spec ified Group Pickup access code (defaul t = 703 ). 3. Enter the numb er of th e Cal l Pickup Group ( 01-72 ) whe re the call i s ringing.
4. Handling I ncoming Calls 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 49 4. Complete t he ca ll and repla ce the handset or press the ON/OFF key . USING CALL PARK Y ou can use the Cal l Park function to tran sfer a call, even if y ou cannot lo cat e the intende d recip ient of the call.
4. Handling Incoming Calls 50 DBS 576 & DB S 576HD (USA ), issued October 1999 576- 26 -750 3. If necessary , page th e party th at needs to re trieve the call.
576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 51 5. COMMUNIC ATIN G WIT HIN YOUR OFFICE The DBS 57 6 an d DB S 576HD provides a v ariety of ways to handle calls withi n your office:.
5. Communicating Within Your Office 52 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 3. Scroll through th e directo ry until t he desired ext ension en try is displa yed. (T o displa y the next two entr i es, pre ss the # key . T o display t he prev ious t wo entr ies, press th e * key .
5. Communicating Within Your Office 576- 29 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 53 5. Replac e the ha nd s et or pre s s the ON /OF F ke y .
5. Communicating Within Your Office 54 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 USIN G PA G ING Y ou can mak e bo th int ernal an d ex ternal pa ges and an no unceme nt s.
5. Communicating Within Your Office 576- 29 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 55 ANSWERING A P AGE WITH UNIVE RSAL NIGHT ANSWER During night mode, Universal Night Answer (UNA) sends inc omin g calls for selecte d t r unks to ring ex ternal pagi ng speaker s .
5. Communicating Within Your Office 56 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 handle more tha n on e call. The S plit ke y m u st be se t up b y the syste m adm inist rat or or deal er. 1. While on a call, press the OHV A Split ke y .
5. Communicating Within Your Office 576- 29 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 57 2. Do one of t he follo wing: 3. If setting Call For warding for a nother exte nsion, en ter the nu mber of th e extension whose calls yo u are forwarding .
5. Communicating Within Your Office 58 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 3. If canceling Call Forwarding for anothe r extension, en ter the extension number whose Call Fo rw arding you are can celing. Oth erwi se, proceed to s te p 4.
5. Communicating Within Your Office 576- 29 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 59 Also begi nning wit h C P C V e r s ion 2. 0 , the busy par ty can re p ly with a tex t message that disp lays on the cam ping on pho ne. Any one of th e f ollowing messa ges can be selecte d.
5. Communicating Within Your Office 60 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 3. Remain on the line until the ca lled party answers. 1. Press the MSG key . 2. Enter the sen d text message nu mber (1-9, 0). ( See T able 6 on page 58 for the send text messages .
5. Communicating Within Your Office 576- 29 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 61 Note: On a large-display phone, you ca n use the MSG key to ans wer callback requests. 1. Pick up the han dset or press the ON/O FF key . 2. Dial the exte nsion num ber .
5. Communicating Within Your Office 62 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 ring thr o ugh to yo ur exte nsion befo re bein g f orwarde d to voice mail. Per manent cal l forward ing is de termi ned throu gh syst em p rogra mmi ng.
5. Communicating Within Your Office 576- 29 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 63 3. Enter the Absenc e Message num ber . (See T able 8 on page 63) 4. If desired, enter the 4-digit returning time 5. Press HOLD ke y . 6. Repla ce t he handset or press the ON/ OFF key .
5. Communicating Within Your Office 64 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 Use th e Statio n Lock out fea ture to limit us e of yo ur ph one by o thers when you ar e away from yo ur t elephone.
5. Communicating Within Your Office 576- 29 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 65 1. Lift the h and set or pres s the ON/OFF key . 2. Dial the Statio n Lockout Secu rity Code change co de (default = 749 ). 3. Dial the current W alking TRS /St at ion Lockout secu rity code.
5. Communicating Within Your Office 66 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750.
576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 67 6. USING ADDITIONAL FEATURES The DB S 57 6 and DBS 576H D provide a variet y of addition al features that you can use in yo ur daily.
6. Using Additional Features 68 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 • Using the hand set mute, pre ss the Mute FF key . • Using the mi crophone mu te, press the MUTE key .
6. Using Additional Features 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 69 USING V OICE RECOGNITION W ith the installa tion of additional h ardware, you can use v erbal comma nds to di al extension s, speed di al nu mbers, and ac cess various phone features.
6. Using Additional Features 70 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 3. Dial the number of the party you want t o add t o the call. 4. Press the CONF key when your call is answere d. (Y ou are conne ct ed t o the called pa r ty .
6. Using Additional Features 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 71 1. Pick up the han dset or press the ON/O FF key . 2. Enter the Backgro un d Musi c code (default = *30 ). 3. Repla ce t he handset or press the ON/ OFF key .
6. Using Additional Features 72 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 The Call L og keeps a record of Caller ID call s that ring your phon e. Y ou can access this log by assignin g an FF key to flas h when th ere is a new entry in the l og.
6. Using Additional Features 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 73 Press the right EXEC key to outdial a l e ading digit (usually 9 ) an d di al the displa yed call er ID number .
6. Using Additional Features 74 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 4. Press NEXT to vi ew t he next 5 call s an d PRE V to view the previo us 5 calls.
6. Using Additional Features 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 75 5. Press the # key . 6. Access an out s i de line. 7. Dial th e phon e number . The W alking T RS COS will remain in effec t until y ou hang up . USING DIRECTORY NUMBERS A Directory Numb er (DN) allows extensio n numbers to be used on a key basis.
6. Using Additional Features 76 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 Figure 19. Example Direc t ory Nu mber assignments for Exten sion 200 When a caller origi nates a call, t he call appears on the first availabl e PDN key .
6. Using Additional Features 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 77 1. If ring in g, go of f -h ook or press the gr e e n bli nking PDN or NP D N key . If not ringi ng, press the red blink ing PDN or NPDN key . 1. Lift the h and set or pres s the ON/OFF key .
6. Using Additional Features 78 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 USIN G ZI P MOD E The Zip mode feat ure (CPC vers ion 2.5 or higher) aut omatically an swers calls when you are op er ating a Key T e l ephone i n hea dset mo de .
576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 79 Appendix A. Dial Code List This appe ndix sum mariz es the m ost com monly used di al cod es. Additio nal features may be prog rammed as des cribed in Section 7 00 - Featur e Operation .
Appendix A 80 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 Call Forwa rd (Al l Ca lls): Cancel fr om a not her ext. *11 751 Call Forw ard ( All /Busy/No Answer/DND): Clear (Pri or to V e r 2.0 ) Call Forw ard ( All /Busy/No Answer/DND and Ab sence Message) : Clear (V er 2.
Appendix A 576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 81 Day1/Nigh t T o ggle (Prior to Ve r 2 . 0 ) Day 1/Day 2/Night T og gle (V er 2.
Appendix A 82 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 T one/V oic e Swit ch *54 N/A T ransfer Key *37 V ariable Mod e *61 V oice Mail Transfer Key 1 74 + Extens ion Number V oice Mail Transfer Key 2 75 + Extens ion Number W alking TRS Key *72 Note: The following feature ke ys were added with ve rsion 2.
576- 26 -750 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issued O ctober 1999 83 Appendix B. Cus tomized PSD Bi n Numbe rs This appen di x co ntains a tabl e for documenti ng the Personal Sp eed Dial (PSD) number s that you assign to P SD bins on non-d isplay ph ones.
Appendix B 84 DBS 576 & DBS 576HD (USA), issu ed October 1999 576- 26 -750 This page intention ally left b lank..
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic DBS576 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic DBS576 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic DBS576 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic DBS576 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic DBS576, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic DBS576.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic DBS576. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic DBS576 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.