Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto BT-LH1760P del fabbricante Panasonic
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Operating Instructions LCD Video Monito r F0308T0 -P Printed in Japan VQT1R4 7 ENGLI SH D Model No. BT-LH1760P Model No. BT-LH1760E Before operating this produ ct, pleas e read the inst ruct ions care fully and sav e this ma nual for future use.
2 indica tes safety infor matio n. ■ THIS EQUIPMENT MUS T BE GROUNDED T o ensure sa f e operation, th e three-pi n plug must be inser ted o nly into a stan dard three- pin power outlet which is effectively grounded throug h nor mal household w iring .
3 FCC NO TICE ( USA) IMPOR T ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 1) Read these ins truc tions. 2) K eep the se instr ucti ons. 3) Heed all war nings. 4) F ollo w al l ins tructi ons . 5) Do no t use this apparatus nea r water . 6) Clea n only wi th dr y cloth. 7) Do no t bloc k any ventilation o pening s.
4 Read this first ! (for BT-LH1760E) indica tes safety infor matio n. ■ THIS E QUIPMEN T MU ST BE EARTHED T o ensur e safe operation, the three-p in plug must be in ser ted onl y into a st andard t hree-pin power point whi ch is effectively ear t hed throu gh nor mal ho use-hol d wirin g.
5 Read this fi rst ! (for BT-LH1760E) (continued) indica tes safety inform atio n. Transportation precautions Do not expose th e LCD panel to st rong press ure or pr essure fr om point ed obj ects. T ake care esp ecially d ur ing transpor tation. Expos ing the LCD panel t o strong pr essure ma y result in blurr ing or o ther dama ge.
6 • The LCD screen is manufactured to precise speci fication s. Although ov er 99.99% of the pixels functi on nor mally , 0.01% of the pixels are either missing or cons tantly li t (red, blue or green). This is nor mal and no t a cause for concer n.
7 The B T -LH1760 LCD monitor was desi gned e specially for broadca sting s er vice and busines s use. It is equi pped with a hi gh perfor mance 17. 0-inch w ide LCD dis play panel. ■ High perfo rmance LCD panel This m onitor achi ev es o utstand ing colo r repr oduct ion, a w ide viewing an gle, and hi gh-spee d respon se.
8 Video monitor unit Front vi ew Rear view Rear pan el ( J pag e 10) P ower supp ly [you can s witch be tween A C and DC ( J page 11) ] F r ont panel ( J page 9) Ta l l y ( J page 29, 3 6) Controls an.
9 POWER sw it ch Swit ches the power supply O N/OFF . When the p ower is ON, the LED (green ) lights up . INPUT SE LECT b utton s Selec ts the si gnal inpu t line.
10 SDI (HD/SD) terminal (BNC) IN1 : This is the SD I input ter m inal (comp atible with HD/S D automa tic switching). IN2 : This is the SD I input ter m inal (comp atible with HD/S D automa tic switching). SW I TC HE D OU T : This is the active through-out terminal for the SDI input signal being display ed on the sc reen.
11 1. Attach the power cor d to the monitor unit. 2. Connect the power cor d to the pow er outlet. ■ When using ext ernal DC power (12 V DC) Y ou can slid e open th e power cov er , and switch from A C inp ut to exter nal DC in put. (Wh en shi pped fro m the f actory , the pow er cov er is up , and A C input is sele cted.
12 The s creen d isplays eigh t type s of infor matio n: inp ut si gnal sta tus, pict ure adju sting knob statu s, shar pnes s displ ay , FUNCTI ON displ a y , a udio lev el meter display , menu d isplay , ti me code d isplay and clo sed capt ion disp lay .
13 How to Use th e On Screen Menu (cont inued) • Use the m enu to open and set up fun ctions. • When “FUNCTION DISP LA Y” ( J page 2 3) is set to ON, press any of the “FUNCTION1” to “FUNCTION5” b uttons to disp la y the functions assigned to the FUNCTION buttons.
14 How to Use th e On Screen Menu ( continued) • Use the menu to di splay the time code for HD-SDI signal input. It also al lows you to switch disp lay mode (VITC, L TC , VUB, LUB). In VITC an d L TC d isplay mode: • Displays the time code i n hours: minutes : seconds : or frames.
15 1. Pre ss [ MENU ] t o disp la y the M AIN m en u. 2. Press [ , ] to sel ect a me nu and press [ENT ER ]. 3. Press [ , ] to select a sub menu a nd Press [ENTER]. The se ttings in the su b menu ch ange to green. 4. Press [ , ] to select a setting , then press [ENTER].
16 Y ou can sav e and load up to five combination s of menu settin gs and adju stments ma de with the pic ture adjus tment knob as user d ata. Y ou can also retur n set tings and adjus tments to t heir factor y defaults. User d ata include t he following setti ngs.
18 Under lined values indicate factory defaults. *1 Th is setti ng is tur ne d “ON” when receiv ing mar ker control i n REMOTE operation. (G PI, if set, has pr ior ity .) *2 T hese settings ar e disabled wh en the GP I functio n ( J page 36) is used to contr ol the mar ker set ting.
19 ■ 16:9 marker (Display ed f or HD input and SD input in 16:9 ratio mode.) This ma r ker is only displayed as a ver ti cal ba r . Th e section be comes the “MAR KER BA CK”. VIST A marker , CNSCO marker This m arker is dis pla yed as a hor izontal do tted line.
20 Under lined values indicate factory defaults. *1 In split-scr een disp lay , ch anges are not refl ected to the stil l image in the m ain wi ndow . *2 These functions are not availab le when “RG B-COMP . ” under “Y P B P R /RGB” or “D VI-COMP .
21 ■ WB adjustment mode Select “V AR1” to “V A R3” for “COLOR TEMP . ” in the “VIDEO CONFI G” menu to make “WHITE BALANCE V A R1” to “WHITE BALANCE V AR3” (WB) adju stments. Under lined values indicate factory defaults. *1 Selecting “ COLOR T EMP .
22 Main Menu (continued) Under lined values indicate factory defaults. *1 W hen th e monitor is shipped , settings for “USER1” - “US ER5” are i dentical to “F ACT O R Y . ” *2 “ H-POSITION”, “ V -POSITI ON”, “PHASE ” and “CLOCK” ( J page 31) c annot b e sav ed or loade d.
23 Under lined values indicate factory defaults. *1 Ch anges in setti ngs chan ge menu setti ngs. FUNCTION Sub menu Settings Description FUNCTION 1 - FUNCTION 5 HV DE LA Y AU TO S E T U P BLUE ONL Y G.
24 ■ FUNCTION setting restrictions Settin gs are no t av a ilable under the following cond itions. Setting Conditions that disable operation HV DELA Y Dur ing SUB W INDOW , WFM, P IXEL TO PIXEL mode operation, “ INV ALID FUNCTIO N” appea rs to indic ate tha t operation is disa bled.
25 ■ Functions display ed during FUNCTION but ton operation Pressing any of the [FUNCTION1] to [FUNCTION5] buttons displays the operations as signed to each button as shown be low . •H V D E L A Y DELA Y OFF/V DELA Y/H DELA Y/HV DELA Y •A U T O S E T U P A UT OSETUP/COMPLETE/INCOMPLETE/NO T RGB-COMP .
26 This func tion is designed to enable com paris on of id entical forma ts inp ut to the same inpu t ter mina l. Input of different format s via d ifferent input c hannels may distor t th e sub -window (left s ide, still im age) or blanking c ould occur .
27 Main Menu (continued) ■ “PIXEL TO PIXEL ” and “PIXEL PO SITION” The “PIXEL T O P IXEL ” function allows you to check image s at their actual pix el resoluti on (1080I/P signals on ly). Press the button ([FUNCTION1] to [FUNCTION5] ( J page 23)) to which the “PIXEL TO PIXEL ” function has been assi gned to tur n the func tion on.
28 Main Menu (continued) ■ “CROSS HA TCH” The “CROSS HA TC H” function enables display of markers at regu lar ver tical and hor izontal inter vals to facilitate compo sition and other tasks. The wid th of mar ker lines is 1 dot , the markers co nsist of 1 li ne, and are space d 80 dots apar t (fixed value).
29 “GPI CONT ROL ” is used to en able and disable GPI func tions and as sign functi ons to each o f the GPI ter m inal pins ( J page 36). Under lined values indicate factory defaults.
30 Under lined values indicate factory defaults. *1 “A UT O” is the factor y d efault, but select a spec ific forma t when the re is r isk that th e input sig nal may be contami nated by ou tside noi se. INPUT SELECT Sub menu Settings Description VIDEO AU T O NTSC PA L Selec ts the vi deo in put format.
31 ■ COMP . Selec ting “RGB-C OMP . ” under “YP B P R /RGB” in the “I NPUT SE LECT” menu op ens the following menu. Under lined values indicate factory defaults. *1 “ EXECUT ING” is di splay ed dur ing “A UT OSETUP” an d “COMP LETE” ap pears whe n setup comp letes.
32 Sets spea ker and headph ones o utput. Under lined values indicate factory defaults. *1 W hen A NALOG is s elected in the “INP UT SELECT” menu, the L EVEL MET ER does no t indicate the aud io lev e l ev en w hen set to ON. AU D I O Sub menu Settings De scription INPUT SELEC T AU T O ANALO G Selects speaker and headphones outpu t.
33 Main Menu (continued) Under lined values indicate factory defaults. *1 A vailable durin g HD-SDI i nput sign als. *2 A vailable during VIDE O (NTSC) in put. Closed cap tions appea r as bright lines on li ne 21 when closed capti on is set to O N and unde rscan i s also on.
34 Main Menu (continued) Under lined values indicate factory defaults. *1 The menu can be disp lay ed when the lock is eng aged. Only “C ONTROL/LOCAL E NABL E” menu items are av ailable when the lock is eng aged. The pi cture ad justing knob i s disabled wh en the lock is e ngaged.
35 Main Menu (continued) ■ List of setting restrictions ( : av ailable, × : not av a ilable) *1 The VECT OR disp lay appears only duri ng SDI inp ut. *2 It does not appe ar duri ng 108 0/23P , 24P , 25P , 29P an d 30P inpu t. Inpu t VID EO SDI 1/2 YP B P R RGB-VIDEO RGB-COMP .
36 This mon itor per mi ts remote op eration vi a GPI/RS -232C ter mi nal. GPI screen items correspond to the foll owing term inals. Us e the GPI menu to assign fun ctions to each ter minal ( J page 29). Funct ions assi gned to ter minals are ex ec uted when G ND (pin 5) is s hor t-circuited (ON) o r open (OFF ).
37 ■ Priority of assigne d functions • When bo th “MARKE R1” and “M ARKE R2” are acti v ated at the s ame tim e, “MARKER1” ha s pri ori ty . Howev er , when the displ ay aspect ratio is 4:3, the “MARKE R1” aspe ct ratio i s 16:9 and the “MARK ER2” as pect ratio is 4: 3, “MARK ER2” is displayed.
38 ■ Setting command No Command Description Data Response 1 IIS Input switch 0: SDI 1 1: SDI 2 2: VIDEO 3: YP B P R /RGB 6: D V I-D IIS 2 VPC Image quality adjustme nt CON00- 60 : Contra st se tting.
39 REMOTE Specification s (continued) ■ Query comm and *1 W hen both 16:9 and 4:3 mar kers are display ed, the 16:9 marker state is retur ned . No Command Description Data Response 1 QIS Input selecti on 0: SDI1 1: SDI2 2: YP B P R 3: RGB-VIDEO 4: VIDEO 6: RGB-COMP .
40 How to Attach the Rack Mount The mo nitor ca n be fit ted with an optiona l BT -MA1710G rack mount adapt or to enable mo unting it i n a sta ndard 19- inch rack (7U size height). Th e steps b elow show how to attach i t. 1. Remo ve the th re e scr e ws on th e bac k and ba se of the moni tor and re move the stand.
41 Error and Warning Displays If for any reason an error occu rs in this moni tor , the LE Ds above the picture adjus ting knob fl ash at 1-se con d intervals to inform of the e rror/war nin g. Maintenance • Clean th e cabine t and prote ction pan el by gently wipi ng it with a soft cloth.
42 Specifications ■ General Input power is the s afety inf orm ation. Dimension s: • I nclud ing stand 430 (W) mm × 323.5 (H) mm × 198 (D) mm [16 15 / 16 (W) inches × 12 3 / 4 (H) in ches × 7 13 / 16 (D) inches] • M ain body only , not inc luding s tand 430 (W) mm × 309 (H) mm × 81.
43 Specifications (continued) ■ List of compatible signal formats ( : Compatible, : Limited compatibility) *1 When 1035/59. 94I signal is input, displ ay ed as 1080/59.9 4I. Other variou s marker disp lays will use the 1080/ 59.9 4I m ark er . *2 When 1035/60I s ignal i s inp ut, display ed as 1 080/60I .
© 2008 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co ., Ltd. All Rights Reser ved. E P P anason ic Broadcast & T e levision Syst ems Compa ny Unit Company of P anasonic Corporation of Nor th America Executiv.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic BT-LH1760P è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic BT-LH1760P - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic BT-LH1760P imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic BT-LH1760P ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic BT-LH1760P, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic BT-LH1760P.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic BT-LH1760P. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic BT-LH1760P insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.