Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VHF Marine Radio Explorer 721EU del fabbricante NorthStar
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www . n o rt h s ta r n a v . c om E xplor er 7 2 1 U S / 7 2 1 EU VHF Marine Radio Ope ra ti on a nd I n sta l l a ti on M a n ua l.
2 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual FC C Sta temen t This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a normal installation.
3 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual Co n te n t s Se c ti on 1 - G ene ra l Inf or ma tio n ............................................................................................................... 6 1 - 1 Features .
4 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 4 - 7 Resp onse T yp e to LL Polling Ca lls (LL R EP L Y ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4 - 8 Mute the N otif ic ation R ing T o ne (LL R ING ) .
5 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual IMPORT ANT : 1. Some features described in this manual ar e not available on ev ery model. 2. DSC func tions will not operate on the radio until your user MMSID has been ent ered .
6 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual Sect ion 1 - G enera l In format ion 1- 1 F e a t u r e s Con grat ulat ions o n your p urcha se o f a Nor ths tar V HF E x plo rer 72 1 US or 72 1 EU ma rin e ban d ra dio.
7 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 2. On ly fo ur men u items c an be d ispla yed at any o ne ti me on t he LCD . Press CH + o r CH - to scro ll up an d down t he me nu until t he cur so r is posi tio ne d at the d esire d opti on.
8 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual T hes e sy mb ols may n ot app ear at al l or may b e show n in a di f fere nt lo cati on on t he op tio nal han dset . Symbol Meaning T X T ransmitting. HI L O T ransmission power .
9 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual Baro Graph. A histog ram of barometric pressur e readings ov er the past 24 hours.
10 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 1 - 7 Ba sic O pe rat ion a nd Key Func ti ons All possible keys on the base unit, the microphone, and the optional handset are list ed and their functions are explained .
11 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual T o add a favorite channel for the fi rst time, select that channel then hold 3CH to stor e it in the CH1 location. Repeat the procedur e to stor e two more favorite channels in the CH2 and CH3 locations respectively .
12 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual info Information. P ress on the base MIKE to toggle through the INFO display t o show the barometric historg ram, the barometric readout and t emperature , or the Signal- to-Noise R atio (SNR).
13 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual Maintain your buddy list. See S ection 2-3. Set radio sensitivity . See S ection 2-4. Set backlight level. See S ection 2-5. Set contrast level. See S ection 2-5. Set position & UT C manually .
14 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 - 2 Show Wea the r , SNR o r Happy Fish o n Hand set ( INF O DA T A) If yo u have the o pti onal ha nds et ins tall ed, y ou ca n use IN FO D A T A to sho w the l oc al weath er fore cas t (e.
15 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 -3 Ma inta in Your B udd y List ( BUDD Y LIST) Use the Buddy List to stor e the names and associated MMSIDs of 20 favorite people . Names are stor ed in the order of entry, with the most r ecent entr y shown fi rst.
16 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 -3- 3 De le te an En tr y 1. Select BUDDY LIST . P ress ENT or push the r otar y knob to display the list of entries. 2. Scroll down (if requir ed) to the entry you want to delete and press ENT .
17 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 -5- 1 Se t the Ba ckl ig hti ng Leve l 1. Select BACKLIGHT . 2. Use CH + or CH - to select a comfortable back light level. 3. Pr ess ENT or push the rotary k nob to confi rm the new level and return to the menu.
18 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 - 6 - 2 Loca l Time ( TIME OFF SET ) The local time can be set by entering the time off set bet ween UT C and local time as follows. 1. Select GPS/DA T A, then SE T TING.
19 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 - 6 - 3 Ti me Forma t Op tion s (TIME FORMAT) Time can be shown in 12 or 24 hour format. 1 . Se le c t GPS/ DA T A , th en SE T T ING . 2. Sel ec t T IME F ORM A T . 3.
20 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 -6 - 7 GPS A le r t Opt ion s (ALERT) The GPS aler t is usually set to ON so that if the GPS na vigation receiver is disconnected , the alarm sounds. 1. Select GPS/DA T A, then SE T TING.
21 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual Sect ion 3 - Rad io Set up Menu ( R ADI O SETU P) Hold down CALL/MENU then scroll down and select RADIO SETUP . Press ENT or push the r otar y knob to show the RADIO SE TUP menu options .
22 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual RADIO SETUP > CH NAME RING VOL UME KEY BEEP EDIT CH NAME TELEPHONE CH NAME 01 TELEPHONE SA VE CH NAME PHONE1 > YE.
23 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 3-6 Se t the Prio rit y Cha nne l ( W A TCH MODE) If you have the 721EU , watch mode is similar to a dual watch, scanning between the priorit y channel and the work ing channel .
24 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual RADIO SETUP W A TCH MODE WX ALERT > C OM PORT GPS SOURCE NA VBUS > ON OFF GPS SOURCE N M E A > NA VBUS COM POR.
25 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 3- 9- 2 Sw itch th e Baro met ric Di spla y ON or OFF (BARO DISP L Y ) 1.
26 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 4- 1 DSC SETUP M enu O pt ion s Check your user MMSID . S ee section 4.2. T o enter your user MMSID f or the fi rst time, see Section 7-9 . Enter or change the name and/or details of a gr oup.
27 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual If you make an er r or , select < and press ENT to backup and correct the entr y ( 721US ) or CLR and ENT ( 721EU ). 4. Enter the group MMSID . The fi rst number is always 0.
28 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual conversa tion. A manual response asks if you want t o acknowledge the call, and then asks if you want to converse with the caller . 1. Select DSC SE TUP , then select INDIV REPL Y .
29 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual I t’ s not possible to have both A TIS ON and DSC ON simultaneously . When you enable one, the other will turn OFF . I f DSC and A TIS are both OFF , you must turn DSC ON for normal DSC operation.
30 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual Sect ion 5 - Send a nd Receive DS C Call s A va lid us er MMSI D mus t have be en ente red to acce ss the DS C fu nc tio ns . If you don ’t have a user MMSID , see Appendix D .
31 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 5- 3 Call a n In divi dua l (INDIVIDUAL) Y ou can call anyone who has a radio with DSC functionality . Y ou can set the prior ity level of the DSC call to routine, saf et y , urgency, or distr ess.
32 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 5- 4 C a ll th e Mos t Rece nt Cal le r (L AST CALL) This facility is useful and used frequently . 1. Press CALL/MENU to ent er the DSC CALL menu. LAST CALL is automatically selected .
33 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual select the correct channel. 3. The radio asks for confi rmation of the ALL SHIPS call (SEND?). Pr ess ENT or push the rotary k nob to select YES and send the call, and continue as explained in Section 5-3.
34 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 5-9 Req ue st th e LL Posit ion o f a Bud dy (LL REQ UEST) 1. Pr ess CALL/MENU to enter the DSC CALL menu , then select LL REQUEST . 2. Selec t the buddy whose LL position you want t o request then pr ess ENT or push the rotary k nob to send the request.
35 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual St ar t T ra ck i ng as follows: 1. Pr ess CALL/MENU to enter the DSC CALL menu , then select TRACK BUDDY . 2. Select ST AR T TRACK, then select YES. The ST ART TRA CK display changes to ST OP TRACK .
36 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual RCV: GROUP GP: RD GROUP VHF721 ROUTINE RCV: GEOGRAPH VHF721 10:34 UT C ESC –> EXIT RCV: POSITION BUDD Y3 82º50.
37 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 6- 1 Se nd a D istr ess Cal l 1. Open the red cover labelled DISTRESS. I f time is available to specify the natur e of the distress, go to step 2. Other wise, go directly to step 3.
38 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual RCV: DISTRESS 123456789 FL OODING ESC –> EXIT RCV: DISTRESS 10:34 UT C 82º50.
39 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual Nor th sta r Ex plo re r 7 2 1 US an d 7 2 1EU GENERAL P ower Supply: 13.
40 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual Channel Naming: Y es T ri watch, favorite channel scan: Y es All scan: Y es User programmable MMSID: Y es (User MMSID and A TIS (721EU) MMSID and NAME directory : Y es - 20 numbers & group TRANSMIT TER F requency : 156.
41 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual Appe ndix B - T roubles hooting 1. The transceiver will not pow er up . A fuse may have blown OR ther e is no voltage getting to the transceiv er . a) Check the power cable f or cuts, br eaks, or squashed sections.
42 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual NOTE For ass istance in u ndersta nding the T able, see n otes a) to o) bel ow.
43 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual Transmi tting frequencie s MHz Port oper ation s and ship movement Channel designator Notes Ship station s Coast statio.
44 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual d. The frequencies in this T able may also be used for radiocommunications on inland wat er ways in accor d- ance with the conditions specifi ed in No . 5.226. – 56 – 62238 IEC:2003(E) e.
45 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual C .2 USA Ch an ne l Char t CH SEND (MHz) RECEIVE (MHz) TRAFFIC TYPE SHIP TO SHIP SHIP TO SHORE NAME T AG 01A 156.050 156.050 P or t Operations , Selected V TS Areas Y es Y es PORT OPS/V TS 03A 4 156.
46 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual CH SEND (MHz) RECEIVE (MHz) TRAFFIC TYPE SHIP TO SHIP SHIP TO SHORE NAME T AG 61A 4 156.075 156.075 U.S. Government, Canadian C oast Guard Y es Y es UNA UTHORIZED 63A 156.
47 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual WEA THER MHz TR AFFIC TY PE NAME T AG Wx01 RX Only 162.550 NOAA WEA THER CHANNEL ------ ------ NOAA WX Wx02 RX Only 162.400 NOAA WEA THER CHANNEL ------ ------ NOAA WX Wx03 RX Only 162.
48 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual C - 3 CANADA Ch an ne l CHART CH SEND (MHz) RECEIVE (MHz) TRAFFIC TYPE SHIP TO SHIP SHIP T O SHORE NAME T AG 01 156.050 160.650 P ublic Corr espondence, Duplex No Y es TELEPHONE 02 156.
49 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual CH SEND (MHz) RECEIVE (MHz) TRAFFIC TYPE SHIP TO SHIP SHIP T O SHORE NAME T AG 28B RX Only 162.000 Public Correspondenc e, RX Only ------ ------ TELEPHONE 60 156.025 160.
50 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual WEA THER MHz TRAFFIC TYPE NAME T AG Wx01 RX Only 162.550 NOAA WEA THER CHANNEL ------ ------ NOAA WX Wx02 RX Only 162.400 NOAA WEA THER CHANNEL ------ ------ NOAA WX Wx03 RX Only 162.
51 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual C -4 EU INL AND WA TERWA Y CHANNELS - Cou ntr y Sp eci fic F or specifi c channel information for your country , please ref er to local authorities. CH SPECIFIC FOO TNO TES T RANSMIT TING FREQUENCY (MHZ) SHIP- TO-SHIP SHIP- T OPORT NA UT .
52 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 17 h) 156.85 156.85 x 77 a) k) 156.875 156.875 x 18 156.9 161.5 x 78 156.925 161.525 x 19 156.95 161.55 x 79 a) 156.975 161.575 x 20 157 161.6 x 80 157.025 161.625 x 21 a) 157.
53 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 1.1 General remarks t o frequency table 1 1.1.1 The channels for ser vice categories ship-to-ship and nautical information may also be used for v essel traffi c-sys tems by traffi c centres.
54 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual Appe ndix D - M MS I D and License I nforma tio n Y ou must obtain a user MMSID (Marine Mobile Ser vice Identit y) and enter it int o your radio in order t o use the DSC functions.
55 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual Sect ion 7 - I nst al l the E xp lore r 7 2 1 7 - 1 Inst alla tion Options There ar e two ways to install the radio . Y ou can choose: • a deck or overhead mounted gimbal installation .
56 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 13. T wo fl at screws for the micr ophone bulk head mount 14. T wo spring washers for the microphone bulkhead mount 15. T wo plain washers for the microphone bulkhead mount 16.
57 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 4. Slide the radio into the mounting gimbal . 5. Inser t the two mounting k nobs through the holes and tight en them suffi ciently to hold the radio at the desired viewing angle.
58 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 7 - 7 I nsta ll t he Mi cro pho ne Bu lk hea d Mou nt 1. Hold the microphone bulkhead mount at the chosen location and use a soft pencil to mark the screw hole positions on the mounting sur face.
59 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 4. BLACK P ower wire . C onnect this to the NEGA TIVE (-) batter y terminal. 5. RED P ow er wire . Connect this to the POSITIVE (+) battery terminal. Check that a 10 Amp fuse is installed on this power cable close to the battery .
60 Northstar Explorer VHF Series: 721US, 721EU Operation and Installation Manual 7 - 1 1 The Com ple ted In sta lla tio n (with O pti ona l Han dse t) M84 M84 Batte r y V HF Ante nna Wallp late on b u.
Designed in New Zealand Made in China MN000751A-G UNITED ST A TES 30 Sudbur y Road, Acton, M A 01720, United States Ph: +1 978.897.6600 F ax: +1 978.897.7241 EUROPE Unit 2, Ocean Quay , Belvidere Rd , Southampton, SO14 5Q Y , England Ph: +44 2380 339922 F ax: +44 2380 330345 nor thstaruk@nor thstarnav .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il NorthStar VHF Marine Radio Explorer 721EU è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del NorthStar VHF Marine Radio Explorer 721EU - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso NorthStar VHF Marine Radio Explorer 721EU imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul NorthStar VHF Marine Radio Explorer 721EU ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il NorthStar VHF Marine Radio Explorer 721EU, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del NorthStar VHF Marine Radio Explorer 721EU.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il NorthStar VHF Marine Radio Explorer 721EU. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo NorthStar VHF Marine Radio Explorer 721EU insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.