Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto EXPLORER 657 del fabbricante NorthStar
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www .n ort h s t ar n a v . co m Ex p l o r er 6 5 7 Fi s h fi nder and Char tplot ter Inst allation an d O p eration Manual.
FC C S t at ement Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a normal installation.
3 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual The choice, location, angle and installation of the instrument & transducers are critical to performance of the system as intended. Follow instructions in this manual carefully. If in doubt, consult your No r ths ta r dealer.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 4 Co n t e nt s 1 Int ro du c t ion ......................................................................................................................................... 7 1 - 1 O ver v iew .
5 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 8 - 4 Fish de tec ti on and disp lay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 8 -5 Ran ge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 6 1 7 -5 S etup > Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 1 7 - 6 Se tup > T ra ck . .
7 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 1 In tro ducti on Quick reference to th e bu ilt-in a nd o ptio nal feat ures : F eature T ype See Requires General How to use the key s and.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 8 1 - 3 Pl ug- in ca rds The 657 can use two kinds of plug-in card: 1 C-MAP™ chart cards have chart details required for navigating in a particular region. When a chart card is plugged in, the extra details automatically appear on the 657 chart window.
9 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Han dle p lug -i n cards c aref ull y . Ke ep the m in th eir prote c ti ve cas es w hen n ot plu gg ed into the 6 57 . Kee p the h ol der in p la ce in the 657 at all t imes to prev ent mo ist ure f rom enter in g the c ard com pa r t men t.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 10 2 Bas ic O pera tio n Ove rvi ew of the keys 2 - 1 Using t he keys In th is manua l: Pres s means to push t he key fo r le ss than a second.
11 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Changing data Firs t pres s or to move the highlight to t h e dat a to chan ge, th en : a) To change a tick box mea ns On o r Y es mea ns O f f or N o. Press or to chan ge th e ti ck bo x. b) To select an option 1 Press to displ ay the m enu o f opt ion s.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 12 2 -3 Backl ig ht an d nig ht mo de T o go to th e Ba ck lig ht displ ay , pr ess brief ly . Backlight T he disp lay an d key s are ba ck lit . T o chan ge th e back light level, highligh t se le c t Ba ck light , th en press to dim o r to bri ghten .
13 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 2 - 6 Si mu la te mod e In Simu late mo d e, the 657 ign ores d ata f rom t he GPS a ntenna an d oth er tr ansd ucer s and s ens ors an d the 657 gen er ates th is data i t sel f. Ot he r wis e, th e 65 7 f un c tio ns no rm ally.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 14 2 - 7 Th e mai n wi ndow s Note 1 T he wi ndo ws av aila ble d ep en d on th e opt ion al se nsor s and ins tr ume nts t hat are ins t alle d (se e s ec t ion 1- 1 ).
15 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Note: T he wi ndo ws b elo w the m enu d ivi de r can onl y b e shown f ul l scre en wi tho ut a da ta hea der.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 16 T he 657 can sh ow t wo wi ndo ws at on ce. Adding a window to the display Press , se le c t Add window an d sel ec t a win dow to a dd . Th e 657 automat ica lly rea rr ang es the d ispl ay to show th e new w ind ow.
17 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual T he 657 has a lis t of co mmo nly us e d displ ays , ca lle d favo ri te displ ays . Th ere c an be u p to six fa vori te di spl ays. So nar , G aug es , Fuel, Dat a, an d T ank s w ind ows c an b e comb ine d in a d ispl ay .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 18 2 - 7 -3 Data h ea de r T he disp lay s can sh ow dat a at the to p, call ed t he data header . Wh en yo u sel ec t a win dow f rom t he dis play me nu (se e se c ti on 2- 7 ) the 657 disp lay s an appropri ate data he ader for the window .
19 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual The 657 has two ways of navigating, going straight to a point or following a route. 3-1-1 Navigating to a point When the 657 is navigating to a point, the chart and highway displays show navigation data: A The boat position .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 20 3- 1- 3 Fo ll owi ng a r ou te Preparing A rou te is a list o f way p oint s that t he b oat c an fol low (s ee se c tio n 6) . T o c reate way po int s be fore creat ing t he rou te, se e se c ti on 5 - 2- 1 .
21 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual A typical chart window shows: 3- 2 Ch a r t win dow A B K C D E F G I J H A Data h eade r .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 22 3- 2- 3 Cha r t sca le Press to zoo m in and d isplay a sm alle r area of th e char t i n mo re det ail.
23 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 3- 2- 5 Find in g a cha r t symb ol T o fi nd an d disp lay a cha r t s ym bo l: 1 Press and s el ec t Fi n d . 2 Se le c t the t yp e o f sy mb ol : Wayp oi nts , Ro utes , Por t s by na me, Por t s & s er v ices , Ti de s tat ions or AIS Vess els .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 24 T ra ck ing re cords th e bo at ’s posi tio n to memo r y at reg ular i nter v als , whi ch ca n be : Ti me in t erva ls . Or d istanc e i nt er val s. T he tr ac k of wh ere th e bo at has b e en ca n be disp laye d on t he cha r t.
25 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 5 Naviga tion : Waypoint s A way po int is a p osit ion t hat you c an s et on th e 657 char t , for e xam ple a f ishin g sp ot or a p oint o n a rou te. Th e 657 can have up to 30 0 0 way po int s.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 26 5-2-1 Creating a new waypoint Creating and editing a new waypoint from the chart window 1 To create a waypoint at the boat position, press to switch the chart to center on boat mode. Or, to create a waypoint at a different point, move the cursor to that point on the chart.
27 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Deleting a waypoint from the chart window 1 In the chart window, move the cursor to the waypoint to delete. 2 Press and select Delete . 3 Select Yes to confirm. Deleting a waypoint from the waypoints window 1 In the waypoints window, press or to highlight the waypoint to delete.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 28 6- 1 Ro ute s win dow T he rou tes wi ndo w is a lis t of th e rou tes that have b ee n entere d, each w it h route na me, s tar t way p oint , end w ayp oi nt, nu mbe r of l egs an d tota l dis tan ce.
29 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual iv P ress . 3 T o move a w ayp oi nt in th e route : i Move t he cu rs or to th e way po int to move . ii Press an d sel e c t Mov e . iii Move t he cu rso r to wh ere th e way po int will b e.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 30 GPS worl dwid e navig ati on T he US Gove rnm ent op er ates th e GPS s y stem . T went y - four s atel lites o rb it t he ear th an d bro adc as t posi tio n and t ime sig nals. T he p osi tio ns of t hes e sa telli tes are co nst ant ly cha ngi ng.
31 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual T he s atelli te win dow h as info rm atio n ab out t he GPS s atel lites a nd GP S posi ti on.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 32 8- 2 Inte rpr eti ng th e dis play T he so nar di splay s do n ot show a f ixe d dis ta nce tr avell ed by t he b oat ; rat her, they dis play a his tor y, showin g what ha s pas se d be low th e bo at dur ing a ce r t ain p er io d of ti me.
33 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Bot tom t yp es Mu d, we ed a nd s and y b ot toms te nd to wea ken and s cat ter th e so nar p ulse, re sulti ng in a w eak ec ho. H ard, ro ck y o r cor al b ot toms re f le c t th e puls e, resul tin g in a s tron g ec ho.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 34 Shadows Sha dow s are create d aro und a reas wh ere th e ult ra son ic b eam ca nnot ‘s e e’ .
35 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual A Nar row an gl e, more d et ail ed 20 0 k Hz co ne B W id e ang le, l ess d eta ile d 50 k Hz co ne B B A T his fre qu enc y is us ef ul f.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 36 50 kHz d isp lay 200 kHz d is pla y 200/50 Khz d is pla y Mi xe d di spl ay 1 minute ago 30 seconds ago Now Comp ari son of t he sam e fi sh.
37 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 8- 4 Fish de tec t ion a nd d isp lay Whe re to f ind f is h Und er w ater featu res like re ef s, w reck s a nd ro ck y ou tcrops at t ra c t fish .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 38 8-5 Range Ran ge is t he ver t ic al dep th disp laye d on th e 657 so nar dis play. For e xamp le, i f th e ran ge is 1 0 0 m, the n the s ona r displ ay show s dept hs be t we en 0 and 100 m .
39 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 8- 6 Ga in a nd t hre sh old Gai n and t hresh old s et t ings co ntro l the a mou nt of d eta il disp laye d on a s ona r disp lay: Gain : Th e gain o f th e so nar re ceive r .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 40 T o show t he So nar dis play, press , the n select Sona r . T here ar e fi ve ki nds of s ona r disp lay .
41 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 9- 1 - 1 Ex ten ded h is tor y mo de T o rev iew an o ld s onar e ch o, use or to move b ack a nd fo r wa rd thro ugh t he so nar his tor y. The t ime sin ce the e ch oes sh own o n the sc reen w ere reco rde d is disp laye d at th e bot to m of th e sc reen .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 42 9-3 Sona r Bot tom d isp lay T he disp lay sh ows th e so nar his tor y on th e ri ght and t he b ot tom si gnal a s a f lat t ra ce in th e center of t he zo om se c ti on o n the l ef t .
43 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 9-5 Sona r A- Sco pe d isp lay T he disp lay sho ws th e so nar his tor y o n th e le f t an d the A -Scop e disp lay on t he r ight .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 44 10 G a u g e s w i n d o w T he Gau ges w ind ow sho ws bo at dat a, such a s wate r sp ee d, as a nal og ga uge s. To sele c t th e Gauges window , pr ess , sel ec t Mo re, the n se le c t Gau ges .
45 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 1 2 Fuel fu nct ions and d is play The Fuel func tions require optional petrol/gasoline or Smar tCraf t™ f uel sensors to be installe d and set up. Ea ch eng ine ha s a f lo w sens or ins ta lle d to meas ure th e eng ine’s f ue l f low.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 46 Fuel flow T he f uel f lo w for th e en gin e (s). On a m ulti e ngi ne bo at, t he dat a for t he p or t e ngi ne is on t he le f t of t he disp lay. U s e th e f lo ws to che ck t he lo ad o f each e ngin e.
47 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual C When you remove fuel 1 Be fore rem ov ing f ue l, go to th e Fuel wi ndo w , press an d se le c t Se t re maining . 2 On a mu lti -t ank b oat , se le c t the t ank t hat you are rem ovi ng f uel f rom .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 48 Water sp ee d 1 0 k not s Current 4 k not s Gi ves a grou nd sp ee d of 6 k not s 1 2- 5- 2 Wate r spe ed a nd g rou nd s pe ed A pa ddl ewh ee l sens or an d a pi tot sens or mea sure wate r sp ee d, th e b oat sp e ed t hrou gh th e water.
49 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 1 2-6 Fue l cons um ptio n cu r ves A fu el co nsumpti on cu r ve sh ows f uel consum pti on (f ue l use d pe r uni t of dis ta nce tr avell ed ) and b oat s pe ed a s a fu nc ti on of eng ine R PM.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 50 1 2-6 - 2 Ma nag in g fue l con su mpt ion c ur ve s Renaming a curve 1 Press t wi ce, th en se le c t Fue l . 2 Se le c t F uel c on su m ption c ur v e . Select Na m e and s el ec t t he na me of t he cur ve to renam e.
51 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Ca libr ate p etro l/gas oli ne f uel f low s ens ors dur ing i nst allat io n, or i f the f ue l readi ngs se em ina ccurate a nd th e othe r trou ble sho otin g sug ges ti ons d o not h elp (s ee a pp end ix B troubleshooting ).
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 52 1 3 Tides window T he ti des w ind ow is av aila ble o n C - MAP c har t s . T he ti des w ind ow show s tid e info rmat ion at a tid e s tati on fo r the s el ec te d date.
53 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 1 4 User ca rd window A C - MAP™ us er c ard is an op tio nal pl ug -in c ard that c an s tore dat a f iles (s e e se c tio n 1 -3). T he re are th ree t yp es o f fi les : way po int s, ro utes o r a track .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 54 T o lo ad a f ile to t he 657 : 1 Se le c t the f il e to loa d. 2 Press and s el ec t Load . De le ting a f il e fro m the use r ca rd 1 Se le c t th e fil e to del ete. 2 Press and s el ec t Del et e .
55 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 1 5-1 Vi ewi ng AIS Vesse ls A B C D A AIS Vess el B Da ngerous Ves sel C P roject ed C ourse D Dat a B ox Wh en th e cur sor is p lace d o.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 56 1 5-3 AIS Wind ows T o go to th e AIS wi ndo ws, p ress , se le c t Mo re , th en pre ss or to se le c t on e of th e t wo wi ndo ws: Vess els o r Safe t y msgs ( r x). If t here a re more i tems th an wi ll fi t on th e window , pr ess or to se e th e othe rs .
57 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 1 6 DSC/ Bud dy t rack windows Buddy track requires an optional Nor thstar DSC VH F ra dio to b e ins ta lle d. Bu dd y tr ack t ra ck s oth er bo at s whi ch have DSC r ad ios co nne c te d to thei r GPS re cei ver s by NavB us and a re in V HF r ang e.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 58 Di spl aying a b oa t on the c ha r t 1 Press or to sel ec t a b o at. 2 Press and s el ec t Di spl ay . T he 657 sw itch es to char t wi ndo w , w ith t he s ele c ted bo at p ositi on in t he mi ddl e (se e Bo at po sitio ns ab ove).
59 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 1 7 Se tt i ng up t he 65 7 The 65 7 has a number of advanced featur es whi ch are s et up t hrou gh th e set up me nu. We reco mm end t hat you b e com e fa milia r wi th th e op er atio n of th e uni t using th e def au lt se t tin gs be fore m ak ing a ny chan ges in t he se me nus .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 60 Setu p opt ion me nus F a c tor y d ef ault s et t ings are sh own . T he se tup da ta ava ilab le wi ll de pen d on t he op tio nal se nso rs an d instr uments ins talle d.
61 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Press twice, then select System : Language Select the language for the displays. Tip: In case you can’t read the current language, the language setting is found at the top of the system menu.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 62 Press t w ice, th en se le c t Char t : Rotation T he op tio ns for ch ar t rot atio n are : Nort h up : No r th is a lw ays at th e top of t he char t wi ndo w . Tra c k u p : T he ch ar t is rot ated s o that t he bo at dire c ti on is to th e top of t he dis play.
63 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual NMEA da tum o f fse t If yo u se le c t a map dat um oth er tha n WGS 8 4, th e map dat um of f set c an b e ap pli ed to lat it ude an d l.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 64 Projected course The 657 can estimate the course after a given time, based on the current speed and heading (see section 3-4). The options are 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours or Off CDI scale Se e Ap p end ix C .
65 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Press t wi ce, the n se le c t Son ar : Fr eq u e n c y T here is a ch oi ce of : 200 k H z , 50 k H z and Mix ed . For info rmat ion a bo ut s ele c tin g a suit ab le f re quen c y fo r the w ater co ndi tio ns .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 66 ! W ARNING Fuel co nsumpt ion c an ch ang e dr ast ic all y dep en din g up on th e bo at lo ad ing an d th e sea co ndi ti ons . Alw ays c arr y a de quate f ue l for the j our ne y , pl us a rese r ve.
67 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Source Select the fuel flow sensors to use if the boat has more than one set of fuel sensors. Normally select Auto . Num engines Set the number of engines, or select 0 to disable the fuel functions.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 68 1 7 - 6 Setu p > T ra ck Press t wi ce, the n se le c t Track : T ra ck ing re cords a nd dis play s the b o at ’s cours e on t he cha r t (se e s ec t ion 3 -5).
69 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 1 7 - 8 Setup > Lo gs Press t wi ce, the n se le c t Logs : T he va lue s can b e res et in dep en dent ly o f each othe r . T he se lo g va lue s are save d wh en th e unit is tur ne d of f.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 70 Press t wi ce, the n se le c t Al ar ms : 1 7 -9 Setu p > Ala rms All a lar ms exce pt Lo ss o f GPS fix ca n be tur ne d on ( enab le d) o r of f (dis ab le d). For all alarms sele c t to tur n the a lar m on or select to tur n th e alar m of f.
71 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Press t wi ce, the n se le c t Uni t s : T he de fau lt uni t s are show n ab ove. Dist ance nm (nautical miles), mi (miles) or km (kil ome.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 72 Press t wi ce, the n se le c t Calibr a te : Speed T his ca libr ates t he sp ee d f rom a p ad dle whe el se nsor co nn ec te d to the 657 . Ca lib rati on may be require d becaus e dif ferent hull shapes have di f fe rent f l ow ch ar ac ter is tic s .
73 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Ke el Of f se t A dep th tr ans ducer m easure s dep ths b elow wh ere th e tr ansd ucer is m ounte d on t he b oat , usuall y th e bot to m of th e bo at. T h e 65 7 c al culate s the d ept hs to displ ay by ad ding t he ke el of f set to all m easure d dept hs.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 74 1 7 - 1 5 Se tup > Si mu late Simul ate mo de is a w ay of b e comin g f amil iar wi th th e 65 7 (s e e se c ti on 2- 6 ).
75 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 657 disp lay u ni t, w ith a h ol de r for p lu g- in c ard s and b la nk in g cap f or f ue l con ne c tor.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 76 Black Y ellow Blue Co nn e c t i o ns P ower (18-4) External alarms (18-4) NavBus instruments (18-9) and VHF radio (18-8) NMEA out to instru.
77 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 1 8-3 Insta ll at ion : The d isp lay u nit T here a re t wo mo untin g ar ra nge ment s: 1 Flus h Mou nti ng Requires a solid panel with ac cess behind for w iri ng an d mo untin g scre ws .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 78 External beepers or lights Auto power Du rin g se tup, s et up Auto p o wer off (see s ec tio ns 2- 2 and 1 7 - 1 ) P ower/data cable Y ello.
79 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Restart GPS: Re st ar t s t he GP S recei ver, satel lite re cept ion w ill b e los t unt il th e recei ver co mpl ete s it s res ta r t an d acq uire s the s ate llite s. ! W ARNING MO B will n ot wo rk i f the I nst rum ent d oe s not have a GPS f i x.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 80 1 8-6 Installation: Sonar transduce r Either: • Fit th e tr anso m mo unt so nar tr ans ducer supp lie d, fo llo win g the i nst ruc tio ns in th e Tr a n s o m M o u n t Tr a n s d u c e r I n s t a l l a t i o n Manual supplied with the 65 7 .
81 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Y ellow GPS antenna (optional) Smar tCraft™ gateway 1 8-8 Inst a llation: SmartCraf t™ If th e b oat has o ne o r t wo Smar tC raf t™.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 82 1 8- 1 0 In stal la tio n: Ot her N MEA in stru men ts NM EA is a n indu st r y s ta nda rd for i nterconn e c tin g ins tr ume nts . It is n ot as f l ex ib le or a s easy to ins tal l as NavB us.
83 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Setu p an d test 1 Put a b lank in g ca p on any un use d conn ec to r on th e ba ck of t he disp lay un it. Ensu re all conn e c tors a re plu gg ed i n and t he dis play uni t is in pl ace.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 84 Appe ndix A - S peci ficat ions GENERAL Size: 5.9” H x 6.5” W x 2.6” D (150mm H x 164mm W x 65mm D) Display: 127 mm (5”) diagonal, TFT color, 480 x 640 pixels. Backlight: Display and keys Supply voltage 10.
85 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual List of datums Adindan Af gooye AIN EL ABD 1970 American Samoa 1962 Anna 1 Astro 1965 Antigua Island Astro 1943 ARC 1950 ARC 1960 Ascension.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 86 1-1 The 657 won’t turn on: a T he 657 is desig ne d to op erate o n a 1 2 /24 vol t bat ter y s ys tem, wh ere th e volt age m ay va r y f rom 1 0. 5 to 30.5 vo lt s . If an e xcessi ve vol tag e is supp lie d, a f use w ill b e tri pp ed , tur nin g the d isplay u nit o f f.
87 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual B- 2 GPS navi gat ion p robl ems 2- 1 No G P S f ix o r lo ng t i me t o ge t f ix a t startup : a May o ccur o ccasi ona lly i f th e antenna d oe s not h ave a clear v ie w of th e sk y. Th e sate llite po siti ons are co ns tant ly cha ngin g.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 88 c A f uel t ra nsdu cer may b e cl og ge d. I f so, remo ve the t ran sduce r fro m the f ue l line and g entl y bl ow th roug h it in th e op po site dire c ti on to th e fu el f low.
89 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual 4-2 Bottom is not displayed: a The 65 7 may have Manual Range selected and the depth may be outside the range value selected. Either change the 6 57 to Auto Range or select another depth range (see section 8-5 ).
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 90 Appe ndix C - G lossa r y and navigat ion da ta At te nt io n Are a - An imp o r ta nt area on a c har t , such a s a rest ri c ted an cho ra ge or a sha llow a rea (se e s ec t ion 1 7 - 2) .
91 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation M anual Navigatio n data The boat is sailing from the start to the destination and has moved off the plotted course from the start to the destination. BRG Bearing to Destination: Bearing to the destination from the boat.
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il NorthStar EXPLORER 657 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del NorthStar EXPLORER 657 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso NorthStar EXPLORER 657 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul NorthStar EXPLORER 657 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il NorthStar EXPLORER 657, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del NorthStar EXPLORER 657.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il NorthStar EXPLORER 657. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo NorthStar EXPLORER 657 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.