Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 553-3901-200 del fabbricante Nortel Networks
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Meridi an 1 ISD N Bas ic Rate Interf ace Installation Docum ent Number : 553-3901 -200 Docum ent Releas e: Stan dard 7. 00 Date: Jan uary 20 02 Y ear Publ is h FC C TM Copy ri gh t © 19 92 –20 02 N or te l Ne tw or ks Al l Ri ghts Rese r v ed Pr int ed in Ca na da Inform a tion is sub ject to chan ge wi thou t n otice.
Page 3 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n 4 Revision histor y January 2002 Standa rd 7. 00. This docume nt is up-issue d to to incl ude conte n t ch anges f or Meridi an 1 Relea s e 25.40. April 2000 Standa rd 6.00. This is a globa l doc ument a nd is u p-issue d f or X11 R elea se 25.
Pa ge 4 o f 46 553-39 01-200 Stand ar d 7.00 Januar y 20 02.
Page 5 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n 6 Content s About th is docu ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Preinst allation prep aration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Insta ll ISDN BRI hardwa re . . .
Pa ge 6 o f 46 Content s 553-39 01-200 Stand ar d 7.00 Januar y 20 02.
Page 7 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n 8 About this do cument This doc ument appli es to Mer idi an 1 Interne t Enabled s ystems.
Pa ge 8 o f 46 About t his document 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002.
Page 9 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n 12 Prein stal lat ion p repa ratio n Contents Th e fo ll o w in g ar e th e to p i cs in th i s sect i on : Pr epa re th e sit e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Page 1 0 of 46 Preinst al lati on pr eparati on 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 • Sys tem Engin eering (553 -3001-1 51) • Pow er Eng ine er ing (553-3001-1 52) After the site has been pla nned, th e foll owing items must be complet ed prior to I SDN BRI in stal lati on.
Preinst al lation pr eparat ion Page 11 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n • Keep t he circ uit cards in the ir antist atic bags until you are rea dy to install the m . • Do no t stack t he plug-i n ca rds on top of each ot her.
Page 1 2 of 46 Preinst al lati on pr eparati on 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002.
Page 13 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n 46 Install ISDN BRI ha rdware Contents Th e fo ll o w in g ar e th e to p i cs in th i s sect i on : Ins ta ll I SD N B RI h ar dw are f o r l ine ap p lic at io ns . . . . . . . . . .
Page 1 4 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 • ISDN P RI: In stallati on (553-2901-2 01) • Sys tem Inst allation P rocedu res (553-300 1-210) • ISD .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 15 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Selec t the ca rd slo ts To install ISDN B RI cards, perform the foll owing steps: 1 Ident ify all the slots that c an contai n them.
Page 1 6 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 MISPs • MISPs a re i nserted int o the C E/Network Mo dule for options 5 1C and 61C, an d the Network Module for opt ions 81C .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 17 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n • In eac h modu le, install a maximum of 15 SILCs , or eight UILCs com bined with any othe r seven periph eral cards (inc luding SILCs).
Page 1 8 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Figur e 2 NT 8D 37 IP E m o du l e Intelligent Peripheral Equipment Superloop Shelf IPE PE Module PE Pwr Sup .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 19 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 3 NT5D21 Core/ Networ k module Rem ove th e module c o ve r for car d insta llati on To remove the co vers from Meri dian 1 modules with unused card slots , follo w the procedu r e be low.
Page 2 0 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Figur e 4 Module cover locking l atch e s Insta ll the MISP Once covers ha ve been removed and c ard slot locati ons select ed for ISDN BRI cards, insta ll the MISP cards.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 21 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n 6 Obs erv e the re d LED on the MISP fac epl ate. • If the r ed LED l ights an d stays l it cont inuously wi thout flas hin g thr ee ti mes, the car d is defect ive.
Page 2 2 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 5 Push th e tab s firmly ag ain st the fro nt pa nel of the ca rd so they la tch to the f ront l ip i n t he modul e and t o the p ost on t he car d. 6 Obs erv e the red LED locat ed on th e facepla te.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 23 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 5 Connect ISDN BRI t erminal s to Meridian 1 Meridian 1 IPE I/O Panel NE-A25B Cable Intermediate Di.
Page 2 4 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Connect Meridian 1 m odules to th e MDF Meridi an 1 modul es connec t to the MDF us ing NE-A25B ca bles with 50-pin D-type male c onnect ors on ea ch en d.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 25 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 6 Connect t he Meridian 1 to the MDF SILC/UILC port designations at the MDF The t ables th at follo w provid e SILC /UILC port designat ions a t the MDF , for the NT8D37 I PE.
Page 2 6 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Tabl e 2 shows the SILC port desi gnation labe ls for the IPE Modul e. The UILC port de signati on label s for the IPE a nd CE/ P E Modules i s shown in Tab le 3.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 27 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n T T -T+R+R- 0 T -T+R+R- 1 T -T+R+R- 2 T -T+R+R- 3 T -T+R+R- 4 T -T+R+R- 5 T -T+R+R- 6 T- T + R + R 7 T U T .
Page 2 8 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Cross-con nect the MDF The MDF cross - co nnects NE-A2 5B ca bles conne cted to SIL C and UILC ports with buildi ng wiring connecte d to ISDN BRI termina ls . Each SI LC provides eight four-wir e full duple x port s .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 29 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Cros s- con nec t S IL C and/ or UILC po rts to th e bui l di ng wiri ng 1 Ident ify the car d type (SILC or UILC) for a conn ector on th e MDF.
Page 3 0 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Figur e 7 Cross- connect the SI LC port to t he off ice wiri ng 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 31 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 8 Cross- connect the UILC port t o the offic e wiri ng 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18.
Page 3 2 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Ta b l e 4 NT 8D 37 IP E m o du l e SILC and UILC pai r -termi nat ions fo r connector s A, E, K, R (12-cabl .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 33 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Ta b l e 5 NT8D37 I PE module SILC and UILC pai r -termi nat i ons fo r connector s B, F , L, S (12-cabl e .
Page 3 4 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Ta b l e 6 NT 8D 37 IP E m o du l e SILC and UILC pai r -termi nat ions fo r connector s C, G, M, T (12- cabl.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 35 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Connect the ISDN BRI terminals to the DSL ISDN BRI te rminals are conne cted to DSL s using m odular cabl es up t o 10 meters (33 fe et) long, with RJ -45 pl ugs on each end.
Page 3 6 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Figur e 9 Connect t he ISDN BRI ter m inal to the S/T int erf ace 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 37 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 10 Connect t he ISDN BRI networ k ter minati on (NT1) to the U int erf ace 1 2 3 4R 5T 6 7 8 RJ-45 .
Page 3 8 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Insta ll I SDN BRI ha rdware for tru nk app licatio ns The followi ng lists the proced ures for instal l ISDN BRI hardware for ISDN BRI trunk a pplica tions .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 39 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n The lo op num ber and locati on of the prim ary and seco ndary clock s ource is confi gured in the Di gital Da ta Bloc k overl a y 73. Ref e r to the ISDN Ba sic Ra te Inter f ac e: Admi nis t r atio n (553-390 1-300) .
Page 4 0 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Connect clock refer ence cable s The fol lowing proc edure sh ould be follo wed to connec t the ISDN BRI clock re fe renc e c abl es to t he Cl ock Contr o ll er.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 41 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 11 Clock ref er ence cable connec t ion Clock recovery The SIL C is confi gured in the sla ve -sla ve mode whe n act ing as a trunk inte rface. This i s set u p through t he Main tenanc e Signa lin g Channel (MSC) .
Page 4 2 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 All of the S/T c hips o n th e SIL C c ould be co nfigu red as T ermin al Equ ipmen t Slave s (TES), but onl y the clocks re c overe d from DSL0 and DSL1 are rout e d to the back pl ane connec tor pins.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 43 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 12 Connect the networ k ter mination to t he U i nterface and to the S/T inter face ( in TE mode) 1.
Page 4 4 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Car d loca tion form s The followi ng c ard loc at ion forms may be use d wh en inst a llin g S ILC/UILC and BRS C ca rds on the Meridi an 1.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 45 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Ta b l e 1 0 Car d locatio n f orm: NT8D37 IPE Modul e (12-cabl e c onfigurati on) Card T ype (SILC/UIL C o.
Page 4 6 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002.
F amily Produc t Manual Cont acts Cop yr ight F CC notice T r ademarks Document n umber Product release Doc ument rel ease Date Pub lish Meridian 1 ISDN Basic Ra te Interfa ce Installation Copy ri gh t © 19 92 – 2002 N or te l Ne tw or k s Al l Ri ghts Rese r v ed In form a tio n i s su bj ec t t o c h an ge w it ho ut no tic e.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Nortel Networks 553-3901-200, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Nortel Networks 553-3901-200.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Nortel Networks 553-3901-200. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.