Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 4400, RELEASE 4.1 del fabbricante Nortel Networks
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Part No. 209 664-A June 20 00 4100 Gu ardian Stree t Simi Vall ey CA 93 063-3382 USA Getting Started with Passport 4400, Release 4.1.
2 209664-A Copyright © 2000 Nortel Networks, Inc. All rights rese rved. Print ed in the USA. June 2000 . The informati on in this documen t is subject to ch ange withou t notice.
3 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 EC Declaration of Conformity This pro duct co nf orms (or t hese prod ucts conf o rm) to th e provi s i ons of Cou ncil Dir ect ive 89/33 6/EEC and 73/23/ EEC.
4 209664-A Safety W a rnings and Cautions V arious safety agencies reques t statements of wa rning or c aution to help you in th e safe operati on of the un it. These stat ements also a pply to any and all modules installed within the unit. T o en sure a deq uate c ooli ng o f the equipme nt a 2.
5 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 Notification of FCC Requirements NOTE: This equipment has been tested and fou nd to compl y with the limi ts for a Class A digital devic e , pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
6 209664-A.
7 Gettin g Started with Pas sport 4400, R elease 4. 1 Contents Chapter 1 Intr oduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 List of Do cumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Contents 209664-A Resetting the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Setting th e DNA Numbe ring Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 9 Gettin g Started with Pas sport 4400, R elease 4. 1 Appendix B Inst allin g Sys tem Sof tware from the CD- ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Applic ation Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Contents 209664-A.
11 Gettin g Started with Pas sport 4400, R elease 4. 1 Chapter 1 Introduction This ma nual is s pecific to the Pa ssport 446 0 unit. Many r eferenc es are made to the Passport 4400 unit , which is a generic t erm for al l Passpor t 4400 unit s. In this manual, th e terms Pas sport 4460 and Passpor t 4400 are int erchange able.
12 Chapter 1 Introduc tion 209664-A List of Documentation The foll owing document ation wil l assis t you in th e instal lation a nd operation o f your P assport 4 460 unit: • Getting Started with Passport 44 00, Rel. 4.1 So ftwar e , 209664-A (this document) • Using Pass port 4400 I nstall T ool V ersi on 4.
Chapter 1 Introductio n 13 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 • Cables — Management p ort cable to DTE (DB-9 femal e to DB-9 female) 15 ft.
14 Chapter 1 Introduc tion 209664-A Determinin g Which Man agement T ool t o Use The Passpo rt 4460 uni t is managed t hrough Simpl e Network Manage ment Protocol (SNMP), which is a n applica tion-level protocol th at operat es over TCP/ IP .
Chapter 1 Introductio n 15 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 This char t will help you decide which devic e management tool is best sui ted for your n eeds.
16 Chapter 1 Introduc tion 209664-A Network Management T ools The foll owing networ k managements are compati ble with Passport 4 460 units: • Opti vity N MS 9. 0 Off ers a power ful set of tools for automating th e management o f diverse , multiven dor ne tworks.
Chapter 1 Introductio n 17 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 This char t wi ll hel p you d ecide which n etwo rk management t ool is best suit ed fo r your n eeds. T ool Worksta tion you wi ll need: When T o Use It For More Information Optivi ty NMS 9.
18 Chapter 1 Introduc tion 209664-A.
19 Gettin g Started with Pas sport 4400, R elease 4. 1 Chapter 2 Online Documentation T opic s in th is cha pter: • “ Accessing t he Online Do cumentati on ” on pa ge 19 • “ Navigating Onlin.
20 Chapter 2 Online Docume ntat ion 209664-A For installin g d ocumentation from the CD-ROM After do ing the st eps 1, 2, and 3 above, you can ins tall document ation by followi ng the proc edures in the foll owing icons: • If you ar e using W indows, ouble click on conf ig_ops_doc .
Chapter 2 Online Doc umentatio n 21 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 (This URL assumes th at the se rve r's name is yugi, th e document ation i s in the root dir ect or y of th e W eb site es tablish ed on the serve r , and that index .
22 Chapter 2 Online Docume ntat ion 209664-A There ar e four navi gation tool s to help you locate the info rmation you require: • the navi gation menu in the le ft window . • the ta ble of con tents , acce ssi ble fr om th e TOC bu t ton on eac h pag e.
Chapter 2 Online Doc umentatio n 23 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 Site Map The site map is an ex panded vers ion of th e Navigation T ree.
24 Chapter 2 Online Docume ntat ion 209664-A W it hin the doc umentation, th ere are t wo additio nal aids to help you : the end of topic s ign and the end of pro cedure sign. When you see the se aids, y ou have reached the end of the logic al discus sion.
Chapter 2 Online Doc umentatio n 25 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 Printing Online Docum entation In some cases, the HTML pages will not print proper ly . For print pur poses, a copy of the doc umentation in PDF form is provide d (config_ops _doc.
26 Chapter 2 Online Docume ntat ion 209664-A Use the f ollowi ng tabl e to g et the opti mum res ults from the browse r you ar e usi ng. Browser How to Get Optimum Re sults Micros oft Internet Explorer 4 or 5 Normal bro wser se tup will pro vide opt imum res ults.
Chapter 2 Online Doc umentatio n 27 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 Opera 3 .60 Normal browser se tup will pro vide opt imum res ults. Mosaic 3 Normal bro wser setup will pro vide opt imum result s. Howev er , Mosa ic 3 do es not supp or t fr am es or casca ding styl e sheets.
28 Chapter 2 Online Docume ntat ion 209664-A.
29 Gettin g Started with Pas sport 4400, R elease 4. 1 Chapter 3 Hard ware Setup This chap ter cont ains info rmatio n for the required hardware ne eded to se t up a workstat ion and a Passport 4460. These req uirements will var y in accordance wi th the navi gation tool you are usi ng.
30 Chapter 3 Hardware Setup 209664-A Installing Passport 4460 Hardware The next f our steps must be execut ed before you can oper ate your P assport 44 60 unit. Instal lation i nformation ca n be fo und in the Refe r ence fo r Passport 4460 Har dwar e, (205677-A).
31 Gettin g Started with Pas sport 4400, R elease 4. 1 Chapter 4 Configura tor Proc edure for Cr eati ng a Node Profile A node pro file is require d for links est ablished bet ween the Passport 4460 unit and the Pass port networ k.
32 Chapter 4 Configurator Procedur e for Creat ing a Node P rofile 209664-A Accessing the Configu rator Through a Web Browser T o access Configur ator: 1 Start y our web browse r and ente r the IP a ddress fo r your Confi gurator web pages (h ttp:// 192.
Chapter 4 Configurato r Procedu re for Cre ating a Node Profil e 33 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 The left side of t he window di splays the menu and the ri ght side displays the Passport 4400 unit ’ s main page. Y ou are now logg ed into the Conf igurato r web p age s.
34 Chapter 4 Configurator Procedur e for Creat ing a Node P rofile 209664-A Defining a Un ique DNA Prefix T o Define a unique DNA pr efix: 1 Click on Co nfigur e. 2 Click on System . 3 Click on I denti ty . The System I dentity windo w opens: 4 Enter t he DNA prefi x string for this Passport 4460 unit in the De vice Networ k Address f ield.
Chapter 4 Configurato r Procedu re for Cre ating a Node Profil e 35 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 Defining a No de Name T o define a node name, go to t he Syste m Identi fy window in the Node Name f ield and ente r the node name for thi s Passpor t 4460 (for e xample: pubs A).
36 Chapter 4 Configurator Procedur e for Creat ing a Node P rofile 209664-A Defining a No de ID T o define a Node ID, e nter the node ID in the Nod e ID fiel d. Enter an int eger between 1 and 65 535 (for example, 23 ) . If your ne twork use s node ID s to iden tify Passport 4400 unit s, be sure to a ssign eac h unit a uni que node ID.
Chapter 4 Configurato r Procedu re for Cre ating a Node Profil e 37 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 Defining a Cu stomer ID T o Define a Customer ID: 1 Ente r the cu stom e r ID in the C ustom er ID field . Ent e r an int ege r b etwe en 1 and 65535 ( for example, 92 65 ).
38 Chapter 4 Configurator Procedur e for Creat ing a Node P rofile 209664-A 3 Click OK . A di splay shows you the re set progress : Setting the D NA Numbering Plan T o set the DNA numbering plan usin g Configura tor , use the followi ng steps: 1 Click on Co nfigur e .
Chapter 4 Configurato r Procedu re for Cre ating a Node Profil e 39 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 5 After you ha ve complet ed modifyi ng the DNA numberi ng plan, clic k Save . A “ Command Succe ssful ” message appea rs. This indi cates you have success fully upda ted the DNA numbe ring plan on y our Passpor t 4460 uni t.
40 Chapter 4 Configurator Procedur e for Creat ing a Node P rofile 209664-A 2 Click on Do cument URL . The Document ation URL win dow opens: The URL in th e window is whe re the onl ine document ation i s located, at the Nortel Internet site, o n your PC, workstation , server , or on t he CD at yo ur PC.
Chapter 4 Configurato r Procedu re for Cre ating a Node Profil e 41 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 2 Click on Da te & T ime . The Date and T ime windo w opens: 3 Update any field yo u want to se t, then clic k Save .
42 Chapter 4 Configurator Procedur e for Creat ing a Node P rofile 209664-A.
43 Gettin g Started with Pas sport 4400, R elease 4. 1 Chapter 5 Accessing the CLI and Basic Configuration This chapt er expl ai ns t he basic co nfigurat ion proc edure usin g the Command Li ne Interf ace (CLI) as your dev ice management t ool.
44 Chapter 5 Accessing t he CLI an d Basic Con figurati on 209664-A Communicatio n Parameter Set-Up Requirem ents 1 From the wi ndows start menu , choose Pr ogram > Access ories > HyperT er minal . Y ou wil l see th e HyperT erminal window . 2 Choose Hyper T erminal.
Chapt er 5 Access ing the CLI and Basi c Configu ratio n 45 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 3 Enter a n ame to identi fy your Pas sport 4460 connectio n and Click OK . Y ou will se e the Phone Nu mber window: 4 Select the communica tion port to which you c onnected t he Management Port cable.
46 Chapter 5 Ac cessing t he CLI an d Basic Con figuration 209664-A 5 Set th e foll owin g comm u nica tion p aram eters for the term in al: 6 Click OK twice. Y ou have now completed t he HyperT erminal setu p. Contin ue on to Logging i nto the CLI Usi ng the T erminal Emulatio n Program below .
Chapt er 5 A ccessin g the CLI and Basi c Configu ration 47 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 Assigning the IP Ad dress Passport 4460 uni ts are shipped with a default IP ad dress of 192.168.200 .200. Y ou need to c hange the I P address to match th e configur ation of your network.
48 Chapter 5 Ac cessing t he CLI an d Basic Con figuration 209664-A 5 Use the f ollowing CLI command to ass ign the I P address: CLI> add ip a ddres s entr y Exam ple: CLI> add i p address ent ry 3 192.168.2 2.22 6 Save the configura tion and r eset the unit.
49 Gettin g Started with Pas sport 4400, R elease 4. 1 Chapter 6 CLI Procedure for Creatin g a Node Profile A node profil e is requ ired fo r links establ ished be tween the Passp ort 4460 an d the Passport network.
50 Chapter 6 CLI P rocedu re for Creatin g a Node Profile 209664-A V iewing Node Prof ile Information T o view your curren t node prof ile, use the foll owing CLI commands : CLI> show msm prof ile .
Chapter 6 CLI Procedu re for Cre ating a Node Profil e 51 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 Defining a Un ique DNA Prefix T o define a unique DNA prefix, use t he following CLI command.
52 Chapter 6 CLI P rocedu re for Creatin g a Node Profile 209664-A Defining a No de Name T o define a node name , use the f ollowing CLI command : CLI> set system administ ration No deName Exam ple.
Chapter 6 CLI Procedu re for Cre ating a Node Profil e 53 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 Defining No de ID T o define a node ID, use the fo llowing CLI c ommand: CLI> defi ne msm.
54 Chapter 6 CLI P rocedu re for Creatin g a Node Profile 209664-A Exam ple: CLI> defi ne msm profile customerID 9 265 Conf irmin g th e Ne w Co nfig uration T o confirm your new co nfigurat ion, u.
Chapter 6 CLI Procedu re for Cre ating a Node Profil e 55 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 Setting the System Clock The Passpo rt 4460 uni t has an i nternal battery-bac ked calend ar and clo ck.
56 Chapter 6 CLI P rocedu re for Creatin g a Node Profile 209664-A Inform ation si milar to the foll owing is di splayed: 04/09/20 00 18:30:15 Monday.
57 Gettin g Started with Pas sport 4400, R elease 4. 1 Appe ndix A IfIndexes and Interface Ide ntification The foll owing topi cs are dis cussed in this chap ter .
58 Appendix A IfIndex es and In terface I dentifica tion 209664-A Hard-Coded IfIndexes The foll owing IfI ndex numbers a re hard-code d, represe nting the interf aces that are ini tially present i n the Pass port 4460.
Appendix A IfIndex es and In terface I dentificat ion 59 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 IfIndex Ranges Although t he follo wing ranges of IfInd exes may not currently be assigned , .
60 Appendix A IfIndex es and In terface I dentifica tion 209664-A IfIndex T able Display Descri ption Y ou ca n display a list of al l IfInde xes current ly assign ed to inte rfaces o n the Passport 4460.
Appendix A IfIndex es and In terface I dentificat ion 61 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 CLI Procedure for Displaying the IfIn de x T able The foll owing samp le display i s taken f rom a Passport 4460 with two expansion modules ins talled, an ISDN BRI S/T V oice module and a T1 V oice modul e.
62 Appendix A IfIndex es and In terface I dentifica tion 209664-A IfIndex T able Display Definitions Interface Exte nsion T ype The inte rface ext ension t ype, shown as I fExtT ype in the di splay above, de scribes the port , protocol , servic e, or other i nterface identifie d by the If Index.
Appendix A IfIndex es and In terface I dentificat ion 63 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 For physi cal inte rfaces, t he PP A number corre sponds to t he physica l port numb er on the modul e.
64 Appendix A IfIndex es and In terface I dentifica tion 209664-A.
65 Gettin g Started with Pas sport 4400, R elease 4. 1 Appe ndix B Installing System Software from the CD-ROM For s oftwa re in stalla tion f or I nstal l T ool , refer t o Using Passport 4400 Insta ll T ool V e rsion 4.
66 Appendix B Insta lling Sys tem Sof tware from th e CD-ROM 209664-A Downloading A pplication Software The foll owing proce dures are containe d in this section: • “ Configurat or Procedu re for .
Appendi x B Installi ng Syste m Software fr om the CD-RO M 67 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 4 At the t op of the wi ndow , click on Code Downl oad . Y ou will see the TF TP Code Download window: 5 In the Filen ame f ie ld, e nter th e file name a nd pat h (if a pplic able) .
68 Appendix B Insta lling Sys tem Sof tware from th e CD-ROM 209664-A Y ou w i ll se e the Code Bank window: 2 Next to Commit Bank, use the p ull down menu a nd select the code b ank that was displ ayed in st ep 8 of th e previous pr ocedure.
Appendi x B Installi ng Syste m Software fr om the CD-RO M 69 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 CLI Procedure for Downloading Application Software 1 Load the Passport 4460 Releas e 4.1 soft ware onto yo ur TF TP ser ver (boot an d applica tion code as requir ed).
70 Appendix B Insta lling Sys tem Sof tware from th e CD-ROM 209664-A 6 Restart the Passp ort 4460 uni t Exam ple: CLI> reset syste m cur re nt res et 7 Log in to the CLI agai n. It may be necessary to establi sh another T elnet ses sion. 8 If you ar e upgradi ng your sof tware, be sure to extra ct the late st MIBs and insta ll the n ew o nes.
Gettin g Started with Pas sport 4400, R elease 4. 1 71 Index A accessing online document ation 19 Agencies BABT 4 CSA 5 FCC 5 TUV 4 UL 4 assi gnin g I P ad dr ess 47 B brows ers 25 C Canadian Requirem.
72 Index 209664-A Appendix B 65 F FCC Requir ements 5 H hard-c oded IfInde x 58 hardware installation 30 I IfInde x hard-c oded 58 interface extension typ e 62 over view 5 7 ranges 5 9 reserved 58 tab.
Index 73 Getting Started with Passport 4 400, Releas e 4.1 configuration 54 setting DNA numbering plan 38 system c l o ck 40 setting the system clock 55 set-up requ irements communication p arameter 4.
74 Index 209664-A.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Nortel Networks 4400, RELEASE 4.1 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Nortel Networks 4400, RELEASE 4.1 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Nortel Networks 4400, RELEASE 4.1 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Nortel Networks 4400, RELEASE 4.1 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Nortel Networks 4400, RELEASE 4.1, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Nortel Networks 4400, RELEASE 4.1.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Nortel Networks 4400, RELEASE 4.1. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Nortel Networks 4400, RELEASE 4.1 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.