Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 150 del fabbricante Nortel Networks
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Part No. P0607187 0 2 18 Septem ber 20 03 CallPilot 100/150 Desktop Messaging Installation and Maintenance Guide Return to Menu.
2 P0607 187 02 CallPilot 100/150 Desktop Messaging Installation an d Maintenance Guide Copy right © 2003 Nortel Netw ork s All right s reserved. 2003.
3 CallPilot De skto p Mess aging Installa tion an d Main tenanc e Guide Contents Chapter 1 Requirements f or installing Desktop Messa ging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 About Cal lPilot Desk top Mess aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Contents P0607 187 02 Configur in g Lotus Not es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Updating th e Mail da tabase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 5 CallPilot De skto p Mess aging Installa tion an d Main tenanc e Guide In sent me ssag es digits or sy mbols appea r instea d of la nguage-s pecific sym bols 56 Message s remain i n the subs cr iber’ s Outbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Contents P0607 187 02.
7 CallPi lot Des ktop M essagi ng Inst allati on and Maintenan ce G uide Chapter 1 Requirements for installing Desktop Messaging About CallPilot Desktop Messaging With Call Pilot Desk top Messaging from s ubscri bers can a ccess their Cal lPilot mai lbox f rom the ir personal compute r.
8 Chapter 1 Requ irement s for install ing Desk top Messa ging P060718 7 02 Softwa re re quirement s Integrated c lients Integr ated c lients r un with a corpo rate email serv er.
Chapt er 1 Requ ireme nts for i nstalli ng Desktop M essagin g 9 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide Where to g et help USA and Canada Authorized Distributors - ITAS Technical Support Telephone: 1-800-4NORTEL ( 1-800-466- 7835) If you al ready hav e a PIN Code , you can ent er Expres s Routi ng Code (ERC) 19 6#.
10 Cha pter 1 Require ments for install ing Desktop Messagi ng P060718 7 02.
11 CallPi lot Des ktop M essagi ng Inst allati on and Maintenan ce G uide Chapter 2 Configuring y our system for Desktop Messa ging Bef ore y ou install Desk top Messaging Before i nstal ling and u si.
12 Cha pter 2 Config uring y our sy stem for Deskto p Mes saging P060718 7 02 Configuring IMAP/LD AP/SMTP ser vers f or Desktop Messaging CallPil ot supp orts IM AP/LDAP protocol s, whic h let Deskt o.
Chapter 2 Configu ring your s ystem for Desktop Mess aging 13 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide Configuring en vironments without a DNS The D oma in Na me Syste m (D NS ) is a n Inte rne t ser vice tha t tra nslat es d om ain na me s in to IP addre sse s.
14 Cha pter 2 Config uring y our sy stem for Deskto p Mes saging P060718 7 02.
15 CallPi lot Des ktop M essagi ng Inst allati on and Maintenan ce G uide Chapter 3 Install in g and config uring Deskto p Messaging It tak es approxi mately 10 minute s to i nstall Ca llPil ot Desk top Messa ging. Depend ing on the subscri bers’ exp ertise, you can a sk them to i nstal l Desktop Me ssagin g on their computer.
16 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 Uninstalling an ear lier vers ion of Desktop Mes saging If the subscribe r has De sktop Messag ing 1.06 or ear lier on t heir comput er, un install it be fore you do th e instal lati on procedur e.
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 17 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide Installing Desktop Messagi ng You insta ll Deskto p M essagi ng from the CallPilot 100/1 50 Document ation and Client Software CD.
18 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 Installi ng Desktop Messaging versi on 2.0 1 Load the Ca llPilot 100/ 150 CD in the CD-ROM drive of your computer. 2 Double -click t he CD fol der and double -click t he Optional Softwar e fo lde r .
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 19 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide 8 Click th e Next bu tton.
20 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 11 Select the che ck boxes for t he email client s that you use . Intern et Ma il clie nts in clude Mi crosof t Outlook Ex press, Microso ft Outl ook in Internet mail mode, Netsc ape Messe nger, an d Qualcomm Eu dora Pro.
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 21 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide 15 Click th e Next bu tton. The C allP ilot Mail box N umb er sc ree n app ears . 16 Enter t he subsc riber’s mailbox numbe r.
22 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 19 Click th e Next bu tton. The R eady to In sta ll! wi ndo w ap pea rs. We reco mm end yo u le ave the U pdate def aul t mail profil e box se lect ed.
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 23 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide 20 Click th e Next bu tton. The inst allat ion pr ogress ba r appea rs and indica tes that files are being copi ed. 21 Click th e Finis h butto n to c ompl ete the i nst alla tion.
24 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 Installing Desktop Messag ing versi on 1.07 1 Load the Ca llPilot 100/ 150 CD in the CD-ROM drive of your computer. 2 Double -click t he CD fol der and double-cl ick t he Optional Softwar e fo lde r .
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 25 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide 7 Select the che ck boxes for t he email client s that you use .
26 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 10 Click th e Next bu tton. The S ele ct Des tin atio n F older scre en app ears .
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 27 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide 14 Click th e Next bu tton. The C all Pilot Ser ver Sett ing s scre en a ppe ars . 15 In the Server Name or IP Ad dress box t ype the FQDN o r IP a ddress of the Ca llPilo t 100/15 0 system .
28 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 If you ar e instal ling Desktop Messagin g for Lotus Notes, you must ente r your Lotus Not es passwo rd before the i nstal lati on process conti nues. The Desktop Messagi ng inst allati on progr am tries t o de tec t Lo tus N otes by se arch ing for the notes .
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 29 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide After you install Desktop Messaging After yo u inst all Des ktop Messagi ng: • Set the defau lt em ail c lien t.
30 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 Conf igu rin g Out look 2002 Outlook 20 02 handl es mail accounts diffe rently t han pr evious versions of Outl ook. This section descri bes how t o configur e the De sktop Mes saging opt ions f or Outl ook 2002 .
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 31 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide • Do not selec t the Lo g on using Sec ure Pass word Authent ication ( SPA) check box.
32 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 Conf igu rin g Nove ll Gr oupWise This sect ion is an over vie w of how G ro upW ise i s int egr ate d wi th Ca llPi lot .
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 33 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide 5 In the Mailbox box, enter the su bscriber ’s mailbox number. 6 At Check for new messages (Auto maticall y/Manual ly), if the subscri ber uses ISDN or dialup, sel ect M anually .
34 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 Configuring Lotus Not es Updating the Mail database In Lo tus Note s, th e Ma il d ataba se d esi gn de term ine s wh ich m es sages ap pea r in the N ote s mes sag e list.
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 35 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide 4 On the File men u, click Dat abase , and t hen cl ick Replace Design . The Replac e Datab ase Design d ialog box appears .
36 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 Configuring Int ernet Mail clients CallPil ot Desk top Messa ging su pports these Interne t mail c lients: • Outlook Exp r.
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 37 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide 6 In the E-mail addr ess box ty pe th e sub scr iber ’s C all Pilot add ress in t he for m <SMTP/VPIM pref ix><mai lbox nu mber>@<l ocal CallP ilot 100/150 sys tem>.
38 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 Configuring an LDAP directory service for Outlook Express or Outlook 1 Start Out look. 2 On the Tools menu , clic k Accounts . The Inte rnet Ac counts screen app ears. 3 Click th e Direc tory Servi ce tab.
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 39 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide Configuring special settings for Outlook Express or Outl ook in Intern et Mail mode 1 Select the se tting s for the type of Outloo k the subsc riber uses.
40 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 Configuring Netscape Me ssenger 4.x If the subscr iber uses Netsca pe Messenger versi on 4.x as their I ntern et Mail clie nt, use the se procedur es. If the subsc riber uses Ne tscape Mess enger 6 .
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 41 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide 12 From When I delete a message , se lect Mark it a s dele ted . 13 Select the Clean up (“Expung e”) Inbox on e xit check box.
42 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 Configuring an LDAP dir ectory serv ice for Nets cape Messenger 1 Start Ne tscape Messenge r. 2 On the Communica tor menu, selec t Address Book . The Addres s Book scr een appea rs.
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 43 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide Configuring Netscape Me sseng er 6.2 If the subscr iber uses Netsca pe Messenger versi on 6.2 as their I ntern et Mail clie nt, use the se procedur es.
44 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 12 Click th e Next b utton. The Account Name page appears. 13 T ype a nam e fo r the C allP ilot m ai lbox t o help the subsc rib er to iden tify it in Netsc ape Ma il. 14 Click th e Next b utton.
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 45 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide Conf igurin g Eudora Pro To change a ny part of th is confi gurati on after it i s complete , on the To ols menu click Opti ons to display the configurat ion sc reens.
46 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02 12 Click th e Next bu tton with out entering a l ocation p refix . The New Account Wizard - Outgoing E-Mail Se rver scr een app ears.
Chapter 3 Installi ng and confi guring De sktop Mess aging 47 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide Configuring an LDAP directory service for Eudor a Pro 1 Start Eu dora Pr o. 2 On the Tools menu clic k Dire cto ry S erv ice s .
48 Cha pter 3 Insta lling and configur ing Deskto p Messag ing P060718 7 02.
49 CallPi lot Des ktop M essagi ng Inst allati on and Maintenan ce G uide Chapter 4 Troubl eshooti ng This chap ter i s about : • Troubles hootin g during i nstal lati on • Troubles hootin g log o.
50 Cha pter 4 Tr oublesho oting P060718 7 02 Microsoft Outlook default mail client You see t he er ror mes sage when you install Deskt op Messag ing: “Ei ther Outlook is no t the default mail clie nt o r ther e is n o d efau lt ma il cl ien t to f ulfil l the cur ren t req uest .
Chapter 4 Trou bleshooti ng 51 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide 4 From Update Call Pilo t Ma il dat abas es , select Add CallPi lot c omponents or R emove Call Pilot com pon ents . 5 Click OK . 6 From the Se lect d atabase (s) dial og box, s elect one or a gr oup of mai l file s to upd ate.
52 Cha pter 4 Tr oublesho oting P060718 7 02 Troubleshoo ting lo g on problem s Invalid cre dentials The subsc riber sees messa ges suc h as “I nvalid cr edenti als.
Chapter 4 Trou bleshooti ng 53 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide Troubleshoo ting Outlook 2002 p roblems These ar e is sues with how Desktop Mes saging works with Out look 2002. The se i ssues should be resolve d with a futur e Outlook s ervic e releas e patc h from Mic rosoft.
54 Cha pter 4 Tr oublesho oting P060718 7 02 Troubleshoo ting L otus Notes lo g on problem s When Desktop M essagin g is inst alle d, Deskto p Messaging a ppears under Folders and View s.
Chapter 4 Trou bleshooti ng 55 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide 6 Make s ure th at: • the Inhe rit f uture des ign ch anges c heck box is sel ected • Hid e fo rmul as a nd Lo tus Scr ipt is n ot s ele cted 7 Select CallPil ot Ma il (R5.
56 Cha pter 4 Tr oublesho oting P060718 7 02 Troubleshoo ting after log ging o n The CallPilot address book i s empty Lotus Note s subsc ribers mus t log on to CallP ilot b efore they can do wnload the addres s book. 1 Make sure t hat your Add ress Boo k—People (CallPil ot) win dow is the a ctive win dow.
Chapter 4 Trou bleshooti ng 57 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide Messa ges remain in the subscriber’ s Outb o x On Microsof t Outlook, mess ages re main in t he mail cli ent outbox ( not the CallPilo t Message Store outbox).
58 Cha pter 4 Tr oublesho oting P060718 7 02 • Ask th e subscri ber to check that thei r mailbox i s not full. If their mailbox i s full , they cann ot send messa ges unt il some messages ar e del eted. • Ask th e subscri ber to check th e form at of the message addres s.
Chapter 4 Trou bleshooti ng 59 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide "Unknown" appears in the Sender field In some mess ages, t he subscr iber s ees a name or phone n umber in the Sender fiel d. In other messages, the subscriber sees “ Unknown.
60 Cha pter 4 Tr oublesho oting P060718 7 02 Messa ges no longer on server The subsc riber receives the e rror me ssage: “Thi s messa ge coul d not be found o n the s erver. Messages mus t exi st on the s erver in order to be pl ayed vi a the te lephone .
Chapter 4 Trou bleshooti ng 61 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide A subscriber w ho fo rwar ds or replies to a v oice message in Outlook Express rece ives non-del i.
62 Cha pter 4 Tr oublesho oting P060718 7 02 Accessing D esktop Messa ging online Help Desktop Mess aging f or Microsof t Outlook, No vell GroupW i se, and Lot us Notes p rovid es sta ndard Help. To access online Help From Micros oft Outloo k: • From your I nbox , on the Hel p menu, sele ct CallP ilot D esk top Me ssagi ng H elp .
Chapter 4 Trou bleshooti ng 63 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide Using Desktop Messaging Support Too ls Resetting the Cal lPilot message store for Microsoft Outlook This fea ture i s avail able on ly for subscr ibers who u se Microsoft Ou tlook.
64 Cha pter 4 Tr oublesho oting P060718 7 02 Using CPTrace You can use CPTrace to col lect inf ormati on about pr oblems wi th one o f the desk top cl ients that CallPil ot run s on. You save this i nformati on to a log fi le that you can a nalyze to deter mine the cause of the pr oblem.
Chapter 4 Trou bleshooti ng 65 CallPilot D eskto p Messag ing Ins tall ation a nd Mainten ance G uide CP Trace settings The CPTrace sett ings are stor ed in the Wind ows reg istry.
66 Cha pter 4 Tr oublesho oting P060718 7 02.
CallPi lot Des ktop M essagi ng Inst allati on and Maintenan ce G uide 67 Index A Accessing Help 62 C CallPilot Ad dress Book setting up in Outlook (Internet mail mode) 31 settin g up in Outlook Expre.
68 Index P0607 187 02 Lotus Notes conf igur ing 34 error message 50 M Message waiting ind icator 60 Micr osof t Outlook (Internet mail mode) 8 Outlook Express 8 Microsoft Outlook (Interne t mail mode).
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Nortel Networks 150 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Nortel Networks 150 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Nortel Networks 150 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Nortel Networks 150 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Nortel Networks 150, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Nortel Networks 150.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Nortel Networks 150. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Nortel Networks 150 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.