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Part No. P0919416 0 3 CallPilot 150 T elephone Administration Guide Return to Menu.
2 P0919 416 03 CallPilot 150 T elephone Administration Guide Cop yright © 2002 Nortel Netw orks All rights reserved. 2002. The inform ation in thi s doc ument is sub ject to change without notice.
Contents 3 CallPilot 1 50 T elepho ne Adm inistration G uide Contents Chapter 1 Gett ing star ted with Cal lPi lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 About Cal lPilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Contents P0919 416 03 Chapter 4 W orki ng with mail boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Adding a Subs criber mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 5 CallPilot 1 50 T elepho ne Adm inistration G uide Chapter 7 W orking wit h CCR T r ees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Building a CCR T ree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Contents P0919 416 03 CallPilot d ef ault system options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7 Language availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 1 Getting st arted with CallPilot About CallPilot CallPil ot is a v ersati le b usine ss communi cations t ool t hat you can use to: • ans.
8 Chapter 1 Getti ng sta rted with C allPilo t P091941 6 03 CallPilot optio ns CallPil ot has two options t o enhanc e your o f f ice communicat ions. Y ou need a softwa re authori zati on code to e nable a CallPilo t opti on. Conta ct you r v endor if you w ant to trial or purchase a sof twar e auth orizati on code.
Chapter 1 Getting s tarted wi th Call Pilot 9 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Ho w to g et h elp USA and Canada A ut horized Distributor s - IT AS T echnical Suppor t Telephone: 1-800-4NORTEL ( 1-800-466- 7835) If you al ready hav e a PIN Code , you can ent er Expres s Routi ng Code (ERC) 19 6#.
10 Cha pter 1 Getting started with CallP ilot P091941 6 03.
11 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 2 Using CallPilot Who can use CallPilo t CallPil ot can be used by outside call ers an d mailbox o wners (subscr ibers) i n your compan y . Subscri bers at yo ur of fice can use Cal lPilot f rom an y dis play tel ephone tha t is conne cted t o your telepho ne syst em.
12 Cha pter 2 Using Ca llPi lot P091941 6 03 Using the dia lpad The b utt ons on you r disp lay te lephone di alpad act as both numb ers and letter s. Each b utton repres ents a number and le tter s of the a lphabe t. Number s an d letter s on the dialp ad.
Chapter 2 Usin g CallPi lot 13 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Symbols and co n ventions used in this g uide These con ve ntions and symbo ls are us ed to r epresent the Bus iness Series T erminal dis play an d dialpad . Abou t te leph one b uttons This tab le sho ws the Nortel Network s Busine ss Seri es T erminal b uttons .
14 Cha pter 2 Using Ca llPi lot P091941 6 03.
15 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 3 CallPilot mailbo x e s About installing mailbo x es Y ou instal l mailbox es b y enabl ing a s oftw are au thorizat ion co de. The s oftw are au thorizat ion co de enables the numbe r of mailb ox es tha t you can ad d to Cal lPilot.
16 Cha pter 3 CallPilot mailbox es P091941 6 03 General Deliver y Mailbo x The Genera l Deli very Mailbo x is you r compan y mail box. It is creat ed aut omaticall y when th e system is ini ti al ized fo r th e f i rs t time.
Chapter 3 Call Pilot mai lboxes 17 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Guest mailb o xes Create Gue st mai lboxe s for people who do not ha v e an op erating e x tensi on b ut requ ire a mailbox. A Gu es t m ai lbo x mus t be init ia liz ed by t he ma ilbo x owner b ef ore it ca n re ce iv e mes s age s.
18 Cha pter 3 CallPilot mailbox es P091941 6 03 Make sur e the leading di git o f Guest mail box numbe rs is dif fer ent from t he lea ding digi t of t he ext ensio ns. If you mus t use t he same le ading di git, ensure the Guest ma ilbox n umbers are “out-of -rang e” ex tensi on numbers .
Chapter 3 Call Pilot mai lboxes 19 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Mailbo x Cla ss of Ser vice Class of Service ( COS) v al ues reduc e the a mount of pro gramming y ou do when you add a mail box . Ins te ad o f en teri ng values f or s everal fea tur es, yo u ca n se le ct t he C O S a pp rop ria te fo r a mailbox.
20 Cha pter 3 CallPilot mailbox es P091941 6 03 Class of Ser vice v alues * If the Message Networking option is i nstalled. 0 = indef inite; ne v er e xpire, P = Primar y Language, A = Alternate Langu.
Chapter 3 Call Pilot mai lboxes 21 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Mailbo x p r oper ties Apart fr om mailbox Cla ss of Servic e sett ings, y ou can chang e thes e mailb ox propert i.
22 Cha pter 3 CallPilot mailbox es P091941 6 03 Y ou can apply diali ng restr ictions to dis play t elepho nes and the e xtensi ons con nected to the system . F or more infor mation o n rest ricting outdia ling r efer to “Restr icti ng outd ialing” o n page 23 .
Chapter 3 Call Pilot mai lboxes 23 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Call Scree ning Call S cre e nin g let s su b scri ber s de te rmi ne wh o is call ing b efo re th ey accep t a ca ll. C all S c ree nin g is usef ul if there is no Call er ID a vailabl e.
24 Cha pter 3 CallPilot mailbox es P091941 6 03 Initializing a mailb o x Initi alizing a mailbo x prepares the mai lbox to r ecei ve messages. A mai lbox c annot rec ei v e and store me ssag e s a nd do es n ot a pp ea r in t he Co mp any D ire cto ry until it is init iali zed .
25 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 4 W orki ng with ma ilbo x es Adding a Subscriber mailbo x Assign a ll Subscr iber mail boxes mailbox n umbers that beg in with t he same di git. Th is helps you to identi fy th e mail box type .
26 Cha pter 4 Working with ma ilboxes P091941 6 03 12 Press NEXT if you wa nt to u se a line or press CHNG if you w ant to u se a li ne within a lin e pool. 13 Enter the Line or Pool number a nd pres s OK . Line numbers must be b etween 1 and 500. Although li ne pool s are lab elled by a lett er suc h as A, B or C, CallPilot accep ts only n umbers.
Chapter 4 Working w ith mailb oxes 27 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Adding a Guest mailbo x Assign al l Guest mailbox es mai lbox number s that begi n with t he same dig it. Thi s help s you to identi fy the mailbox type. T o add a Guest mailbo x 1 Press ≤ ·° ‹ .
28 Cha pter 4 Working with ma ilboxes P091941 6 03 Adding an Inf ormation mailbo x Assign a ll In formation mailbo xe s mailbox numbers that be gin with t he sa me digit. This he lps yo u ident ify the m ai l b ox t ype . Ass ign a C la ss o f Se rvic e th at ha s th e m ax imum mes sag e le ngt h.
Chapter 4 Working w ith mailb oxes 29 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Adding man y mailbo xes Y ou can sa v e ti me by cr ea ti ng mul ti pl e mai lbo xe s whe n you set up Cal lP ilot 1 50 fo r the f irst time, or when you need to add a lar g e number of mai lbox es to the Cal lPilot s ystem.
30 Cha pter 4 Working with ma ilboxes P091941 6 03 6 Enter a Cla ss of Se rvice fr om 1 to 16 . 7 Press NEXT if you do not want t o assi gn outdial ing and go t o step 11 or press CHNG . 8 Press NEXT if you wa nt to u se a line or press CHNG if you w ant to u se a li ne within a lin e pool.
Chapter 4 Working w ith mailb oxes 31 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de About mailbo x passw or ds Each mail box is p rotected by a pas sword es tabli shed b y the mailb ox o wner . When you add a mail box to Ca llPi lot Ma nag er, th e pa sswo rd 0 0 00 i s ass ign ed.
32 Cha pter 4 Working with ma ilboxes P091941 6 03 Changing a m ailbo x After yo u add a mai lbox, you c an chang e the mailb ox: • passw ord •e x t e n s i o n • Cla s s of S e rvi ce •d i s .
Chapter 4 Working w ith mailb oxes 33 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de 8 If you wa nt to c hange t he e xte nsion numb er , press CHNG or press NEXT an d go to s tep 10. 9 Enter the ne w e xte nsion n umber and pre ss NEXT . 10 If you wa nt to c hange t he Class of Servi ce, pre ss CHNG or press NEXT an d go to s tep 12.
34 Cha pter 4 Working with ma ilboxes P091941 6 03 20 Enter the Line or Pool number a nd pres s OK . Line numb ers mus t be betwee n 1 an d 500 . Althoug h l ine p ool s ha v e a lett er such a s A, B or C, Call Pilot accepts o nly numbers. If you enter a l ine pool us e 1 for A, 2 for B, 3 f or C, and so on.
Chapter 4 Working w ith mailb oxes 35 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Deleting a mailb o x Before yo u delet e a mailbo x, ensur e the mailbox o wner h as list ened to all t heir mess ages.
36 Cha pter 4 Working with ma ilboxes P091941 6 03 About Group Lists Y ou can create a maximum of 99 Group Li sts on you r syst em. Each Group Li st ca n contain a maximum of 300 mailbox es . Before you add Group Lists, pr epare a group ma ilbox memb er list .
Chapter 4 Working w ith mailb oxes 37 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Adding a Gr oup List A mailbox mus t be in itiali zed bef ore you ca n add it to a Group List. F or inform ation on ho w to initi alize a mai lbox, ref er to “I nitiali zing a mail box” on page 24 .
38 Cha pter 4 Working with ma ilboxes P091941 6 03 Changing a G r oup List At an y time you can: • change a Gr oup Lis t displa y name • add, delete or vie w Group List members Y ou cannot change a Group Li st numbe r . T o change a Group Li st number , you must dele te th e Group List and ad d ne w member mai lbox numbers as a ne w Group List.
Chapter 4 Working w ith mailb oxes 39 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de 12 Press ADD to add a mailbox numbe r to t he Group Lis t or press DEL to delete a ma ilbox number from t he Group List or press VIEW to vie w the members of the Gr oup List.
40 Cha pter 4 Working with ma ilboxes P091941 6 03 Deleting a Group List Y ou can delete a Group Li st at an y t ime. When yo u delet e a Group Li st, th e Group List number i s re-ass ign ed by Call Pil ot t he ne xt ti me y ou add a Gr oup List. De le ti ng a Gr oup List does not dele te any mailbox es from the Call Pilot system.
41 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 5 Setting up the A utomated Attendant Abou t the A u tomate d Atten dant The Automat ed Attendan t answer s your company ’ s inco ming phone lines wit h a pre recorded greeti ng sel ected fr om the Gre eting T able, acc ording to t he ti me of day .
42 Cha pter 5 Setting u p the Auto mated A ttendan t P091941 6 03 Greeting T ables Greetin g T ables store t he record ings pl ayed by the Automat ed Attendan t to incomi ng cal lers.
Chapter 5 Setting u p the A utomate d Attendant 43 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de About Company Greetings Before you re cord your Company Gre eting s, decide what type of greet ings you wa nt to use for the incoming p hone li nes, an d what yo u want the gree tings to say .
44 Cha pter 5 Setting u p the Auto mated A ttendan t P091941 6 03 Recor ding a Greeting Do not use Handsfr ee to r ecord your comp an y Greeting s. Speak dir ectl y into the phone ha ndset. T o recor d a compan y Greeting 1 Press ≤ ·°‹ . Enter the System Admin istrat or Mailbox nu mber and passw ord, and then pr ess OK .
Chapter 5 Setting u p the A utomate d Attendant 45 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Setting up a Greeting T able T o set up a Greet ing T able you: • can reco rd a Cus tom prompt if.
46 Cha pter 5 Setting u p the Auto mated A ttendan t P091941 6 03 T o set up a Greeting T ab le 1 Press ≤ ·°‹ . Enter the System Admin istrat or Mailbox nu mber and passw ord, and then pr ess OK . 2 Press AA . 3 Press TABLE . 4 Enter a Gre eting T able number from 1 t o 4 and p ress OK .
Chapter 5 Setting u p the A utomate d Attendant 47 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de 15 Press NEXT . 16 Press CHNG . 17 Enter the ex tensi on of the Gr eeti ng T able Attendant . 18 Press NEXT . T o r eturn the Gre eting T able Attendant b ack to none after a n exte nsion ha s been entered, y ou must pr ess CHNG and th en £ .
48 Cha pter 5 Setting u p the Auto mated A ttendan t P091941 6 03 32 Press CHNG . 33 Enter the Non-b usiness start time an d press AM or PM . 34 Press DAY .
Chapter 5 Setting u p the A utomate d Attendant 49 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Configuring line answering CallPil ot can answer all of you r inco ming li nes, or just t he li nes you spec ify . Before CallPil ot can answ er an inc omin g lin e, yo u m u st as sign the line and set th e An swe r s tat u s to Y es.
50 Cha pter 5 Setting u p the Auto mated A ttendan t P091941 6 03 Changing lin e configurat ion Y ou can vie w or c hange t he answe r status of an y lin e that is added t o CallPil ot. T o change or view ho w a li ne is ans wer ed 1 Press ≤ ·°‹ .
Chapter 5 Setting u p the A utomate d Attendant 51 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Assigning the number of ring s bef ore CallPilot answer s Y ou can assign the syste m to answer incoming cal ls aft er a specif i ed number of ri ngs.
52 Cha pter 5 Setting u p the Auto mated A ttendan t P091941 6 03 Settin g up T ouc ht one Ga te W ith T ouch tone Gat e incoming c alls can be rout ed more quickl y . W ith T ouch tone Gat e you can ha ve the st andar d v oice pr ompt play or you can record your o wn custom pr ompt.
Chapter 5 Setting u p the A utomate d Attendant 53 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de 6 Press NEXT t o choos e the cust om v oice pro mpt or press CHNG to disabl e T ouchtone Gate. 7 Press CHNG to change t he custom v oi ce pro mpt Greetin g number or press OK to a ccept the custom v oice prompt Greeti ng number and go to step 11.
54 Cha pter 5 Setting u p the Auto mated A ttendan t P091941 6 03 About the CLID Rou ting T able Set up a CLI D T able to control ho w calls ar e routed b ased on the Caller Id entif icat ion of cal lers. T o use a CLID T able, yo ur incoming lines must be equipped wit h Call er Ident if icati on servic e.
Chapter 5 Setting u p the A utomate d Attendant 55 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de T o route a phone n umber 1 Press ≤ ·°‹ . Enter the System Admin istrat or Mailbox nu mber and passw ord, and then pr ess OK . 2 Enter ⁄⁄ . 3 Press ADD .
56 Cha pter 5 Setting u p the Auto mated A ttendan t P091941 6 03 T o change or delete a phone number in the CLID Routing T able 1 Press ≤ ·°‹ . Enter the System Admin istrat or Mailbox nu mber and passw ord, and then pr ess OK . 2 Enter ⁄⁄ .
57 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 6 Custom Call Routing About Cust om Call Rout ing W ith Custom Call Rout ing (CCR) you can re place Automated Attendant menus wit h a CCR T ree that of fers caller s additi onal c hoices.
58 Cha pter 6 Custom Ca ll Rout ing P091941 6 03 Planning and designing a CC R T ree T o plan a nd design a CCR T r ee you: • determi ne the fre quently- calle d departmen ts and ex tensions that y .
Chapter 6 Cus tom Call Routing 59 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Inf ormat ion Messages An Informa tion Message is a me ssage y ou record t o tel l calle rs about i nformat ion ab out good s or servic es a v ailable from your comp an y .
60 Cha pter 6 Custom Ca ll Rout ing P091941 6 03 Mailbo x nodes Y ou can crea te Mailbox n odes to gi v e c allers a mailbox wher e the y c an lea v e a mes sage.
Chapter 6 Cus tom Call Routing 61 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de An example of a CCR T ree Mailbo x T o be in clude d on our mail ing li st le a v e you r name and address afte r the tone .
62 Cha pter 6 Custom Ca ll Rout ing P091941 6 03.
63 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 7 W orking with CCR T ree s Building a CCR T ree To b u i l d a C C R Tr e e 1 Create t he Home nod e.
64 Cha pter 7 W orking with CCR Tree s P091941 6 03 Creating a Hom e node Begi n to b uil d a CCR T ree by creating a Ho me node. Cre ate a Home menu node if you w ant to gi v e cal lers a l ist of o ptions . Creat e an Infor mation message Ho me node if you w ant ca llers t o disconne ct af ter the y he ar the Infor mation message.
Chapter 7 Working with CCR Tre es 65 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Adding nodes to the Hom e node If you cr eate a CCR T ree with a Home menu node, an d you ha v e more choice s than y ou can con venien tly f it in the Home men u, you can create s ub-node s.
66 Cha pter 7 W orking with CCR Tree s P091941 6 03 Adding a Menu node Create a Menu n ode t o or g ani ze cho ic es fo r your call er s, or when you ha v e more cho ices th an can f it on o ne menu. Y ou can add a men u node t o a CCR T ree at any time.
Chapter 7 Working with CCR Tre es 67 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de 14 Press END . 15 Press SAVE . 16 Press YES . 17 This displ ay appe ars br iefly .
68 Cha pter 7 W orking with CCR Tree s P091941 6 03 Adding an Inf ormation nod e An Informa tion node i s an I nformation mailbox that you add to a CCR T ree. Y ou can use an Informat ion mai lbox to gi v e cal lers inf ormati on such as s pecia ls, compa n y e v ents, b u sines s hours or pric e lists .
Chapter 7 Working with CCR Tre es 69 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de 13 Select a d estin ation: press PREV if you wa nt to ret urn th e ca ller to th e previou s m en u or press HOME if y ou wa n t to r etur n th e c all er to the Hom e node or press DISC if you w ant t o disc onnect th e call .
70 Cha pter 7 W orking with CCR Tree s P091941 6 03 Adding a Mailbo x node Adding a mai lbox no de gi ves caller s a mailbox where t he y can lea ve a messag e or list en to an Informat ion mess age, de pending on the ma ilbox type . Y ou create a Mailbox node by gi ving it a Pat h number a nd ass igning a mai lbox nu mber .
Chapter 7 Working with CCR Tre es 71 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de 11 Select a d estin ation: press PREV if you wa nt to ret urn th e ca ller to th e previou s m en u or press HOME if y ou wa n t to r etur n th e c all er to the Hom e node or press DISC if you w ant t o disc onnect th e call .
72 Cha pter 7 W orking with CCR Tree s P091941 6 03 Adding a T ransfer node A T r ansfer node di rects a c alle r to an in ternal or an e xte rnal n umber . Y ou can add a T ransfer node to a C CR Tree at any t ime. T o ad d a T ransfer to an internal e xtensio n 1 Press ≤ ·°‹ .
Chapter 7 Working with CCR Tre es 73 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de About transfer s to e xternal n u mber s When C a llP ilo t tran s fers a ca ll us ing a CC R external tran sfe r , it uses two li nes .
74 Cha pter 7 W orking with CCR Tree s P091941 6 03 8 Press OTHR . 9 Press XFER . 10 Press EXT . 11 Press NEXT i f you w ant to u se a li ne as the outdia ling metho d or press CHNG if you w ant to s elect a l ine wi thin a li ne pool . Press CHNG again if you wa nt to select a route .
Chapter 7 Working with CCR Tre es 75 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Adding special character s to an external transf er number Special chara cters ar e pause s or ot her dial ing ins tructi ons tha t you ca n add if t he y are required to access t he net work or a de stinati on number .
76 Cha pter 7 W orking with CCR Tree s P091941 6 03 Assigning a CC R T ree to a Greeting T able Before i ncoming c allers can access a CCR T ree, you must as sign lin es to a Gre eting T able. F or inf ormati on about assi gning l ines t o Greet ing T ables, refe r to “Conf i gurin g line a nsweri ng” on page 49 .
Chapter 7 Working with CCR Tre es 77 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de T esting a C CR T ree After you a b uil d a CCR T ree and assign it to a Greeti ng T able, test t he CCR T ree. T o tes t the CCR T r ee, call the compan y n umber and test eac h node.
78 Cha pter 7 W orking with CCR Tree s P091941 6 03 Deleting a CCR T r ee Y ou must disabl e a CCR T ree before you de le te it . F or i nfo rmatio n about d isabl in g a T ree, refe r t o “Disabling a CCR T r ee” on page 77 . To d e l e t e a Tr e e 1 Press ≤ ·°‹ .
Chapter 7 Working with CCR Tre es 79 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Changing a C CR T ree me ssage Use this proced ure to change the recor ded me ssage for a Menu or an Inf ormation no de. 1 Press ≤ ·°‹ . Enter the System Admin istrat or Mailbox nu mber and passw ord, and then pr ess OK .
80 Cha pter 7 W orking with CCR Tree s P091941 6 03 Changing a Ma ilbo x node T o change a Mailbo x node 1 Press ≤ ·°‹ . Enter the System Admin istrat or Mailbox nu mber and passw ord, and then pr ess OK . 2 Press OTHR . 3 Press CCR . 4 Press ADMIN .
Chapter 7 Working with CCR Tre es 81 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Changing a d estination type Y ou can assign de stina tion type s only to Inf ormation a nd Mailbo x nodes. F or mor e info rmation about des tina tion types , refe r to “Dest inat ion types” on page 60 .
82 Cha pter 7 W orking with CCR Tree s P091941 6 03 Changing a T ransfer node T o change a T ransfer node 16 This displ ay appe ars br iefly . 17 Press ® to end t he sess ion. 1 Press ≤ ·°‹ . Enter the System Admin istrat or Mailbox nu mber and passw ord, and then pr ess OK .
Chapter 7 Working with CCR Tre es 83 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Deleting a P ath If you de lete a P ath, all messages , prompt s, and opt ions on t he P ath are a lso eras ed. Afte r you delete a P ath you cannot reco v er it. T o delete a P ath 15 This displ ay appe ars br iefly .
84 Cha pter 7 W orking with CCR Tree s P091941 6 03 15 Press ® to end t he sess ion. CCR Adm in ADM IN.
85 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 8 Br oadcast and Inf or mation me ssages About Br oadcast message s Y ou can send Br oadcast mes sages if you n eed to send a mes sage to e very i nitia lized mai lbox on your phone s yste m.
86 Cha pter 8 Broadc ast and In forma tion me ssages P091941 6 03 T o recor d and send a Br oadcast message - Call Pilot 5 Pres s PLAY to lis ten to you r Broad cast mes sage be fore send ing it or press OK t o accept your recor ding or to press RETRY to r e-record your Br oadcast mes sage.
Chapter 8 Broadc ast and In forma tion me ssag es 87 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Inf ormation mailbo x m essages Y our b usiness or depar tments wit hin your b usin ess can us e Infor mation mailbox es t o pro vide caller s with messages and ann ouncements.
88 Cha pter 8 Broadc ast and In forma tion me ssages P091941 6 03 Recor ding an Information mailbo x message T o recor d an Inf ormation ma ilbox me ssage you mus t foll o w th e procedur es tha t apply to the interf ac e you use . F or inf ormati on about ch ecking what int erfa ce you u se ref er to the Call Pilo t Refer ence Guide .
89 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 9 CallPilot operation s Y ou must rese t the Call Pilot system if you: • change t he type of phone system you use • chang e the e xten .
90 Cha pter 9 CallPilot opera tions P091941 6 03 Initializing CallPilot Y ou must initia lize CallPi lot immedia tely a fter you reset the sy stem. T o ini tia li ze Cal lPil ot 1 Press ≤ ·°‹ . 2 Enter ¤flfl‹›› ( Conf ig) an d press OK .
Chapter 9 Call Pilot ope ratio ns 91 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Resetting the System Ad ministrato r passw or d Y ou can rese t the S ystem Adminis trato r pass word if you for get it. This is the pas swo rd that you use for adminis trati ve functio ns.
92 Cha pter 9 CallPilot opera tions P091941 6 03 Operator settings W ith the Operato r set tings you c an: • set the Operat or statu s to On or Of f • change t he Opera tor passw ord • reset t h.
Chapter 9 Call Pilot ope ratio ns 93 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Changing the Operator passw or d Y ou can change the Operator passw ord at an y ti me. It must be bet ween fo ur and eigh t digi ts, an d cannot be g in with a zero .
94 Cha pter 9 CallPilot opera tions P091941 6 03 Changing the Operator default extension When calle rs re quest to speak t o your c ompan y Recept ionist or Opera tor , CallPilot transfe rs the call to t he Oper at or’ s e xtensi on. Y ou can change the recept ion is t or desi gna ted Opera to r e xte nsi on number .
Chapter 9 Call Pilot ope ratio ns 95 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de T o set th e Bu s i ne ss Sta tu s Changing greetings or the Business Status from a remote telephone Y ou can chang e a greet ing or the Busi ness St atus fr om the d ialpad of e xternal tone dial telephone .
96 Cha pter 9 CallPilot opera tions P091941 6 03 Setting the A utomated Attendant status The Automate d At tendant pl ays afte r t he Co mpan y Gre et ing and aft er a c aller l ea v es a mes sa ge i n a mailbox .
Chapter 9 Call Pilot ope ratio ns 97 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de CallPilot default system o ptions Y ou can change these defaul t Call Pilot system opt ions: • Language A v ail.
98 Cha pter 9 CallPilot opera tions P091941 6 03 Gr oup List le ading dig it When CallPi lot is i nstal led, a number from 0 t o 9 is ass igned a s the Group List l eadin g digit. The def ault Grou p List leadi ng digit i s 9, and 901 to 9 99 is your range o f Group Li sts.
Chapter 9 Call Pilot ope ratio ns 99 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Vo i c e m a i l V oic emai l is e nab le d by defa ul t. Y o u ca n d isa ble or re -en ab le voic emai l at a ny time.
100 Chapt er 9 Ca llPilo t oper ations P091941 6 03 Compan y Dire ctory The C omp any Dire cto ry i s an inte rna l voic e an d text li st o f the n ame s of m ail box owne rs wi t h initi alized mai lbox es who are incl uded in the di rect ory . Ca llers c an use t he Compan y Di rectory t o search f or mailbo xe s by a reco rded or a te xt name.
Chap ter 9 Call Pi lot op era tio ns 101 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Outdialing Y ou can desig nate the ma ximum number of v oice c hannel s that Cal lPilot c an use a t one time to place ou tgoing calls. The def ault number of v oi ce channel s ass igned for outdia ling is o ne (1) .
102 Chapt er 9 Ca llPilo t oper ations P091941 6 03 General De li very Mailbo x The Genera l Deli very Mailbo x is your c ompan y mailbox. Mes sages can be lef t in the Ge neral Deliv ery Ma il box f .
Chap ter 9 Call Pi lot op era tio ns 103 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Enabling a software authoriza tion cod e W ith softwar e auth orizati on codes you can add more Ca llPilot mailbo xe s or opti ons to y our system. Cont act y our ve ndor i f you w ant to t rial or p urchas e a softw are author ization code.
104 Chapt er 9 Ca llPilo t oper ations P091941 6 03 External Mailbo x Initialization Exte rna l m ail bo x in itia liz atio n is no t en abl ed by defaul t . T hi s is a sec urit y feat ure that makes it more dif ficult t o t amper wit h or g ai n acces s to the ma il box es fr audu len tly .
105 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 10 Dialing T ranslation About Dialing T ranslation Dialing tran slation is a proces s by whi ch t he number of an i ncoming call from a pu.
106 Chapt er 10 Dialing T ransl ation P091941 6 03 Examples of Dialing T r anslation T ables The foll o wing tables ar e e xample s of Diali ng T ranslation T ables and ho w they func tion. Ev e ry Dialing T r anslati on T able entry co nsist s of an Inp ut v a lue col umn and an Out put v a lue column.
Chapter 10 Dia ling Tran slati on 107 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de An ex ample o f a Dialing T ran slation T able fr om a site in Mo untain view , California Netw ork Access The Dial ing T able T ra nslation result s in a n umber that can b e dialed on the l ocal netw ork.
108 Chapt er 10 Dialing T ransl ation P091941 6 03 Setting Dialing T ranslatio n pr oper ties Settin g the Dia li ng T ranslat i on pr opert ie s mak es i t easi er to b uild a Dia li ng T ranslat i on T able. It i s not a pr erequi site to set th e Diali ng T ranslation pr opert ies t o opera te CallPi lot.
Chapter 10 Dia ling Tran slati on 109 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Building a Dial ing T ransla tion T able T o b uild a Dialing T r anslati on T able, you must ent er an Input v alue and an Outpu t v al ue for ea ch entry .
110 Chapt er 10 Dialing T ransl ation P091941 6 03 Revie w ing entries in the Dialing T ranslation T able Y ou can re v ie w Diali ng T ranslation T able en tries at an y ti me. T o revie w Dialin g T ranslation T able entri es 1 Press ≤ ·°‹ . Enter the System Admin istrat or Mailbox nu mber and passw ord, and then pr ess OK .
Chapter 10 Dia ling Tran slati on 111 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Changing a D ialing T ranslation T able entr y After yo u b uild a Dialing T r ansla tion T able you ca n change the Output v alu e of an entry at an y time . Y ou cannot ch ange the I nput v alue of an entry .
112 Chapt er 10 Dialing T ransl ation P091941 6 03 Deleting a Dialin g T ranslation T able entry Y ou can dele te an ent ry in the Di aling T ranslati on T able at an y t ime. T o fi nd the entry you w ant to delete , refe r to “Re vie wing entr ies in the Dia ling T ranslation T able” on page 110 .
113 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 11 T roubleshooting Cal lPil ot This chapt er descr ibes pr oblems tha t can occur when you opera te CallPi lot, an d possibl e solut ions. The A utomate d Atte ndant does not ans wer calls • V erify that y ou ha v e as signed li nes t o the Gr eeting T able.
114 Chapt er 11 Troubles hootin g CallPilot P091941 6 03 A telephone cannot be f orwar ded to the syst em If you try to forward you r incomin g calls to the sy stem and the displa y sho ws Forward denied , it is possibl e that you are f orwa rding t o the wrong e xtensi on number .
Chapter 11 Trou bleshoot ing Cal lPilot 11 5 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Mailbox es do not a ccept me ssages A mailbox do es not accept messages i f: • it is not init iali zed .
116 Chapt er 11 Troubles hootin g CallPilot P091941 6 03 Incomplete messages are rec eived in a mailbox, or “messag e delive red” plays while recor ding a message or a CallPilot session ends unexpe ctedl y Thes e sit uat ions c an b e caus ed b y a p roble m c alled T alk Off.
Chapter 11 Trou bleshoot ing Cal lPilot 11 7 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de A mailbox is full Mailbox es h a v e a Ne v er Ful l Mail box fea ture, which le ts call ers l ea v e messa ges in the mailbo x, e v en if the mai lbox is “f ull” .
118 Chapt er 11 Troubles hootin g CallPilot P091941 6 03 Invali d glist Appears if y ou enter an incorre ct Gro up Lis t num ber when y ou chan ge or d elete a Group Li st n umber . Invali d greet ing Appears i f y ou ente r an i ncorre ct Greeti ng Num ber .
Chapter 11 Trou bleshoot ing Cal lPilot 11 9 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Mbox nearly full Appears if the maxi mum m essage stor age ti me is almos t reac hed in a m ailbo x. This is determined b y the Clas s of Service. T ell the subs criber to de lete an y unneces sarily st ored me ssag es in the ma ilbo x .
120 Chapt er 11 Troubles hootin g CallPilot P091941 6 03 Not all ow ed Appears if: • a subsc riber is not allo w ed acc ess to a f eatu re or F eature Code • a subsc riber tries to ac cess th e Co.
121 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 12 CallPilot confi guration tips This chap ter de scri bes syste m conf igu ration e nhancemen ts tha t maximize t he ef ficien c y of CallP ilot.
122 Chapt er 12 CallPilot c onfigu ration ti ps P091941 6 03 Using Call Forward All Calls (CF A C) and Call F orwar d No Answer (CFNA) If a subs criber do es not w ant to t ake an y ca lls for a period of time, the y can forwar d their t elephone to their mailb ox usi ng CF A C .
Chapter 12 Call Pilot configur ation tips 12 3 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Ho w to set up CallPil ot for diff erent b usinesses There ar e se v eral way s to set u p CallPi lot in yo ur compan y . How you set up CallPilot depends on what teleph one syst em, and ho w man y CO l ines you use.
124 Chapt er 12 CallPilot c onfigu ration ti ps P091941 6 03 Greeting T abl e 1 f or On Y our T oes CallPil ot use s Greetin g T able 1 to answer calls after f our ri ngs. Dependi ng on t he time of d ay , dif f ere nt rec orded g ree tings pla y fo r Mornin g, Aft ernoon , and Ev enin g.
Chapter 12 Call Pilot configur ation tips 12 5 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de CallPi lot for a medium business Bridge Stone Engi neering CallP ilo t i s as sign ed as th e Cal l Forward No An swer (CF NA) e xten sio n for a ll te lep ho ne s in t h e of f i ce.
126 Chapt er 12 CallPilot c onfigu ration ti ps P091941 6 03 Greeting T able 1 f or Bridge Stone Engineering CallPil ot use s Greetin g T able 1 to answer calls after f our ri ngs. Dependi ng on t he time of d ay , dif f erent re corded greeti ngs play f or th e Morning , Afternoon, and Ev eni ng.
Chapter 12 Call Pilot configur ation tips 12 7 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de The managers Bridge St one manag ers ha ve a pers onal CO line that appears on their pri v ate telephon e and t heir recept ionist ’ s telep hone.
128 Chapt er 12 CallPilot c onfigu ration ti ps P091941 6 03 Feature Comp atibility This sect ion d escr ibe s how syst em fe atu res i nte ract wit h Cal lPil ot. A T A 2 and ASM One or more analog single-l ine s ets can be connect ed to t elephone syste m using an Anal og T ermi nal Adapter or an Ana log Sta tion Modu le.
Chapter 12 Call Pilot configur ation tips 12 9 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Delay ed Ring T ransf er (DRT) T o use Cal lPilo t as a sec ondary line a nswering po siti on, set DR T : 1 Assi gn th e Cal lPi lot exte nsio n as the pri me extens ion fo r th e spe cified li nes t hat a re to be DR T to Ca llPi lot .
130 Chapt er 12 CallPilot c onfigu ration ti ps P091941 6 03 Language cho ice The CallPi lot language ca pability is i ndependent of th e telephone sys tem’ s lan guage selecti on for a set. C a llP ilot lan gu ag e availabi lity is dete rm in ed b y the Class of S erv ic e as sig ned to a m ai lbo x.
Chapter 12 Call Pilot configur ation tips 13 1 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Serv ice M odes W ith the Servic e Modes fe ature you can progra m the tele phone sy stem to forw ard al l inco ming calls to Call Pilot dur ing spe cif ic t ime period s such a s lunch t ime or no n-b usines s hours .
132 Chapt er 12 CallPilot c onfigu ration ti ps P091941 6 03.
133 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Chapter 13 Default co nfi gura t io n v alues The foll o wing table s list Cal lPil ot def ault conf ig uration v alues. *If the Group Li st le ading digi t is 1 , the Sys tem Admini stra tor an d General Del i v er y Mailbox es defa ult t o 20 and 22.
134 Chapt er 13 Default confi guration value s P091941 6 03 *Inclu ding Speci al Mailb oxes **Group List nu mbers are alway s three dig i ts long V alue or range Default Maxim um n umbe r of subsc rib.
Chapter 13 Default co nfigurati on value s 135 CallPi lot 150 Telepho ne Adm inistr ation Gui de Default Feature Codes Leave Message F eat ure 98 0 Open M ailbo x F eatur e 981 Operat or St at us F ea.
136 Chapt er 13 Default confi guration value s P091941 6 03.
137 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Glossar y AA See Automat ed Attendan t. Administration The tasks in vol v ed in sett ing up and maintaini ng Mai lboxe s, Gree tings, CCR T r ees and CallPil ot conf iguration.
138 Gl ossary P0919 416 03 Call Screenin g When you chan ge a mail box o w ner’ s Pe rsonal Ma ilbox Cal l Scree ning feat ure t o Screened , the f eatur e allo ws the mai lbox o wner to determine who is ca llin g before accepti ng the call. CCR See Custom Ca ll Routing .
Glossary 139 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Displa y A one-li ne or t wo-lin e displa y on a bus iness te lephone t hat sho w s CallPil ot commands and options . Disp lay button s The thre e b utt ons tha t appear b elo w a two line disp lay te lephon e.
140 Gl ossary P0919 416 03 Gr oup Lists A colle ction of mai lbox numbers that are assig ned a spe cial “Group” number by Cal lPil ot. When a mes sage is se nt to a Group Li st, all the mail box es in th e lis t recei ve the messa ge.
Glossary 141 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Lev el The Home Menu is on Le vel 0. As sub-menu s are a dded , the call er pr ogr esses th rough t he le v els of the CCR T ree. A tota l of 11 le v els c an be crea ted (f rom 0 to 10). Mailbox A storage place for messag es on t he Call Pilot sys tem.
142 Gl ossary P0919 416 03 Option A CallPil ot choi ce that is gi ven to a subscr iber through v oi ce or displa y prompts. Outdial metho d The Outdia l method determ ines which line, li ne pool or r .
Glossary 143 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Subscrib er mailbo xes • are ass igned t o subscri ber by the System Admi nistrat or • include both Sub scrib er and Gu est Mailbo xe.
144 Gl ossary P0919 416 03.
CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e 145 Inde x A Afternoon Greeting 45 Alternate extensions 22 Alternate Language 42, 43 Analog Stat ion Module 128 Analog T ermina l Adapter 128 A T A 2 .
146 Index P0919 416 03 Con ventions, guide 13 bu tton o ptions 13 buttons 13 command line 1 3 Cust om Cal l Ro uting (CC R) 7, 82 assign CLID nu mber 77 changin g CCR 77 deleting a T ree 83 Des tin at.
Index 14 7 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e Guest Mailbox 27 adding 27 uses 27 usin g 27 H Home no de Custo m Cal l Rout ing ( CCR) 59 I Informat ion Mail b ox 28 Information M ailbox.
148 Index P0919 416 03 Operator Status 92 def ault e xt ension 94 setting 92 Outboun d T ransfer and outdial method 21 Class of Service default settin g 20 in Class of Service 19 troubles hooti ng 11 .
Index 14 9 CallPil ot 150 Tel ephone Admi nistrati on Guid e T roubleshooting 113 accessing a line or lin e Pool 114 Automated Attendant 113 Call Display Inf orm atio n 113 CallPilot 113 Compa ny Dir .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Nortel Networks 150 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Nortel Networks 150 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Nortel Networks 150 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Nortel Networks 150 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Nortel Networks 150, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Nortel Networks 150.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Nortel Networks 150. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Nortel Networks 150 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.