Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto UPS del fabbricante Nikon
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UPS/400 Installation and Administration Guide T ABLE OF C ONTENTS P AGE I NTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………… I NTRO I NSTALLATION /R EINSTALLAT ION INSTRUC TIONS ………………………… 1 G ETTING S TARTED …………………………………………………………….
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 2 I NTRODUCTION UPS/400 is power monitoring software t hat continuously monitors your UPS hardware, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for alerts indicating an AS/400 sy stem power fluctuation or lo ss.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 3 Stage 4: System Restore and Follo w-up Monitoring • If power is returned, all active users a re notified and the system is fully restored to its original active state.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 4 I NSTALLATION /R EINSTALLATION I NSTRUCTIONS If you are installing UPS/400 for the first time or reinstalling, the in structions are the same. The program will install the product for you.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 5 Internet Download Installati on 1. At the AS/400 command prompt, type: CRTLIB UPSTRIAL , t hen: CRTSAVF UPSTRIAL/UPSTRIAL 2. Go to the Pinnacle web site at http://www.pbsn, go to “Product s.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 6 G ETTING S TARTED Use the command STRUPS400 to start UPS/400 . This will transfer you to the UPS/400 Main Menu. Because UPS/400 runs within its own subsy stem, a userid named UPS400 was set up during the installation process.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 7 M AIN M ENU This is the main menu for UPS/400 that provides access to all other system fun ctions. However, where the user knows the display name, a menu transfer can be made directly to the desired system function.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 8 S YSTEM A TTRIBUTES The System Attributes display is used to i dentify the system parameters to be used by UPS/400 to create an orderly system shutdown du ring a power loss. During a trial period of UPS/400 , the date the trial copy expires is displayed on the screen.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 9 user program will be ended when the p ower down occurs. NOTE: There is no exit procedure specified at the last interval F6 = Job Queues : Pressing F6 provide s a pop-up window that a llows the entry of job queue s that you wish UPS/400 to hold during the orderly power down.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 10 S YSTEM A TTRIBUTES S CREEN.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 11 S YSTEM A TTRIBUTES (T EST MODE ) Test mode of UPS/400 is turned on or off from the UPS/400 System Attributes displ ay by pressing F19 (not shown on the screen). Test mode shoul d not be st arted until all entries have been made in the System Attributes screen.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 12 S YSTEM A TTRIBUTES S CREEN (T EST MODE ).
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 13 A N E XAMPLE The following narrative describes an example of the function s performed by UPS/400 during a power loss. The functions performed are based on the system default values carrie d in the System Attributes screen.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 14 S YSTEM A TTRIBUTES S CREEN (E XAMPLE – SYSTEM DEFAU LTS ) These values will be used where not modified by the sy stem operator.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 15 R EMOTE S YSTEMS M AINTENANCE (N ETW ORKING ) The Remote Systems Maintenance screen allows the us er to identify remote network AS/400s that will be notified by UPS/400 in case of a power failure and subsequent power re storation.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 16 UPS/400 N ETWORK S UPPORT Note: The sensor cable from the UPS may be conn ected to an AS/400 on the network.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 17 W ORK WITH M ONITOR S TATUS The Work with Active Jobs display shows the pe rform ance and status information for jobs that are currently active on the system. All information is gathered on a j ob basis.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 18 • The subsystem can be interru pted while the job is in this state by other requests su ch as a user signing on. The job remains in this state until the sub system has finished processing all of these requests.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 19 • Open file information • File override information • Commitment control status • Communications status informatio n In addition, the Work with Job Menu allows you to select options to chan ge, hold, release, or end the job.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 20 • EVK : Started by a procedure start request • INT : Interactive • MRT : Multiple request terminal • PJ : Prestart job • PDJ.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 21 • BSCW : The job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a binary synchronous device. • CMNA : The job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a communications device in the activity level.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 22 • SELW : This job is in a select wait. More informat ion on the select() function is in the Sockets APIs chapter in the System API Reference, SC41-4801. • SRQ : The job is the suspended half of a system requ est job pair.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 23 DELIVERY: The following values may be shown: • * BREAK : The job to which the message queue is allocated is interrupted when a message arrives, and the program or action specified in the Program parameter is performed.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 24 • Recharge rate : Rate of recharge as defined in the System Setup scre en. This value is expressed as the number of minutes recha rg.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 25 S YSTEM S ETUP This menu allows setting of values that are global in nature to the o perations of UPS/400 . This includes information specific to your type of UPS, as well as requirements for system power do wn.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 26 T O M AKE UPS/400 P ERMANENT To make UPS/400 permanent, the use r should complete and return the AS/Manager Li cense agreement to PBS. Based on your CPU serial num ber(s), PBS pr oduct support will issu e a permanent security number(s).
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 27 P RODUCT W ARRANTY AND S UPPORT This section contains important warranty and product suppo rt informat ion. Please read it carefully. PRODUCT SUPPORT : UPS/400 has been thoroughly tested and comes with online he lp text as well as user documentation.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 28 R EMOTE C USTOMER S UPPORT Automated Customer Support (ACS) is designed to permit remote user access to the PBS customer support AS/400. This product is offered at no char ge to custome rs who are under a software maintena nce license agreement.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS powe r monitoring system . . . 29 procedure – and off at the end. You must insu re that there are no other lines varied onto the resource that you name for this line. In most cases the screen can be used with the provided defaults.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Nikon UPS è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Nikon UPS - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Nikon UPS imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Nikon UPS ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Nikon UPS, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Nikon UPS.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Nikon UPS. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Nikon UPS insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.