Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto WF2501 del fabbricante Netis
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WF2501 WF2502 User Manu al netis150/300Mbp sWireless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband Router V1.0 2012-02-13.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless -N Lo ng Di stance Br o adband Ro uterUser Manua l 1 Ce r ti fication FCC CE FCC St ateme nt This equipm ent has been t ested and found to comply with t h e limits for a Class B dig ital device, pursu ant to part 15 o f the FCC rules.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless -N Lo ng Dista nce Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 2 Pa ckage Content s Th e f o l lowing item s s h o uld b e found i n yo ur p a c k ag e: 150/300Mbps W irele ss-NLongDista.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 3 Con t en ts 1. INTRODU CTION ... .... ..... ... .... .... ..... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... ... .... ..... .... .... ... .... .... 6 1.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 4 4.4.1. W AN .. .... .... .... .... ..... ... ..... ... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... ... ..... ... ..... ... .... .... ..... ... .... .... .... ..... .... 36 . W ired A ccess .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 5 4.12.6. Remote Mana gement .. .... ..... .... .... .... ..... .... .... ... ..... ... ..... ... .... ..... ... .... ..... .... ... .... .... .... 58 4.12.7. Factory De faults .. .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 6 1. Introduc tion 1.1. Product Overv iew WF2501/WF2502 is a powe rfu l , enh anc ed ; en t e r prise level product supports 5 mul t i -functions to o p e r ate f o r eve r y kind of working envi ronment.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 7 IEEE 802.11e IEEE 802.11h IEEE 802.11k IEEE 802.11i IEEE 802.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 8 2. Har d w ar e Installation 2.1. S y stem Require ment Minim u m R eq uir em ents: Broad band (DSL/Ca bl e ) m odem a nd service wi t h Ethernet port 802.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 9 WF2502 Figure 2-1 LED Fun ction SYS ON and Off A b no r m a l Flashing No r m a l W AN On W AN Connection nor m al Flashing Dat.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 10 WLA N Flashing Of f W iFi data tr ansm itting W iFi connection a bn orm a l Rear panel WF2501 WF2502 Figure 2-2 Descri ption Fun ction PWR Connec t to Power adapter , ple ase do n’t use the u nknown powe r ad apter , othe rwise your device m a y b e damaged .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 11 Cli ck on ‘System m a nagem ent’- ‘Resto r e ’, a n d c li c k on the ‘R e st o re’ button.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 12 3. Login Y ou ca n m anage the 150/300Mbps W irele ss-N L ong Distan c e Broad ba nd Route r th r o u gh the W eb browser- based con figuration utility .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 13 Figure 3-1 2. Double click the i con N e t wo rk and D i al-up Connections 3. Highligh t the icon L o cal Ar e a Conne ct ion , r i gh t c l ick your mo us e , and cli ck Pr o pe rties Figure 3-2 4.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 14 Figure 3-3 5. Choose Obtain an IP a d dress a utom a ti cally and Obta i n DNS serve r a d dr e ss automatically , and then press OK to clo s e t he I n t e r ne t Proto col (T C P/IP) Pro pertie s w indow Figure 3-4 6.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 15 Figure 3-5 3.1.3. W indow s XP Please f o llow the st e ps below t o s e tup yo ur compute r : 1. Go to Start Se tti ng s C o n tr o l Panel 2. Cli ck N e t wo rk and Inte rnet Connections Figure 3-6 3.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 16 Fig ur e 3-7 4. Highligh t the icon L o cal Ar e a Conne ct ion , r i gh t c l ick your mo us e , and cli ck Pr o pe rties Fig ur e 3-8 5.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 17 Fig ur e 3-9 6. Choose Obtain an IP a d dress a utom a ti cally and Obta i n DNS serve r a d dr e ss automatically , and then press OK to clo s e t he I n t e r ne t Proto col (T C P/IP) Pro pertie s w indow Fig ur e 3-10 7.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 18 Figure 3-1 1 3.1.4. W indow s V ista Please f o llow the st e ps below t o s e tup yo ur compute r : 1. Go to Start Se tti ng s C o n tr o l Panel 2. Cli ck N e t wo rk and Sharing Cen t e r Fig ur e 3-12 3.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 19 Fig ur e 3-13 4. Highligh t the icon L o cal Ar e a Conne ct ion , r i gh t c l ick your mo us e , and cli ck Pr o pe rties Fig ur e 3-14 5.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 20 Fig ur e 3-15 6. Choose Obtain an IP a d dress a utom a ti cally and Obta i n DNS serve r a d dr e ss automatically , and then.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 21 Fig ur e 3-16 7. Pr e ss OK to close the L o cal Ar e a Co nnection P rope r tie s window.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 22 Figure 3-17 3.1.5. W indow s 7 1. Please f o llow the st e ps blow to s e tup yo ur comput e r : 2. Go to Start →Con tr o lPanel→Ne t wo r k a nd Int e r net. 3. Cli ck N e t wo rk and Sharing Cen t e r →Ch ange adapte r setti ngs.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 23 Fig ur e 3-18 Fig ur e 3-19 5. Choo se Obtain a n IP add ress autom atically and Obtain DNS serve r add ress autom atically ,.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 24 and then press the OK to c lo se the wind ow . Fig ur e 3-20 6. Pr e ss OK to clo se the L o cal Ar e a Connec tion Prope rties w indow . 3.1.6. MAC OS Please f o llow the st e ps blow t o s e tup yo ur comput e r : 1.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless -N Lo ng Dista nce Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 25 Fig ur e 3-21 2. Cli ck N e t wo rk, Select U s e DHCP at th e Config ura ti on bar , the syst em will ge t the IP add r e ss autom atically .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 26 Pr e ss Apply t o c omple t e t his o p e r ation a nd clo s e the window . 3.2. Checking C onnection with the R outer A ft e r c on fig uring the T CP/IP p roto col, use t he ping com ma n d to verify if the computer cancom municate wi th the Router .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 27 Req u e st time d out. Req u e st time d out. Req u e st time d out. Req u e st time d out.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 28 Figure 3-24.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 29 4. Router Setup 4.1. Status This feature prov ides r unni ng sta tus in form a tion a nd deta i led info r m a tion a bo ut r o ute r . 4.1.1. V er si on Show t he h ar dw ar e version and firmw ar e version.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 30 connected to Inte r ne t yet, this field is Default Gateway: T h e IP address of D ef ault gateway you obtained aft e r conne ct t o the In t e r ne t, if you h a ven’ t connected to Interne t ye t, t hi s field is 0.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 31 WPS Status: Displ ay WPS (W i-Fi P ro tected S e tup) sta t us i s en a bled or not. 4.1.5. Router Status This i t em pr ovi des curr e nt r un ning infor m ation of System .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 32 4.2.2. PPPoE Figure 4-8 If your ISP provi des you the PP Po E se r v ice (all ISP with DSL tran saction wil l supply this se rvice, such as the m ost popul ar ADSL technique), please select this i t em .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 33 4.2.4. W ireless Con figuration Y ou can choose “Enable ” or “Disable ” to enable or dis able the wi reless function .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 34 4.3. W P S Settin gs W i-Fi Pr o tect Setup (WPS ) fun ct ion can le t you cr e ate a safety ne t wo r k easily . Y o u can through ‘PIN In put Con fig (PIN)’ o r ’Push Button (PBC)’ t o en crypt your network .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 35 1. Push the WPS button in the Rout e r until t he WPS LED i s flashing s eve r al time s. 2. Push the WPS button in the wi reless ne t wo r k cardfo r abo ut 3-5second s. 3. Th e safe c onnec tion w ill be established autom atica l ly .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 36 Fig ur e 4-17 4.4. Network 4.4.1. W AN This item pr ov ide s t w o a cce ss types for you to configure the W A N parame t e r s. They are wired access and wi r ele ss acce ss. 4.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 37 you set is no t in a cco rd w it h the value ISP pr o vide , i t m ay causes some problem s, such a s fail to send E m a il , o r fail to brow s e we bs i t e .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 38 fail to send E m a il , o r fail to brow s e we bs i t e . So if that happe n, you can con ta ct yo ur ISP fo r mo r e info r m a tion a nd correct your route r ’ s MTU v alue.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 39 Fig ur e 4-22 4.4.5. IGMP Pr ox y He r e yo u can s e t the IG MP P roxy ‘Enabled’and‘Disabled’.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 40 W ir e less ne t work status: Y o u can choose “enable” or “di sable” to en a ble or d isable the “W ireless Network St atus” ,if what yo u choo s e is “Disable” , the AP function of wi reless route r will b e t urn ed of f.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 41 WEP Fig ur e 4-26 Key Length: T h e r e are two ba si c level s of WEP e ncrypti on, 64 bits a n d 128 bits, the mo r e bits pa ssw ord ha ve , the be tt e r se curity wir e less ne twor k i s, at the same time t he speed o f w ir ele ss i s m ore slower .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 42 Key L eng t h de script ion : yo u nee d to input 8 to 63 ASCII ch a racte r s n o matte r whi ch type you select.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 43 4.5.3. W ireless MA C Filterin g Figure 4-30 MAC Fil t e r St atus: the de fault is disable . Y o u can filt e r wi red use r s by enabling this fun ction; thus unautho riz ed us ers can no t acce ss the ne t wo rk.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 44 Figure 4-2 WDS Name : Give a de s cri ption of your wi r ele ss bridge to t e ll apart. WDS MAC Add r e ss : If t he current working m ode is “WDS” or “ A P+WDS”, th en yo u need t o configure wirele ss bridge c on f ig ura ti on.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 45 Fig ur e 4-32 A ut hen tication s type: The default is se t to “Auto”, which allow s “ Open System” or “Shared Ke y” a uth en t i cation to b e used.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 46 Pr e amble" pr o vide s m uc h communicatio n r eli ability; the default se tti ng is "L ong Pr e amble”. High Powe r :Enh a n c ed signal boost e r i ncrease cove r age up to 4X th a n s ta n dar d wi r ele ss N route r .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 47 4.6. DHCP 4.6.1. DHCP Settings Fig ur e 4-34 4.6.2. DHCP Clients List Displ a y the state of assigned IP by DHCP Se rver .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 48 4.7. Forwarding 4.7.1. V ir tu al S er ve rs Figure 4-37 De s cri ption: De s cri b e cur re nt virtual serve r it em . In t e r n al Host IP Add ress: The “ In t e r n a l Host IP Add r ess” indicate s IP addre ss of the intern al host using virtual serve r .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 49 Fig ur e 4-38 Pr e defined T rigge r R ule s: select one of the Pr e defined Rule s. Rule Name : de scrib e one Pr e defined T rigge r t h at y ou will c on figure. Tri gge r Pr o tocol: you can select TCP/UDP .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 50 Fig ur e 4-40 4.7.5. FTP Priv ate P ort Some g a me s, serve rs, a n d a ppl ication s (such as BT , QQ video , Edunkey , W e b se r ve r) are no longe r ef f ec t when b ehind the N A T route r, so th is item pr o vides function of port m a pping fro m LA N to W AN.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 51 4.8.2. IP Addr ess Filtering Fig ur e 4-43 Status: the def ault is d isable. Th e rule s o f “In t e r ne t access contro l” base d on so urc e IP, port num b e r and p roto col.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 52 item you w ant, an d click “Save” button . 4. If y ou w a n t to d e let e certain i t em on the li st, se le ct appro priate i tem on the li st, cli ck “dele t e” to dele t e i t.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 53 4.8.4. Dom ain Filtering Fig ur e 4-45 Status: the de fault is disable. “ DN S fi lt e r ”i s a ble to f i lte r c e r tain domain n a me suc h a s www . Rule: yo u can select pe r mi t o r deny .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 54 Fig ur e 4-46 De st in ation Network or IP Addre ss : Speci f y a c e r tain destin ation N e t wo rk o r IP a d dress which sta ti c r o ute forward to.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 55 4.10. QOS Settings Fig ur e 4-47 Status: QOS sw itch. A ut om a ti c U p link Speed: Ro ut e r a d justs uplink ba n dwid t h a utom atically . Manual U plink Speed (Kbps): User configures uplink ba n dwidth m a n ua lly .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 56 Figure 4-48 DDNS Status: Curren t status of DDNS se r ve r . DDNS Serve r Prov ider: For e xample, if yo u w a n t to use service o f “r o ay . cn ”, yo u have t o fi r st regi ste r and a ccounts fo r it.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 57 Figure 4-50 4.12.3. Password The defaul t username /password i s guest/g u e st.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 58 Figure 4-53 4.12.6. Rem o te Managem ent WEB Managem ent Status: th e default i s di sa ble .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 59 4.13. A b out Figure 4-57 Thank you for yo ur suppo rt. 5. T r oubleshooting 1. I can not acc ess t h e Web-based Confi g u ration Utility from t he Eth ernet co m puter used to confi g ure t h e router.
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 60 ligh t should be blinking too . If no t, ple ase check whe t he r the cables wo r k o r not. Repe at the s te ps in WAN Setup Connect w it h I nte r ne t th rough DSL Modem .
150/300 Mbps Wir eless-N Lo ng Distance Br oadband RouterU ser Manua l 61 the men u a nd input information given yo u by your se rvice provider a n d then click save . WDS :If yo u a re using thi s rout e r to spread t he wi reless cove ra ge o f another router , o r to spread t he c ove r age t o a no ther r o uter ,you can use WDS mode .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Netis WF2501 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Netis WF2501 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Netis WF2501 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Netis WF2501 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Netis WF2501, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Netis WF2501.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Netis WF2501. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Netis WF2501 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.