Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto EXP320A del fabbricante NEC
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NEC Express5800 Series N8800-090F, EXP320B NEC Express5800/320Fa-L N8800-091F, EXP320A NEC Express5800/320Fa-LR User's Guide.
N8800-090F, EXP320B NEC Express5800/320Fa-L N8800-091F, EXP320A NEC Express5800/320Fa-LR User's Guide 2nd Edition 9-2006 856-126408-101-01.
PROPRIET AR Y NOTICE AND LIABILITY DISCLAIMER The information disclosed in this document, including all designs and related m aterials, is the valuable property of NEC Corpora tion (NE C) and /or its licensors.
Keep this User's Guide handy for qui ck reference when necessary . SAFETY INDICA TIONS To use NEC Express5800 series safely, follo w the instructions in this User's Guide. This guide explains components that pose a dan ger, types of dangers, and actions taken to prevent them; such components are labeled warning.
SYMBOLS USED IN THIS USER'S GUI DE AND W ARNING LABELS Attention Indicates a risk of an electric shock. Indicates a risk of a personal injury due to heat. Indicates a risk of catching your fingers. Indicates a risk of a fire or smoke. Indicates a general precaution or warning that is not defined herein.
Mandatory actions Unplug the server. There is a risk of an electric shock or fire. Indicates a general action to take that is not defined herein. Make sure to follow the instructions.
NOTE: This equipm ent has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmf ul interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
ోᵈᗧ㗄 ోᮡ␜ ᓮەءش֪ਐতխऱਐقאڜ٤ࠌش NEC Express5800 ߓ٨ۻࣚᕴΖ ءش֪ਐতᎅࣔԱໂ۶ڶٲᙠ Ε ٲᙠᣊী Ε ڕ۶ᝩ܍ٲᙠ Ζ ڇ.
ء֗ᤞܫᑑ᧘խࠌشऱฤᇆ ࣹრ ।قڶᤛሽऱٲᙠΖ ।قڶڂᄵۖ႞ऱٲᙠΖ ।قڶ֫ਐ݈۰ऱٲᙠΖ ।قڶকᄿࢨृထ־ऱٲ�.
ൎࠫ۩ ᓮലءໂऱሽᄭ༺ᙰൕۻࣚᕴՂࢸՀΖڶ࿇س־߀ࡉᤛሽऱٲᙠΖ ኙॺࡳऱԫࠌشृऱ۩ၞ۩ਐقΖᓮਊᅃᎅࣔၞ۩ᖙ܂Ζ .
T rademarks and Patents NEC EXPRESSBUILDER and NEC ESMPRO are trademarks of NEC C orporation. ᴾ Microsoft, and W indows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the Unite d States and other countries.
i Notes: (1) No part of this manual m ay be reproduce d in any form without prior written permission of NEC Corporation. (2) The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. (3) The contents of this manual shall not be copied or altered with out pri or written permission of NEC Corporation.
ii ABOUT THIS USER'S GUIDE This User's Guide hel ps a user to properly setup and use t he product. Consult this guide to ensu re safety as well as to cope with trouble during a system setup a nd daily operation.
iii Additional symbols The following symbols are used throughout this User's Guide in add ition to the caution symbols described at the beginning.
iv CONTENTS PREF ACE ........................................................................................................................ ................. i ABOUT THIS USER'S GUI DE............................................................
v Chapter 3 Linux Setup and Operati on ......................................................................... 3-1 HARD DISK CONFIGURA TIONS THA T CAN BE BUIL T ON THE NEC Express5800/ft series .......................................................
vi Checking ST A TUS LEDs ........................................................................................................ 6-2 Making Backup Copies ...............................................................................................
vii Installing DIMM ................................................................................................................ .... 8-22 Removing DIMM ..............................................................................................
viii (This page is intentionally left blank.).
Chapter 1 Precautions for Use This chapter includes inform ation necessary fo r proper and safe operation of the server ..
1-2 Precautions for Use W ARNING LABELS W arning labels are placed in c ertain parts of the system so that the user stays alert to possible risks (Do not remove or dam age these labels). If some label is missing, about to peel off, or illegible, con tact your sales agent.
Precautions for Use 1-3 Ra c k m ode l Fr o n t R e a r.
1-4 Precautions for Use CPU/IO modules The following shows the place on CP U/IO modules where the label is attached..
Precautions for Use 1-5 PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFETY This section provides precautions for using the server sa fely . Read this section carefully to ensure proper and saf e use of the server . For symbol meanings , see "SAFETY INDICA TI ONS" described in the previous section.
1-6 Precautions for Use Use of Power Supply and Power Cord WARNI NG Do not handle a po wer plug with a wet hand. Do not plug/unplug a po wer cord with a wet hand. There is a risk of an electric shock. Do not connect the ground wire to a gas pipe. Never connect the ground wire to a gas pipe.
Precautions for Use 1-7 Inst allation, Relocation, Storage and Connection WARNI NG Disconnect the power cord(s) before installing or removing the equipment. Be sure to power off the equipment and unplug its power cords from the wall outlet before installation/relocation.
1-8 Precautions for Use CA UTI ON Do not connect any interface cable with the power cord of the server plugged to a power source. Make sure to power off the server and unplug the power cord from a power outlet before installing/removing an y optional internal devic e or connecting/disconnecting any interface cab le to/from the server.
Precautions for Use 1-9 Cleaning and Handling of Internal Devices WARNI NG Do not disassemble, repair, or alter the server. Unless described herein, never attempt to disassemble, repair, or alter the equipment. There is a risk of an electric shock or fire as well as malfunction.
1-10 Precautions for Use CA UTION Protect the unused connectors with the protective cap. The unused power cord connectors are covered with the protective cap to prevent short circuits and electrical hazards. When removing the po wer cord connector from the internal devices, attach the protective cap to the connector.
Precautions for Use 1-1 1 Rack-mount Model CA UTION Do not install the equipment on a nonco nforming rack. Install the equipment on a 19-inch rack conforming to the EIA standard. Do not use the equipment without a rack or install it on a nonconforming rack.
1-12 Precautions for Use For Proper Operation Observe the following instructions for successful op eration of the server . Failure to observe them could lead to malfunction or breakdown. Perform installation in a place where the syst em can operate correctly .
Precautions for Use 1-13 Make sure that the optional devices are attachable and connectable to the e quipment. There is a risk of malfunctions that could lead to a breakdown of the equipment even if you could attach and connect. Make sure that your options are com patible with the system.
1-14 Precautions for Use ڜ٤ࣹრࠃႈ ءᆏᝑ૪ڜ٤ࠌشءۻࣚᕴࢬᏁऱࣹ რࠃႈΖԱ൞إᒔڜ٤چࠌشءۻࣚᕴΔᓮ גาᔹᦰ ᇠᆏփ୲ΖฤᇆऱઌᣂᎅࣔᓮەϘ ڜ�.
Precautions for Use 1-15 ࠌشሽᄭ֗ሽᄭᒵࣹრࠃႈ WARNI NG լشᛘ֫ஞሽᄭ༺ᙰΖ լشᛘ֫༺ࢸሽᄭ༺ᙰΖڶᤛሽऱٲᙠΖ լނچᒵ.
1-16 Precautions for Use ڜᇘΔฝ೯Δঅጥ֗ຑ൷ࣹრࠃႈ CA UTI ON լڜᇘࢨژ࣋ڇآਐࡳऱࢬΖ լലءໂ࣋ᆜڇڕՀࢬࡉءآਐࡳ�.
Precautions for Use 1-17 ᖞ֗ᖙ܂փຝໂழऱࣹრࠃႈ WARNI NG լ۞۩ࣈ࠵ΕଥࢨޏທءۻࣚᕴΖ ೈءಖሉऱൣउ؆Δլၞ۩ࣈ࠵�.
1-18 Precautions for Use CA UTION ᓮشঅᥨ።অᥨړآࠌشऱտ૿Ζ ᓮشঅᥨ።অᥨړآࠌشऱሽᄭᒵտ૿אַሁࢨᤛሽΖൕփຝໂՂࢸՀሽ �.
Precautions for Use 1-19 ᖲਮڤۻࣚᕴऱࣹრࠃႈ WARNI NG լലໂڜᇘڇآਐࡳऱᖲਮՂΖ ᓮലໂڜᇘڇฤٽ (,$ ᑑᄷऱ ՚ᖲਮՂ Ζ �.
1-20 Precautions for Use CA UTION լൕᖲਮࢼנࠟଡࢨृࠟଡאՂऱໂΖ ٵழࢼנࠟଡࢨृࠟଡאՂऱໂױ౨ᖄીᖲਮႜଙΖԫڻ౨ࢼנԫଡ�.
Precautions for Use 1-21 DISPOSAL OF EQUIPMENT AND CONSUMABLES When you disp ose of the main unit, hard di sk drives, floppy disks, C D-ROMs, optional boards, etc., you need to observ e your local disposal rules. ᴾ Dispose the attached power cable along with the equipm ent to avoid being used with other equipment.
1-22 Precautions for Use IF SYSTEM TROUBLE IS SUSPECTED Before sending the equi pment for repair , try the following: 1. Check if its power cord and connection cables are attached correctly . 2. See “ERROR MESSAGES” in Chapter 7 t o check if there is a relevant symptom.
Precautions for Use 1-23 Advice for Y our Health Prolonged use of a computer may affect your health. Keep in mind the following to reduce stresses on your body: Sit in a good posture Sit on your chair with your back straight.
1-24 Precautions for Use (This page is intentionally left blank.).
Chapter 2 General Description This chapter describes what you need to know to use the NEC Ex press5800/ft series. Refer to this chapter when y ou want to know about certain compone nts and how to operate them.
2-2 General Description ST ANDARD FEA TURES High performance Intel Xeon® Processor ( 320Fa-L, 320Fa-LR: 3.2GHz ) High-speed Ethernet interface (1000Mbps/100Mbps/10Mbps supported) High.
General Description 2-3 The NEC Express5800/ft seri es achieves fault-to lerant high-availab ility in a space-saving form factor by incorporating redund ant ha rdware module pairs in a single chas sis.
2-4 General Description NEC Express5800/ft series m ainly p rovides the following advantages: Highly fault-tolerant processing and I/O subsystems NEC Express5800/ft series use redundant hard ware .
General Description 2-5 Local and remote managem ent NEC Express5800/ft series uses NEC ESMPRO as a server management tool. This tool uses a GUI that enables monitoring and setting of NEC Express5800/ft series. NEC ESMPRO can be used both locally and remotely on work station PCs or serve r PCs.
2-6 General Description NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF COMPONENTS Names and functions of components are shown bel ow: ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ (1) Front door The cover to protect de vices in the front in daily operations: this cover can be locked by the security key s hipped together.
General Description 2-7 Front V iew (inside) The following illustrations show component s in the front of th e tower model and the rack m odel. Tower model (with the front door open).
2-8 General Description (1) POWER LED (green) This LED illuminates when the power supply is switched on (see page 2-22). (2) DISK ACCESS LED (green/amber) This LED illuminates in green when t he internal hard disk drives are acce ssed. If any internal hard disk drive is failing, the LED illuminates in am ber (see page 2-22).
General Description 2-9 (12) CPU/IO module #0 This is a module with a set of CPU (processor), memory (DIMM), PCI board, and cooling fan unit (see page 2-18). (13) CPU/IO module #1 This is a module with a set of CPU (processor), me mory (DIMM), PC I board and cooling fan (see page 2-18).
2-10 General Description (27) HCS1 error LED See page 2-26. (28) Heat warning LED See page 2-26. (29) Backup device bays These bays are use d to install optional drives such as DAT or AIT drives.
General Description 2-1 1 Rack model (with the front door open) (1) POWER LED (green) This LED illuminates when the power su pply is switched on (see page 2-22). (2) DISK ACCESS LED (green/amber) This LED illuminates in green when t he internal hard disk drives a re accessed.
2-12 General Description (6) UID LED (blue) This LED blinks by a c ommand from soft ware. (7) POWER switch This switch is used to power on/off the serv er. The POWER LED illumina tes and the server is powered on when this switch is pressed once (s ee page 2-30).
General Description 2-13 (20) Fan 2 error LED See page 2-25. (21) Fan 1 error LED See page 2-25. (22) Memory group 2 error LED See page 2-25. (23) Voltage error LED See page 2-26. (24) Memory group 1 error LED See page 2-25. (25) HCS2 error LED See page 2-26.
2-14 General Description CD- ROM Drive (1) Status LED An LED that stays on while the loaded C D-ROM is accessed. (2) CD tray eject button A button for ejecting the CD tray. (3) Manual release hole When the eject button does not work, insert a metal pin into this hole to forcefully eject the CD tray.
General Description 2-15 Rear View Tower model ᴾ Rack model ٤ 1 ٤ 2 ٤ 1 ٤ 3 ٤ 4 ٤ 7 ٤ 8 ٤ 5 ٤ 6 ٤ 9 ٤ 13 ٤ 10 ٤ 13 ٤ 12 ٤ 12 ٤ 11 ٤ 13 ٤ 16 ٤ 14 ٤ 15 ٤ 1 ٤ 2 ٤ 1 ٤ 3 ٤ 4 ٤ .
2-16 General Description (1) Power supply units Power supply units supply DC power to the server. (2) Cooling fan unit 2 (3) Lock springs A lock spring prevents a power supply cord from disconnected from this device. (4) AC inlets A power cord i s connected to this socket.
General Description 2-17 (16) SCSI connector This connector is used to conn ect the internal backup device ( optional) and N8803-032 SCSI board (only for to wer model).
2-18 General Description CPU/IO Module 1) Module hand le 2) Cooling fan unit 1 3) Heat sink (CPU#1) 4) PCI slot 5) DIMM For more information on slot numbers, see the figure on next page.
General Description 2-19 CPU/IO module boar d (1) DIMM slots (1)-1 DIMM slotA1 (1)-2 DIMM slot B1 (1)-3 DIMM slot A2 (1)-4 DIMM slot B2 (1)-5 DIMM slot A3 (1)-6 DIMM slot B3 (2) ft remote m anagement .
2-20 General Description (7) LED board connector (8) Fan connector (9) Jumper switch for CMOS/pas sword clearing (10) Lithium battery (11) Processor #1 socket (CPU#1) (12) Processor #2 socket (CPU#2) .
General Description 2-21 f t Remote Management Card (1) Edge connecting to a server This edge of th e card connects to the connector for t his card in this device IMPORT ANT : Attaching this card to a slot or device other t han those specified may cause problems.
2-22 General Description LEDs This section describes indications and m eanings of the LEDs on NEC Express5800/ft series. See “NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF COMPONENTS” (pages 2-6 through 2-17) for the locations of each LED. POWER LED This LED illuminates in green while the server is powered on.
General Description 2-23 FT St atus LED The LED stays green while the server is runni ng normally in DUPLEX mode . If this LED does not illuminate or illuminates/blinks in amber , there is something wrong with the server . ᴾ The table below shows indications of th e FT S tatus LED and their meanings.
2-24 General Description CPU/IO Module # 0 St atus LED CPU/IO Module # 1 St atus LED These LEDs illuminate in green when this device is running successfully. If a LE D is off, blinks in green, or illuminates/blinks in amber, the device ha s a problem.
General Description 2-25 UID LED This LED blinks in blue by NEC ESMPRO Ma nager, NEC DianaScope or remote managem ent of WEB server functions to identify the targeted device for maintenan ce. Use this LED when you have two or more of this device m odel on a single rack.
2-26 General Description ᴾ Power Supply Unit Error LED This LED illuminates in amber wh en the corresponding power supply unit located at the rear of the server has a problem . ᴾ V oltage Error LED This LED illuminates in amber when the voltage of the CP U/IO module is not within an appropriate range.
General Description 2-27 LAN Connector LED x LINK/ACT LE D The LINK/ACT LED shows the status of a standard network port. It is green if power is supplied to the main unit and hub, and t hey are connected correctly (“LINK”). It blinks green while the network port se nds or receives data (ACT).
2-28 General Description BASIC OPERA TION This section describes basic operation proce dures of NEC Express5800/ft series. Security lock (front door lock) (for tower model) The security lock located at the front of this server locks the front door. Open the front door to power on/off the server, operate the CD-ROM dri ve or 5.
General Description 2-29 Inst alling/Removing the Front Bezel When you pow er on/off the server, oper ate the CD-RO M drive, or r emove/install a h ard disk dr ive or CPU/IO module, remove the front bezel. IMPORT ANT : Front bezel cannot be ope ned without inserting the attached security key into the slot to release the lock.
2-30 General Description Power ON T o power on NEC Express5800/ft series, press the POWER switch located on the right of the front panel. Follow the steps below to turn on the power . 1. Power on the display unit and other periphe ral devices connected to the server .
General Description 2-31 Power OFF Follow the steps below to tur n off the power . If NEC Expre ss5800/ft series is plugged to a UPS, see manuals included with the UPS or the application that controls the UPS. 1. Perform a norm al shutdown from Linux by running the shutdow n command.
2-32 General Description Flow of POST This section walks you through how POST is performed. 1. When you power on the system , one selected CPU/PCI module will start up.
General Description 2-33 7. Upon completion of POST , the password entry screen ap pears prior to OS startup. The password entry screen wi ll appear after the normal termination of POST only if you have set a password in the BI OS setup utility “SETUP .
2-34 General Description CPU/IO Module St atus The CPU/IO module (#0 or #1) started first is managed as primary , and the module started later is managed as secondary . If one CPU/IO module is disconnected beca use of the failure and others, the other module becomes primary .
General Description 2-35 T o remove a floppy disk from the drive, pres s the eject button. CHECK: Before removing a floppy disk, make sure t hat the floppy disk access LED is of f. If you eject a floppy disk while the LED is on, the stored data could be damaged.
2-36 General Description CD-ROM Drive NEC Express5800/ft series has a CD-ROM drive o n th e front panel. It is a device used to read data from a CD-ROM (compact di sc read-only memory ). Compared to a floppy disk, a CD-R OM allows for larger volum e and fast data readout.
General Description 2-37 To remove the CD-ROM, press th e CD-tray-eject button as you d id in setting the CD-ROM. ᴾ When the access LED illum inates in orange, it indicates the CD-ROM is being acce ssed. Make sure the access LED is not illuminating in orange before you press the CD-tray-eject button.
2-38 General Description Handling CD-ROMs Observe the following when you use a CD-ROM on NEC Express5800/ft series: As for a disk s uch as a noncompliant “copy-protected CD,” we shall not guarantee that you can use a CD player to play it with this server .
Chapter 3 Linux Setup and Operation This chapter describes setup procedures to ma ke NEC Expres s5800/ft series ready for use..
3-2 Linux Setup and Operation HARD DISK CONFIGURA TIONS THA T CAN BE BUIL T ON THE NEC Express5800/f t series In the NEC Express5800/ft series, all built-in disks need RAID configuration. C onfigure RAID 1 using software for the NEC Express5800/ft series.
Linux Setup and Operation 3-3 REPLACING 3.5-INCH HARD DISK DRIVE Follow the procedure below to rem ove the failed hard disk. If the hard disk fails, it should be replaced with new device with the server powe red-on. How to Locate Failed Disks This section describes a proce du re to locate failed disks.
3-4 Linux Setup and Operation 3. See the path information in [General I nfo rmation] of [SCSI Slot (ID: 41/1)]. It shows that PCI m odule, SCSI adapter , and SCSI bus are 10, 5, and 0, respectively . This allows you to find that SCSI Sl ot (ID: 41/1) belongs to Group 1.
Linux Setup and Operation 3-5 Restoring Redundant Configuration Manually This section describes procedure to change the built-in di sk on which failures occurred and re-establish the dual configura tion of hard disks. IMPORT ANT : Manual restoration of redundant configura tion must be perform ed by a root user .
3-6 Linux Setup and Operation 4 Remove Full Disks 5 Status(Raid) 6 Status(All Disks) 9 <= Return Command:2 [Remove Half Disk] Which scsi SLOT?[0-5]:3 mdadm: set /dev/hadb2 faulty in /dev/md1 mdadm:.
Linux Setup and Operation 3-7 1 Bring Down(System Disk) 2 Bring Up(System Disk) 3 Status(System Disks) 9 <= Return Command:1 [Bring Down(System Disk)] Which scsi SLOT?[0-5]:3 Command Action 1 Bring.
3-8 Linux Setup and Operation 5 - Command Action 1 Bring Down(System Disk) 2 Bring Up(System Disk) 3 Status(System Disks) 9 <= Return Command:9 (Restoring RAID) Command Action 1 => RAID 2 => .
Linux Setup and Operation 3-9 <<<Perform recovery to each md device. After a while, use the following command and check the status again.>>> #service diskdmp initialformat #diskdumpctl /dev/hadb6 <<<For boot disks (Slot0 and Slot3), initialize the diskdump partition and regisrer the disk devices again.
3-10 Linux Setup and Operation SETTING THE VIDEO MODE This section describes how to configure the vi deo mode on the se rver . The serve r needs to be restarted in order to ena ble the video mode setting. 1. Log on with the root authority and ope n /boot/grub/grub.
Linux Setup and Operation 3-1 1 Notes z X server that supports the ft feature always operates in the same video mode as the console. z The Xrandr feature is not supported. Y ou cannot change s creen resolution from X server . z “IPMI Management Utility” cannot be used.
3-12 Linux Setup and Operation DUMP INITIALIZA TION 1. Checking partition for diskdump 1-1. Check /var/crash (Dump file stor age area) # df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used A vailable Use% Mounted on /dev/md.
Linux Setup and Operation 3-13 2-2. Restart the dum p partition Run the following command to reboot the dump driver . # /etc/init.d/diskdump restart 3. Formatt ing the dump pa rtition Run the following command to form at the dump partition. # /etc/init.
3-14 Linux Setup and Operation KEYBOARD SETTINGS FOR X WINDOW SYSTEM The keyboard for X W indow System is set to Japanese by defa ult. (Keyboard model: jp106, Keyboard layout: jp) If you use a non-Japanese keyboard, follow the procedure below to change yo ur keyboard settings.
Linux Setup and Operation 3-15 3. Change the underlined values on the prev ious page to those below . The settings m ay vary depending on the keyboard you use.
3-16 Linux Setup and Operation ACCESSING USB FDD Access USB FDD after the device is m ounted. [How to m ount] # mount /media/floppy TIPS: If mount point is not autom atically created, the service needs to be started again. Run the following commands sequentially to start the service: /etc/init.
Chapter 4 System Configuration This chapter describes Basic Input Output Syste m (BIOS) configuration. When you install the Express5800 fault to lerant server for the first time or install/remove optional devices, thoroughly read this chapter for better understanding and correct setups.
4-2 System Configuration SYSTEM BIOS ~ SETUP ~ The SETUP utility is provided to make basic hardware configuration for the server . This utility is pre-installed in the flash m emory of the server and ready to run. The server is configured with the correct parameters using t he SETUP utility and shipped in the best conditions.
System Configuration 4-3 St arting SETUP Utility Powering on the server starts POST (Power On Self-T est) and displays its check results. If the NEC logo is displayed, press Esc . After a few seconds, either of the following messages appears at bottom left on the screen depending on your system configuration.
4-4 System Configuration Description of On-Screen Items and Key Usage Use the following keyboard keys to work with the SETUP utility . (Key functions are also listed at the bottom of the screen.
System Configuration 4-5 F10 : Shows the following: ᴾ If you select “Yes” and then press the Enter key, the setup will complete with all changes you have made saved. If you select “No” and then press either the Enter or Esc key, the status before pressing the F10 key is restored.
4-6 System Configuration Configuration Examples The following describes examples of configuration re qui red to use software-link features or for system operations.
System Configuration 4-7 Security T o set passwords on the BIOS level Select [Security] - [Set Supervisor Password] and enter a password. Set Supervisor password first, then User password. T o enable/disab le the POWER switch Select [Security] - [Switch Inhibit] - [Disa bled].
4-8 System Configuration Saving the Configuration Dat a T o save the BIOS configuration data Select [Exit] - [Exit Saving Changes] T o discard changes to the BI OS configuration data Select [Exit] - [.
System Configuration 4-9 Menu and Parameter Descriptions The SETUP utility has the followi ng six major menus: Main Advanced Security Server Boot Exit T o configure detailed settings of functions, select a submenu from the above m enus.
4-10 System Configuration A vailable options in the Main and descriptions are listed below . Option Parameter Description System T ime HH:MM:SS S pecify the system time. System Date MM/DD/YYYY S pecify the system date. [ ] factory - set IMPORT ANT : Check and adjust the system clo ck before operation in th e following conditions.
System Configuration 4-1 1 Processor Settings When you select “Process or Settings” in the Main menu, the following screen appea rs. ᴾ Refer to the table below for information on options. Option Parameter Description Processor Speed Setting ʊ Displays the speed of the processor.
4-12 System Configuration Advanced Move the cursor onto "Advanced" to display the Advanced menu. There is no configurable item on the Advanced menu screen below . Display each sub menu and make settings on the sub m enu screen. Select an option with the " Ź " mark and pr ess Enter to display its submenu .
System Configuration 4-13 Memory Configuration When you select “Mem ory Configuration” in the Advanced m enu, the following scree n appears. ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ Refer to the table below for information on options.
4-14 System Configuration PCI Configuration When you select “PCI Configuration ” in the Adva nced menu, the following screen appea rs. If you select a menu with the “ Ź ” mark and press Enter , its submenu appea rs. ᴾ Refer to the table below for information on options.
System Configuration 4-15 SCSI Controller When you select “SCSI Controller” in the Adva nced menu, the following screen appears. ᴾᴾ Refer to the table below for information on options. ᴾ Option Parameter Description SCSI Controller ᴾ [Enabled] Disabled ᴾ If “Disabled” is selected, chip stays in the reset status.
4-16 System Configuration LAN Controller When you select “LAN Controller” in the Adva nce d menu, the following screen appears. Refer to the table bel ow for inform ation on optio ns. Option Parameter Description LAN Controller ᴾ [Enabled] Disabled ᴾ If “Disabled” is selected, chip stays in the reset status.
System Configuration 4-17 Advanced Chipset Control When you select “Advanced Chipset Control” in the Adva nced menu, the following screen a ppears.
4-18 System Configuration Security Move the cursor onto "Securit y" to display the Security menu. Select "Set Supervisor Password" or "Set User Password" and press Enter to display the following pop-up screen. The screen below shows when "Set Supe rvisor Password" is selected.
System Configuration 4-19 See the table below for setup options on the screen. Option Parameter Description User Password is [Clear] Set Indicates User password setup status (view only). Supervisor Password is [Clear] Set Indicates User password setup status (view only).
4-20 System Configuration Server Move the cursor onto [Server] to display the Server m enu. The following describes options you can configure in the Server menu and their functions. Select an option with the " Ź " ma rk and press Enter to display its submenu.
System Configuration 4-21 The table below lists how selecti ons for "AC LINK" determine the power status of the server when the power supply to th e server restarts.
4-22 System Configuration Option Parameter Description BMC Firmware Revision ̛ Displays the BMC information. SDR Revision ̛ Displays the revision of SDR (sensor device information). PIA Revision ̛ Displays the PIA (plat form information) revision.
System Configuration 4-23 Option Parameter Description Flow Control* [None] XON/XOFF [CT S/RTS] CTS/RTS+ CD Select a flow control method. Console T ype* PC-ANSI [VT100+] VT-UTF8 Select a console type. [ ]: Factory-set * Display ed only when the BIOS Redirection Port menu is enabled.
4-24 System Configuration Event Log Configuration Select "Event log Configuration” on the System Hardware m enu and press Enter to display the following screen.
System Configuration 4-25 Monitoring Configuration Select “monitoring Configurati on” on the Serve r menu and press Enter t o disp lay the following screen. Option Parameter Description FRB-2 timer Disabled [Enabled] Select whether or not to enable the FRB-2 timer.
4-26 System Configuration Boot Move the cursor onto "Boot" to display the Boot m enu. The server searches for t he boot device according to the order specified in this m enu and use the software to boot the system if found. Y ou can change the boot devi ce order using n or p and + or – .
System Configuration 4-27 Exit Move the cursor on to "Exit" to display the Exit menu ..
4-28 System Configuration The following describes each option on the Exit menu: Exit Saving Changes Select this option to save the current configuration data in to the CMOS (non-volatile memory) and exit the SETUP utility . Select “Exit Saving Chang es” to display the right screen.
System Configuration 4-29 Discard Changes Select this option if you want to restore previous values be fore saving values in CMOS. When you select “Discard C hanges,” you will see the dialogue box as shown on th e right. If you select “Yes” in the dia logue box, changes you have made are discarded and previous settings are restored.
4-30 System Configuration SCSI BIOS (SCSI Select ) The “SCSI Select ” utility makes settings of t he SCSI controller on a motherboard. Y ou can start it up by simple key operation during POS T ex ecution without using any special startup disk.
System Configuration 4-31 3. Use the cursor to select a c hannel in the “Bus:Device” box, and then pres s the Enter key . The SCSI controller of the mo therboard has two channels. The channel A (08:01:00) shows the ha rd disk drive of ID0, ID1 and ID 2 while the channel B (08:01:01) shows the hard disk drive of I D3, ID4 and ID5.
4-32 System Configuration Configure/View SCSI Controller Settings When you select “Configure/V iew Ho st Adapter Settings” in the “Options” menu, the following screen appears. The following describes m enus and parameters. Read t h e descriptions to optimize your s ystem.
System Configuration 4-33 Additional Options Use arrow keys to select Additional Options. Boot Device Configurations When you select “Boot Device Configurations” and press the Enter key , the disp.
4-34 System Configuration The following table provides information on options and their function s on the menu. Option Parameter Description Sync T ransfer Rate (MB/Sec) [320] 33.3 160 20.0 80.0 10.0 66.6 ASYN 40.0 T ypically , set “320.” This value may need to be changed depending on the option connected.
System Configuration 4-35 Advanced Configuration When you select “Adva nced Configuration” and press the Enter key , the display ch anges as shown below: The following table provid es information on optio ns and their functions. Option Parameter Description Reset SCSI Bus at IC Initialization [Enabled] Disabled Set “ Enabled.
4-36 System Configuration SCSI Disk Utilities SCSI Disk Utilities scans a device connected to the selected channel and displays information on the device.
System Configuration 4-37 FORCED SHUTDOWN AND CLEAR Read this section if your server does not operate as expected, or if you want to return all setup values to those m ade at shipment. Forced Shut dow n Use this function when a n OS command does not shut down the server , the POWER switch doe s not turn off the serve r , or resetting does not work.
4-38 System Configuration CLEAR CMOS/P ASSWORD W ith the pre-installed SETUP utility , you can set desired passwords t o protect data stored on the server from unauthorize d user access. If you forget the pass word, you can clear them by following the procedure described in t his section.
System Configuration 4-39 Pins for protecting/ clearing the password Short-circuiting the two pins: Clears the password Opening the two pi ns: Protect s the password (fact ory-set) Pins for pr.
4-40 System Configuration Example ---------- -------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- - Phoenix ServerBIOS 3 Release 6.0 Copyright 1985-2003 Phoenix Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved GPJ1. HA. XXXX.
System Configuration 4-41 HOW TO CLEAR P ASSWORDS 1. Power off NEC Express5800/f t series and unplug th e both power cords. 2. Remove the both CPU/IO modules (#1 and #2) from the NEC Express5800/ft series (see “Removing CPU/IO Module” on page 8-17).
4-42 System Configuration 10. By referring to “Installing CPU/IO Module” on page 8-19, install both CPU/IO modules on the server . 11. Connect both power cords .
System Configuration 4-43 BMC Configuration Jumper Settings You can restore the initial values of the BMC co nfiguration inform ation (logo n name/password etc.), which are set when y ou use a remote management fu nction. The values are registere d on a CPU/IO module basis.
4-44 System Configuration REMOTE MANAGEMENT FUNCTION 320Fa-L and 3 20Fa-LR models are equippe d with the optional card, N8815-001A ft Remote Management Card on the server.
System Configuration 4-45 Initial Settings on the Server 1. If information specific to the server has not been written in, the following message informing you that the server-specific information is not written is displayed while the NEC logo is displayed, and the startup processing of the server is paused.
4-46 System Configuration Setting a Management PC The following provides management PC considerations t o connect the server and a management PC. Setting Your Browser Configure the following. - Enable SSL. Supported browsers The following browsers are supported.
System Configuration 4-47 (3) Extract the JRE installer. ./j2re-1_4_2_09-linux-i586.rp m.bin (4) Install JRE. JRE will be installed in the d irectory of each JRE version under /usr/java. rpm –ivh ./j2 re-1_4_2_09-linux-i586 .rpm (5) Add an environment variable “JAVA_HOME.
4-48 System Configuration Using Remote Management Overview You can control power of thi s server and use the rem ote KVM console from a web browser by using web server functions of BMC. This function is achie ved by J ava Applet. How to get connected From a Web browser on the management PC, access the following URL .
System Configuration 4-49 (2) If you cannot use the default IP “,” start up the “NEC EXPRESSBUILDER” CD-ROM on the serve r and select [T ools] ĺ [ System Management] ĺ [Set System Management Param eters] ĺ [Configuration]. Select [New ] to register new settings, or [Change] to change the settings.
4-50 System Configuration TIPS: T o disable the remote m anagement console function, make the following se ttings from the NEC EXPRESSBUILD ER CD-ROM. Lo ad the NEC EXPRESSBUILDER CD -ROM on the server , and from the m ain menu, select [T ools] ĺ [System Management] ĺ [Set FT Remote Management Card (LAN1/LAN2)].
System Configuration 4-51 TIPS: If you use SSL for access, the “Warning - Security” dialogue box(es) for server certification may be displayed for S SL in addition to the dialogue box sh own above. Logon and logout Logon When the logon page app ears, enter the u ser name and password, and th en click [Login].
4-52 System Configuration Logout Click the File menu and select Exit to logout. When you log out, the m ain window closes and you will return to the login page on the browser.
System Configuration 4-53 Main Window e d c f (1) Click this to show the File m enu. Click “Exit” to quit this applet. (2) Click this to show the Window menu. From the Window m enu, you can open windows includi ng the KVM console window. (3) Main frame A window is shown here.
4-54 System Configuration (1) Displays the BMC host nam e or IP address (2) Displays the LCD of the server. (3) The power lamp of the se rver telling you of the power status (4) The same as pressing the POWER switch of the server, b ut pressing it for 4 or more seconds (the forced power off) is not supported.
System Configuration 4-55 Remote KVM Console Remote KVM console functions of the BMC allow you to transfer a local console to the browser on the management PC over a network. You can make full access to the server from the management PC using vi deo, keyboard and mouse.
4-56 System Configuration Starting up the remote KVM console windo w Click the startup icon [ ] on the remote KVM console on the control pa nel to display the KVM console window. IMPORTANT: NEVER open t he remote KVM console when you log on t o the BMC from a local console.
System Configuration 4-57 (5) Screen refre sh icon: use this icon to refresh t he window. (6) KVM properties icon. (7) Enlarge icon: use this icon to enlarge the view. (8) Shrink icon: use this icon to reduce the view. (9) Equal size icon: use this icon to display im ages in the same magnification.
4-58 System Configuration Virtual keyboard When you click the virtual keyboa rd icon [ ], the virtual keyboard appears. You can select either 104 or 109 keyboard from the tab. By clicking buttons corresponding to each key, you can make entry t o the host server.
System Configuration 4-59 IPMI information System event logs (SEL), sensor data record (SDR), or field replacement unit (FRU) can be displayed. Such information is referred to as the IPMI information. The information ca n be used to examine errors and e vents on the server and identify which part should be replaced.
4-60 System Configuration Sensor Data Record (SDR) When you click the icon to start up sensor device information (SDR ) [ ]on the control panel, the SDR information is collected from the BMC and shown on the sens or device information (SDR) window as shown below.
System Configuration 4-61 Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) When you click the icon to st art up inform ation on parts to be replaced for maintenance (FRU) [ ] on the control panel, FRU inform ation is collected from the BMC and shown on the window for parts to be repl aced for maintenance (FRU) as shown below.
4-62 System Configuration BMC Configuration You can confi gure the BMC settings. Starting up the BMC Configuration w indow When you click the icon to start up the BM C configuration [ ] on Control Panel, the BM C configuration window ap pears as shown below.
System Configuration 4-63 User Settings Here you cam make user account settings. When you click [User] on the left pane of the BMC configuration window, total of 20 accounts appear in the right pane.
4-64 System Configuration Network Settings Here you can make network settings of BM C suc h as IP address configuration. IMPORTANT : The following ports are used for the remot e m anagement functions. If your net work environment has any firewall, you also nee d to have configuration for t he firewall.
System Configuration 4-65 - LAN c d e (1) The MAC address of the BMC (2) Lets you choose whether or not to acquire a n IP address automatically by DHCP. (3) Lets you make the IP address settings if the address is not ac quired automatically by DHCP.
4-66 System Configuration - DNS c d (1) Lets you select whether or not to autom atically acquire the IP address of the DNS server by DHCP. (2) If you ha ve selected not to automatically acqui re the IP address by DCHP, m ake settings here. If the address is acquired automatically by DHCP, the acquired address a ppears here.
System Configuration 4-67 - Host name c d e f (1) The default host name to be used when no host name is set when DHCP is used (2) Set the BMC host nam e. If this option is not co nfigured, the default host name mentioned in 1) will be used. (3) Set the domain nam e of the netwo rk to which the BMC belongs.
4-68 System Configuration WEB server settings Here you can make web server settings such as HTTP port settings for the BMC. When you click [Web Server] on the left pa ne of the BMC configuration window, the right pane shows the overall informatio n of the web server settings.
System Configuration 4-69 When you click the icon for editin g [ ], the window for editin g appears as shown below. c d e f g h (1) Specify the HTTP port number. (2) Specify whether or not to enable SSL commu nication. If you select the check b ox for enabling, connection by HTTPS (SSL en abled) is enabled.
4-70 System Configuration If you click [Default], the default va lues for HTTP port num ber, SSL port number, logon trial period, number of logon retries and the account lock period are displayed. The SSL check box configuration remains the same. When you click [OK], all of what you ha ve set will be written into the B MC.
System Configuration 4-71 - Basic c d e (1) Specify whether or not to enable the alert mail functions by the chec k box. When you select the check box, you ca n make mail-related settings. (2) Select a notice level from six levels. Levels a re categorized according to severity of factor events.
4-72 System Configuration - Message c d e f g (1) Specify mail address of receivers to whom alert mail is sent. You can specify up to four addresses. (2) Specify the sender’s ad dress used in alert mail. (3) Enter the subject to be gi ven to alert mail.
System Configuration 4-73 - SMTP c d e f (1) Specify the addres s of the SMTP server. You can enter the IP address or host name. (2) Specify the port number of the SMTP server. (3) Specify the num ber to be made if sending a mail has failed. (4) Specify the time period in seconds to wait for next retry.
4-74 System Configuration - Option c d (1) Specify information to be attached to the body of alert mail. The information you specify here will be co ntained in the body of alert m ail with the message you specified in the m essage box in the message tab.
System Configuration 4-75 Firmware Update You can update applets, KVM firmware, B MC firm ware, sensor device i nformation (SDR), and platform information (P IA).
4-76 System Configuration Loading update data files When you click the icon for adding update files [ ], the window to select a file appears. Specify an update data file. When you click [Open] after specifying th e file, loading of the file begins.
System Configuration 4-77 CHECK: Check each revision carefully because downgrading is possible as well. If you click the icon for clearing update data [ ], all loaded data will be discarded. When you click [Cancel], the update window will be cl osed without savin g any loaded data.
4-78 System Configuration As shown below, the window showing writing process appears for each update target. If any error is detected during the writin g process, an error message is displayed and th e process terminates. End of writing When writing is completed, the “Status” co lum n displays the result for each target.
System Configuration 4-79 Troubleshooting Error Messages When using the rem ote management, an error dia log box may appear on the managem ent PC if some problem occurs. Messages a nd action s for the errors are described below. Fatal errors No. Error message Action 1 Fatal error.
4-80 System Configuration No. Error message Action representative. 7 The RMCP+ transmission failed. Check the network environment. If there is no network problem, contact your service representative. 8 The specified RMCP+ protocol cannot be used. Check the network environment.
System Configuration 4-81 No. Error message Action If you do not find any problem, contact your service representative. 4 The KVM request was aborted. This is not a problem. Click [OK] and close the message box. 5 UDP packet transmission failed. Check the network environment and server.
4-82 System Configuration BMC configuration error s No. Error message Action 1 Failed to make settings: Check the network environment and try again. Contact your service representative if the er ror persists. 2 Failed to acquire BMC Configuration: Check the network environment and try again.
System Configuration 4-83 No. Error message Action 21 Invalid host name You can use only alphanumeric characters, minus sign (–), and underscore (_) for a host name. A host name should be 64 characters or less. 22 Invalid domain name You can use only alphanumeric characters, minus sign (–), and underscore (_) for a domain name.
4-84 System Configuration No. Error message Action 7 Failed to create rollback image. Try again. If the error persists, contact your service representative because a failure may have occurred in BMC. 8 Failed to erase. Try again. If the error persists, contact your service representative because a failure may have occurred in BMC.
System Configuration 4-85 No. Error message Action 31 Invalid line length: Some update files may be corrupted. Obtain update files again. 32 Unexpected EOF is detected: Some update files may be cor rupted. Obtain update files again. 33 Unexpected token is detected: Some update files may be corrupted.
4-86 System Configuration (This page is intentionally left blank.) ᴾ.
Chapter 5 Inst alling and Using Utilities This section describes how to use the NEC EXPRESSBUILDER C D-ROM that comes with your server and to install the u tilities stored on the NEC EXPRESSBUILDER.
5-2 Installing and Using Utilities NEC EXPRESSBUILDER The NEC EXPRESSBUILD ER, integrated setup software, can automatically detect the hardware connected to an NEC Express5800/ft se ries machine to advance the processing. The hardware subject to setup with the NEC EXPRESSBUILDER should have the same configuration as that for operation.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-3 Inserting NEC EXPRESSBUILDER C D-ROM after W indows startup The "Master Control Menu" (see the figure below) starts automatically after you place the "NEC EXPRESSBUILDER" in the CD-ROM dri ve.
5-4 Installing and Using Utilities NEC EXPRESSBUILDER T op Menu The NEC EXPRESSBUILDER top menu is used for the setup of hardware and the setup and installation of OS. Star t Start the NEC EXPRESSBUILDER top m e nu following the procedure bel ow: 1. T urn on the powers of peripherals and t he power of the server in this order .
Installing and Using Utilities 5-5 Setup This NEC Express5800/ft series setup method is used to perform automatic setup opera tions from the settings of internal parameters and states of hardware to the in stallation of W indows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition and various utilities.
5-6 Installing and Using Utilities The customer should prepare t he floppy disks for creating the support disks. ROM-DOS Startup FD The support disk for starting the ROM-DOS system is created. Off-line Maintenance Utility FD Creates a support disk for activating the Off-line Maintenance Utility .
Installing and Using Utilities 5-7 Master Control Menu Load the attached “NEC EXPRESSBUILDER” CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of the com puter that runs Windows (Windows 95 or later, or Windows NT 4.0 or later). The Master Control Menu starts automatically.
5-8 Installing and Using Utilities NEC ESMPRO Agent and Manager NEC Express5800/ft series sy stem management app lications "NEC ESMP RO Manager" is bundled to accessory CD-ROM " NEC EXPRESSBUILDER" and "NEC ESMPRO Agent" is bundled to Linux for NEC Express5800/ft series Back Up CD-ROM.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-9 Effects of using NEC ESMPRO Manage r and Agent NEC ESMPRO Manage r and NEC ESMPRO Agent have sufficient e ffects on a variety of needs in versatile and com plicated system environments.
5-10 Installi ng and Using Utilities Detection of Server Fault NEC ESMPRO Manage r and NEC ESMPRO Agent detect errors causing faults to occur at a n early stage and notify Ad ministrators of fault information real-time.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-1 1 Management of Server Operation St atus NEC ESMPRO Agent manages and m onitors a variet y of com ponents installed in the server . Y ou can view the inform ation managed an d monitore d by NEC ESMPRO Agent on the data viewer of NEC ESMPRO Manager .
5-12 Installi ng and Using Utilities Function name Supported Function description S torage ¯ Function to monitor storage devices (e.g., hard disk drive) and controller File system c Function to view .
Installing and Using Utilities 5-13 Monitoring of NEC Express5800/ft series NEC Express5800/ft series is a fault tolerant system. It can continue t he operation even if a major component fail s. NEC Expres s5800/ft series im proves the system availability with the hardware, NEC ESMPRO, an d system software functions.
5-14 Installi ng and Using Utilities . Collective Management of Distributed Servers The excellent GUI pr ovided by NEC ESMPRO Manager allows se rvers on a network to be managed collectively . The management screen is designed in the Explorer format to indicate the components in a server hierarchically for ef fective server management.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-15 Data V iewer The data viewer indicates the server source configur ation inform ation in the Explorer format. In addition, it chan ges the status color of the failed server comp onent. This enables you to iden tify the failed portion.
5-16 Installi ng and Using Utilities NEC ESMPRO Agent NEC ESMPRO Agent is a utility which acts as an agent (proxy) between NEC Express5800/ft series and NEC ESMPRO Manager . For details on the operating envi ronment, the setti ngs requi red before the setup, and the installation procedure, see the separate volume, User’ s Guide (Setup).
Installing and Using Utilities 5-17 Device name Device ID I/O hub on PCI module #1 Display controller on PCI module #1 SCSI adapter 1 on PCI module #1 SCSI bus 1 of SCSI adapter 1 on PCI module #1 SCS.
5-18 Installi ng and Using Utilities Supplement Note the following when using NEC ESMPRO Agent. Dual registration of syslogs At some types of errors, two sy slogs may be registered for a single occurrence. (However , in the case of NEC ESMPRO Manager , one log is reported for one occu rren ce.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-19 St atus of Logical PCI Slots Because the I/O hub a nd display controller on a PCI m odule (IO module) are logical PCI slot information, PCI m odule (IO module) are not influe nced by them.
5-20 Installi ng and Using Utilities Monitoring with NEC ESMPRO Manager V er .4.22 or Earlier NEC ESMPRO Manage r V er .4.23 or later is required for monitoring the server . If you are using a n older version, you m ust in stall NEC ESMPRO Manager using the C D-ROM shipped with the server .
Installing and Using Utilities 5-21 Current S tatus of T emperature, V oltage and Fan Sensors Some modes a re equipped with tem perature/voltage/fan sensors that do not have inform ation on status, current values, rpm , threshold etc.
5-22 Installi ng and Using Utilities When the Displayed BIOS Information is Incorrect Additional inform ation of BIOS whic h is di splayed by clicking [ft] - [CPU Module] - a CPU module - [General] - .
Installing and Using Utilities 5-23 St atus of SCSI Slot s and Mirrored Disks at High Load When the system load is high, the status of SC SI sl ots and mirror disks may not be obtained, and incorrect status may be displayed tem porarily .
5-24 Installi ng and Using Utilities NEC ESMPRO Manager T o monitor and m anage a computer , on which NEC E SMPRO Agent is installed, with a management PC online, use NEC ESMPR O Manag er that is bundled with the product. For detailed procedures of installation an d setting, see online documents or NEC ESMPRO Online Help.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-25 Monitoring CPU Module T o monitor the CPU m odules and the components on the CPU m odule, see the [CPU Module] tree. T o see the information on the [CPU Module] tr ee, select the target CPU module from [CPU Module] in the [ft] tree.
5-26 Installi ng and Using Utilities Update Allows the device identification information of the CPU modules t o be viewed and BIOS of the CPU modules to be updated. See "Maintena nce o f NEC Express5800/ft series" de scribed later for the update of BIOS of the CPU modules.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-27 Monitoring IO Module T o monitor the I O modules and the com ponent s on the IO m odules, refer to the [PCI Module] tree. T o see the information on the [PC I Module] tree, select the target IO m odule from [PCI Module] in the [ft] tree.
5-28 Installi ng and Using Utilities Monitoring PCI Slot s and Devices on IO ᴾ Module T o monitor the PCI slots and devices on the IO m odules, see the [PCI slot] tree. T o see the information on the [PCI slot] tree, select [PCI Module] o [PCI module (containing PCI sl ot to be seen)] o [PCI s lot] of the [ft] tree.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-29 PCI Device – General Allows the information of devi ces on the P CI slot to be viewed. PCI Device – Detailed information Allows the detailed inform ation of a device on the PCI slot to be viewed.
5-30 Installi ng and Using Utilities Monitoring BMC on IO ᴾ Module T o monitor the base management controller (BMC), contr oller for system management, on t he IO modules, see the [BMC] tree. T o see the information on the [BMC] tree, select [PCI M odule] - [PCI module (contai ning BMC to be seen)] - [BMC] of the [ft] tree.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-31 Monitoring SCSI Enclosure T o monitor the SCSI enclos ure, see the [SCSI enclosure] tree. T o see the information on the [SCSI enclosure] tree, select [SCSI enclosure] of the [ft] tree. Y ou can see the following information of the SC SI enclosure from the [SCSI enclosure] tree.
5-32 Installi ng and Using Utilities Monitoring Mirror Disk T o monitor the m irror disk components, see the [Mir ro r] tree. T o view information on [Mirror] tree , select [Mirror] under [ft] tree. You can see the redundancy s tatus of the mirrors and the de vice IDs of the SCSI slots into which these hard disk compone nts are connected.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-33 Monitoring Hard Disk T o monitor the hard dis ks and detect disk failures at an early stage, use the NEC ESMPRO Manager and Agent. Y ou can see confi gurations and in formation of hard disk in the Data V iewer . Monitoring Operations This section describes how to maintain hard disks.
5-34 Installi ng and Using Utilities 4. Confirmation of mi rror status To check the redundancy status of the failed mirror disk, open [Mirror] screen under [ft]. On this screen, you can check the redundancy status of th e mirror and the status of the mirrored hard disks.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-35 IMPORT ANT : The Mirror Disk screen sh ows a pair of two hard disks as a mirror . Disk pairs are shown in the same manner e ven if a few volumes are created within a single disk or one volume spans a few disks (span volume).
5-36 Installi ng and Using Utilities 5. Recovery from a ha rd disk failure If a hard disk breaks, the broken disk m ust be replaced immediately . This section describes alert reports and status shown by the Data V iewer while disks are replaced to restore mirroring .
Installing and Using Utilities 5-37 When one hard disk with problem was disconnecte d, SCSI slot changes the status to "W arning .” [SCSI Slot] o [General] IMPORT ANT : The status color of the .
5-38 Installi ng and Using Utilities (3) Mounting a ha rd disk drive. Mount a hard disk drive. When a hard disk drive is inserted, an alert report is sent and the information on a Da ta Viewer changed. A hard disk drive is mounted and the SCSI slot status becomes “Online.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-39 The redundancy status bec omes “Normal” because the hard disk drive co nstructing a mirror is m ounted. [Mirror].
5-40 Installi ng and Using Utilities Server Maintenance Utility Server Maintenance Utility is a tool for managing serv er operation . It is used to configure operation patterns, to check status at replacem ent of parts, and to i nstruct operations.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-41 System Information Chassis Information contains th e following inform ation: Item Description Type Chassis type of the server Part Number Parts number of the server.
5-42 Installi ng and Using Utilities System Configuration System Configuration contains the following inform ation: 㩷 Quick dump that is harvested at the same time of syste m reboot. Select the [Enable] radio button to ob tain quick dump at a system crash.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-43 MTBF Information contains the following information: Note: The MTBF information is displayed onl y when t he [<MTBF Info>] button is pressed. Item Description Type Monitoring status of MTBF. Use Threshold: MT BF is calculated at a fault occurrence.
5-44 Installi ng and Using Utilities PCI Module(ID:n/m) PCI Module contains the following information: The MTBF information is displayed only wh en the [<MTBF Info>] button is pressed. Item Description Status Status of the PCI module 㩷 MTBF Information contains the following information: Item Description Type Monitoring state of MT BF.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-45 SCSI Adapter(ID:n/m/o) SCSI Adapter contains th e following information: Item Description Status Status of the SCSI adapter ᴾ SCSI Bus(ID:n/m/o/p) The following i.
5-46 Installi ng and Using Utilities ᴾ SCSI Enclosure(ID:n) The following information is displayed for SCSI Enclosure: Item Description Status Status of the SCSI enclosure ᴾ The following informat.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-47 Firmware Up date The following information is di splayed for Firmware Update: Copy online BIOS image to offline. Select this radio button to copy online BIOS image to offline. Specify the file pat h to update. Select this radio button to sp ecify the file path to update.
5-48 Installi ng and Using Utilities Maintenance of NEC Express5800/f t series The server maintena nce can be done in two ways; one is to use NEC ESMPRO Ma nager for remote maintenance and the other is to use the NEC ESMPRO Agen t Server Maintenance Utility on the server for local m aintenance.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-49 The maintenance operations in the table c annot be performed while collect ing dump or updating firmware. Wait until such processing is finished to perform the operations in the table. The table below shows the co mponent-specific maintenance func tions e xecutable from NEC ESMPRO.
5-50 Installi ng and Using Utilities St art and S top of Components T o start or stop a component with NEC ESMPRO Manager , use the [Maintenance] tree of the component in t he [ft] tree of the data viewer . Open the tree of the com pon ent to be started or stopped and select the [Maint enance] tree.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-51 but the link cable of a team ed LAN is connected to only one side of the m odules or when a storage device connected by FC is connected to only one side of the modules. Procedure in NEC ESMPRO Manager Star t 1. Select the target com ponent in the [ft] tree.
5-52 Installi ng and Using Utilities Sample screen of NEC ESMPRO Manager 1 [Maintenance] screen of CPU module [CPU Module] – [CPU Module] – [Maintenance] Sample screen of NEC ESMPRO Manager 2 [Mai.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-53 Procedure in the Server Maintenance Utility Star t 1. Select the target com ponent from the main window of the Server Maintenance Utility . The screen of t he target compone nt appears. 2. Check the current state of the tar get component with the LEDs.
5-54 Installi ng and Using Utilities Check and Clear of MTBF Information The MTBF information of a com ponent can be viewed or cleared (initialized). The server manage s the MTBF (mean time between failures) of each component. If a fault occ urs in a component, t he server series calculates the MTBF of the component aga in.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-55 Procedure in NEC ESMPRO Manager Perform the procedure below before replacem ent of a component. 1. Select the target com ponent in the [ft] tree. 2. Check the current state with the "State " display on the target com ponent screen.
5-56 Installi ng and Using Utilities Procedure in the Server Maintenance Utility Perform the procedure below before replacement of a module. 1. Select the target m odule from the main window of the Se rver Maintenance Utility . The screen of t he target module appears.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-57 Diagnostics The server provides the self-c heck diagnostics func tion for som e components. If a fault occurs in a component, the server can di agnose the component to detect the fa ult. For this server, CPU modules and IO modu les can be diagnosed all together.
5-58 Installi ng and Using Utilities Procedure in NEC ESMPRO Manager 1. Select the target m odule in the [ft] tree. 2. Check the current state with the "State" dis play on the target module screen. If CPU and IO modules of the tar get module are running, st op them.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-59 Procedure in the Server Maintenance Utility 1. Select a target com ponent from the main window of the Server Maintenance Utility . The screen of t he target compone nt appears. 2. Check the current state of the tar get component with the LEDs.
5-60 Installi ng and Using Utilities Firmware Up date The server can update firmware (including BI OS ) if some hardware com ponents operate in the online state (in which the system continues the operation but the component trying to update firmware or BIOS is stopped).
Installing and Using Utilities 5-61 Procedure in NEC ESMPRO Manager 1. Save the image data of the update firmware in an ar bitrary directory of the server . W rite down the path to the directory in which the image data is save d. 2. Select the target com ponent in the [ft] tree.
5-62 Installi ng and Using Utilities [Down] of the m odule you want to stop. 7. Click [Diagnostics] on the [Maintenance] sc reen of the other PCI module st opped. 8. Start the othe r stopped module. Starting the m odule causes the firmware to be upda ted automatically .
Installing and Using Utilities 5-63 Procedure in the Server Maintenance Utility 1. Enable “Automatic module st art” and “Automatic firmware update.” See “Setup of System Operat ion” in this chapter for the procedure to enabl e. 2. Store the im age data of the firmware for update in the NEC Express5800/ft series.
5-64 Installi ng and Using Utilities Sample screen of Server Maintenance Utility [CPU Module] screen Main window [Firmware Update] screen Even if you do not have t he image data of firm ware for update, the firmware can be copied fr om the other module.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-65 Dump Collection T o collect the dump file with NEC E SMPRO Manager , use [CPU M odule] o [Maintenance] tree in the data viewer . T o collect the dump with the Server Mai ntenance Utility , use the utility screen of the component.
5-66 Installi ng and Using Utilities Collecting dump under syste m operation Either of the CPU modules is entered into the offline state and the dum p is collected during system operation. After the acquisition, the CPU mo dule is returned to the online state again.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-67 Procedure in the Server Maintenance Utility 1. On the main window of the Serve r Maintenance Utility , select the target component. The screen of t he target compone nt appears. 2. Check the current status of the target CPU module with the LEDs.
5-68 Installi ng and Using Utilities Setup of System Operation The following properties can be set as the operation setup of the whole system. Quick dump that is harveste d at the same time of reboot If “Enable” is selected for this item, dump is collected as the system reboots when an error occurs in the system .
Installing and Using Utilities 5-69 Settings can be made in the [System C onfigura tion] window of Server Maintenance Utility. The table below shows the p otential cases i n which the system operation setup is changed. Contact your maintenance personnel for the change of the system operation setup .
5-70 Installi ng and Using Utilities BMC Firmware Update The firmware of the BMC on the PCI module can be updated. The base managem ent controller (BMC) is the processor exclusively use d for monitoring the system’ s operating environm ent fau lts and controlling of the system.
Installing and Using Utilities 5-71 Procedure of Up date from NEC ESMPRO Manag er Menu Update firmware in the procedure as follows: 1. Select [T ools] o [BMC FW Update Utility] from the Operation W indow’ s menu. The [BMC FW Update] dialog box appears .
5-72 Installi ng and Using Utilities Procedure of Up date from the Server Maintenance Utility Update the firmware in the procedure as foll ows. 1. Select [Firmware] on the m ain window of the Server Maintenance Utility . The [Fir mwar e Update] s creen ap pears .
Installing and Using Utilities 5-73 Changing Up date Dat a Storage Desti nation Change the storage destination by using th e Server Maintenance Utility in the procedure below . 1. Select [Firmware] on the m ain window of the Server Maintenance Utility .
5-74 Installi ng and Using Utilities NEC DianaScope NEC DianaScope is so ftware for remote managem ent of the server. For features and installation of NEC DianaScope, see “NEC DianaScope Online Document” in “NEC EXPRESSBUILDER.” TIPS: To use NEC DianaScope with the server, appropriate server license is required.
Chapter 6 Maintenance This chapter describes the da ily maintenance of NEC Express5800/ft seri es and precautions when relocating or sto ring the server.
6-2 Maintenance DAIL Y MAINTENANCE T o use your NEC Express5800/ft series in best cond ition, check and m aintain regularly as described below . If an erro r is found on your NEC Express5800 /ft series, consult your sales agent. Checking Alert Monitor the failure occ urrence by NEC ES MPRO during the system operation.
Maintenance 6-3 Making Backup Copies NEC recomm ends you make backup copies of your valua ble data store d in hard disks of the server on a regular basis. For bac kup st orage devices suitable for t he server and backup t ools, consult with your sales agent.
6-4 Maintenance 7. W ipe the server with a dry cl oth. 8. W ipe off dust from the fan ex haust opening on the rear of the server with a dry cloth. Cleaning the Keyboard and Mouse IMPORT ANT : A keyboard and a mouse use USB interface. Therefore it is not necessary to power off the server when connecting or disconnecting them.
Maintenance 6-5 Cleaning the Floppy Disk Drive A read/write error may occur due to stains on the read/write hea d of the floppy disk drive. Use the cleaner dedicated for floppy disk drive to clean the read/ write head. It is recommended to clean the head on regular basis.
6-6 Maintenance Cleaning T ape Drive Dirt on the tape head m ay be a cause of unsuccessful backup a nd damage to tape cartridge. Clean the tape head regula rly using a cleaning tape. For procedure and interval of cleaning as well as lifetime of a tape cartridge to use, see in structions included with the tape drive.
Maintenance 6-7 SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICS The System Diagnostics runs several tests on the server . Select [T ools] - [System Diagnostics] in the NEC E XPRESSBUILDER to diagnose the system .
6-8 Maintenance NEC EXPRESSBUILDER Top Menu 5. Select [T ools]. 6. Select [System Diagnostics]. The system diagnostics starts and will be comple ted in approximately three minutes.
Maintenance 6-9 Guideline Shows the details of t he keys to operate window. Test summary window Shows the results of each test that exec uted the diagnostics. Move the cursor and press the Enter key on the cursor line to display the details o f the test.
6-10 Maintenance 10. Power off the server and unp lug the power cord from the receptacle. 11. Reconnect all the LAN cables that have been disconnected in Step 2 to the serve r.
Maintenance 6-1 1 OFF-LINE MAINTENANCE UTILITY The Off-line Maintenance Utility is an OS-independent m aintenan ce program. When you are unable to start the OS-depend ent NEC ESMPRO to troubleshoot a prob lem, the Of f-line Maintenance Utility can be used.
6-12 Maintenance System Inform ation V iewer Provides the functions to view inform ation on the processor (C PU) and the BI OS and export it to a text file. System Inform ation Management Provides the function to make a back-up copy of your data.
Maintenance 6-13 RELOCA TING/STORING THE NEC Express5800/f t series Follow the procedure below to relocate or store the server . (Users should not attem pt to remove the rack-mountable server from the rack assembly .) CA UTION Observe the following instructions to use the server safely.
6-14 Maintenance (This page is intentionally left blank.).
Chapter 7 T roubleshooting If the product does not work properly , see this chapter before deciding tha t it is a breakdown..
7-2 T roubleshooting T O LOCA TE THE ERRORS Use NEC ESMPRO to mon itor the occu rrence of fault during th e system operation. Especially take note on whether any alert is reported to NEC ESMPRO Manager o n the management PC. Check whether any alert is report ed on the Operation W indow , Data V iewer , or Alert V iewer of NEC ESMPRO Ma nager .
T roubleshooting 7-3 ERROR MESSAGES If the NEC Express5800/ft series enters the abnormal state, the error is posted by va rious means. This section explains the types of e rror messages.
7-4 T roubleshooting POST Error Messages Powering on the server aut omatically starts the self-diagnostic program, POST (Power On Self-T est). When POST detects any error , it displays an error message and its measure on the display unit. Follow the table below to troubleshoot such errors.
T roubleshooting 7-5 On-screen error message Cause Action 0251 System CMOS checksum bad-Default configuration used System CMOS configuration is changed. x Reconfigure the system CMOS by using BIOS setup. x Clear system CMOS using hardware jumper. 0252 Password checksum bad -Password cleared Password is cleared.
7-6 T roubleshooting On-screen error message Cause Action 0B83 BMC IBF or OBF check failed RMC device is faulty . Replace the CPU/IO module or ft Remote Management Card (option). 0B8A BMC SEL area full There is no space to write system event logs. Clear system event logs after saving them.
T roubleshooting 7-7 On-screen error message Cause Action 0B9C BMC internal exception 0B9D BMC A/D timeout error BMC device is faulty . Replace the CPU/IO module or ft Remote Management Card (option). 0B9E SDR repository corrupt SDR data is faulty . If updating SDR does not help, replace the CPU/IO module or ft Remote Management Card (option).
7-8 T roubleshooting On-screen error message Cause Action 8171 Processor 2 not operating at intended frequency CPU frequency is incorrect. 9064 Mixed CPU Steppi ngs detected Different CPU steppings are found. Check supported CPUs and replace the CPU. If replacing the CPU does not help, replace CPU/IO module.
T roubleshooting 7-9 On-screen error message Cause Action 9039 Not keep last boot order Unintended operations such as incorrect DC off are performed. Reconfigure the boot option by using the BIOS setup. If reconfiguring the boot option does not help, replace the CPU/IO module.
7-10 T roubleshooting On-screen error message Cause Action 9027 Mounted CPU is mismatching. CPU configuration may b e different between the CPU/IO modules. Replace the CPU. If this does not help, replace the CPU/IO module. 9028 Memory of the different types is installed.
T roubleshooting 7-1 1 On-screen error message Cause Action 9058 - 905F This CPU/IO module detected the mismatch of CPUID between the CPU/IO modules. CPU configuration may b e different between the CPU/IO modules. Replace the CPU. If this does not help, replace the CPU/IO module.
7-12 T roubleshooting Error Notification by BEEP An error message may not be displayed on the d isplay unit even though the POST detected an error . In such a case, the beep sounds notifies you an error . The error contents are indicated by the combination of bee p sound patte rns.
T roubleshooting 7-13 Linux Error Messages NEC Express5800/ft series displays m essages on the console window wh en failures occur . Also, the same information is rec orded as system logs. The following indicates the sy slog messages, messages on the console, their m eanings and actions: Message Meaning Action The driver started successfully .
7-14 T roubleshooting Message Meaning Action The driver failed the fast resync function of the CPU module. The driver was unsuccessful to perform fast re-sync to the CPU module. If the message is recorded frequently , there may be problem in the hardware environment.
T roubleshooting 7-15 Message Meaning Action The driver failed to switch Primary/Secondary state of the IO module. The driver was unsuccessful to change the primary/secondar y state of the IO module. There may be problem in the hardware environment. Contact your sales agent.
7-16 T roubleshooting Message Meaning Action CRC error occurred on the FT Link. There was a CRC error in FT Link. There may be problem in the hardware environment. Contact your sales agent. Accessing to shared memory with the BIOS failed. Failed to access the memory shared with BIOS.
T roubleshooting 7-17 Message Meaning Action Memory check failed. Memory check failed. If the message is recorded frequently , there may be problem in the hardware environment. Contact your sales agent. Memory copy was started. Memory copy was started.
7-18 T roubleshooting Message Meaning Action The driver failed to switch the Secondary Module. The driver was unsuccessful to switch the secondary module. There may be problem in the hardware environment. Contact your sales agent. The driver has already completed to bind the CPU module.
T roubleshooting 7-19 Message Meaning Action The driver started to set the MTBF threshold. The driver started setting the MTBF threshold. The driver finished successfull y to set the MTBF threshold. The driver successfully set the MTBF threshold. The driver started to set the MTBF type.
7-20 T roubleshooting Message Meaning Action [FT LED: Of f] The FC device is not duplex. [FT LED: Of f] The FC device is not duplexed. Since removal of each device was not completed, the driver was not able to bind the CPU/IO module. The CPU/IO module cannot be bound because devic es have not been comopletel y removed yet.
T roubleshooting 7-21 Message Meaning Action It failed in the client attestation. Client authentication was unsuccessful. It failed in the initialization of a transaction. Failed to initialize the transaction. T ransaction task abort. The transaction is terminated because there was a communication error .
7-22 T roubleshooting Server Management Application Error Message If the server m anagement tool such as NEC ESMPRO Agent or NEC ESMPRO Manager has been installed in the NEC Express5 800/ft series or management PC, you ca n obtain the error information from the display un it of the server or management PC.
T roubleshooting 7-23 SOL VING PROBLEMS When the server fails t o operate as expected, see the following to find out your problem and follow the given instruction before asking for repair . If the server sti ll fails to operate successfully after solving your problem, take a note on the on-screen message and contact your sales a gent.
7-24 T roubleshooting Fail to power off the server: Is the POWER switch enabled? o Restart the server and start the BIOS setup utility . <Menu to check: [Security] o [Switch Inhibit] o [E nable.
T roubleshooting 7-25 Is the power -on order correct? o When the server has a ny external devices connected, power on the exte rnal devices first, then the server . Did you install drivers for connected optional de vices? o Some optional devices re quire specific de vice drivers.
7-26 T roubleshooting The keyboard or mouse fails to operate: Is the cable properly connected ? o Make sure that the cable is c onnected to the correct connector on the rear of the server . Are the keyboard and m ouse are compliant with NEC Express5800/ft se ries? o Operation of the server with unau thorized devices is not guaranteed.
T roubleshooting 7-27 Fail to access to the CD-ROM: Is the CD-ROM properly set in the CD-ROM dri ve tray? o The tray is provided with a holder to secure the CD-ROM. Make sure that the CD-ROM is placed properly in the holde r . Is the CD-ROM applicable to the server? o The CD-ROM for Macintosh is not available for use.
7-28 T roubleshooting Note: Y ou can change the interactive startup mode by entering the message “I” when “Press ‘I’ to enter i nteractive startup.” appears during the OS startup. - When t he system enters into the maintenance m ode while the OS is starting.
T roubleshooting 7-29 Source: HasCtrl T ype: W arning Event ID: 1506 Description: The doubleness information about an I/O device is not reported. Video mode canno t be changed by using the Xrandr feature of XServer: o Specification of the server . For setting the video m ode, see “SETTING THE VIDEO MOD E” on page 3-10.
7-30 T roubleshooting When incorporating the module again it has been disconnected, the network is not duplexed: Has the modul e been completely disconnected? o When you disconnected the m odule using NEC ESMPRO and tried to inc orporate it again, the network m ay not be duplexed if the m odule is not completely disconnected.
T roubleshooting 7-31 Event Log HAS Daemon-related logs are recorded in the sy stem event log. o When you manage se rvers using NEC ESMPRO Manager , the following message may be recorded in the system event log. This message does not indicate an event that impacts operations.
7-32 T roubleshooting Syslog “A timeout occurred for waiting BMC response.” is recorded in the sy slog. o The following logs may be recorded while t he system is running. T hese logs are recorded if the software that has acccess to BMC coul d not receive any response from BMA within a certain time period.
T roubleshooting 7-33 “I/O error” is recorded in the syslog by the cable disconnection during the access to the Fibre Channel disk: o When the Fibre Cha nnel connected to the prim ary PCI module C.
7-34 T roubleshooting [aic79xx/scsi*] start to remove the HBA. [aic79xx/scsi*] unregister SCSI host on kernel. [aic79xx/scsi*] SCSI host was unregisterd. [aic79xx/scsi*] HBA was removed. [aic79xx/scsi*] ahd_stat_ti mer: HBA was lost. [aic79xx/scsi*] Reject th e request.
T roubleshooting 7-35 Problems with NEC EXPRESSBUILDER When the server is not booted from the NEC EXPRESSB UILDER CD-ROM, check the following: Did you set the NEC EXPRESSBUIL DER CD-ROM during POS.
7-36 T roubleshooting Problems with NEC ESMPRO NEC ESMPRO Agent o See Chapter 5. NEC ESMPRO Manager o See Chapter 5. See also online docum ent in NEC EXPRESSBUILDER CD-R OM for troubleshooting and other supplementary information.
T roubleshooting 7-37 COLLECTION OF TROUBLE LOGS In the event of trouble, you can get in formation in the proce dures described below: IMPORT ANT : Y ou can perform the procedures desc ribed below only when you are aske d by your maintenance personnel to get trouble logs.
7-38 T roubleshooting Collection of the Memory Dump If a failure occurs , the memory data should be dum ped to acquire the required inform ation. IMPORT ANT : Consult with your sales age nt before dum ping the memory . Executing memory dum ping while the server is in the normal operation may af fect the system operation.
T roubleshooting 7-39 Time Required for Dump Collection - QuickDum p 1. From pressing the NM I switch until th e server is started: about 5 minutes 2. From the server startup until th e completion of a dump file creation: 10 m inutes/1GB of memory - diskdump 1.
7-40 T roubleshooting 4. Execute the following c ommand: ./xrasutil ESRAS Utility will start. 5. Select <Backup the current IPMI Information…>. The IPMI Information Backup screen will appear . 6. Enter an output destin ation and a commen t, and then select [OK].
Chapter 8 System Upgrade This chapter describes proce dures to ad d options and repla ce failed components. IMPORT ANT : Optional devices describe d in this chapter may be installed or rem oved by the user .
8-2 System Upgrade SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Observe the following notes to install or remove optional devices safely and prope rly . WARNI NG Observe the following instructions to use the server safely. T here are risks of death or serious personal injury. See “PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFETY” in Chapter 1 for details.
System Upgrade 8-3 ANTI-ST A TIC MEASURES The server contains electronic com ponents sensitive to static electricity . A void failures caused by static electricity when installing or rem oving any optional devices. W ear wrist straps (arm belts or anti-static gloves).
8-4 System Upgrade PREP ARING YOUR SYSTEM FOR UPGRADE Note the following, when inst alling or replac ing devices, t o improve the performance of NEC Express5800/ft series. W ith the NEC Express5800/ft series, devices can be replaced during the continuous opera tion.
System Upgrade 8-5 3.5-INCH HARD DISK DRIVE The 3.5-inch hard disk drive bay in front of the server contains six slots i n which hard disks with the SCA2 interface are installed. IMPORT ANT : Do not use any ha rd disks that are not authori zed by NEC.
8-6 System Upgrade Inst alling 3.5-inch Hard Disk Drive Follow the procedure below to install the ha rd disk. A hard disk may be in stalled in another slot in the same procedure. IMPORT ANT : Make sure to read "ANTI-ST A TIC MEASURES" and "PREP ARING YOUR SYSTEM FOR UPGRADE" before starting inst alling or removing options.
System Upgrade 8-7 7. Firmly hold the handle o f the hard disk to install and insert the hard disk into the slot. TIPS: Insert the disk until th e lever hook touches the server frame. Check the orientation of leve r . Insert the hard disk with the lever unlo cked.
8-8 System Upgrade Removing 3.5-inch Hard Disk Drive Follow the procedure below to rem ove the hard disk. IMPORT ANT : Make sure to read "ANTI-ST A TIC MEASURES" and "PREP ARING YOUR SYSTEM FOR UPGRADE" before starting inst alling or removing options.
System Upgrade 8-9 Replacing 3.5-inch Hard Disk Drive Follow the procedure below to rem ove th e failed hard disk. If the hard di sk fails, it should be replaced with new device with t he server powered-on.
8-10 System Upgrade RAID CONFIGURA TION WHEN DISKS ARE ADDED Use ftdiskadm to configure R AID when disks are added. From “SCSI” – “Bring Up,” specify slot numbers and add the disks to the system. Then, from “RAID” – “New Disks,” configure RAID.
System Upgrade 8-1 1 Command Action 1 Bring Down(System Disk) 2 Bring Up(System Disk) 3 Status(System Disks) 9 <= Return Command:9 (Example of RAID configuration) Command Action 1 => RAID 2 =>.
8-12 System Upgrade V iew the status of disks and confirm that the disks are adde d properly: Command Action 1 New Disks 2 Remove Half Disk 3 Repair Disk 4 Remove Full Disks 5 Status(Raid) 6 Status(Al.
System Upgrade 8-13 5.25-INCH DEVICE The server has two slots to which you can install magnetic tape backup devices. You need a SCSI controller, sold sep arately, to install a backup device ᴾ ᴾ �.
8-14 System Upgrade ᴾ Inst alling 5.25-inch Device 1. See page 8-4 to prepare for in stallation. 2. Loosen screws to rem ove the side cover. 3. Loosen screws to rem ove the tray for adding devices. 4. Remove the four scre ws securing the dummy cover, and remove the dum my cover.
System Upgrade 8-15 5. Fix the device to the t ray for adding devices with the four screws. TIPS: Referring to the m anual that comes with the 5.25-inch device you are to install, set the TermPower to Enable. 6. Gently insert the device in to the tray and secure it with the screw.
8-16 System Upgrade CPU/IO MODULE To replace a CPU (processor, DIMM (memory), PCI card, you need t o remove the CPU/IO module. IMPORT ANT : Ask your sales agent to replac e the CPU/IO m odule and com ponents of the CPU/IO module.
System Upgrade 8-17 Removing CPU/IO Module Follow the procedure below to rem ove the CPU/IO module. The 320Fa-L m odel is used in the example quoted here. Howe ver steps you should take are the sam e for other mode ls. 1. Stop the C PU/IO module you want t o remove.
8-18 System Upgrade 4. Loosen the screws securing the CPU/IO m odule handle to press down the handle. The lock is unlocked a nd the CPU/IO modul e is pulled out. IMPORT ANT : Before you pull out a CPU/IO m odule, check the rear of the server t o make sure cables for connection with peripheral equipm ent or network are disconnected.
System Upgrade 8-19 Inst alling CPU/IO Module Follow the procedure below to install the CP U/IO module: The 320Fa-L m odel is used in the example quoted here.
8-20 System Upgrade DIMM The DIMM (dual inline memory m odule) is installed to the DIMM socket in the C PU/IO module on the NEC Express5800/ft series. The CPU/IO module boa rd is equipped with six sockets . T wo DIMMS are installed on the DIMM slot A1 and B1 as standa rd equi pment.
System Upgrade 8-21 DIMM slot A1 DIMM slot B1 DIMM slot A2 DIMM slot B2 DIMM slot A3 DIMM slot B3 Motherboard of the CPU/IO module Precautions Note the following to install or replace DIMM. The DIMMs with the sam e number are linked among the groups.
8-22 System Upgrade Inst alling DIMM Follow the procedure below to install the DIMM. 1. Shut down OS. The sever turns off aut omatically . 2. Disconnect the power cord s from the outlets. 3. Remove the CPU/IO m odule referring to page 8-17. 4. Check to be sure in which sock et you are mounting the DIMM.
System Upgrade 8-23 Removing DIMM Follow the procedure below to rem ove the DIMM. TIPS: Unless at least two DIMMs are inst alled, the server does not work. 1. Shutdown OS. The system turns of f automatically . 2. Disconnect the power cord s from the outlets.
8-24 System Upgrade Replacing DIMM Follow the procedure below to replace a failed DIMM. 1. Identify the failed DIMM using the Data V iewer of NEC ESMPRO Mana ger . 2. Remove the CPU/IO m odule referring to page 8-17. 3. Replace the DIMM 4. Install the CPU/IO m odule referring to page 8-19.
System Upgrade 8-25 PROCESSOR (CPU) In addition to the standard CPU ( Intel ® Xeon ® Processor ), you can add one CPU to make a multi-processor system . IMPORT ANT : The CPU is extremely sensitiv e to static electricity . Make sure to touch the metal frame of the server to discharge static electricity from your body be fore handling the CP U.
8-26 System Upgrade Inst alling CPU (Model with Heat Sink) Follow the steps below to m ount a CPU. Information provided he re is for the 320Fa-L and 3 20Fa-LR models, which have a heat sink installed. 1. Shut down OS. The system turns of f automatically .
System Upgrade 8-27 8. Place the CPU on the socket ca refully . TIPS: Pay attention to the orientation of the CPU. The CPU and socket have pi n marks to prevent misinsertion. C heck the pin marks of the CPU and t he socket and insert the CPU correctly .
8-28 System Upgrade 13. Confirm that the heat sink is m ount ed horizontally to the m otherboard. IMPORT ANT : If the heat sink is not horizontally to the m otherboard, dismount and remount it. The heat sink cannot be m ounted correctly if: - the CPU is not mounted correctly - the screws are not fully fastened.
System Upgrade 8-29 Removing CPU (Model with Heat Sink) When you rem ove a CPU, prepare for rem oval referring to the steps from 1 to 4 of “Installing CPU (Model with Heat Sink ).” Then follow the installation steps from 12 to 7. To rem ove the heat sink, remove the screws, move the heat sink horizontally a little, and then remove it.
8-30 System Upgrade Replacing CPU Follow the steps below t o replace a failed CPU: 1. Use Data V iewer of NEC ESMPRO Manager to identify the failed CPU. 2. Remove the CPU/IO m odule referring to page 8-17. 3. Replace the CPU. 4. Install the CPU/IO m odule referring to page 8-19.
System Upgrade 8-31 ft Remote Management Card ft Remote Management Card function is c omp atible only with 320Fa-L, 320Fa-LR models. An ft Remote Management Card nee ds to be inst alled on ea ch CPU/IO module in order to use ft Re mote Ma na ge men t Ca rd s.
8-32 System Upgrade Installing ft Remote Management Card Follow the procedures below and install ft Remote Management Card. 1. Remove CPU/IO m odule referring page 8-17. TIPS: If PCI board is already i nstalled to the CP U/IO module, re move the PCI board refer ring to page 8-37.
System Upgrade 8-33 5. Check the slot for ft Rem ote Management Card and remove the c onnector cap installed in the slot. IMPORT ANT : Keep and store the rem oved connector cap with care. 6. Insert ft Remote Managem ent Card slowly against the connecting part to the slot board on the motherboard.
8-34 System Upgrade PCI BOARD Up to three PCI boards can be installed to the CPU/IO module. IMPORT ANT : The PCI board is extrem ely sensitive to static electricity . Make sure to touch the metal frame of the server to dischar ge static electricity from your bod y before handling th e PCI board.
System Upgrade 8-35 List of option PCI boards and installable slots: Product name 320Fa-L 320Fa-LR Remarks PCI-1 PCI-2 PCI slot performance 64bit/100MHz Slot size Lo w Profile PCI board type 3.
8-36 System Upgrade Inst alling PCI Board Follow the procedure below to install the board to be connected to t he PCI board slot. TIPS: T o install the PCI board, make sure the shape of the board connector m atches with the shape of the PCI board slot connector .
System Upgrade 8-37 5. Gently insert the slot on the board against the connecting part of the board 㪅㩷 PCI board 6. Insert the board for connecting part of the board to securely connect to the slot. IMPORT ANT : If you have trouble i nstalling the board, remove the board once and install it again.
8-38 System Upgrade 㩷 Replacing PCI Board Follow the procedure below to replace t he failed PCI board. 1. Check the PCI board LED and identify the failed PCI board. When the PCI boa rd is failed or in correctly installed, the three LEDs associated with the PCI board slot are being turned of f.
System Upgrade 8-39 Setup of Optional PCI Board T o enable the fault-tolerant feature of the optional device, the identical PCI boards must be installed to the slots with the s ame num ber in CPU/IO module#0 a nd CPU/IO module#1. The BIOS settings need to be m odified when mounting some optional PCI boards.
8-40 System Upgrade N8803-033 Fibre Channel Board Set List of slots to inst all optional PCI boards “List of option PCI boards and ins tallable slots:” on page 8-35. Driver installation proce dure The driver for N8803-033 Fibre Channel board is included in OS, so its installation is not necessary.
Appendix A S pecifications NEC Express5800/320F a-L NEC Express5800/320Fa-LR Item N8800-090F , EXP320B N8800-091F , EXP320 A T ype Intel Xeon Processor u 1 Clock/second cache 3.
A-2 S pecifications.
Appendix B I/O Port Addresses The factory-set I/O port addre sses for the server are assigned as follows: Address Chip in Use 00000000 - 0000000F 00000020 - 00000021 0000002E - 0000002F 00000040 - 000.
N8800-090F, EXP320B NEC Express5800/320Fa-L N8800-091F, EXP320A NEC Express5800/320Fa-LR User's Guide 2nd Edition 9-2006 856-126408-101-01.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il NEC EXP320A è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del NEC EXP320A - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso NEC EXP320A imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul NEC EXP320A ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il NEC EXP320A, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del NEC EXP320A.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il NEC EXP320A. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo NEC EXP320A insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.