Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto XP-400 del fabbricante NAPCO
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XP-400 & RPXP4GT keypad Control Panel/Communicator Installation Instructions W I1370 1/05 © NAPCO 2005 ®.
2 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns General Information The NAP CO EXPRESS XP-400 contr ol panel provides up to 4 ha rdwired/w ireless zon es. Up t o four 4-digit user co des can be prog rammed. A mbush, when sel ected, us es User 4 code as an A mbush code.
3 Specifications Current & Vo ltage Rating s Alarm Output ------------- ------------- Burg: 12 VDC, 2A (max.) Output Current Limiting -- ------------ Burg: 2.
4 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns 4 zone Control Panel Keypad Zone Doubling Resistors (2.2K & 3.9K) Operating Instructions XP-400 Programming Instructions XP-400 XP-400 RPXP4GT ZDR OI.
5 Programming the Panel Ref er to XP-4 00 Prog ram min g Inst ructi ons (WI1 371) Defaulting the Panel 1. Remove power from the panel. 2. Rem ove all wiring f rom terminal 15 (PGM) and terminal 3. 3. Connect terminal 15 (PGM) to terminal 3. 4. Apply power to the XP-400 control panel.
6 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns Installa tion Mounting the Panel Mount the Panel close to an unswi tched AC source, a cold-water pipe ground, and a telephone line connection. Mounting the Keypad A keypad should be located near an e xit/entry door.
7 PGM Wiring The PGM is a switched negativ e output that is activated depending on th e programming option (s) that have been selected [ 08], [23] - [25]. Connect the devi ce controlled by the PGM between +PWR and th e PGM terminal (maximum load of 50 mA).
8 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns A rming /Dis armin g with a K eyf ob The system can be armed by pr essing the K key, and disarmed by pressing the L key on the Keyfob. Zones programmed as Exit/Entry Follower Zones can be bypassed when the M or N keys on the Keyfob hav e been programmed for Interior [81- 82].
9 Full Setting the S ystem with Automatic Byp as sing - H ome /A way with De lay Zones From the Keypad Press C B to return protection to Home /Away wit h Dela y Zone s that have been automatically bypassed. T hree minutes are allowed to walk through Exit/ Entry and Exit/Entry Follower Zones .
10 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns While in Us er Progr am Mode t he W Armed, X READY and H System Trouble LEDs will continue to fl ash, follow the example below to program a User 2’s code to 1923. User Mode Pr ogr amm ing Exa mple : 1.
11 Dealer Comm ands A6 Download (Programming Requi red) Establish a connection b etween the PCD phone line and the Control Panel phone line. W hen ready, tell the installer to arm, then disarm. Then enter A6 in order to establish a connection. Phone connection to installer will go "dead" as downloader and panel connect.
12 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns To eliminate this fixed 20-second entry delay, also program zones as Exit/Entry Follower Zones [02]. To return protection to zones of this type, press cb from the keypad or M or N from a Keyfob. Program the Keyfob AUX 1 or AUX 2 button for Full Set [81-7].
13 [08]PGM Output Enables the PGM Output on a zone trip for each zone selected. The PGM Output will remain ON until reset. System Times [10]E xit D elay The delay time which perm its exit through an Exit/Entry Zone [00] after the system is armed, allows a user to leave the prem ises without setting off an immediate alarm.
14 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns [21]Ke yp ad Features 2 (1) Audible Panic - Keypad Panic will not turn the Bell on unless thi s option is programmed. (2) Exit/Entry with Urgency - select to give an audible indication of Exit and Entry tim es.
15 (3) Panic - Progr am to activate the PGM on a Panic alarm. (4) Test Time r - Program to activate the PGM during a Test Ti mer report. [25]Programmable Output Features 3 (1) AC Fail - Program to activate the PGM on the loss of AC. (15 minute delay) (2) Low Battery - Program to activ ate the PGM on a Low Battery condition.
16 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns Pager Alarm data is the same as 4/2 fo rmat with the exception that the 2 digit Report Code is transmitted before the 4 digit Subscriber ID. [33]Receiv er Options (1) 2300 Hz HS/Kissoff - Select 2300 H z Handshake and Kissoff.
17 [37]System Repor ting, Telco 1 (1 ) Y AC F a i l R e p o r t - Prog ram to a cti vat e a n AC Fail report (15 minute f ixed report dela y). (2) Low Bat tery Report - Program to activate a Low Battery report. (3) *Trouble Report - Program to activate a Trouble report.
18 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns Telephone Number 3 Programming [50] - [59] Programming is the same as for Telco 1. Program to split/double report to Telco 3. Refer to sections [30] through [39]. Report Codes [60] Zo ne R eport Co des Report Code fo r Zones 1 through 4.
19 [66]Ambush Re port Code Program a 2-digit report code for Ambush. To send an ambush report, pro gram a User Code for User 4, Program report User 4 as Ambush [20-4] and Select reporting f or Telco 1 [36-2] and/or Telco 3 [56-2].
20 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns [71-74] Wirel ess Transmitters Enter the RF ID# and the point number that is to be mapped to the zone. Programming Exampl e Map point 1 of a window door transmitter with an RF ID# of 0012B0:0 to Zone 3. 1.
21 7 Full Set System Program a 7 in the AUX 1 and/or AUX 2 option to Fully Set the System when the K and the M or N butt on s on th e Keyfob are pressed, or when the M or N buttons are pressed when the system is armed with Exit/Entry Follower Zones or Home/Away with Delay Zones that have been bypassed.
22 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns Site At the site perform the following three steps: 1. Arm the panel. 2. Disarm the panel. 3. Enter A6 .
23 System Trouble s Use the System Trouble chart on the following page to determine the specific System Trouble (s). During normal panel operation th e H SYSTEM LED has the following two modes of op e.
24 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns Keypad Beeps or H SYSTEM Flashes Zone LED ON System Trouble Condition Cause/Action 1 Beep Y LED 1 Y AC Power Failure Thi s tro ubl e will occur if AC power i s not presen t. Ensure that t he tr ansfo r mer is c onne cted to an uns witc hed po wer so urc e.
25 Troubles hooting 1. The bell output drops to about 3 volts in alarm. The ba tte ry/b ell ci rcuit i s p rotect ed by a PC boa rd trac e whic h may have bu rned open by reversal of the battery leads. It is on the ba ck of th e PC boa rd just adja cent to the re d & black battery leads.
26 WI1370 XP-4 00 Inst alla tion Instru ctio ns 8. How do I remove Keypad Sounde r on Ala r m? The keypad sounder follows the Bu rg Output. If you need to remove the Ke ypad Soun der, the n you m ust rem ove the B urg Output from that zone. 9. Transmitters not responding? Open Transm itte r cas e - Keypad shou ld go into X-Mitter Tamper Trouble.
27 16 VAC 20 VA TRAN SFO R MER NAPCO TRF12 (OR EQUIVALENT SEE WI1370). Class 2 Tra nsf orm e r. (3) -4 +5 +6 1 2 +3 GEM-RECV-XP8 + RED (+) BLACK E1 E2 RECHA RGEA BLE BATTER Y 12 VDC 4AH OR 7AH ALL OUT.
NAPCO LI MI TED WARR ANTY NAPC O SECU RIT Y SYST EMS , INC. (NAPC O) war rants its produ cts to b e free fr om man ufact urin g defect s in mat erials and work m anship f or thirty-six m onths follo wing the date of manufacture.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il NAPCO XP-400 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del NAPCO XP-400 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso NAPCO XP-400 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul NAPCO XP-400 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il NAPCO XP-400, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del NAPCO XP-400.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il NAPCO XP-400. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo NAPCO XP-400 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.